[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RPG

Grimlock was fired at again as he just roared in confusion, being attack from two different sides was really making Grimlock's head hurt.

He growled charging forward, racing right past the duo in the direction of the Ark as he yelled and screaming in annoyance, his huge feet stamping the ground like a mini quake.
Siren began to chase Grimlock. "He's heading toward the Ark, he might destory it!" "Thundershock, the Dinobot is heading your way!"
Kanjo chased after Grimlock in his robot form. He had no problem keeping up with the dinobot's speed and soon was right behind him. He carefully timed the movment of the tail and jumped onto it. He then ran up Grimlock's back and back-flipped off of the top of his head to force him into the ground and topple him over.
Kanjo's plan worked perfectly as Grimlock began to lose balance and his tiny arms spun around of control as he triped and his huge mass hurtled for the ground creating a whistling sound from his sheet size as he smashed into the ground with an earth shaking collision as his large metal body lay somewhat buried in the ground forming a Grimlock shaped crater as Grimlock eyes were spinning as he was dizzy.

He shook his head to recover and then tried to get up, but he couldn't get his small arms to help push himself up as he struggled in vain to try and get up from belly down predicament.
"The rampant dinobot has been temporarily detained" Kanjo said as he turned to Siren. "You are needed back at the ARK. I can handle the dinobot." In reality, he was unsure if he could handle him; gunfire proved to be ineffective and the fall only seemed to daze him, but he knew that protecting the ARK was more important, and they needed every Autobot they could spare.
Siren nodded, before transforming into a police care, and driving to the Ark. "Look out cons, here I come," she thought to herself.
Revenant knew of the nearby commotion. It was quite hard to miss; thundering footfalls,gunfire,roaring. It sounded like a warzone. But then came a particularly loud crash,then silence. They brought the big one down. Time is short... Revenant pulled out more bombs,and attached them to the underside of the boarding ramp. After putting a small distance between himself and the ramp,he faced the door. Calling out to the Autobot in his grating monotone,Revenant said, "Tankor! Take a seat!" This taunt from invisibility was followed almost immediately by the detonation of the bombs,completely demolishing the boarding ramp. The ramp itself served as a blast shield,so the Autobot on the ramp was more than likely going to remain unharmed...But the blast and landing will give Revenant enough time to board the Ark and do some recon.
Megatron was becoming impatient. "Hurry up Revenant...," he thought to himself before looking around. "Where is Starscream?!"// Siren saw the explosion Revenant caused and turned into robot form; she quickly turned her hands into guns and got ready for a fight.
Autoclock instantly stopped flying to see what was going down. He transformed to his robot form and continued to hover in place. "hail Megatron!" he shouted to the sky as if he was arguing it to somebody. Then he starting spinning rapidly in till he was a blur and seven bombs were launched in Siren's general direction. "I hope those hit her... i'm so dizzy" he said to himself with his head swaying from side to side.
Siren noticed weird shadows heading toward her, she looked up to see the bombs, and barely dodged them. "What now?" she asked herself, before noticing the Insecticon. She began to fire at him.
Grimlock grumbled as he saw the Girl Bot who hurt him flee. He growled as he continued to struggle to get up waving his tiny arms as he began smashing his tail against the floor until he suddenly rolled to his side. He rolled again and again until he was able to finally make into an upright position.

"Girl Bot run away, I make Girl Bot pay!"

He then started chasing after Siren, ignoring Kanjo and chasing after as his feet stamped against the ground and he decided to run through some trees, not bothering to go around them, but through them!
"Great...now I have an Insecticon and a Dinobot to worry about," Siren thought to herself. "I could use some backup," she said into the Autobot com channel.
Kanjo transformed to vehicle mode and chased after Grimlock. He went a distance beside him and past him, then turned so he would charge at Grimlock's side. When got close he transformed back to robot mode and stomped against Grimlock's side, hoping that the force, combined with his momentum, would topple the beast over again. (assuming it worked,) He then stood between Siren and Grimlock and ignited his energon katana. "Your fight is with me." Kanjo said.
As the explosion went off, Thundershock and the ramp lifted up and soon fell to the ground. Hitting the ground, Thundershock figured the direction of the voice and soon unleashed gatling rounds towards revanent.

