
Hello, Kuu-chan and everyone~!

I'm Lowee! It's nice to meet you (:3)

As you can see, I'm new here myself, hee hee~ So, I hope we can be friends (<3)

Hmm, something silly about myself? I'm not sure~

Does not being able to speak clearly in your first language sound silly? (o'v'o)

I think it's funny~ 'cause it makes me all awkward when trying to speak Indonesian (> :D )

Oh and, did someone get admitted to a hospital? I hope he's okay (:'()

Thank you for the concern, @Lowee . That is very kind of you. Oh, where are my manners? Kon'nichiwa, Lowee-san!!!( :) )(O:))

Welcome to RP nation!!!Good luck with speaking Indonesian and roleplaying!(o'v'o)(
:) )

Hee hee, it's the least I can do (^.^)

Yep! Kon'nichiwa~(<3) D'aww, thank you~ (:3)

I doubt I'd be able to speak Indonesian fluently anytime soon, but role-playing? Count me in!!! (<3)(<3)(<3)

Just gonna find the right role-play~ One that can make me feel at home (O:))

And good luck to you too, Delila~!(<3)

Oh my god, seriously? I'd never thought I'd find a fellow Indonesian here (*U*)

It's oddly refreshing (:3)

And yes, thank you (<3) It's nice to meet you, Valhite (^.^)
Kuudere said:
Haihaiii!~ I'm not really new to roleplaying in itself but I'm new to this site so I'm hoping to meet some awesome people/friends(huzzah) and perhaps join in on some roleplaying.
I'm a sushi addict and I'm extremely guilty of laughing at inappropriate times.

I also make weird noises aloud at random times and then laugh at myself until I realize I'm in public and being stared at. Then I usually just stare back all calm and collected like nothing happened.

So tell me something about yourself that might seem silly! I promise I won't judge you. ( I have no room to, honestly. )

@Kuudere I feel your pain. Heha, and you're super nice! I have a super bombastic friend known as @Painted Puzzle . You should REALLY start a convo with her. Like, REALLY.

Kon'nichiwa, @Mistress Surchi . Finally, it's been like..forever since the apocalyps- I mean!(' :| ) since I've seen anybody suggest a new person. I just feel so happy that there are people that kind(^U^)! Anyway, I can see that you're a really kind person from what you posted. It's very kind of you to tell Kuudere-san that your friend, @Painted Puzzle , is really bombastic and that they REALLY need to start a convo. And I bet @Painted Puzzle is really kind as well! And if you're going through anything sad or something, we're here to cheer you up!

(...We really need more people like you, Lowee-san, Valhite-san, and Kuudere-san is this cruel world...( -_- "))

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@Mistress Surchi[/URL] . Finally, it's been like..forever since the apocalyps- I mean!(' :| ) since I've seen anybody suggest a new person. I just feel so happy that there are people that kind(^U^)! Anyway, I can see that you're a really kind person from what you posted. It's very kind of you to tell Kuudere-san that your friend, @Painted Puzzle , is really bombastic and that they REALLY need to start a convo. And I bet @Painted Puzzle is really kind as well! And if you're going through anything sad or something, we're here to cheer you up!

(...We really need more people like you, Lowee-san, Valhite-san, and Kuudere-san is this cruel world...( -_- "))

Hello all you beautiful people! I'm Painted Puzzle, The Safety Socks queen~! You can call me Puzzle or any name (that is nice) that you'd like. @Kuudere I'd be happy to talk with you, I will promise make the experience as happy and funny as possible. I do hope we can become friends! This may seem all over the place but that's okie. @Delila The Deity you seem very nice. Darling, you deserve the greatest amount of kindness there is, you've shown that you can be a true, and good friend. @Mistress Surchi dear, thanks for the tag. It is wonderful to see all these nice people.

Ah, this reminds me of something! It is such a great thing to see you all being kind to each other! It brings a smile to my face to know there are kind people in the world.

- Painted Puzzle
@Delila The Deity @Painted Puzzle


Why, yes. There may be more corrupted people than the just.

But, don't worry. There are many kind individuals out there, the people who are always there to help, whether it's volunteer work or donating to the needy (^.^)

If I have to say, the world is in balance; the corrupt destroy and the just repair. Don't you think? (O:))

We think that there're more of the corrupted due to the news, haha (':3)

Aww, thank you, Delila (<3)

I'm glad I met you too (<3)(<3)(<3)
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A best friend is better than a thousands friend. To be accepted or not is natural. To be hurt is natural. To lost friend is natural. To be sad is natural. But the most important thing is how do you cope with that. Either you keep falling, or come back up
Oh my! So many replies!

@Painted Puzzle[/URL] . You should REALLY start a convo with her. Like, REALLY.
I will definitely start a conversation with a referred bombtastic person! As long as she doesn't blow up on me! HAHAH GET IT? Man I'm corny. :c

@Delila The Deity[/URL] you seem very nice. Darling, you deserve the greatest amount of kindness there is, you've shown that you can be a true, and good friend. @Mistress Surchi dear, thanks for the tag. It is wonderful to see all these nice people.
Ah, this reminds me of something! It is such a great thing to see you all being kind to each other! It brings a smile to my face to know there are kind people in the world.

