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Realistic or Modern of sins and virtues - cs



Jaiden Ray Connors




24th August; Virgo


Heteroromantic Asexual


Cisgender Male; Him/He


Virtue; Chastity











5'9" (180 cm)


154 lbs. (69.85 kg)


Most wouldn't expect Jaiden to care much about his hair, judging from the fact that it always looks like he rolled out of bed just like that. But that's really not the case. His hair styling takes up most of his morning routine and Jaiden likes to dye his hair quite often. It's never really in extreme colors however, as he prefers going for brown, blonde, and occasionally, black.


Jaiden's eyes are as dark as the night, and most hints that their actually a plain old shade of brown is close to gone. Large, wide and expressive, most of Jaiden's emotions are expressed through his eyes... So yes, in his case, eyes are the windows to the soul.


Jaiden has a trail of stitches starting from his right hand's inner wrist and ending at his elbow, together with a scar on his knee and a cut on his left elbow.


Perfectionist; This may seem like a virtue to most, but Jaiden's desperation for perfection makes him hard to be around. Especially when you realize that he gets paranoid over everything that's asymmetrical.

Impatient; Jaiden can get really grumpy at the DMV.

Stubborn; Jaiden can be really stubborn, and I mean really fucking stubborn. Even if when he's wrong, he's right.

Awkward; Jaiden has never been he best in group conversations, and often finds himself tongue tied or telling a joke no one laughs at, which results in an awkward silence.

Manipulative; This nice guy front of his occasionally gives way when Jaiden wants something done... And he will get it done just the way he wants it; Perfectly.


Loyal; You can trust Jaiden to stay with you through thick and thin, without betraying you even once... That is, if you'll do the same that is.

Chivalrous; Even though he completely understands that females can take care of themselves just fine... Chivalry isn't dead.

Logical; There's always a reason for everything that happens. And Jaiden will find out that reason, even if it kills him.

Determined; If Jaiden wants something, he'll go to great lengths to get it. You can say he won't stop till he gets to the goal.

Generous; Jaiden gives more than he takes, and people like him for that. He gives to everyone even if he knows they're just using him.


=Jaiden, surprisingly, talks about death a lot, and the inevitable end of the world.

=Don't even try to bring up politics to him. He won't listen and it'll just go in one ear and out the other.

=Jaiden's entire closet is filled with jackets, hoodies and sweaters. He rarely wears t-shirts, and almost never wears singlets.


=Unnoticeable; Jaiden is close to unnoticeable in a room. Unless he comes up to talk to you or you're purposefully finding him, Jaiden somehow just slips into whatever scene he's in with ease.

=Quick Thinker; Jaiden's mind is incredibly fast, and he can think accurately under pressure at the same time.

=Adaptable; Jaiden shifts with his surroundings, and can quickly settle into new things and places with minimal struggle.

There are some that can afford lavish, designer items. They live the life of luxury, without a care in the world. Moist of them fall into drugs or alcohol, wanting to look rebellious and free. Jaiden was never one of those people. He was the exact opposite actually.

Jaiden's parents were alcoholics. And he was an accident. They never loved each other in the first place, but they still stayed together after his mother had realized they had a bun in the oven, just so that little Jaiden could have a proper family. But their family fell to ashes when his mother couldn't handle it anymore, and started drinking again.

Drinking lead to crying. Crying led to emotions. Emotions lead to arguments. So every night, Jaiden would hear the screams of his mother and father, all the tears, pain, hardships, he was there to witness it all.

Even though they tried, Jaiden's parents couldn't take care of him, and shipped him off to live with his Grandparents.

So from the age of 12, Jaiden has lived in Barcello. It's always been a peaceful town to him. Where everyone knew everyone and you couldn't keep secrets from everyone. He's never been unlikable that's for sure. And he's always had plenty of friends to hang out with.

