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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Olivera Magical Defense Academy Characters (Always Accepting)

What race is the best?

  • The Forgotten

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • The Touched

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • The Corrupted

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


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Olivera Magical Defense Academy Character Page

  • Welcome
    Hi Everyone! Thanks for your interest in the Olivera Magical Defense Academy RP. Please read the lore page for any details on the RP and character specifics. Now let's get a couple rules out of the way bleh.

    Note: Lore is still being actively developed until the RP begins and will continue to evolve afterwards, please feel free to share your ideas in the OOC.

    1. Absolutely No God Modding. If someone goes Awol and gets another player stuck, message me and we can work something out through the story.

    2. Try to post at least 2-3 paragraphs of substance per post. An RP always goes better when we have something interesting to work off of! (of course there are certain situations, such as intense dialogue, when this rule can't 100% be followed. In those instances, it's fine to not post 2-3 paragraphs, just don't abuse this exception.)

    3. Keep all discussions out of character discussions in OOC and private messages.

    4. Multiple characters are allowed, but please keep it to 2 main characters. If you'd like more then 2, please message me. Approval is on a case by case basis.

    5. Character deaths will be allowed after a certain point, but needs to be discussed beforehand.

    6. Most importantly, don't be an ass! Let's all get along.
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G.N Twenty-nine. (G.N [pronounced like Jian], rarely referred as just 29)


Corruption fluctuates, affecting not only on his mental state, but his physiological one. Predominantly owing both his mana and blood circulation (through which the corruption flows most rampantly), his skin pigmentation is subject to sudden and erratic paleness, either spreading or diminishing; in which case, such aberration makes for a cogent gage of the level of present corruption awakened inside him. Being tells of demonic transformation - it's the furthest affliction G.N had allowed himself to succumb over years.


"Good and evil is but a thought apart."

Incessant demonic ictuses and an abject childhood begets a character who's irascible, acerbic, and moreover, suffering slight instability. He is not a saint deep within, nor does he care. Nonetheless, G.N's sole principle is the one feature about him that remains reliably consistent: Kindness will be repaid, but enmity is repaid many, countless times over!

A union involving a Corrupted had always played, played out, as most would expect of it. A life lying on the cold, northern reaches - a wayfaring tribe from the outskirts so free of worries, pollution and grinding machinery however far away, ravaged one night by those Fallen. In the end, the men have managed to drive the depraved forces away, but not before many died, children and old, before women were raped and slaughtered, dogs and chickens slewed without any spared. Yet people move on, regardless the tragedy. Humans adapted and recovered.

Those that survived sought to rebuild their homes, mourn the deceased, and comfort their loved ones. A woman violated during the disaster, comforted herself by clinging to the warmth of her husband, clinging to the belief that the life in her stomach was his. After nine dreadful months, a small infant was born, sickly but active. To the mother, he was perfect - she held him and had cried the entire day, fear no longer burdening her heart. When the boy had grown, around to the age of 6, he was diagnosed to be very ill, his talent for magic feeble.

This brought the family distraught because the tribe would not support the weak, rather they would cast those deemed useless to die. His parents were of course disheartened, but it had always been like this for generations, and so, they readily accepted his fate. However, he did not. Though the adults pretended and hid these matters before him, the little boy understood. When the day came that his father brought him to the wilderness, with notion of abandoning, the young boy felt the world was unfair. The bitterness and irritation that he nursed ever since finally answered to the demonic temptation. He blew off a chunk of his father's shoulder.

When he woke up from the lurking darkness, he found his body battered and half-dead, but he woke up. His nonbiological father couldn't bring himself to kill him, the bastard child. Hours passed by as insects continuously fed on his scarred flesh and sweet blood. Until he had needed water, needed it terribly. Dragging his way to the nearest stream, he quenched his severe thirst, marking the beginning to his new life. He lived the next handful years, wandering aimlessly the mountainous plains, lonely. Still, survival provided him plenty distraction.

Even though his magic talent was abysmal, he was another type of talent. He was 12 years old that day. Walking an undetermined path, but a path that was his, he encountered a human, corrupted in all essence. Although he could tell the other party was injured and escaping, he understood well his capabilities and his limits - he ran, and the chase begun.

And then, it had ended just as swiftly; the thousands of kilometer stretches of land around was his world: its ins and outs, machinations of its stars and calls of its winds, each and everything belonged to him, were memorized by him. The boy was a genius, especially toward battle. A moment's window was all it took to shatter the throat. The Corrupted lost sight for a moment and was ambushed in a moment. The men who were tasked to subjugate the rogue Corrupted arrived and witnessed a disheveled boy pilfering the ex-magus and were left dumbfounded.

However, it wasn't part of their mission to rescue any stray wolf youths they just so happen to meet, compounding the fact they would also rather keep any entirety of the rewards to themselves. Taking advantage - that was human nature. Despite their cursory greetings falling empty, the men indifferently seized the head to bring back, and the young boy did not care. Instead, he trailed behind their horses on his own volition, and the men did not care. They eventually led him to a city amd where he would learn of Olivera Academy.

Perhaps out of pity, a sense of obligations, or likely the need to fulfill his own narcissism - one of the soldiers bought the boy clothing to replace his obscene rags, but any further ideas of care ended there. That was fine. The boy left to explore his new environment, figuring things out on his own. In the era of technology, there were still multiple facets of human society that didn't change, stemming from inherent desires. Even wise men enjoyed occasional drinking, gambling, sex, brawling, and the list goes on.

Birds died for food and people died for wealth. It wasn't difficult for him to realize this: the importance of money. More or less with this branded in mind, he stumbled his way into a fight club from an underground circuit whose system was back by a particular host, an interweb ran by a dark hand behind the curtains, Gentle Net - a name unbefitting itself. A boy who wasn't even in his teens made for a comical sight amidst the filth. He obviously stood out. Worse of all, he came to the most noxious and basest of fight clubs, knowingly. Afterall, they had the best rates. The patrons and frequenters themselves could be considered the lowest scum of society - affiliated with the underworld culture - these were people who have committed myriads of immoral deeds. The sort of people who would be the least concerned about an underaged boy barging into a dangerous place such as theirs.

That boy, however, only stood and observed. He did not bother them. They also did not bother him, but for a completely different reason. By night, he had left. He returned the next day and repeated this again, and again, until it seemed like a common occurrence. Then, just breaking this chain so soon and flippantly after they had ultimately gotten used to him, he had went ahead and enrolled himself into a match only two weeks in since his appearance, bringing the group much surprise and even interest, which could only further evolved into shock; because he had watched, calculated, and specially trained for two weeks, the boy knew precisely who he would be up against and moreover his odds of winning. Though the villainous crowd did not yet know his exact abilities, they still thought that the kid was damn f*cking lucky.

He won.

By the time he had turned 15, he became known there as G.N Sixty-Six, after his ranking in the fight club, because he had given them no name, his moniker fluently varying along with his place on the ladder. In the same year, he attempted to pay fare to attend Olivera Academy. Though he had honed his magic skills through years of unrestrained fights, his goal had always been set further, higher. He wanted to know what the academy could offer him.

