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Realistic or Modern Old Friends

Within a drunk state of mind, Jason stumbled as he walked out of the bar, already having three glasses worth of hard liquor in his system, including the heart-wrenching reality in his soul that the bar-tender wasn't interested in silly requests such as a free ride along the lines of 10$ due to the cost of gas money; without the security of knowing that she will be repaid in cold-hard cash not long afterwards when her car-pool partner has become sober. He couldn't blame her though, as he had once scammed a few people out of their money for the opportunity of free rides, and never returning the simple favor of a "Thank you" and instead, giving them a cold shoulder in return for their sudden act kindness.

Although, during his drunken panic of rage, he had managed to scare the bar-tender into calling the police, hence the reason why he was returned back by a cop car, and given a warning not long afterwards as if hinting towards a fine once he commits another stupid act, if ever caught red-handed again. That fact hadn't reassured him though, as he was currently in a different province and state, holding a few criminal records under his belt for speeding and theft in his early years of collage.

Once Jason was dropped off at the hotel, he scowled at Carson's attempt at spending money so freely, when neither he nor the rest of the group could barley afford an apartment of their own. It was just so stupid.

'What if Carson has changed over the years?' Jason thought bitterly to himself, 'And if he could at least manage to understand why I avoided him in the first place, I wouldn't be such a bad guy in any of this. It's like making new friends all over again, if only he understood' And this went on for a long time as he complained to himself, but I can guarantee you this: after the police car parked, Jason was already running out for dear life, racing into the five-star hotel without looking behind and missing every detail the resort had to offer the rich, and the lucky. But before he could stop himself, he nearly crashed into Amara, soon to be on the ground praying that she didn't notice the near collision which could have happened, if not only for the luck involved that it didn't occur.
Amara from afar could hear the stumbling of a drunken man. What she didn't realize that it was one of her friends, Jason. She squeaked when Jason all of a sudden fell in front of her. Amara's mouth was wide open. Luckily she just got finished with her make-up before she could accidentally mark a stray mark across her face with her make-up.

"J-jason? Jason! Are you okay?"

Amara bent down on her knees. Her new makeup enlarged her brown eyes and they examined Jason for any injuries. But soon the overbearing stench of alcohol filled her nostrils. She sighed, "Have you been drinking Jason?"
Carson almost fainted as Lola kissed him. He started to sweat and he pulled his sleeves over his hands and turned towards her. "What...what was that for." He didn't want to say anything else afraid to make himself sound even more stupid. The cab stopped and he noticed they were at the hotel. "Um... Love you too." He turned a deep blood red and hopped out the car. He stopped and breathed in and out. He scurried over to her side and opened her door. He looked up and looked through the lit up door of the hotel. He saw a man stumble over himself and looked back down at Lola.
The Cab driver opened Lola's door and lola smiled at him and got out picking up her handbag on the way. The cab driver gave her her bags and she took them rolling them into the lobby where she saw Amara and Jason she saw the nervous Carson and chuckled "Aw Your so sweet," she said ruffling his hair before turning her head to Jason "Really you hypocrite you yell at me and get all germaphobic and then you get pissed sick at a bar," she yelled rolling her eyes and clasping Caarsons hand in her for a second as she whispered into his ear "Why are you so nervous of me,' she whispered giving him a quick peck before walking to Amara not looking back once.

"Amara I don't want to help him but if you need to because of conscience or something I have some um fluid ridder pills," she said not mentioning that she used them every morning to stop her work from getting hints of her heroine use. Lola dipped her hand in her bag and pulled out the tablets giving two to Amara she cupped her hands around her mouth "Hey Bell boy do you have anything to clean up with," she said and the bell boys head flicked her way. THe bell boy nodded and hurried off coming back a few seconds later with a mop he looked up at the two girls as he started to mop "Between all of our luxury suites we have a foyer can you guests please congregate there while I deal with this customer," He said his voice respectful but patronising a the same time.
As they entered the building Carson can now see that the drunken man was Jason. He wanted to help him but something told him not to. Carson had no idea why Jason was ignoring him, he didn't know why he had to go get drunk. When Lola grabbed his hand he looked into her eyes seeing a sparkle that hasn't been there before. He felt a sort of rush go through his body from his spine down to his toes. "We haven't seen each other for a while, and this is kind of new for me." He hesitated bit through his words as she kissed him. He looked at her as she walked away. "Um ill go get our keys." He walked to the counter. "Um eight rooms under Carson Oliver, only for of us are here now the rest will becoming soon." He nodded as the man handed him four credit card looking keys and walked back towards the group. He looked at Jason and the others. "I have our keys the room number is on the back. There all on the top floor. Here the top floor isn't one giant house like room its seperated..." He stopped his nervous babbled and titler his head down a bit. "I'll take Jason to his room Here your guys keys." He gave them there keys and bent down and pulled Jason over his shoulder. Carson grunted and walked towards the elevator.
On the brink of awareness and unconsciousness, Jason groaned out in nausea while Carson carried him over towards the hotel room; keeping his eyes fixated on the floors below himself. If only he hadn't felt like he was on a roller-coaster ride, he probably wouldn't be holding back more bile then ever before. But in the end, he knew it was stupid of himself to get drunk way before check-in, even after all of the years him and Carson had little contact.

