Old Friends


Lonely Stoner
Please use this for all OOC needs... I don't like to see OOC posts on the actual role play thread it just seems a bit unnecessary when we have this thread to work with instead.
Uh-hum...what does FC stand for in the CS? (I know it maybe a stupid question...)
Not a stupid question at all, it's a very good one... It just stands for Face Claim or the celebrity you're using pictures/gifs of for your character.
Ooooooooooo makes perfect sense thank you! I thought she looked familiar...
Hey guys. @oOBubblesOo Not sure if you saw, but all the characters are taken and I think we can start?

xD Lol, I'm so pumped for this RP!
Oh, yeah, they know. But it's been years now and he's been to rehab and counseling for his drinking and anger issues so he's a lot better now. I figured everyone would kind of be a bit on edge with him at first but eventually they would warm up to the "new him". Olivia is honestly probably going to be the only one really nervous about being around him, though. Nobody like hates him or anything for it.
Yeah, he does. That's kind of part of the reason they haven't talked in years. I mean, she never really told him but her disappearing days after their fight kind of made everyone assume the worst. The only person she actually told was Lydia.. Everyone else just heard from her.
Oh, no, it's fine. I mean you could be more detailed in the future but I'm not expecting as much as I posted this time all the time at all.
It's up to you. I figured I'd reply since he initiated conversation (though I do usually wait) and I figured it was kind of important. You could wait, though, since she didn't exactly continue the conversation.
I think I'll just do a short paragraph about the situation, but then It's up to the others to come.

Um, Hi again! Not sure if I should make an entrance so that I'm with the group again?

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