Awful, Terrible, No-good Layabout
Swears Tavern to Marine Base
“So hey, Cayden, we’ve finally arrived, right here at Helmouth Island, home to the very entrance to the Undersea itself! From what I’ve observed, the place is, in all essence, pretty unimpressive. There’s not much flora or fauna to speak of that we can’t see in other locales, and no pretty vistas to check out. The soil is dead, the quarries unrewarding, and the people dead-eyed. It’s a slum. Its only significance is that it houses the only known entrance to the Undersea. After Ezelred’s gang crashed through here the last time, the Marines have since set up shop so no more scurvy dogs may pass through these here waters, yarr! I sure do pity the Marines stationed here though. They really have it bad, being stuck out here on this rock. I tried talking to some of them, but they weren’t in much of a talking mood. Must be the rations getting to them. In any case, they do serve some pretty good steak down here at the tavern, so I did us a favour and ate like three plates of it. Oh, and I did find this funny flyer stuck on the walls. Dread Captain Ichimonji! What a charming moniker for someone who might have the ticket to bring us down there, don’t you agree? In any case, something about the flyer seems fun--”
That was the end of the entry. She must have fallen asleep at that point, but nonetheless, Cayden thought she had done a good job surveying the grounds. The next page had a neat map scrawled onto it, smudged slightly by the flyer that had been pressed onto the pages. Cayden shook his head. Their episodes weren’t as predictable as some of those books made it out to be. He really wished they could control when they could switch. It would be much more convenient that way. Then again, was it really an issue if they could? He mused quietly to himself as he looked at the flyer that Tzofiya had unceremoniously tugged free from some wall. Not that they were very scarce- the flyers seemed to dot every wall that he could pretty much glance at from his seat. Someone had been busy. “Dread Captain Ichimonji,” he read aloud, then scoffed. A pirate-- no. A troublemaker, most likely. Calling them a pirate was too much respect. He had never heard such a name being uttered in his life- whoever this Dread Captain was, they certainly weren’t a scourge of the seas.
Still, Tzofiya was right. This Ichimonji character was their one ticket to the Undersea. While Tzofiya was in pursuit of her own creative drive, Cayden was after something else. All the digging he had done, all the survivors he had tracked down, all the scraps of history books he had scrounged up, led him to the Undersea. Someone down there knew why Cavaliere fell, and why his people had to perish that night. His hand moved to the sword at his side, brushing against the hilt lightly. He had to find the truth. For his people. For his family. For himself, and for Tzofiya. Maybe knowing why would finally put him and Tzofiya to rest.
He scowled, and returned to the flyer. Meet at the docks, huh? At the mouth of the canal? Those were the only things that stood out to him. The rest just seemed like bluster. He turned the page over to tally his findings with the map. There was a dock, just right outside the tavern. However, further up ahead, the canal bridged the Undersea and the upper sea. Was that the mouth of the canal that the flyer was referring to? “Hmm.” He supposed that a Marine base ought to have a dock in it. Was this a Marine recruitment drive? And one that journeyed into the Undersea?
He sighed. This was confusing. His head was actually spinning just trying to think. This was too much for him. If only people just stopped talking in circles and got to the point, things wouldn’t be so complicated. He folded the flyer up, stuffed it between the pages, then snapped the book shut. He dropped the payment for Tzofiya’s meal on to the table with an extra tip and left. He supposed he ought to check out the Marine base, then.
Which was, of course, pretty noisy by the time he made his way there, with the help of Tzofiya’s map. There was a group gathered right now outside of the base itself. Cayden studied them, and his eyes narrowed. These guys for the same reason, weren’t they? They numbered three in total, with another one approaching them. Something didn’t sit right with him, despite the turnout. Was the bluster on the flyer just that? Big words and extravagant tones? Gods, he hoped so. He swept his hair back, tying it into a neat ponytail with a twine of black string, breathed in deep, then exhaled. Alright. Time to put on the people face. He balled his hands into fists, and marched up towards the group. Coming to a halt beside them, he, naturally, bored holes at each of them. “I assume you’re also here because of the flyers,” he said simply.
People were never his strong point. It was more Tzofiya’s style, he believed. Leave it to her to ditch him on a turning point such as this.