The thing that's weird is the fact that he's actually managed to save his... Chastity up till now. He's not physically unattractive, and he doesn't have a malfunctioning dick, so really, no one knows why he's trying to save himself. But all you need to know is that Jaiden has zero sexual attraction to most people. And the only reason he'd want a relationship would be for stability and comfort.

However, the town of Barcello has gotten... Mysterious as of late. And Jaiden's gonna find out why.


I don't need anyone other than myself to know that I'm fucking fabulous.
Jaiden C.

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Name: Laila Summers

Nickname: She prefers Laila

Age: 21

Birthday: July 18th // Cancer

Orientation: Heterosexual

Gender: Female [she/her]

Role: Human

Occupation: Florist



Height: 5'7"

Weight: 126 lbs.

Hair: Dyed gray, reaches to the middle of her back

Eyes: Blue

Other: tattoos



Vices: Gullible- She is one to believe what she is told, and doesn't show much care for discerning what is true or not.

Stiff- She likes to stick to routine, and is not flexible. Change is something that bothers her.

Irritable- Laila is easily put into a bad mood, and has something of a short temper.

Indifferent- If it does not affect her, Laila does not care about it. She has tendencies to turn a blind eye when particularly bad things happen around her.

Cowardly- She's scared of many things, and especially jumpy compared to other people.

Virtues: Enthusiastic- She can go on for days about her interests, and speaks positively about many things.

Humble- She's not one to brag or overrate herself. She is confident, but she does not parade it around.

Meticulous- She puts care and effort into her actions, making sure that every detail is how she wants it to be.

Reliable- She does what she says she will, so you can trust her.

Honest- She nearly always tells the truth, as she has no reason to lie.

Quirks: Often breaks out into awkward laughter, Draws on her hands, Prefers to crack her thumbs over her other fingers

Skills: Hiding, Knowing when to run away, Talking her way out of things



Biography: On a sunny July day, Laila was born to a single mother in Barcello, Connecticut. With her father no where to be seen and her mother running a business that didn't necessarily bring in the most income, it would seem like the two would be stuck in the creepy town for the rest of their lives, even if they didn't know it was creepy yet. Laila went on and lived her life pretty normally, which was what generally came with keeping your nose out of everyone's business. And that's what she did. She never knew much about her friends, whether it be by not listening or telling them to deal with their own problems. In hindsight, this was probably a horrible idea, as it caused a lot of people to not like her, although it was justifiable.

Once crime and general bad activity picked up in the town, Laila had at first become something of a recluse. Anything to keep her from being dragged into anything, right? She still attended school, but it was rare to see her out unless she was going. It took her a while to break out of the boring place that the habit had put her in, mostly because she didn't want to change her mind, but eventually it happened. This was around the time when she began to work at her mother's store. It would get her some money and help her acquaint herself with both people new to the town and those that she had lost touch with. Overall, it wasn't a bad idea.

Since then, that's been her life. Flowers and people and pretending not to hear the screaming next door. Her neighborhood had really devolved into a mess. She understandably stays away from there most of the time, considering that she wants to have nothing to do with whatever creepy rituals the couple next-door are planning, or whatever else is going on. While she really wants to move someplace where she can relax, it's unlikely. Something about the town is keeping her in, but again, that's none of her business. For now, she'll keep pretending everything's just ok.

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Eliza Marie Rousseau

female | human | eighteen

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eliza marie rousseau






april 15th | aries










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eliza's hair is a warm brown colour. it's naturally straight and always hanging in her face.


much like her hair, they are brown, but with a golden undertone.


liza has a very thin build, which isn't helped by her choice of slightly baggy clothes. she usually wears oversized t-shirts and sweaters paired with old jeans. she rarely wears skirts and keeps makeup to a minimum, but gives out a feminine aura.

