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Fandom Oliver's School for Gifted and Different Children CS

Name: Pippy Ingar
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Grade: 10th
Race: Bosmer
Power(s) (only two or less!): The Ability To Control Plants And Earth
Bio(at least 5 sentences): Pippy was young when he realised he had powers, he didn't know how to control them just like most people ( if they had powers ) so he does his best to hide it from everyone he knows but after he was attacked by a pack of coyotes while exploring the woods near a camping spot his family used to take him to, he realised he could do good with the powers and that he needed to learn from someone who had gone through what it was that he was.
Appearance: Attached Image
Description: Pippy wears a dark green shirt, grey coat and black jeans. He has Brownish Hair and blue eyes
Desired Classes: Fauna and Flora, Combat and Tactics and something Like Maths or Science
Slothtastic Slothtastic
What is a Bosmer? Like a Wood Elf?
Name: Pippy Ingar
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Grade: 10th
Race: Bosmer
Power(s) (only two or less!): The Ability To Control Plants And Earth
Bio(at least 5 sentences): When Pippy was young his family suffered the loss of his sister, Katelyn, who he was very close with for years, he started to get quiet and wouldn't talk unless it was with close friends but recently has been opening up (He Will Talk But Will Not Start Many Conversation)

When Pippy was 13 he learnt about his powers when he was attacking by a pack of wild animals in the woods where his family used to go camping, at first he hid them from everyone but after he got the leaflet about 'Oliver's School For Gifted And Different Children' he choose to try and learn about his powers more.

Description: Pippy wears a dark green shirt, grey coat and black jeans. He has Brownish Hair and blue eyes
Desired Classes: Fauna and Flora, Combat and Tactics and something Like Maths or Science
Slothtastic Slothtastic
Now you're accepted.
Name: Oslo Royce "Tower"
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Grade: Junior
Race: Golem
Power(s): Growth- Capable of growing to great sizes as he towers above trees which provides him greater strength and defensive fortitude.
Density Increase- Can increase his bodies density which intern increases his weight and defensive capabilities.
Bio(at least 5 sentences): Oslo was created 17 years ago by a wizard who wanted to protect his home, family and creations from those who would wish to take them from him. He actually found himself enjoying the company of the wizards children as they liked to play with him around the garden as Oslo would protect the home. Oslo did his best to fulfill his duty to the wizard until his creator moved away one day. Without a word to him one day the wizard and his family just abandoned him at the home where he had been ordered to remain and protect. Oslo remained in front of the home for years through fierce rainfall, blowing snow storms, thunder and lightning, and tornadoes until the sad tattered building fell. Now without a purpose Oslo roamed the land looking for where he could go, where he could belong, where he would find his new reason to continue on.

Description: Despite his human appearance his body is actually made of granite like stone. He stands at 6"4' and weighs about 700lbs. Sadly, his body is often said to feel cold but he is often warm to those of command.
Desired Classes: Combat, Tactics and Strategy

Name: James
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Grade: Junior
Race: Druid
Powers: Flora Magic - Controlling/Talking to Plants
Fauna Magic - using an animal part to enhance your self (bear claw=enhanced strength)
Bio: James was raised a relatively normal kid growing up but on his 6th birthday that all changed, he started to hear voices when no one was around. He thought he had gone crazy until one day while sitting under a tree he was mad and so he kicked the tree hurting his foot but he also heard someone say "Now thats was smart." He looked at the tree a asked if it just talked and it said yes. That was the beginning of his journey as a druid. He learned more about his powers and found he could do more than talk to plants he could order them. He now is trying to further his knowledge about being a druid and why he is one and not his family.
Appearance: James is 6ft' 5in with a lith build. He has a handsome face with a scar running from his right eyebrow across his nose and down his left cheek as well as green eyes and shoulder length red hair. He usually wears a green t shirt, cargo shorts, and flip flops. He has a leather cord necklace with a claw, a feather, a scale, a tooth, and a bone.
Desired Classes: Combat, Magical Flora and fauna, and alchemy.
Name: Francis Sato /// /// Sam Chaney
Age: 14 /// /// 14
Gender: Cisgender male /// /// Genderfluid, assigned female at first
Sexuality: Pansexual /// /// Pansexual
Race: Nopperabou /// /// Vampire
Powers: Facial disappearance and surviving that, outgoing telepathy /// /// Wall climbing, shapeshifting into a rat
Bio(at least 5 sentences): Can I skip this and reveal it later?
Appearance: Short, thin, with a slim jaw and black hair of moderate length, and black eyes. Often makes his face disappear, sometimes intentionally, sometimes as a tic. /// /// Short, heavy-set both of fat and muscular, with dark hair that just nearly reaches the shoulders when down, gray eyes, fair skin, and large feet. A wide face with a jaw that rounds to a pointed chin and a lot of space between the eyes and the eyebrows. Has a below-knee amputation on the left leg.
Desired Classes: IDK /// /// IDK
Accepted! Just now saw these posts!
Akira Tanaka