To Jason, it seemed as if all of the events happening before him was a long and dark trip down memory lane. After six years of his life, nothing good seemed to come out of his ambitions. Of course, some of his goals were rash and/or selfish, but at least he tried to pursue them, unlike "Mr.Rich Guy" who was currently trying to take on the burden of hauling himself up into the hotel room.

The only thing Jason wouldn't admit to himself though, was that he still cared about if friend, even after his bad encounters towards the rich and the wealthy people he had met during his young lifetime of reckless teenage years, and more then a few police warnings already under his belt.

"Gosh, Carson, slow the heck down, will you!" Jason forced out through his gagging.
"Hopefully" she nodded, worry creasing her forehead over her old friend. Lydia hoped he was going to be okay, she may not have spoken to her friends in a long time but she still cared about them a lot and wanted them to be alright. It seemed she had slipped straight back into her old role of worrying about everyone and making sure they were all alright and okay, no matter what it did to her. She just hoped that this awkwardness between Jesse and Olivia would go away she really did. Just because neither of them would admit to the other that they still love each other and all.

"Yeah of course we'll all fit" Lydia assured her as she got in the cab and pulled Olivia in behind her. This could be a really awkward cab journey or it could be a start to fixing the fractures that were splintering between her friends. Time to try and glue them back together and all.
Amara thanked Lola for the pills but saw the Carson was already lugging Jason away. She heaved herself up and placed all her make-up away, gathering her belongings and began following Carson to the suites. Amara glanced back to Lola, "Coming?" Her previous state of confusion and dissent towards Lola was momentarily washed away from the concern for Jason.

Amara even stretched out a hand, hoping her friend will take it. And if so Amara would take it as a sign of reforging their friendship to something similar to what it was before. A small smile even came across her lips without effort.
Olivia smirked as Lydia tugged her in behind her into the cab. It was a tight fit, but it would work. Everyone else had already left and made their way to the hotel. She was already worried about how that would turn out. Everything was in disarray and it was hard to figure out what they could do to fix things. Of course, her and Jesse's tension seemed to be a major factor of the awkwardness.. That would simply have to change. Olivia leaned forward slightly and looked over at Jesse then to the cab driver, giving him the okay to leave.

Once they arrived, Olivia was immediately fascinated once more by the beautiful buildings in Maui. Leave it to Carson to book their rooms at the best hotel around. He really was such a sweetheart. Olivia slipped out of the cab, stumbling slightly as she did. Laughing lightly at herself, Olivia walked up to the doors and glanced back over her shoulder. "I'll meet you guys inside.." she said, continuing into the building.

Inside, the place was even more impressive. Everything about the place screamed expensive and she really felt bad for letting Carson put all his money into this place. Besides, it had been years and who knows if he even still had money like he used to? Olivia tried to shrug the worry off as she spotted the others heading off down a hall. Quickening her pace by a lot, Olivia managed to catch up to them. "Hey, is everything okay?" she asked, concern settling in once she saw Carson carrying Jason off.
Lola smiled and took Amaras hand in hers hoping that Amara wouldn't notice the slight shaking that ran through it another effect of the needle her eyes looked up at Amara a sense of Love hidden behind her enlarged crazed pupils. Her enhiegtened senses snapped as she heard Olivia's footsteps slam through the corridor and Lolas head twitched to face Olivia "Yeah just that Hypocrite Jason got pissed as f**k at a bar and now his really drunk," she said rolling her eyes as she looked at the empty corridor where Carson had been taking Jason "being the Sweet heart that he is Carson is going to care for him, but we have the room keys here already so we dont have to wait," She said throwing the key card to Olivia a sudden jerk of pain ran through Lola Shit she thought as she bit her lip as the pain coursed through her body emerging from her thigh were a scar from her stepfather was.Lola eyes began to flutter shut as the memory took over her body