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impatient; liza hates waiting for anything; especially growing up. although she's eighteen and already considered an adult, she still feels like a kid and that no one takes her seriously. she's not good at waiting for results because it makes her feel anxious and she makes things up in her head; she always thinks of the worst case scenario. liza even hates waiting for meals at restaurants, so she never eats out.

melancholic; liza always seems sad; even when she's not. she's very rarely happy or ecstatic, but on some days, she feels little better than usual. still, even on her best days, people think that she's upset or down. she has a permanent look of dismay, which adds to her looking younger.

naive; because liza is always looks for crazy opportunities for her to look older, she'll trust what people say in a second. she'll do silly things all to impress someone and and she'll trust in people when they say that they'll do something good for her. it never enters into her mind that they might be lying.

miserable; liza is so unhappy with her life, mostly it's because of the town that she lives in. she never feels content with her surroundings, and she feels totally trapped inbetween the woods and the real world. she wishes that she could go, but she'd have nothing and no one if she left.

impulsive; liza isn't scared of much. living in barcello will do that to you, the only thing you fear is the woods. but what's life without fear? if there's no happiness to keep you occupied, then it's just a bottomless pit of non-existency. so, liza tends to do crazy things, like get onto bikes with strangers and go cliff jumping. she craves something to make her feel alive.


old soul; liza feels like she's in the body of a young girl, but she has the mind of someone much older. she feels like she's not meant to be nineteen. she likes old music and old movies. they're about the only things that can take her away from barcello. when she's not diving off of cliffs, she reads a lot, and likes to just sit on her porch and watch the traffic go by.

kind; liza is a very, very kind person. she always feels the need to help someone, or something. since she was a kid, she's had a passion for animals. if she finds them injured, she'll bring them home and try to fix them up. if she had had the opportunity to go to college, she might have made a great doctor.

calm; although liza feels like shit inside, she'll never really speak about it. she keeps a calm demeanour, and doesn't like to move to rigorously when she's at home. she prefers to just sit down and read or watch movies. she works at a book shop, which is a great place for her to be when she's having an off day, because it's calm and slow. but, if she's feeling energetic, she'll sometimes be the opposite of calm, and will be restless.

trustworthy; liza never fails to keep a secret. if you tell her something, it will never leave her until she dies. this is mostly because she'll forget about it after an hour if it's something that she feels indifferently to. liza isn't one to get worked up about other people's lives. she likes to keep to herself.

independent; because she is the youngest in her family, and because her mother died when she was young, liza has always been very independent. although her brother did her best bringing her up, she still had to do a lot of things on her own. she had to make her own meals and walk herself home from school. she prefers to do menial tasks on her own, and when she's at home, she likes her own company.


she has a very small appetite and is a vegetarian.

she always tries to help stray animals or take them in.

she always has change in her pocket on the rare occasions that she goes out, to give to homeless people or people in need.


because of her family's background, she can speak fluently in french. she also has a slight french accent.

she is a brilliant cook and makes amazing vegetarian/vegan food.

she is a very talented diver and swimmer, although rarely practises any more.

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liza was born in nice, france. but, when she was just four, her father moved their family back to america when he got a new job in barcello. people had told him that the place was gorgeous and full of rich woodland areas. when they got there, they realised that they had been terribly mistaken. thomas, liza's father, had spent all of their money on a large house on the outskirts of town. for the first three years of their life in barcello, the family was very very tense. leon, liza's brother, started middle school, where he began to realise that the teachers were weirdly afraid of the woods on the outside of town. he heard rumours, which he would report thomas, who would tell him to be a man and forget about the rumours.

but, one night, leon heard the door open in the middle of the night, and went to find his father, who wasn't in his bed. liza was only thirteen at the time. leon followed his father to the woods, but didn't dare go any further into the trees. the next night, leon stayed up, and heard his father leave again. for the next few months, his father would change and become more distant that usual. he had always been a stern, business central man. but something wasn't right. for almost a year, liza's father would leave the house and walk into the woods, only to be found in his bed the next morning without a scratch. leon thought he was going crazy. maybe it was just a dream.

