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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)


Sweet Transvestite


Full Name:

Nickname: (Optional)





Appearance: (Either description or picture, your choice.)




There is no longer an accepted character list, due to people getting accepted but never posting. If I accept you, feel free to begin. Please wait until I accept you and at least wait an hour before reminding me- thanks!
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Full Name: Hunter Elaine Coleman

Nickname: Hunt, Ellie

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Power: Telepathy, Telekinesis




120 lbs.


What Hunter lacks in height, she makes up for in personality. She's a total smart-aleck. She has no boundaries and is completely unashamed to speak her mind to most people she knows. She's comfortable around most people and will strike up a conversation with just about anyone. She speaks with her hands and has a tendency to bounce on the balls of her feet when she gets excited.

While Hunter may be an extrovert and is good with people, she doesn't like to let people in on her personal life. Hunter has a tendency to believe the worst about most people, accounting for her sarcastic nature. She's had some bad experiences with people and doesn't like to take too many chances with being overly nice and being screwed over. If she does share something personal with someone, it means she truly trusts them.

Hunter may be sarcastic and mean, but underneath all of that, she's invested. If she takes the time to develop a relationship with you, it's not something she's going to take lightly. She's the kind of friend who will stand up for you no matter what, and the kindof person who doesn't just go around talking crap about people.


Hunter was born on June 27, 1998 in Seattle Washington. Her parents already had one child and Hunter was their second. Being the youngest, Hunter was spoiled beyond belief. She grew up getting everything she wanted and never being denied anything. For the first eight years of her life, she believed her parents were the picture of a perfect couple. Then the fighting started. Hunter didn't know it at the time, but this was when her mother began cheating on her father. Evelyn was a lawyer and begun sleeping with her boss at the firm.

Hunter went through the motions. She did her best to ignore the arguing and Marco, her older brother, made it easier. He would take her out to ride bikes around the block or to the ice cream stand a few blocks over, sometimes he would just take her in his room and turn music up as loud as possible. When their parents got divorced, it started off as a joint-custody agreement. So her father stayed in Seattle for the time being. Her mother moved in with Derrick and her father kept their apartment. Every other week, the kids would switch parents.

One night, when Hunter was with her mother, Derrick got drunk. It was well known that he was an alcoholic, but he had never been violent. That night though, he was angry with her mother because she had left without telling him where she was going. Hunter had been in her room working on a project in her room and she slipped out to grab a pair of scissors. When she came out of her room, she saw Derrick muttering to himself at the counter. She walked over to grab the scissors from the drawer and Derrick whirled around, his eyes raging. She took a step backward but there was no avoiding him. He was angry and drunk and out of control. He started yelling her about how she was a stupid I'm uncultured and he hated her and the fact that her mother even wanted partial custody. And then he hit her. She had never expected something like that, but he just kept hitting her.

After that night, she didn't go back to her mom's house. Evelyn had come home that night to blood on the kitchen floors and Derrick passed out on the couch, a half empty beer bottle in his hand. Hunter had called her dad and he had came and picked her up. Evelyn called him, worried, and when Jared explained what had happened, she was quick to defend Derrick. For Jared, it was the last straw. He fought for full custody and then moved the kids out to Portland. After that, he treated Hunter like the most precious thing ever. He rarely let her out with friends and definitely didn't let her date.

Not long after she graduated she high school, she left home. Looking for easy money, she joined an experimental program. Little did she know the ungodly experiments they would perform on her and the people she had learned to call friends.

Other: Bilingual, English & Spanish
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Full Name: Hunter Elaine Coleman

Nickname: Hunt, Ellie

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Power: Mind Reading, Telekinesis




120 lbs.


What Hunter lacks in height, she makes up for in personality. She's a total smart-aleck. She has no boundaries and is completely unashamed to speak her mind to most people she knows. She's comfortable around most people and will strike up a conversation with just about anyone. She speaks with her hands and has a tendency to bounce on the balls of her feet when she gets excited.

While Hunter may be an extrovert and is good with people, she doesn't like to let people in on her personal life. Hunter has a tendency to believe the worst about most people, accounting for her sarcastic nature. She's had some bad experiences with people and doesn't like to take too many chances with being overly nice and being screwed over. If she does share something personal with someone, it means she truly trusts them.

Hunter may be sarcastic and mean, but underneath all of that, she's invested. If she takes the time to develop a relationship with you, it's not something she's going to take lightly. She's the kind of friend who will stand up for you no matter what, and the kindof person who doesn't just go around talking crap about people.


