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Fantasy ☾ Of Magic and Love ☼ ▐ ▐ Accepting and Open!

Locke: On his way to Asterix's shop


Alright, maybe going out on his own was sometimes... Usually... Always a bad idea for Locke, but a majority of the time, he didn't have a choice but to go out on his own. Given that Kei worked nights, he was usually asleep during the day, leaving the pink-haired man to try and figure out how to walk through Salem on his own.

Which was why going to a store turned from a fifteen minute walk to a three hour walk. One turn a bit too early, and Locke had managed to find himself in an area of Salem he had never been before. It took him several hours and directions from, at the very least, twelve different stores to get him back on track. Perhaps life would have been easier for him if he could just figure out how to use some type of GPS, like a phone. Then again, using a phone would require full usage of his fingers, which he seldom had due to the sheer amount of bandages wrapped around his fingers.

The Nephilim was hopeless.

At long last, he came to the store he had been looking for for several hours. He pushed the door open, blue eyes scanning over the people already in the building: One man and two women. One of these people had to be the owner, that was pretry obvious to him. Now he just needed to figure out which one that was...

"Uhm... Hello?" Locke's voice was nearly a whisper. He rubbed at his arm, looking away from the people, instead focusing on everything around the store. Dear sweet Jesus, he would break everything if he tripped.

He was so doomed.

Rose Mary

Location: Herb shop + Mood: Relieved, happy about seeing Asterix +

A crooked grin spread across Rose's face, revealing her fangs in all their glory as she waved at Asterix.

"You're seriously asking a vampire how they're doing after having had to walk through the hellish landscape of a sunny afternoon?" She liked being overdramatic, her hand coming to rest on her forehead as she exhaled deeply, rolling her crimson eyes at the witch before bursting out laughing.

Raising a pierced eyebrow at Asterix she stepped closer, taking off her shades as her slit like pupils softened into gentler almond shapes.

"Well, apart from a nasty summer cold I'm still as undead as ever, though I might just get a sunburn from being so very smart and walking around in broad daylight. I still don't get it how you stand this scorching weather, I'd be toast if it weren't for sunscreen."

Rose had only just moved to Salem a few months ago but she had already made quite a few friends, not to mention being regarded as the most reckless vampire if it came to both sunlight and how to utilize blood in certain human recipes, like adding blood instead of milk to one's hot chocolate, or bake with a few droplets of the crimson essence. This simple fact made many non-vampires suspicious of her cooking as they could never be sure if that spaghetti sauce was really just tomato juice and not some human juice.

"And how has my favorite witch been? Having turned some fools into frogs and brewed some love potions?" Rose's smile widening into a toothy grin as she brushed through the stubbly short hair on the left side of her head.
Margot Vaneese, hands curled around the handle of a large metal bucket, strode down the small trail of stones of her grandmother's property. It was a older house, the boards a faded white, and the shutters stained by the salt of the beach. Behind it, two acres of fenced area lay, a small red barn near the back. She had twenty some goats that she spent time milking each morning, and afternoon, and sometimes night. If she wasn't milking, she was making soap. And if she wasn't making soap, she was making lip balms, lotions, shampoos, and a variety of novelty products.

But here she stood, her twenty-two named goats, except she only counted seventeen. "Mary, Margret, Daisy, Violet, Honeydew, Penelope, Goldy, Verruca... now where the hell is Winston?" Margot counted again furiously. In the past two weeks she had lost five goats without any trace or evidence to who took them! Angry, she finished milking, poured it into the freezer for later, before grabbing her keys. If she couldn't find her goat thief, she knew just the detective for the job. Stomping up to the police station, she shoved open the doors. In her little purse was a picture of four of the five missing goats. Her fist furiously knocked at the detectives door. "Detective Palmer! Detective Palmer, it's Ms Vaneese!"

