Of God, Men and Knowledge

Charlene stood there in front of Zane, hands clasped together and resting on her gaunt thighs as she listened to him go on. She truly felt bad for him, in the depths of her heart she wished she could help him entirely. Help him get through this and make everything easier for him. Physically, she knew that was impossible, but emotionally, she was destined. Never in her entire twenty three years had she felt so close to someone while being so far away. Sure, Thomas had been there for her before, but he also had his flaws. He wasn't perfect - and, he wasn't here. She figured the fiance she once devoted her life to was now walking among the other undead, searching for them; the living, to sink his rotten teeth in their warm flesh.

A wisp of air blew from her lips as she took a breath, coming back to Earth and hearing what else he had to say. Her brilliant arctic eyes widened while she gazed at him intently, his story unraveling right under her palms. “You are a wonderful man, Zane.” Charlene whispered as silence fluttered through the air, lifting up her delicate fingers and tracing phantom circles into his back. “I.. I love you,” she sputtered out, breathing in sharply and shooting her eyes down. An overwhelming feeling rushing through her as she finally got that dreaded sentence out for the very first time. “I love you for who you are.. not for who you once were.”

The brunette lowered her hands when he turned his body, facing her directly with those intense irises fixated onto hers.
"Thank you.." was all he had said, lifting one of his hands and hesitantly cupping one of her burning red cheeks. “Y-You-” she tried to say, stumbling over her words with shaky syllables. “You’re welcome.”

His soft thumb grazed over her plump lip before the space between them closed in, his lips pressing against hers with an invisible force. She breathed in sharply through her nose and tensed up, frenzying with emotion for just a moment before fluttering those lids close and relaxing. This is what she wanted,
needed even. So many days being empty and alone, with the world around her going to shit; she had finally got what she had been longing for. Zane’s slender hand snaked around and gripped her waist, pulling her onto table and crashing their lips together with even more force, making her wrap her lithe arms around him and grip his chiseled blades. A soft moan escaped her shaky lips while his teeth dug into her bottom one.

“I’m all yours.” Charlene whispered, digging her nails into his warm flesh before their bodies collided once more, lips too, in another wet, affectionate kiss. Her fingers traveled down his back, venturing across ridges and lines of pure muscle, which rippled with each movement he made. “A-Ah,” she gasped, cold air hitting her burning skin when her shirt was removed, revealing her brilliant cream skin that he peppered with tender kisses. She curled her body forward with pleasure, bringing her hands up and running them through his hair as she buried her face close to his ear, breathing rapidly. “I’m yours, forever.”

skippity skip.

The room was silent and the crickets continued chirping on, the quietness of the night typical, but also wondrous for the entire group. In the center of the back room sat a mound, where the couple resided on a pair of sleeping bags covered in an ocean of blankets. Charlene laid there in a deep slumber, petite body curled in a ball and arms loosely wrapped around the male next to her, who happened to be awake. A sudden shift during her slumber made her stir, grumbling softly and padding the space next to her. “Mmm..” she rolled, snuggling against the warm blankets and grabbing onto the pillow beside her, drifting back into her previous slumber.


Swaying legs and hair blowing in the gentle breeze, Cal sat in utter silence, eyes scanning over the empty scenery. A soft hum rumbled from his young chest as he sat alone on the edge of the roof, hand resting over his revolver casually sitting in his holster. “Hm?” he cocked his head off to the side, watching Zane climb onto the roof and converse with Ixiss, showing affection to the female for once, who looked like she really needed it. A smile began to spread across his face when receiving the compliment, making the boy nod and throw a thumbs up.
“Danke.” Cal turned his attention back to the area in front of him, lifting his hand and casually running a few fingers in his untidy locks. "Du bist gut mit der Waffe" Zane had said to him, and the boy rose a brow, looking at him and grinning once more at the familiar language. “Ich lehrte wie mich es benutzt.”

translation: i taught myself how to use it
Zane looked back at Ixiss again who was determined to get him out of her seat.

"Nah, you go ahead and get some sleep or join me and the kid up here" he smiled up at her, nudging her a bit with his gun, getting up so she could shit down again. He paused ofr a moment and looked into the sky again, leaning back against the cement ledge of the roof top.