Hunter was born on June 27, 1998 in Seattle Washington. Her parents already had one child and Hunter was their second. Being the youngest, Hunter was spoiled beyond belief. She grew up getting everything she wanted and never being denied anything. For the first eight years of her life, she believed her parents were the picture of a perfect couple. Then the fighting started. Hunter didn't know it at the time, but this was when her mother began cheating on her father. Evelyn was a lawyer and begun sleeping with her boss at the firm.

Hunter went through the motions. She did her best to ignore the arguing and Marco, her older brother, made it easier. He would take her out to ride bikes around the block or to the ice cream stand a few blocks over, sometimes he would just take her in his room and turn music up as loud as possible. When their parents got divorced, it started off as a joint-custody agreement. So her father stayed in Seattle for the time being. Her mother moved in with Derrick and her father kept their apartment. Every other week, the kids would switch parents.

One night, when Hunter was with her mother, Derrick got drunk. It was well known that he was an alcoholic, but he had never been violent. That night though, he was angry with her mother because she had left without telling him where she was going. Hunter had been in her room working on a project in her room and she slipped out to grab a pair of scissors. When she came out of her room, she saw Derrick muttering to himself at the counter. She walked over to grab the scissors from the drawer and Derrick whirled around, his eyes raging. She took a step backward but there was no avoiding him. He was angry and drunk and out of control. He started yelling her about how she was a stupid I'm uncultured and he hated her and the fact that her mother even wanted partial custody. And then he hit her. She had never expected something like that, but he just kept hitting her.

After that night, she didn't go back to her mom's house. Evelyn had come home that night to blood on the kitchen floors and Derrick passed out on the couch, a half empty beer bottle in his hand. Hunter had called her dad and he had came and picked her up. Evelyn called him, worried, and when Jared explained what had happened, she was quick to defend Derrick. For Jared, it was the last straw. He fought for full custody and then moved the kids out to Portland. After that, he treated Hunter like the most precious thing ever. He rarely let her out with friends and definitely didn't let her date.

Not long after she graduated she high school, she left home. Looking for easy money, she joined an experimental prou


Accepted! ^_^
Full Name: Tabitha Lee Free

Nickname: Tabby, Tabby-cat

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Open

Power: Extra-sensitive hearing. Tabitha's always been a good listener, so this power fits her perfectly, though she cannot turn this power off. Instead, she often covers her ears whenever it gets too loud for her tastes. This also means that while she's talkative, she also is very quiet when she speaks.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c61256dd7_AnimeWoman.jpg.4549239dc4ce07bf199a515bd0cb2fa7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89321" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c61256dd7_AnimeWoman.jpg.4549239dc4ce07bf199a515bd0cb2fa7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Talkative, friendly, and an overall outgoing person. She has a habit of drawing too much attention to herself, whether it be due to her dazzling appearance or her all too naïve and innocent nature. Because she was only in the facilities for a few months however, she isn't withdrawn like her "friends" whom she often encounters.

History: She was brought to the facilities and brought back just as easily. In the beginning, she was told that they'd give her lots of money and "upgrade" her voice, which both sounded awesome to the girl who dreamed of becoming a singer. Just as they said, they paid her family... but the invention of a new "power" caused them to change their minds, and instead of good vocals... she was given good ears. She was drugged a lot, so she doesn't remember the procedures, but she does sometimes have physical flashbacks of the pain she endured, and during those moments she'll be seen covering her ears and shaking. The facility had actually given her back to her family, since she still retained her cheerful personality with the doctors when she wasn't drugged, actually growing close enough to one of them to call her "mother." They didn't give her back out of charity however- instead, they wanted to see if she could adjust to her new life, now that she realized her what her newfound abilities... She didn't take it well. Once she realized that her voice was still average and started getting flashbacks of the pain, she went a little insane. The doctors noticed this whenever they visited and quickly disposed of her family, attempting to take her back to the facility, but instead she jumped out of her bedroom window and somehow managed to lose them. To this day she's still trying to hide from those who'd try to take her back, and deals with her phantom pain, newfound abilities, and family's death on a regular basis.

