• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern of sins and virtues - cs


faerie sightings

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(self explanatory)


(be realistic)


(color and style)




(anything else you need to add?)
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3+ paragraphs. please be detailed, but feel free to leave things out, just clear them with me first.


add whatever you want babes

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Leo Clarke


leo clarence clarke




october 26th; scorpio




cisgender male; he/him/they/them




shapeshifting: leo has the ability to change his appearance or any part of his body to his will. he can change into a feminine look and replicate other people if he has seen them before and has recorded their look in his memory. he can also shapeshift into most animals yet not the ones that are extinct or mythological.


unemployed, he's living on his father's illegal money.




150 pounds


brown and usually sits upright with a strand falling to one side




has a
tattoo of Frank Sinatra


arrogance; leo is greater than everyone on this planet, question him and you will end up blue.

deceitful; leo loves to mislead people with his charming words and good looks.

egotistical; he's full of himself i mean, he is beautiful.

impatient; leo can't be patient, he needs things to go fast.

sarcastic; this is the only language that leo seems to speak well. when annoyed or angry expect some comebacks from this guy.


beauty; he's fucking perfect, okay?

awareness; leo is aware of his surrounding, even when he's admiring himself.

cleanness; leo is the most cleanest person you will ever meet.

compassion; leo does everything with compassion, making everything perfect.

confident; leo is filled with confidence and won't back down easily.


~ subconsciously runs his fingers through his hair.

~ hogs all the couch cause he's perfect.

~ never has a messy outfit or room.


~ disguise; despite having the ability to shapeshift he can transform others easily with his clothing and his sister's makeup.

~ photographic memory; helps with his shapeshifting.

~ flirting; it's a gift that runs in the family.


leo was born into the rich and luxurious lifestyle of the clarke family. leo and his little sister kennedy always got what they wanted without hearing the word 'no'. although they never noticed the strange business their parents were in. most of the time, leo would look after his little sister while their parents were away on business. leo's ego was always growing each bit every day, his sister tried to warn him about what would happen but his arrogance got the best of him.

as leo grew older so did his ego. when he was in high school leo was the king despite the fact that he wasn't on the sports team. charlie was only popular because of his money and looks but he didn't care, as long as they were thinking about him it was all he cared about. leo lost interest in everything his family did and took extra time for him to look his best and he doesn't regret it.

one night when he was home alone he heard a woman crying but the voice was unrecognisable to him. as he crept closer to the crying he heard a gunshot. too scared to even enter the room, he ran away and cried thinking about what had just happened. the next morning, he found his dead mother's body lying on the fresh white rug with her crimson blood, ruining it's pure color. leo's father declared it was suicide and the family went on with their business as usual.

after leo graduated, he left his family and moved to a small town to relax. since of his father being rich leo got a daily allowance each month for him to survive. he now relaxes in his beautiful home by himself, flirting with women at the bar and having small one night stands to boost his pride. the only problem is that he has no clue what is about to happen.


he has a little sister name kennedy.

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Olympia Alice Calloway

olympia; from the home of gods

alice; of the nobility
height | 5'3"

weight | 110 lbs

eyes | blue

hair | black,

straight, bangs, shoulder length

other | tattoos,

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no slide | quirks |
-hates capital letters

-the smell of the ocean soothes her

-she has more lipstick than she could ever need

| skills |


+breaking into places

+knowledge of poisons

name | olympia alice calloway

age | 21
birthday | january 8

gender | female;she/her
orientation | demipanromantic, pansexual

role | lust
power |
quinte- and fine- kinesis

occupation | crime princess


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let's be real, you could never get with me

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Felix Alexander Calloway

felix; lucky one

alexander; protector of men

height | 6'3"

weight | 135 lbs

eyes | blue

hair | black

fluffly and usually pushed to one side

other | so many tattoos....

all of which are pictured
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no slide | quirks |
-also hates capital letters

-believes wholeheartedly in ghosts

-hums when he's working

| skills |

+an excellent fighter

+can talk his way out all legal issues

+knows how to dispose of a body, oops

name | felix alexander calloway

age | 24
birthday | november 15

gender | male; he/him
orientation | hetero

role | charity
power |
Probability Manipulation

occupation | crime prince

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don't test your luck. I'm not afraid of a fight.

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Laken Reese Abenaki


Laken; from the lake

Reese; fiery
Height | 5'7"

Weight | 113 lbs

Eyes | Blue

also has brown color contacts

Hair | Currently, pink

Other | No body mods, but several wigs
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| Quirks |

-Sings in the shower

-Talks to herself when she's scared

-Knows way too much about history

| Skills |

+A superb actress

+Gymnastically inclined

+Makeup expertise, including disguises

Name | Laken Reese Abenaki

Age | 21
Birthday | June 28

Gender | Female; she/her
Orientation | Biromantic, asexual

Role | Human
Powers | N/A

Occupation | Old Mayor's Daughter

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in the end no one remembers the girl who doesn't put up a fight.

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nirvana bouchard




december 14/sagittarius




panromantic demisexual


telekinesis/physical negation




drug smuggler/wanderer








dark brown straight or braided hair


hazel brown


she has a septum piercing

she has a total of 8 tattoos

freckles on her nose




nirvana has a tendancy to make a person feel like there is no positive side to anything. she will unintentionally point out the negative and depressive things in a persons life and use it to make them have no more hope or faith in any problem. the always look on the bright side of things doesn't apply when nirvana is around.


whether it be herself or a person around her, she lets her doubts and other doubts people have consume her/them when something goes right. she becomes paranoid when she soomething is going right and there is nothing wrong occuring. she has doubts about her life and what she is doing to get by. she tries not to let her doubts cloud her mind but seeing as how it's very tiresome to fight her problems, she has days where she lets her doubts roam free.


nirvana can be very snappy and grouchy. depending on her mood she gives her signature death glare when someone tries to interact with her, she will eventually tell them to fuck off or she will leave before or mid interaction. she is very sarcastic and has quick comebacks for people who piss her off.


nirvanas energy levels are nowhere near high. have you ever seen the video of the fat cat running in the hallway then it just stops and lies down...well nirvana is worse than that. she will do no hard labor or even try to lift a finger. don't even think about asking her to do a specific task, she'll procrastinate until she feels like doing the task. nirvanas will to work let alone do an activity is very small and she will always take the easy way out.










doing amazing smoking tricks

having a wide collection of tea

collecting the newspaper comics


breaking and entering into places she's not welcomed

pickpocketing people for their money, electronics, jewelery etc

hacking into highly difficult systems with ease and less effort



3+ paragraphs. please be detailed, but feel free to leave things out, just clear them with me first.


Trump Sucks ASS

FC:Zoe Kravitz



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Andrea Villani





October 31st ; Scorpio


Demisexual Hetero-romantic


Female (she/her)




Darkness Manipulation & Nightvision


Diner Waitress






Long & Bleached blonde, typically wavy


Central Heterochromia

Green to blue


tattoo on upper right arm/shoulder

Scar on the left side of her chest


Sarcastic: It's rare to ever have a dull comment flow from Andrea's mouth. She knows she has a sharp tongue and knows how to use it.

Secretive: Andrea is an enigma when it comes to her personal life. She never lets anyone in close enough to know the skeletons in her closet...and she plans on keeping it that way.

Unappreciative: What do you expect? Andrea hates when she receives unsolicited help and surely won't thank you for it. But that doesn't stop at just unsolicited help, she has a tendency to not fully appreciate the things around her.

Reactive: Andrea acts on impulse. She doesn't think before she does, and she's in a constant state of go, go, go. When faced with any sort of decision or problem she completely acts on her initial instinct.

Irritable: Easily annoyed would be one hell of an understatement. The smallest things can cause Andrea to tick. She tries to not let the small things bother her but eventually they all pile up until she explodes in a fit of anger.

Arrogant: Let's be honest, it comes with the territory. But Andrea brings it to a whole new level. When she walks in the room she acts like she owns the place and lets it be known. Trying on new clothing? She can't help but stare at herself knowing that she looks amazing. If only she had the big hair to go with her even bigger head.


Independent: To be point blank, Andrea takes shit from no one. She does what she wants and when she wants. Due to her independent and strong headed nature she has never been one to lean on others, and most definitely has never let anyone sway her opinions.

Observant: Andrea is like a sponge, she absorbs as much information as possible. And in most cases uses it against others. She's quick to figure people out

Honest: Perhaps Andrea is honest to a fault. She doesn't hold back on the truth, whether it helps or hurts someone.

Loyal: She might walk around like she is God's gift to earth and that shes the best damn thing, but don't let this fool you. Andrea knows where her loyalties lie. Granted she does think she is better than them, but she would never turn her back on the people she trusts the most.

Proactive: When Andrea wants something she goes for it. She doesn't waste her her time dilly-dallying with other shit. She puts her mind to something and pulls full steam ahead.

Intelligent: Andrea's mind is a bit like a vacuum, when information is placed in front of her she sucks it all up, no matter what it is. if something interests her, she can spend days or weeks reading up on it until mind might explode with information.


Makes strange faces when she gets lost in thought or runs scenarios through her head.

Touches her upper lip to tip of her nose when it is cold.

She writes left handed but does everything else with her right hand.


Trained in self-defense.

Studied Latin and has a fairly good understanding of it.

Has a photographic memory.


On a blustery Halloween night Andrea came into this world just to be dropped off at a fire station. A day old an the little girl already had no identity and no home. The next 16 years of her life could be condensed to a suit case as she bounced from home to home being another kid lost in the system. At age 16 she had enough of being tossed around like she was a rag doll and ran away from her foster home to live in her car.

Despite being homeless she never let it stand in the way of her education. She continued her schooling and graduated with honors as valedictorian. After graduation she took her new found freedom and traveled from coast to coast bumming off people and pick pocketing, basically doing whatever she could to get by. Unfortunately along the way she got caught up in the wrong group of people. Before she new it she was in a tumultuous relationship with a drug dealing boyfriend.

Their relationship started off hot and heavy but turned sour the moment she wouldn't give in and become subservient. He couldn't stand that she wanted to be her own person and their tumultuous relationship turned abusive. After a long night of bickering things quickly escalated into a full fledged fight. The end result was Andrea laying unconscious on sidewalk covered in bruises. If it weren't for a good samaritan, who knows where she would have been.

Upon being admitted to the hospital Andrea made a whole new life for herself, telling the nurse a new name. It was only a matter of time before she packed up what little she owned and headed out for a new life. Andrea found herself in the middle of the quaint town of Barcello, Connecticut.
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Sinclair Ngozi

Male - Dilligence - 21



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Juliet Mizone
"Common sense doesn't seem to be that common. Or maybe you're all just dramatic."

