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Fantasy Once Upon a Time: Fables


✯ Raccoon Catcher ✯
Roleplay Availability
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Please keep all OOC here or in PMs. Thank you!
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I know you've only just started the thread, but was just wondering if you had a character sheet you wanted us to use or if we are supposed to use our own?
@RealisticFantasy I really like your character, Red Riding Hood is my favorite character no matter what spin people do with her. :)

Interested in this! I've just got to think of what character to be...

(Also, I am a die hard Once Upon a Time Fan)
RedLikeRoses said:
@RealisticFantasy I really like your character, Red Riding Hood is my favorite character no matter what spin people do with her. :)
Interested in this! I've just got to think of what character to be...

(Also, I am a die hard Once Upon a Time Fan)
I'm always looking for an interesting Wolf ( :P )
Hopefully my CS is okay and makes sense! Also, I don't know if someone already called dibs (@RealisticFantasy you kinda-ish already mentioned him in your CS) but I would love to have Prince Charming as a second character!
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Also, I'm thinking about making my Captain Hook character a smuggler, would it be possible that he could smuggle things into the town then distribute them? Or does the spell prevent any contact from the outside world?

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sunshineintoveins said:
Also, I'm thinking about making my Captain Hook character a smuggler, would it be possible that he could smuggle things into the town then distribute them? Or does the spell prevent any contact from the outside world?
It's a small town. Not too rural but distanced enough from the rest of the world. He can be a smuggler of goods from the outside world after the spell is broken. Prior to that, it would have to be within the town.
Mayhem said:
Hopefully my CS is okay and makes sense! Also, I don't know if someone already called dibs (@RealisticFantasy you kinda-ish already mentioned him in your CS) but I would love to have Prince Charming as a second character!
The mention of Prince Charming was an allusion to how the heroes always swoop in and save the girl in fairy tales. You're welcomed to make a character sheet for him.
Hey guys, are you still planning on doing this? There was an OUaT interest check posted not too long ago again, maybe they can merge in? If it's still active and about to start, that is...
Scribbly said:
Hey guys, are you still planning on doing this? There was an OUaT interest check posted not too long ago again, maybe they can merge in? If it's still active and about to start, that is...
Haven't heard too much regarding this. I'm still interested in hosting it, though.

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