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Fantasy ☾ Of Magic and Love ☼ ▐ ▐ Accepting and Open!

Nyla Avery

Nyla watched curiously as Asterix injected the antidote into Sesler's leg, glancing at his face to see if the injection had caused any sort of pain to him. She looked down at her feet, still blocking the door with her back just in case anyone else decided to walk into the store and make their way to the back. She continued to glance out the window, keeping watch for everyone. She listened in on the conversation then her ears perked when she heard Asterix mention a war with the hunters.
"War?" Nyla questioned softly, turning her head back around to the group of supernaturals in the room. Of course Nyla didn't want a war with the hunters, but if the supernaturals were forced to, she'd have no problem participating. After all, Salem was the supernatural's home, a place where they could feel safe, the only place. If the hunters took that away from them all, then where else could they go?

Her attention turned toward the other witch once she asked Nyla a question.
"Um...no" she replied, looking up at the ceiling as she recalled in her mind in full detail what happened. "I was behind the door in the kitchen when Reils attacked Sesler. By the time I opened the door he was already gone." She looked at Asterix and took a couple steps closer to everyone so she wasn't against the door anymore. "I'm sure he knew I was present in the deli though. I was talking to Sesler at the time, so he probably heard my voice."

@MistressOfSimplicity @Milus @Vampunk
Lucee had been approached by a stranger, and she thought about her question before answering the man. "No, I guess not, just new in town." She spoke softly and then introduced herself to the stranger. "Im Lucee, just arrived today." She looked around town, "Maybe you could help me find a place to stay?" She ran a hand through her hair, she was a nervous body and seemed to always be fiddling with something. The boy in front of her gave off a mischievous aura. She was unsure if she could trust him or not yet, but at the same time she was happy to run into a towns man that seemed happy to help. She stopped herself from wondering and tried to stop picking up on his energy, she was exhausted from her drive, and would occasionally steal others energy without knowing it. She patiently waited on his answers.

Forgoing the effort of slowing his breathing and heart rate, he'd then speak-

"War could be avoided. If I find the other hunters, I'll start chopping members off their family tree."

The antidote was extremely relaxing, and he finally stood, unravelling the wire around the revolver and retrieved his personal artifacts. He had many things on his mind and needed to head back to his study, so that he can look over the ledgers and see if Reils's movement patterns shifted. Opening his mind, he'd say-

Nyla, it is possible that he watched us leave the deli. Asterix, he could be doubleguessing my double guessing, and not focus on the shop at all. He could've watched all of us, to know who he needed to target. He could be here, in the building, right now. I need all of you to stay safe. I need some time to finish what should've been done a long time ago.

Putting the duster on, most of the damaged nerves along his spine began to regenerate, as he applied a fragment of cloth from his shirt to the knife gash. He began to imagine a plan, where Reils could be, his intentions, and how to counter them. A game of chess was the domain of Sesler's life.

What has been discussed does NOT leave this room.

He put a bit of force behind the word, mentally pushing his point down. Resting a hand on the doorway, he'd stop, as though how to plan his further movement.

Jamie washes the last dish of the day at the restaurant as his shift ends. He finishes and folds his apron, along with others, and hauls himself and the aprons in his car.

As he drives home he gets a call from his grandmother saying he'd be alone when he gets home because she's going out for a while. She really shouldn't be leaving anywhere without a chaperone, but it makes her feel free, so...

He continues on the almost 13 minute drive from Lynn to Salem.

As he pulls into town he is washed over with an uneasy feeling, sure he's been living here for almost a year, but he still gets an eerie feel from it. Maybe it's Salem's past, he doesn't know.

He drives all the way home, located near the shore surrounded by trees. His Great Grandfather built the place and his granny lived there ever since.

He makes his way to the door with his pile of aprons and goes to work as soon as he closes the door behind himself.

As soon as he's finish he decides to pick up some of his grandmother's herbal supplements.

