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Realistic or Modern Old Friends

She laughed as well through the hug, feeling slightly less nervous than she had been before but still not completely out of it. "Hey now," Lydia started as she put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "don't be so pessemistic mister. It's understandable for there to be some tension after so long but it'll work out, I intend to make sure of it" Lydia smiled at him reassuringly. "She probably would yeah but she's also probably pissed at me for cutting myself off so it'll be... hard...." She drifted into her own head for a moment until Jesse mentioned the hotel. "Yes.. hotel.. good idea" Lydia commented as Jason chimed in.

"Hi Jason" Lydia greeted at his appearance, looking at him properly rather than at a distance. Well he certainly hasn't changed, still the same as ever. "Cause that's not worrying at all..."
Jesse smiled nervously at Jason. It was kind of awkward realizing that Jason had been eavesdropping into our conversation. "Has no one bought the hotel rooms?" Jesse wondered, walking over to Jason. "I thought Carson offered to buy them..." He shrugged, rubbing his 2 index fingers together. "I mean, he does have the bucks I'm presuming!" Everyone knew that Carson was the richest out of all of them; He did live in a wealthy family after all. "Jason, know any good hotels round here?"
As if on queue to Jesse's question, Jason nodded slightly before pulling out a few brochures from his backpack, hinting at cheap motels and hostels located less than thirty miles away from the airport's current location. If anything, they were all probably located on the cheap side of the city where the crime rates rise, and shootings are not that uncommon to happen. But, it was the cheapest options he could manage to find, and it wasn't unlikely of him to plan for the worst (hence the reason why he collected inn brochures at a nearby travel agency) way before the plane ride to Hawaii commenced to begin with.

"If any of you guys are willing to stay at a hostel, there is one called the Little Beach not far from where we were planning on staying" Jason attempted to hand Jesse a few of his brochures, waiting for him to either take them off his hands, or avoid them altogether.
Jesse nodded his head at him, in a way of gratefulness. He picked up the brochure for 'Little Beach', which he skimmed through and inspected the rooms and such. "This one looks nice!" He smirked, looking at Jason. "If I am correct, it's close to the beach?" He asked, feeling a little stupid about the question. I guess it was kind of obvious what the answer would be. "There's free wifi!" Jesse laughed, showing Lydia. "Yep, This ones a winner for me!" He smiled, looking around at the group. His eyes lingered over Olivia, staring deeply at her. In a matter of seconds, Jesse was lost in her trance. The way the sun glistened over her hair; It was so beautiful, everything about her.
Jason grinned in a prideful way towards the group, looking over at Lola before responding to her last question, as if he forgot to start a conversation with the nearest drunk person in sight.

“Good to see you, Lola” Jason bites out through a fake smile, “Seems you've been drinking something strong now, huh?”

If it weren't for the rest of the group close by, he probably would have scolded Lola about her drinking and forced her to get some food into her system. But, from what he could understand, the cheapest food an airport is willing to sell is over the price range of 3.50$ (and so no matter how much he cared about his friend) Jason thought it seemed quite stupid to spend most of your pocket money on something that may as well just make things worse in the first place.

Jason never was fond of vomit.
"No just some Pino Grigio but I've alreay had three bottles," she said walking over to the rest of the group her eyes flicking around she sighed as she saw Jesse she had never liked him as he was violent and reminded her of him because of his abusive attitude towards Olivia who was a Nice girl who had just fallen for the wrong guy and she had hoped all plane trip that he wouldn't be there he would still be in rehab or something like that.

Lola saw the brochures and sighed "I thought that we agreed to go luxury for two weeks, didn't carsons dad own a company or something that had resorts?," she asked started to stagger a bit as the third bottle of wine kicked in making her feel dizzy but then the pain started "Oh F**ck," she muttered as the heroine withdrawal effects started to kick in she doubled over and dropped onto her knees and started vommiting out nothing just retching and gagging on the floor of the airport writing in pain as a headache started to drill her brain.
Backing up a few feet away, Jason stares at Lola for long moments; turning a bright shade of green before turning his head sideways, in the attempt to avoid any eye-contact with both the drunk friend of his, and the vomit which came rushing out: almost deathly in his eyes, due to his boarder-line fear of germs closer within a yard's radios away from himself.