Full Name: Matthew Branch Wise

Nickname: Matt, Mr. Wise, "The strongest boy alive"

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Power: Mimicry. He can mimic the voices of others as much as he wants. He can also take on the shape of another person, but only for thirty minutes at a time, needing to take a short break afterwards before he's strong enough to do it again.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c61276e9e_AnimeGuy.png.28afc1d15b554b4587ed88a2df3bc64d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89326" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c61276e9e_AnimeGuy.png.28afc1d15b554b4587ed88a2df3bc64d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Withdrawn, sarcastic, rude, has a dark sense of humor, and absolutely hates the sunlight. He may seem nice-looking on the outside, but he usually only respects people who take him seriously- unless they're "idiots" as he likes to describe Tabby.

History: He was raised by his aunt for most of his life, before his father finally got out of prison and took custody over him when he was twelve. He had never fit in at his aunt's house, but at least he trusted and could respect her. His father however, still smoked and invited wild friends over to the house, who often bugged Matthew, though he could ignore them for the most part. This Hell only lasted a year luckily- or should I say unluckily? One day, his father saw the advertisement for "children test subjects", and ever since then poor Matt's fate had been sealed. Without so much as a goodbye he let the "scientists" in, who gagged and hauled Matt away. His body, they soon found out, was extremely strong and could take more than the average doses of injections they constantly put inside of the boy. At the facility he was in, his screams were legend- the strongest boy alive. The reason behind the screams wasn't that the shots were more painful than the others- though after the twenty doses given to him daily (not even counting the tranquilizers) he had reason enough to scream. The reason he screamed so much was that he was needlephobic, and no amount of counseling could calm him down. He was never going to be released- not after how much he fought and sometimes injured the scientists, but somehow several prisoners had started a riot at his facility, and since he wasn't totally out, he dragged himself along with the other test subjects to any possible escape routes. Most were caught, but he was lucky enough to find out his ability then and there- he turned himself into one of the unconscious guards near him accidentally out of fear. From there he proceeded to walk out of the place, confused by what was happening.

At the moment, he travels the street homeless, trying to find work wherever he can. Some of his jobs are nice and pay well. Some... he'd rather not mention. He does whatever he can to get by, and has somehow managed to survive these cruel years of his life without dying of hunger, thirst, or disease.

Other: He hates tapioca pudding...?



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[QUOTE="Lonely Star]Full Name: Sakura Queen
Nickname: None

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Power: She has the power of Illusions.


Personality: Sakura has been described as cruel and deceitful. She had no friends, even before the experiments. She tries to avoid people, unless she can use them to her benefit.

History: Her parents moved around so much that she gave up on making friends at every new school. It was a surprise to her when her parents gave her to be tested on. They knew her grades were bad and she was falling into depression. Then she started living on the streets.

Other:She has a sword.

Full Name: Calvin Deucsius

Nickname: Cal

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi

Power: Can't died by age because of the experiments, and probably not by disease through his genius. Has the power to turn into a giant bird about the size of a small car.






Personality: Despite the existence of your stereotypical scientist, Calvin carries himself highly and with great posture instead of a hunch-backed shuffle. He also refuses to take unwilling human specimens and such, and lives by his own moral code, not doing a single thing on a human or creature with that much awareness without trying it on himself first. While this has messed many things up for him, like making him prone to an incurable sickness that causes his lungs to collapse (which can be fixed by the acid green substance he discovered, which he calls 'Mako' (I RAN OUT OF INSPIRATION OKAY?!), which usually appears after he shifts into the giant hawk/roc that he spliced his DNA with in order to see if he could recreate something he read in a book. (Maximum Ride, anyone? :D ) He has a fairly sharp tongue and dislikes talking to people, but he is hard to truly anger and will help someone even if he dislikes them.

History: Calvin happened to actually be one of the scientists himself, but he had more of a heart than the rest; instead of experimenting as he pleased, he would make sure something was safe by trying it on himself first. This caused him to be able to morph into a large bird, and stopped his aging process entirely while making his susceptible to his lungs collapsing. This can be fixed with an injection of mako, so he always has a kit with him containing the substance and the needles he needs to keep himself alive. Calvin's genius is nearly unrivaled, despite his age, as he is able to do just about anything he wanted with science with even the lowest quality supplies, although he might complain.

Other: Inspired from an FFVII fanfiction, FFVII in general, and Maximum Ride. (Gotta love Hojo when he actually gets portrayed as a person)


Full Name:
Naomi Kaneshiro

Nickname: Number 2 (Was her lab name, call her by this and prepare to die)

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Sexuality: SHE'S 12. BACK OFF, CREEPS

Power: Energy manipulation--can use her own energy to manipulate things outside of her reach, including pushing things/herself. Using this ability uses up her own energy as if she herself was doing something (like the magic in the Inheritance Cycle).