"I guess I could walk there, it shouldn't be that far." Jamie then puts on his jacket and heads to Moonlights herb shop.
(Palmer has been gone for two days so just gonna skip ahead with my character)

Margot Vaneese, finishing her lunch with the detective headed back out onto the streets. They had discussed simple small talk. It was approaching the afternoon, and Palmer had offered a ride back to the station, but she honestly preferred a good walk to clear her mind. Stopping in the center of town, a small park with a few grand oaks and benches stood. Sitting along the red stained bench she sat back, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the summer smells. She did miss the sea, the turbulent, cool waters along her side, but she had a legacy to maintain here. She had promised her grandmother to keep the store running. To make friends and a life for herself here.

Picking up her phone she texted Geaham's number . He was the closest thing she had to a good friend. He was nice but a little on the mischievous side. "Hey, at the park, wanna meet up for dinner?" She typed out the message and hit send. She needed to get her mind off all of this. A dead vampire, her missing goats, and her financially failing shop. What a stressful few days it had been.


Graeham McNeil.

For a moment, it looked as though Graeham was really pondering where the girl could stay while she did whatever it was she needed to do in Salem, Graeham had no clue if she even planned to stay in Salem.

"There's a hotel down the street to your left, if you were looking for something less permanent, but if you were looking for permanent, there's a opening in my apartment block, I could give you the number for the landlady. She's a little bit crazy, though."

Graeham said, pursing his lips together tightly before his cellphone vibrated in his pocket.

He pulled it out of his pocket and stared at the screen, his smile growing as he read the message. Quickly he sent a text message back:

Hey mermaid, I'm down for some dinner. Where should I meet you?

Graeham had come up with the nickname Mermaid after learning that Margot was a Selkie. Before her, he'd never met any Selkies before and it was an exciting time for him, since it was something new in Salem. She was also the subject of most of his pranks. Graeham smirked, thinking of the goats he had locked up in his apartment right now. Hopefully she wouldn't ask to have the dinner at his house because he'd have to either tell her or decline, which wasn't like him. He turned his attention back to Lucee and smiled.

"My friend and I are meeting for dinner, would you like to join us? We can show you the hotels around the area and you can pick and choose after."

He suggested, shoving his phone back into his pocket.



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Asterix McNeil.

The Happy Witch.

Asterix stared at Sesler as he seemed to be returning to his normal self. The thought of him running off on his own after such an attack without another antidote worried her. Oh, Sesler, I don't feel comfortable with you leaving in this state... She told him, knowing very well that he could hear her, regardless of the words never leaving her mouth. She turned to Nyla and sighed, "If you were with Sesler at any point, he probably saw your face.

"Listen everyone, I'm going to call the council together. This is getting out of hand and I cant risk the safety of our town. All those years ago, we stood together against the threat, we can do it again." She said, nodding her head.

It was as if she had to reassure herself that they could keep people safe with hunters running around and with Reil running around trying to off Sesler. She had more doubts than ever, but she knew if she showed any fear that everyone would be uneasy and afraid. Asterix let out a soft sigh as she ran her eyes over everyone in the room,wondering if any of them had any encounters with hunters before. She shook the thoughts out of her head and replaced the look of worry on her face with a smile.

Margot read his text, rolling her eyes at his infamous nickname for her. He thought he was quite the comedian, though she had to admit he did make her laugh from time to time. She pondered for a moment, the options were decent in Salem. There were a overall abundance of burger joints, but she was in the dire mood for something a little less fried. She snagged her phone, replying to Graeham.

"There's a Hibachi place off main street. I might even pay for your meal if you spare me the fish jokes ;) "

Hitting send she grabbed her purse, considering if she should walk to the station to fetch her car. It would be dark by the time they finished but it wasn't a far walk from the Hibachi place, she should be fine. Graeham was a nice guy, they had been friends since she could remember. Her grandmother always picked on her, telling her she was missing out by not taking advantage of such a cute boy. She always shrugged it off. They were friends, nothing more.