"there are some things i need to be honest with you guys about.." He began. He had been contemplating on weather to tell the whole group about his trip to prison. He didn't want things to get weird afterwards but in all honesty after he had told Charlene and she had accepted it he was more confident about it. He knew he wasn't a good leader, Or that he probably did a lot of stupid things than good ones, But he was loyal and protective. He knew himself enough to know he would never let anyone on his team be hurt if he could help it.

His mind began to yell at him again, worse than it had ever in the whole time of his insanity . You are a fool! fighting a war you wont win. And with yourself! how pathetic. I have more power than you and i know.. you are going to fail. They are all going to hate you. You will let them die. Just like you let your brother die. He gritted his teeth, the voices getting louder as he tried to ignore them and continued to speak.

"I want to be honest with you because." He was cut off again by the droaning in his brain of the incessant voice that wouldn't go away Yeah you idiot. Tell them how you watched your brother die. How you became a huge PUS*Y and cried like a baby at his fineral. How you returned to war and killed the only friends you had left. Not to mention those poor innocent children. The voice stopped. "I..Because..I trust you all.." he was choked up, he cleared his throat and turned around to face the ledge so no one could see the crazy in his eye.

You trust them? Seriously asshole? That's what you wanted to tell them? AHAHAHA
He hit the side of his head with his palm palm multiple times and laughed a bit turning around again like nothing was going on. "I know my past is behind me.. but i don't want you guys to think differently of me.." he rubbed the back of his neck, cold beads of sweat collecting at the top of his forehead.

"I was in prison.." He finally blurted out, his breath catching in his throat, looking directly out at them. "I was part of a secret service team working for the US Government in IraQ... we where the Anti terrorism squad.. the ST6" he continued, staring into their eyes. "After my brother died at war i went crazy and killed innocent people.." he swallowed hard. his hand laying flat at his side.

"They tossed me in prison for being a traitor...and 14 counts of manslaughter.." he looked down again, his eyes counting the stones on the floor, waiting for someone to speak. He crossed his arms and leaned back against the ledge after placing his gun beside them, to show them that he wouldnt do anything stupid if someone where to be angry and attempt to kick his ass. he would take it. He felt he deserved it, in fact.
Ixiss settled herself back down, knowing that she couldn't possibly sleep right now. Her body was too wired after the event of the day. When Zane began to speak she gave him her full attention, confusion creasing her brow ever so slightly as he began to speak. It was almost like he was having some kind of internal battle, she thought to herself as he struggled to get the word out. Well, it certainly adds suspense, she thought to herself, laughing slightly at her own thought. Something wasn't quite right about Zane, she knew that, but as long as he didn't get the rest of them killed she figured he should be fine. She stood by what she had said before they came into the city again, that if he was to get out of han she wouldn't hesitate in doing what had to be done, but as he spoke of his past, her resolve began to soften a little. Slowly she reached a hand out to him, touching his shoulder gently, the first actual attempt at contact she had made since meeting the others. Perhaps it was time she started to put a little more faith into him.

'I know how you feel.. Perhaps not to the extent of what you do, and I can't pretend to have seen the things you've seen, or have one the things you have done, but I've had my fair share of experiences. Maybe I misjudged you. I know I'm not always the most social of us... but don't think that its gong to ever be your fault.' She shrugged, removing her hand from his shoulder, unsure what to say now. She looked at the ground, shuffling her feet a little. 'Thank you, for your honesty. You're a good person, you just have to keep strong, use your experiences to keep fighting. It's what I do.' She said in a softer tone as the image of her father beating her mother hovered in her mind, a daunting reminder of her past.