Age: 20

Gender: Demigirl, responds to they/she

Sexuality: Asexual

Ethnicity: Chinese-American

Height: 6' 1''

Weight: 183 pounds

Eye color: Brown

Hair: Black and long, it runs down to her mid-back when she lets it down. Usually, it is swept up in a ponytail.

Role: Human

Occupation: Unemployed

Distinct physical features: Juliet has a rather large scar extending from her left hipbone all the way up to about her abdominal region from a rather nasty run in one night with an unfriendly neighbor. It is not deep but it hurt like hell.



Determined and willfull beyond belief, Juliet's motivation is something to contend with. When she sets her mind to something, she follows through using any means possible and accessible to herself including ones that land in the moral grey area. She's willing to pull any amount of strings to reach an important objective for herself and anyone she holds dear.

While she does not give it out so freely anymore, her
loyalty is prized by those that know her well. Once someone has landed on her good side and has proven to be worthwhile and as driven as she is, Juliet will often take them under her wing so to speak, aiding them through her usual means in earning their dues and reaching their goals. However, lately a healthy douse of caution and outside forces have made her rather reluctant to help out anyone, including those she was once close to.

A rather
resourceful person as well, Juliet has a sharp eye and quick wit that allows her to hone in and take advantage of her surroundings. A ledge may become a stepping stool and a piece of metal could serve as a makeshift distraction by hitting it. She has the ability to see new use in old things and uses everything at her disposal.

Truthful to the point of bluntness, Juliet says what she means. Holding back the truth does no one good in her opinion as someone will always know it. As such, she says what is on her mind with ease and is prepared to face the consequences, physical or verbal. She is aware that white lies are sometimes needed and some dark tales are to remain shielded but for her, secrets are not to be treated the same way as the truth and as such, she is nothing if not an open book when it comes to opinions.

Somewhere, buried deep beneath a hardened shell, Juliet is truly
kind, especially to those she feels for. The young, the innocent, those that cannot defend themselves but will become pawns for another in a grand scheme that they are never told until it is too late all hold a special place in her heart. She knows the feeling of grief, sadness, and impending doom too well.


Tends to raise her left eyebrow more than her right when she is faced with a confusing person.

Always scans the room and finds a place by the nearest exit, be it a window or door.

Likes lizards more than cats and likes cats more than dogs.

Always seems to frown first when someone attempts to interact with her.

Having never quite grown out of her rebel phase, recklessness seems to fuel her every decision. Having been trapped in one too many tight spots has led Juliet to become a quick thinker to the point where she hardly ever sits down and plans out her thoughts and actions. At the end of the day, her face feet and sharp tongue often get her into the situations she then needs to get herself out of.

bluntness comes with a distinct price in the form of bloody noses and whispered curses and an absence of friends. Juliet has long since filled that void with snide remarks and sneering faces but deep down, it has left her more alone than she would have preferred. Even so, her impulsiveness seems to be her hindrance to making any improvements to herself.

Stubborn, Juliet is set in her ways and doesn't change easily. What she wants is what she gets, what she does is what she's always done, and water is wet. Her morals are unclear but somehow, she keeps to them and any attempt at dissuading her or trying to change them usually ends poorly. They are what have carried her through conflict after conflict and she will not give them up to some wide-eyed child trying to convince her the world is still waiting for her if she would only change.

Secretive, Juliet hardly lets anyone know her too personally anymore. Possibly a consequence of having her ultimate goal of joining the military thwarted by being trapped in a town by seemingly other-worldly forces, she doesn't give much information to the others in the town and keeps to herself.

While many see her as aloof, she is also
angry. Her rage knows no bounds it seems and the snide remarks she gives to some are considered sparing, as her fists also twitch for conflict and her eyes always seem to search for some as well. No one is all together sure where the anger comes from in the small town but it possibly has to do with it and the fact that she seemingly cannot leave. Whatever the case, her wrath is there and it is not leaving so easily.


Polygot -- can speak American, Mandarin, Spanish, and knows bits and pieces of French.

Basic first aid -- Juliet knows how to stint a broken leg and also how to bandage up a rather bad gash among other things.

Boxing -- it was a sport that she enjoyed in high school and has continued to hone her skills since.

Born in some sleepy suburbia town that no one bothered to leave once they married, Juliet grew up relatively content. She had a mother and a father and an older sister all to herself, in the small apartment they had rented, right out of true suburbia. They were never overly wealthy but they had never been particularly poor, either, able to cover the basics as well as a luxury item every now and then. At first, there were no great conflicts, no terrible crises that threatened to tear the fabric of her tiny world and life apart.

At school, things were a bit tougher. Children are never kind and they are always reckless with their words and their actions, teasing Juliet for her hand-me-downs that were sometimes too worn to make a good impression. However hard it got, though, she always found herself with her friends and her family to support her, a bubbly child from the start.

It would change soon enough.

Her father was part of the armed forces and as a result, the small family had to move, uprooting themselves to find another place to stay for a while as he was being deployed. He left home when she was only seven years old and promised to be back before her eighth birthday.

It came and went and he never returned.

Their mother struggled to get a job, having never completed college after becoming pregnant with her eldest daughter and as a result, sacrifices had to be made. They moved inward towards the city and Juliet found herself enrolled into a school where the children were rougher, the victims of actions horrid and cruel and for people far older than themselves. She learned to be hard there through their sharp actions and words and learned that the world was not a pretty place. By the time she enrolled into high school, she was struggling to keep up good grades but had found her place among the similarly downtrodden. Her mother worried for her, fearing she might end up in the completely wrong crowd if she didn't keep a sharp eye out. For Juliet, it was a pointless warning. The world was already terrible and she would be too if it meant she would survive.

In the end, she fell in and out of petty crimes, done to keep her own neck clear of the sharp chopping block. Through the years, she learned her most important skills of resourcefulness and secrets while also knowing that words can be great weapons to cut down another. She learned from her mother how to speak Mandarin and held on tightly to the languages she was taught in school. There was knowledge in every mind and she wanted to be able to access all of it.

At the age of eighteen, she enrolled in a military academy, hoping to serve in the armed forces and follow up her father's legacy. Her mother was fearful of letting her go and her older sister adamant that she find something "more useful" to do. But Juliet had her mind set and her goal in sights and she left anyways.

While heading off to the academy, she ran out of gas at a particular town. Stopping by, she refilled it and decided to stay the night, having traveled alone and fearing the worst if she went into the dark woods. However, the next day she found that something was wrong.

When Juliet reached the edge of the town perimeter, something happened, forcing her back and towards the town once more to have her car repaired. She kept mute on what it was but headed off once more. She attempted to leave another time only to have the same thing happen again. She remembered an old saying she had once been told; "Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time."

She did not attempt once more and has been trapped ever since.



To be determined

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"If I were you, I'd be jealous too."



Annalia Victor Denardo


Anna; by most

Ann; by most

Lia; her parents




October 15, Libra




Virtue; Envy


Supernatural Beauty

Siren Song












Dark brown, dyed to ombre

-Body Frame-



no slide


Overweening | Annalia is aware of her beauty, and her success. And she wants everyone else to be aware of it too. She often boasts about herself or compares herself to others by saying how superior she is and how everyone should try to be like her.

Blunt | If Annalia doesn't like something or someone, or is annoyed by them, she'll tell them straight up, without any sugar coding. She doesn't have a filter, and doesn't care about other peoples feelings.

Attention-Seeking | Annalia hates it when the attention isn't on her. She'll even go as far as cause drama and problems that involves her so that people pay attention to her.

Hypocritical | Annalia has the tendency to tell people not to do something, or say that what they're doing is stupid, but then turn around and do it herself. She also never owns up to what she claims or says.

Overdramatic | Annalia often takes the littlest things, and turns them into huge matters. She complains like a little baby and throws tantrums if things don't go her way, and she makes big deals out of normal situations.


Independent | Annalia doesn't depend on anyone else to do her stuff for her. She gets things done and gets them done quickly, all on her own, and refuses to get help.

Decisive | Annalia can be pretty hypocritical, but she knows what she wants. She has her head in one place, and one one goal at all times, and doesn't change her mind as constant as people may think she does.

Resourceful | Annalia has a pretty creative mindset. She knows how to use the resources that she has around her, and comes up with very imaginative ideas.

Perfectionist | Every little thing in Annalia's life has to be well ordered and tidy. This makes her pretty organized and everything she does, she does it carefully so that it barely ha sif not any mistakes.

Observant | Annalia watches her surroundings and the people around her very intently. She notices little things that others might now, and pays attention to small details that she can use to help her solve and figure out things.


[ She always carries around her makeup bag with her ]

[ She's constantly touching her hair ]

[ She's always clean, always smells good, and never has any wrinkles on her clothes. ]

[ If she isn't using it, her phone is always in her back pocket. ]


Persuasive | Complimentary to her occupation, Annalia is able to persuade herself in and out of things. Not only that, but shes has a knack of being able to get people to change their mind on certain topics.

Flexible | Annalia can bend herself in ways that most people wouldn't be able too.

Adaptable | Annalia can manage anywhere you'd leave her.

Disguisable | Growing up in a field where she has makeup on and off nearly every single day, Annalia has learned a few tricks, and is able to disguise herself pretty well.


With a face like hers, you're probably almost certain that Annalia was most likely born in a bed of money. You'd probably guess that she was born into the life of fame, and had a perfect chuldhood. Maybe even throw a few barbie references, and compare her to Regina George. If so, you're not wrong. Not entirely at least. You do only know her name, not her story. So let me just cut to the juicy parts.

Being born into a family of actors and singers, along with her older sister Veronica, Annalia had practically been under the spotlight since day one. You know the drill. Her face on the tabloids, in magazines, all over the internet. Don't get me wrong, she loved it. To Annalia, being an actress was the best feeling anyone could have ever felt, and she knew that she was probably one of the most luckiest girls in the world. I mean, she had the looks, the voice, the money, everything. Annalia never once complained about being in the spotlight. That is, until the family scandals started rolling out.

In the face of the press, the Denardo family was perfect. An opera singing mother, married to an Emmy Nominated actor, with each an actress and a model as daughters. It just fit. It even
sounded perfect to hear. Though, not everything is what it seemed. Behind doors, the opera singing woman, who was portrayed as both an amazing vocalist and mother, often passed out in the bathroom with bottles of alcohol besides her. The Emmy nominated actor who had been portrayed as a great Dad, was the one pretending to stay on set late, but instead sneaking off to gay bars nearly each night. Only Veronica and Annalia were the only mundane ones of the family. Maybe if you didn't count the constant boasting. Both girls knew about how fucked up their home life was, and quite frankly they didn't care. As long as the press didn't know, it didn't matter to them. But everything comes out sooner or later right?