- Painted Puzzle
Ohoh I love that you have socks in your nickname! I can't wear matching socks so all of my socks mismatch. Another weird quirk of mine! And it's definitely all over the place, but I like that. I have ADHD so I think chaos and disorder is just fine! Okay okay, so you have to tell me something silly about yourself! Well you don't have to but I'd love for you to. :3

Lowee said:
Hello, Kuu-chan and everyone~!
I'm Lowee! It's nice to meet you (:3)

As you can see, I'm new here myself, hee hee~ So, I hope we can be friends (<3)

Hmm, something silly about myself? I'm not sure~

Does not being able to speak clearly in your first language sound silly? (o'v'o)

I think it's funny~ 'cause it makes me all awkward when trying to speak Indonesian (> :D )

Oh and, did someone get admitted to a hospital? I hope he's okay (:'()
Haihaiiiii! It is so lovely and wonderful to meet someone positive and awesome like you! I feel like I'm writing this insanely huge post but I hope you don't mind, haha. I'd feel silly welcoming you since I'm just as new, but welcome anyways! <3 I think it's just fine to do that! I'm Dutch but you'd feel right at home trying to listen to me read Dutch out loud. It's awkward and funny to listen to! So I'm sure we'd both have laughs about it~

@Painted Puzzle[/URL] . I'm really touched to hear that. I happily thank everyone for being kind, especially to Kuudere-san. Thank you, all of you, for making me happy (^U^). I am so thankful and honored that I met all of you, @Kuudere , @Valhite , @Lowee , @Mistress Surchi , and @Painted Puzzle . I feel like I met angels (O:)). Thank you, and I hope all of you have a wonderful life, and a great day, for every day (<X3)(^U^)( :) ). If any of you are going through anything, I know you'll make it. Once again, have a great day and a wonderful life![/bg][/border]
I'm thankful to have met you too! And I'm really happy are being nice to me and making me feel so welcome. When I logged in and saw all these lovely posts I got kind of emotional. I blame the hormones! I'm 12 weeks pregnant at the moment so I'm just a big baby about everything. ( Especially animal videos! They make me cry, whether they are happy or sad. ) So it feels wonderful to be surrounded by such cheerful people! Well friends. <3
@Kuudere Something silly, hmmm. Well I like Spaghetti O's, and my favourite color is rainbow, I'm from Narnia. I got a good one! I'm a majestic penguin. You just don't know that. (You totally know that now.) (o'v'o)

- Puzzle
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[QUOTE="Painted Puzzle]
@Kuudere Something silly, hmmm. Well I like Spaghetti O's, and my favourite color is rainbow, I'm from Narnia. I got a good one! I'm a majestic penguin. You just don't know that. (You totally know that now.) (o'v'o)
- Puzzle

OKAY, THIS IS THE DEAL BREAKER QUESTION! How do you eat your spaghetti o's?

I love penguins. They waddle and it's adorable. I'll waddle in a few months! c:
@Kuudere Well I lift the spoon, and turn on some majestic Beethoven music (I'm waiting for his next album to come out.) and eat the O's.

OMG!!!I KNOW RIGHT! Penguins are so kawaii!!!~ @Kuudere Same here, when they waddle=CUTENESS LEVEL 1000%!!!
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[QUOTE="Painted Puzzle] @Kuudere Well I lift the spoon, and turn on some majestic Beethoven music (I'm waiting for his next album to come out.) and eat the O's.

I eat them straight out of the can. No heating up of the Spaghetti O's! It's sacrilege!

lmwevil said:
Something really silly I love, is when any character in an RP falls in love.
That's always lovely! I enjoy reading RPs where characters fall in love. :3

[QUOTE="Delila The Deity]

OMG!!!I KNOW RIGHT! Penguins are so kawaii!!!~ @Kuudere Same here, when they waddle=CUTENESS LEVEL 1000%!!!

YESSSS! They are adorable! I wish I had a whole bunch of them just waddling around the hallways! I'd make them a water slide and it'd be so cute! xD

I wish this world was filled with penguins(*^*)~If I had one, I'd name it Ice cream. I don't know why I'd pick a name that weird, but It just feels right(o'v'o)(:3). BTW, @Painted Puzzle , nice choice choosing Beethoven! I like classic piano music. This generation is just too...corrupt. I mean, raps having bad words in them? songs that have gross meanings? The children will probably corrupt if they listen to corrupt music(:<). It's just...too....weird. It's weird that they would make songs such as raps that have bad words in them. I mean, really adults? I thought you were better.
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OH MY GOD!!!!!! I just noticed that....Kuudere-san's avatar pic is....

Rikka Takanashi!!!!

From: Love, Chunibyo and other Delusions!

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[QUOTE="Delila The Deity]

OH MY GOD!!!!!! I just noticed that....Kuudere-san's avatar pic is....

Rikka Takanashi!!!!

From: Love, Chunibyo and other Delusions!


My favorite anime too (: I have the little dancing gif of her, so cute!!
Aiiyyyaa um hi guys im Alex and obvi im new and uh something silly that i did was i accidentally threw my slipper into my brothers oatmeal… i guess???

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