The one thing she regretted was that she hadn't had the courage to beat the bastard down when he had raied a hand to her mother the last time. She'd cowered in the corner, a scared little kid, listening to her mother's cries as he hit her with all his strength. It had taken everything she'd had just to reach for the phone and dial those numbers, then to speak to the other person. When the police got there they had burst in through the door, causing her father to whip his head around, realising only when he'd been pushed against the wall and handcuffed that someone had called the cops. He had looked right at Ixiss, the phone still clutched in her ten year old hand, eyes wide, and had cursed the child he had created. She could still here that voice, as thick and irish as hers, threatening his revenge on her. Her father had not been the mot pleasant man. She ealised now that she was clenching her fists around her gun, the skin on her knuckles whitening considerably. Hastily she loosened her grip, wondering if the others had noticed her sudden zoning out. She nervously rubbed the back of her neck, glancing back to the two men.
Nash let out a huff of air as they somehow made it to the outskirts of town with no casualties. "That sick bastard saved us" he commented out loud wondering if he planned to get back to this spot anytime soon. The thought of a his sniper suddenly reappeared to his mind as he stood up swiftly and lifting the sniper rifle from around his neck refusing to wait for Bradley to take it off himself or ask him beforehand. He never noticed how much he had cared for the thing but I guess anything can tie you to home in this kind of scene. He checked every part of the weapon like he would do when he was bored sitting in the old wicker chair that outlooked into the forest back at the cabin in the woods him and his adopted father owned. Getting back on track the first thing he noticed was the lack of ammo in it. reaching into the bag strapped along his shoulder he refilled it with one of the only few bullets he had left for it. It wouldn't last long against another herd or just a small group of people if he kept losing bullets without gaining any. Sighing Nash set the gun in his lap as he began to do nothing else but wipe any form of dirt or grime that didn't need water. Peering up at periodical moments while cleaning he took this time to take anything he could about his new traveling companions. The male looked pretty old and if he had to guess his age it would probably be about mid forties. Now the girl with the dog companion seemed pretty younger maybe around his age and maybe a little older" he thought with a shrug as the gun was as clean as it was possibly going to be. Strapping around his shoulder once more Nash looked back at the city worrying himself even more as he wondered what that monster of a guy was going through and what outrageous thing he must be doing to get back here.
Bradley stood up pushing himself off the cracked street. Grit sticking to his hands wiping it off onto his legs he shouted to everyone again. "Come on, Get off your asses." He pulled his gun from the strap loading in a fresh mag picking up the half empty one that had fallen to the cracked floor. "We're heading for the woods! If Sawyers smart enough which I reckon he is, he should be able to easily track us to the woods once we get there!". He waited for all the others to get up or finish conversations before walking straight forward. He whistled an old tune he used to remember from when he was a child. He looked over at the city it cracked buildings and rubble. To think that city used to stand High and proud the sunlight glistens off the buildings. But not anymore, all it is now is a memory crushed and torn to shreds and thrown to the wind. He looked back at the others, wondered what they were thinking about this "End of the world" Situation they were facing. Eventually he cut off into the treeline and walked further in. He found a spot with plenty of trees in a circle and bushes around the edge. This would make a perfect spot. "Alright guys, We set up camp here and wait the night for Sawyer to track us down to here, hopefully it shouldn't be to hard on him. If he doesn't get here in around 2 days we move on!" He Ordered. He leaned against a tree and closed his eyes....Christ.
Swinging his legs back and forth, Cal leaned forward and rested his chin on the palm of his free hand, watching Ixiss and Zane converse to one another before the male went on about “something he needed to tell them”. This, almost immediately, interested the young boy greatly. Turning his body and placing both feet on the ground, he watched, fiddling with his fingers and darting peepers at different objects scattering the ground. The story was short as it seemed, and Cal’s chocolate eyes grew wide at what he just heard and witnessed. The killings.. the couple hits to the side of his head. This man was mad. A lunatic, more like it; and here he was, a part of this group, taking care of it and leading it. “Uhh..” Cal raised his hand to his head, scratching at something that wasn’t even there in nervousness while he turned away. He honestly didn’t know what to say, words unable to form at the story unraveled before him. All that floated through his young mind was fear, fear at the fact of this madman was running this group, with Charlene in it, even Julia. Two people that could easily fall to their fates by a mistake of this man, Zane.


