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Fandom Oliver's School for Gifted and Different Children CS

Guys I'm so sorry , I got caught up in a bunch of work once I returned from the trip I was previously talking about.

Name: Ikiru Hito
Aliases: Iki, Grand Alchemist, Life Binder, Warden
Age: 104
Gender: Female
Race: Minor Goddess (Mortal)


Sexuality: Straight
High Concept: A dreamer of better times and the yummiest sweets

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Zurui Kitsune (Father) [Deceased]
    • Former Grand Alchemist before Ikiru. Passed all his knowledge to her in many books of alchemy.
  • Aisuru Jinsei (Mother) [Deceased]
    • Minor diety of life & death in the Japanese pantheon. Her powers were passed on to Ikiru upon birth.

Ikiru, despite her noble lineage, is nothing akin to her duties as both Grand Alchemist of Japan and the new minor goddess of life and death. She is more that of a child, constantly on a quest for the next sweetest treat and worrying about how she is perceived. Although her childish nature makes her seem immature and even weak in the eyes of those who know her parents, she is far from helpless. She is competent and quick, both physically and mentally.

When Ikiru was born she was fated to take her mother's place and her father's title. In youth she expressed her powers, at the time uncontrollable, as well as her knack for alchemy. As she aged she learned just as any human child would in a school, however she also learned to control her magic from her mother in necessity. Her father had soon passed away, but not before Ikiru had surpassed his alchemical prowess. Now a goddess and master among alchemists she left her home nation of Japan in search of a purpose other than granting life and ending it. However in the shadowed nights she resumes her god-bound duty of life and death while in daylight she practices alchemy like nothing before seen.

Roleplay Requirements

  • Rebirth
    • Although the name explains it all there are extreme restraints that must be placed. Rebirth is no simple feat, far from it in fact. To grant one rebirth is a last resort, and even still should be avoided. Why you ask? Unlike many beliefs of rebirth, to be given a second chance at life by Ikiru is to cease to exist in your current form, living as a spirit animal such as an okami or kitsune. The process is also very exhausting, and normally forces Ikiru into a coma-like state to regain enough strength to function once more. This regeneration typically takes two to four days based upon the true worth of one's soul.
  • Twin Spirits
    • When her physical form sleeps she is forced out of her body in two forms. Her gentle and merciful half, and the darker and sinister half. In this state she acts as two different people, a side effect of her split lineage of goddess and man. Although the two spirits have their own unique powers that aid in their task of the beginning and the end, she has yet to learn them.
Items & Personal Belongings:
Alchemical Bag of Holding, Alchemy Tome ×20, Change of clothes x6, Alchemical reagents, Yummy sweets of various kinds, Sleeping bag, Pillow, Alchemical supplies, [TBA]

Skills: Alchemy, Cooking, Subtle Persuasion, Fighting, Teaching

Desired Subject to Teach: Alchemy

Name: Ikiru Hito
Aliases: Iki, Grand Alchemist, Life Binder, Warden
Age: 104
Gender: Female
Race: Minor Goddess (Mortal)


Sexuality: Straight
High Concept: A dreamer of better times and the yummiest sweets

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Zurui Kitsune (Father) [Deceased]
    • Former Grand Alchemist before Ikiru. Passed all his knowledge to her in many books of alchemy.
  • Aisuru Jinsei (Mother) [Deceased]
    • Minor diety of life & death in the Japanese pantheon. Her powers were passed on to Ikiru upon birth.

Ikiru, despite her noble lineage, is nothing akin to her duties as both Grand Alchemist of Japan and the new minor goddess of life and death. She is more that of a child, constantly on a quest for the next sweetest treat and worrying about how she is perceived. Although her childish nature makes her seem immature and even weak in the eyes of those who know her parents, she is far from helpless. She is competent and quick, both physically and mentally.

When Ikiru was born she was fated to take her mother's place and her father's title. In youth she expressed her powers, at the time uncontrollable, as well as her knack for alchemy. As she aged she learned just as any human child would in a school, however she also learned to control her magic from her mother in necessity. Her father had soon passed away, but not before Ikiru had surpassed his alchemical prowess. Now a goddess and master among alchemists she left her home nation of Japan in search of a purpose other than granting life and ending it. However in the shadowed nights she resumes her god-bound duty of life and death while in daylight she practices alchemy like nothing before seen.

