•Gone Rogue• ▬Lone Cat Rp▬

When Gray approached with his kill near her, Samirah grinned at him and cocked her head in question as he presented the vole to her. With a bit of uncertainty, she leaned forward and grabbed a chunk of the kill hanging in his mouth to tell him she accepted his offer. She didn't know what to do next, never having been with any other tom but her brother and Father, though the latter was blurry in her minds eye.

Kaleb watched with barely suppressed interest at his sister and Gray before he dropped the rabbit near the kits and nudged Connor rather roughly to awaken him with his head. Kaleb waited as the kit slowly woke up and licked his lips from the blood of his kill.

Connor mewed with displeasure at being rudely awakened but opened his eyes and raised his head anyways, knowing Kaleb always had something important when he disturbed his sleep. Upon looking at the larger Tom, Connor's vision was consumed with fluffy fur and his nose hit with the scent of blood and rabbit, drawing a happy purr from the kit. With a nip at Patches ear and a lick to her forehead, Connor tried to wake up the female to tell her it was time to eat, his joy obvious at the kill.
Patches rolled onto her side, the grass soft against her skin; she opened her eyes and peered up at whoever had awoken her. She was usually a slow riser, but this time, it was Connor and his family that greeted her.

And a rabbit!

Patches scrambled to her feet. "Ooh, rabbit!" She hadn't been living like a loner for long, and all the different varieties of meat had enticed her from the very start. She gave a happy mewl before crouching down to devour the meal, side by side with her newly met friend.

Gray was sitting a ways off, near Samie. When she'd taken part of the vole, he'd realized that he wasn't quite sure what he was doing either; so he'd just sat back to enjoy his own meal, curling his tail by his side. It had only been a few moments, however, before the rogue heard something from the forest.

His ears swiveled, trying to catch the noise. "Did you hear that?"
Kaleb and Samirah both perked their heads up, straining their ears at the strange sound they had heard also. If it was another rogue Tom that wanted to fight, Kaleb would handle it but if it was a stray dog, Samirah knew she would have to grab the kits and hide. Sniffing the air to try to catch a scent, Kaleb stood slowly and walked to stand in front of the kits, reading his sisters silent demand that they are first on her mind and to be immediately protected. After knowing Kaleb was going to protect them, Samie looked at Gray and crouched low, ready to spring if it was indeed a threat.

"I can't get any scent." Kaleb hissed to them in a whisper, his ears flicking back to symbolize his irritation but perking once again to keep alert.

"What do you think it is?" Samirah murmured at Gray, her eyes flickering back and forth between where his were and were they were focused.

Connor had been to busy enjoying the rabbit to notice the danger but at Kaleb's hiss, he looked up and swept his eyes around the clearing, taking in his mom and the other tom. He didn't like the defensive positions they were in or how they seemed so focused on the woods near his mother. With a brush of his tail against her shoulder, Connor tried to get Patches attention, who was still eating happily.

"Whats going on?" He mewed out to Kaleb as quietly as he could.
Scourge got to his paws, blood dripping from his face, Then he leaped over Jinx and attacked Bone, and sunk his claws into his throat tearing his wind pipe and making him suffocate.
Jinx watched Scourge surprised and as she watched him make Bone suffer she started to wonder again what might happen to them in this fight he dragged her in.
Patches swallowed some meat. "Hm?" She looked up, looking at Connor's worried expression. Her eyes travelled between all the other cats, who were focused on some point in the woods; Gray turned to meet her eyes before turning back.

"Why are you looking at the forest?" asked the kit, turning. "It looks normal to me."

A response came in the form of another noise from the brush; it sounded like an animal travelling through the trees. It was too loud to be any prey, but it didn't sound as large as a dog or badger. Whatever it wasn't moving very stealthily.

The wind shifted slightly, and Gray caught a scent- as probably did the others. "It's a cat," he meowed quietly.

The feline in question apparently decided to show itself, as a form materialized from through the trees. It was a queen; she was a white tabby, sharp eyes flicking from one cat to the other. Gray didn't recognize her, but she looked thin and a little undernourished.

Seeing their wary expressions, the newcomer spoke in a remarkably smooth tone. "Relax. I'm not going to hurt your kits." Her eyes focused on the meat laying on the grass, looking hungry, before turning back to Kaleb, and Samie. Gray wondered what she was doing there; was she looking for prey? He didn't know how well that would go down with Kaleb.

(I have this plot idea. It's all well in this peaceful area, with lots of prey, but you didn't really detail the unmarked territory. Maybe things have happened over there, rogue clans have grown, and prey's gone scarce? I mean, it would certain stir up conflict if clans began wanting to take Kaleb and Samie's territory for more hunting lands. If so, this queen could give them the heads-up.)
(I like that. Brings excitement and some thrill to the story.)

At the approach of the white queen, Samirah stood up and walked a bit closer to the kits just in case the queen lied. She never trusted other queens that much, having had one almost try to take Connor from her before. Her green eyes glinted into hard emerald stones, telling the queen with her eyes that if she even tried anything funny the other female would never leave this clearing unharmed. Kaleb lifted his small nose into the air to sniff at the newcomer, his own green eyes guarded but not violent like his sisters. His ears perked forward, revealing there truly long five inch length while his fuller tail fanned slightly as the hair along his back and nape bristled straight up.

"What do you want here female?" Kaleb hissed at her curiously yet still demanding as he kept his defensive stance.