There was not a single day where he didn't have to bear the demonic song clawing the depth of his consciousness - he needed this, the school, a change for hope. Passing the entrance exams, he juggled his time between the academy and the underground fights out of necessity, well hiding still the fact he's a Half-Corrupted.

Now a third-year in Olivera, his name had since then changed to G.N Twenty-nine.

He's simply meant to walk the path of battle.

Character Role:
Control (In the sense that he controls the momentum of the fight through analysis and planning).

Overall Talent:

Talent Mastery Level:

Constellation Mapping: During the ancient era, scholars have once relied on the stars to determine the trajectory of fate. Derived from similar sentiments, G.N had self-contrived a small, cheap trick - an auxiliary skill. Projecting a scaled-down starry sky - each numerous stars pertains to a particular variable: aspects of the surrounding, of people, of himself. For every change, minor or critical, the stars shift slightly in their formation. Esoteric in his method, by reading the stars G.N is able to less muddledly visualize his own convoluted thought process, allowing him to predict and induce his opponent's action with near-perfect speed and accuracy while abating the inevitable mental strain.

Innate Strengths:
Mana efficiency/control
Genius intellect
Keen Instincts.
Fighting (Assassination)
A frighteningly tenacious will

Innate Weaknesses:
Sub-average Mana pool (having further allocated a portion out to repress his inherent corruption)
Crippled mana output
Prone to sudden weakness
Sporadic lapses of corruption

Anything Extra:
Having intimate contact with criminal networks for so long, G.N had developed skills in espionage as well as anti-espionage.He's also fairly good at reading people, despite being somewhat cynical
NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
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Name: PARIS SCARBOROUGH - NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Touched

Personal appearance:

Extras: He wears his sunglasses near constantly to hide his bright apple green eyes - which glow slightly in darkness

Sexuality: Sapiosexual

Personality: Paris tends to react to most things in a rather blasé manner. His keen intellect and his ability to adapt to a situation with relative ease tend to leave him seemingly bored with the goings on of daily life. There is nothing he likes more than a mystery - but finding a mystery that actually gives him pause has become a bit of a chore as of late. The only things that still draw his attention are people - and he considers himself a bit of a social vampire - as he will insert himself into social situations just to experience the various nuances of those around him, as he tries to understand how they think and feel. This has a rather unfortunate side effect in that when he finally comes to understand someone, he will most likely start ignoring them as they have become predictable and thus boring. Internally he craves something complex to confound him, or someone who is like him, who can keep his mind focused on them - and silently, he fears that one day life will become so predictable and boring, that he would no longer see any reason in taking part in it.

Backstory: Paris was born in ACTIUM to a young woman - a powerful runic 'touched' in her own right - and her longtime lover - a 'forgotten' who studied theoretical mathematics and statistics. As brilliant as the two were, they were also wild. Little more than a year after his birth - and for the next fifteen years since then, they constantly moved - travelling all over the continents, his mother and father often trying to get as close to Compendium as possible - for short periods, if only to study the effects of the environment. The family dynamic had never been one anyone would consider 'usual'. His mother considered him her prodigy - while his father remained singularly devoted to her - and only really took care of Paris because his partner insisted they 'bond'.

Because of his upbringing, Paris was always exposed to new and exciting things - never having to 'get used to' anything for too long, before he was allowed to experience something new, in a new city, in a new language. His mother and father made sure that he was always kept up to date on the latest developments in all things regarding magic, science, art, politics, economics etc. etc. Evenings were not spent around a dining table in a comfortable house, but around a large table, in some or other exotic restaurant - where celebrated authors and academics would debate loudly over drinks and cigarettes.

Having grown up around people of heightened intelligence for most of his life, he never realised that the majority of the world did not really think about things in regards initial clauses and logical frameworks. When he first started experimenting with the idea of interacting with other people - he was appalled to find that the few strangers he approached were unable to hold a conversation about anything of merit for any reasonable length of time. This realisation could not have come at a worse time, as his mother passed away suddenly - a massive haemorrhage in her brain having rendered her paralysed in her office chair while at the university she had been working for, the 'do not disturb' sign outside keeping everyone away long enough for her brain to be far beyond hope of recovery long before they found her.

At the age of sixteen, Paris effectively lost both his parents - as his father returned to Actium where he had grown up, leaving Paris in the care of MIDA, in Tres Angeles - with enough money to finish his education at Olivera's. Having never had the chance to effectively be 'alone' - nor having had to care for himself ever before, the situation has taken a toll on his mind. While he was able to learn fast - faster than most people could ever hope to - he was still effectively a child. Responsibility was something he could understand but never had to employ outside of his own studies. His mother had always been the one to show him what he was supposed to be working towards... and now suddenly he had a future ahead of him that he had to plan - on his own.

Within a year he changed quite a bit - and before his seventeenth birthday, he was almost unrecognisable. He studied social interaction and refined it to the point of an art - easily enough rebuffing any of the concerns of the handlers send by the government to 'see after his good health and fortune'. Their constant questions as to whether he was doing fine irritated him and the child psychologists were so predictable in their approaches that he found their methods nearly laughable. He quickly built up a persona of someone who was capable, and unconcerned with how life was turning out - as if all things were going exactly according to plan. He was rather amused to find, that not long after embracing this mentality - his life really was well structured - and that everything really was going according to plan. Life imitating art, he supposed.

He was now in a new school - he was brilliant, he was capable, he was confident - He only needed to make the most of this situation, before he would leave and... find something else to do. Something great. What that was... well, he supposed that too would fall into place whenever it would.

Snapshot: Enscribing Runes of Power Onto and Into Mundane Objects, and Rendering them 'Magical'

Character Role: CONTROL - AUGMENTATIVE - His Primary focus making sure that the situation is being maintained and regulated outside of direct personal combat - thus, he will be the one to study the enemy, their methods and tools - before restructuring the environment and the tools of his allies in such a way so as to be maximally effective against whatever they are facing.

Overall Talent: Light Rune Scribe
Talent Mastery Level: Renowned


  • Alchemical Shift - He inscribes a rune into a weapon, or onto a person who either uses a non-elemental or elemental based weapon or spell and then transcribes the nature of that attack. Thus, a gun, or bow shooting normal bullets, arrows or lasers - will perhaps now temporarily shoot projectiles or beams of cold, fire, lightning, air, water. This is very effective when an enemy is specifically resistant to a specific kind of damage.
  • Imbued Ink - He can create 'tattoos' on himself or others that allow him to gain specific abilities. These ruins draw a consistent rate of energy from him, which means he can't have more than three on him at the same time. He can place a single one on up to five other people - which stay effective for about 8 hours. They take an hour each to change. Some of the effects they can have would be-
  1. Sound Mimicry
  2. Breathing underwater
  3. Seeing in the dark
  4. Reading Encrypted Languages
  5. Understanding Most Spoken Languages*
  6. Making Him resistant to certain kinds of damage
  7. Sensing magic and knowing what kind of magic it is*
  8. Allowing him to jump great distances and making him generally very dexterous
  9. Walking up walls and on the ceiling
  10. Removing the need to sleep - he still needs to rest, but can do light reading or other light activity*
  11. etc.
  • Guards and Wards - He can create seals and runes on surfaces that react to set parameters, like silent alarms, lights that react to his presence, to hiding a secret doorway, rendering protective barriers to more extreme examples like explosive and reactive, or paralysing effects. These take anything from 1-6 hours to set up.
  • Flash Paper - He can store prepared runes in a pocketbook that he carries around with him. These can be activated on short notice, and include things like temporary barriers strong enough to resist heavy machine gun fire for a few minutes, to a teleportation circle that can get him and a few others out of a nasty situation. He makes sure to update this as often as possible - but they are single use, and take time and money to replace - which he does not always have.
Other Talents: He has learned to play the piano and the violin as a means to develop his hand-eye coordination, as well as the dexterity of his fingers. This means he can write down his glyphs faster than most people can write their own names. He can also read very fast, and retain most of what he has heard, smelt, seen, or felt. To augment his already retentive memory, he also uses various mnemonic and other memory techniques to keep his mind sharp.