Power(s) (only two or less!):
Uh.. Shapeshifting and enhanced senses

Bio(at least 5 sentences):
Skipping cause will be revealed later


Um.. in the picture
Desired Classes:
He doesn't care.

Jennifer Garcia






Power(s) (only two or less!):

None (She doesn't know but Ice/frost)

Bio(at least 5 sentences):

Revealed later!!


In pictureeee
Desired Classes:
She can take any class

(Also!, Akira has a crush on Jennifer!)
Akira Tanaka






Power(s) (only two or less!):
Uh.. Shapeshifting and enhanced senses

Bio(at least 5 sentences):
Skipping cause will be revealed later


Um.. in the picture

Desired Classes:
He doesn't care.

Jennifer Garcia







Power(s) (only two or less!):

None (She doesn't know but Ice/frost)

Bio(at least 5 sentences):

Revealed later!!


In pictureeee

Desired Classes:
She can take any class

(Also!, Akira has a crush on Jennifer!)
"Why the hell does that matter?"

Her name is Khaleesi Nayami Targaryen


Call her Khaleesi...

"Any age you want me to be..."

She's 16

"Um, clearly I'm a guy!!"

She's female.


"Meet me and find out bitch."

Khaleesi is a sweet heart. She loves the fluffy things, she loves messing around, being immature, being a child at times, it's just her nature. She adores animals, even if they are the meanest, vicious, most cruel thing you'll ever see, she loves them. Khaleesi loves to climb and just play around and act like a child. She'll roll around on the grass, sit in weird positions, she's just a child. A very cute, short, sweet playful puppy!! Well, at times. You need to trigger that side of her, which can be very hard at times.

She may look sweet but she has the devil inside her. Khaleesi is pure crazy, pure demon. She loves to fight, loves killing things, loves watching things die slowly, and painfully. She is very stubborn, you can not get this girl to do anything. Seriously, you tell her to do one thing, she'll do it the opposite way. She just hates, Hates being told what to do. Don't fuck with her or she'll rip your face clean off. She's completely... what's the word... psycho.

Khaleesi is a one woman show. She walks alone, parties alone, kills alone, and doesn't need anyone, which makes her semi lonely. Even though Khaleesi has this, devil side, she needs someone to bring out the child. Well, that's what her conscious is telling her. She hates, just hates being called cute. She will slap you or punch you, she's that kind of girl. It's not that Khaleesi loves herself, but it's more of she hates people more than she hates her life, that's why she's so lonely.

OH! And don't talk about her height, she will kill you.

"You just want to know everything about me."

Well... How should we start this...? Well, Khaleesi grew up in a house with mostly boys. She had one younger sister, but that was it. There was three boys, Khaleesi, and her younger sister. Khaleesi was the middle child. When Khaleesi was 6 her mother died, giving birth to her now little sister, being that the kid killed her mother, Khaleesi then tried to kill the baby. She was only a child, but that child took away the thing most precious to Khaleesi. Her mother and herself had an amazing bond, that's the thing about her, that's the thing that killed her inside.

Around that time her dad was already dating, her oldest brothers were in high school, and she was still the baby girl they grew up to know. She was that loving, caring, sweet, short {4'9"} child that was never going to change. They never wanted her to change. Khaleesi was still isolated in her house. She knew more about the tiny holes in her room than she did her own family.

Khaleesi's school life was a lot worse. She had two friends, Tori, and Sam, those were the only people she ever grew to trust, and actually cared for. Khaleesi was bullied, had been bullied since she was in 5th grade. She was tormented outside of school along with inside the classrooms, so Khaleesi got used to the bullying, she never liked it and wanted to die, every day of her life. She grew so numb to the bruises, the name calling, that she finally blocked everyone out, even her friends. You know that weird emo kid in the corner of your classroom, that's what everyone called Khaleesi.