Example: Pushing an airborne object/person would require less energy than one on the ground.

Because of the many years Naomi spent training, her energy reserves are vast.

Because of her ability to manipulate energy, she can sense everything around her (since everything either has kinetic or potential energy) even when rendered blind.




Naomi favors her music over people, and while she listens to Calvin, she usually ignores others. She loves sweet and sour foods, and eats a lot of food for a 12-year-old. She is easy to annoy, and hard to persuade; gaining her trust is difficult due to life growing up in the labs. Naomi has a jadedness unnatural for a young child, and has an instinctive mistrust of anyone with long black hair thanks to a scientist who mistreated her severely.

History: Naomi doesn't have much of a history. Born and raised in the labs, donated by her willing mother, Naomi was the second of a long line of experiments involving super soldiers, and the one of only two who survived. Both were treated differently, and 'Number One' was killed in combat against Naomi. She escaped that same day, at the age of 8, and is still known in the records only as 'Number Two.'


>If Calvin trusts you, so will Naomi (normally).

>Wields a pair of (thankfully) summonable warglaives, like the one below:


>Never found without her music.


Full Name:
Cryx Selkie

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Power: Cryx can control whether light reflects off of an item or if it is swallowed up by the item. This makes it easier for her to sneak around, as she can keep anything from reflecting off of light and giving her away, or she can even blind her enemies. Basically, shining a flashlight on her either blinds you or causes her to vanish. Ironically enough, a drawback of the experiments has given her a weakness to the sun.



Personality: Cryx is quite the mischievous individual at times, teasing the crap out of everyone whenever she gets the chance.. She proves to be quite talkative, curious, and even a tad naive despite her age. She's a bit of a kleptomaniac, but you don't need to know that. Quite confident, and has the tendency to be a bit of a flirt if she wants to scare her target during an assassination.

History: Cryx was originally the assassin-for-hire within her city; even though she didn't use guns, her request rate was extremely high. Her weapon of choice was a short sword that was more like a dagger than anything, but it worked and was efficient. When the gang who had hired her set her up, Cryx was taken in by the police.. and sent straight to the labs when the doctors found something strange in her DNA. She lived through the experiments, blanking out and ignoring them all, knowing that as they trained her to be the main cause of death in the world that she would only grow stronger.

Cryx randomly pulled her weapon on her guards and disappeared, almost undetectable because flashlights wouldn't show where she was. She killed every guard and scientist in that lab, and even certain experiments that were too dangerous, and escaped, and has been wandering aimlessly since, doing the only thing she knew how: killing.


>Her sword is called "Blackout" because many tend to think her ability is linked to the blade.

>Carries several hidden knives on her person

>When outside, Cryx will be found wearing dark clothing; jeans, a jacket (no matter the season), and combat boots. Her hood is always up to hide her face from the sun.

Full Name: Milee Raines

Nickname: Kitten, the Golden Demon.. Number One

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Power: Has the ability to shift into two cat forms: one cute and cuddly, the other quite willing to eat you.




Nice Kitty:


Evil Kitty:

(No, I didn't draw this. Wish I could, though.)

Personality: Milee used to be a cold-hearted killing machine. She would stop at nothing if it meant completing her objective. When Number Two, or 'Naomi,' defeated her, she was revived and then tested on some more; whereas she had already had one cat form, she now had two, and the second one was a lot meaner. It seems to have a personality of its own; crueler than Milee, yet quite unwilling to harm her friends. This other personality and form are known as 'the Golden Demon.'

Milee, after her escape, blended in with humanity, quickly learning the meaning of emotions and how each one felt. Her personality is kind yet confident, and rather hot-headed, jumping at any insult. She seems to be a bit of a pacifist, yet she'll fight if she has to.

History: Milee was created about 15 years before Naomi, and was the only super soldier to survive until Naomi's creation and that of those after her. While those created after Naomi fell at either Number One or Two's strength, when the two were faced off Number One ultimately failed. She was awoken after Naomi's escape, and only because they had lost the other girl; she was tortured and experimented on harshly, which led to the creation of her second form, the Golden Demon. With the use of this vicious and bloodthirsty monster, Milee escaped her facility, wandering in search of the girl she only knew as Number Two. They were alike, Milee knew, and she hoped the two of them could relate, or maybe become friends; Milee had found it troublesome to relate with anyone else.

