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Realistic or Modern Old Friends


Jason rested his head on his hands that were propped up on his knees. The pounding headaches dulled his thoughts at the moment except for the one though of how stupid he was to get drunk.
If you hadn't gotten drunk then Mr. Carson wouldn't have to help you.

Jason sighed and lifted his head up feeling a sudden pulse vibrate through his skull. With a groan he pressed a hand against his forehead hoping to relieve some of the pain that way. He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. The aftereffects of the liquor was getting to him.

The repetitive sound of his head throbbed was interrupted with the sound of a vibration from his phone. Jason opened up one eye and glanced over at the phone. A message from Olivia.

Olivia: Hey, I'm thinking about renting a car or two so we can all go to the beach in a bit? Everyone good with that?

Jason sighed. That means you're going to have to see Carson. Disgust ran through him. What was it that even made him dislike him? Jason thought about it for a moment. Somehow over the years their friendship has drifted away. Then memories began flashing back into his mind. Happy memories with majority of them having Carson in it. Perhaps...I should apologize to him...after all without him I would not have been able to graduate high school.

Jason sighed and picked up his phone.

Jason: Sure the beach sounds fun. But don't put me behind the wheel.

Amara was still clinging onto Lola when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She released her hold on Lola. Her eyes glanced down onto the phone screen then back up to Lola. "It's from Olivia. Let's go see what she needs," Amara said as she unlocked her phone and reviewed the message.

"Mmm the beach. That sounds like a great idea. How about Lola? Like good old times we can go and make S'mores out on the beach," Amara asked as she texted back to Olivia.

Amara: Sounds like fun! Let's do it!
Olivia jumped slightly as she heard the knock at her door. She made her way over to the door, resting her hand on the handle for a moment. A part of her wanted this to be Jesse but she had a feeling she was in for disappointment there. Jesse hadn't even responded once to her question about the beach so there was no chance this would be him.

Opening the door slowly at first, realizing it was Dustin, Olivia opened the door the rest of the way and headed back over by the bed. "Hey, Dustin. I just got off the phone with the car rental services.. They said they're bringing us two cars in about a half hour." Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she checked the messages Amara and Jason had sent. She smirked slightly at Jason's response and smiled when Amara responded, presumably in part for both Lola and herself. She waited a short while to put her phone in her pocket before saying. "Everyone seems to be good with the idea.. Only Carson and Jesse haven't responded."

LittleWolfie , Allina Auburn , LifeNovel , MerCelia , Aidan- , Flipperdoo2003 , Ninja God

Re-tagging everyone just in case some of you aren't receiving notifications.
After Carson led Jason to his room he was tempted to go find Lola but he decided to go into his own room. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and placed it onto the night stand. He started to doze off, but was interrupted by the multiple vibrates from his phone. He was tempted to pick it up but he just wanted to rest. He turned on his side and closed his eyes. "Well this reunion started off pretty shitty. Huh, what was I suspecting." He closed his eyes and slipped into his dreams

(Sorry for the oso late reply, and for the short reply also, I will be posting more often now. )
Lola nodded gleefully trying to forget the episode "Just like old times," she said smiling at Amara her own phone beeped and she texted back

Yes of course beaches are sick but what type of beach is it like a sun beach or a surf beach?

She ushered Amara out of the door before whispering into her ear "Please keep this shit of mine under wraps," she smiled thankfully at the unspoken answer and turned around closing her door.

Lola sat on her bed her phone in front of her when she saw it bleep again she smiled as she picked up the phone "Finally Olivia decided to answer," she said before throwing the phone across the room she scuttled to the head board and took five deep breaths before she picked up her cracked phone and read the message

I'm coming for my slut I will find you Lola for what you did

Lola took her phone and slowly turned it off before letting a single tear roll down her cheek she them just took some more deep breaths and walked into her ensuite she started to slowly apply her makeup his words whisking through her brain as she did so as soon as she was done she took her phone and quickly sent the message to the police with these words I feel unsafe could you please put this man back on parole

She then resumed her silent position on the bed waiting for Olivia's text
Jason mumbled words of debate under his breath, wondering on whether or not he should call Dustin as of right then, or apologize when everything's settled down. The decision to stay distant wasn't because of fear, in the case that conflict were to become involved. Heck no.

But, no matter how hard he tried to deny it, guilt was probably the main factor of his rudeness. Not jelousy, from what Jason could understand, but instead shame at the fact of how much he has changed over the past few years.