The day an anonymous source leaked the bare pictures of Mr. Denardo and a mysterious man getting it on, was the day everything crumbled. Everything bad followed after that. HIV rumors, divorce rumors, the possibility of a male "mistress", and many more. And since the Denardo family had begun gaining a lot of attention from the paparazzi, it didn't take long for them to dig in a little deeper and find out about Mrs Denardo's excessive drinking, and make tabloids about that too.

What was once the well liked and highly envied family, had quickly become one of the most mischievous ones. No one wanted to work with neither Mrs. and Mr Denardo, considering the trail of rumors linked to them. Veronica and Annalia had seemed to be the only normal ones in the family left. They knew that if they didn't figure something out quickly, the fate of their parents would soon become theirs. That was when both girls came up with the idea of forming charities and groups. They figured that If they formed clubs and charities, that it would drag everyone away from the bad stuff about the family.

And it worked. Their charities became quite popular, and was enough of a distraction to have people stop bringing up their parents' flaws. Over time, combined, Annalia and Veronica's groups gained a lot of attention from all over the globe. They gained a lot of money, and instead of giving the money off to the charities and people in need, both girls allowed their cocky nature to set in, and instead they took the money for themselves, leaving only some of the profit to everyone else. They did it pretty constantly, but then again, who would find out? They were practically perfect after all, no one would guess a thing. At least thats what they thought..

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Name: Junsoo Park

Nickname: Jun

Age: 21

Birthday: March 1st // Pisces

Orientation: Pansexual

Gender: Male [he/him/his]

Role: Sin // Sloth

Power: Sleep Inducement // Telekinesis

Occupation: Unemployed, poorly attempting being a writer



Height: 6'1"

Weight: 143 lbs

Hair: Dark brown, wavy if untouched, but sometimes straightened if he feels like it, which is rare

Eyes: Dark Brown

Other: Beauty mark under the corner of his left eye



Vices: Procrastination- Jun is one to leave everything to the last minute, it's a horrible habit, but he holds it close.

Selfish- Jun doesn't care much about other people, and will usually only do something if there is something in it for him.

Stubborn- It's difficult to convince him to do things, especially if they are related to changing his mind, or physical activity.

Thoughtless- Jun often forgets to think about the consequences of his actions, or lack of actions. This has a multitude of bad outcomes.

Grumpy- It is not a rare occurrence for Jun to be in a less than stellar mood, and his temper runs short very quickly.

Virtues: Honest- Coming up with lies on the spot isn't an effort that Jun likes to take, so he just tells the truth most of the time.

Persistent- When you can get him to get off of his ass and do something, he sees it through until it's done as well as he wants it to be, even if others leave before him.

Peaceful- Fighting is very draining, so Jun likes to avoid conflict.

Inventive- Sitting around gives you a lot of time to think, so ideas have started to come naturally to him.

Forgiving- He doesn't care enough to hold a grudge, so he gets over things very easily.

Quirks: Can fall asleep in nearly any position, no matter how uncomfortable, Carries gum everywhere, He talks to his cactus, which he's named Edward

Skills: Finding easy ways to do things, Stalling for time, Picking locks



Biography: Jun was born the only child of a rich family on the first day of March. Born in Hartford, Connecticut, things weren't exactly as busy as they could have been, but Jun still found it very draining, even at his young age. Fortunately, his parents would do anything for the boy. Spoiled rotten and rarely denied of what he wanted, it wasn't a surprise that his parents helped him aid his laziness. They did it all, whether it be getting him a chauffeur to bring him to school, or making up excuses so Jun wouldn't have to get out of bed to go to his friend's birthday party. Some of it was a bit despicable, but none of them had a problem with it.

This eventually destroyed most of Jun's relationships, but by middle school he stopped caring. He was never all that sociable anyway. School had always been regarded negatively by Jun, as he performed pretty poorly and he often had a hard time finding someone who would tolerate him for more than two seconds. Most of his memories of school now are of him being scolded for falling asleep in the back corner. However, old habits die hard, so Jun slept more than he could learn. It's a good thing that he has faith in his parents' paychecks, or he'd be in a predicament.

A week after his 18th birthday, he moved to Barcello, Connecticut. He thought a quieter town would be good for him, and maybe perhaps give him a better reputation. From then, he laid low, trying to live off of the money his parents send him. He's yet to find a job, mostly because he hasn't tried to, but he's making a sorry attempt at writing a novel. Let's just say that he hasn't written a full page yet. Again, his parents' money is keeping him afloat for now.

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moderation or self-restraint



Elliott "Eli" Cain Gillespie




September 14


Homoromantic Demisexual





v i r t u e



Boundary Manipulation


Drug Dealer






167 lbs.


Copper Red and Blonde

Tapered Pompadour w/ Clipped Beard


Silver Blue


(anything else you need to add?)



Rather quick to snap back and be equally or more vicious.


Expects the worse out of everything


When he is in a bad mood, he can make the mood of a room just as bleak as he is.



One look is all it takes for him to know where you stand and what you are about.


He highly believes in the power of self more than the Powers That Be.


His mind is truly a clever creation.


Keeps stray animals as pets; currently has a female Calico cat

Dislikes the color purple.

Mumbles under his breath, a bad habit formed by the traumatic period.


Oddly reflexive

Naturally Flexible and double jointed

Eidetic Memory


Nothing nothing matters before the day their Father killed himself.

Elliott was sixteen when he found his dad's brains sprawled across the ceiling and walls. To say that was the day his innocence died would be an insult of an understatement. In truth, a very large piece of him fell apart and never really came back. The spiral was a long one and he hit every bump on the way down. His grades didn't drop, but he left school anyway. He stopped eating or speaking unless it was dire for him to do so. Even then, it was all just mumbles and blank stares. He went from being Chuck's brother to "Him".

It wasn't until he finally saved enough cash to move out and distance himself that he finally found some identity past being the one to find the body. He decided to live--to do what he wanted when he wanted. If there was no point in being morally aligned, why follow it? Barcello was the perfect place for that. Two towns away, but everyone knew of the weird aura the place gave off-- especially the woods. In addition to working at a burger joint he began selling marijuana and his Adderall--the Xanex was for him and only him. It was more of a distraction, an adrenaline rush. And he gained a following of people who seemed to like this new version of him. Unfortunately, his so called friends were mostly snitches and he was busted with a big haul of a stash.

Eli got a break with a price: House arrest. And, of all people, his brother relocated in order to take care of him while he is serving his sentence. It's been that way for eight and a half months. The two don't talk to one another and something is off about the once gentle man that sleeps across the hall. Especially with the issue of their father's death. It could be the stir-crazy setting in, but with one more week of his sentence to serve Elliott is determined to find out the truth in things.





extreme anger

no slide
no slide


Charles "Charlie" Dylon Gillespie




September 14

v i r g o


Demiromantic Heterosexual





s i n


Convinced Inevitability

Feral Hive Mind


Book Clerk


Catholic Christianity




189 lbs.


Dirty Blonde

Mid Back Length w/ Free-growing Beard


Ocean Blue


(anything else you need to add?



Sometimes takes no heed to warnings or reason.


Can't help but flaunt his intelligence in a rude manner sometimes.


Lives a little too lavishly than for his own good.



He is much smarter than given credit for by the strangers of Barcello.


When things go to complete shit, he holds his ground and let's his dominance show.


He stands for the good in everyone and can be quite loyal.


Twisting his hair into a knot when nervous.

Attends Mass on a weekly basis.

Has mild OCD.



Physical Resistance

Rational Decision-making


Nothing matters before the day their Father killed himself.

And Charlie still isn't even sad that the man is gone. He'd only gotten custody because he left their mother with nothing, even though she worked hard on helping build his publishing company. The death was a blessing, due to some unseen paperwork that was kept hidden from buyers and lawyers. Willow Publishing was in it's rightful hands and everyone was happy--except for Elliott.

Charlie couldn't understand it. God had saved them from a wicked man who'd done terrible things, but his brother was a shell of the person he once was. Was it punishment? Charlie couldn't tell and so he couldn't save his brother as he slid into darkness. He could only pray that God show him the right path to take. When Elliott left, their mother was heartbroken. She didn't eat or sleep for weeks. It was only through working with her son and doctors that she stayed sane, with Charlie running the business administration for her. When she was well again, she gave him the position. He was good at what he did, with a quick mind and creative approaches to problems. He lived at home, so most of his pay went to church tithes and little things--and a bank account, to whom only he and his brother would have access to.

When word of Eli's legal troubles came to light, no words had to be said about who'd be supervising him. He had to let his job go, but Charlie had a more than enough money saved for means of living and with a capital loan from his mother he was able to reopen an old bookstore in between Downtown and the Strip of Barcello. When he wasn't at work his eyes were focused on his little brother. Nothing more than needed info has been passed between the two and recently Elliott has started looking at him weirdly. As much as he'd love to make everything right there is nothing he can do to fix his brother. If this was the price to pay for Elliott not to know the truth, so be it.

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of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one

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no slide

Casey Meyers




October 17


demiromantic heterosexual








A sort of extra sense. Casey can feel when something isn't right, whether the reality has been warped or the person before her is of another sort of existence. This power is latent within her and is not powerful on the scale of seeing the dead or future of things, but it has been gifted to her for a reason.


Non-Denom (as a child)


Former Med Student





133 lbs.



Choppy Layers




Exceptionally pale due to Anemia



She has a tendency to fixate on certain ideals and habits of hers.


She isn't apathetic, she just doesn't give a fuck.


She's a recovering addict(alcoholism), but the draw of pleasure still calls out to her.



She keeps the needs in mind for all people she is involved with


She did care once. And, now and again, it leaks through.


Her will could bend the strongest of forces against her.


Is incredibly good at darts

Has steady hands, even when wasted

Can memorized numbers and small details easily.










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"I can wait. I will wait." - Adeline



Adeline Ella Trance


"I do not appreciate nicknames."




September 12th // Virgo




Female // She/her


Virtue // Patience


Time Manipulation









Blonde // Wavy but not curly, reaches her breasts.


Ice blue





Over-analytical; Adeline, more often then not, refuses to do anything without mapping out all the possibilities, probable outcomes, and doing at least fifteen math problems to be sure she won't fall into a pit of lava.