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TheFallenwhisper said:
Margot Vaneese, hands curled around the handle of a large metal bucket, strode down the small trail of stones of her grandmother's property. It was a older house, the boards a faded white, and the shutters stained by the salt of the beach. Behind it, two acres of fenced area lay, a small red barn near the back. She had twenty some goats that she spent time milking each morning, and afternoon, and sometimes night. If she wasn't milking, she was making soap. And if she wasn't making soap, she was making lip balms, lotions, shampoos, and a variety of novelty products.
But here she stood, her twenty-two named goats, except she only counted seventeen. "Mary, Margret, Daisy, Violet, Honeydew, Penelope, Goldy, Verruca... now where the hell is Winston?" Margot counted again furiously. In the past two weeks she had lost five goats without any trace or evidence to who took them! Angry, she finished milking, poured it into the freezer for later, before grabbing her keys. If she couldn't find her goat thief, she knew just the detective for the job. Stomping up to the police station, she shoved open the doors. In her little purse was a picture of four of the five missing goats. Her fist furiously knocked at the detectives door. "Detective Palmer! Detective Palmer, it's Ms Vaneese!"



Victor wakes up to the sound of knocking on his office door. He had fallen asleep working a case over night again. Not that it really matters, he lived alone in a one bedroom apartment with no pets.

He slowly risesand walks groggily to the door. "Yes can I help you?" He asks as he opens the door. With a raised eyebrow. "Oh Margot hi,come on..." He says stepping aside and holding the door.

His office is a bit of a mess papers and bulletins are scattered all around, in his chair is a blanket, on the desk sits a bottle of expensive whiskey and a cup of coffee from the night before, beside that is a closed laptop with his service pistol sitting on top of it.

"Pardon the mess I've been lookin into a few things." He says dismissively as he lets the door close behind him.
Margot walked in cautiously, assessing the mess, before smiling kindly. "No worries, I am sure you are a busy man!" She smiled, though noticing the whiskey she was curious to the truth of her statement. "Anyway, as I am sure you know, I have a rather large goat theft issue!" She pulled out her picture, setting it on the desk. "I know the police force likes to think my missing goats is some case to shove off the interns and forget about, but this has gone too far."Margot was dramatic, but she did have quite good reasoning for being so over the top. Her grandmother had left her the business and her goats, they were all that was left of her family. Now someone was stealing her livelihood. She had few other options being she was a dropout, 18 year old girl, with little more than a soap shop. She had suspicions on who could have stolen her lovely goats, but she didn't dare accuse out loud. "Is there anyway you could investigate?"

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Victor smiles. "Of course, it's be nice to get a break from the usual gory details."

He scoops his pistol off the table and holsters it then slides his jacket on.

"Buy me a burger and we will call it a deal..." He says with a grin he says as he scoops his keys off of the hook by his office door.

"But I'm driving..." He adds.



Asterix McNeil.

The Happy Witch.

As rose spoke, Asterix couldn't help but smile. "What happened to the tea I gave you two weeks ago? I gave you a whole bunch. Rose, it's supposed to help with your allergy to the sun. Of course, I remember just last week I accidently mixed the wrong herbs and this fae came in with his wife, she had gotten transformed into a bird. Oops. " She giggled, giving the vampire a soft hug. "I'll mix you a thing for that cold of yours, alright?" The door opened once more. This time, she didn't recognize the man standing in the doorway. She placed her hand on Roses shoulder, as a sign to wait a moment before she spoke anymore and then slid past her, walking towards him, a soft, warm smile on her face.

"Oh, hello there! Welcome to Moonlight Herbs, what can I do for you? I'm Asterix, the Herbologist and owner of the store."
She told him, bowing her head to him. While she did so, she assessed him from head to toe. New people in Salem brought her much joy, but with the recent murder, she couldn't help but be suspicious of everyone. There was no reason for her to not trust this man yet, but the moment he started to do anything suspicious, she'd have to alert the Detective, or even Sesler to do some digging into their life.





Locke: inside Moonlight Herb


The only way Locke was acting was nervous, with one hand wrappen around his wrist, the other scratching at his chin. This was because, well, he was nervous. In general, he didn't go shopping on his own, or much at all for that matter, due to his combination of social anxiety and ADHD, so he wasn't at all used to going in a store on his own. His eyes drifted to the woman who said she owned the shop. Asterix, she said her name was.

"Oh, uhm, hello. I'm, uh, Locke. My brother said he comes here to buy medicine to relieve his migraines?" His voice wasn't any stronger when he said this. In fact, he appeared to have gotten ever more quiet when he spoke again. The hand around his wrist seemed to tighten while he chewed at the inside of his cheek, "At least, I think this is where he said..."

