On the Run [Dude, where's my daiklave?]


Luna's Concubine
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Gathering up the few things scattered around the room, the rest of the circle makes their way down to the horses in the stable to make their run out of the city. The street out front is boiling with activity, men and women running to and fro, and armored forms of the city watch can be heard clattering down the street, trying to keep a full fledged panic from spreading across the city.

As you head out of the gate, you see that you are not the only ones making your way out of town. That will help you to blend in with the crowd and not stand out too much. Thankfully, you made plans to meet outside of town just in case the group got seperated, giving Slip and Knaff a chance to catch up with you.

By the time you get to the grove of trees that you picked out as a meeting spot, it is fully dark. There are no obvious signs of persuit at this time. It looks like you made it out of town just ahead of the Wyld Hunt once more.
Mordant Xane

Mordant laughed as he hoped down from the wagon, "Well, that was fun." After maneuvering the wagon behind the copse of trees, he unyoked the horses, and staked them for the night.

"Might as well camp out here while we wait for the others to join us." Mordant smiled and patted the blanket covering the wagon, "On the plus side, in all that confusion, I was able to buy supplies for our trip from a very befuddled vendor in the eastern market. He had no idea what was going on!"

He hoped Slipp and Knaff rejoined them soon, but there wasn't much he could do about it. Besides, traveling in the dead of night was dangerous for the horses, so not much he could have done even if he had wanted too.

Mordant hoped up into the wagon bed, and crawled under the blanket, happy for the chance to get some rest.
Rowan didn't feel ready to sleep, yet not with the Wyld Hunt breathing down their necks. And besides, a little knowledge of where to go now would help. Digging out a sheaf of the priceless papers, Rowan pumped essence into his senses for alertness and settled down next to a dozing Tawny for a little reading.

3m Personal motes. Keen Sense (Hearing & Touch)

Any rolls to find what we need from the papers?
Looking over the notes, you find a combination of ancient writings in Old Realm and newer writings in Riverspeak, probably in the doctor's hand. From the notes, you find references to the cache being a pyramid, with most of it underground. The notes don't say if it was built that way, or if over centuries blowing dirt and sand have covered up the bottom layers. Either way, a hole was made or found in one of the upper levels that Hax made his way into, and he ran into a series of Essence based traps that wiped out most of the help he brought along with him to do exploring.

Keeping your ears open, you don't hear anything approaching. Yet.
Something fast approaches the group of exalts, as a shadow with silvery streamers, which seems to writhe with a swarm of rats is suddenly within their midst. Shivering, from fear, Knaff finally manages to calm down enough to squeak "I believe I've led them on a nice chase, but they might be on our tracks tomorrow, or in a few hours."
Rowan had rolled to his feet quickly at first, but keenly alert, he quickly figured out that it was Knaff. He pulled his hand back from the immaculate knife hilt he'd fingered, and then smiled wanly to the shapeshifted Lunar. "Let's hope late tomorrow. Of course, the Three won't simply let off the Wyld Hunt scot-free for causing a city-wide panic. I hope. But I'm not banking on it." Rowan went back to sitting down and searching through the notes.

"Seen Slip and Taizo?"
Not yet fully accustomed to the effects of his full totemic anima, knaff at first just shakes his head, and then realizes the movement might not be noticed through all the silver light and shadows surrounding him.

"No, I believe I was just too damn busy running away from the Wyld Hunt. they seemed to be gaining on me at first, so I was more concerned with saving my own hide than trying to see if can find Slip and Taizo, as well as not wanting to draw any particular attention to them. So, how much do we know about the cache?"
Jenai Orlais

Jenai's words fairly drip venom as he gestures to Mordant's resting form, "And while you were running for your life, we were shopping." The only silver lining was that the merchant they bought things from might be getting a visit from rather cross Immaculates soon. The thought brought a smile to Jenai's face as he echoes Knaff's question, "Yes, did this debacle at least show us where to go next?"
Mordant Xane

Mordant rubs his eyes and yawns. Was it day time all ready?

After an instant, he realizes its a near-totemic lunar. He sits bolt upright and begins to panic. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? RUN! GET AWAY FROM HERE NOW! GO! YOU FOOL! YOU CAN BE SEEN FOR MILES, YOU'LL LEAD THEM RIGHT TO US!"

Mordant, still slightly paniced and irritated, snatches the papers back, "And I certainly appreciate you going through my things the instant I go to sleep. I don't go digging around in your backpack; I'd appreciate the same courtesy. And yes, I stopped on the way out of town to buy food. So we have something to eat."

Calming down slightly, Mordant continued, "Slip and I found the approximate location of the cache and the surrounding geography in these papers, but we may have to search a couple valleys to find the specific one. It could take a couple weeks, hence the need for food."


So, at one level down from totemic, your anima is still campfire sized. Per Exalted Core, the human eye, let alone an exalt, can see a campfire on a dark night for miles. You probably want to keep leading the wyld hunt off until your anima snuffs the rest of the way.

We can't really move camp, since its very dangerous to run the horses in the night on an unknown road.
Knaff's head tilts to the side, his eyebrows arching, and once again he realizes that the motion might not be seen much by the others. "Right, and the fact that I'm all glowing wouldn't make enough light for the horses to see, but it will allow those pursuing us to see just well? Interesting, and here I thought human eyes can usually see less than those of animals... Besides, if this is your camp site, maybe I can help hide you, and then I can move along a few miles down the road, so if the Wyld Hunt come running here, they won't see you guys here."