A car door slammed as footsteps echoed up to the front door and the lock turned slowly like in a horror film and this was Lolas horror film so it made sense. He hung his hand on the rack as her mother ran out of her bedroom and threw her arms around his neck a smile on her face, Lola was hiding away in the study writing but she couldn't hide from him "Where's my little baby girl, I wamt her to help me with something but can you go get me some groceries for dinner," he said smiling at his wife. Lolas mother shook her head "Remember we have Lolas parent teacher conferences," Her step father sighed and held his head "I'm sorry darling you'll have to go alone I've got a terrible headaches," She nodded and kissed him on the cheek before heading out the door as soon as the car tires had screeched out of the street his expression changed lustful.

"Where's my slut," he said his once cruel, Lola curled up and started to whimper but he just walked slowly towards the study and opened the door smirking "You'll never get away,"

Lola opened her eyes and a silent scream erupted from her lips as she turned and ran towards the stairs she fled up them tears fogging her Vision as she frantically reached the third floor she pressed the up button on the elevator and it seemed to open instantly it carried her limp body up to the top food and she straggled out and clumsily opened her door and flung herself inside and onto the floor as the bed was still a trigger she slowly took of her top and traced the scars that covered her stomach and waist one of them was a word it read
my whore Lola let the tears surround her body as the voices started to penetrate her mind Just kill yourself,Your a fucking whore it's all your fault why are you so ugly?,why are your so fat? The voices got louder until she was writing on the ground every so often her vision flicking towards the kitchen knifes or her pill bottles, and that's when she realized she needed someone she crawled slowly towards her bag and made her shaking hands draw out her iPhone she got the passcode right after four attempts and texted Amara I need your help I think I'm going to go near the knives she knew Amara would be the only one to help her or maybe Carson was still a boy and that meant he could use her.
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"My bad" He fixed Jason on his shoulder and before he pressed the button for the elevator Olivia came running in asking question. He was about to reply until Lola summed it up perfectly. He moved back a little to see if the others had came. He was Lydia and Jesse outside the door and looked back towards Olivia. "Hey Olivia you guys keys are at the front desk.... " before he could finish Lola screamed and ran to the stairs. He didn't know what was wrong, maybe it had something to do with the drugs. They just got here and already a lot of drama is Already going on. He just really wants to get to his room. He turned and pressed the button for the elevator, hand shaking hoping no one asked him to do anything about Lola's problem. He looked down at his feet and sighed. 'What am I doing she's my friend I should be more worried, not scurrying up to my room' Carson thought to himself. He shook his head as the elevator doors opened, And he put one foot in holding the door open. "She is probably still on the stairs, It would be impossible for her to get to the top floor, especially in her ]resent state. Im going to go take Jason to his room and check the rooms to see if she decided to take the elevator" He hopped on the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.
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Dustin found himself slouched in the back of the cab he had flagged down, alone. Somehow, despite his usually outgoing mannerisms, he was unable to strum up a reconnection with any of his old friends. It seemed as if they were all caught up in their own drama in which he seemed to have no place. He supposed that was fine with him though, after all, he was still awfully tired and a nice warm bed was quite appetizing to him. This entire situation was just really draining and he could already feel himself starting to regret making the stupid pact with his friends so long ago. Truth be told, in high school he didn't really mesh with the other five kids and it seemed like the time just jammed the wedge even further between him and the rest. Perhaps he was thinking too much into it though. As that thought crossed his mind a lazy smile crept onto his face. Thinking too much. That was a funny one. Dustin wasn't exactly known for over-thinking things, seeing as he rarely even pondered over ideas for more than a minute.

The cab pulled up to the front of the busy hotel and Dustin's eyes widened in awe. As he was ushered out of the cab and his bags were hurriedly set at his feet, the cabbie was obviously in a hurry to get somewhere else, he looked around and simply absorbed his surroundings. The hotel was simply
beautiful and he had never even dreamed of being so close to a place so magnificent. Making his way inside he quickly found Olivia and the others but before he could even say anything, Lola was running away from everyone and Carson was scurrying away either to find Lola or to take refuge in the safety of his room. Dustin sighed, his initial excitement ripped from him as he was reintroduced to the drama filled group. With a tired smile he turned to Olivia and offered a feeble, "Cool place, huh?"
Amara almost felt happy when she saw Lola grabbing her hand. It almost felt like the good ol'days until Lola ran away. Amara's hand drooped down back beside her as she watched Lola run.

