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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

X_X I swear, both of you are the same personality type... JUST FIGURE SOMETHING OUT! If you want your char to know another char before they start however, I suggest you talk to that char's owner @bloodfire
Ok so time to have for one and probably only innocent character that's nice and doesn't steal
iiimee said:
X_X I swear, both of you are the same personality type... JUST FIGURE SOMETHING OUT! If you want your char to know another char before they start however, I suggest you talk to that char's owner @bloodfire
Who do you mean His character and Cicero?
ok good luck and have fun you can always bump into Cicero if I even decide to get him up
Cicero said:
Who do you mean His character and Cicero?
@bloodfire 's talking about his char knowing some of the other characters- If you want your char can know Rin or Tabitha before the experiments Bloodfire, but Tabitha won't remember your char because she was super drugged up when she was in the facility.
I will go with that. Mizuti knew rin before the experiments. But I will start mizuti in the bar first.
Full Name: Rosie Anne Silver

Nickname: Rose, Sil

Age: 16 almost 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Power: Shape shifter and connects with others feelings. (She can also just shift certain parts of herself like below in the spoiler.)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpg.61224b449024bf91d5638041ae6668c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97368" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpg.61224b449024bf91d5638041ae6668c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/imgres-1.jpg.d54bbbaa3b1526e2b51ae49ac071ef07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97367" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/imgres-1.jpg.d54bbbaa3b1526e2b51ae49ac071ef07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/imgres-2.jpg.2028bcc3f54ce71e7428131b3bb11ede.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97369" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/imgres-2.jpg.2028bcc3f54ce71e7428131b3bb11ede.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Rosie is sweet and loving but she is hard headed about a lot of things. She's very trusting, loyal, caring, and wild in a good way. She often gets excited about new people and such.

History: Rosie was brought in at the age of 13, she already didn't trust anyone and when the scientists did experiments on her, injecting different animal and different creature DNA, she soon discovered her power to shapeshift. The most common, is her white wolf. She barely remembers anything after being taken in to the scientists but even then, has trouble remembering them too.

Other: She likes hugs and people. Mizuti Soulfire is her little brother.

(Pm for friends or something?..)



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JadeWuvsCookies said:
Full Name: Rosie Anne Silver
Nickname: Rose, Sil

Age: 16 almost 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Power: Shape shifter and connects with others feelings/thoughts. (She can also just shift certain parts of herself like below in the spoiler.)


View attachment 216608

View attachment 216607


View attachment 216609

Personality: Rosie is sweet and loving but she is hard headed about a lot of things. She's very trusting, loyal, caring, and wild in a good way. She often gets excited about new people and such.

History: Rosie was brought in at the age of 13, she already didn't trust anyone and when the scientists did experiments on her, injecting different animal and different creature DNA, she soon discovered her power to shapeshift. The most common, is her white wolf. She barely remembers anything after being taken in to the scientists but even then, has trouble remembering them too.

Other: She likes hugs and people.

(Pm for friends or something?..)

I like her, but she has a lot of powers. Maybe you can remove just the thought thing but she can still sense people's feelings and shapeshift? I don't think she'll be too overpowered- accepted! ^_^ You may start!~
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And if iiimee allows it my character and yours can be a brother and sister
bloodfire said:
And if iiimee allows it my character and yours can be a brother and sister
Why would I care? :P It's not my character- if you two want a bro and sis, by all means go for it! xD
I just though title would be better to make sure you did or didnt. And as jade is not online. I guess time will tell us then eh?
Which character was yours again mizuti can be a little brother...and the scene I just posted is how they meet
Your character is there I hope as mizuti's helmet sort of fell off and rolled to tabitha...
Jade since your character is outside a building your character and mine can meet in an old unused hotel?
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Full Name:

Antonina Megrim



Nina is more prefered over her true name.








Nina has enhanced vision, with two aspects that are different from regular, human sight. She is able to switch between them, though it requires a lot of concentration. If she continuously uses her advanced sight, she finds that her eyes begin to hurt and migraines occur.

{{Infrared Vision}} Allows Nina to see heat signatures from living things.

{{Accelerated Probability Vision}} She is able to predict an attacker's choices and the several paths which those choices could make. By doing this, she is able to decide with tactics and fight combinations to use in order to defend herself.



(FC | Katarina {League of Legends})

Appearance Details:

Hair | Long, dyed red

Eyes | Bright blue/purplish

Height | 5'6"

Weight | 121 lbs

Body Type | Slim, slightly curvy

Complexion | Clear


+ Caring

+ Alert

= Boyish

= Sarcastic

- Impatient

- Weak


Nina was a few years younger when she was taken into the labs. At first, she had been excited about it, having seen countless superhero films and comics. In her eyes, she would be a brave heroine, saving the city from gigantic lizards and the "bad guys". Though, even on her first few weeks there, Nina had regretted her decision. She had had her eyes removed, stabbed at with needles and mutilated. Every time they had put them back in though, she would notice something inhuman about herself, something wrong. Days would go by where Nina sat, alone, in her hospital gown, trying to work out how her new eyes worked. Then others, she wouldn't be able to see at all. Though, eventually, the time came when she could work them as if she were born with them. And thanks to them, Nina escaped.