Stoic; Adeline can endure a number of things without showing so much as a hint of any feeling, nor complaining. She refuses to accept help from others.

Emotionless; Compared to the general population, Adeline feels quite a lot less emotion then most. It makes her seem stiff and unapproachable, but allows her to approach situations with a clear and clinical approach. It is, in some ways, both a vice and a virtue, but it holds more cons then pros.

Self-centered; She doesn't gloat about herself or anything like that - but she puts her own needs before others. Thus, she doesn't care for friends, and because she is so distant and emotionless she couldn't really even if she tried.

Judgmental; Again -- she's not judgmental in the a-typical way, but Adeline is always silently watching your every move and judging. And once she makes the decision that you're not worth it, you're not worth it.


Organized; Adeline enjoys keeping things neat, well-planned, and proper. It helps her to think better.

Realistic; Not one to be swayed by foolish idealism, Adeline chases what she is one hundred percent certain can be achieved, and is sensible and well-balanced in every decision she makes.

Intelligent; More of a mathematical intelligence then street smarts, but intelligence nonetheless. Being a computer science and engineering major, Adeline is extremely good with computers and the like, and she is also a very skilled mathematician.

Hardworking; Once Adeline sets her mind to something she will work tirelessly until the task is completed.

Kind; While more often then not Adeline is taking care of her own needs first, there are moments where she feels the need to help others. She is a wonderful person to vent too, and even if she may not empathize the best, she does try.


The only time Adeline ever seems to be at peace is when she sleeps, and when there's a lavender-scented candle lit in her apartment. Otherwise, she's always got something to do or someplace to be, and the people that (attempt) to know her can easily figure this out.

Twirls hair when deep in thought or very focused.

Types extremely fast, at least 120 wpm.


Extensive knowledge of computers. Not just hacking, but programming, building technology, as well as understanding it.

Adept at math (She's almost like a human calculator.)

The only time Adeline smiles is when she is pleasantly surprised, or impressed.



Born to a very recently married couple, Carla and George Trance in a small town outside of New York City, They were an extremely bubbly and bright young couple, and that's why they were never prepared for a child like Adeline. One so emotionless and stiff, one who never cried or whined or complained. They didn't know how to handle her, and they even thought something was wrong with her.

Thus, Adeline never had a very good relationship with her parents. And when her younger sister Talia was born, they forgot about her entirely. Because Talia was "normal." She laughed and she cried and did things that Adeline didn't, and her parents simply
adored Talia. Feeling more of an outsider in her own home then ever, Adeline retreated into her studies. She excelled at every class, nothing below an A was anywhere near her report card.

Yet still, her parents never noticed her. They were the type of people that didn't care about grades. They were creative, humorous, everything that Adeline simply wasn't. And whatever she did to please them, it never pleased them. And even though Adeline was the smartest girl in her whole school, she lived always in her sister's shadow.

But her greatest virtue was patience; so she never gave up. Though as time went on, it became less and less about pleasing her parents, and more and more about her. Perhaps that was how she came to forget about pleasing others at all, and focused only on herself. She pursued a career in computers, because she'd always had a knack for tinkering with a computer. So far she'd been doing excellently in college, though everyone thought her to be this wacko girl who couldn't "feel".

She graduated with her Masters, feeling sick of it all, and wanted nothing more then to retreat into herself in some simple, quiet town. She had no interest in putting her Masters to use, all she wanted was to hide away. Thus, her move to Barcello, Connecticut. Away from her family, her work, and for a while, it was quiet. The way she wanted it to be.


fc: teresa palmer

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"plants get sad too..."



- B A S I C S -

/ name /

neo elizabeth blagg

/ age /


/ birthday /

march 4th / pisces

/ gender /

cisfemale / she

/ sexuality /


/ role /


/ power /

omni-communication: + neo is able to communicate as well as see into the minds - not necessarily being able to read their thoughts but rather having the ability to sense their aura and energy - of all living beings including plants, animals, insects, nature, microbes and the dead through her senses and psyche.

- there are instances in which she is involuntarily overwhelmed by large amounts of negative emotions and vibes, for example neo is unable to eat meat as she is automatically mentally and sometimes even physically affected (fainting, vomiting, anxiety) by the torture done to the animal.

empathic masochism: + neo could be considered a living voodoo doll. though her virtue is kindness, she was given a defense mechanism by god in which she has the ability to inflict physical damage onto others by doing so on herself. in addition to this she has enhanced healing that prevents her from dying from the injuries she reflects onto others. this also has a reverse effect and she can choose to transfer an amount of healing ability rather than pain.

- however her enhanced healing does not stop her from feeling the same pain as her victim, rather it speeds up her bodys healing process so although she is hurting others she is still receiving 'punishment' for it. how much her transferal of it aids others depends on the wound and the size of the receiver, for instance she is easily able to revive flowers, but it could take her hours to cure a person with a papercut.

-her enhanced healing is only activated when she is using her voodoo. for instance if neo stabs herself in the hand, it will heal very fast, however if someone else stabs her in the hand it will heal at the rate of a regular person.

-her voodoo ability could cause irreversible damage to her if attacking someone with power negation.

-her voodoo abilities also take a good amount of concentration that can easily be broken and she cannot use this power unless she has seen the victim's face in the flesh and touched them.

/ occupation /


- A P P E A R A N C E -
/ height /


/ weight /


/ hair /

short with choppy layers, light brown

/ eyes /

big, round & blue

- I N D E P T H -

/ vices /

timid; neo is the type of girl to hide behind her hair, crawl into a tiny little ball when put on the spot and meekly mumble her words under her breath. being a terribly shy and unusually fearful person, neo avoids socializing completely and automatically flees any situation in which she feels the least bit threatened. often when forced to mingle, neo stutters, fidgets with her fingers, repeatedly clears her throat, fumbles with her hair, twiddles with her clothes, blinks rapidly, etc. etc... and the list goes on.

weak-hearted; neo carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. she burdens herself with the sorrow of others and is dreadfully pained by things everyday people don't think twice about, like beggars asking for money on the streets, children falling of their bikes and scraping their knees, people killing insects, etc. she was that kid in the class that silently sobbed into her t-shirt in every history class and passed out watching her biology teacher dissect a frog.

submissive; neo isn't one to put up a fight, even if she strongly disagrees with what she's ordered to do. if she plucks up enough courage, she might squeak a little "well... but..", however a stern look or "but what?" is all it takes for her to back down. she desperately lacks in any kind of confidence and will abide to anyone who has the slightest touch of power over her out of fear of the potential consequences. neo pathetically allows herself to be controlled by anyone and everyone who intimidates her and surrenders before she's even raised her fists.

fragile; neo is as frail as glass, and breaks just as easily. she's got a truly delicate spirit and any humorous comment with a hint of cruelty will bring tears to her eyes and shatter her heart in a million pieces. not only is neo emotionally vulnerable, but she is also physically powerless in any way imaginable and falls victim to her own weakness.

defeatist; if it doesn't work the first time, neo will immediately give up. before even trying, she is ready to accept failure and half-asses anything that requires effort out of the persistent mindset that nothing she does ever works, so there's no point in trying. seeing as neo is a very sensitive person, her pessimistic attitude is a way of protecting herself from inevitable disappointment.

diffident; while being humble and not putting oneself on a pedestal is great, neo is a bit too modest. she's quick to put herself down, declines compliments and generally has a low opinion of herself.

/ virtues /

sweet; it takes a truthfully cold heart to dislike neo, i mean honestly, who could hate such a gentle girl? neo treats everyone with the same genuine kindness and welcomes everyone with a friendly, however slightly shaky, smile.

loving; neo isn't ashamed of showing her soft side unlike many who believe warmth and compassion to be a weakness. she is highly affectionate and more than happy to demonstrate so.

selfless; neo feels she does not deserve to have all the things she does. it pains her to see how much luxury she has been granted whilst others suffer, because of this she puts the needs of others before hers and cares more about the well being of strangers than about her own desires and ambitions.

forgiving; neo believes everyone deserves a second (or maybe 100th) chance, regardless of what wrong doings they've committed in the past, even if said faults were done against her to hurt her.

devoted; when neo finds someone she feels comfortable with and can trust, she will love them unconditionally and do everything in her power to guarantee them happiness. metaphorically speaking, she'd set herself on fire just to give them light.

virtuous; neo is as innocent as a lamb and doesn't have a bad bone in her body, her intentions are nothing but pure and she would never harm so much as a fly. she hasn't and never will tell a single lie and has the heart of a child who refuses to grow up to be a miserable, spiteful adult, seeing the world with nothing but hope and a longing for a better world.

/ quirks /

-neo can solve a rubik's cube in under 8 seconds

-neo keeps injured insects in plastic containers (with air holes) in her room and sets them free when they heal. if they don't heal, she buries them in her garden.

-neo has somewhat of an obsession with tim burton's stop motion films and could watch them on repeat for days without getting tired of them.

/ skills /

-neo has a small, skinny frame and therefore she can easily hide in tiny spaces and slip through narrow openings.

-neo has a weak presence and can blend into crowds effortlessly.

-though she has little to no stamina, neo can sprint short distances unbelievably fast.

- H I S T O R Y -

/ history /

neo was born in the gloomy town of barcello to a pair of equally mentally unstable parents with miserable hearts and clashing personalities. dimitrios blagg, her father, worked as a hardware store owner in the strip and anastazja kedzierski, her burnout mother who's ultimate dream at becoming an artist inevitably crashed and burned. her faint memories of infancy that have since been repressed into the back of her mind, can now only be recalled as her parents angry screams, slamming doors, creaking floorboards and staring at her reflection in glass windows in an attempt to grasp self-identity. who am i ? why am i here? even at a young age, existential questions plagued her mind that even now she cannot answer nor bear to think of.

the beginning of primary school was when neo was first introduced to the idea of ostraciztation and a world where boys didn't like girls, and girls didn't like her. she was slow and couldn't keep up with her teacher and evidently her classmates caught onto the fact that she was an easy target, everyday she'd be picked on and teased for being so small and skeleton-like and having eyes as big as saucers. everyday she'd come crying home and everyday her mother would wave her in hand in the air, dismissing her daughter's sorrows, absorbing reality tv and junk food like an addict longs for cocaine.

everything after that was a blurry series of unfortunate events that ultimately led to her admittance in a psychiatric hospital.

after being released from the ward, neo moved in with her grandma isabella, a temperamental woman of god from her father's side of the family, in suburbia near the forest. did the town scare her? well, after everything she'd been through, no not really. despite isabella's warnings about never leaving the house past dusk and the never ending whispers of gruesome tales, suburbia failed to frighten neo and still being partially insane, she decided to see for herself how truly terrifying suburbia was made out to be. the first few times she'd sit inside the garage with the door slightly open or hide inside the car, peeking out the window with the doors locked, but it was too safe, too cautious, she needed something exciting. something that gave her a thrill, an adrenaline rush, and oh boy did she get it.

the first night she hid in her garden, seeing nothing but hearing series of screams and inaudible dialogue. the second night she sat on her roof and spotted two tall dark figures chasing the small silhouette of what looked to be a woman in her early 20's. the third night she tiptoed around her neighbor's houses and on the fourth night she walked down the entire street. well, she
almost got to mrs. george's house at the end of the road when she heard it. the chanting. a band of dark cloaked figures dragging what seemed to be a bloodied naked and bloodied teenage boy with them suddenly appeared. in a state of terror, neo sprinted into the nearest bushes she could find to hide whilst the cloaked figures threw their victim into the middle of the street, forming a circle around him.

she doesn't speak of what happened next.

middle and high school were no different to her previous experience with public education. mean girls and mean boys pushed her into walls and having not been the brightest bulb in the box, neo was a less than average student with few to zero friends as she was considered the class basket case. after graduation she looked into applying to an art school, but quickly decided against it having realized she could never take care of herself let alone move away from the only place she's ever known to call home. now twenty-one, neo still lives in suburbia with her grandmother and makes a few scraps of money from time to time from selling her...
disturbing artwork.