Other: KITTIES! @iiimee finished it, FINALLY. Took me long enough.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Calvin.jpg.9c31f0d55bdbc1137855dcfa689ec965.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Calvin.jpg.9c31f0d55bdbc1137855dcfa689ec965.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/CalvinRoc.jpg.dca76f49a0997bab400511fc335f6eb9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/CalvinRoc.jpg.dca76f49a0997bab400511fc335f6eb9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Naomi.jpg.3d9e8ccabcad979414328fa177203e93.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89878" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Naomi.jpg.3d9e8ccabcad979414328fa177203e93.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6204f026_NaomiGlaives.jpg.eae6093d524d605cf79a5120c20fe261.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89879" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6204f026_NaomiGlaives.jpg.eae6093d524d605cf79a5120c20fe261.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full Name: Cicero Quin





Power:Agility of a cat

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/LOLOLOL-3.jpg.8eb7382f95a9a5aa297333baa5bc6960.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/LOLOLOL-3.jpg.8eb7382f95a9a5aa297333baa5bc6960.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Sturbborn at times when it comes to protecting someone can be nice to friends but will be distance to people he doesn't know

History:I was giving up to some scientist because my parents didn't want me anymore and they wanted the money they got for putting me in the program they did it because I had cat ears and a tail the doctors called me a Neko and I ended up just going a little crazy

Other:I love cookies and anything shiny and sharp and if you have a cookie you better share or i'm stealing them

Full Name:Nick Quin





Power:Super Human Strength Appearance:

Personality:Unemotional except for if someone tells a really funny joke or does something competently stupid

History:I ran away from my home when I learned that my parents were having another kid I figured they didn't want me anymore so I lived on the streets I didn't steal from anyone I only took from thieves that stole from innocent people and unlike my brother Cicero I use my first instead of knives. When the scientists first got me in the program I thought it was a safe place I was wrong the injected something into the eye that made me blind in one eye that's why I wear this eye patch

Other:Don't mess or hurt his brother he will kill you with no hesitation and he despise Cicero and Ocean for stealing but he deal with it because he can understand why they do



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Name: Eddy Rhodes

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Lawful Neutral

Superpowers/Abilities: Able to telekinetically manipulate any form of currency known to man. This includes coins, bills, the works.

Gear/Items: Fairly small bag that carries coins, which he uses as "ammo." Doesn't have that many coins due to tough financial situation

Personality: Eddy is a very hard working man, who throws all of himself into his work. Perhaps he throws a little too much of himself into his work, as he rarely does anything but work, eat, and sleep. He's rather emotionless, as according to many notable businessmen he looks up to you have to step on others to get ahead. This makes him rather cold to everyone except his parents. Eddy has basic morals, but is not prone to being very charitable or empathetic. He mainly thinks of making ends meet.

History: Eddy was born to two Asian immigrants. This meant he lived a rather poor, but happy life. He went to public school and even did quite well. This life ended when his father became terminally ill during his first year of high school. As his dad was the main moneymaker of the household, they suddenly were in a dire situation. Furthermore the illness worsened to the point his dad fell into a coma. Eddy dropped out of highschool to work and support his family.

Unable to raise enough to support his dad's medical costs, Eddy signed up for medical experiments to be performed on him. Though the conditions were horrid, Eddy stuck with it, with the promise that his dad was getting paid for. Then one day as experiments where taking place, a message came in. His mom said that his dad had passed away, still in a coma. The doctors could do nothing. In the depth of despair and with no reason to continue testing, Eddy followed the other test subjects.

Other: When stressed, fiddle with coins he keeps in his pockets.
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TromboneGeek said:
Full Name: Calvin Deucsius
Nickname: Cal

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi

Power: Can't died by age because of the experiments, and probably not by disease through his genius. Has the power to turn into a giant bird about the size of a small car.






Personality: Despite the existence of your stereotypical scientist, Calvin carries himself highly and with great posture instead of a hunch-backed shuffle. He also refuses to take unwilling human specimens and such, and lives by his own moral code, not doing a single thing on a human or creature with that much awareness without trying it on himself first. While this has messed many things up for him, like making him prone to an incurable sickness that causes his lungs to collapse (which can be fixed by the acid green substance he discovered, which he calls 'Mako' (I RAN OUT OF INSPIRATION OKAY?!), which usually appears after he shifts into the giant hawk/roc that he spliced his DNA with in order to see if he could recreate something he read in a book. (Maximum Ride, anyone? :D ) He has a fairly sharp tongue and dislikes talking to people, but he is hard to truly anger and will help someone even if he dislikes them.