Innate Strengths: He has rather sharp eyes, and is a very quick thinker. He can analyse a situation faster than most people can react. As such, he is rarely caught off guard. This also makes him rather immune to most illusory magic, as they need to produce an illusion that compensates for all the 'inquiries' his mind makes every second, in order to facilitate a believable illusion. And since he can think faster than they can create, he can often spot the flaws in an illusion, making him aware of the false reality.

Innate Weaknesses: He has a rather low mana pool, and needs to be very conservative with his use of glyphs. This is why he makes sure to prepare as much as possible beforehand - so as to not be caught short. He also becomes bored with things very quickly and will take some things for granted simply because he has become so familiar with it.

Anything Extra: (Optional) While living in areas where the drinking and smoking age limit was rather lax, he has taken to drinking to dull his mind, and cigarettes to feed his brain nicotine to keep him focused when he is working on something big. Having moved recently - he has become rather fidgety - as he can no longer drink or smoke legally. He likes to use the 'club' atmosphere to replace the general daze he got from his drugs of choice - and will often go to them and just sit in a booth - reading while enjoying the mindless noise in the background.
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awesome, i'm glad there's so much interest. DM me if you'd like to be an instructor or a corrupted. Let's try to make the characters balanced between Touched and Forgotten, I will try to keep a list of accepted characters in a tab on this page for easy viewing on what's been taken. Remember, let me know if your character does not fall within any of the available character roles.
Basic Info

Name: Sasha Bellion
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Touched


Extras: Height 5’4
Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Sasha is sweet, optimistic, and compassionate. She’s a perfectionist and stubborn when it comes to things she cares about. The kind of girl who sings causing the attraction of cute woodland creatures. She’s upbeat and always trying to keep her friends in a good mood. She’s welcoming to everyone she meets and usually has something clever or witty to say. Sasha can usually be found in the library reading up on magical history or hanging out with her friends.

Backstory: Sasha has been attending the academy for the last few years. Both of her parents were master magicians, knowing to everyone as some of the best of the best. They also made a great team being an attacker and defender type of magicians. Her mother had telepathy and father was a great swordsmen. Unfortunately her father fell corrupted after a long battle against the influence of the evil of the siren song. In his rage he attacked his wife and Sasha trying to convince them to turn too. Her mother died protecting young Sasha and her father fled never to be seen again.

Since then she was taken in by a non-magical family that was close to her own. Raised along-side their own children and encouraged to develop her magic, by attending Olivera’s. She was never treated any differently because of her powers and in turn she learned how to accept and appreciate the abilities of the Forgotten. She’s become best friends with Clark Mayfield, the oldest son of her adoptive family. Sasha will always come to his defense, and is excited that he finally agreed to attend school with her this year.


Snapshot: Sasha can influence the emotions of others.
Character Role: Control
Overall Talent: Pheromone control
Talent Mastery Level: Renowned
Charming: Increasing desire/lust to bring down an enemies guard by using Oxytocin. The attraction resulting from this make it harder for opponents to attack.
Nightmare: Increasing fear/terrors of the opponent in an attempt to cripple them or drive them crazy by using a concoction of pheromones.
Other Talents: Gymnast
Innate Strengths: Fast reflexes/ flexible
Innate Weaknesses: Terrible at reading :P Jk Bad aim (Shooting/ Similar Weaponry)

Basic Info

Name: Clark Mayfield
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Forgotten


Extras: Height 5’6
Sexuality: Straight




Character Role:
Overall Talent:
Talent Mastery Level:
Other Talents:
Innate Strengths:
Very intelligent/ Quick learner
Innate Weaknesses: Weak physically
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|| W.I.P Version 2 ||
Basic Info

Tsuyoku Kyōryokuna
[First Name Means, Strong Within and Second Name Means, Powerful]

Tsukano, Kou, Tsuyori, Toki






Not so much extra as something to expand on being her rather- obvious lack of an eye and an arm which both will be applied, explained further below as to her metal prosthetic's uses in battle however as to how it came about is a different subject, she was in fact born with two arms, and as the scar would let you know both eyes as well but due to a certain…. incident. Both her lost tragically, the bunny shown beside her is almost always somewhere near her side or hidden away safely, despite her rebellious and tough looks the strange cuddly animal albeit with a strange eyepatch is quite the comforting companion it seems.

Unsure. She's never really explored her preferential interest in the sexes of others, but she thinks that what matters far more than what is in someones pants is what their personality is like.

Personality: (What's your character's deal, what's he/she like? Try to be detailed, 1 paragraph minimum.)
//TBA, To Be Added//

Backstory: (What is your characters history and motivation? How did they come to be at Olivera Academy? It's fine if you want to your character to remain aloof and mysterious, but try to be as detailed as possible. 2 paragraph minimum, 3-4 preferred, but feel free to go longer)
//TBA, To Be Added//


Kou is a vicious and merciless attacker with her sword and her abilities of metal manipulation and elemental magic in the area of fire make her one heck of a force to be recorded with in a bad mood that's for sure.

Character Role:

Overall Talent:
Kou specialises in using both her chosen weapon of a traditional (Be it very technologically advanced material-wise) Japanese katana and her own arm metal prosthetic arm in battle, her abilities of metal manipulation allowing her to changes the blades weight, shape, harness, curve and all matter of things depending on the situation in a rather intellectual way, it isn't unheard of for her to have combined material from the two to make a scythe blade though whenever such happens it generally ends up in, well- extreme chaos and an expensive new limb purchase for herself. Another magic that you could say goes in hand with her first if that of her fire elemental control, heating things up as they'd say with conductive forces causing not only cuts but burns, she's not so much talented in the respect of using it by itself, but when in combination or better said channeled through something such as her own arm or blade she becomes surprisingly adept over the subject at hand.

Talent Mastery Level:
Competent, Kou is rather skilled with her magic, relying and using the right magic at the right time to defeat foes with ease though it depends on her temper control a lot more than she'd like to let on, she's be capable of great things if it were only for her mind not becoming blurred with anger so easily.