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Quincy Liboiron



"Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."

- Frank Leahy


I Am




March 11; Pisces




Cis Male



Virtue; Humility


Emotion Manipulation // Force-Field Generation



No Better




163 lbs.


An unkempt, curly, chocolate brown mess that just reaches his shoulders.


Dark Brown


| Has a mole to the right of his philtrum. |

| Bares several scattered freckles across his face. |

| Carries his
reading glasses with him if they're ever needed. |



| Skeptical |

If it hasn't been proven by facts, the kid doesn't feel a reason to believe it.

| Private |

Just because he puts other people's lives out in the open, doesn't mean he wants the same for himself.

| Clumsy |

Perhaps he'll knock a few pots over accidentally, but Quincy has learned that keeping his hands to himself is beneficial for all parties.

| Meddlesome |

He's a journalist, being nosy is kind of his thing. Granted, he promptly draws his own boundaries of what is right and wrong when getting the details of a situation--unlike some others--but he's a generally curious person.

| Perfectionist |

A guilty habit, really. He isn't one of those extremists, but if there's missing information or things don't exactly go as he was hoping, Quincy gets stressed.


| Adaptable |

He's bounced around enough places for him to grow comfortable in most environments these days.

| Selfless |

Quincy has always been one to put people first in most situations, regardless of their background, opinion, habits, opinion of him, et cetera.

| Gregarious |

Though he doesn't see himself as a full-on people person anymore, Quincy does enjoy the company of others.

| Honest |

Call him Pinocchio for Pete's sake. The kid likes to put his opinion out there without being too blunt, but perhaps it's because he's seen far too many lies in the tabloids.

| Idealistic |

Quincy has always been a fan of improvement, and his views are no exception to that particular mindset.


| Keeps his reading glasses on when he's focused. |

| Tugs on his earlobe when he is in deep thought. |

| Carries a camera, pen, and notepad with him out of habit. |


| Keen Memory--from conversations to numbers. |

| Finagler|

| Coordination |

| Resourceful |



"Believe in the strength of God. He will guide you through the rough."

"Then where was God when my life went to the dogs?"

People have always been an influential aspect of the young man's life. Regardless of their significance, how great or how small, Quincy's life always seemed to revolve around the human race. However, it wasn't until he was in his teens that he realized the bigger picture: he was just a droplet in an ocean, and boy, did the ocean have sharks.

Life as a youngster wasn't all that bad in the long run. His mother,
Penelope, was an elementary school teacher while his father, Harris, worked as a shrink--in other words, social skills came at an early age for the Libioron children. The only real hardship growing up was the stretching of funds here and there, but every family had their lows, and the kids learned to appreciate whatever they got when they got it.

In small town Greenfield, Massachusetts, gossip was a second language, and being prideful was only natural. Try as they might, Quincy's parents couldn't conceal such harsh qualities from the boy forever, and with that being said, the stained habits trickled in like a leaky faucet, corrupting his mind long before he had any warning to prevent such a catastrophe. By the time he reached his later years of teen-dom, the young brunette was as vain as the sin itself. With an intelligent mind like his, achievements were sure to follow, and each one fed the prideful nature within. He was drowning when he didn't even realize he wasn't in shallow water.

However, despite his problems, his sister,
Veronica, had it far worse--and it ended up teaching the whole family a lesson in humility. The girl had it all, with goals that were as high as the sky, and an attitude as mellow as a sunset, but leave it to the human race to rip an innocent down to their skin and bones. If he had to admit it, Quincy used to be one of those people, and it only took him a solid five months to realize just how much it affected the person on the receiving end of crude words and trashy comments. Within five months of slut-shaming, pregnancy rumors, and straight out lies, Veronica Liboiron, who had just been accepted to Cornell University the month before, was found dead beside her bed, a deep red drained from her own wrists.

Words hurt; they beat and bruise a person before action is even a thought. What once was an ambitious young woman had been belittled to the point where
she had even believed the hearsay that was whispered throughout the town. Things like that didn't exactly happen on a regular basis in Greenfield. One moment she was happy, and the next she was gone--but those who smile the brightest hurt the most.

The local newspaper was all over it, and even when the fingers had nowhere else to point, the rumors didn't end. It was only then that Quincy realized the power of words and the force behind them; that ignorance was not always bliss, and putting oneself on a pedestal didn't mean they deserved any bit of that glory. He realized that nobody would ever be perfect--regardless of how much they pride themselves into thinking such--and he took Veronica's experience to heart, even blaming himself simply because he was no better than the people that forced her into that dark corner. It was a whole flood of a higher purpose, and from that point on, Quincy has strived to right his wrongs. From being against the people to being for them, the last Liboiron sibling had quite a wake up call in the midst of wrongful suffering.

With the amount of intrigue the local newspaper had on the subject, Quincy couldn't help but wonder the root of it all; why it was so important for other people to stick their nose where it didn't belong. That being said, the male got into journalism, taking on a two-faced role for his own research. On one side, he weaseled his way into people's business like he was supposed to, and got the appropriate details he needed to make a good story. On the other, he was only there to prevent the misunderstandings; to fix the chaos the tabloids produced before it could cause any real damage. He was the cheap Robin Hood of the twenty-first century, and honestly, it made him happy.

Granted, his job was simply a scapegoat for his guilt, but as long as he helped people without actually getting involved, he was okay. The less conversatio, the better his chances of not slipping up, and it just made thing easier for everyone on both sides of the spectrum. Quincy wouldn't get out of line if he didn't need to. In the end, his life revolved around the experiences he had and the experiences he has yet to receive. The young adult took his sister's experience to heart, and even more so when the sharks in the water decided to take a few good bites out of him. Working for the source of most lies shed a humbling light on Quincy; a light he actually wanted to stay in for once.

Naturally, work took him to various places in order to get the good stuff--whether it ranged from local vendetta or state-wide controversy. With each story, he found himself realizing that he wasn't the only one in the world with problems on a regular basis, and that mindset truly kept him in his place when his thoughts went a bit astray. However, when word got around about a particular crime-crazy city in Cali, Quincy found himself oddly eager to volunteer, and his zeal got him a one-trip ticket to Barcello.

So, had it really been two years since his Jeep crossed the town line? It didn't feel like it in the least, yet there he was, still stuck in the same town long after his story was finished. In fact, he had wrapped up the article after half a year, but when it came time to leave, Quincy couldn't help but feel as though he wasn't quite finished yet. His project was done, yes, but on the inside it felt like he had hardly scratched the surface of something far greater than a measly town write-up. The pull to stay and uncover Barcello's secrets became so much more than that to leav, and unconsciously, the decision was made. Quincy Liboiron has been stuck in Barcello for two years, yet he still doesn't realize what exactly he dragged himself into.

Greetings from Barcello. He's going to be there for a while.


| Takes to drinking every now and then when his creativity is low. |

| His parents still keep in touch with him even though he doesn't exactly want to talk to them. |


T H E M E | S O N G

"You should keep your words soft and tender because tomorrow you might have to eat them."



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Millient Monet




july 4th/






Greed Manipulation/Power Absortion










straight dark brown


golden brown


tattoo inside of her right arm




millicent is very possessive of her money and would not share it with anyone.she never gives to the poor but whenever there are charity events where large companies like her own need to give forth a specific amount of money, she will either negotiate with another company to give more of their money on her behalf or lie and take the money from a different company and never use her own. she doesn't like using banks and keeps her money in a highly secured safe that only she and the people she trust know where it's located.


millicent dislikes people using her things i.e. her cellphone, car, anything that belongs to her she hates having someone elses fingerprints besides hers on it. she doesn't want no one taking her items looking at her items too long cause it makes her feel like they are going to take them from her. you get a few seconds to look then she will send you on her way. she is very possesive of her things and does not want them anyone eles hands but her own.


millicent enjoys stealing from everyone. she has a knack for wanting the newest thing to come out, she will sometimes go out her way to steal whatever she desires.


millicent has a silver tongue, she is like the snake that manipulated Eve to eat the apple God told her not to. the only way to get what she wants is to get inside a persons head and twist it to her liking.


millicent will say something is wrong or inhuman but then turn around and the inhumane action. she doesn't even care if she went against her own views, if it means going against her way of life to get all the power she wants she will do it.



she is a vey accepting person. she will aceept you no matter of race, ethnicity, sexuality, religion it doesn't matter to her. as long as you are loyal to her she will accept you for who you are. when situations arise she will accept the problems that are about to come


millicent is committed young woman. she is committed to her work, her money, herself she will never stray from somthing due to it being difficult or unpleasing to her. if she needs to do a task to get what she wants she will not drop it until she has achieved it. she will sometimes put her heart and soul into what she doesn't to make it in this hell they call life.





randomly buys stocks from the stock market for fun

enjoys playing with her collection of weapons

walking around her penthouse naked


her negotiation skills are impeckable

she is able to make alliances with anyone for anything whether it be personal or business related

she is skilled in hand-to-hand combat



on july 4th of 1995,millicent was the third and last born into a very rich family. her father was the CEO of the second most wealthy and popular company in the world and her mother was a stay-at-home mother, she has two older siblings preceeding her in birth. being the youngest in the family, you would think she would be more spoiled than her older siblings but it was the other wa around. millicent didn't get the things her older siblings got and it upset her a lot. in school she wasn't popular like her sister or brother and she didn't have a really fancy car or the most high classed clothes.