History: Calvin happened to actually be one of the scientists himself, but he had more of a heart than the rest; instead of experimenting as he pleased, he would make sure something was safe by trying it on himself first. This caused him to be able to morph into a large bird, and stopped his aging process entirely while making his susceptible to his lungs collapsing. This can be fixed with an injection of mako, so he always has a kit with him containing the substance and the needles he needs to keep himself alive. Calvin's genius is nearly unrivaled, despite his age, as he is able to do just about anything he wanted with science with even the lowest quality supplies, although he might complain.

Other: Inspired from an FFVII fanfiction, FFVII in general, and Maximum Ride. (Gotta love Hojo when he actually gets portrayed as a person)
Cicero said:
Full Name: Cicero Quin




Power:Agility of a cat

Appearance: Its my profile picture

Personality:Sturbborn at times when it comes to protecting someone can be nice to friends but will be distance to people he doesn't know

History:I was giving up to some scientist because my parents didn't want me anymore and they wanted the money they got for putting me in the program they did it because I had cat ears and a tail the doctors called me a Neko and I ended up just going a little crazy

Other:I love cookies and anything shiny and sharp and if you have a cookie you better share or i'm stealing them
Warb said:

Name: Eddy Rhodes

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Lawful Neutral

Superpowers/Abilities: Able to telekinetically manipulate any form of currency known to man. This includes coins, bills, the works.

Gear/Items: Fairly small bag that carries coins, which he uses as "ammo." Doesn't have that many coins due to tough financial situation

Personality: Eddy is a very hard working man, who throws all of himself into his work. Perhaps he throws a little too much of himself into his work, as he rarely does anything but work, eat, and sleep. He's rather emotionless, as according to many notable businessmen he looks up to you have to step on others to get ahead. This makes him rather cold to everyone except his parents. Eddy has basic morals, but is not prone to being very charitable or empathetic. He mainly thinks of making ends meet.

History: Eddy was born to two Asian immigrants. This meant he lived a rather poor, but happy life. He went to public school and even did quite well. This life ended when his father became terminally ill during his first year of high school. As his dad was the main moneymaker of the household, they suddenly were in a dire situation. Furthermore the illness worsened to the point his dad fell into a coma. Eddy dropped out of highschool to work and support his family.

Unable to raise enough to support his dad's medical costs, Eddy signed up for medical experiments to be performed on him. Though the conditions were horrid, Eddy stuck with it, with the promise that his dad was getting paid for. Then one day as experiments where taking place, a message came in. His mom said that his dad had passed away, still in a coma. The doctors could do nothing. In the depth of despair and with no reason to continue testing, Eddy followed the other test subjects.
All accepted! I'll make the first post soon k guys? ^_^

Nathaniel James Bronson

Nickname: Nate

Age: nineteen years

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Power: Nate's power was ended up being a dud. He was gifted with the power to shift into any living creature, and retain his memories and senses, yet his DNA shuffled for an unknown reason, causing him to only be able to shift into one type of creature. Canis Dirus.

Appearance: Nate is not the tallest or most muscular of the group. He stands 6'0, and is quite lean. He has deep brown eyes, and slightly shaggy brown hair the comes to just above his eyebrows, which bothers him causing him to curse about how he needs to get it cut. He has stumble on his cheeks and chin, yet he tries to shave as much as possible, or did should I say.



Personality: Nate is a tad different, he has two personalities. The first, and the most common is his happy-go-lucky, sweet, caring, kind, gentle personality. The second is darker, easily angered, cruel, and hostile toward others. The second one is more common when his body is in need to shift, as it's a type of release of the anger, pain, and sadness inside him.

History: Nate was born to a broken home with an alcoholic mother, and a overworked father. He was often pushed around by his parents to do everything around the house, including care for his younger sister. When he turned fifteen he resorted to drugs to push away from the sadness and the pain. When he was about sixteen he got caught with drugs, which got him a fine and some community service. He didn't care for the law too much, and after being caught seven times in the course of years , he was offered to be an experiment for the government, or go to jail. You can guess what he chose, though he didn't know the agony he was going to endure.

