One Direction RP ( Closed to meli-chan<3 )

i was thinking a casual meeting at starbucks like he spills his coffee on her or something? dont know the setting though
Caroline Runner, a dark headed girl with big nerd glasses and a green beanie with a pouf on top, walked into Starbuck's in Los Angeles and orders her favorite drink, a White Mocha Frappuccino, and a Cranberry Orange Scone. She sits down in a chair at a long table with 6 chairs. She knows she is taking up a lot of space but she doesn't really care because she needs room to eat and to drink and to be merry.
a group of hooded boys wearing sunglasses came in they went to order and joked around to pass the time. the girl at the cash register knew who they were but kept quiet as niall put his finger to his lips "you never saw us" he said as the nodded excitedly as the girl went to get their orders. they joked around some more and got a bit loud earning some looks. (lol im trying to make her think theyre just anoying boys but then BAYUM onedirecton!
(sounds good!) Caroline heard noise over her concentration on her thinking. It was some stupid boys. Their noise got louder and her concentration got a little less stable. She finally decided to get up and order another drink and another scone.

She bumped into one of the boys and he spilled his coffee all over the front of her.
"smooth nialler" harry's deep voice joked as he back handed him "ow haz!" niall said before turning to the girl. "im so sorry miss" he said scrambling to get napkins "here" said liam handing him a bunch of scrunched up napkins. niall thanked liam and handed her the napkins "let me buy your next order okay? as an apology " said niall with a sincere look on his face
"Don't do it aga-" Caroline stopped in her tracks after she looked up at the boy. It was Niall. THE Niall Horan! "Oh my gosh! Totally my fault" Caroline said as a slight smile appeared on her face. "You're Niall. Correct?"
"shh" he said with a chuckle "yeah but dont cover it up just because im famous i know it was my fault" he said giving her a charming smile while the rest of the boys got their orders and chatted waiting for him. "go on and order ill pay for it sweet heart"
"I wasn't watching where I was going and... Oh my. You have a very nice smile! Thanks so much." She started to order her next drink but paused and said to Niall "You know I don't want another drink. I kind of need to go home and change." Caroline gave him the best smile, even though it was awkward, possible. 
(Hey I got to go! Work on it tomorrow?)
"let me walk you home than" he shrugged. it was the least he could do i mean the girl had a coffee stain on her shirt because of him and she seemed like a fan so maybe he could sign something of hers. (sure thing! good night)
"Thank you dear. I appreciate it! I - well... Never mind." Caroline said awkwardly. She walked him to her block and said "Thanks! I'm sure I can make it from here. You're probably busy. So it was nice meeting you!"
"wait! you have a cell phone?" he asked pulling out his own. he was going to follpw her on twitter and exchange emails with her since cellphone numbers were a bit too personal. she didnt seem like one of those crazy fans but he could never be too safe. he was thinking telling her shes getting some tickets to their concert via email and then send them by mail. even my throw in a backstage pass "do you have a twitter and email?" he asked the girl
"Yea! Um... here" She pulled out her notepad and a pen from her purse and wrote it down. "There you go!" Caroline said as she handed the paper to him. I guess we'll talk later?"
he nodded and smiled that charming smile of his. "yeah you bet" he said giving her a hug. "be expecting an email from me later" he said with a wink.
She replied back with:

Hi Niall! What are you up to?

Caroline started to get dressed to go to a party. It was her first party she's been to in a long time. Someone said that One Direction was going to be there. She didn't believe the person who told her that, but she was going anyway. She put on a short red dress, combat boots, a mini top-hat, and then she curled her hair.
"im getting ready for a party. and you?"he sent before putting on jeans and a pair of nikes with a black shirt and cream hooded jacket . getting his hair fixed up by lou
"Um LOL. I'm doing the same. Getting ready for a party at a club that my friend's parents own. Where are you going?" Caroline typed and sent before putting on her 'Axe For Her Anarchy II' perfume. She finally finished getting ready and headed out for Club De La Partay.

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