"Damn it, Lola, stop acting like a child and take care of yourself for once" Jason clenches his fists tightly before moving farther back, scrunching up his nose as he looks towards the rest of the group for help.
Amara was walking over to where Jesse, Olivia, Carson, and Dustin stood until Jesse approached her with a bag of chips, her favorite flavor actually, original. She gave him a smile and thanked him before he walked away over to Lydia.

Seeing as how the others were discussing hotel locations and what-not, she opened up her bag of chips and began munching down on a few as she continued forward over to Olivia, Carson, and Dustin. Her walk was interrupted when she heard the sounds of Lola vomiting and collapsing. Used to vomit and it's grotesque characteristics, she ran over to Lola. She bent down and pulled her hair up and away from her face. Amara tied it up quickly with her hair tie, letting her brunette hair fall. She then turned into her bag and dug through its contents. At the bottom, out of some mysterious instinct, pulled out pills for pain and vomiting.

"Here, Lola," Amara said, unfazed by what just happened. Being it was Lola, she always had her back.
She heard his comment and growled but her temper was calmed as Amara helped her she was always there for her and felt nice to be looked after for once but that didn't stop the pain her head started to swim as the to sides argued Let her it will feel nice,No she isn't supposed to have any the voices argued until the high pitched voices started to fade she had told herself she wouldn't have any but the temptation was too large so she quickly rose off her knees onto her feet and sprinted to the bathroom bag in hand she locked herself in a stall and started to pant as she leaned over the toilet and vomited the rest of her fluids out, once she was done she sat on the toilet and pulled out a needle and plunged it into her wrist a smile replacing her grimace straight away.

Everything felt numb and that made Lola feel happy because no one could hurt her if she couldn't feel pain she walked out of the rest room them needle wrapped in a tissue and she floated over to where the rest of the group was "Sorry just um..bladder problems," She said smiling "Are we all here yet or are there more of us," she asked as She hoped from one foot to the next excitedly her heart rate pulsed and for once she felt happy well Actully she felt nothing and that made her happy very very happy
Amara's mouth widened with surprise as Lola shifted from down on the ground writhing like a fish out of water to running away like a chicken without a head. "Lola! Lola! Lola!" Amara called after her, her arm stretching out as if she could perhaps grab her friend from afar. Eyes were on her, concerned, questioning, and criticizing looks.

She sighed, this was a different Lola that ran away from her. The wild look in her eyes, the need, the hunger for...something. Amara turned to the mess and began cleaning it up. Her eyes were surprisingly filling up with tears.
What happened to you Lola?

Once she was done with the mess, Amara got up. At the same time Lola came back with a glossy look of happiness on her face.
This is not Lola. Amara's eyes examined the stranger. It held the looks of Lola but held a different persona, one that was filled with poison.

Amara decided to keep her cool and friendly persona. "How are you feeling Lola?" Her smile was welcoming but her eyes were dissecting the person in front of her.
Carson sat back and smiled at Olivia and nodded. He didn't want to start a conversation with anyone at the moment. As he watched the rest fall into the group and people greet he stayed seated he wanted his greetings to start at the hotel. A big smile spreads across his face as Jason enters the room. He was dearly happy to see him and was the only person he felt comfortable to talk to right now.

Carson got ready for his greeting and as Jason walked towards them He didn't say anything Carson sat as Jason hugged and welcome the whole group. He watched as he conversated with the others and Carson sat in awe as Jason shrug of any mention of his name. When someone mentioned Carson buying the hotel rooms a suddened burst of annoyance flew threw him. "Nice to see you too Jason." He mumbled in a angered tone. "And. I booked the rooms at a 5 star hotel called Front view Hotel. Here's the brochure." He almost ripped it pulling it from his pocket. He handed it to Dustin and walked away. "I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." Carson stormer outside and hopped in a cab.
"I feel great actually like I could do anything," Lola send an excited look in her eyes as she smiled at Amara her face radiating with glee and joy. Lola gave Amara a hug "I'm so excited that we get to spend a whole two weeks together," she squealed jumping up amd down like a twelve year old girl at the mall. Lola stepped away from the hug a calm look on her face "My brain much calmer now then when you last saw me I'm more relaxed," she said a glazed over look radiated in her eyes.She knew what Amara was trying to do and had seen it in every one of her therapists so she wanted to get away from her