-Metallic Whisper (The ability to manipulate metal she is in contact with.)
-Infernal Charge (Fire elemental manipulate technique.)
-Grim Scythe (Summoning, or rather transforming certain metal substances she's familiar with into the form of a threatening and dangerous scythe, though not something she can normally achieve when her falling anger is tipped over the edge she has created the weapon a few times here and there, what follows certainly wasn't pretty.)
-Burning Steel (Essentially flame charging her weapons via conducting her fire powers through them.)

Other Talents:
-Japanese Sword Skills And Techniques, though not something she uses in battle despite what her chosen weapon would lead you to think the girl is in knowledge of and regularly practices the different movements with high precision and accuracy, though more of a meditation and concentration technique for the girl, a breath of fresh air and a chance to calm down.
-Specialising in swords does mean her legs aren't all that much of a force when it comes to leg to leg combat besides her agile abilities and speedy manoeuvres, they're essentially noodles in battle, but without letting it on all that much she can through a pretty darn mean punch in cases where her sword is lost form hand, an arm made almost purely of heavy metal certainly haps in an added power to the hits but even without she can be surprisingly good one handed, though it'll never be her preferred tactic, almost a boxing like style of hitting combined with martial arts.
-Agile, having such a small frame give or take it being evidently well built she's not exactly able to take hits but she's quick to make up for it, from dodging to sprinting off into things head on as her personality goes she's a force to be dealt with.
-Tactical, Kou has quite the brain in her head even with the downfall of her uncontrollable anger outbursts, and having such specific abilities as her own means she's got to use it and be smart about it too, form working out what shape of blade may help to heating up things at a split second decision she has to time things right and be in close combat, to early and she could waste precise energy, to late ad she'll be knocked out like a light.
Innate Strengths:
-High stamina.
-Naturally talented in the field of battle.
-High attacks.

Innate Weaknesses: (What are your character's base weaknesses? ie. low defense, low mana pool, low stamina, no talent for physical activities, etc. REAL weaknesses please, don't put something like "doesn't like to read" as a weakness. It's all about balancing your character.)
-Low defence, as much as she can dish it out she certainly can't take it back in.
-Her precision in battle when it comes to magic is also due to her not incredibly large mana pool, each attack is timed and she has to finish things quickly or risk running out too soon before the battle is over.
-Distracted, her fiery temper often blurs her judgement in battle and stops her from achieving her full ability.
-Risky, she'll make decisions that most others wouldn't dare dream of or take a way far more dangerous simply for the sake of it being quicker.

Anything Extra:
Basic Info

Name: Ae-ra Rose Park
Extras: 5'4 Nicknames: Ae, Klutz, Doll
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Touched



Personality: Ae-ra is an ambivert (extrovert and introvert), She loves the company of others that she can get comfortable with but when she is required to do something in public like singing or speaking then she’s not interested. She is joyful and loves to see her loves one’s happy but at times she could get violent like when she accidentally stabbed her 2st grade teacher’s thigh with a pencil because she got a C on her spelling test. It is hard for her to get comfortable around people she does not have a friendly relationship with and cannot get comfortable or build up the courage to talk to boys she fancies. She loves compliments.
Backstory: She was born in Magsaysay, Bristones to a Bristonese Mother named Jessica Cruz and a Kirakosanese Father named Joo-sun Park and they spoke Ilonggo at home and her father and her spoke both Korean and English while her mother only spoke Tagalog and Ilonggo. She was born and raised there until she was 5 years old and her parents gave birth to a second child, Koisandra Park and was born in Tres Angeles Canada. On Ae-ra's 7th birthday her grandmother moved in with them so that they could be watched over as the parents were at work most of the day. Ae-ra didn’t know she had been magical until she heard her pet Owl, Luna talk to her when she was 8.


Snapshot: Ae-ra can speak to animals and befriend them, she can summon things for 12 hours, can make someone do something, Can heal plants, people or animals and can see energy or emotions.
Character Role: Support
Overall Talent: Summoning magic, can summon anything at will but lasts for 12 hours and nothing more or less. Anything with a soul cannot be summoned by will, only at times at need and not when she desires.
Talent Mastery Level: Competent
Specialties: Beast Taming and Communication: Could Tame animals in a way that isn’t as mundane as just giving them treats and could speak to them like a human to human conversation. Manipulation: Can change a person’s will for anything, like love, perspective, etc…
Summoning Arts: Can summon anything when focused and can only last for 12 hours. Cannot summon anything with a soul or ability to move, but if she is in great need of someone or some-animal it appears out of desire.
Divine Eye: Has the ability to see divine things like the source of magic and the emotions of someone by seeing what color their heart glows.
Remedial Heart: Has the ability to heal those she cares about with the right emotion, love. If she is focused enough the person, animal or plant could be revived but not from the dead, only minor or major injuries like a 3rd degree burn or poison.
Other Talents: She is serious in the arts and wishes to be in a mundane arts school called TAADA (Tres Angeles Academy of the Dramatic Arts) because she wishes to become a broadway legend and she also has perfect grades for most subjects but Phys' Ed.
Innate Strengths: Ranged Combat, Sharp eye sight, High combat, High Intelligence, Wit, Cunning,
Innate Weaknesses: Flexibility, Close combat, Low combat, Courage, Easily gets bruises.
Anything Extra: Has a Snowy Owl named Luna that has a Black Crescent moon on her forehead.
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Basic InfoName: Katarina (refuses to give out her last name)

Kat, The Screaming Nightmare





Kat has a large amount of scars spread throughout her body. She is not ashamed or embarassed about the scars, and does not care enough to hide them. She is 5'10".


As a child, Kat was a happy go lucky carefree kid, but her life experiences have hardened her heart. She is very short tempered and has a low tolerance for nonsense. If she is wronged, she will often go out of her way to get some kind of vindication, sometimes at a cost that hardly seems worth the victory. Because of her physical condition, she is often napping in hiding spots around the campus. Despite all that, deep deep deeeeeep down, Kat is basically a good person, as long as you catch her on a good day.

Katarina is the daughter of two well loved and highly regarded former students. Her mother was an extremely powerful magic user, able to weave a wide range of spells and abilities with an almost inexhaustible ease. Her father, on the other hand, had a very small mana pool that he was able to hyper-focus throughout strategic points in his body to make himself into an unstoppable Attacker. The two met at school and became one of the strongest pairs in the schools history. When Katarina was born, she was expected to be a prodigy, a very powerful amalgam of her parents. She definitely did not disappoint.

As a child, she was a gifted magic user. At the rate she was learning, her mother could barely keep up with teaching her new lessons. When she wasn't learning from her mother, her father taught her to fight and defend herself. She was the pride of the family. At only 7 years old, there was already talks of her future at Olivera. Katarina lived a charmed life, that is, until the night of her 9th birthday. She was showing off, as usual, making impossible leaps and twirls while performing magic some of the adults had yet to master. During one of her well practiced routines, she began to feel light headed, her limbs moved as if they were full of lead. A moment later, she was on the ground, the world grown dark around her.

It was 3 months before she woke up again. The magical physicians had explained to them that Katarina's actual mana pool was about as small as her fathers, but her innate magical talent drained more then her body could produce. She had accumulated an extraordinary amount of mana from her mother while in the womb, and after 9 years, the excess had finally worn off. Her own potential was killing her. The physicians sealed Katarina's magic away, but they could not completely repair the damage her body had already sustained.