When Khaleesi was 14 the powers finally hit her. She didn't expect them to, but she loved them. The night of her birthday her younger sister began to cry, just cry because she didn't have her blanket, her father was on the couch drinking a beer and Khaleesi went to her sister's aid. She tried helping her, singing to her, make her laugh, nothing worked. Finally after an hour of not sleeping, and listening to the crying child, she blew up. Her body began to sore up, her nails seemed to become claws, her eyes seemed to narrow in on the kid, and then it happened. Khaleesi was screaming at her sister to sleep, screaming at her sister for killing her mom, screaming, and screaming, her voice turning into a growl, her nails ripping the blankets of her sister's bed. She didn't know what was happening, and then she began to cry, and scream, and just let everything out.

Khaleesi ended up on the ground, she ended up on the floor, on a soft pillow like feeling. Her breathing was heavy, but she wasn't herself. Her eyes were apart, but in the middle was not her nose, it was some weird looking thing. It was like she had changed. Her body hurt, her legs were shaking. Slowly she lifted herself up off the ground, but could only see the bed, that was until she was looking up at her sister. Her eyes were narrow, but they saw no color. She seemed to be on her knees, and then she looked down.
Khaleesi's legs were stripped, her eyes screamed with terror as she tried to speak, and only a growl could be heard, well a small one. The tiny, cute, snow leopard was trying to figure out, what it was. That was just the beginning.

"What you people call being an animal, I call being awesome!!"

Shifter, not a shapeshifter, a shifter: She has limits like any other mutant. yes she can shift into any animal, but it's only for a certain amount of time. It's like being the animal, and the longer she is that animal, the more she becomes the animal.

Healing: Khaleesi got the power she always wanted. Well, kinda. She got the ability to heal, which is kinda like necromancy. She could heal, semi quickly, not as quickly as she would like to though. And she can heal minor injuries, for now. She can heal cuts, bruises, minor breaks, and she would like to be able to heal someone who needs a new heart soon, but that may never happen.

Any class that has to do with medicines, and animals.
"Why the hell does that matter?"

Her name is Khaleesi Nayami Targaryen


Call her Khaleesi...

"Any age you want me to be..."

She's 16

"Um, clearly I'm a guy!!"

She's female.


"Meet me and find out bitch."

Khaleesi is a sweet heart. She loves the fluffy things, she loves messing around, being immature, being a child at times, it's just her nature. She adores animals, even if they are the meanest, vicious, most cruel thing you'll ever see, she loves them. Khaleesi loves to climb and just play around and act like a child. She'll roll around on the grass, sit in weird positions, she's just a child. A very cute, short, sweet playful puppy!! Well, at times. You need to trigger that side of her, which can be very hard at times.

She may look sweet but she has the devil inside her. Khaleesi is pure crazy, pure demon. She loves to fight, loves killing things, loves watching things die slowly, and painfully. She is very stubborn, you can not get this girl to do anything. Seriously, you tell her to do one thing, she'll do it the opposite way. She just hates, Hates being told what to do. Don't fuck with her or she'll rip your face clean off. She's completely... what's the word... psycho.

Khaleesi is a one woman show. She walks alone, parties alone, kills alone, and doesn't need anyone, which makes her semi lonely. Even though Khaleesi has this, devil side, she needs someone to bring out the child. Well, that's what her conscious is telling her. She hates, just hates being called cute. She will slap you or punch you, she's that kind of girl. It's not that Khaleesi loves herself, but it's more of she hates people more than she hates her life, that's why she's so lonely.

OH! And don't talk about her height, she will kill you.

"You just want to know everything about me."

Well... How should we start this...? Well, Khaleesi grew up in a house with mostly boys. She had one younger sister, but that was it. There was three boys, Khaleesi, and her younger sister. Khaleesi was the middle child. When Khaleesi was 6 her mother died, giving birth to her now little sister, being that the kid killed her mother, Khaleesi then tried to kill the baby. She was only a child, but that child took away the thing most precious to Khaleesi. Her mother and herself had an amazing bond, that's the thing about her, that's the thing that killed her inside.

Around that time her dad was already dating, her oldest brothers were in high school, and she was still the baby girl they grew up to know. She was that loving, caring, sweet, short {4'9"} child that was never going to change. They never wanted her to change. Khaleesi was still isolated in her house. She knew more about the tiny holes in her room than she did her own family.