Other: He has a tattoo on his right shoulder of a wolf, as he adored them far before he became an experiment.

Daisy Ann Cullman

Nickname: Daisy

Age: Sixteen years

Gender: Femae

Sexuality: heterosexual

Power: Daisy and see a person's death dates, and vision how they will die. This includes feeling, smelling, and hearing all that will take place.

Appearance: Daisy is thin young woman. She stands 5'6 and was often teased by the others of being so thin. She is rather pale, and has lush pink lips. Her hair is dark, and her eyes are a frightening icy blue.


Personality: Daisy is beyond reserved, and she always watches her feet. She doesn't talk much, yet her voice is incredible smooth and sweet. She used to sing and dance and laugh, she was healthy. Now she is gloomy, sad, and depressed, ever since they cursed her with her power.

History: Daisy was given up by her mother when she was twelve, because her mother was a drug addict and needed to spend money on drugs, not a child. So she gave Daisy up. Yet Daisy didn't mind as much as others would think, she despised her raggedy mother since she was quite young. Once the scientists changed Daisy, everything changed. They demanded to know their death dates and how they would die. They made her tell every detail until she was crying burning tears and her throat stung from sobbing. She often cries, yet never in front of others.

Other: n/a

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[QUOTE="Cyber Wolf]Mine shall be up soon. I'll edit this post once I'm finished and I'll tag you for it to be reviewed.

No problem, though I watch sign-up threads so USUALLY I'll respond as soon as I can... sometimes I'm lazy or my alerts don't work right ofc.
[QUOTE="Cyber Wolf]iiimee
Nathaniel James Bronson

Nickname: Nate

Age: nineteen years

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Power: Nate's power was ended up being a dud. He was gifted with the power to shift into any living creature, and retain his memories and senses, yet his DNA shuffled for an unknown reason, causing him to only be able to shift into one type of creature. Canis Dirus.

Appearance: Nate is not the tallest or most muscular of the group. He stands 6'0, and is quite lean. He has deep brown eyes, and slightly shaggy brown hair the comes to just above his eyebrows, which bothers him causing him to curse about how he needs to get it cut. He has stumble on his cheeks and chin, yet he tries to shave as much as possible, or did should I say.



Personality: Nate is a tad different, he has two personalities. The first, and the most common is his happy-go-lucky, sweet, caring, kind, gentle personality. The second is darker, easily angered, cruel, and hostile toward others. The second one is more common when his body is in need to shift, as it's a type of release of the anger, pain, and sadness inside him.

History: Nate was born to a broken home with an alcoholic mother, and a overworked father. He was often pushed around by his parents to do everything around the house, including care for his younger sister. When he turned fifteen he resorted to drugs to push away from the sadness and the pain. When he was about sixteen he got caught with drugs, which got him a fine and some community service. He didn't care for the law too much, and after being caught seven times in the course of years , he was offered to be an experiment for the government, or go to jail. You can guess what he chose, though he didn't know the agony he was going to endure.

Other: He has a tattoo on his right shoulder of a wolf, as he adored them far before he became an experiment.

Daisy Ann Cullman

Nickname: Daisy

Age: Sixteen years

Gender: Femae

Sexuality: heterosexual

Power: Daisy and see a person's death dates, and vision how they will die. This includes feeling, smelling, and hearing all that will take place.

Appearance: Daisy is thin young woman. She stands 5'6 and was often teased by the others of being so thin. She is rather pale, and has lush pink lips. Her hair is dark, and her eyes are a frightening icy blue.


Personality: Daisy is beyond reserved, and she always watches her feet. She doesn't talk much, yet her voice is incredible smooth and sweet. She used to sing and dance and laugh, she was healthy. Now she is gloomy, sad, and depressed, ever since they cursed her with her power.

History: Daisy was given up by her mother when she was twelve, because her mother was a drug addict and needed to spend money on drugs, not a child. So she gave Daisy up. Yet Daisy didn't mind as much as others would think, she despised her raggedy mother since she was quite young. Once the scientists changed Daisy, everything changed. They demanded to know their death dates and how they would die. They made her tell every detail until she was crying burning tears and her throat stung from sobbing. She often cries, yet never in front of others.

Other: n/a

Accepted, sorry! I'll make the starting thread right now! My animals have been slowing me down lately... X_X Hard RPing when a cat keeps bugging you, especially when it's one of 3 and you have 4 dogs to boot!