[] She has a scar across her left eye.

[] She is hopeless without her knife.

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Poko said:

Full Name:

Antonina Megrim



Nina is more prefered over her true name.








Nina has enhanced vision, with two aspects that are different from regular, human sight. She is able to switch between them, though it requires a lot of concentration. If she continuously uses her advanced sight, she finds that her eyes begin to hurt and migraines occur.

{{Infrared Vision}} Allows Nina to see heat signatures from living things.

{{Accelerated Probability Vision}} She is able to predict an attacker's choices and the several paths which those choices could make. By doing this, she is able to decide with tactics and fight combinations to use in order to defend herself.



Appearance Details:

Hair | Long, dyed red

Eyes | Bright blue/purplish

Height | 5'6"

Weight | 121 lbs

Body Type | Slim, slightly curvy

Complexion | Clear


+ Caring

+ Alert

= Boyish

= Sarcastic

- Impatient

- Weak


Nina was a few years younger when she was taken into the labs. At first, she had been excited about it, having seen countless superhero films and comics. In her eyes, she would be a brave heroine, saving the city from gigantic lizards and the "bad guys". Though, even on her first few weeks there, Nina had regretted her decision. She had had her eyes removed, stabbed at with needles and mutilated. Every time they had put them back in though, she would notice something inhuman about herself, something wrong. Days would go by where Nina sat, alone, in her hospital gown, trying to work out how her new eyes worked. Then others, she wouldn't be able to see at all. Though, eventually, the time came when she could work them as if she were born with them. And thanks to them, Nina escaped.


[] She has a scar across her left eye.

[] She is hopeless without her knife.

She sounds awesome! You're welcome to begin- The characters are all spread over Las Vegas right now. If you need help jumping in you can talk to me. ^_^ I think the best thing to do is basically just bare in on whatever other characters are doing. It's calm right now, but I'll be adding something very chaotic to the story soon! ;)

Full Name:
Rufus Shawcrosse

Nickname: Ru,

Age: 23? One can't be sure.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: All over the place. Uhm.. Pansexual.

Power: Gravitokinesis, of a sort. He can only really affect his own weight--making himself heavier, or lighter, denser, stuff like that. He's mastered it pretty, well, too.

Appearance: Just a bit of help for the parts that are blurry/hard to see/not obvious. His hair is red and usually a complete mess, he's waaaay too thin (almost to the point of looking malnourished) and pale to the point of almost grayness. His sclerae (the whites of his eyes) are completely black, and his pupil is completely swallowed up by the dark blue-green of his irises.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Yep.jpg.bfda098b7db3dd985c0cbd49641799c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100197" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Yep.jpg.bfda098b7db3dd985c0cbd49641799c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Rufus's personality is strange, to say the least. He has proven to be incredibly bipolar; he can go from being somewhat nice to immediate iciness if someone says something wrong one day, but the next day he might be impossible to anger. He might speak a sentence backwards, or speak in riddles, and can just be generally difficult to understand. He's shown a hint of cruelty several times over the course of his experimentation, known to brutally maim and then, well, eat an opponent, although he complains about the taste of experiments and humans in general. Rufus is quite overprotective of what is his; if someone is injured he'll take one of two paths: rampaging, or keeping everyone away from said person unless he knows they can help them. Mostly, though, he's just a joker, who communicates strongly and unconsciously through body language. A slouch and a shuffling walk shows he's in a good mood; walking normally states that he's having a bipolar day. Completely straight posture means to just stay away, although nobody's really experienced him in this manner before; if you're talking to him and he straightens, it's recommended to just step back and hope you can fix things.

History: Rufus was a boy once, a normal boy living a normal life. Nothing special happened to him; nothing was special about him. Average grades, average looks, personality, physicality, all that stuff. And, for some reason, the scientists took an extremely strong interest in him. On his eighteenth birthday, they swooped in, killed his family, and took him away. He was isolated, tortured, and experimented on; over this time, he began to discover his powers, and had absolute glee at the fact that he could do something special. Then his mind shattered as one of the many results of these experiments, and he killed all of the scientists who kept him imprisoned and just left, laughing the entire time. Most of the time in the labs has escaped Rufus's memory, and that's why this is so short. You're welcome.

Other: Has a tendency to float around. Literally. Also has a tendency to show up out of nowhere, break into your house, or fall through the roof of your taxi.

Has mastered the ability of tilting his head at just the right angle so that you can actually see at least one of his eyes.

@iiimee FINISHED :D



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