Khaleesi's school life was a lot worse. She had two friends, Tori, and Sam, those were the only people she ever grew to trust, and actually cared for. Khaleesi was bullied, had been bullied since she was in 5th grade. She was tormented outside of school along with inside the classrooms, so Khaleesi got used to the bullying, she never liked it and wanted to die, every day of her life. She grew so numb to the bruises, the name calling, that she finally blocked everyone out, even her friends. You know that weird emo kid in the corner of your classroom, that's what everyone called Khaleesi.

When Khaleesi was 14 the powers finally hit her. She didn't expect them to, but she loved them. The night of her birthday her younger sister began to cry, just cry because she didn't have her blanket, her father was on the couch drinking a beer and Khaleesi went to her sister's aid. She tried helping her, singing to her, make her laugh, nothing worked. Finally after an hour of not sleeping, and listening to the crying child, she blew up. Her body began to sore up, her nails seemed to become claws, her eyes seemed to narrow in on the kid, and then it happened. Khaleesi was screaming at her sister to sleep, screaming at her sister for killing her mom, screaming, and screaming, her voice turning into a growl, her nails ripping the blankets of her sister's bed. She didn't know what was happening, and then she began to cry, and scream, and just let everything out.

Khaleesi ended up on the ground, she ended up on the floor, on a soft pillow like feeling. Her breathing was heavy, but she wasn't herself. Her eyes were apart, but in the middle was not her nose, it was some weird looking thing. It was like she had changed. Her body hurt, her legs were shaking. Slowly she lifted herself up off the ground, but could only see the bed, that was until she was looking up at her sister. Her eyes were narrow, but they saw no color. She seemed to be on her knees, and then she looked down.
Khaleesi's legs were stripped, her eyes screamed with terror as she tried to speak, and only a growl could be heard, well a small one. The tiny, cute, snow leopard was trying to figure out, what it was. That was just the beginning.

"What you people call being an animal, I call being awesome!!"

Shifter, not a shapeshifter, a shifter: She has limits like any other mutant. yes she can shift into any animal, but it's only for a certain amount of time. It's like being the animal, and the longer she is that animal, the more she becomes the animal.

Healing: Khaleesi got the power she always wanted. Well, kinda. She got the ability to heal, which is kinda like necromancy. She could heal, semi quickly, not as quickly as she would like to though. And she can heal minor injuries, for now. She can heal cuts, bruises, minor breaks, and she would like to be able to heal someone who needs a new heart soon, but that may never happen.

Any class that has to do with medicines, and animals.
I knew there'd be an Emo kid somewhere! Accepted!
Roku N. Alphva




Not Known

Half- Human, Half- Demon

Power(s) (only two or less!):
Kurohomura: Roku is allowed to use black flames against enemies, which is more painful than regular flames.

Sukurōru shōkan: Roku is allowed to summon things through a scroll, but he is only allowed to summon certain spirit animals.

Bio(at least 5 sentences):
Roku was apart of the Underworld realm, being one of the kings of the Underworld along with his two siblings. They ruled among the souls that lived in their home, until Roku's sister recently heard of a school that Roku could be apart of. She thought it would be great for Roku to go school, because he wasn't really doing much in the Underworld except for enforcing the law in the Underworld. Although firstly disagreeing with his sister, in the end he agreed to satisfy her needs. Now Roku is going to Oliver's School with a sword from his brother, and a necklace from his sister.


Roku is 5'4 and looks super anorexic, because he never eats normal food. He looks weak and pathetic, and acts like a lazy ass. He is actually very smart, but never shows it unless he is forced to. He acts like a tsundere about love, and is very stubborn about love. He always a jacket, but always feels cold.

Desired Classes:
1. Music
2. History
3. Flame Control
4. Psychology
5. Free Period (or Spell Training)
6. English​


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Roku N. Alphva




Not Known

Half- Human, Half- Demon

Power(s) (only two or less!):
Kurohomura: Roku is allowed to use black flames against enemies, which is more painful than regular flames.

Sukurōru shōkan: Roku is allowed to summon things through a scroll, but he is only allowed to summon certain spirit animals.