she didn't know why her parents weren't spoiling her like her older brother and sister. she finally confronted her parents and asked her what their problem was. she became furious when they told her that she was going to work to get what she wanted, that she wasn't going to be spoiled like her brother and sister. millicant wasn't going to have that, she wasnted what her siblings had, popularity, expensive things...a name for herself. she was playing her family like puppets.

as she became older she became sneaky and manipulative. She tricked both her siblings into believeing their father didn't really love them and was only buying their love with expensive objects. millicent found it easy to manipulate her family to get what she wanted. millicent became daddy's little princess and got everything she wanted. she stood aside and watched as her plan was coming together perfectly.

she then changed her appearance by wearing large jewelery and extravagant clothes to draw attention to herself. her whole demeanour changed, she pretended to be this little angel on the outside, but had a power hungry demon growing inside of her.

the family spent one year in Barcello where millicent's father was planning on growing his business in the city. millicent's father was diagnosed with lung cancer and had a few more months to live. as devestating as millicent was she knew this would be the perfect time to take it up a knotch.

after the year ended, her father passed the company down to her before he died from cancer. she felt pity for her siblings and decided to give them jobs in the family business but in departments she didn't have to see them as much.

millicent finally got what she wanted but it wasn't enough for her,she moved back to Barcello because she wanted to continue what her father wasn't able to achieve before he passed away...millicent is now ready to take over the world and make it her personal playground.

FC:Jourdan Dunn



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca0dea975_bannerfans_17655309(1).jpg.c164bba4a4a30272dc5addfa4c02d13f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca0dea975_bannerfans_17655309(1).jpg.c164bba4a4a30272dc5addfa4c02d13f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>[/FONT] [FONT='Times New Roman']

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Christopher Wilson




August 3rd




Male; he/him


Sin; Pride


Hell-fire manipulation


Music store clerk

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167 lbs


Plain brown, somewhat wavy and often brushed back.


Olive Green


Has quite the distinct dimples, can sometimes be spotted even when he's not smiling

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In Depth

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Annabeth Rosiah Parker




21st of November; Scorpio


Bisexual Demiromantic


Cisgender Female; She/Her




Hair Stylist

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Blunt; You know what, sometimes Annabeth really doesn't know when she shouldn't say something, and usually the things she thinks, and eventually says, are pretty mean.

Restless; Annabeth is always finding something to do. Always. She's quit 5 jobs the past 6 months because she claimed they were all boring.

Envious; Annabeth is often jealous of things that others get. Despite being from a rich family background, she still longs for things that she doesn't have.

Sarcastic; Annabeth was never one to hold back a mercilessly spiteful remark. This sarcasm of hers however, has become a sort of defense mechanism towards those that feel like they want to pick a fight with her.

Self-Loathing; Annabeth has never been a very self confident person to be honest. Despite seeming like a sarcastic and maybe even slightly arrogant woman, she's always been finding parts of herself to improve, and even though it might seem like a good thing, these flaws she finds just make her hate herself more than she already does.


Protective; Annabeth seems to be a unemotional brat on the surface, but really, she can be very protective over the things she cares about, and won't hesitate to put up a fight if provoked.

Generous; Wait... What? Yes, that's right. Annabeth is generous at heart, but only to those that she knows will never betray her, or just use her just for her riches.

Tough; Annabeth can put up with a lot without breaking down. And whenever she does, she builds herself back up in the blink of an eye.

Intelligent; Annabeth is a smart girl when it comes down to it, and most would agree on that. Her general knowledge about the world is impeccable, that's for sure.

Experimental; 'Try everything once' is her motto in life. Annabeth is open to try everything and anything, even is her life is at risk, it keeps her boredom at bay at least.


=Annabeth has an abundance of different hair colors she swears by, and switches between them every 3 to 4 months.

=It's hard to see her wear any bright colors other than red.

=You can bribe her with high quality coffee or red velvet cake.

=Annabeth can speak some Japanese, she took a class when she was in high school.


=Flexible; Years of gymnastics as a child till high school has left Annabeth almost like a human rubber band.

=Knowledgeable; She googles up everything. And I mean everything. So now, she knows everything.

=Fast; Really, the girl can run like a damn cheetah.

Annabeth. Annabeth Rosiah Parker. She was born and raised in the bustling city of New York. Annabeth was taught by her parents, as a child, that New York was where you had to catch up with the city pace if you didn't want to get left behind, because no one was waiting for you, not even the ones you called your friends.

And with that rule, Annabeth took on a fast paced life, never stopping for anyone, not the needy, not the poor. Being generous meant you were weak. And so, she turned her nose up towards those that needed her guidance and generosity, and made herself look like a cruel person, who wouldn't even stop to throw in a coin into that homeless guy's small pile of change.

People took her for someone unapproachable, someone that you shouldn't waste your time on because she's just that mean of a person. Annabeth didn't like this, at all. She didn't like being alone, she didn't want to be alone, but changing completely would take more than a day, wouldn't it? So she slowly, and carefully, tried to change the way people thought of her. She tried being more generous, she tried being less mean.

But people took that for granted.

They'd pretend to be her friend when they were really there for the presents she's give to them, and whenever Annabeth tried to say no, they'd simply walk away.

She lived with this till she was 18, and after high school, Annabeth moved out of her house in the city to Barcello, in Connecticut. It was quite a humble town really, and she started anew here, with the money that her parents gave her before she left, Annabeth would lead a nice peaceful life here. Like all the normal people. With friends and stuff.

Pfft. Normal. Right now, Barcello is anything but.


Sometimes when you run too fast, you get left behind.
Annabeth P.

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Alexis Robyn Oakes


Lexi, Oakes




July 5, 1995


Female; She/Her






Personal Assistant



"You don't need a reason to help people"







Dirty Blonde; Goes down to her elbows in soft waves.


Murky brown.


Has small and faint freckles on her nose and under her eyes.


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Mahala Symphony Gyeong

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mzxvgh9hZt1t6szqdo3_1280.jpg.2d2c0edd133a9b8bc1aa356fe0cc482e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mzxvgh9hZt1t6szqdo3_1280.jpg.2d2c0edd133a9b8bc1aa356fe0cc482e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mzxvgh9hZt1t6szqdo1_1280.jpg.7d8d0995d61f6546ec708134a444ee0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mzxvgh9hZt1t6szqdo1_1280.jpg.7d8d0995d61f6546ec708134a444ee0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mzxvgh9hZt1t6szqdo2_1280.jpg.e83fbc6ba29ca49ef1c87ff365500481.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mzxvgh9hZt1t6szqdo2_1280.jpg.e83fbc6ba29ca49ef1c87ff365500481.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
FC: Gyeong Ree


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Mahala Symphony Gyeong




March 31 - Aries


Demiromantic Pansexual


Female - She/Her


Sin - Greed


Mental Manipulation - This form of persuasive mind control requires her to not only provide verbal commands, but she must also have eye contact with the individual she is 'pushing'. Mahala cannot push everyone she pleases. As her abilities work like hypnosis, some individuals are more resistant to the influence of her suggestions.


Living off Daddy's Paycheck


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nkawe76K551tiutdfo5_r2_400-4f8d5.gif.ab3d399f0ee4bb1925c5296e571fb1e3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127154" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nkawe76K551tiutdfo5_r2_400-4f8d5.gif.ab3d399f0ee4bb1925c5296e571fb1e3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




115 lbs


Long light auburn hair with waves






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_n3xy9cWgiC1ruv9d8o1_250.gif.101dc2f006245ecc522331b9d83bccc5.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127155" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_n3xy9cWgiC1ruv9d8o1_250.gif.101dc2f006245ecc522331b9d83bccc5.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


-Avarice; Though she has money Mahala always has a nagging feeling she will never have enough.

- Arrogance; Being an only child not much discipline was placed on her therefore, she has no real idea how to be selfless.

- Callousness; Mahala doesn't know why she needs to be concerned with others if it doesn't affect her.

- Deceitfulness; If Mahala doesn't get her way she will do everything in her power to make sure she has it in the end.


+ Commitment; Mahala doesn't give up on things she knows she could conquer. She's hard headed and believes that nothing is out of her reach.

+ Confidence; Mahala knows she's a bombshell, therefore she's the type to walk with her head held high, looking those in the eye she passes.

+ Fairness; Mahala doesn't like a cheat. While she does manipulate she doesn't see that as cheating just using a skill to her advantage. Give her rules and Mahala will play by them.

+ Honesty; Now this can be good or bad. Mahala will speak her mind and won't attempt to sugar coat anything. If she thinks your ugly she'll tell you without hesitation.

+ Respect; Mahala isn't some cold hearted woman. She will show respect to those she thinks deserves it but stab her in the back and you lose it all.


+ Bursts into song lyrics if she hears a word that ties into it.

+ When she's angry the tips of her ears turns pink.

+ She does a lot of spur of the moment baking.


+ Self-Defense; Because of her Status her father made her take self-defense classes just in case.

+ Multilingual; again due to her status her father made her take as many language courses as she could in case she was to meet one of his clients.

+ Technology Freek; Due to her time being couped up in the house Mahala has self-taught herself everything there is to know about the technological world.

Digging Deeper

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_static_848goq0jf0kk8ws8cwggs0cwc.gif.cfd6927fbd2523dee903bcdada7bdbe8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127156" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_static_848goq0jf0kk8ws8cwggs0cwc.gif.cfd6927fbd2523dee903bcdada7bdbe8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


When Mahala was born you wouldn't have known it. Her mother hopping right off the hospital bed right after she was born, and got dressed and ready for work. From what Mahala has heard through the whispers of the workers in her house, she was a mistake. A hiccup in her parents busy lives though Mahala didn't seem to care.

Both her parents were in high ranking jobs meaning Mahala could live comfortably without a worry in the world. Every month her father sent her, what Mahala liked to call 'hush money', an allowance. As long as the money continued to flow in Mahala wasn't one to complain. On her 16th birthday, her father had gotten her a W Motors Lykan Hypersport even though she didn't know how to drive yet.