At this point Amara was losing hope in their friendship. Over social media Lola seemed like a different person but now Amara is seeing the real Lola. She sighed and gathered all her things preparing to head towards her room. Amara was just about to enter her room when she felt her phone vibrate. With a shrug she pulled out her phone and checked to see what came up.

I need your help I think I'm going to go near knives.

Amara's mouth opened wide.
Is this some kind of joke? What happened to Lola to make her so insecure? Why is this occurring now and never happened in high school? So many questions ran through Amara's head. She quickly opened her hotel door and threw her things in before walking over to Lola's room. Amara didn't exactly remember which room so she tried each door down the row until she found one unlocked.

Soon entering a room Amara called out, "Lola?" She walked in slowly looking around for Lola and not wanting to startle her.
Jesse was slightly startled when Lydia and Olivia came into the cab, even though he was expecting for them to join him. He smiled lightly at them, a bit relieved that Lydia and concealed Olivia and him away from each other. He moved his head to the cab driver, describing where the hotel is and the directions; He did seem to know where it was and such, so it must be a popular hotel in Maui. On the way to the hotel, he kept silent and looked peacefully out of the window.

Jesse smirked as Olivia got out, watching carefully to be sure if she was hurt or not. He paid the driver and took his own bags from the seat and followed Olivia into the gold encrusted hotel. That was the perfect way to describe the hotel, and I'm sure not only Jesse but a lot of others would agree. He nodded his head at Carson and Jason, smelling the delicious smell of alcohol. He stopped in his tracks and sighed lustfully. Jesse hadn't smelt the aroma of beer and such in a long time. He shook his head, not wanting to get drunk and continued to the desk. He took his room key/card and took a peek of key/card list, noticing the at Olivia's and Jesse's rooms were right next to each other. He sighed again, following Olivia into the elevator. The doors began to close and Jesse quickened his pace to a jog. "Hey! Olivia, Hold it!" He shouted, smirking all the way. He entered the elevator, feeling a bit awkward as the elevator was pretty small. Jesse tried his best not to be near Olivia but it was kind of hard not too.

"Um, Hi. Our rooms are on the same floor..." He smiled, sheepishly.
Lola quickly flicked herself to face Amara's wavering voice her face streaked with tears as her breaths got shorter and sharper and her body started to shake again. "He said th-th-that he would come back and I got the email last week that h-he would be getting out of the jail on P-parole in t-t-two days," she stammered out her words hard to understand through her tears that ran down her face without interruption. LOla hooked her finger nails onto the bed and pulled herself up onto her feet her eyes fixed onto Amara "Im sorry I was just so scared the knives are to tempting when I cut my fear gets numbed and the pain goes away and the pills let me go into the unknown I might wake up I might not," she said her mouth turning into a sadistic smile her eyes screaming for help.

She forced her feet to move towards Amara "Memories off him keep on emerging and every time my scars hurt the memories come back and then I need some one to help me forget but most of them just use me and then throw me away again just like he did," she whimpered out her heart thumping in her chest "And being around the people who were there when it happened had made it worse, and I just want to tell you that your my best fu**ing friend and if I go tonight to know that I love you, Its not your fault I just have been thinking for a while and I don't think I can do it anymore I just I see his face whenever I close my eyes I can't live with this," She clasped Amara's hand in hers " This isn't a new thing You just didn't know in high school I just didn't want to ruin your life and Im still regretting telling you this, Just please don't blame yourself," Lola's smile faded

"I just would rather die than be taken by him again,"
Amara closed the door behind her to face a tear stricken Lola. Her heart wrenched with mixed emotions. Amara never had to dealt with this type of emotional pull before.

Before Amara could say anything, Lola began speaking. Amara held some vague knowledge of Lola's past but never did she realize it affected her this greatly. Guilt resided in her.
Who knew the struggles she went through? Obviously I didn't.

Amara just stood there listening. It was one of the things she was good at. In order to be independent and get points across to people, you had to listen. But as Lola continued speaking, Amara's mind was clouding with guilt. She heard Lola said not to feel bad for not knowing but of course it had the opposite effect.