Offering them a use of my Spider's Trap Door, to put an Illusion so those passing by wouldn't notice them, assuming Knaff had enough time to recover a few motes.
Mordant Xane

Mordant chuckles, and then nods, "Oh, yes. Let's outrun the Wyld Hunt in a wagon pulled by draft horses. Surely that will work."

"If you have magic to hide yourself or us, then that sounds like a workable plan. If you can hide us, and then lead the hunt off until your anima fades and you can safely double back, lets do it. If not, well, at least continue leading them on a goose chase until your anima snuffs. I'm also concerned that we just told them what direction we're going out of town, but that can't be helped now."
Slip and Taizo make their way to the rendevous point after several hours. By this time, it is only a few hours until dawn. Just enough time to take a quick nap before starting out on the road to put a few miles behind you on your way to the cache.
Two hours have gone by, letting our tired Exalts get some rest and recover some of the Essence they burned during the night. You yawn, stretch and scratch, and get ready to break camp when two large figures burst their way out of the brush. Wolfhounds the size of horses, they pause to sniff the air and then direct their gaze to your circle. With a loud growl, they leap into the attack.

Join battle!
Jenai Orlais

Jenai was in the middle of a languid wake-up stretch -- his back arched and arms reaching for his feet -- when the growls alerted him to imminent danger. In one smooth motion he throws his feet over his head, rolling backwards into a standing position and pulling knives out of his boots as they passed his hands. Drawing on a minimum of power, solar essence infuses his awareness, pulling him instantly from sleep and quickening his reactions.

Spending 4m on the Second Awareness Excellency

[8,10,6,3,8,2,2] = (4)+2+1=7 Successes.


Personal: 14/15

Peripheral 33/36

Familiar: 5/5
Arion, you have a free auto-success from Flashing Draw Mastery you forgot to add in. So you should have a total of 7 successes.

Hopping onto the edge of the wagon the owl scans around and leaps to the air.

7d10.hits(7) → [8,5,4,2,7,9,5] = (3)

3 hits
The two massive hounds leap to attack, but are not as fast as the Exalted they are hunting. The Hounds of the Five Winds are known for their fearless and fierce natures, but that may not be enough when facing so many of the Celestial Exalted.

0 - Jenai

1 -

2 - Hound 1

3 - Rowan

4 - Mordant, Knaff, Slip

5 - Hound 2

6 - Taizo

When attacking, make sure you specify which target you are going after or I'll just have to pick one on my own.
Jenai Orlais

Jenai follows through on his standing draw, whipping his arm up and across at the slower hounds more on instinct than actual thought. Abruptly stopping his arm and adding a practiced flick of his wrist, another blade slides from a sheath in his wrist and he closes his hand around it. Surveying the battlefield, he feels drawn by the glittering circle on his forehead to the lead animal and lets his weapon fly.

Two reflexive attacks first, 1 and 2, in that order:

[6,4,3,5,4,8,7,6,4] = (2) and [10,1,1,5,1,10,7,7,5] = (6) Successes

Damage (Sans soak, take dice from right, as before):

[6,10,4,9,5,3,9,7,5] = (5)L on the first and

[1,9,7,6,4,5,8,5,9,7,4,4,4] = (5)L on the second as well.

Then an actual attack on number 1:

[6,9,3,8,1,3,7,10,4] = (5) Successes


[5,1,1,10,6,4,3,5,8,5,5,4] = (3)L Successes

Speed 3, Dodge DV at 5, or 3 if reflexive attacks reduce DV.
The attacks lash out and strike home, but the magical constructs show no signs of pain from their injuries. The first hound opens his cavernous jaws and snaps at Jenai, tearing off a hunk of flesh and clothing.

The hound hits with two successes over your DV, and does 3L applied to your defenses.

0 - [Jenai]

1 -

2 - [Hound 1]

3 - Rowan, Jenai <-----

4 - Mordant, Knaff, Slip

5 - Hound 2

6 - Taizo, Hound 1
Rowan snarled in response to the first vicious hound, charging in and flanking it beside the wounded Jenai. In quick flashes of light, moving with a natural and easy grace, he slashed at the animal with his right hand knife, before stabbing sharply with the left hand.

Personal: 12/12, Peripheral: 29/29, Willpower: 6/6

Moving and attacking Hound 1, with a flurry of 2 knife attacks.

Attack 1: 1d10=9, 1d10=2, 1d10=10, 1d10=10, 1d10=8, 1d10=6, 1d10=7

Attack 2: 1d10=5, 1d10=3, 1d10=6, 1d10=4, 1d10=10, 1d10=9

Potential Damage Rolls (ignoring soak, you may subtract from the right as need be)

#1:1d10=10, 1d10=7, 1d10=10, 1d10=4, 1d10=3, 1d10=2, 1d10=3, 1d10=5, 1d10=2, 1d10=2, 1d10=2, 1d10=4

#2:1d10=2, 1d10=8, 1d10=3, 1d10=7, 1d10=8, 1d10=5, 1d10=5, 1d10=1

Speed is 5. Activating Shadow over Water in response to any attack against Rowan, if there is one.

Which would give a modified DV of Dodge 7 and Parry 2.

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