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Margot gave a small smile. "Sure, of course, I haven't eaten all day now that I think of it." She spoke, perching the office door open with her foot. "I assume you know a place, I am afraid I don't get out much." Grabbing her purse she glanced into the parking lot, trying to remember if she had locked her own car. None the matter, her car was quite safe regardless, as few people looked for a new ride in the police stagnation parking lot. "And thank you again, Detective! I called last time and was rudely ignored." She continued to talk as she followed the Detective to his car.


Graeham McNeil.

Perhaps Graeham was wrong to take the goats but he couldn't help it. Margot's reactions were too good for every goat that went missing. However, he knew he was wrong and he knew he'd be found out sooner or later. Even with that thought in mind, he still sat on the ground in his small apartment, five goats hanging around him. For anyone that knew Graeham, they knew he loved to play pranks on people every once in a while, and he especially loved to tease Margot about her unhealthy obsession with anything goat.

"So, guys... When do you think I should bring you home?"

He asked them, his voice deep and husky.

The goats didn't seem to have a reaction as they all kept wandering around his apartment that he had made safe before hand for the little guys. He even went and got food from a local farmer for them! Margot would kill him if anything serious had happened to her goats and he liked to live so he kept them all quite happy.



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Nyla Avery

Nyla glanced at Sesler, wondering how he could be so calm knowing that he was poisoned by his attacker.
"Well, thankfully we're at the shop now" she said upon reaching Asterix's herb shop. "But half an hour should be enough time." She took a quick glance inside, getting a look from between the flowers at the windows. "Seems like Asterix is busy" she mumbled to Sesler, stopping at the window before she could go inside. She continued to look, seeing George, Rose, and another boy who's face Nyla has never met before. He must be new to Salem, because she knew most of Salem's residents. She's lived here her whole life to know almost anyone that lived in the town, but of course there are always newcomers. "George and Rose are inside. And another guy. He must be new to Salem." She turned to Sesler before motioning him to follow as she slowly opened the door.

She saw Asterix there with the new guy she didn't know the name of.
"Hello..." she said upon entering. Nyla was blushing due to the fact that she hated to interrupt people's conversations. "I'm so sorry to interrupt" she apologized quickly in a soft voice to the two, glancing at the man Asterix had been talking to. Nyla was immediately quiet and shy when in the presence of people she didn't know. "But Asterix, we need your help." She nodded back at Sesler who, she figured, could explain his problem to the other witch himself.

@Milus @MistressOfSimplicity @Lettuce

@Vampunk @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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Asterix McNeil.

The Happy Witch.

Asterix's eyes went wide when she saw Sesler and Nyla walk into her shop. Sesler looked less than good, and Nyla held a look of panic on her face. The witch glanced at Locke and she nodded. "I'll get you your medicine in just a second, okay sweetie? I remember your brother, Kei, right? He talks about you sometimes when he comes." She offered him a short lived smile before apologizing and rushing over to Nyla and Sesler. She leaned in close to Nyla to whisper in her ear, "I don't know this boy, don't risk saying anything important. Take Sesler into the back and we will talk. I'll be quick." She made sure to be extra quiet before she whirled away from Nyla to go find the boy his brothers migraine herbs. She rummaged through her shop before finding a bottle full of peppermint leaves and other herbs to relieve massive migraines. She picked it up and held it in her hands as she walked back over to Locke.

"Here. You brew this for five minutes, nothing more, nothing less, or else it might not work efficiently. You can also crush them up and eat them. Though I strongly suggest not to, it would taste disgusting." Asterix laughed, handing the boy the bag. She motioned for him to go to the counter, "I usually charge your brother about 10 dollars for it." She told him, glancing at Rose and George who were still standing in her store. She motioned for the two to move to the back of store with Nyla and Sesler and then looked back at Locke. "Sorry about that, I am also a local healer of sorts, people come to me for all sorts of things!" She said, stepping behind the counter.

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@The Awakened Moon


At the moment, he had ignored the color-haired man in the shop. He recognized Rose, however, before moving into the back. By now, his eyelids have peeled back, widening his eyes to a casual observer. Like earlier, he slowed his breathing and heart rate even more, conserving most of the energy to preserving the undamaged nerves.

Nyla, make sure the newcomer doesn't come in the back. He could be a Hunter.

He let out an involuntary exhalation of breath as the toxin began to damage nerves around his spine, causing a spasm in his back muscles. Opening his mind telepathically once more, he'd state.