Arriving at the Hibachi restaurant she snagged a seat by the window, grabbing a pair of menus.


As Jaime returns with his Granny's supplements, he tries his hardest to stray away from making content with the residents of Salem. He has enough friends in Lynn. He's only here for his grandma.

His Granny welcomes him home from inside the kitchen, eating the meal he prepared before he left.
"Hello Jamie. Did you have a nice walk?" She smiles at him through her large lensed bifocals. "Yes, grandma. And while I was out-" she interjects him with hope in her heart "You spoke to the residents? Oh! I'm so happy you came around to them. They're really nice folk once you meet them." "No, granny. I meant to say I got your herbs at the shop. I'll make you your tea." Jamie knows that the people here are kind, but he just can't find the power to.

His granny sits in her chair sipping her tea as the two of the watch her evening news.
"You know Jamie, you should give them a chance. You live here now, and hopefully one day settle down." She says as she sips her tea some more, not taking her eyes off the television.

"I know grandma, I know." He takes her tea, placing it on the coffee table near them, then retrieves a blanket to cover her. As she closes her eyes, he leaves her with a smile and parting words. "You don't need to worry about me. I'll be just fine..." then leaves the house.
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If you're calling the council in, I have no choice but to stay.

He'd sit back down, idly handling the handle of the sword at his side. Speaking to everyone, he'd add.

Do we have any plan on how to counteract this? For the hunters are still anonymous. Could be one of us inside this room.

Although it was an underlying thought, it spoke for himself his view on the situation. Paranoia will grow and the false accusations will fly. Yet, there was no forward solution. The false pretense of ease and happiness shown by Asterix was a bluff, yet a clever one at that.

Do we announce it to the rest of the supernatural citizens? They need to be aware, yet...the hysteria.
Lucee graciously accepted her new acquaintances offer, dinner would be a great idea. Also, she would be introduced to more of the residents of Salem.

"Yeah, sounds great! I am looking for something for a few nights until i can get into a permanent residency." She spoke to Greaham, answering his earlier questions. She was still taking in the surroundings of the town. She was still on the look out for new creatures to meet.

"Whats for dinner?" She asked of him, she was sure she wouldn't care as long as it was food and it was life sustaining. She waited for him to move and she would follow, and the could chat on the way to meet up with his friend.


Graeham McNeil.

Graeham smiled at Lucee and then felt his phone vibrate once more. He pulled it from his pocket and read the message, stifling a laugh at Margots response.

If you buy me dinner, I'll even kiss your hand Princess Ariel.

He then stuck his phone back into his pocket and looked at Lucee, nodding with the goofy grin still wide on his face.

"Awesome, when we part ways I'll give you my number and the land lady's number so you can contact her! And you can contact me if you ever need help with anything. My auntie is on the town council, so I got a lot of connections."

He told her as he walked down the street, skateboard in hand. It would be rude for him to be riding on his skateboard while walking with someone.

"So, the place were going is Hibachi, it's pretty good from it's reviews. I've eaten there once, so I'm not too sure about their food."

He said, glancing into the window of his aunties herb shop as they passed by it. He didn't see her at the counter, so he didn't bother to go in, thinking she was busy with a customer in the back. It didn't take them very long to reach Hibachi. He entered the store and scanned for Margot, pulling his backpack off his shoulders as he moved over to her quite quickly, shoving his bag under the table.

"Margot! I brought company. She's new to Salem, so be nice to her. We're going to take her to a hotel after we've finished eating."

He smiled, taking a seat beside Margot.



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Olaf KisMarcher

Olaf had Just Started his First Summer here in this New Town, He Decided to Head to the Herblist to Pick Something up for His BloodLust as it was starting to become a Problem. He was Currently very Close to her Shop as He heard from some new Friends at the Summer School Program. Olaf Didn't talk much so it was very new to him about converstaion and Talking to Girls so he just want to get them and get out as fast as he could. He Open the Door and said "Customor!" Before walking to counter and saw some other people but didn't mind them.

