•Gone Rogue• ▬Lone Cat Rp▬


One Thousand Club
Sign up Sheet/ Story line http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3458-•Gone-Rogue•-▬Lone-Cat-Rp▬?p=116796#post116796

Asher Ran thought the forest, his ears pinned against his head, his paws had begun to ache, and his knees felt weak, His stomach is sick, and he bared his teeth slightly, and his pelt began to bristle, he ran out of the woods and leaped onto a dumpster, he clawed his way onto a balcony then jumped onto the building's roof, he walked along the roof quickly then sat down, he sighed and looked down at his paws, he flexed his claws and dug them into the Hard roof, the tips only sinking in slightly, He sheathed them again and sighed

Scourge on a roof basking in the sun, his black belly exposed, his tail flicking occasionally but his claws were to large to be sheathed fully, so most cats attempted to stay away from him, His claws were large and think, not to mention very sharp, He would have no problem taking out quite a few cats.

Eagle walked along the alleys and avoid the humans swiftly, then a human kit squealed and ran for him, he hissed jumped onto a trashed can and jumped over a fence, he heard the trash can fall and the kit began in wail and sob, he growled and began to walk again, but slightly faster.
Fire laid beside Sand in their Human's home, they had owners, but the lived outside mostly, only sometimes did they come inside, they were brother and sister, Sand slept silently Beside Fire who was grooming himself. Then he noticed the sun pouring out of the open window, they didn't have collars because they were almost fully wild, he nudged Sand awake "Come on." he meowed then began to creep towards the opened window, Sand behind him, then the loud human foot steps sounds, and the both quickly leaped out the window and onto the balcony, Fire leaped onto the railing and jumped onto a dumpster and then to the ground, Sand followed her brother just a little more clumsily
Hazel casually flicked her tail from side to side as she basked in the warm sun. She was her own cat and was happy that way, a feeling she had just begun to experience for the first time in her life. How life confined she had been by the confines of her clan and the expectations of the toms. Not that the she-cats were any better for that matter, all cats were expected to act in a certain way and accept anything and everything given or done to them as an honor. But she couldn’t live that way, not now and not ever again. With a sigh Hazel stood, she had been resting on the sill of a window. The women who lived their left early in the morning and came back late at night so between those times the creamy white and brown she cat had the warm brick ledge to herself.
Ash then out of the corner of his eye spotted hazel, he let out a growl, and flexed his claws, More She-cats he thought with a snarl and looks back down at his paws.
Hazel turned to see a tom cat snarling a few yards away. She eyed him wearily, she had no desire to fight but she liked this spot and it was close to the grocery. She could actually hunt for rats from here, the drop was not too far and the rodents never saw her coming. If she was lucky she sometimes got a pigeon but the birds were a little more difficult to grasp.
Ash watched her, his eyes hidden bu his long fur, he growled slightly and dropped off the roof, he landed on his paws and crouched down into the long grass, she could see him, but the birds, rats, and mice couldn't, he stalked around for a minute then stopped as if frozen, a large, plump bunny stood in front of him, not knowing that Ash was about to make him Ash's next meal, He nibbled on some grass and wheat, he wiggled his haunches and got ready to pounce.
Oreo leaped from his hiding spot in the tall grass and pounced on the unsuspecting mouse that was Ash`s intended target, it struggled a little between his front paws, but he quickly removed it from the ground by picking it up in his teeth by the tail so it woulden`t get away, the black cat was about to eat his catch on the spot but looking up at Ash made him run off to hide under a nearby bush. "MIFWERS MEFFURS!" (finders keepers) he proclaimed with his mouth full on his way.
Ash growled and Lashed his tail (t was a rabbit btw lmfao) "Well." he hissed "have you ever heard of Survival of the fittest?" He snarled and took a step towrds the kit and bared his teeth.
Hazel watched the scent below unphased, she would not intervene unless the young cat was in serious danger. He had made a poor decision and a rude on at that and he had whatever was coming to him. However at the same time the tom seemed a bit violent, she finally decided that if she thought the tom was going to maul or kill the other cat she would step in. Otherwise she would let nature take its course. She flicked her creamy tail casually and looked up at the sky in boredom.
(lol sorry about the rabbit-mouse mismatch)

One could only see the young cats head, which still had a the struggling rabbit by the tail and front paws
from under the low bush, the approaching tom looked both strong and menacing but Oreo decided to put up a brave front and respond to Ash`s comment by simply shaking his head "no" as if he was not phased by the tom`s threatening preference.

The motion did not create a pleasant sensation for the rabbit
Ash Hissed loudly and arched his back, He was bigger then this tom, His fur fluffed out and made him look bigger, He unsheathed his claws and Growled at Oreo, he bared his teeth and hissed loudly again. A kit should have been taught better, Of Course Ash wasn't taught well, but he never stole a kill and then was disrespectful, He growled again and bared his fangs.