For months after that, she tried everything to recuperate, but nothing worked. Without her magic she felt blind and deaf, her body always felt tired. When she wasn't stuck in bed, her body could only move slowly from room to room before she needed to rest again. Not even the artificial mana the physicians gave her helped. She could see the stress in the eyes of her parents, nobody but doctors visited anymore. They were spending every dime and using every favor they had to find a way to help her, but she knew and accepted that her clock was quickly running out.

One night while she half asleep, a soothing song called out to her. It showed her images of herself at several older stages of her life, flourishing. They were all so amazing, one image even showed her punching a dragon with a huge glowing fist. Another showed her surrounded by friends, with her parents looking old and happy. With every image that passed, the song grew more alluring. After some time, the images stopped, and all she could see was an older version of herself, holding her hand out as if to offer assistance. Every instinct in her body yelled and fought with her to not take that hand. She looked around her room, all the toys and decorations in her room had been replaced with medical equipment. she could see her parents asleep on nearby chairs, buried in mountains of paperwork. She had never seen them look so old and tired, and it broke her heart that she was the cause. She reached out with her weak hand, fire burned within her soul as it grew closer to her future self's hand. As their hands touched, the room burst into a sea of greenish black energy.

Her parents suddenly woke up, hearing Katarina's screams. They watched as the dark energy poured into the girl, twisting and transforming her figure into a hellish version of the little girl. The girl's screams morphed into a tortured demonic howl as she lunged for her parents at unbelievable speed. The two quickly fought back, desperately trying to restrain the girl without hurting her. They had no idea what was happening and did not care, all they knew was that they had to stop their daughter.

It was 30 minutes before help arrived. Friends of her parents burst into what remained of the house, just in time to see her father's battered body holding the screaming girl as her mother used the last of her power to extract the demonic energy from Katarina. Her form slowly shifted back to that of a normal girl as her mother's power finally gave out. It was finally over, the eery silence echoing in the thick midnight sky. The orphaned girl sat in her destroyed house, surrounded by her fallen parents, unable to speak at all. On her lap was a weak lesser demon, formed from the dark energy her mother had not been able to completely eradicate. They all tried speaking with the girl, but she could only sit there quietly staring off into the distance.

For years after that, the girl remained under observation. Her transformation back, although not complete, remained a mystery to the Doctor's that experimented on her. They knew the spell her mother used could save a lot of lives, but not even Katarina knew what she had done. The Doctors also tried several times to experiment on the demon, but they quickly found out that it was still a part of her. The further away it got from katarina, the weaker she became. If they tried to hurt it, the girl would start to berserk. Whatever had happened, it was now a part of her. It kept her alive and fed her mana, although not much. It was just enough to live a fairly normal life, she could even perform some magic if she carried enough mana refilling snacks with her. The lesser demon eventually learned the power to shape shift into small animals, to protect it's master by hiding its presence.

When Katarina came of age, she was finally allowed to leave observation and enroll at the Olivera Academy, with the understanding that she would be heavily monitored while there. Katarina is now in her 3rd year at Olivera, and has yet to make a single friend. Because of her past, she has never let anyone get close. And because she feels as though her future will be short lived, she barely pays attention to anything happening around her, instead, choosing to keep to herself most of the time.

TalentSnapshot: Perpetually annoyed hard light beast.

Character Role:

Overall Talent:
Corrupted Light Magic

Talent Mastery Level:


Burst Healing Light - If Katarina concentrates enough, she can separate the corruption from her mana long enough to create a single burst of healing light around her that is able to heal up to moderately high damage. It cannot heal critical damage, but is able to stabilize someone long enough to make it to a more substantial healing facility. Healing Light is a one time ability that will will cause all of her other abilities to become overly corrupt in nature.

Burst Corrupt Light - The inverse of "Healing Light." Burst Corrupt Light releases concentrated corrupted energy to damage non-corrupted people. Against the Corrupt, it will overload their senses, rendering them helpless for a few minutes. Burst Corrupt is a one time use ability, only used when Katarina is in trouble. Her non-corrupted mana pool is so small, unlike healing light, this ability will weaken her significantly.

Proximity Pinpoint Hard Light Shield - This is Kat's main support ability. It allows her to imbue herself or her individual team members with a shield that mitigates both physical and magic damage. To save on the cost of this ability, the shield only activates when it detects incoming damage and will only manifest at the exact point of impact, rather then shielding the entire body at all times. The shield will only last an hour per use, but can be activated again, so long as Katarina is not low on mana. The normal version of this ability will absorb up to 90% of an attack's damage, while the corrupted version will only absorb 60%, with the added bonus of creating feedback damage towards the attacker.

Astral Armory - This is Kat's ultimate ability. It creates impenetrable armor and ultimate versions of weapons and equipment for a very limited time. She can use this ability on herself and/or her teammates. The amount of people that benefit from this ability at a time directly effects the amount of mana used, as well as the time the ability can stay active. If Katarina uses the ability for too long, her entire non-corrupted mana will drain and may cause her to go Berserk. Whether that happens or not, the ability is so taxing that it will literally take time off of Katarina's life and will require days of rest to recover.

Berserk - Katarina will become temporarily Berserk when the balance of her mana becomes overly corrupt to an extreme degree. In this state, her form twists to that of a vicious screaming demon. Her screams are a psychic attack that demoralizes anyone around her friend or foe. While Berserk, she will shrug off any damage received and will viciously attack anyone with the intent to kill. This state ignores her bodies limitations and will unleash a barrage of both physical and magical attacks. If she turns, run. The only way to stop her is to knock her out with an extremely powerful attack, restrain her with several layers of an impenetrable master level barrier, or to wait until the excess mana burns off. Once Berserk wears off, Katarina's body will shut down, experiencing all the damage she suffered while in that state. Depending on what happened, it will take her time to recover back to normal.

Note: She has only ever gone berserk a handful of times, but has not turned since joining Olivera. Only a handful of people know about it, and any instances have been covered up, including the original incident involving her parents. Although rumors have circulated enough to make incidents involving "The Screaming Nightmare" a very popular urban legend.

Other Talents:

Sharp Mind - Katarina retains the knowledge and skill that she gained from her parents, knowledge that she refined while in captivity, since there was nothing else to do. Because of this, she is able to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a good amount of abilities. She has also been known to advise people on how to improve, but in a roundabout way that ends up sounding almost condescending.

Counter Focused Martial Arts - While she has the aptitude to fight, she does not possess the strength or stamina to do so effectively. As a result, she has developed a style of fighting that uses her opponents momentum and energy to cause damage, while conserving her own energy.

Lesser Demon Pet - Katarina has a pet lesser demon named Suki. She doesn't like to think about how it came to be, instead choosing to see her as gift from her mother that is always looking out for her. Suki is a shape shifting lesser demon that can transform into small animals to hide it's presence. Suki does not have much attack power, but because of its link with Katarina, it acts as a guard for when she's resting and a spy for when she is active. Suki will rarely engage in combat, choosing to hide by cycling transformations. If cornered and sustaining damage, it will overload Katarina with Corrupt energy, causing her to go Berserk and run to it's aid.