Just realized I already made the beginning post... Well guys, now it's your turn to start lol. I can't believe I forgot. :P
[QUOTE="Xx-Katherine-xX]We all know each other already, right? At least, vaguely?

Most people I've at least seen around- except @Cicero - Those two are total strangers to me :P
Full Name: Ali'ikai Kaimana Ho'ohanohano

Nickname: Ali

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight; Might be pansexual

Power: Can control water and "bend" it.


Ali'ikai stands at 5'2, her skin colored a medium caramel. She has long, slightly wavy black hair that reaches to her bum, her eyes a chocolate brown.

Personality: Like the water, she is adaptable, changing, and never faltering. Ali'kai seems rather stubborn though, but does keep her cool when it comes to certain situations. Ali'kai is quite courageous and selfless, even a bit reckless at times.

She's rather caring of othersand has a deep love for animals.

Ali'kai doesn't know how to properly 'flirt', but instead teases or insult.

History: Ali'kai was born into a loving family in Kolualona, Hawaii, being the youngest of three. Her family owned a small, but slightly popular diner, earning enough money to pay the bills, clothe themselves and put food on the table. Ali'kai helped her parents at the diner at a young age, learning how to swim, surf, hula, and play the ukelele throughout her childhood.

One she reached the age of 11, her parents and older sister were in a terrible car crash due to a drunk driver at night.

They were in a terrible mourning, her oldest and only brother, Kai, having to take care of her.

The diner went downhill from there, it being harder and harder to find employees and earn customers.

They were a broken, poor family.

But they at least still have love for each other.

But, the dept got so bad, she became a test subject for him.

Other: She adopts many wildlife, making them her "family"
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[QUOTE="Lonely Star]I think she meant in the rp...

Oh, well no- It's the beginning and, at least in how I perceived it, these people were in separate rooms, separate facilities, and drugged so often they probably rarely had time to get to know each other. Now, in some of the break-out cases they might've met each other, but I don't think so... Tabitha might now more people than Matthew does, since he's so antisocial.

dorkling said:
Full Name: Ali'ikai Kaimana Ho'ohanohano
Nickname: Ali

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight; Might be pansexual

Power: Can control water and "bend" it.


Ali'ikai stands at 5'2, her skin colored a medium caramel. She has long, slightly wavy black hair that reaches to her bum, her eyes a chocolate brown.

Personality: Like the water, she is adaptable, changing, and never faltering. Ali'kai seems rather stubborn though, but does keep her cool when it comes to certain situations. Ali'kai is quite courageous and selfless, even a bit reckless at times.

She's rather caring of othersand has a deep love for animals.

Ali'kai doesn't know how to properly 'flirt', but instead teases or insult.

History: Ali'kai was born into a loving family in Kolualona, Hawaii, being the youngest of three. Her family owned a small, but slightly popular diner, earning enough money to pay the bills, clothe themselves and put food on the table. Ali'kai helped her parents at the diner at a young age, learning how to swim, surf, hula, and play the ukelele throughout her childhood.

One she reached the age of 11, her parents and older sister were in a terrible car crash due to a drunk driver at night.

They were in a terrible mourning, her oldest and only brother, Kai, having to take care of her.

The diner went downhill from there, it being harder and harder to find employees and earn customers.

They were a broken, poor family.

But they at least still have love for each other.

But, the dept got so bad, she became a test subject for him.

Other: She adopts many wildlife, making them her "family"
Accepted! You may begin RPing!
Maybe we all ran out in a big group so we don't know each other by name, but at least recognize each other by face?
This is a casual rp right cause if so does that mean I have to write a paragraph each time
Warb said:
Maybe we all ran out in a big group so we don't know each other by name, but at least recognize each other by face?
As I said, some people's stories claim they escaped facilities separately and some as a group I think, or at least I want to keep that option open, so whether your character recognizes anyone is up to you. I think my two characters were drugged a lot, so they know less people. Your characters might recognize them by face, and Matthew can be recognized by his voice if you read his background. :P
Cicero said:
This is a casual rp right cause if so does that mean I have to write a paragraph each time
You can write at much as you want, but I'd like everyone to write at least 6 lines, aka a paragraph on average. I usually write 12-20 lines myself, which is a lot less than some people.
Ok thanks because I dont think I can write a paragraph I think I can manage 6 lines

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