Samirah noticed the queens hungered gaze at the rabbit and softened her own fierce look as she understood slightly why the other feline had come. Knowing her brother would protect her in case the female attacked, Samirah came around the kits toward the rabbit and after grabbing one of the hares back tan and white spotted leg, began to slice at the furred flesh with her claws. The sharp nails easily cut the skin and the muscle there, the bone connecting the leg to the rabbits body snapped with a quick jerk of Samie's head. After she disconnected the appendage from the rabbit she came back to stand near Kaleb with it hanging from her jaw, the red blood staining her pelt as it dripped down. Kaleb looked at his sibling curiously before his eyes widened in understanding and he purred a quick response to her unspoken question. At Kaleb's approval since it had been his kill, Samie eyed the queen carefully before she tossed her head to the side and then flung the leg at the female, it landing with a thud a few inches from the Queen's snowy paws.
The white queen's eyes were impassive as she viewed the group's reactions. The older ones looked wary- even vehement. The one kit looked almost uncertain, at the very least. Samie's expression softened though, and the newcomer watched with surprise as a piece of the rabbit was offered to her. Gray saw her expression; perhaps she came from the same type of world he did, where most meals had to be fought for.

After a moment, the snowy queen spoke. "Thank you," she purred, sitting to take a bite from the meat. "Good to know generosity still exists around here." Kaleb's question was ignored.

Patches, who had been trying to stay quiet by the rabbit, couldn't sit still any longer. "Hey!" she mewed, bouncing over in front of the queen. "My name's Patches! What's yours?"

"Patches!" exclaimed Gray, standing.

"I like your coat," said the small kit, ignoring the tom and tilting her head. "It's really pretty!"

"Patches, come back here," said Gray. You couldn't trust any rogue with kits, and something about the queen's persuasive voice seemed off to him.

"It's quite fine," said the newcomer, lowering her head to meet the kit's eye level. "Hello, Patches. You can call me Solstice."

"That's a funny name!"

Her ears flicked. "I had funny parents."

​(Blah it's been over a week blah)
Sammie felt her hackles rise as Patches bounded toward the Queen closer than she would have liked. She looked at Gray swiftly, seeing the blatant dislike for the kit moving also, before she returned her gaze back to both females. She nodded at the compliment the Queen gave but otherwise said nothing as she froze when Patches got closer and closer to the other larger female. Kaleb felt his sister stiffen beside him and took a step toward the kit to grab her up but Connor beat him to it as the tiny gray kit sprinted over to Patches and tackled her to the ground. It unbalanced both and they tumbled to the ground, rolling toward Gray. Connor continued to act like he was playing with his friend though his heart thumped in his chest with fright. The new female scared him a bit and her mews only added to his fear. His fur had bristled at the sound of her voice and he instantly knew his mother would want the kit back with Gray, an ally. Then Gray's hiss at Patches confirmed his thoughts. He hadn't much time before something happened and so he leapt to his feet and did what instincts told him. Flight, run.

"Patches! Play with me! I bet I can run around Gray faster than you!" he mewed at her to try to distract her before he continued playfully with, "And I bet I can do more laps around him too!"

As he spoke he tried to nip at her exposed limbs and tail, the pretty colors of her fur enticing where he aimed. He nudged her closer to Gray, his eyes trying to tell the Tom that he wanted to get his new friend away from danger rather than play but he still kept up his acting so Patches wouldn't suspect. Samie nearly purred in pleasure at her son's quickness though she was still a bit more on edge as they were away from her. It was almost unbearable as they got further and further with an unknown feline with them present. Kaleb sat down and kept his eyes locked on the Queen, his mind trying hard to figure out why else she was here. He cleared his throat to draw her attention and once again asked his question, though with less friendliness and more tedious infliction.
Patches gave a sharp meow as she was unexpectedly toppled from behind. Tumbling into the grass, she scrabbled her way out of Connor's grasp as he leaped up from the ground. "Hey! Connor!" she laughed, surprised. She looked back up at the new queen, but was distracted by the nips from the kit beside her. Submitting to playing the game, she fended Connor off with some nips of her own. It seemed sort of random to her, but Solstice didn't seem to mind the interruption, looking on with an amused look as she took another bite out of her rabbit leg.

Connor's challenge sounded sort of off too- run around Gray? There had to be some ulterior motive to it, like he was distracting her or something. She was almost ready to say, "I'm not that stupid-" but then she was being pushed towards Gray. Ah, well, she could always talk later. Patches started running.

Gray was relieved, sitting back down as he looked thoughtfully at Connor. It was obvious, to his eyes, that he was only distracting Patches; but it had been quick thinking on the kit's part.

Solstice looked up from the two kits as the angry looking tom asked again what she was doing here. The queen seemed to consider the question, waving her tail. "Well," she spoke, unaffected as ever. "I'm just passing through. Your little world seems perfect enough," she mewed, "but elsewhere, you know, living is harsh." She traced the meat before her with her tail, her voice slow and deliberate. "Prey is scarce." She looked over at the kits, after a pause; "But you don't have that problem, do you?"

She didn't seem ready to offer any more, so Gray growled something of his own; "Just tell us what you want, or leave."

The white queen regarded him. "I'll be off then. But I'd watch out for those little kits of yours; a desperate Clan won't stop at much for plentiful prey." She took the rest of her rabbit, and- giving the cats a last look- walked out from the clearing. Pausing before she desappeared, she added, "You should be glad I was so nice."

"Hey, wait- Solstice?" asked Patches, drawing away from Connor for a moment; but the queen was gone.

"Did she say Clans?" she asked, hopefully, looking at Gray. The tom sighed, knowing how romanticized her mother's stories about Clans had been, and looked at the other two grown cats instead of answering.

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