but, on the night of his seventeenth birthday, leon didn't hear the door open. instead, he heard the screams of his mother and the cries of his sister. liza stood at the door of her parents bedroom, watching her father dig into her mother with a knife. she'll never, ever forget the screams or the look of complete madness on his face as he told liza to go away. leon took her away. he didn't see what was happening, but the splatters of blood on the wall was enough for him. he carried her all through the town to the police station. their father was found, a day later. in the blood, naked, burning his clothes. he had been planning the kill for months. there was a full journal about his plans.

his father was sent to an out of state prison, and just months later, he was found dead in his cell. they couldn't find his cause of death, but neither liza or her brother wanted to know. he had killed their mother and destroyed their lives. even though leon was only seventeen, he was given full custody of his sister because he had shown such bravery and maturity during the incident. mostly, the judge just felt sorry for them. with the help of an attorney, leon sold their house and bought a new one in the centre of town. it was smaller, and didn't have the constant sound of their mother's screams resonating through the corridors.

liza and her brother love in a two bedroomed house in the centre of town, and the two are fairly happy. liza loves her brother, but sometimes gets annoyed with him because he treats her like a child. but overall, the two are safe (as safe as they can be in barcello).


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Leon Oliver Rousseau

male | human | twenty one

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leon oliver rousseau


twenty one


october 12th | libra









drug dealer

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leon's hair is chopped short (often cut by his sister) and is a caramel brown colour. In some lights it may look slight blonde.


leon's eyes are a very light, crystal blue.


although leon is very tall, he's also quite thin. he hasn't really had time to catch up with his growth spurt, so he's sometimes described as looking lanky. leon mostly wears thick sweaters and big coats, along with jeans. he likes to wear winter clothing. he also owns a few suits, just in case of any fancy occasion.

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impetuous; in an effort to make things better for him and his sister, leon often makes decisions without any thought or planning. for example, when he sold the house. although it was best, he sold the house for only half of what his parents had paid for it. this stems from the fact that he was forced to become the sole guardian of his sister at a young age. he always tries to make things better quickly, but sometimes waiting can be the better option.

short-tempered; leon has a very short temper. this has lead to numerous arguments with his sister. he can't be bothered wasting time on arguments, which is ironic, because he's the one who ends up carrying them on. leon often thinks that what he's doing is best, and that there should be no question about that.

expedient; leon sometimes has to make hard decisions, and sometimes, that can be solely too his advantage. for example, when he was notified of his father's death, he didn't tell his sister. he didn't want her to know. it was selfish, but it protected her. in the end, she found out any way.

regretful; because of his rash decisions, leon often finds himself regretting his actions. this can again lead to him becoming angry, and he sometimes tries to fix his mistakes, which only get him into more trouble.

discontented; leon is not happy in barcello at all, but he feels that he has a duty to stay there. he has to finish his mother's idea of a happy family in a small town. he knows that if he moved anywhere else, there would be no means of providing for his sister, because he has no qualifications. barcello is the only place that can be, for now. leon also hates his job. although it's the only way that he can make enough money to pay the bills, he hates that he has to break the law to get somewhere in life.


endearing; leon's charming smile and glittering eyes are quite the catch for the ladies. of course, he likes the attention, but he has to put his sister first. although he'd love to go out on dates and meet pretty girls, he doesn't want his sister to feel pushed out. even as she grows older, he still sees her as his little sister.

comforting; leon is brilliant at listening. he can sit for hours just hearing about his sister's problems. he used to do the same thing with his mother, too. leon's presence gives you a sense of comfort and somehow, his words can help you open up.

determined; leon will never give up searching for the best life for him and his sister. he'll always be looking for ways to make a little bit of extra money for them, or for ways to cheer her up. this also translates into his work. although it's less than legal, he is always set on doing the best that he can and making as much money as he can.

persuasive; leon can change your opinion and make you see the world differently just with his words. he can make you buy anything or persuade you to watch a certain movie. to say that english is his second language, he has a very good way with words and can change your mind as if by magic.

focused; leon is never not working or doing something. he has very little free time, but he likes it that way, because it gives him something to work towards. he is always concentrated, and makes sure that he always knows hi surroundings.


leon always has a picture of his mother on him. he doesn't want to forget what she looks like, so keeps a small photo of her in his wallet.

leon has a french accent because of where he was brought up.

leon hates hot weather. he loves the rain and can't stand it when it's sunny.


leon can speak french, english and spanish fluently. he would like to learn more languages.

leon has an amazing ability to subdue angry or upset people. he always says the right thing.

leon is very good a sketching life and object around them.