He wasn't the same man. And if Dustin were to find out how much he has changed, either for the good or bad; the one little fear of judgment broke him down, and whenever faced with conflict (including inner-pain) it always seemed to come out as rage.

Jason's hidden weakness.

“Well, let's get this all over with” He muttered to himself one last time, before walking towards the exit of his hotel room.

If only he had prepared himself for the confusion ahead though: the second he took that brave step forwards into reality, from which he now believed it to be.
(OMG! Sorry for the late reply!! I wasn't getting notifications, or even the tagging! :/ )

"No! Geo away!" Jesse shouted, hiding in the corner of the room like a little kid. Olivia slowly walked up to him and he covered his face with his hands. His voice softened, "Please.. I don't want to hurt you anymore..." Olivia crouched down to his level, stroking his hair. "I'm willing to take the risk..." She whispered and this caused Jesse to look up, tears streaming down his face. "T-Thank you..." Jesse moved his body to Olivia and they both shared a passionate kiss.

Jesse woke up abruptly, tears falling down his face like it had in the flashback. He always had this dream every night; It was always s painful to remember Olivia and his memories together. He let out a stifled cry, rubbing his eyes and standing up from the bed. It seemed that he had fallen asleep. He sighed, picking up his phone and strolling down the notifications. His eyes lingered over Olivia's reply, but he shook his head, scrolling down to the bottom:

Jesse: Good idea. Be out in a few.

Jesse sighed again, taking his bag out and filling it with everything but his swimming trunks. Even though Jesse wanted to swim, he knew he couldn't. Over the years, Jesse not only suffered from anger management, but he also started to suffer from depression; So, he did have a few 'battle scars' on the way. He started to get nervous. What if one of the boys teased him for not swimming. He shook his head. They wouldn't do that, would they?

He opened the door, bumping into Dustin in the hallway and falling down on top of him. "Sorry about that..." He muttered, helping Dustin and himself up. He nodded his head at Olivia, rubbing his eyes after making sure that his eyes weren't still watery. But even so, It was clearly visible that Jesse had been crying.
Olivia glanced down at her phone just as it buzzed, noticing immediately that Lola had responded. She was kind of surprised, honestly, seeing as how Amara had seemed to have replied for the both of them, as she sometimes did. Lola liked to talk in person more so than over their group chat, anyways, but it was nice to see her interacting even after earlier. Nonetheless, she was going to respond.

Olivia: Not sure what the difference is, tbh, but it looks pretty in the pictures! Lol

Shrugging slightly, she hoped Lola would come no matter what. It might be odd leaving a group member behind seeing as how they all kind of paired off anyways. Seconds later, the message from Jesse arrived. Olivia smiled softly then looked up and over at Dustin. "Looks like we just have to wait for Carson to respond, then," she said casually, maintaining her smile but turning away to recheck the items she had gathered.

Minutes later, Olivia was startled by a loud thumping sound. Spinning around to see what the cause was, Olivia immediately shook her head and giggled to herself. She watched as Jesse picked himself and Dustin up off the ground and continued on into the room past him. Smiling, Olivia opened her mouth to speak but she quickly shut it again as her smile faded. It was clear to her that something was wrong with Jesse but, for the sake of not pissing him off again from embarrassment, she decided to ignore that for now. "Are you guys okay?" She questioned kindly, keeping her gaze primarily on Jesse while slowly glancing between the two.
Dustin had been watching Olivia silently, offering her a quick smile and nod when she spoke to him, when Jesse bombarded into the room and knocked him onto the floor. Before he could even process what had happened, he was being picked up and set back on his feet like a child. He felt dwarfed by Jesse's stature, which wasn't exactly huge, but obviously bigger than Dustin who had always been to lazy to even contemplate picking up a few weights. Jealousy flooded his mind as he once again looked at Olivia. Although she showed concern for Dustin, Jesse would always be in the forefront of her mind.

Rubbing his elbow, Dustin nodded again. "Yeah, I'm fine." His words were clipped but he knew they could easily be written off as him being irritated at Jesse for knocking him over, rather than the truth that he was angry that it seemed as if Olivia would never get over her ex boyfriend.

Dustin moved over to the door and propped it open so that if anyone else wanted to come in, they could do so. Instantly his phone was out of his pocket and he was researching the best and most beautiful beach they could visit. He figured, if he came in here to help Olivia with plans, he shouldn't be deterred by Jesse showing up, even though he hadn't expected it.

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