She turned to face Carson amd smiled at the boy she had missed everyone but he seemed quite interesting with his detached personality so she decided to follow him she skipped out of the Airport door and slided into the Cab with Carson "This is so fun isn't it," she exclaimed giving him a short hug "All of us staying together for a whole two weeks," her voice was high pitched and hyper like a Kid on hallowee
Olivia watched everyone else as they settled in and mingled. Carson didn't seem interested in conversation, though, she didn't expect him to be. He was always quite quiet and kept to himself most of the time. Olivia's gaze drifted to Lola as she stumbled around in her usual drunken state. Frowning slightly, Olivia kept her eyes on her just in case until Amara showed up. Relief settled in at that point, and she stood up, turning her gaze to look out the window. It was truly beautiful outside and, now that everyone had arrived, she was definitely ready to leave.

Turning back to face everyone, Olivia bit her lip gently and watched as Lola, Amara, and Jason all interacted. Somehow she had missed Jason's arrival. Catching a familiar face out of the corner of her eye, Olivia directed her attention to Lydia and Jesse. Instantly, Olivia smiled. She couldn't even put into words how much she had missed her best friend and seeing her after so long was incredibly exciting. She watched in silence as the two carried on a conversation, both sending occasional glances her way. Olivia wasn't really sure how to take that, but it was quite obvious she was being talked about. All she could hope for was that it was in a good way.

Hearing Carson speak up, Olivia watched as he rushed out of the place, presumably upset about what someone had said. At least they knew where they were staying now and it certainly wasn't in a sh*tty hotel. Ignoring Lola's vomiting, Olivia walked around the row of seats and over to Lydia and Jesse. Smiling brightly, Olivia wrapped her arms tightly around Lydia. "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting but I really, really f*cking missed you!" she said over her shoulder. Stepping back a few seconds later, Olivia glanced up and over at Jesse, smiling softly at him and resting her eyes there for a moment before looking back at Lydia. "I guess we should probably follow Carson.." she commented casually, reaching over the seats to pick up her luggage.
Amara sighed as Lola walked-no ran-away. Her body felt numb from all the different emotions that flowed in her. Oh Lola. Deep concern was all she felt as she watched her friend disappear. She grabbed the handle of her luggage and rolled it outside. Amara had the thought in mind of just getting into the hotel and resting. After the incident with Lola, she was already dreading the two weeks that they were going to spend together. But she decided to give it a second chance for its first impression since she hadn't even talked to the others.

I'll talk to them once I get to hotel. Right now I just want to lay down and take a break from this emotional turmoil with Lola. Soon a cab pulled up in front of her. Getting in the vehicle she said, "Front View Hotel please." With her hand beneath her chin and her elbow resting on the door, Amara observed the outdoors to calm her irritated attitude.
Lydia felt slightly lost for a moment as everything seemed to happen at once for her although it didn't for everyone else. Lola... Carson... Amara... Jason... Jesse. It was so weird seeing them all again, almost like she was outside looking in as a spectator. That was until Olivia barraged into her. Well again, another person who was still pretty much the same it seemed. "Hey it's fine, you weren't interrupting" Lydia replied as they hugged, shooting Jesse a look over Olivia's should indicating that they would continue talking later before pulling away. She noticed her former best friend's look and smile slightly inwardly. "Yeah I guess we should, although I swear Carson never used to snap like that..." Lydia trailed off with a sigh as she grabbed hold of her bag and Jesse's ready to head for the exit, making sure he didn't try sneaking away.
Shaking his head in disdain, Jason decided it was time to claim is baggage, and call up a taxi. Unlike his usual humorous self, he was actually a fairly aggravated man sometimes; keeping to himself most of the time whenever possible.

After grabbing his luggage, Jason tried to navigate through the airport as fast as he could in the attempt of slipping away from the group nonchalantly. If unoticed, he could probably sneak some time at the bar, and once at the hotel, blame it on heavy traffic. With the flaw of lying, Jason could be considered both ignorant and arrogant at the same time, but now was not the time to dwell on things.