Mahala moved out of her parent's house when she was around 19 after a nasty argument between her and her father. She moved to Barcello thinking that she needed to take time off and away from her family. She found she didn't know how to be independent because of her parents, even though she would be receiving checks from her father every month Mahala thought moving to Barcello meant gaining independence.


add whatever you want babes

Writing Sample

Detailed - Dearly Beloved

Bibi stood hunched over a small table on the floor, pen in hand as it hovered over the blank paper. She had been in that position a good ten minutes or so, racking her head for something to write. Her hair was tied up into a loose bun as strands of curly hair fell around her face. Squinting her eyes to make the page blurry before opening them back up to make her vision clearer. The rumble of electric fans in the background, moving the warm air in her tiny apartment around but never seeming to be doing its job in cooling her.

*Beep Beep Beep Beep* Bibi's phone's light flashed a couple of times as it buzzed on the ground beside her. She groaned knowing it had to be her father asking when she was going to send money his way. Without looking at the ID Bibi answered the phone and immediately started talking. "No dad I don't have your freaking money. In case, you care to know I have had a rather dry spell and it doesn't help you calling me twenty-four seven. Honestly, I think you can survive a week without gambling or satisfying your beer gut. Now please stop fucking calling me I've had enough!" Normally her father would have interjected her speech well before she could start it so she was surprised to find silence on the other end of the line.

"Dad?" She asked, pressing the phone against her ear in case she had missed him speaking though instead of the drunken slur of her father she was met with a rather wise voice, making Bibi glad for once that no one could see her. Her face was most likely a shade of red, her eyes wide and fearful as the person spoke on the line. "I'm sorry this is Beatrix Bourelly correct? I was told by the family to inform you of Aaliyah's recent passing and to invite you to the funeral."It was as if Bibi had forgotten how to speak making Ah... and Uehh...'s before making a full coherent sentence. "Yes yes, this is her. I'm so sorry pastor for my language earlier. I thought you were my father. Please tell them that I will attempt to be there for the funeral." Though when Bibi tried to hang up the phone the pastor went into one of his speeches telling her that when she came he was here for her to talk about her father and how he could help her find god once again. Bibi politely agreed to his request before hanging up an hour after the call. Every promise Bibi made to the priest went out the window as soon as the phone call was over. She would only talk to Aaliyah about her father and no one else but now that she's gone she just have to carry the secret alone.

She didn't really know how to take the news of Aaliyah's death, not having spoken to her in a couple of months, truth be told she was numb. Of course, she was sad but it wasn't as if she hadn't experienced death before. Though Aaliyah was Bibi's rock and couldn't help but feel she could had done something before Aaliyah's death. Right now all Bibi knew was that she needed to book the next plane ticket back home and pray her father wouldn't find out she was back. She wondered if any of the others had gotten the same call, but knew they most likely had. If the group had anything in common it would be Aaliyah. She was the glue of Bibi's friendships with everyone else in the group, knowing if she hadn't met Aaliyah that one fateful day she and the others would have never crossed paths.
What now? Bibi thought, her arms moving without her command as they started shoving things into her suitcase. Everyone's friendship with each other was based on their friendship with Aaliyah. This was going to be one of their most interesting reunions yet.






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Riley Kendrick

"If humans are so controlled by desires, why do we so often fail to achieve what we really want? And why do we never celebrate getting it?"

Age: 23

Gender: Agender (they/them)

Sexuality: Demisexual

Ethnicity: African American

Height: 5' 8''

Weight: 164 pounds

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Black and in a buzzcut

Role: Sin -- gluttony

Power: Turns people rabid through physical contact, amplifies desires by being around them

Occupation: Paralegal at a law firm


A sympathetic person, Riley tries their best to see what is hidden behind the hard shells everyone in town seems to put up around themselves. They believe that everyone has the ability to be good and do good, if only because they are all human in the end and faults are what make humans whole.

Diligent, Riley works hard and works long to ensure that everything is finished on time when given a task. They pour their heart and soul into every bit of work in order to do the best they can and impress all those who are depending on here.

While not quite loyal, Riley is dependable. There are few people who can claim that Riley has failed them. They may not follow every move another makes without question but they will be there to listen and analyze at the least. They are their own person, after all, but are willing to lend a hand should someone need it.

Riley has always been quite organized and knows where everything and anything they are looking for is on their desk and in their office. Their apartment is meticulous and they are very picky about where they put their various items down.

Some say that curiosity killed the cat but for Riley, exploring the world around and finding more and more has always been about the thrill of seeing and meeting new people and things. They are always sticking their noses into places that they don't necessarily belong to see what's going on.


Sits very still when angry with no other signs of emotion

Reapplies lipstick and touches up other parts of their outfit when bored.

Always waits thirty seconds before pulling anything out of the microwave.

They are rather selfish in a way, though they try not to be. While they will extend a hand to another, if the task could potentially endanger them, they decline to do so. They also tend to keep certain things to themselves, like lucrative cases and possibilities for promotion in the office.

Favors are never truly favors as Riley is known to hold people accountable for the favors they provide and tends to hold grudges against those that fail to repay them for what they have done. They never offer help but instead give it out with strings attached.

Riley has a flair for sabotage whether it be through a well-placed rumor or with-held information. They know how to undercut someone else and they can do so silently and without a word spoken to another soul.

They tend to bottle up emotions which usually results in an explosive outburst later on. All the anger and irritation they hold towards others can overflow at times into a tidal wave of things they don't really mean but do in their rage.

They have a tendency to underestimate others and think them less competent than they are. Their perfectionism is part of this problem as their vision doesn't always align with another's. As a result, they will often argue and try to be in command over others, even those who might have more experience than them.


Computers -- Riley is moderately adept at using computer programs such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint and is also able to navigate interfaces with ease.

Sweet-talking -- A few smiles and suggestive looks can seemingly get Riley just about anything that they want.

Strong stomach -- Any food that they receive can vanish before them and seemingly have no adverse effects.

Riley was the second youngest child of a group of four siblings and as a result, was often shunted to the side. Their older siblings could always do something better than them and their younger brother could always get away with anything with a bat of his eyelashes and an adorable smile. Riley learned from an early age that in order to garner attention and gain respect, they would have to do things much better than those that came before them. As a result, Riley became bitter over the predicament given to them and oftentimes didn't try at all.

It wasn't until they turned thirteen and learned that their older sister was having a sexual relationship with a man several years older than her that Riley learned the importance of favors and information. In return for never speaking of it, Riley was able to gain momentary relief from living in the shadow of their "better" siblings. They soon learned that many others were willing to do minor favors and change their opinions and actions if Riley did something in return that they needed.

When Riley became fifteen, the dissociation they had with their assigned gender began to bother them more. They felt strangely separated from the female pronouns they were often called by and they had the sensation that they were not truly what they were labeled as. They slowly learned from their high school's newly formed LGBT+ club about orientations outside the norm and gradually grew into their own.

Their parents didn't quite care for it and showed no outward rejection or acceptance, too busy with the other children. Riley counted it as a victory, long having stopped caring about what their parents thought. They were never quite there for them, always busy with their job or someone else and Riley returned the favor, often keeping them in the dark about their own antics. Their siblings were mostly accepting, sans the youngest one who made fun of Riley and decided that they were simply "crazy". Riley, in retaliation, revealed that he had been hanging out with older children that would routinely smoke outside of high school.

He promptly shut up after that.

Riley took to college well, enrolling in a state university and scoring high grades and achievements, finally finding their own footing. After they graduated, they sent off their application to all sorts of firms from all over the country. They got a response from one in the heat of Florida and another from a small town named Barcello. Deciding that a place near the shore was better than the heat, Riley packed up their bags and moved.

What they weren't expecting was the trouble they would get for it.





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G r e e d



Gillie Kos




December 26












Absolute Contract

Convinced Inevitability





180 lbs


Naturally black, dyed blue, the roots show

Pixie cut




-Detachment; Gillie will drop anyone from her life, doesn't matter for what reason or whom, Gillie will make sure they're void about anything to do with you. Feelings, thoughts, once dropped you no longer matter to Gillie, and at best will be kept as acquaintances if they keep having encounters with you.

-Laziness; Some would call it laziness, others would call it taking the path of least resistance. Gillie calls it laziness. If Gillie doesn't want to do something, they probably wont do it, but of course, they aren't past putting the work on others than rather letting something not get done.

-Hoarding; It's a not a problem, Gillie doesn't have a problem, at least not yet. It's small things right now, like bags from food shopping and cans of soda, and it doesn't affect their small home yet. They'll clean it all out eventually, just not right now.

-Selfish; Gillie has always lived by the philosophy that they come first. While they may make considerations for others to come ahead of them in priority every now and then, when the situation arises for it, it always ends up with Gillie putting themselves before others.

-Self Doubt; While it may seem that Gillie is bullet-proof to anything that goes around them, all kinds of things do affect them, and when it does affect them, they start to doubt themselves. Confidence and self-reassurance can only go so far when your lying awake night with only your thoughts to keep you company.


+Happiness; For the most part, Gillie is generally happy. When you see them smile, or hear them laugh, it's always going to genuine, even if it's at random times. They know what makes them happy, and they aren't afraid to do whatever it is that makes them feel good.

+Confidence; When you talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk. With not letting themselves be intimidated by anything they come across or crosses them, and generally not caring about what others are thinking, Gillie is pretty confident nearly 24/7.

+Resourcefulness; While Gillie may not have all the skills necessary to do a task, that's not going to stop them. They can learn enough of a skill in order to do something if they need too, or get someone else to do it if they aren't capable, or even just wing it with enough brain power applied.

+Sympathetic; While Gillie may have trouble putting needs of others before their own, that doesn't stop them from having emotions and feeling sympathetic, empathetic, or guilty for someone. It may be stretching it to think that Gillie may do something for another person, but sharing a kind word, or some advice, or trying to crack a joke is well within the scope of what they will do.

+Humor; While humor will always be an opinionated and personal thing, Gillie likes to think they're funny, or at least the jokes they tell make them laugh. The jokes are usually along the lines of dad jokes, or jokes involving puns, and while those kind of jokes will make some cringe, Gillie loves them.


-Very territorial over weird things

-Writing large samples of text or drawing elaborate designs on their own skin when bored

-Their entire body shaking when laughing


-Very Strong Swimmer

-Knows a lot about Hair Care

-Adept at most card games

Gillie was born to a single mother in South California, on the edge of the poverty line with a lot of expectation, even when they had just been born. Gillie's father was a no show, being just a random one night stand that got Miss Kos pregnant, so Gillie never got the chance to know where half of their DNA came from. But, Gillie was expected to perform well in everything they did if they wanted to have a roof over their head.

Getting good grades, doing the chores, cooking with whatever their mother provided, and even doing small jobs around their slightly dangerous neighborhood to get enough cash to buy things they needed. That was their life for the first 10 years.