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Margot looked down at her phone. She rolled her eyes at his reply, though a joke, something inside her wished it wasn't. What the hell am I thinking? We are just friends. A few minutes later she looked up to see Graeham, backpack and all. She smiled but felt her stomach drop at the sight of the new girl. "Company?" She said in the chipperest tone she could force from her mouth. In her defense she simply wasn't social, Graeham being her one and only friend she knew on a first name basis. Beyond that her socializing took place at her shop and to her twenty-two goats. Lost in her thoughts she almost forgot her manners. "I am Margot, nice to meet you." She extended a hand. Shaking, she sat down at the two person table, pushing a menu to Graeham's seat. It was nice to see someone new in town.

@MistressOfSimplicity @Jynx
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Asterix McNeil.

The Happy Witch.

Asterix listened to Sesler, the worry in her mind fading away as he stated that if she called in the council, he'd be forced to stay. On any other day, Asterix would have just waited until their monthly council meetings, but the threat of the hunters was growing. "It's going to take me a while to-" Her sentence was interrupted by a yell from the front of her shop and she swore and walked over to the door, peering through the little window to see what looked like a young man standing at the counter. She looked down at herself, patting down her olive summer dress and fixing her blonde hair so it was all pulled over one shoulder. "I'll be right back. In the meanwhile, I think we should change our meeting spot just in case they've been following us around, so if anyone has ideas.." She left the back room with a smile on her face as she quickly slid behind the counter.

"Sorry about that! I was busy looking for something." She told them. "What can I get for you?" She asked him, the smile still on her face.

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Rose Mary

Location: Herb shop + Mood: Startled, playing it cool + Status: Undead +

Rose scoffed at Asterix mentioning getting the council involved, having been mostly on her own as a vampire and not exactly getting involved in their shenanigans made her not exactly fond of other people trying to decide what'd be best for HER.

Still, she had to begrudgingly acknowledge the Council's authority, they did manage to make Salem a safe haven for the supernaturals anyways, so they were at least 'alright' in her books.

"Damn, this is turning out to be a real Mess. First a Bloodsucker being snuffed out, now a Trini being attacked, I swear this town gets crazier with every passing day."

A drawn out yawn escaping the vampire's lips as Rose awkwardly brushes through her stubbly shaven hair.

"Ehe, sometimes I wonder how you people manage to be all up and energetic at this time of the day, damn. Frigging sunlight, murdering psychopaths and me not getting enough beauty sleep. And people are afraid of the dark?"

A wide grin appearing on the vampire's face Rose turned towards the store's counter, having heard some hollering and watching Asterix swiftly make her way to a potential 'customer' even though he looked like he'd rather rip a tree out of the ground than to drink some medical tea.

"Ahem, excuse me Asterix, you wouldn't be having some spare blood bags laying about? I totally forgot to get some breakfast apart from some hot chocolate blood, you should try it some time, not as gross as it sounds."
Westly continued to scrub the inside of one his glass mugs he then looked around his pub with only two occupants. He laughed and looked out his window towards an apartment complex. Yawning he started taking stock on what brew he had left until he finally found one that had run dry. Slowly making his way towards the back he collected another gallon of the beverage and made his way back to his home behind the countertop. After removing the tank he placed the new one inside and looked at the man at the counter "How are you sir?" Westly's voice was sincere showing his actual interest in the customer. He looked over the man who seemed to be in his mid-forties and looked washed up. The man looked him in the eye and took another swig of his drink. "Can't say, my kids have been acting up and I needed to get out of the house for a while... Hopefully my wife isn't too angry" Westly laughed and looked at the man "I promise you she can't be mad at you while your here" Westly looked towards the street observing the mass of people "It's quiet now as well so you can have a bit of piece... It should become rowdy by sunset though." The man grunted and continued silently drinking at the bar sending Westly back into his work mode.
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MistressOfSimplicity said:


Asterix McNeil.