Once he made it to the exit, he rushed outside to find a yellow taxi parked a yard away, and with urgency he whistled out, before jumping into the taxi, paying the driver and searching for the nearest liquor store. Today was going to be wild.
Dustin wanted to go after him. After Carson. It was strange. Carson had... well, snapped. He hadn't ever seen the guy snap before, and it was a bit shocking. It froze him with a million questions racing his mind. What's wrong with the poor guy? Is he going to be alright? Should I go after him? He didn't. He knew when he was mad, he often preferred being given space from everyone, so he would do the same for his old friend, as much as he wanted to go after him. Dustin stared down at the brochure that Carson had handed him before storming off. He briefly read through it, glancing every now and then at the pictures to the right of the brochure. He stood up. He didn't want to be here any longer. The drama and tensity was too draining of him. He wanted to sleep more than anything else, at this point. He walked away, mumbling that he'd be at the hotel as well. He was done watching the drama unfold.
Carson was happy to finally be alone. Until Lola decided to join him in the Cab. He sighed and turned toward Lola. Before he replied to her the cab driver asked them where to. "Front view Hotel" he turned back towards Lola. He was surprised by the hug but recovered. Carson felt his anger slip from him and he sighed. "Yeah this'll be a very interesting" He wanted to ask her about Jason, but what was the point. He would seem desperate. And sort of gay if you think about it. He shook the thought out of his head. "So how have you been. Your looking pretty perky."

Lola was always very a enthusiastic person. The exact opposite, well he contrasted with most people. Lola always had a good aura and always seemed to cheer him up.
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Jesse stood there awkwardly as Olivia hugged Lydia. Deep inside him, he hoped that one it might be Olivia hugging him. He looked up, noticing the warming smile Olivia was giving him. Did that mean something? Why did she do that? "Yeah...We should..." Jesse nodded his head lightly, feeling a little bad about Carson. He also picked up his luggage, slipping the bag pack over his back and gripping the handle of the suitcase, rolling it to out of the entrance.

Jesse saw Carson in a cab with Lola and gave a sort of apologetic nod. He walked over to the curb, calling for a taxi and jumped in. Since Lola and Carson were in the same cab, was someone meant to go with him? He told the driver to wait and Jesse sat there, gazing out of the window.
"It's still pretty crap but you know f***ing broken child over here so you know it was never going to turn out well I've got a job as a bartender at a club and I have a small apartment so I can't ask for much more," She said her voice still hyper amd energetic. She smiled at Carson and studied him smirking as her eyes were dean to his chest that seemed pretty muscular without even trying one bit she blinded her doe like eyes as she tried to dissect his face but she couldn't get anything except for a thoughtful Aura out of his expression.

She rifled through her bag as she had gotten a stupid gift for all of the others she was looking through the bag when the tissue wrapped needle pricked her but the heroine had already effected her nerves so she felt nothing. She finally found the gift a pair,of scales symbolising his harvard education and clamped it into his hand only then realising that her pinkie had begun to bleed as she saw the rims on colour on his ha d "Oh sh**t, I forgot to throw it out," she exclaimed grabbing a baby wipe and cleaning up Carsons hand as well as putting a bandage of her finger she turned to face Carson "You don't tell anyone about the needle Ok?," she said her tone menacing and almost threatening
Carson nodded at Lolas reply and looked down for a moment at his shoes. He remembered throughout highschool he loved to help his friends out with anything dealing with money. It wasn't because he felt like it was his duty, or because he felt bad that they weren't as lucky as him to be born into a filthy rich family. It was because he knew they weren't going to take advantage of it. He always offered to pay for things. He looked at Lola "Hey if you looking for a better paying job, I could..." He was interrupted as Lola hand

ed him a gift. It was some scales. He smiled, it wasn't much but it meant a lot to him. "Thanks Lola...." He stopped as he spotted blood on his hand. He looked at Lola and spotted blood spurting out her pinky. "How did that happen." As Lola wiped his hand of and applied his band aid he looked at her with a stern face. She theathen him not to tell anyone about the needle. Carson wasn't the one to go spreading things and a very talkative person. So even if he wanted to tell people he would have a hard time. He put his head down and placed his arms in between his leg and started to play with his nails. "I won't tell anyone" he felt really uncomfortable "But please don't do it to yourself again. We have enough drama as it is."
Not long after his disappearance, Jason had finally managed to reach the nearest bar called the "Drinking Tom" that was located only a few miles north of Carson's attempt at a decent looking hotel – and so with the littlest amount of self-control he could manage, he stopped himself from racing out towards the nearest liquor bottle, thanked the taxi driver in a begrudging voice and then handed him over a nice tip of five dollars, plus tax. Only less then a yard away though, there stood a small run-down bar which appeared to be almost disbanded: but if there was to be any chance of consumable liquor, it was well worth the trip.

