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Fandom Off Pitch - Pitch Perfect

"You've all worked hard for this. Some of you, who are not here, obviously did not make it. As the leader of the all-female vocalists group of Brampston University, it is my honor to introduce this years members of Too Vocal!" Sam announced to the girls in the room, who all had bags over their heads. It was a college acapella tradition.

"Let's start with our sopranos and mezzo-sopranos; I, Sam Dickerson, am a mezzo-soprano. Our soprano is--" She ripped the bag off the girl's head, "Ariel Sampson!" @AWildCatBug

"Our other mezzo-soprano..." The next bag was ripped off of the next girl, "Madi Sullivan!" @Kawaii and @Halcyon

"Welcome, girls, to Too Vocal!"​
Ariel jumped as the cloth bag was suddenly removed from her head, she squinted as the candle light hit her recently blind eyes. "Jeeze, did we need to be kidnapped like that?" She quipped, mostly lashing out from lack of control. Her eyes wandered over to her fellow 'Vocals' and a small smiled crept up onto her lips, she had a friend group, or she had the chance to have a friend group. "Where are we anyways? Is this a normal tradition for you guys?" Ariel hissed through a pleasant smile. She was trying, not very hard, but she was trying and that in her head was enough. Curiousity rose in her chest, as she focused on the captain of Too Vocal. "So, now that we're in, what's next?" Her head cocked to the side subconsciously. "I heard something about some sort of competition? Is that local?" Ariel had always loved competing, although she was new to vocal competition, she still liked the idea of kicking butt.

It didn't hurt that her brother went to the school, and anything to keep her mind from the ungodly horror that would be running into him, was a good thing.
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"Why, of course, you needed to be kidnapped! It's tradition! We're just in the basement of the dorms, it's fine," Sam informed Ariel, smiling offhandedly at the thought of Ariel's brother. She shook her head, scolding herself in her head for having a stupid crush on the leader of her rival team. Focus, Sam. You've got recruits to teach. "The competition starts off locally, then we move on to nationals and finals," she explained. She glanced around at the group of girls. At least we've got good ones this year. I'm not dealing with those preppy freshman ever again. That was torture. @AWildCatBug
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Ariel rolled her eyes at Sam light heartedly, it was playful in a sense but rude in another. "When are locals? When are practices?" Her controlling tendencies were not going to leave anytime soon. A printed hand out would be nice, I wonder if she'll give me one... That would be wonderful. She gave a small smile. "Also are finals national? Or international? Should I stop talking now? I feel like I'm babbling, maybe someone else should start talking." Ariel gulped in a breath of air, cheeks flushed with embarrassment for a singular moment, her eyes down cast. It was definitely going to be an interesting year. @FandomDork
Stepping down from a bench, Kit announces his arrival with a large thud and a small laugh. "Welcome newbies, this is Unaccompanied Treble. We are the best male vocalists this school has to offer and I have chosen you to join us." Stepping lightly in front of Nate, he grabs his blindfold and pulls it down his face. "Our first Tenor, Nathan Aleanlani. You have the best voice of your style." Patting him on the shoulder, he moves to his next recruit. "And our first Counter Tenor, Mitchel Schneider." Grabbing the last blind fold he pulls it down the mans face, revealing striking amber eyes. Kit skips a step, catching himself as he stutters out "Wel..welcome to the group boys. Now, who's up for some drinks!" Smiling at Mitchel once more before turning to a table, snatching up a shot, he downs it quickly, turning once more to his team. Raising his arms gesturing to the table and hollers "Where's my bitches!"

Jayden was silent during the whole thing, just in shock of why they were "kidnapped" like animals or something. "OK, So we are like indie or something" She asked as she crossed her arms. She sighed at but ignored it anyway. She was scanning her surroundings looking at the "kidnappers" and the 'victims" and chuckled a bit. "But, This seems cool" she smirked.
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Natalie blinked as the bag was pulled up from over her head. She glared at the other females in the group, not liking the whole being kidnapped thing. Especially since grades were still important to her and she was studying. She didn't feel the need to protest however, not since the other girls seemed to do so already. Natalie crossed her arms, cocking one hip as she eyed the room. It was filled with candles, and before her on the table seemed to be a glass filled with fruit punch. Natalie rolled her eyes slightly, twirling a strand of blue hair around her fingers.