Roleplay Requirements

  • Rebirth
    • Although the name explains it all there are extreme restraints that must be placed. Rebirth is no simple feat, far from it in fact. To grant one rebirth is a last resort, and even still should be avoided. Why you ask? Unlike many beliefs of rebirth, to be given a second chance at life by Ikiru is to cease to exist in your current form, living as a spirit animal such as an okami or kitsune. The process is also very exhausting, and normally forces Ikiru into a coma-like state to regain enough strength to function once more. This regeneration typically takes two to four days based upon the true worth of one's soul.
  • Twin Spirits
    • When her physical form sleeps she is forced out of her body in two forms. Her gentle and merciful half, and the darker and sinister half. In this state she acts as two different people, a side effect of her split lineage of goddess and man. Although the two spirits have their own unique powers that aid in their task of the beginning and the end, she has yet to learn them.
Items & Personal Belongings:
Alchemical Bag of Holding, Alchemy Tome ×20, Change of clothes x6, Alchemical reagents, Yummy sweets of various kinds, Sleeping bag, Pillow, Alchemical supplies, [TBA]

Skills: Alchemy, Cooking, Subtle Persuasion, Fighting, Teaching

Desired Subject to Teach: Alchemy
(Hi! I would like to join. I got 2 questions tho
1. Well.. is it ok if i join in the first place?
2. Is there something else i need to be aware of? (Time period, etc etc etc. I read the summary etc but i want to be sure i got everything :D )
(Hi! I would like to join. I got 2 questions tho
1. Well.. is it ok if i join in the first place?
2. Is there something else i need to be aware of? (Time period, etc etc etc. I read the summary etc but i want to be sure i got everything :D )
You can join. And it's a modern setting.

Name: Charlotte 'Charli' Dawson
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Grade: ?
Race: Sorceress
Power(s) (only two or less!): Charlotte is able to "control"/ manipulate fire to an certain extent.
Bio(at least 5 sentences): Charlotte Dawson was born into a small family of three, involving her, her mother, and her older brother who she adored more than anything in the world. She never had any real issues with neither friends or family until she was 12 and began to play around with fire due to boredom. Due to an accident she made the flame lower and higher. Her mother was furious when she found out about the actions of her only daughter, and Charlotte's strongest memory is of her mother scolding her after being thoughtless. Charli never understood her mother, and just found it amazing.
Soon enough she learned what it truly meant to play with fire, and to never underestimate it's power. During the time she was in school a fire had started in their kitchen, and caused their house to burn down with her brother inside. She was devastated by these news, not even caring about their house or their possessions and only wanted her brother back.
Description: Charlotte is a young woman with thick, red hair and striking blue eyes. Her hair is rather thick and often have issues with "controlling " it, which made her hate it as a child. However, she have learned to accept it lately. She stand at 5'6 making her the shortest in her family, and wears glasses most of the time as she's often too lazy to put on contacts. Sometimes she doesn't even bother putting on her glasses in the first place.
Desired Classes: Magical flora and fauna, Music, and combat/tactics/strategy

Name: Charlotte 'Charli' Dawson
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Grade: ?
Race: Sorceress
Power(s) (only two or less!): Charlotte is able to "control"/ manipulate fire to an certain extent.
Bio(at least 5 sentences): Charlotte Dawson was born into a small family of three, involving her, her mother, and her older brother who she adored more than anything in the world. She never had any real issues with neither friends or family until she was 12 and began to play around with fire due to boredom. Due to an accident she made the flame lower and higher. Her mother was furious when she found out about the actions of her only daughter, and Charlotte's strongest memory is of her mother scolding her after being thoughtless. Charli never understood her mother, and just found it amazing.
Soon enough she learned what it truly meant to play with fire, and to never underestimate it's power. During the time she was in school a fire had started in their kitchen, and caused their house to burn down with her brother inside. She was devastated by these news, not even caring about their house or their possessions and only wanted her brother back.
Description: Charlotte is a young woman with thick, red hair and striking blue eyes. Her hair is rather thick and often have issues with "controlling " it, which made her hate it as a child. However, she have learned to accept it lately. She stand at 5'6 making her the shortest in her family, and wears glasses most of the time as she's often too lazy to put on contacts. Sometimes she doesn't even bother putting on her glasses in the first place.
Desired Classes: Magical flora and fauna, Music, and combat/tactics/strategy
Name: Cinder Ashwood
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Grade: 10th
Race: Elemental/Elf
Power(s) (only two or less!): Cinder can control fire and speak to animals
Bio(at least 5 sentences): Cinder is very shy and quiet, she can often be found drinking tea and listening to classical music or music from the 1920's through the 1940's. She doesn't converse very often and mostly keeps to herself in and outside of classes. She usually keeps one to two friends if any. She has a pet rat who she counts as her very best friend named Cane. She often carries him around on her shoulder and she holds him dearly to her heart. (Cane is also blind)

Desired Classes: Cinder loves to study astronomy and plants, she keeps a lot of plants where ever she goes. She'd also like to learn how to control and use her powers better. she also loves foreign languages.