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leon was born in nice, france. however, when she was just seven, his father moved their family back to america when he got a new job in barcello. people had told him that the place was gorgeous and full of rich woodland areas. when they got there, they realised that they had been terribly mistaken. thomas, leon's father, had spent all of their money on a large house on the outskirts of town. for the first three years of their life in barcello, the family was very very tense. when leon started middle school he began to realise that the teachers and students were weirdly afraid of the woods on the outside of town. he heard rumours, which he would report to his father, who would tell him to be a man and forget about the rumours. leon was forever curious about the woods, but was too scared to set foot anywhere near them.

but, one night, leon heard the door open in the middle of the night, and went to find his father, who wasn't in his bed. curious, leon followed his father to the woods, but didn't dare go any further into the trees. the next night, leon stayed up, and heard his father leave again. for the next few months, his father would change and become more distant that usual. he had always been a stern, business central man. but something wasn't right. for almost a year, leon's father would leave the house and walk into the woods, still in his pyjamas, only to be found in his bed the next morning without a scratch. leon kept telling himself that he was just having a recurring nightmare and persuaded himself that he was going crazt.

however, on the night of his seventeenth birthday, leon didn't hear the door open. instead, he heard the screams of his mother and the cries of his sister. leon leapt out of bed and saw his sister standing at the door of their parents bedroom. leon could see the blood splatters on the wall and could hear the slashes and stabs of a weapon. without even blinking, he picked eliza up and ran down to the town police station. for hours, they waited, before he was taken aside and told that his mother was dead and that his father had gone missing. by the morning, thomas had been found. he was naked in the woods, reading over his plans to kill his own wife.

his father was sentenced to life and sent to an out of state prison, and just months later, he was found dead in his cell. they couldn't find his cause of death, it was apparently mysterious circumstances. leon didn't tell his sister for months, because he didn't want to remind her constantly of the shit that had happened.

leon managed to sell the house for half of what his parents had paid for it. a week later, leon gained full custody of his sister and was commended for his bravery. but, he didn't feel brave, he felt like a coward. he felt like he was running away and burying the pain, but what other choice did he have? he had to protect liza.

leon bought a new house in the centre of town. for a little while, he had enough money to pay the bills without even working, but the money slowly dropped, and once he turned eighteen, social services stopped paying him as much money. for the past two years, leon has been struggly with money but recently, he found a job that paid well. drug dealing. although he's not happy with it, he knows that he has to do it. nowhere serious will accept him without qualifications, and he has to look after his sister. no one but him and his colleagues know about his occupation.


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"I just feel... Stuck."


Blake Monroe


  • Age:Twenty-one


    November 11, 1995 | Scorpio








    Can mimic other's powers.


    Waitress at Prairie Run Cafe.


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Name // Cassandra Blanche

Age // 21

Gender // Female


Orientation // Pansexual Demiromantic

Birth Date // August 1st


Role // Sin

// Power //

"They say your pride can get you killed but what if you could never die?"

Imagine a tone downed Deadpool with no red suit, no teleportation, and not being a fucking lunatic. That's Cassie. She can real VERY fast. But, of course, can still die.

Occupation // Rising Star Chef

"Kitchens need people like me and Gordon Ramsay. Cook correctly or get the fuck out of my kitchen."


Height // 5'4"

Weight // 122 lbs.

Hair Color // Light Blonde

Eye Color // Baby Blue

Body Mods // None

Clothing Style // Anything with a brand; Anything that will make her look her best




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