"Indie?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at the Asian girl. They kind of had one thing in common since she was Hawaiian and Samoan so she looked Asian. However, she decided not to question the girl anymore. It's better to just quietly wait for the introduction pledge thing first.

@Kawaii @AWildCatBug @ArboreticTruth
"Yeah, What's it to you ?" She replied as one of the girls replied to it. She looked at the girl, knowing that she was probably Hawaiian or something. Jayden glared back at her hands which had white nail polish on them from painting them a week prior. She looked at one of the males who were taking shots. She had never had liquor or beer in her life, which sometimes had its cons and pros. "What do we do now, I"m still bored with some music playing, still" Jayden complained.
"Okay...you guys ask a lot of questions..." Sam muttered, backtracking to the first question. "Locals are in a few months, so don't worry. Practices are every day, but it took me a while to sync everyone's schedules, so I just made a handout, because why not." She handed out the paper with their practice schedule for the month. "Finals are national, but if we win the finals, we go international," she said in one breath. She held up a finger and darted out of the room and into the room where the boys were, grabbing and downing a shot, winking at the boys, and walking back to the girls. "Alright, anymore questions?"

@Kawaii @AWildCatBug
Ariel took the sheet gratefully, folding it into a crisp square. "Thank you, I'm finished with my questions for now, I trust I'll be able to ask more questions later." She nodded sneaking a peak into the the room across from them, a flash a Kit catching her attention. Dammit, I though I would have had more time to figure this out. "Can I go drink?" Ariel snapped bluntly, her smile now fading into a displeased grimace. "I could use a shot after being kidnapped, even if it was sort of exciting." She flipped her chocolate locks and began to strut towards the door, thankful that she had took the time to do her make-up. Her eyes drifted towards Nate, staring from behind mascara and thick hair, blue gaze set on talking to him to drown out the sound of her brother.

/ / /

Mitch found himself slightly flustered under Kit's stare, but quickly regained his composure, flashing a sexy lopsided smirk. He took a look around at his two fellow team mates, giving a nod to Nate, before setting his sights on the table of alcohol.
"Ooh, me too!" He shouted whipping back a shot of tequila, then another two in quick secession before lounging back against a wall to scope out any girls who would satisfy his needs for the night. Amber eyes glistened at the idea of a cute little female version of hit, he tried to shake that thought but couldn't. "Hey, Kit! You have a sister? What's she look like?!" Mitch cocked an eyebrow flashing another little smirk, and ran his fingers through his hair, and downed his fourth shot of tequila.

@ArboreticTruth @FandomDork @Halcyon
"Screw it!" Sam exclaimed, planning on socializing with the guys anyway. "We'll continue this with the Unaccompanied Trebles newbies. Vamanos, ladies!" She walked out of the room and into the boys' room, grabbing a shot and leaning against the wall. She waited somewhat awkwardly for some kind of conversation to pop up. Why did I do this again? She tipped back the shot, enjoying the burning feeling it gave her throat. "Dudes, do you by any chance happen to have some vodka and Kool-Aid?" she called to the guys.
"Woah ladies, Woah! Theres tons of alcohol to go around." He smiled as he watched Sam, the leader of the rival team come and go and come back again. His smile turned to a smirk as he saw his sister walk in the door. This is going to be more fun than I thought. "Theres vodka on that table.." He pointed to a table a few feet across from him, then pointed to another table with jugs of red and blue liquids "And thats where all the non alcohol drinks are. Also, we have no food, so you all can't puke.... I hope" His smirk remained as he approached his sister

Welcome sis, I hope you have fun tonight, I think Mitchel likes you." He patted her on the back before downing a beer and a shot, breathing heavily after finishing.
"Oh, thank God, you people have good taste in alcohol," Sam announced, relieved, and grabbed the bottle of vodka and a jug of red Kool-Aid. She grabbed the biggest cup she could find and mixed the drinks together. "Thank the Lord Almighty in Heaven for Kool-Aid and vodka," she praised, chugging half of the glass. She chuckled at Kit's comment about puking. "Ha! What kind of lightweight are you that you even have to worry about that?" A damn cute lightweight. Wait, no, brain shut the hell up.