Innate Strengths:

- Extremely smart
- Naturally talented
-Resistant to mind altering abilities
-Martial Arts Training

Innate Weaknesses:

-Very low stamina
-Extremely small mana pool
-Low defense
-Always sleepy

Anything Extra:
Official reports about her origin incident state that Katarina's parents gave their lives to protect their daughter from a powerful corrupted attack. A statue was erected at her former home, and an event is held every year in her home town to honor the two heroes. Katarina has not been to either.
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Basic Information

Name: Sares Valiin

Nicknames: "Kurona finds some joy in calling me 'Stares' , It's sorta annoying... Not as annoying as Protector though, I have a name people!” Stares and Protector.

Age: 14

Gender: “We are both Girls can’t you tell?” “Well I’m blind, I don’t see a difference.” Sares is Female. A Girl. Lady. Take your pick!

Race: “I am Forgotten, regrettably.” Sares is Forgotten
Personal Information

Appearance: Sares is younger than her friend Kurona, but she is a tad taller. She uses this height to guide Kurona wherever she goes, essentially a 'Seeing Eye Girl.' What? Her appearance? Look at the picture dummy! Oh fine... Sares has light brown hair that she keeps up in partial buns, pony tails, any style that keeps it out of her face. Her eyes are a pale blue, reminiscent of early dawns before the sun has fully risen. Being only 14, she is still maturing and yet she already has a decent figure, one that has earned love confessions from many young lads. To best describe her ethnicity, one would compare it to Causcasian of Russian and American descent. She is not the biggest fan of skirts, but she will wear them if required, her preferred outfit entails blouses of medium weight material with flexing pants to allow for better leg movement, with tennis shoes. What? Why doesn’t she just wear skirts then? Simple answer! She does not like them.

Extras: Sares speaks in light Russian accent, a very faint one. This often gets her accused of being a foreigner when she in fact is not. Her favorite color is blue, and therefore has one blue garment on her at all times.

Sexuality: “What?! I didn’t say I liked Girls! I mean I don’t mind boys but I wish they’d give me some space y’know? Hahaha eh...” (Psst she likes girls!)

Personality: Sares is a caring person, but also very cautious, modest around any male, and zealous in all things regarding Kurona. Since she comes from a poor family, High class or otherwise ‘fancy’ things confuse her slightly. She enjoys caring for Kurona, even when Kurona doesn’t want to be cared for. Overall she is kind and passionate yet obsessive at times. Prone to chatting alot, and blunt speech. Strongly dislikes jerkish men.

Backstory: Now onto our Forgotten friend Sares Valiin. Sares was born to a rich family in Tres Angeles. Most of her family were Touched, meaning that she was not looked highly upon in her family. Her father, Craig Valiin, was a renowned Paladin, having many Achievements and feats to his name. As well as many contacts available to him. Although he wasn't fond of Sares, he placed her in multiple schools for technology, martial arts, even Magic Fundamentals to teach her the basics of what Magic is. Sares performed sufficiently, being able to contend with Highborn Touched in Weapons Technology and Defender Fundamentals. She even pioneered a new type of Holo Armor Technology, which was essentially an invisible energy shield capable of absorbing minor impacts. However, one day while testing a modified firearm, Sares injured a fellow student, A Touched from a highly revered family. Because of this, Sares was sent abroad to the small island nation of Kanji, east of Actium, as a last resort to give her a chance of succeeding in life. Upon arrival in Kanji, Sares found work as a small time Weapons Mechanic, fixing various guns and occasional electronic devices. Her work was boring and it paid little money, but she survived.

Once a week Sares would go out into the small town where she lived, and absorb the culture of Kanji. It differed greatly from her own, and sometimes she was taller than the men, leading to some unwanted attention at times. Still she felt a sense of peace that her home could not provide, smaller towns, not as many Touched, there were things she grew fond of. One thing in particular were the Gardens. Kanji was a beautiful country with gorgeous gardens, Blossoming trees created pink flowers every spring, and there was a local orphanage that had a special garden open to all. Sares visited the orphanage, finding lots of adorable children and some angsty teenagers. However, one girl stood out. A short girl with long black hair, wearing a traditional kimono, sat alone. Sares approached her, startling the poor girl. As she introduced herself, Sares noticed that the girl wouldn't look directly at her, only in her general direction. Before she even asked the girl admitted that she was blind and Touched, that it's be best to leave her alone. Sares insisted, saying that she wanted to be friends. The blind girl was obviously reluctant to speak much, but it seemed that she welcomed her company. They became fast friends, sharing stories and laughter. Finally the girl introduced herself as Kurona Mirunai.

A loud bell rang, signaling the orphans to return for lunch. Before leaving, Sares took her ribbon, which she used to keep her hair up, and tied it around Kurona's arm as a token of friendship. Kurona was definitely shocked and cried a fair bit, but she happily took it and returned to the orphanage. Sares returned to her work to finish a project she had been working on; a simple stun gun which combined kinetic energy with a cold rubber slug. It wasn't something to be immensely proud of, but it should function well enough to keep any unwanted attention at bay. As she walked down the street, Sares passed Kurona's orphanage. Everything seemed peaceful, until she heard loud screams; a girl's screams from inside the orphanage. The voice was oddly familiar, so she brashly charged in to find an empty orphanage, none of the kids she saw previously were here. The Caretaker was there, but he didn't seem to fully care about what was happening. He saw Sares, demanding that she leave immediately, but another scream echoed through the small building. Using her new Stunning Pistol, Sares struck a solid blow against the Caretaker's stomach. In the wake of that, Sares ran towards the screaming, kicking down a wooden paper like door to find Kurona with her Kimono ripped in many places and 3 young boys, barely men. Appalled by what she saw, Sares recklessly tackled the tallest man to the ground, punching and clawing at him viciously. The other men kicked her off of the tall man, proceeding to beat upon Sares, drawing blood and cracking her ribs. Then they started to rip at her clothes, leaving her undergarments exposed. Fearing the worst, Sares screamed in agony.

It was then that she discovered what a Touched truly was. A Magician, a Conjurer, but in this case, a Sorceress. Kurona has created a field of electricity around her. Small but ferocious bolts of lightning circling her as if she were an Arc light. (Spotlight) In a raging fury, the lightning shot around the room, barely missing Sares but striking the hearts of the 3 men, killing them instantly. Sares watched in awe of Kurona, how the young girl was so rebellious, so powerful. Was that what all Touched were? Powerful men and women who could weave things Technology could never dream of? Nontheless, Kurona and Sares were both relieved, but Sares was troubled on how easy it was for the men to overpower her. How powerless she truly was even against other forgotten. The Orphanage Caretaker returned with a small detachment of guards. As they saw the carnage, they quickly assumed this to be unlawful seduction and murder. Seeing no way to defend themselves from certain execution, Sares grabbed Kurona's hand and jumped out the window, escaping into the night. They ran for what seemed like hours, arriving at Sares' work. There Sares helped Kurona into some clean clothes, and grabbed what money she had and her most valuable projects. By morning she and Kurona were on a boat back to Mida.