At the moment we don't offer the classes that you have put down. We have tactics and battle, magical Flora and Fauna, alchemy, music, and animancy.
At the moment we don't offer the classes that you have put down. We have tactics and battle, magical Flora and Fauna, alchemy, music, and animancy.

Alchemy and animancy sound cool, so does music. If you can magical Flora and Fauna. Those sound most interesting, but whatever you can fit me into. :))
Name: Oslo Royce "Tower"
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Grade: Junior
Race: Golem
Power(s): Growth- Capable of growing to great sizes as he towers above trees which provides him greater strength and defensive fortitude.
Density Increase- Can increase his bodies density which intern increases his weight and defensive capabilities.
Bio(at least 5 sentences): Oslo was created 17 years ago by a wizard who wanted to protect his home, family and creations from those who would wish to take them from him. He actually found himself enjoying the company of the wizards children as they liked to play with him around the garden as Oslo would protect the home. Oslo did his best to fulfill his duty to the wizard until his creator moved away one day. Without a word to him one day the wizard and his family just abandoned him at the home where he had been ordered to remain and protect. Oslo remained in front of the home for years through fierce rainfall, blowing snow storms, thunder and lightning, and tornadoes until the sad tattered building fell. Now without a purpose Oslo roamed the land looking for where he could go, where he could belong, where he would find his new reason to continue on.

Description: Despite his human appearance his body is actually made of granite like stone. He stands at 6"4' and weighs about 700lbs. Sadly, his body is often said to feel cold but he is often warm to those of command.
Desired Classes: Combat, Tactics and Strategy

Name: James
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Grade: Junior
Race: Druid
Powers: Flora Magic - Controlling/Talking to Plants
Fauna Magic - using an animal part to enhance your self (bear claw=enhanced strength)
Bio: James was raised a relatively normal kid growing up but on his 6th birthday that all changed, he started to hear voices when no one was around. He thought he had gone crazy until one day while sitting under a tree he was mad and so he kicked the tree hurting his foot but he also heard someone say "Now thats was smart." He looked at the tree a asked if it just talked and it said yes. That was the beginning of his journey as a druid. He learned more about his powers and found he could do more than talk to plants he could order them. He now is trying to further his knowledge about being a druid and why he is one and not his family.
Appearance: James is 6ft' 5in with a lith build. He has a handsome face with a scar running from his right eyebrow across his nose and down his left cheek as well as green eyes and shoulder length red hair. He usually wears a green t shirt, cargo shorts, and flip flops. He has a leather cord necklace with a claw, a feather, a scale, a tooth, and a bone.
Desired Classes: Combat, Magical Flora and fauna, and alchemy.
Name: Francis Sato /// /// Sam Chaney
Age: 14 /// /// 14
Gender: Cisgender male /// /// Genderfluid, assigned female at first
Sexuality: Pansexual /// /// Pansexual
Race: Nopperabou /// /// Vampire
Powers: Facial disappearance and surviving that, outgoing telepathy /// /// Wall climbing, shapeshifting into a rat
Bio(at least 5 sentences): Can I skip this and reveal it later?
Appearance: Short, thin, with a slim jaw and black hair of moderate length, and black eyes. Often makes his face disappear, sometimes intentionally, sometimes as a tic. /// /// Short, heavy-set both of fat and muscular, with dark hair that just nearly reaches the shoulders when down, gray eyes, fair skin, and large feet. A wide face with a jaw that rounds to a pointed chin and a lot of space between the eyes and the eyebrows. Has a below-knee amputation on the left leg.
Desired Classes: IDK /// /// IDK
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Name: Pippy Ingar
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Grade: 10th
Race: Bosmer
Power(s) (only two or less!): The Ability To Control Plants And Earth
Bio(at least 5 sentences): When Pippy was young his family suffered the loss of his sister, Katelyn, who he was very close with for years, he started to get quiet and wouldn't talk unless it was with close friends but recently has been opening up (He Will Talk But Will Not Start Many Conversation)

When Pippy was 13 he learnt about his powers when he was attacking by a pack of wild animals in the woods where his family used to go camping, at first he hid them from everyone but after he got the leaflet about 'Oliver's School For Gifted And Different Children' he choose to try and learn about his powers more.


Desired Classes: Fauna and Flora, Combat and Tactics and something Like Maths or Science

(Pippy Is British, So Anyone He Talks To Should Be Able To Hear It)
Slothtastic Slothtastic
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