The Happy Witch.

Asterix listened to Sesler, the worry in her mind fading away as he stated that if she called in the council, he'd be forced to stay. On any other day, Asterix would have just waited until their monthly council meetings, but the threat of the hunters was growing. "It's going to take me a while to-" Her sentence was interrupted by a yell from the front of her shop and she swore and walked over to the door, peering through the little window to see what looked like a young man standing at the counter. She looked down at herself, patting down her olive summer dress and fixing her blonde hair so it was all pulled over one shoulder. "I'll be right back. In the meanwhile, I think we should change our meeting spot just in case they've been following us around, so if anyone has ideas.." She left the back room with a smile on her face as she quickly slid behind the counter.

"Sorry about that! I was busy looking for something." She told them. "What can I get for you?" She asked him, the smile still on her face.

Olaf looked at the Herblist and though to himself 'She seems cool.' Olaf then said out loud "Sorry about the yelling and i could see that your very busy but do you have anything to deal with a hungry for Blood?" Olaf was very open about what he just said as he didn't learn things like Manners or such so he just says what he says.

Graeham McNeil.

The departure of their new friend was so sudden and he hadn't expected her to up and leave that quickly. He didn't think much of it though, if she had something more important to do then so be it. He turned to Margot with a smile on his face, thinking of the goats sitting in his home currently. He did feel bad, but when she found out the culprit was him, he supposed she would be relieved nothing actually happened to them.

"So, Margot, how have you been?"

He asked her.

Before she could answer, a waiter came to their table and asked them if they were ready to order. Graeham hadn't even opened the menu yet so he told them to come back in a couple more minutes so they could decide. He had no idea what kind of food Hibachi had, and he was quite the picky eater so he hoped they had something that suited his taste.

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Asterix McNeil.

The Happy Witch.

"Do I have anything that helps with blood lust, you say?" She mused, glancing at Rose as she walked over to the counter. "Indeed I do, sir. You're in luck." She nodded and moved from behind the counter.

"Rose, there are packets of blood in the mini fridge behind the counter with the other herbs in it., if you really need. I keep them there just for you. " She laughed.

Of course, it wasn't blood taken from a human that was alive. With the connections at the hospital, she often got blood from the blood bank to keep just in case Rose or one of the other vampires couldn't find a meal for the day. A hungry vampire was never a good one. Asterix moved quickly through her store to a specific herb that sat in the corner. It was what she often gave to Rose for her blood lust, and it seemed to work just fine for her. She took the herbs from the cabinet and turned and walked back to the counter, placing them down in front of the man, or boy. She wasn't sure his age.

"So, what you have to do is brew this for five minutes, nothing more nothing less, alright? After you drink it it'll take a while to kick in, so you have to sit steady until then. Should kick in ten minutes after you drink all of it. A normal tea-cup will do, too." She added in quickly.

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MistressOfSimplicity said:


Asterix McNeil.

The Happy Witch.

"Do I have anything that helps with blood lust, you say?" She mused, glancing at Rose as she walked over to the counter. "Indeed I do, sir. You're in luck." She nodded and moved from behind the counter.

"Rose, there are packets of blood in the mini fridge behind the counter with the other herbs in it., if you really need. I keep them there just for you. " She laughed.

Of course, it wasn't blood taken from a human that was alive. With the connections at the hospital, she often got blood from the blood bank to keep just in case Rose or one of the other vampires couldn't find a meal for the day. A hungry vampire was never a good one. Asterix moved quickly through her store to a specific herb that sat in the corner. It was what she often gave to Rose for her blood lust, and it seemed to work just fine for her. She took the herbs from the cabinet and turned and walked back to the counter, placing them down in front of the man, or boy. She wasn't sure his age.