When Lola began approaching her, Amara took a few steps forward as well. Soon when Lola finished her speech, Lola closed the space between them and gave her a huge hug. One where Amara could almost feel the heartbeat of Lola if she stayed very quiet and still. "I love you too..."
Olivia sighed softly as she watched the others wander off. It was quite obvious that Jason was wasted and she found that absolutely repulsive of him. How could he go and get drunk knowing Jesse's problem? Better yet, how could he get drunk when his friends just wanted to see him as the normal, sober Jason they knew. Whatever his problem was, Olivia was determined to have a word with him about it once he sobered up enough. And then there was Lola. Something was obviously deeply disturbing her and, thankfully, she had Amara to save her. It was nice to see that at least their friendship was as tight as ever and things in that department were okay. Olivia had noticed immediately that the case was not the same for her and Lydia. Something was off and she could see that just by looking at Lydia in the eyes. She wanted things to be normal so much but, then again, nothing with them ever was completely normal.

Smirking slightly at Dustin, she turned to face him for a brief moment. "Yeah, it's pretty cool.. I just hope they don't have to kick us out for disturbing their peace or anything," she said in a half-joking manner. Giving him a soft nudge in the arm, Olivia smiled a bit brighter. "Cheer up, buttercup. Things can only get better from here, right?" she spoke casually, the slight tone of excitement in her voice wavering. "I'm gonna go put my things in my room but we definitely can catch up later," she finished, walking over to the elevator.

Just as the elevator dinged, Olivia realized she had forgotten her room key. Spinning around in the elevator, Olivia saw, and heard, Jesse entering. He handed her a key, and she took it a bit hesitantly. "Thanks.. I kind of forgot my key.. Obviously.." she said awkwardly, shifting her position as the elevator doors closed. "Oh.. Is that okay with you? I mean I'm okay with it..." she responded to his comment about their rooms being beside one another. Olivia looked down at the floor, catching the slightest smell of beer drifting in. Her eyes widened and she locked her gaze on her shoes. She began to wonder if he could smell it, too, and if it would trigger anything. But, resisting the urge to question it, Olivia bit her lip softly and spoke again. "It's really nice to see you, Jesse... And everyone else, of course."
Jesse nodded his head, feeling Olivia's and his hands touching again. This sent electric sparks up his arm and he blushed a little. He glanced at Olivia, noticing everything good and bad about her. The way her curls traveled down her back, the way her eyes twinkled in the dark...Jesse shook his head. They were through. Even if he tried, 'They' would never be together again. He sniffed the air, realizing that the smell of alcohol must have traveled into the elevator. His eyes widened, resisting the urge to do anything. He just breathed through his nose, looking down at the floor as well. "No, It's fine..." He smiled, the addiction seeming to pass through his thoughts. He glanced his head up, smiling and biting his own lip. "Yeah...It's nice to see you too, Olivia..." He said, smirking a little.
Olivia smiled, keeping her eyes on the ground. It felt good to say that but it felt even better to hear him return it. Suddenly, the elevator stopped with a loud ding as the doors opened. Olivia picked up her luggage once more and headed hesitantly out the door. She paused just outside the elevator. "I'll be in my room unpacking a bit if you need anything... I think I'm just going to give everyone else a little while to calm down before I ask if anyone had plans for the day." Olivia made her way casually down the hall a little ways, fiddling with her key for a long moment before actually getting it to work. She could faintly hear the voices of her friends, not being able to make out what they were saying, however. Olivia let the door close on it's own behind her as she walked calmly over to the bed, dropped her bags, and dropped onto the bed, closing her eyes softly. She inhaled sharply and exhaled deeply, not wanting to move at all.
Jesse nodded his head, picking up his own luggage and walking out of the elevator. He muttered as he watched Olivia enter her room. "Bye..." He then muttered, much more quieter. "Love you..." It felt nice for Jesse to say that, even if she would never understand. He entered his own room and examined the room. Pretty normal, though Jesse. In about half an hour, he had finished unpacking and he laid on the bed and closed his eyes.
Jason groaned out in agony, placing limp hands over his aching temples – which no sooner than later began to turn into a nasty migraine: only to be best described as bloody murder itself.

“Damn, no” Jason glances around his surroundings, noticing the strong after-taste of liqueur still overbearing from within his mouth.