Asterix, it appears the neurotoxin Cluthe is our culprit. This was a Hunter attack, by Reils. I doubt he'll try again today, as he isn't a witch hunter. Simply a thorn in my side for years.

He unholstered the gun, placing it upon a desk covered in the shop records and ledgers. Until now, the gun wasn't heavy to him, but it suddenly felt as though the gun was held to him with a small chain connected to the world, requiring him to lift a planet to even move it. He didn't even bother with the sword, simply dropping it along with the overcoat duster. The calm and expressionless demeanor began to slip, the mortal side of his mind screaming with agony. Strain showed around his lips and eyes as his face pulled back in pain.

However, he wasn't mindless to leave himself so vulnerable with a possible Hunter in the very shop. The revolver trigger was braced with a bit of wire he carried, for he was always building a device sometime or other. The wire was wrapped around his pointer finger, and grew tight as he sat in a large leather chair a bit more suited to his immense height.

I need a custom made chair someday, he thought.
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"Wow..."George said seeing what felt like practically everyone in town was coming into Asterix store. He would have found it quite nice to have everyone together if it wasn't for the reason people were here though. "Oh come now people just because one of you become ill doesn't mean all of you have to follow like sheep."He complained jokingly."I bet all you all truly need is just a stiff drink." He turned to the new red headed guy and placed his arm around him."How about it? Ithe is a tradition that I share a drink with the newbies in town and try to extract their life stories." He said chuckling.

Rose Mary

Location: Herb Shop + Mood:Becoming rather chummy with everyone + Status: Undead +

Rose grinned widely at Asterix, raising a pierced eyebrow at her.

"Well, I'm not only allergic to Sunlight but to Bullshit as well, that's why I might have used it up way too fast." The vampire winked at her and softly punched the witch's shoulder before wrapping her own arm around her neck, pulling her closer as she poked the witch's cheek with her cold fingers.

"I'll have to repay you somehow though, how about I'll arrange some sort of BBQ, you'll get plenty of customers, I almost perfected my muffin recipe, time to test it on some lab rats and what's a better environment than some feast?"

The vampire's grin widening, as if it wasn't filling almost her entire face already.

Once Locke entered the store Rose let go of Asterix and nodded at the newcomer, flashing him a toothy smile and waving at him.

"Yo, you're new here, aren't you? My sense of smell might be a tiny bit impaired but I haven't smelled you before." Rose blurted out as she rubbed the back of her head, her crimson eyes wandering from Locke to both Nyla and Sesler who just arrived, their grim expressions making the vampire's smile waver though it soon returned after George started to tease Locke, making Rose grin widely at the satyr.

"Now that's a plan, I'm dying to test out my newest Bloody Mary recipe, with a rather obvious twist to it. But it may have to wait, seems the two of them just had an encounter with the grim reaper..." Rose's almond-shaped pupils shifting into slits as she remembered that she should be worried herself, one of her kind had been murdered and here she stood, in broad daylight, not exactly the best idea seeing that there might be a hunter out for vampire blood.

Scratching through her stubbly hair Rose grinned awkwardly before joining Asterix and the others in the back.

It may have been advantageous to know what exactly's been going on.

Entering the smaller chambers Rose raised an eyebrow, her eyes wandering to Sesler who seemed to have been injured somehow before turning her attention to Asterix as both seemed to be lost in thought.

"Ugh... Mind conversations, so freaky... Hellooo? Some people might feel a bit left out here..." Crossing her arms in front of her chest the vampire's gaze wandered from Asterix to Sesler and then back, her lips twitching into a sneer.


Locke: About to leave Moonlight Herb


Locke's head turned as he heard the door open yet again, this time harelding the arrival of two more people: a paniced looking girl, and a very tall man that didn't look well in any way. The addition of somebody who actually didn't look well made the pink-haired male tempted to sprint out of the store then and there. Kei had been talking about him? Really, the Nephilim wasn't surprised. All their life, Kei had been the more social of the two. Locke wouldn't have been surprised if Kei had already gotten to know half the town in the three months the twins had lived there, while Locke had problems even talking to people at work. He much preferred animals. "Oh, yes, uhm, I'm his older twin. Kei has t-told me a bit about... Uhm... You. From what he says, you seem... Uhm... Really nice."