Upon their arrival, Sares took Kurona to her old home in Tres Angeles, to find an incredibly angry father. Craig had heard of what happened and was infuriated that Sares would dare return after bringing such shame to their family. Sares pleaded with her father, telling the story of what actually happened and showing the bruises that proved it. Still reluctant, Craig was ready to banish Sares until Kurona stepped in, showing her power as a Touched. While 'surprised' or 'appalled' could work, flabbergasted would be a more appropriate term for what Craig had felt, why Sares would bring a foreIgn touched to his home and say such an... Exact story was odd. Finding no better answer, he decided to give both of them asylum under the condition that Sares train herself as a Protector, a non touched NT Defender, while Kurona do her best to not break anything.

And so Sares did what was asked. She trained herself in martial arts, marksmanship, and applications of CM (Counter Magic) Technology under full sponsorship from her father for 3 years. (Ages 11 to 14) Craig used his contact in Olivera Academy to give the girls a better education and experience in Magic Defense. Kurona was definitely excited for this, but Sares was happy enough knowing that she finally had purpose in society. Always keeping Kurona in arms reach, Sares had started a journey unlike any other.
Talent and Skills

Talent Snapshot: "Me? Oh I'm more of a wannabe defender than an actual fighter, while I can hold my own against small things, my job is ultimately keeping Lil' Miru safe."

Character Role: "I am a NT Defender, otherwise known as a Protector. Cute right?"

Overall Talent: "I can shoot a target with my Pistol and Carbine. I can throw a large man to the ground, assuming they don't weigh a ton. I can fix most things, I have my Holograpic Enemy Repellant Shield or H.E.R.S., and lastly I can stop mid-level sorcerers from casting spells if I get close enough with the M.I.S.S."

Talent Mastery Level: "I'm just an Amateur, nothing I do is outstanding now that I'm held to a higher standard."

Specialties: H.E.R.S: Holographic Enemy Repellant Shield. AK-74 Modified Carbine with Laser Sighting. Tokarev TT-30 Semi-Automatic Pistol. Mercury Rounds. (Quicksilver was believed to fend off demons for a time.) Magic Invalidating Suppressor and Stopper, or M.I.S.S.

B]Other Talents: Even though she wasn't given preferential treatment as a Forgotten-born Child, Sares did learn how to sing from a master. She loves to sing for crowds, and the occasional Serenade for Kurona.[/B]
B]Innate Strengths: Sares is bright, and is adept at fixing various objects be it electronic or clockwork. Average defense, High stamina, overall she is currently mediocre at best in terms of fighting, but thats why she is here.[/B]
B]Innate Weaknesses: Sares is young, reckless. Poor offensive capability overall. Relies heavily on Kurona. Lacks any Magic.[/B]


Basic Information

Name: Kurona Mirunai

Nicknames: "Sares likes to call me ‘Lil Miru’, I like that. It's fun. Others call me the Blind Storm, I don’t really like that name though." Lil' Miru and Walking Storm

Age: 15

Gender: “We are both Girls can’t you tell?” “Well I’m blind, I don’t see a difference.” Kurona is Female. A Girl. Lady. Take your pick!

Race: “I am Touched, unfortunately.” Kurona is touched.
Personal Information

Appearance: Kurona is about a full year older than Sares, and just so happens to be shorter than her friend and guardian Sares. She has long black hair that is kept combed and neat, some parts kept up by a couple flowers, particularly cherry blossoms when they are in season; and other blooming flowers when they are not. Her eyes are of a strange silver color, not the opaque white of cataracts but simply silver. Oftentimes she keeps her eyes covered by her hair, or her hands when casting magic. Although she is 15, her body is considered undeveloped. While it’s still feminine, her features are small, hardly noticeable underneath her kimono. Speaking of which, Kurona wears modified Kimonos consisting of white flowered tops and loosely form fitted bottoms that are tailored to give two inches of room for her feet. She commonly wears fur lined boots. Her ethnicity is best described as Asian, Japanese in particular. The main distinction there is her ivory skin.

Extras: Kurona has a small ribbon tied to her right arm. This ribbon is used by Sares to warn her of sudden obstacles.This ribbon was the first possession given to her by Sares when they first met.

Sexuality: “Sexuwhat? Is that some kind of spell? It sounds naughty. Are you a naughty boy? Hmph.” (Doesn’t like boys.)

Personality: Kurona is a human sponge of sorts. She reads the emotions of others based on their voices or movements. Since she has been around Sares for many years, she has grown accustomed to her cheerful demeanor. She is very curious, but ultimately she feels lonely. Lonely because of her blindness, she hears and feels many things, but can never see them. In her heart is a yearning to see the world. She hates being touched by anyone who isn’t Sares, especially if it’s sexual. Overall she is curious about the world but is easily upset if her blindness is mentioned or if she is physically handled by strangers. Prone to crying.

Backstory: We shall start at the beginning with Kurona . Kurona was born sightless on a beautiful island nation called Kanji, an island east of Actium. Her parents quickly abandoned her after learning that she was Touched, for they themselves were Forgotten, and to have such impurity in their line would not be tolerated; especially after the war against the Demons. Kurona was taken on by a small orphanage for Forgotten Children, under the condition that she never use magic. Her blindness made it difficult for her to make friends with anyone, it seemed no one liked her. The girls always gossiped about her, mainly about how she was blind, and apparently Touched by Demons. The boys, however, were especially ruthless. One boy in particular found great pleasure in torturing Kurona, placing obstacles in her path, forcing her outside in the rain, but worst of all, after she hit her teen years, the boy started to inappropriately touch her, but every time Kurona reported this to the Caretaker, he brushed it off as her being sensitive. It seemed everyone in this world was cruel, heartless, foreboding, and uncaring towards her. That is until she met a strange girl.

One day, while sitting in the Blossom Gardens, a young girl, whose voice Kurona didn’t recognize, approached her, asking to sit with her. The girl’s voice was foreign, but for the first time she heard a voice that was caring. The girl introduced herself as Sares Valiin, a visitor to Kanji. When Kurona asked why she approached her, Sares simply answered: “Because you looked lonely, and I wanted you to be my friend!” This girl, Sares, for the first time made Kurona feel valued, she made her feel complete, comfortable, and confident even. Kurona shared that she was Touched, but that she also didn’t know what that meant. Sares told her that being Touched was a gift, that the Touched kept the world safe with their wondrous abilities. How the Touched were special, very special. Their conversation shifted to family, Sares admitted that she was from a rich family and that she was really in Kanji to find work. When Kurona told Sares about her own family, Sares’ demeanor changed. Once the Lunchtime bell rang at the Orphanage, the caretaker came to collect Kurona, but before she left Sares ties a small ribbon onto Kuronas left arm. It was silk, and was the first gift she had ever received. Sares promised to return that night so that they could talk some more.