The One Eyed Bandit
Nuclear Magician
Sir Fungus
Swears Tavern to Marine Base
“So hey, Cayden, we’ve finally arrived, right here at Helmouth Island, home to the very entrance to the Undersea itself! From what I’ve observed, the place is, in all essence, pretty unimpressive. There’s not much flora or fauna to speak of that we can’t see in other locales, and no pretty vistas to check out. The soil is dead, the quarries unrewarding, and the people dead-eyed. It’s a slum. Its only significance is that it houses the only known entrance to the Undersea. After Ezelred’s gang crashed through here the last time, the Marines have since set up shop so no more scurvy dogs may pass through these here waters, yarr! I sure do pity the Marines stationed here though. They really have it bad, being stuck out here on this rock. I tried talking to some of them, but they weren’t in much of a talking mood. Must be the rations getting to them. In any case, they do serve some pretty good steak down here at the tavern, so I did us a favour and ate like three plates of it. Oh, and I did find this funny flyer stuck on the walls. Dread Captain Ichimonji! What a charming moniker for someone who might have the ticket to bring us down there, don’t you agree? In any case, something about the flyer seems fun--”
That was the end of the entry. She must have fallen asleep at that point, but nonetheless, Cayden thought she had done a good job surveying the grounds. The next page had a neat map scrawled onto it, smudged slightly by the flyer that had been pressed onto the pages. Cayden shook his head. Their episodes weren’t as predictable as some of those books made it out to be. He really wished they could control when they could switch. It would be much more convenient that way. Then again, was it really an issue if they could? He mused quietly to himself as he looked at the flyer that Tzofiya had unceremoniously tugged free from some wall. Not that they were very scarce- the flyers seemed to dot every wall that he could pretty much glance at from his seat. Someone had been busy. “Dread Captain Ichimonji,” he read aloud, then scoffed. A pirate-- no. A troublemaker, most likely. Calling them a pirate was too much respect. He had never heard such a name being uttered in his life- whoever this Dread Captain was, they certainly weren’t a scourge of the seas.
Still, Tzofiya was right. This Ichimonji character was their one ticket to the Undersea. While Tzofiya was in pursuit of her own creative drive, Cayden was after something else. All the digging he had done, all the survivors he had tracked down, all the scraps of history books he had scrounged up, led him to the Undersea. Someone down there knew why Cavaliere fell, and why his people had to perish that night. His hand moved to the sword at his side, brushing against the hilt lightly. He had to find the truth. For his people. For his family. For himself, and for Tzofiya. Maybe knowing why would finally put him and Tzofiya to rest.
He scowled, and returned to the flyer. Meet at the docks, huh? At the mouth of the canal? Those were the only things that stood out to him. The rest just seemed like bluster. He turned the page over to tally his findings with the map. There was a dock, just right outside the tavern. However, further up ahead, the canal bridged the Undersea and the upper sea. Was that the mouth of the canal that the flyer was referring to? “Hmm.” He supposed that a Marine base ought to have a dock in it. Was this a Marine recruitment drive? And one that journeyed into the Undersea?
He sighed. This was confusing. His head was actually spinning just trying to think. This was too much for him. If only people just stopped talking in circles and got to the point, things wouldn’t be so complicated. He folded the flyer up, stuffed it between the pages, then snapped the book shut. He dropped the payment for Tzofiya’s meal on to the table with an extra tip and left. He supposed he ought to check out the Marine base, then.
Which was, of course, pretty noisy by the time he made his way there, with the help of Tzofiya’s map. There was a group gathered right now outside of the base itself. Cayden studied them, and his eyes narrowed. These guys for the same reason, weren’t they? They numbered three in total, with another one approaching them. Something didn’t sit right with him, despite the turnout. Was the bluster on the flyer just that? Big words and extravagant tones? Gods, he hoped so. He swept his hair back, tying it into a neat ponytail with a twine of black string, breathed in deep, then exhaled. Alright. Time to put on the people face. He balled his hands into fists, and marched up towards the group. Coming to a halt beside them, he, naturally, bored holes at each of them. “I assume you’re also here because of the flyers,” he said simply.
People were never his strong point. It was more Tzofiya’s style, he believed. Leave it to her to ditch him on a turning point such as this.