Locke waited where he was when the Store Owner told him to hold on to let her find the herbs for his brother's migraines. It was more safe for her store if he didn't try looking at things, especially in his current state. Murphy's Law would take hold of him, and he'd end up purchasing half the store because he tripped over the floor.

"Y-Yes, of course," Locke responded when she explained to him how to brew the herbs. He already knew all of this, of course, due to the fact that Kei could hardly warm up a kettle of water without burning their apartment down, though he wouldn't mention that to Asterix. That would be rude, "T-Ten, okay."

He flinched as he felt a hand swing around his shoulders once he got to the counter, the shorter male saying something about drinking as Locke tried fishing money out of his wallet to pay for his herbs. As nervous as he was, the Nephilim could hardly deny a hard drink. "Oh, sure... That sounds fun." He looked over to tge female who also decided to speak to him, and flash him a very toothy grin. Did she have fangs? "Vampire...?"

Oh, yeah, payment. He slid money over to Asterix, "Ah, uhm, thanks."

@MistressOfSimplicity @Vampunk @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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Nyla Avery

Nyla nodded to Asterix's orders and watched as she became busy with helping the man. She had the impression that no one really knew who that man was, if he was a hunter or not. She turned, quickly leading Sesler to the back of the herb shop where the office was. Nyla closed the door softly behind her after Sesler and Rose entered and leaned against the door as Sesler told her to make sure the man didn't come in.
"Don't worry, I won't" she assured him, crossing her arms across her chest. She could notice the pain on Sesler's face and wished that she could help in someway. She couldn't help smiling slightly as Sesler's mind was still able to wander off the pain. Nyla knew that if it was her in Sesler's position, she'd be trying her best not to burst into tears. "You could go to the furniture store and have them make you a custom made chair." She glanced out the window on the door to watch as George talked to the newcomer. She bit her lip. For some reason, she was nervous that George was acting so comfortable with the unknown man, the possibility of him being a hunter troubling her.

@Milus @Vampunk @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

@MistressOfSimplicity @Lettuce


Asterix McNeil.

The Happy Witch.

As Asterix rang up the price of the herbs for the migrains, smiling at the boy. "Twins?! I never would have guessed. That's fabulous. Well, it was a pleasure to meet you Locke!" she got the money and gave him whatever change he needed back and then she fled to the back room, bowing to him knowing very well that whoever was watching- she was sure it may have very well been Nyla at Seslers request- would make sure he didn't try anything, if he was a hunter. Asterix listened to the Trini speak loud and clear in her mind and a sigh left her lips. She knew of the hunter that wanted Sesler dead, but in the past Reils had never made such a bold move.

Cluthe you say, she answered him with her mind, knowing very well he could hear her loud and clear. That specifically targets Trini's. Reils is reading up on his stuff... Or he had help. She sighed, and then turned her head quickly when rose walked in, her muscles visibly relaxing at the friendly face.

"Sorry sorry, I'm used to his mind invasions by now, we're just talking about what happened and how I can help." She said, a worried tone in her voice as she watched Seslers face distort into one of pain.

In her time of knowing the Trini, she knew that it was serious when he started to show some kind of expression. Its just how Sesler was and she could see that the situation he was in at the moment was causing him a great deal of stress. She would be too, if she were him. The poison that he was poisoned with was dangerous to Trini. She walked to one of the cabinets in the back room and rummaged through small thick brown bottles that carried liquids. She had made a mix at his request one year for the antidote for Cluthe after a close call. She found the bottle, and rolled her eyes at the label she put on it.
Trini drugs.

"Don't worry Ses, I found it. You'll be fine in no time." She then ran to another cabinet across the room and pulled out a package with an unused syringe in it. She tore it open and began to fill it with the contents of the small brown bottle and she glanced around. "Rose, hold him down." She said, biting her lip.

Rose Mary

Location: Herb shop's back room+ Mood:Kinda freaked out by the entire situation + Status: Undead and loving it +

"Huh? Oh!... Sure!" Asterix's request came out of nowhere and caught the vampire by surprise but Rose didn't seem to have any problem with getting physical with people at all so after brushing a strand of messy black hair out of her pale visage the vampire affixed the Trini, her cold touch pinning Seslers to the chair, not really paying much attention to making it comfortable for him.