That night, the boy snuck into Kurona’s chambers with a few of the other male orphans. By the tones of their voices, Kurona could tell that their intentions were... unsavory. The boy noticed the ribbon, taunting Kurona, calling her horrific names. Two of the boys grabbed Kurona, tearing at her clothes, aggressively handling her. Kurona screamed for help, but it seemed like even the orphanage’s ‘Caretaker’ ignored her cries. She sobbed, fearing these boys would desecrate her and toss her away like trash. Suddenly she heard rapid stomping, someone had kicked down the door and stopped the men before they could truly start their assault. (Meaning she wasn’t touched.) A voice shouted, it was Sares! Sares, fought the 3 men but she was quickly overpowered, and then became the target of the men. As Kurona heard her cries, something within her awakened. She rose to her feet, small sparks of lightning circling her. Using the sound of where Sares’ last scream came from, Kurona directed the lightning towards their attackers, killing them all instantly.

Hearing the commotion, the Orphanage Caretaker, along with a pair of guards charged into the room. Upon seeing the carnage, and the state of the girls, they were quickly accused of murder; even with Sares’ pleads of innocence. In order to escape punishment, Sares grabbed Kurona and jumped out a nearby window, escaping into the night. It was then that Sares proposed that she and Kurona escape Kanji, as they would no doubt be declared as murderers. The following morning Sares took Kurona to the docks and purchased a cheap ticket back to her home in Virginia where she and Kurona lived with her family for 3 years. Word began to spread that a large school for the Touched was opening its doors to both Touched AND Forgotten. Upon hearing this, Kurona has an idea to enlist themselves into a Magic Defense Academy. Dumbfounded by this, Sares questioned her motive for this, to which Kurona answered: “You told me once that my magic is a gift. It’d be a shame to waste it, and you can be my Protector Stares!” The two girls then agreed to go into the Olivera Academy of Magic Defense, atleast that’s what they thought it was called. Even though she was blind, Kurona hoped that she could find solace and purpose alongside her friend in this strange world.
Talent and Skills

Talent Snapshot: "I believe Sares' father called me a walking Tesla coil, whatever that is, and apparently I make for a great distraction."

Character Role: "What could I be? I'm blind but I can shoot magic. How about Walking Storm? That's what everyone else calls me."

Overall Talent: "I can use magic. What more? Well... I can create lightning, and I can point it at something. I do this with Sares' help or by using their last known location."

Talent Mastery Level: "Would infamous count? No? Well I'm an amateur, especially since I can't see at all."

Specialties: Walking Storm - Kurona conjures a small lightning storm within a 10 foot area around her. Arc Field - Smaller Walking Storm - a 3 foot area of directed lightning. Electrokinesis. Arcane Push - An ability where Kurona uses an arcane wave of energy to push people away from her. Equivalent to being tackled by a football player.

Other Talents: Kurona may be blind, but she is actually a good dancer, particularly when the music has a strong beat. She enjoys dancing to Sares' singing.

Innate Strengths: Kurona is incredibly attentive. She may be blind, but her hearing is top notch. She has a large mana pool, allowing for prolong spell use. Calm demeanor. Comperable to a blank slate.

Innate Weaknesses: Kurona cannot see, she is completely blind. Poor environmental awareness without Sares. Poor defensive capability. Poor offensive capability without guidance.
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Name: Alexander Pax
Nicknames: Alex
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Touched

PersonalAppearance: Rp character Alex.png
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alex was usually a very upbeat happy kind of guy, or at least he seems to be happy. Truthfully he likes to help people and he loves the outdoors. He is a adventurous person, being cramped up all day in a building makes him anxious and sometimes angry. Alex gets along with most people and wont usually start conflicts or care if someone tries to get him to go off. Alex is very observant and doesnt miss much. He doesnt talk to many people and those that he does get the false impression that he is happy, which is exactly what he tries to do, only those close to him know he has a dark side due to the trauma he experienced in his past, and one day this dark side may consume him.

Backstory: Alex's parents had attended Olivera academy after the war. They had become powerful magicians and graduated in the top 10 of their class. They taught him the basics of magic, how it works and showed him their own magic abilities. He became interested in magic and loved to read and hear stories about magic. As he grew older his own magic abilities began to show and his parents taught him what they could to control these abilities. He had always loved the elements and had a special interest for fire. Soon he could move fire and even in some instances create it, but he wasnt skilled in this craft yet. He needed schooling, when he came of age he was sent to the academy by his parents.

At the academy he learned how to control and use his abilities, at first it was hard, many burnt hairs and close calls with his instructors. But as the time passed he grew stronger and became more adept with his abilities, he grew stronger and faster with his flames and slowly developed his skills with the other elements. He became agile and strong, climbing the ranks of his class. In his second year something changed him. One day, he was on his way back from the academy with his parents to visit for the holidays. A patch of black ice on the highway forced the car next to them to slide into the side of his parents, both cars were sent skidding and his struck the guardrail flipping over it and rolling into the woods, his parents were knocked unconscious and the car caught fire. He tried to wake them up, he was doing his best to fight the flames back with his elemental control but the flames spread too fast, his mom woke as the fire began to engulf the car "Mommy and daddy will be okay Alex, just get out and run for help." Alex protested at first but his mom shook her head and yelled "Now!" Reluctantly he got out and began running, there were no other cars in sight as tears filled his eyes he heard the car door open and he turned, his father was in flames trying to get out and thats when BOOM, Alex watched as his mother and father were engulfed in the fire explosion, leaving nothing left for him. He dropped to his knees as tears streamed down his face, smoke rose into the sky and eventually first responders arrived. They took Alex back to the academy, he wasnt the same for a while, he didnt smile, he didnt speak, he only trained. He blamed himself. He was too weak, and this is where his darkness began.

Over the next couple years he began to return to his former self, everyone at the academy knew of what happened, and although he opened up again he was never himself. He was slightly darker, slightly less happy, as if the memories never faded. His mind became focused solely on getting stronger, spending most of his time training and sparring rather than partying or hanging out with friends. He kept mostly to himself except for the few people that reached out to him, his one true friend was Sasha, she had always cared about him, and in his mind she was the only one who deserved to see his true self.

TalentSnapshot: Alex has the ability to control the basic four elements
Character Role: Attacker
Overall Talent: Elemental magic
Talent Mastery Level: Renown (For fire element only, the others he is Amateur)


Conjure Flames:
Can create flames on his Fists, feet or other places on his body.

Fire breath: Self explanatory, he can breath fire.

Fireball: Throws or kicks a ball of flame

Wall of Flames: A wall of fire, primarily used for escapes, the taller and wider it is, the bigger the toll it takes on his body and mana pool

Incinerate: A stream of flames exits his body from either his feet or fists (Depletes a decent chunk of his mana)

A trump card of his. His entire body ignites in blue flames taking a massive toll on his mana pool and physical strength bu increases his attack power and speed greatly for a short period of time. (After use he is almost completely incapacitated.)

Other Talents: (optional) Martial arts training

Innate Strengths:
Perceptive, High attack rating, Average Mana pool (For now obviously as time progresses and each student learns more things id assume this would increase aswell? If not then it remains average.)
Innate Weaknesses: Below average defense (Relies mostly on speed to evade rather than defensive magic), Hotheaded (If you push his buttons right his strategic mindset becomes more brute force and poorly thought out), Due to his average mana pool a long drawn out fight will most likely end in a loss for Alex

Let me know if anything needs to be revised or fixed
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