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One more thing...

"You're acting like something happened between you and Lisa or something", he replied with a perked eyebrow.
"It was before I met you," she stated rather quickly. She looked away for a moment and sighed. "Lisa and I may have... Hooked up a few times. We had a little relationship. For nearly 6 months."
Aiden blushed slightly hearing about Elizabeth's older affair, to which he looks to the side, scratching the back of his head, "Oh, I see.."
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She looked at him for a moment, then just walked upstairs, shutting the bedroom door behind her after stepping in. "He probably won't even look at me the same way again..." She mumbled. "Why would he? Geez." She sat on the bed, putting her hand on her stomach. "I've really screwed up this time, babies... I'm sorry." She whispered.

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He watched her look at him for a moment and walk off. As soon as she disappeared upstairs, he let out a sigh as he mentally slapped himself, covering his face with his hands. "Idiot idiot idiot..", he mumbled to himself softly. He stood up and slowly walked upstairs, barely able to hear her voice through the door. He approached it lightly, softly tapping the door, "Honey?.. Babe?.. May I come in?.."
He slowly opened the door as he walked in, looking at her. "It's no longer mine, it's ours love", he corrected her with a soft tone. He sat beside her, looking at her as he gently rubbed her stomach, "You know I don't care right?.."
She sighed, averting her eyes in an embarrassed manner. "You might not care... But you'll definitely never think about me the same," she stated, placing her hand over his.

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He laid down beside her, gently overlapping and caressing her hand with his thumb. He softly kissed her cheek as he reached over with his other arm to wrap around her gently, "It's not that at all love, I'm just.. Confused.. If it was great and almost lasted 6 months... What went wrong?.."
"She got tired of me, found someone new... That's all there is to it. It's what always happens," she whispered. "Walked in on her and some other person, and that's how it ended." She ran her finger over the ring he had given her. "And I was planning to propose... I'd gotten the ring and everything."

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He nodded softly as he gently felt her hand, "I understand that feeling.. I can't promise that I can change the past.. Nor that the past needs to be changed.. If it wasn't for it, we wouldn't have ever met again.. To which I promise I'll never let that happen to you.. Ever.."
She looked at him. "We've only been together two months, Aiden.." She whimpered. "What if you decide you don't want to be with me in the near future?"

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"Never..", he replied softly. "Time is just an illusion Elizabeth, it doesn't matter, the feelings and actions are what truly counts.. I'll always want you with me.."
She shook her head. "You just think you will right now. Who knows? Some beautiful woman who is actually normal and mentally stable could come along, be a great talker, and just whisk you away in seconds. You'll forget all about me and I'll be back to where I started, alone, scared, and hating myself for not being the person you deserve."

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"Elizabeth, that will never happen.. Especially with the kids.. I promise on my own soul that I'll never leave your side as long as you don't leave mine..", he replied with a saddened tone. "My life is yours Elizabeth.. No one else has that privilege.. Or even the mere right.."
She sniffled, crying into his shirt, moving closer so she had that reassurance. That pillar of strength for her to lean on.

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He smiled softly as he completely rolled to his side, wrapping himself around her, cradling her in a sort of way, holding her tightly. "It's okay Elizabeth.. It's okay.. I'll never leave your side.. I'll always protect you.. And I'll never hurt you..", as he spoke softly in a whisper.

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