Before the taxi driver could scam him for more cash, Jason quickly grabbed his back-back from the front seat and made his towards the horrible attempt at a bar, observing the inside of the building through a small window which looked as if it hadn't been cleaned for over a few decades gone by. But, from what he could see, the bar-tender looked somewhat attractive, and without a second thought to stop himself, he walked straight into the bar and ordered the strongest thing he could find, called the "Pirates Death" from the rum cabinet. If only he hadn't gotten drunk though before he finished it, because from what he could understand, there was no chance of hailing a taxi to reach his friends from the middle of nowhere (and from what he could also comprehend) it seemed to be that bar-tender was a nice young lady, old enough to drive and hopefully merciful enough to give him a lift back to the group. So, while taking another big drink from his glass of rum, Jason began to hum awkward tunes the further he traveled into la-la land, and within only an hours time, he was drunk beyond help.
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"Oh Carson dear you can not stop an addiction,trust me I've tried," she sighed tugging at a piece of flyaway hair as she ran her ankle in circles around the stained taxi mat her breaths getting deeper as she bit her lips and began to fight with herself having a debate inside her head They need you to stop be the old Lola Don't change for them you need me to be happy they need to be alone 6 feet under

She turned back to Carson and planted a kiss on his cheek before diverting her doe eyes outside observing the rather barren landscape curiously there isn't much to look at so she turned back to Carson "I love you so bloody much, baby boy," she said staring into his eyes with sorrow since Carson had always been a distant force that kept her alive and now that her rocks had dissolved she needed the force to keep her balanced.

(occ Whenever it is in Italics means that Lola is under the influence of a drug(
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"I'm not sure what's up with him but, you're right, I've never seen him snap like that, either. Hopefully Jason can get him to calm down or something," she responded lightly to Lydia. She followed closely behind the two, Lydia and Jesse, making sure to stay just a bit behind them. Olivia sighed softly to herself, hoping that this trip to Maui would bring the group back together as much as possible. She knew she needed to have her friends back but she wasn't sure about anyone else.

Olivia wandered out the doors carrying her luggage, stopping short of the cab. Jesse had just slid inside and said something to the cab driver. Unsure of whether to get in too, Olivia nudged Lydia. "Do you think all three of us will fit? Or should I get a cab for myself?" Honestly, Olivia wouldn't mind either way. She just didn't want to make things awkward for anyone else. Then again, things were already awkward and the tension was only growing with time.
The cab driver came to the hotel too soon for Amara's liking. Sighing she handed him a twenty dollar bill, more than needed, and exited out of the cab, "Keep the change." She slammed the door shut after her and examined the hotel in front of her. Holding the qualifications for a five-star hotel, she shrugged her shoulders and entered the building.

Being a hotel of Hawaii, it wasn't just any ordinary hotel. Entering the main lobby she could see that there were open hallways that led guests into their rooms. And bordering the open hallways were exotic and native plants of Hawaii. Amara's eyes widened as she grasped every detail of the hotel. Bright colors, flowers, a bar close by, and smiles everywhere.

"Hello, ma'am. How may I be of assistance to you today?"

Amara moved her eyes back down to face a bellhop boy. She smiled, a young aged boy whom she could tell was working hard to earn money, like her old self. "My friend reserved some rooms for us. I believe it should be under the name Carson. Oliver, Carson," Amara restated. The boy pulled a clipboard from the reception desk and looked for the name. "Ah, yes. And it is also eight of our finest rooms. Would you like me to lead you to your room?" he asked.

Amara was eager to answer yes but some conscious of hers prevented her too. "No. I think I'm actually going to wait for my friends here," Amara answered, surprising herself.
Just a moment ago you wanted to lie down and rest. And now you're waiting?

Amara sighed and walked over to a seat in the main lobby, tying up her hair into a neat bun and taking out her make-up bag, deciding to fix herself up a bit more.

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