

Ten Thousand Club
Oliphem (the buy stone guy with the busted 'eye') was in the last Lunars comic, but has he shown up anywhere else?
I would have to go look through the books, but I believe they are 1st edition. If you give me a little bit of time I am sure I could find it for you.
so anyone care to wager what will happen to swan when he meets this dude

when lilith said somethings never change

i was either assuming A - that his exaltation was so charismatic that he would talk the big guy out of trying to smash him to bits

or B - its just as much as an asshole as it was before and would trick the dude again

any takers?
I get this feeling he will try to punch Swan, Swan will Perfect Defence! his 100B punch, and Oliphem will weep for his powerlessness. Swan will then be like sorry I was an ass to you please forgive me :( and spend 5 motes and 1 Willpower, and Oliphem will be like omg I'm sorry I was so mean to you ;_; and help him with whatever he's doing in the west.

And after all that Swan will toss Oliphem at the Maw of Oblivion. Such an asshat.
Alabaster, I think it's a mix of the two. Maybe not as extreme as he was before. Mind you, he could be starting exactly as his first incarnation did before he started to change into the ass he later became. Perhaps history repeating itself.
Also, didn't Desus actually have some kind of reason that was pretty valid for breaking Oliphem? I can't remember now, and the West book I have access to is currently in a different city, but there's more to it than Desus being a tool...
On the subject of Oliphem, is it possible the race who created him was the same one which is now Autochthonian Soulsteel? Both races made technological marvels, both were devoured in the time of the Primordials.

I mean, it's not like it matters much now, unless you make him a new eye out of Autochthonian Soulsteel and the souls of these creatures corrupted him with their desire for revenge and cause him to go on a horrific rampage... but that'd be awful.
Oliphem's lens was fractured in order for Desus' side to win a huge naval battle or somesuch, if I remember correctly... And while I don't think I actually read this anywhere, but isn't Oliphem a behemoth?
I'm pretty sure he's a giant automaton. Not actually a behemoth, though the size is about right...
He's not actually stated as being either a behemoth or an automaton. Hmmm.. he could be either. I missunderstood him as being created by some pre-first age race, when he's just said to have served and honoured them.
Chaka said:
Also, didn't Desus actually have some kind of reason that was pretty valid for breaking Oliphem? I can't remember now, and the West book I have access to is currently in a different city, but there's more to it than Desus being a tool...
It was the fact that Oliphem did his duty without bias to one side or another. There were ongoing conflicts between the Lintha and the Solars and neither side could persuade Oliphem to help them out. Desus then took into his own hands to improve the Solars chances by removing the one true advantage that they and the Lintha shared, Oliphem.

After fracturing Oliphem's lense, a marvel unto itself, the Solars, and crew, took the Lintha by suprise and utterly devastated them.
Good, because that's what he was.

His lense (as well as giving him Awareness and Perception 7) allowed him to sense everything happening in the west, shine a beam of light to help ships see where to go... and also fire a powerful laser beam.
Oliphem was able to see anything in the West wherever he looked. It was an inherent ability. And his sole purpose was to watch over the West making sure that ships could travel safely. The big thing was that he did this to everyone, holding no biases towards one group or another.

His construction is so powerful that all Desus could do was crack his lense, not destroy it. Only the Incarna or the Primordials are truly capable of destroying him.  And he policed the seas so well that all ships had safe passage. And even though he is pissed about what happened, he still holds a sense of duty within himself to continue with what he was created for.
Do you all think he would be able to see Isle 5? I was thinking of using him long term for my campaign with the possiblity of using him for this plot hook.

If his lense was fixed I think he could see it. His creation goes far beyond the knowledge of even First Age crafters.
Crack-Mending Technique?

Seriously.. Crack Mending Technique would work fine to repair any kind of crack in a crystal.. it's specifically what it can do (other than the handy speed up). It's always ironic when any solar craftsmen could fix things insanely easily, if the fixee wasn't so pissed at solars ^^

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