"There is been an explosion here at the main entrance. We have decepticons trying to barge in. Any availiable autobots, we need to seal the door. Siren, If you bring the big guy here, we can tag team our situations." Thundershock said as he continued to shot towards revenant.
"Think you can handle fighting two bots:the Dinobot and Insecticon?" Siren asked Thundershock. She began to run toward Thundershock's position. "How bad is the damage?"
As Kanjo slam into Grimlock, the force was truly impressive as one could hear the echo of clashing metal from far away as the force was enough to stop Grimlock but not enough to put him down.

He growl as he began to step forward, one large foot after the other as he began to push back Kanjo with his large weight still going towards Siren and the Ark.

"I fight Girl Bot and 2 Wheel Bot!!!"
(I don't care how big and tough you are,Backlash. Even Optimus would've been dazed by that,even for a moment)

Revenant sprang into motion long before the Autobot hit the ground. He charged forward,and leapt into the air,planted a foot on the Autobot's head,who had just landed,then used him as a stepping stone to spring into the Ark. Landing in the Ark in a roll,Revenant simply ran down the hall,putting as much distance between himself and the tank bot as possible. "Entry gained." Sprinting down the Ark's numerous hallways,Revenant relied on his speed and invisibility to stay in one piece. He heard gunfire just outside the hatch; gattling cannon. Slowing down,Revenant observed his surroundings. If he was right,he should be near the ship's bow. Slowing down to a silent prowl,Revenant approached what he hoped was the bridge.
Gyrospark retraced how he got to the Ark in an atempt to get back to the Nemisis. He wondered if his malfunctions were just temporary, his audio recovered so maybe his visuals would recover as well. He heard gunfire from behind him. He could easily icnore conflict but onthis strange new planet he didnt know what to do. Especaily with the Nemisis down and a large portian of the Decepticon army here he wasnt sure if they could ever get back to Cybertron.
"This is no fun" Autoclock mumbled to himself. He looked down and noticed Gyrospark wandering around confused. So he follows her thinking that he can help and maybe meet Megatron. "maybe later pew pew gun" he says cradling his gun.
"I cannot hold back the dinobot any longer." Kanjo said on the Autobot com as he jumped on top of Grimlock. He figured that the beast would have a hard time reaching him there. "Perhaps there is a way to turn him on the Decepticons."
"Hey Dinobot!" Siren shouted at Grimlock, "Those robots with the purple markings caused you to crash land on this planet." "Doubt that will work...," she thought to herself, but that was the only idea she had at the moment. She began to run toward the Ark to protect Teletran 1.
Grimlock saw the other bots that the Girl Bot pointed at.

"More bots that want to hurt Grimlock, Grimlock must destroy them all!"

He began firing his fire breath in all directions at both Autobots and Decepticons, barely even aiming as most were missing but some managed to get close and hopefully get the Decepticon's attentions.
Siren smiled to herself when she noticed Grimlock attacking the Decepticons. She entered the Ark and walked around with both hands in gun form. "Alright cons, show yourself!"// A Decepticon awoke in the Ark's cargo bay. She had boarded the Ark before it crashed, but didn't get very far. "Anyone reading this?" she asked over the com, "This is Huntress, I'm stuck in the Ark's cargo bay, the door is slammed tight and the panel to open it is fried. I'd use my claws to break out...but they would barely make a dent in the thick door." (If anyone wants to use Megatron as they can use him)
(first, you are assuming the ramp was high enough to get bombs under, and second, as a tank, I am made to take damage and deal damage. Since the ark had crashed, i assumed the ramp was not extremely high off the ground. I should have put that in my post, but i just assumed everyone thought about it. But oh well, your explosion countered EVERYTHING.)

As the decepticon stepped upon him, re reached up and tried to grab them, but they were too fast to grab. Just moments later, Siren came and proceeded to follow into the ark.

“Go get them Siren. I will take care of the big guy out here.” Thundershock said as he slammed his fists together.

“HEY YOU DINO DUDE!!” Thundershock yelled out at the large dinobot.
Grimlock saw Thundershock yelling at him and then charged at him as well as the Decepticon with him, charging them like a wild rhino going after some enemy as he roared with rage, his footsteps creating a loud shocking sound each time he slammed his foot down to go faster towards his targets, intending to crush them both.

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