From what he could conclude over the past few minutes (or hours, concerning how long he was unconscious) it was that Carson seemed to save him from another mishap.

‘If only,' he thought ‘It was a demon instead'

But no. It was the rich and wealthy Carson. Pathetic.
Olivia smiled softly to herself, opening her eyes slowly. She wandered over to the nightstand and began flipping through the brochures and menus sitting by her bed. Minutes had gone by before Olivia decided to sit back on the bed, holding a brochure with nearby "hot-spots" and beaches described in it. Slipping her phone out of her back pocket, she quickly checked the time before sitting up on the bed and beginning to type. Seconds later, she simply stared down at her phone, still smiling only a bit brighter now. Olivia looked up and around the room before re-reading the text once more.

Olivia: Hey, I'm thinking about renting a car or two so we can all go to the beach in a bit? Everyone good with that?

Shrugging her shoulders, Olivia hit send, dropped the phone onto the bed, and began going through her suitcase. Somehow she had pumped herself up about going to the beach and, whether everyone else was going or not, Olivia was going. In face, she was now in the process of changing into her swimsuit, putting on a different top and a pair of more comfortable shorts to go in, as well as pulling her hair into a ponytail just to keep it out of her face. Now that her outfit was in order, her main goal was to find a way to rent a car for the adventure.
Dustin was dozing on his bed, comfortable and drifting in and out of consciousness, when his phone buzzed and woke him up fully. His first reaction was to freak out, not exactly sure where he was or what was happening, but as he looked around and examined the elegance of his room he remembered. Miami was so freaking sweet. The way the sunlight invaded the room through the wide windows was enough to make him forget his previous annoyance at the group for their pettiness. Reaching over and grabbing his phone, Dustin sent a quick private message to Olivia.

Sounds like a rad plan. After I change can I head to your room and figure it out with you? I'm super bored.

Dustin shed his day clothes and pulled on some simple swimming trunks and a form fitting white shirt and laid in bed, wanting to get comfortable again. He hoped that everyone could sober up enough to wanna go swimming but even if there were only a small portion of people going, that'd be cool. This trip is going to be fun and no drama was going to stop Dustin from enjoying himself to the fullest.
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Olivia decided it would probably be easiest to call the front desk to ask about car rentals; so she did. "Hi, I have a quick question.. Is there any place that I can rent a car and have them brought here?" she paused, listening intently as he read off a number to a local company. "Oh, well, that works, then. Thank you." She hung up the phone with the front desk, quickly writing down the number on a notepad. Hearing her phone buzz on the bed, she quickly snatched it up and read the message.

Olivia: Sure thing. Just knock when you get here.

Olivia read off the number to herself, dialing the number on her cell. She waited impatiently for someone to answer. "Hi, I was wondering what your largest vehicle was and the cost to rent it for about two weeks? Preferably a car that could fit about eight? ... Four seats is the maximum? Okay.." Olivia bit her lip, nodding softly as they explained the prices and decided to negotiate a deal for two cars instead. After a couple minutes, Olivia had managed to get a decent deal for two cars for their trip. "Thank you so much," she said, hanging up and slipping the phone into her pocket. Glancing around the room, Olivia was now debating what all they should bring. Alcohol seemed like a bad idea, to her at least, but she figured they should probably bring some anyways. They were all adults, after all. Dustin would help her figure this all out soon, hopefully.
Dustin picked up his phone and read over the message quickly. He smiled at the knocking part. Of course he was obviously just going to stand in front of the door and communicate with Olivia telepathically to open the door. Chuckling quietly to himself, he stepped into the bathroom and gave himself a quick once over. His hair was a mess but his eyes reflected the sheer excitement Dustin felt. The fact that he was actually in Miami never failed to amaze him each time the thought crossed his mind. He had always hears that the beaches here were phenomenal. After packing a small sports bag with a handful of things he felt were necessary, he grabbed his room key off his bed side table and turned off the lights.

Dustin wandered down the hallways until he found the room that he knew was Olivia's. He hesitated before he knocked and used the quick time he had bought himself to run a hand through his hair. For some strange reason, he found himself worrying about what she would think of him. He shook his head abruptly, shaking the absurd thoughts from his head. Olivia was Jesse's and he shouldn't have to worry about these things because it didn't matter. They were just friends. Dustin raised his hand and rapped on the door, a light blush tinging his cheeks.
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