Old Friends

Um...I shall review his personality and biography, perhaps I can play him for the certain time.

I can play him
Sorry it's just that this past Monday and Tuesday was crazy >.<

I've been staying up til nearly midnight trying to get homework done because smart me takes naps in the afternoon when I should be doing homework
Just replied and funny how I posted a longer post for Jason rather than Amara
Perhaps we should tag the members again in the in character roleplay, maybe they aren't receiving the notifications
Hey guys, I know that may seem a bit sudden, but I was wondering on whether or not I can search for a replacement for Jason. Life has been fairly busy for me, so I'll try to post when possible, but otherwise I was wondering if I can search for a replacement to fill my position.
If LifeNovel would like to stick with Jason then I see nothing wrong with that.. Otherwise you can choose to find a replacement if you wish.

On a side note; does anyone know what @LittleWolfie has been up to?
Hey sorry, wasn't getting notifications for ages and been mega busy this weekend, hoping to be able to get back to everything tomorrow. So sorry for the disappearing act :/
I don't want to be a burden on anyone if I leave, so I was actually hoping if Bubbles could open up the player recruitment que for Jason. If someone you like asks to join, then he/she could take my place. Otherwise, I will continue posting until you guys find a partner in which you'll feel comftorable posting with.

Life has been busy, and I don't want to be a burden on the Roleplay if I don't respond for days on end.

Again, it's all up to you guys, but I pray that this Roleplay stays strong to the end, even without me in it.

Sorry to all of the members involved with “Old Friends” and may God bless each and every one of you guys through life's challenges and the sudden twists and turns involved.


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