"So, what you have to do is brew this for five minutes, nothing more nothing less, alright? After you drink it it'll take a while to kick in, so you have to sit steady until then. Should kick in ten minutes after you drink all of it. A normal tea-cup will do, too." She added in quickly.

Olaf Kismarcher

Olaf hand the Herbalist and large bag of money, he started walking. "Thank you very much lady, I have had this problem for months now and hopefully this could fix it" Olaf had a large smile show slightly sharper teeth but not Fangs like a vampire. Olaf began to walk to the door.

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Margot smiled to the waiter, placing her menu down. It was growing dark outside, the streets lights switching on and sending a warm glow across the already well lit table. "I am really good actually. Had a talk with Detective Palmer this morning, and he was willing to look into my missing goats," Margot knew it was still a long shot, but the false hope helped get the worry off her mind. "What about you?" She folded up the menu, placing it along the edge of the table. She was a creature of habit and as always would order tuna rolls.

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Rose Mary

Location: Herb shop + Mood: Perked Interest + Status: Undead +

Rose's smile grew into a toothy grin at Asterix mentioning her blood stash she kept for the vampire. Tilting her head to the side and gracing the witch with a toothy grin the vampire clasped her hands in an overly dramatic gesture.

"Oh gee, you shouldn't have. I could have just nibbled on some of your customers."

Her fingers came to scratch her stubbly short hair as the vampire took a few long steps towards the small fridge, fishing out a plastic bag filled with a dark red liquid.

Raising the bag towards the sky to admire the blood gooping around Rose raised a pierced eyebrow, her crimson eyes glaring at the dark red liquid with a predatory gaze. Her pierced tongue prortuded from her mouth, licking over her lips as her almond-shaped pupils narrowed into slits.

Her eerie gaze came to rest on Asterix, giving her a satisfied thumbs up before turning her attention back to the plastic container, her jaw unhinging as her fangs glistened in the light, all eight of them.

In a matter of milliseconds those predatory teeth buried themselves in the poor blood bag, its contents flooding the vampire's mouth as the metallic scent of blood filled the herb shop.

Closing her crimson eyes and lapping at the crimson blood Rose hummed to herself, the slurping sounds of her messy feeding exaggerated in an attempt to gross out Asterix.

A lot of people did never witness a vampire feeding and Rose took great amusement in reminding others that vampires were more than just humans with pointy teeth.

Squeezing the last drop of blood out of the torn bag Rose turned to face Asterix, her lips bloodied as a thin stream of crimson ran down her chin.

Winking at the Witch before licking off the excess blood Rose put her arm around Asterix's neck, pulling her closer in a rather chummy gesture.

"Thanks, just what I needed after roasting in the sun." Rose remarked with a bloodied grin adorning her face.


Graeham McNeil.

The mention of her missing goats and the detective had put him on edge. Did he go to far with his prank? Was she truly worried? Would she be angry when he told her he had her goats? The thoughts flooded through his head as what she said after that floated into one ear and out the other. Graeham pursed his lips tightly into a line and turned to her, seriousness in his face.

"I have something to tell you."

In that instant, he wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Margot about her goats or not. The possibilities of her hating him were just to high, so he made something up, sorta.

"I wanna buy some things from your store! My auntie said she really liked the goat things."

Shit. What a terrible lie. He thought to himself, shaking his head.

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Asterix McNeil.

The Happy Witch.

When Rose sunk her fangs into the packet of blood, she looked away. Asterix was never one for watching some eat their dinner. She jumped slightly when Rose threw her arm around her shoulder and laughed.

"What a friendly one you are, hm? You got a little drizzle, by the way."

Asterix slid away from the vampire in fear that she would get blood on her dress and she just shook her head and laughed. Rose was always a blast to have around. She looked over at the newcomer and she smiled.

"Come back any time, sir! My name is Asterix, not lady, by the way." She said. The grin that Rose had on her face seemed to be contagious as Asterix's lips pulled into something similar.

*Sorry for the late and short reply. I've been quite busy trying to balance things out properly.*

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