One piece: The new era [Inactive]


The offspring of all things
Offspring submitted a new role play:

One piece: The new era - After the pirate king has been Executed the new era has begun.

The story takes place after Monkey D. Luffy becomes pirate king and has found the One piece and now has allowed his self to be executed for some odd reason that no one but his crew could tale you why.
His last words spoken were the same as the last Pirate king accept more like Luffy.

This is the new era many new and old pirates set sail for the One piece but only one will be the pirate king.

I need a crew could you join me?
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It would be a sunny morning, in a large costal village. The village is quite old and well-off financially, giving enough money to the port for it to thrive. Among the numerous ships, there would be people, searching for a ship to help on, for a fair amount of gold. Among them would be a tall, dark-skinned man, with a sword sheathed at each hip and his white scarf pulled over his nose.
"Well this seems like a good place to start my adventure" he approaches the port that held a variety of people and out of the crowd you could see a few men and women that would make good crew mates. Though it wasn't that simple he coudn't just say hey you join my crew he had to make a bond of sorts with a person he walks around.

He walks through a few people and is halted by a man in his line of sight "This has to be fate a sword for hire" he slowly walks up to the man "hello I see you are for hire I want to recruit you to my crew you will be the first of many" Igneous voice was strong but light at the end of each sentence. "will you join me" he pulls out a bag with belly in it "will this due?".
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He would take a berry and smell it. After a moment of thinking, he would nod and kick his sign so that the words would be against the ground. "Where's your ship."
" lIke you already my ships over there" he points to a ship that was red with the head of a sea monster.It was large enough to hold around 10 crew mates and had s flag that had the skeleton of a sea monster.
"Nice n small, good." He would walk over to it and drag a finger over it's railing.
Valir strolled through the crowd, casually eyeing the people for a target of stature. Now who's purse will be mine? he mused to himself. A tall man with an eye patch caught his gaze, and Valir smiled to himself. Perfect, we even have a blind spot to work with, he thought as he changed direction slightly, coming in from the man's right. "Oop, sorry about that." he said, bumping into the man.
" no problem" he said then turns away from the man. he then turns to his new crew "what's your name?"
"Shiv." He said simply, still inspecting the ship. "How many cannons? Or is she just a rogue-looking merchant boat, in need of gaurding?"
Valir smirked to himself, pocketing the tall man's wallet as he stepped past him. His stomach growled audibly. "Now might be a good time for some lunch" he said to himself, looking around for a restaurant or food stall.
"Ah, finally!" Valir exclaimed as his eyes fell on a market stall filled with cooked fish of many varieties. "How much for the smoked blue fin on the stick there?" he asked the stall keeper. "100 berry for half, 175 for the whole thing." the man replied, looking doubtfully at the hungry man. "I'll take it, keep the change." Valir said, tossing two 100 berry notes to the stall keeper. The man's eyes lit up at the sight of the money, then hastily he handed Valir the fish.

Valir walked back towards the one eyed man, happily munching on his lunch. "Thanks for the food," he said, tossing the wallet to him as he strode past him.
"Might want to invest in some more then. Especially if you had the berri to spare that young lad food."
"your welcome but you owe me" igneous moved at a blink of an eye as he jumps in front of the man. " join my crew and you want have to steal to eat but your skills couldd be useful" he gives a smile.
Startled, Valir stopped. Damn, he's fast he thought. "Your crew huh? I don't know about that. You've already got scarf-face over there, why do you need me? Plus, I don't like the idea of owing someone. And," he said, turning to Shiv, "I'm not a young lad. I'd wager I'm older than you." Valir took another bite of his food, staring down Igneous. Then again, there are two of them. It'll be hard to get out of this otherwise...
"well you should stop wating my food then if you don't want to owe me" he wasn't angry . And wasn't affected by his look " help me please I need more men".
Valir considered the man, intrigued by his sudden change of character. He looked at the ship they were next to. "That's yours then?" He asked, looking at the red vessel.
"yeah but this ain't it's first adventure it sailed my brother through alot. So what shall it name be?" Igneous spoke enthusiastically.
"Lopsided Connie." Shiv would say, referencing the cannon load being all on one side.
"how about The Crooked Connie? same meaning just better sounding" he looks at the ship and sees if it fits which it did but he needed a second opinion.
"It does match her description. And it'll remind you to steer a bit to the right."
"yeah I guess that settles it The Crooked Connie" Iggy takes a minute to think about what needed to be known about each other. he then steps back a little and says "Your a swordsmen but how good? by the way I am a adept boxer and as you saw really quick"

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