Old World of Darkness



I can't really comprehend the fact that someone would actually run Mummy, let alone that I return from the depths of IRL to see this on the first page.
I'm still interested but am having trouble getting ahold of the book(s). Let me know if you're in for a newbie to Mummy and if you're willing to give me a bit of a break to learn the rules :P
I'm totally cool with newbies.

...and I suppose, if you *really* *really* want to play a Demon, I can allow maybe one. All I've heard of oWoD crossovers is that they end in blood and fire, but I'm willing to try. You pretty much have to be a Reconciler or some other relatively benevolent sort, though.
Chaka said:
All I've heard of oWoD crossovers is that they end in blood and fire, but I'm willing to try.
That's because oWoD writers, especially the Revised ones, discouraged them and made them as difficult as possible. Vampires are greedy exploitative parasites by definition, werewolves consider all other supernaturals to be blasphemous offenses to their Goddess, mages are arrogant and given to viewing others are fodder for experiments, ghosts exhist in their own separate plane, and faeries are weird and childish and amnesiac. They shouldn't WANT to work together, the Revised writers kept pointing out, and any adventure or setting book that involved co-operation between groups was inevitably retconned away or revealed in later supplements to have ended in disaster, frequently with a horrid canonical fate for any NPCs that played a big role. For example, a werewolf elder who brokered a truce with the vampires of Vancouver ends as a beautifully tanned wolfskin rug on a vampire's wall, because that's what happens when you try to talk with vampires instead of just decapitating them.

That said, I've been in a few oWoD games that had mixed parties and turned out fine. It's not like the developers could send the Game Police to kick down our door for running non-kosher games. That's what house rules are for, after all!

And frankly, the different mummy types are weird and alien to each other already. When you've got a Taoist philosopher who became immortal by drinking the Elixir of Life, a Greek worshipper of Persephone who was resurrected by the prayers of a mystery cult, a fragment of an ancient Egyptian's soul "patching" and empowering a damaged modern psyche, and an Incan ghost possessing the body of a descendant and plotting revenge on the heirs of the Spanish, and they're ALL Reborn/Undying/Resurrected mummies, a demon won't seem so odd. Especially since the setting of Mummy emphasizes the influence of Islam as well as ancient Egypt.
While this is all true, I will note at this point that you'll all be Mummies of the Egyption soul-patch variety.
Fair enough. I have a Sefekhi character in my head already. (Though I have vowed that someday, somehow, I will play a smoke-dried mummy from the Amazon.)

I'm just saying that the setting and cosmology of Mummy (everybody's gods and beliefs are sacred and powerful) feels like it has more room for the exotic than some of the other games...and in game set in the Lands of Faith, a game that draws on Judeo-Christian-Islamic lore as well as Egyptian mythology, a demon character could certainly be justified.
Does everyone who wants to play have AIM? I want to discuss your character concepts. My AIM is located

<---- here.
Ok guys, after a string of lengthy delays (for which I can do nothing but apologise) I'm pretty much ready to start us off. My player roster looks like:




Effing Skrakes


Is everyone ok to start? I'll be requesting the forum soon, so speak now or forever hold your peace.
I'm sorry this has been taking so long, I've been all over the place recently. I haven't really got any kind of plot worked out and I've just been frustrating myself trying to think of one. I'm thinking of abandoning Mummy altogether and running Dark Ages Vampire instead... I don't suppose anyone'd be interested in that?
Have you read the other setting books for Egypt, Rage Across Egypt and Cairo by Night? Those might give you some ideas.
I glanced through them, but I'm just not feeling it right now. It's a poor excuse after stringing you guys along so long, but it's basically how it is...

I would very much like to run something for anyone who still wants to play with me, though, and that's probably going to be DA: V. I've got a plot cooking already in my head.

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