Somehow still a bit hurt in her pride by the Trini only conversing with Asterix over telepathy and not exactly being very chatty with her. Yet she somehow knew invading her mind wouldn't be very pleasant, her thoughts weren't exactly meant to be known by others than herself, the prospect of how Seslers would react to her somewhat indecent thought process making the vampire grin like a fool, revealing her razor sharp fangs, so dangerously close to the Trini as her eyes wandered to Asterix.

"Well then doc, hope that'll do." Her gaze leaving the witch and giving Sesler an amused smile, raising her pierced eyebrow.

"Hope it's not too uncomfortable, no hard feeling, right?"
"Great!!" George said happily hitting Lockes arm playfully."The Red Dragon Tavern two blocks down in an hour. " He said before finally letting go of Locke and moving towards the door." Anyway s is see when things are getting too crowded for a place. I am off to work at the bar. Everyone wants to listen to some good music you know where to come." He called out to everyone in a load encouraging tone before stepping out. He took out his hip flask and took a sip before starting to sing loudly.
Lucee had been traveling for a few days now, she had left her small hometown in search of a new, better place to make a home. She had caught wind of a town, Salem, and they accepted all magical creatures, she planned to head there. Lucee pulled a tiny little bag out of her backpack, the sound of rocks hustling about was obvious. She had stopped along a river, and waded for a while. Lucee always tried to collect new stones when one called out to her. She added the tiny green stone to her collection and then back on the road she went.

She was about four hours out from Salem, the afternoon sun was beginning to turn into a sun set. The wind had picked up a bit, and it look as if it may rain. Perhaps there was mourning somewhere, the sky always seemed to know. She pulled off into a gas station, refilling her little Ford Focus and grabbing a snack for the rest of the way up to the town. It would be night fall before she arrived there, and she would be searching for shelter in a dark town, though hopefully not everyone would be asleep and she would be able to find someone or something.

Night had fallen, and Lucee was growing ever closer to the town, she could feel the energy there, calling to her, not long now. Once in the small town, Lucee planned to find shelter, and seek work tomorrow, she had plenty of money to last for a while, but if she was going to stay here she wanted to be steady as soon as possible.

Lucee had found the town, and was out and about exploring, She noticed a book store, a deli, some kind of herbology store. She was stumbling about looking for someone to guide her, or some sort of obvious sign for a place to stay for a few days until she could find something.
He had decided to speak aloud this time, both to show why he prefers the mental converse and to include Rose.

"You know, I wasn't planning on struggling against the person giving me a lifesaving antidote."

Although it was a necessary precaution. He then spoke again, directly to Rose, saying-

"I would telepathize with you. However, explaining the process and how to reply to it will take more time than we have. I'm afraid Reils wanted me here."

His voice was the same as in the deli. Horribly deep, demonic-like, and crackly, making hisound much older than his telepathic tone.

Opening his mind once more, though the vampire would have to talk aloud, even if she heard him, he'd then say-

I believe Reils didn't want to kill me in the deli. If he did, he would've used a ranged weapon rather than a knife. He knew the poison would direct me here, and that I'd be cured. And he didn't try to parlay my conscience by acting as though he was unarmed. After all, he knows best about a Trini's fickle conscience.

After a slight pause, he'd continue.

If he is an informant for the larger group at play, perhaps I should intimidate him. After all, he is mortal. Perhaps I'll kill a family member. Make sure he knew who.

Although it was morally extreme, it was a result of the mind's reasoning over his mortal emotions. After all, it was, in technical terms, the best solution. Sesler remembered his most vivid encounter, and due to his immense memory, every detail was recorded.

November 21st, 1978

The memory was held in a poorly lit, apparently closed room with no foreseeable exit. A man's silhouette sat under the only light in the room, shining on his chest and forearms chained against a bolted down table, but not his face, giving him a haunted and dark look. A man stood across from him, at an extreme height that was unnatural for humans. He spoke, out loud, in a voice equivalent to a demon in a movie.

"Reils, I do not kill you simply because I have plans. You know how I work. I planned months and years ahead. You are part of it. However, you are such a thorn in my side that we have to do this."

He lifted the lamp, showing the beaten and bruised face of a man with extremely sharp facial features and a shaved scalp. His eyes were glazed and lowered, his irises a shade of green you'd see in a meadow. A gash covered his one temple, the blood dried and gummedon the skin.

"I can feel you build walls around your mind. Go ahead. It will wear you out, making it easier for me to get what I need later. I'm very patient, you know."