Bio(at least 5 sentences):
Roku was apart of the Underworld realm, being one of the kings of the Underworld along with his two siblings. They ruled among the souls that lived in their home, until Roku's sister recently heard of a school that Roku could be apart of. She thought it would be great for Roku to go school, because he wasn't really doing much in the Underworld except for enforcing the law in the Underworld. Although firstly disagreeing with his sister, in the end he agreed to satisfy her needs. Now Roku is going to Oliver's School with a sword from his brother, and a necklace from his sister.

View attachment 311176

Roku is 5'4 and looks super anorexic, because he never eats normal food. He looks weak and pathetic, and acts like a lazy ass. He is actually very smart, but never shows it unless he is forced to. He acts like a tsundere about love, and is very stubborn about love. He always a jacket, but always feels cold.

Desired Classes:
1. Music
2. History
3. Flame Control
4. Psychology
5. Free Period (or Spell Training)
6. English​
Name: Matthew Williams
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Grade: Junior
Race: Half summoner/ half human
Beast summon- Due to him being a summoner, Matt can summon all sorts of creatures. It is like projecting his soul, however sine he is only half summoner,it's extremely hard to keep it under control and he becomes super unstable because the human body is simply not meant to be able to project a soul away from a body.
Matt is one of the few of his kind. To meet a summoner is quite rare and to meet one of mixed race is even rarer. Being born a summoner on his mother's side, Matt's grown up knowing quite a bit of his heritage, yet he knows that it is very possible that he wont quite be able to reach those lengths, due to him being part human on his father's side.

Matthew first got his letter when he was about 6. He was amazed to be accepted, but his father and mother were hesitant to let him out of their sight due to both his heritage and his disability. Matt begged and pleaded to the ends of the earth and his parents eventually caved and let him go.


Matt has short dark brown, almost black, hair. He has Heterochromia, with one eye being a very rich chocolate brown, and the other one being a light blue grey. He has a few freckles across his face and wears black glasses. Matt stands at 5'11. He is also heavily inked with tattoos and runes across his body due to his summonings. His tattoos and runes are completely natural for someone of his race
Personality: When he's stable, Matthew is one of the sweetest people you can meet. He is very kind and tries to look out for those who are younger than him. He isn't a genius, but he is smart and enjoys listening to music. He is also social. When he's becoming unstable, it's kinda scary. He begins to act out of character and tries to distance himself away from people that he might hurt. While he's unstable, Matthew becomes very manipulative, cold, and calculating. He also becomes detached in a sense that he doesn't care about what is going on. Matt can get pretty violent during this time, which is why he pushes people away. However, someone that he trusts and cares deeply about, can help him get through it.
Desired Classes: Animancy, music, combat, tactics and strategy

Slothtastic Slothtastic
Name: Matthew Williams
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Grade: Junior
Race: Half summoner/ half human
Beast summon- Due to him being a summoner, Matt can summon all sorts of creatures. It is like projecting his soul, however sine he is only half summoner,it's extremely hard to keep it under control and he becomes super unstable because the human body is simply not meant to be able to project a soul away from a body.
Matt is one of the few of his kind. To meet a summoner is quite rare and to meet one of mixed race is even rarer. Being born a summoner on his mother's side, Matt's grown up knowing quite a bit of his heritage, yet he knows that it is very possible that he wont quite be able to reach those lengths, due to him being part human on his father's side.

Matthew first got his letter when he was about 6. He was amazed to be accepted, but his father and mother were hesitant to let him out of their sight due to both his heritage and his disability. Matt begged and pleaded to the ends of the earth and his parents eventually caved and let him go.


Matt has short dark brown, almost black, hair. He has Heterochromia, with one eye being a very rich chocolate brown, and the other one being a light blue grey. He has a few freckles across his face and wears black glasses. Matt stands at 5'11. He is also heavily inked with tattoos and runes across his body due to his summonings. His tattoos and runes are completely natural for someone of his race
Personality: When he's stable, Matthew is one of the sweetest people you can meet. He is very kind and tries to look out for those who are younger than him. He isn't a genius, but he is smart and enjoys listening to music. He is also social. When he's becoming unstable, it's kinda scary. He begins to act out of character and tries to distance himself away from people that he might hurt. While he's unstable, Matthew becomes very manipulative, cold, and calculating. He also becomes detached in a sense that he doesn't care about what is going on. Matt can get pretty violent during this time, which is why he pushes people away. However, someone that he trusts and cares deeply about, can help him get through it.
Desired Classes: Animancy, music, combat, tactics and strategy

Slothtastic Slothtastic

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