Nathan was quite surprised by the sudden influx of females. Not just any females though. Too vocal. He was almost positive that they were all rivals, but here there were, chilling and drink with the boys. Nate raised his eyebrow, slightly confused by this all. However, he wasn't going to deny a chance to party. He looked over at the couch, giving a little laugh as he sister sat there with her 3DS and head phones stuck in her ears. He was quite proud of his little sister for not following the crowd and drinking. Nate, on the other hand, was of legal age and was ready to drink to his hearts content. He walked over, grabbing a beer and opening it up with a pop and fizz. In one large gulp he downed half his beer, doing a little shimming to the song that was playing through out the room. Nathan took this opportunity, opening his mouth to blurt out the next lyrics.

"Every time that you get undressed, i hear symphonies in my head." Nathan playfully pointed to the girl he caught eyeing him and was not by Kit's side, giving her a wink as the song continued to play.


The girl raised an eyebrow, looking at the Asian girl with slightly disbelief. Did she really just give Natalie that sass.

"Looks like someone has more of an attitude than me." Natalie rolled her eyes, looking out an annoyed sigh. That's when she noticed the party moving to the next room. Natalie stayed behind slightly before following. She was all for parties. But this was not a party. This was a small get together that she could easily get caught drinking at. Plus, she was no in a bad mood and didnt feel like having fun. To to mention her brother was there.

Natalie walked over to the couch, setting down her messenger bag and plopping onto the soft couch. She reached into her bag, pulling out her 3DS and shoving headphones into her ears. With that she ignored that outside world and focused her attention on fire emblem.​
Jayden was in the middle of the whole tequila and vodka, pretty much going to take her first shot or sip of vodka until Natalie went to take another comment, she rolled her eyes at it and ignored it. She walked to the next room and sat on the floor. Jayden sighed, then stood up and got a bit of tequila down her throat. Feeling ballsy and wanting to show off only after first drink (first ever), she asked, "Hey, do you guys have any Redbull or Monster.. And more of the kool-aid and vodka stuff" She asked as she smirked slightly
Sam snorted a little, "If you're getting Monster, get me one. Also, don't try the vodka and kool-aid, because one; it's my thing, two; it tastes like cough syrup, and three; it's way to heavy for what seems to be your first drink." She tipped back her glass after pointing at Jayden with every number. "Just chill out and have a beer. Wait, no--scratch that, beer tastes like shit. Just--stay away from the alcohol actually," she rambled, stumbling a little, but still mostly sober.
Ariel felt Kit's hand on her back and shuddered, rolling her eyes and baring a sharp toothed smile. "Hey Kit, how's it going bro. Sam, you never mentioned my brother captained our rival team." She responded dryly her attention was drawing back to Nate. Ariel's smile turned from sharp and fake to genuine as she sauntered across the room, shotgunning a beer before returning Nate's wink. "I wrote this song just looking at you. ~" Ariel replied, matching his pitch.


"Awe, let the girl have some fun miss vodka and kool-aid." Mitch quipped back sliding a red-bull into Jayden's slender hand, a small smile played on his lips, hair falling ever so slightly into his eyes. "I got your back, girl." He winked before flitting across the room chucking himself onto the same couch Natalie was on, muttering a small apology to her before speaking. "So, we're rivals eh? Seems pretty snuggly, don't it Cap!?" Mitch hollered over to Kit, his speech slightly slurred but it happened to make him a little more charming.

@Kawaii @Halcyon
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"Ya know what, mosters sound awesome. One sec. Mitchel, we may be rivals, but the girls know how to party. Plus, its easier to get to know them when your not ringing each others necks with lyrics and musical foreplay." Kit hollered his answer back at Mitchel while grabbing his android from his pocket, he dialed the number for an alcohol delivery service.

"Hey, can I get two case's of Kokanee, also, can you grab us like.... twelve monsters. I'll tip you like crazy." He smiles at Jayden as he speaks the last bit of his sentence before letting his eyes wander around the room, resting on Mitchel, his smile molding to a smirk.
"Oh, right, that's your brother..." Sam muttered in reply to Ariel. "Shit." Wait, did I just say that out loud? Oh for Christ's sake, Sam. "Yes, okay, good idea, more alcohol, yes, okay, well, I'm just gonna, uh, sit in the corner? Yeah, okay," she stuttered, making sure the girls were okay before dragging an armchair into a corner and pulling her notebook out of her hoodie pocket. She always liked to write when she was nervous.