He paced the room, the beaten Reils's eyes following his hidden shape. He'd lash out a fist unexpectedly, causing Reils to cringe and pull back. The break in concentration made the unseen mental barriers falter, and Sesler drove into the opening like a hot wire. Soon, his mind resided with Reils, feeling the fear and anger inside the destroyed mortal. He'd memorize every detail inside the mind, the mortals sufficiently weak memory an obstacle. However, some are instinctive, telling Sesler how he lives, moves, and other daily patterns. He'd release from the trance, looking to the exhausted, chained frame.

"Your father, you care for him a great deal. I understand I seem a bit...cold, but I loved mine as well."

"Until you killed him, Reils. Whatever you do, wherever you do it, I can and will find you. I won't hesitate to kill you a second time."
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Locke: Leaving Moonlight Herb


Meeting him somewhere in an hour, somewhere that Locke didn't even know where was? Oh dear God. Maybe he should have said no, that he had something important to do. He didn't know what his he'd have said he needed to do, but he was sure that he could have figured out something. The male whom he had never gotten the name of said it was just three blocks down, so it should have been a straight-shot there, right? He couldn't get lost going straight.

"Of course, I'll meet you then...." First, Locke would have to drop the migraine herbs he had bought off at home. In theory, that wouldn't be an issue, but the fact that he had gotten lost on his way to the herb shop and spent about three hours wandering begged to differ. Considering the man mentioned the bar opening in an hour... Didn't that mean Kei would be awake at this time, as bars tend to open at similar times? "Shit, I haven't made dinner.... Or Kei's breakfast..."

He took out his phone, struggling to manage to unlock and type on the device through all the bandages. He managed to put his own address into the GPS on his phone by the time he got to the door. Locke nudged the door open, speed-walking down the street instead of going through with his initial urge to just sprint down the sidewalk. Despite the fact that he felt as if he was pressed for time, running down the sidewalk was a bad idea when he could hardly walk on flat ground, as well as an urge to not look like he was running from somebody.

Graeham McNeil.

After a while of sitting and bonding with the goats, Graeham had decided it was time for him to get out of his small, cramped apartment and go out on the town. He thought of maybe visiting his auntie, but when he stepped outside, he thought skateboarding around might just be his best bet. Something told him his auntie was too busy to deal with him. He sighed as he rode down the street on his skateboard, looking into shop windows and winding in and out of crowds with ease. After a certain point he got off his skateboard and started walking.

There were always new faces in Salem, and he never really cared much for them, a hook up here and there was usually his thing. With a large sigh, he looked up to see a girl looking around almost aimlessly. He pondered for a moment and then approached her.

"Hey, are you lost?"

He asked her, brow raising.




Asterix McNeil.

The Happy Witch.

Asterix took no time to insert the needle into his thigh with no cares of whether not it hurt him. "Alright Ses, it'll take a couple minutes for the antidote to kick in but you should be fine as soon as it starts to take effect. I'm glad you decided to come to me for help." Asterix nodded. "Thank you, Rose. I'll get you your mix of herbs after everything has been dealt with, is that alright?" She asked the vampire. The fear of losing Sesler was strong, after all he was a very old friend of hers, much like the vampire. She put a mental reminder to cook up another batch of the antidote tonight to give some to him to keep, to be on the safe side. She pursed her lips into a tight line and glanced at everybody in the back room. "If these hunters really want a war, I'm afraid everyone is in danger." She said. If a war between hunter and supernatural broke out in Salem, she was scared that even the innocent humans would be affected by it. Sesler, if Reil really wanted you here then the shop is in danger. If these bastards mess with my shop in any way, they will feel the wrath of nature.

Asterix wasn't one to ever make threats, but these hunters were hitting home with her. She no longer felt safe in her own home, and she feared for the safety for everyone she held dear. Her heart couldn't bear any more losses to pointless murder. Salem was a safe place, they had made sure of that all those years ago when her and her family had taken over the town. She could remember the feelings of pain and sorrow for those who were lost during the trials, it was strong and overwhelming. She took a step back from Sesler and turned away from everybody, putting her hands over her head as she let out a long, shaky sigh.

"Nyla, did Reils see your face?" She asked, glancing at the young witch. Though she worried about everyone, her first priority were Salems young, including her nephew, Graeham.


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