Old Games


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Hey there!

Does anyone have any suggestions of old games that should be played? Some of your old favorites, or games that changed the course of history xD

I've been looking into this for some time, and now that school's over with I can finally get started at it.
Baldur's Gate 1 &2

Planescape: Torment

Fallout 1 , 2 & Tactics

Icewind Dale

These are considered to be a must-play for any fan of old games.
Why don't you try the ET Atari game? It has been named the worst game in history but it's worth trying to play!
@flame1125 I tried, I really did, but that's not for me xD Thanks for the suggestions though ( :P )

@Ayl I had the Fallout games on a list for a long time. Guess I'll start there (^U^)
Also, this is a must play.


If you haven't played this, DO ET NAO!

Seriously, it's one of the best games ever, IMO. The setting, the general feel of the world, the atmosphere, the freaking lore and books! Throw in some texture mods and kiss your social life goodbye.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Really fun classic to play, albeit slightly frustrating in some stages if you aren't careful (yes, going fast can actually kill you instead of help you during some points in the game), especially during the dreadful last stage that a lot of people love to hate until they finally manage to get the hang of it.
Warcraft 3 can never be forgotten. That game swallowed childhoods.

Final Fantasy VI is great.

Vagrant Story is fantastic.

As for classics, the first prince of persia is adorable.

Heroes 3 is also a nice one.
Two words: Super. Mario.

Any of the old Mario games. Take a freakin' look at any of 'em. And you will know what I mean.
VoidManifesto said:
Warcraft 3 can never be forgotten. That game swallowed childhoods.
Final Fantasy VI is great.

Vagrant Story is fantastic.

As for classics, the first prince of persia is adorable.

Heroes 3 is also a nice one.
I cried at Grom, man.
Ayl said:
Also, this is a must play.

If you haven't played this, DO ET NAO!

Seriously, it's one of the best games ever, IMO. The setting, the general feel of the world, the atmosphere, the freaking lore and books! Throw in some texture mods and kiss your social life goodbye.
Morrowind is an amazing RPG even to this day.
Xierstel said:
Morrowind is an amazing RPG even to this day.
And then there's ESO. Which should never be touched IMO.

Also, on topic, I've recently tried Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. Definitely worth a try.

But why not ask our local Minor God, @Grey for advice on this matter?
Console or PC? How old?

I'll second basically all of Ayl's suggestions.

Hrm. Legend of Dragoon was a bit special. FF9 was badly underrated.

The Legacy of Kain games are great.

Oh, Syndicate and its sequel. Beneath a Steel Sky. The Secret of Monkey Island.

War Wind 2: Human Onslaught, if you like RTS.

I'm sure I'll think of something else.
Sacred is crap. Divine Divinity I never played, but the sequels and spinoffs were mostly pretty cool.
Old games of any kind?

I recently went back to replay Shining the Holy Ark on the Sega Saturn. A go-back-to for when JRPGs were simple and not the convoluted mess of systems that developers try to keep on innovating in the wrong directions.
I don't know if it's necessarily old (2013) yeah....not old, haha. However, Brother: A Tale of Two Sons is a beautiful game. The narrative was one of the most powerful I have yet to play. It's short and sweet (about 4-6 hours gameplay tops) and is super cheap on steam right now. A warning, though, you'll need a controller to connect to your PC. I used my Xbox controller after downloading the drivers from Microsoft....but all that work was SO worth it. The game trailer looks kinda childish, I know, but just give it a chance. I was pleasantly surprised.

Of course, sticking with the older genre, I suppose it goes without saying that, if you haven't played Final Fantasy VII, you should give it a try...if you can get past the graphics. I'd definitely say that game changed gaming history.
Super Nintendo

- Secret of Mana

- Illusion of Gaia

- Final Fantasy III (which is actually 6, but on SNES it was named as 3 )

Playstation One

- Crash Bandicoot 1-3

- Spyro the Dragon 1-3

- Pandemonium

- Tomba 1 & 2
Depends on how 'old' of video games you want...

You could try Pacman, Galaga, DigDug, Centipede, Pong, Yar's Revenge...The list really does go on...Oh and there's Pull Position too, a racing game...
I've never been a big fan of old RPGs, but almost paradoxically, I enjoyed a lot of strategy games. Nearly any of the Command & Conquer series can be good if you enjoy RTSes (not a huge fan of the 2007+ games though). I also think Rise of the Three Kingdoms is good, but I thought Genghis Khan II Clan of the Grey Wolf for SNES was faster-paced and generally more enjoyable while still being a similar experience.

Other than that, I recommend any of the Syndicate series, Commandos, Close Combat, and X-COM.

Outside of strategy titles, anything with Kirby... and Sims Makin' Magic; still waiting for a good remake of that.
My brother and I are second generation gamers. We grew up playing computer games with my dad. We definitely enjoyed some great LAN games with Warcraft. Like. . . the original. I was definitely the only kid in second grade who knew what gryphons were because of that game.

We also play Age of Empires II the Conquerors Expansion to this day. Seriously, it doesn't get old for me. Played a team game with my dad an hour ago. Heck yeah for father-daughter gaming time!

Another family favorite are the Monkey Island games. I freaking loved them growing up, but it's like nobody has heard of them now. D: The first two can be found on Steam, and they went back and redid a lot of the graphics and updated the sound. . . I think they're hilarious and fun and the music is damn catchy. Sadly my husband will not even consider naming a future child Guybrush Threepwood.
Final Fantasy 9 was a classic to me.

Hmm then there is LoZ OoT for 64 one of the best games period.

Lion King of SNES was and still is one of the hardest most frustrating games in history xD haha

Ninja Gaiden is a good one to play. I probably spelt it wrong too but you get the point
I don't know, I'm quite a sucker for the old Legend of Zelda games.

A Link to the Past for SNES was great, and I really loved Ocarina of Time on N64.



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