Nate smiled, moving his finger to beckon her over to him. When the girl reached him he took her hand, spinning her around. Her then brought her in his arms. He moved around, dancing with the girl playfully and sloppily. He didn't care though. He was getting plastered and singing with a cute girl. That's all he cared about

"And the drums the swing low." He sang back, dipping her down and watching as her hair brushed the floor.


Natalie continued play her game, letting out swear words every once in a while. She then felt the couch shift slightly. She only glanced up or a few seconds, eyeing the boy.

"It's cool." She mumbled, her thumb going back to playing the game. Her party was in the middle of combat when one of them died. "Fuck." She hissed, pausing the game. She then looked up, scanning the party. She looked over at the captain of the boys, following his gaze to the boy next to her. Wow. Natalie pulled an ear bud from her ear, looking over at the boy.

"Your captain has a thing for you." She spoke very bluntly, crossing her arms and giving a smirk. "Interesting." She shrugged, eyeing the captain once again.

"Either that or he jealous of your body and is trying to figure out your workout routine." She added quickly, pushing a strand of blue and black hair behind her ear.
The buzz started to settle in on Ariel making her dance moves just as sloppy as Nate's, but she was enjoying herself, and a small giggle escaped her lips before she could help herself. "And the trumpets they go!" She finished the verse, swinging her hips in time with the music. Ariel's inhibitions tended to leave the second alcohol entered her system, which is why she ended up partying a lot in high school. Letting Nate take the lead made her glow, it didn't help that he was pretty hot to boot. "So, you're a treble huh?" Another giggle escaped. "I think I've seen you around before."

/ / /

Mitch raised an eyebrow quizzically at Natalie, trying to process the information that was now laid out before him. It wasn't the first time a guy had set sights on him, and it was certainly not going to be the last. But it didn't seem plausible to his drunken brain, it fact it sounded down right outrageous.
"Obviously he's jealous of my smokin' body." He said launching himself onto his feet, and with a dead pan face slowly took his shirt off. He strolled across the floor to stand directly in front of Kit, and with a drunken very lopsided smile, he roared. "TO THE GYM, CAP! Quick! We shall get you all the girls!" Mitch took up a Johnny Bravo-esqu stance pointing towards the door, before breaking into riotous laughter.

@Halcyon @ArboreticTruth
"Oh I cannot miss this," Sam said with a drunken grin, shoving her notebook in her pocket and standing up. She stumbled immediately, actually managing to fall over. Wow, I'm setting a great example. Ah, who cares, there's hot, shirtless Kit--guys involved. She laid on the floor for a few minutes, relishing the cool concrete of the basement floor on her cheek. Normally, she was used to being face-down on a carpet, but hey, close enough. She tried to push herself up, but due to her drunken state and lack of upper-body strength, she fell back down. "I'mma need a bit of help here," she slurred, grinning up at her surrounding peers.
Completely shocked at Mitchel, Kit flustered out "Wh..Gym? Now.... Whats happening?" His voice caught a few times before he regained his posture. "THE GIRLS SHALL POUR IN!" He smiled at Mitchel as he shouted his response back, gazing at his body. Catching a glimpse of his sister, his gaze strayed from Mitchel to her, lousy dancer as always.

Lightly knocking Mitchel in the stomach, he marched off, following suit with his team mate, he took his shirt off in the process.
"Care fore a dance?" Kneeling down next to Sam, he offered his hand as leverage for her to get up.
Sam blushed furiously, but grinned up at Kit. "Hell yeah, I would!" She took his hand, letting him pull her up. Okay, flirting...flirting...you're good at this! Over text... Shit, okay just, be cool and let him do the talking, yeah? Okay. Breathe. Oh my God, you're 21 years old, get your shit together. She chewed her lip nervously and kept thinking her hands were all sweaty. "Oh my God, 13-year-olds are better at this than me," she muttered under her breath.

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