A little while after Gillie turned 10, their mother moved them to Las Vegas. Gillie didn't know what kind of work their mother was doing in the big casino city, but it entailed a lot of time out of the house, and Gillie was left alone for sometimes days on end.

Though that didn't exactly stop Gillie from learning, and of course growing, in an environment where half the people were tourists. They learned quickly how gullible some people were, and how easy making cash on the side as a kid was compared to when they lived in California. They even ended up working in a casino or two; when they looked old enough to dish out cards to gamblers looking for their next high, and it wasn't like Gillie's managers were going to complain about them lying about their age when they were pretty good at their job. It was good work, especially for a teen, and Gillie got a good taste of what it felt like to not be dirt poor. It was a pretty sweet taste, pretty addicting.

Though of course, good things never last. Gillie was forced to move out of their Las Vegas home not long after they turned 16; a terrible fight between them and their mother over several different things was Gillie's breaking point, and they decided to leave their only family and the city that gave them a good source of income.

Perhaps it was a slightly in-the-moment decision, but Gillie didn't back down, and went through with their plans to move as far away as they possibly could from Las Vegas and their mother.

With the funds they had saved up, Gillie moved all the way to Connecticut, and found the town of Barcello as their final stop. Well, it was more like Gillie had used up all they had saved, and they had only just enough to get settled in the town with their few belongings, but in the end, they found a new place to live.

From then, Gillie has been living in Barcello. Working small jobs all over the place to make sure they could live comfortably, and to save once again so they had enough money in the bank. Gillie had already lived the dirt poor life, and they weren't about to recreate it all over again. Though over the years Gillie did notice that the town got a little bit worse, on the more crime and violence scene, but really, Gillie didn't particularly care. As long as they got their paycheck nothing else really mattered.

Writing Sample
It was dark; not something that was unusual at this point in the day though. Gillie never left work when the sun was still up, not when they could get a few more hours in their shift, but today, for some reason, the walk home at night didn't feel exactly the same as all the other times. There was something different, something unnerving about it.

Maybe it was the fog that had already settled, very thin and low on the sidewalk, but still there all the same. Gillie didn't have a problem with it, but the feeling in their gut telling them that they should have a problem with it was being pretty compelling. There was no need to panic though, Gillie knew that; or at least her brain knew that. Their stomach was thinking completely other things.

Gillie didn't change their pace as they continued on their way home. It didn't matter if their instincts were screaming for them to run, Gillie was in control, and if something were going to pop out at any moment, whatever it was was going to have to deal with a slightly spooked and mad Gillie.

Gillie had only been here for a year and a half, and they weren't about to be scared out of town by some fog and the cool air. Whatever was giving them the feeling of unease in their stomach was going to have to move on, because as Gillie walked with their chin a little higher, their mind was set in stubbornness.

It didn't matter though, not after another 5 minutes of walking. The unease had ebbed away slowly as Gillie kept moving, and the confidence that Gillie was using started feel out of place as their walk home started to feel like a normal walk again. The fog was still present, and it was still night, but everything felt normal, like every other time Gillie walked home from work. So, with the change of feeling in the night air, Gillie went back to their normal stature. There was no need to be over-confident on their walk home.

By the time Gillie finally got to their front door, the unease that was churning in their stomach had barely left a shadow feeling, though Gillie hadn't forgotten the seemingly terrifying not-encounter they had. Perhaps what Gillie experienced tonight was one of the things the other residents of Barcello were on about earlier; people talking about encounters like those was almost common place at the cafe Gillie worked at. Maybe the customers talking about it had brought it onto them on their way home.

But it wasn't like it mattered anymore. Gillie was home, safe and sound in their own space, and by the time they would leave for work again the encounter would probably be no longer an issue for Gillie.





(--- N A E V A H---)


[Naevah Moreau]
it's not think less about yourself, it's about thinking about yourself less.

-n a m e-

Naevah Moreau

-a g e-


-b i r t h d a y-

October 11th, Libra

-o r i e n t a t i o n-

Panromantic Demisexual

-g e n d e r-

Female; Her, she.

-r o l e-

(-~Virtue~-) Humility

-p o w e r-

Vitalum-Vitalis][ Touch Activated Power Enhancement

-o c c u p a t i o n-

Kindergarten T.A

no slide no slide
-A p p e a r a n c e-



152 lb.


Dark mahhognay brown with chest nut low lights, usually worn rather down in loose waves, or up in messy buns and frnech fishtail starfish braids.


Dark brown eyes colored eyes with coppery-russet flecks.


* She has the sentence '"You forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget."' tattooed in cursive on her left shoulder..

*She has a tiny scar right on her eyebrow from where she slipped and knocked her head against a glass table when she was younger.
-P e r s o n a-

-Following in the steps of her Zodiac's typical traits, Naevah's inability to make choices without at
least getting advice from a few people (*a lot of people*) and a 30-minute debate on rather Choice A is better than Choice B often gets in her own way.

Naevah's never really been known to have ~confidence~ in everything she does. She regularly and harshly critiques herself to the extreme, doubting every aspect about her and every thing she's done up to the present, every choice made and every pathway carved since the beginning. It especially hinders her decision making.

[H E A D - S T R O N G]

So, she might just be a
wee bit stubborn... Naevah has always believed that if you choose to do something, you gotta stick with through it until the end, no matter how stupidly hard\dangerous\idiotic it is.

[V U L N E R A B L E]

Naevah's never been able to conceal her emotions, even when she really wants. She's an open book, wearing her emotions on her sleeve like a pin even though she doesn't mean to. She takes things to the heart, allowing words and actions to cut into her like sharpened knives.

[R E S E N T F U L]

If you wrong Naevah or anyone she cares about, don't expect her to forgive you any time soon. She can hold the mightiest grudges for the longest of times, always carrying what someone did in the back of her mind. She knows it's bad to live that way, and that she should really learn to let go of the past and just forgive, but how can one do that when whenever you see the person who did you wrong, all you see is the thing they did and experience the rage and sadness all over again?


Dealing with a bunch of hyper active children for 59 hours a week, you have to learn how to be calm. She tries to ground herself in most situations and stay calm, that way she doesn't- you know, smack someone.

[M O R A L I S T I C]

She actually put's the 'goody' in Goody-Two Shoes. Despite her sometimes deceitful ways, she truly has good intentions in the end, she just has less-than-good ways of going about completing them. She believes in always doing the right thing, no matter how hard the 'right' thing may be.

Her outlook on life is so bright it might as well be the sun. Naevah has always had this 'rose-tinted-glasses' view of the world around her, believing that situations can only get better in the end and hoping that good will always conquer.

[C U N N I N G]

Okay, look-
Sometimes you have to lie your ass off to get to the end result as fast as possible, okay? Though some might not agree with Naevah's views, she believes that if the situation can be solved quicker and get her closer to the end fastest, lying is totally acceptable. What? Don't look at her like that. It's not like she uses it all the time... Just mostly to get out of jury duty, that's all.


And maybe to get out of Holiday Parties at work.

[L O Y A L]

Let it be said that when Naevah backs something up,
she backs it up. Naevah isn't afraid to fight for the things and the people she cares about, willing to fight anyone who dares to threaten those she loves. She's loyal to a tee, and would never betray anyone she cares for.

v quirks ^

* When nervous, she likes too hum out a song that she feels is calming to her.

*She unconsciously plays with her sleeves when she thinks of something upsetting and-or frightening.

*The sound of wolves howling is a good night-time relaxer for her, apparently.

*During nights alone, she makes a routine check throughout her apartment to make sure that no one has broken in or anything.

*She will punch you if you say the word moist too many times, just cause she hates it that much.



[When she wants, Naevah can be quite persuasive. Her fluent and eloquent way with words can persuade a lot of people]

advanced chemistry knowledge+

[While being a T.A, she's also studying to be a Chem teacher for the local highschool. With the additional 4 years of Chemistry courses, she's learning new stuff everyday!(note: don't mix potassium and water.
e v e r.]

really active imagination+

[Okay, so yeah this might not look like a skill, but when
you have to deal with a classroom of 20 kids all under the age of 6- all with the attention span of a goldfish- you'll see how necessary it is to be able to be creative. Her vivid imagination comes in handy when someone needs an out-of-the-box, just-so-crazy-it-might-work-or-will-fail-miserably plan suddenly.]
it's not think less about yourself, it's about thinking about yourself less.
-S a m p l e-
]In the middle of the night, when the silence of the old Mulberry Apartment Complex becomes defeaning to any who inhabit it, when the crows caw outside the windows of the residents who live there in an ominous fashion- seemingly trying to warn them of dangers to come, Naevah wakes up with a gasp.

She bolts upright in her cheaply made bed, duvet clinging to the sweat of her skin and heart racing at unimaginable speeds as the panic sets in, making her vision numb and her breaths ragged and drawn. She tries to calm herself, tell her mind that it was just a nightmare- a distorted sense of what really happened that day, but it doesn't want to listen. It wants to make her get up and run again, run from
him, run from the danger that he presented. To call her mom and tell her to come over, to hold her in her arms and comfort her like she did when she was living with her the first few weeks after it happened. She was tempted to, wanting to reach for her phone and dial the number and beg, beg for her mother to get here as fast as she can, but she decides against it. She pulls her knees to her chest, curling up and pressing her head against her knees. She tries the breathing technique her therapist taught: Slow, deep, complete breathes before exhaling. She did this on repeat, feeling her nerves decrease more and more, and after 30 minutes the panic stop.

She doesn't move though. She stays in the same position, not wanting to move in fear of activating the whole process again. Not wanting to live through that dilemma again, not tonight. Twice a week is enough for her already. She sighs, reaching out for her phone on the nightstand to check what time it is.
2:38. She sighs, running a hand through her hair and curling up tighter. She hates this, hates waking up at the beginnings of dusk covered in sweat and practically emanating fear. She hates the hold he has over her, the effect of what he did to her family so great that it interrupts her every day life.

It's all because of him.

She huffs, too tired to even try and focus on hating him more than she does already. She quickly gets up out of bed, carrying her now ruined covers with her as she walks into her closet. She pulls out a fresh pair of pajamas from one of her organizer's cabinets, along with another pair of covers-ones that hopefully won't be ruined by another horrifying nightmare again. She quickly strips herself of her dirty clothes and dumps them in the laundry bin, quickly putting on her new ones and bringing the new covers with her. She gets back in the bed, wrapping herself with the duvet and closing her eyes. Not long after, she becomes oblivious to her surroundings, feeling the world darken as she falls asleep, not noticing the dozens of ravens crowding outside her window.

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