Scourge turned over to watch The Male and the Kit, He sat up and sat on the roof above Hazel, He saw her, But wasn't going to fret unless she got aggressive of his presents, he was a large black tom, with even larger claws, that didn't fit in their sheathes, He watched the Action unfold and her wait for the young tom to make one move, and Ash would go for it.
Out of the corner of her eye Hazel noticed a movement. With a surprised hissed she stood gaining a better view of the situation at hand. The she-cat had been so focused on the fight below her other guards had dropped and now a large tom cat was on the roof top above her. She struggled to see him but his size and prowess was obvious. Hazel lept from her perch and onto the shingled platform, her creamy brown and white tail flicked as she eyed him. “Can I help you?” she mewed warily. She was in no mood to fight but also knew that she would stand up for her personal space.
Scourge looked at her with his light blue eyes, and smirked. "No." He growled "Can i help you?" he asked and stared at her, He unsheathed his claws revealing how large and sharp they were.
Hazel watched him cautiously not quite fathoming his aggressive reaction, “Why so hasty? I have neither threatened you nor caused you bodily harm. I merely noticed you above my head as I perched upon the sill and decided to gain a better understanding of your business. Not to do so would have been foolish,” she mewed making a conscious decision not to flex her claws.
Autumn wandered about the forest, she avoided getting too close to the twoleg place. she caught a whiff of mouse and dropped into a crouch. once she located the mouse she pounced, making a clumsy kill.she ate her mouse in peace. she was a young rogue just barely finding her way. it was tough being alone, but what choice did she have? she didnt want to live with twolegs, she would miss the natural sounds and smells of the forest.
Scourge gave a slight smirk "Only making sure you don't do anything unnecessary" he growled and stared her down, He narrowed his eyes and flicked his touch mover his nose.

Eagle Sat in the bushes then His heard a sound, His ears swiveled and twitched, What ever was moving around was clumsy and didnt stay on its feet well, He stood up and found himself standing behind a Female, He breathed in her scent, She didnt smell like a human pet, And he gave out a warning growl letting her know of his presents.
Autumn whirled around to see a tom and jumped back. she hoped she hadnt invaded his territory, she was still working on her fighting skill "i apologize if this is your territory, i didnt smell anything" she mewed.
Eagle shook his head and stepped out from behind the bushed "No." he said quietly "Its not my territory." he meowed solemnly and began to slowly walk away, His paws falling lightly on the leaves not making much noise.
Autumn watched him walk away. "how do you do that?" she followed him, her paws stepps loud, leaves crunching under foot.
Eagle looked at her his eyes filled with sorrow "Do what?" He meowed softly, and shook his pelt, some pine needled that had landed on his back fell lightly on the ground.
"with your feet" she replied "all i ever do is stomp around like an angry badger" her tail swished and her eyes glittered with curiosity. hunting would be so much easier if she didnt make so much noise, but she was a young she-cat with no one to teach her.
(Ima call him Egan instead)

Egen sighed, Step slowly and try not to put all your weight on the one foot after the other" He meowed, and looked around His ears twitching fast, "Let me show you." He said quietly, He crouched down and crawled over a log, He made no noise what so ever, He smelt the air, Rabbit, He wriggled his haunches and Leaped for the rabbit, he gave it a swift blow and it was dead in seconds, he carried the Rabbit to Her and dropped it at her paws. "Are you hungry?" He asked and twitched his whiskers slightly.

Fire leaped onto a Wooden fence and pranced on the edge skillfully, He smiled as his sister attempted But ended up stumbling and landing in the Grassy yard, He chuckled as she sniffed around the yard and found a whole, She stuck her head inside and then pulled it out, Mud pinned her long fur back, She shook her fur and Fire jumped down from the fence, He tackled her and they began to wrestle and play fight.
"am i ever!" the tiny mouse she had eaten wasnt nearly enough to fill her, "are you sure its ok though?" her ears twitched and her tail swished happily.
Egan nodded and crouched down and began to eat Beside the Female, She was pretty, He thought to himself as we swallowed mouthfuls of the Rabbit, It had been a while since he had hunted, the loss of his mother was great and took its tole on him, he was skinny, but his fur hid it well, He lick his muzzle and then took another bite.
Jinx sat on a roof across from Scourge and Hazel enjoying the little show of the tom and kit were putting on until she noticed the other two on the roof nearby. She wondered if they would start fighting each other but decided she would stay quiet and just watch to find out, so she laid down gracefully looking back and forth from each pair of cats waiting for something exciting to happen.

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