The young woman laying bare beneath the ocean of blankets began to stir, hearing her peers above her conversing about a rather touchy subject involving Zane’s past. Charlene, although hearing all of it already, made note and pushed herself up with her dainty elbows into a sitting position. Her lips parted widely in a soft yawn and clutched the blankets hugging her thin frame, suddenly getting on her knees to take a simple peek outside the window. It was night as far as she could see, everything covered in a thick layer of darkness and the three of them, Zane, Ixiss and Cal, on the roof still talking. She waddled her way back to the center and eyed the ground, running a hand through her messy hair while she let her mind wander on whether to go join them, or stay.
After a few moments no one spoke. Realising that she had practically opened up to the two of them she began to worry. Was she being to forward by tellign them of her feelings? She'd never done that before. It had never been an issue in her mind. But she supposed she felt like she ought to reciprocate somewhat. Still, perhaps she was getting to friendly with these people. now would be a good time to bounce, she thought to herself. Standing up she smiled at Zane and Cal briefly. 'i think i'm going to head inside, see if everyone is okay. See you later.' She told them and added mentally, hopefully not. They had more than enough capable fighters she reasoned with herself, wrestling with the guilt that was already rising up in her throat like bile. She climbed down the ladder to drop into the store again, seeing Charlene outside and cursing. Somehow she'd have to get away without Charlene seeing her. That woman would probably guilt trip her somewhat and she'd be forced to stay. No, best to just grab her stuff and sneak off around the back. She found the corner where she'd dumped her pack, and restocked her supplies with a few cans of fruit, before slipping her bag back onto her back, attatching her machete to her belt and slipping through the back room to get out through the side entrance.

'Where are you going?' Ginger's voice surprised Ixiss as she slipped outside. The woman stood, peeling herself away from the wall, frowning and crossing her arms across her chest. Ixiss blushed slightly at being caught out, biting her lip. 'I need to get away. I'm not needed here. You guys are perfectly fine without me. just remember, aim for the head and don't get bitten and you ought to be fine.' She told the woman, continuing to walk. Ginger followed her. 'And what makes you think i won't ust yell out and tell them what you're doing?' She demanded in a low voice. Ixiss glared, pulling the machete from its sheath and holding to the woman's neck in a flash. 'You'll be dead before the first word escapes your lips.' She hissed. Ginger held her hands up in surrender, backing off. 'Alright alright, sorry I said anything. I won't say a word.' She said. Ixiss released her and resheathed her weapon. 'Good. Now I'm going to go. Don't stay in one place too long, don't let anything creep up in the night and definately do not get bitten.' She instructed, leaving before Ginger could say another word.

Sticking to the shadows, Ixiss journeyed to the edge of the woods, deciding it was best to leave the city behind. It was so dark, darker than under the open sky in the city. Her gun was in her hands and she pointed it at anything that made so much as a leaf tremble. She sighed, sitting on a rock to try and get her bearings. 'I might as well camp out here tonight.' She said aloud, head in her hands. She was so tired, so sick of this war. It was draining. She began to think on her past, wondering what happened to her parents. Was her father still in prison? Was her mother still in the psychiatric ward? Had they been infected? She rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hand, yawning. She didn't know if it was safe to sleep, but if she didn't get some rest soon then she was going to pass out. Sighing, Ixiss shrugged off her pack and began to rearrange the contents of it so she could use it as a pillow. She settled down to sleep, the .45 within reach should she be disturbed. She had learnt to sleep lightly in these times.
Dust fell on Sawyer once he reached the out skirts of the city. There was no one to be found and the sound in the air was still as the night. If they left he knew they didn't go far. He had most of the supplies after all. It would have been quite foolish to leave him behind. However if they had done so for survival then he wouldn't hold anything personal. In fact he'd be slightly proud of them for doing so in that contexts. Peering through the dark he knelt down to survay the ground, seeing if there were any tracks left behind. He was excellent at tracking and the dark proved very little against his skill. Reaching down his hand brushed acrossed the delicate blades of grass, the bend and curve of them showing him the way. It wasn't fresh but it wasn't a cold trail either. They had to of left here no longer then an hour or so ago. Standing he gripped the strap of the duff bag tighter as his gun hung lazly in his grasp. "Hmm...hidin' out in the woods tonight eh? Not too bad an idea Silver", he remarked as he followed the trail leading to the thick of the brush. It would become much darker within the next half an hour. Soon he'd have to resort to using the night vision on his gun in order to find the rest of the group.

Upon crossing a small shallow creek Sawyer stopped to veiw the muck. Shoe prints appeared to be more fresh here, they shouldn't be too far. His eyes narrowed in the dimmly lit vegitation. Something was here fore he could feel an eye on him. A pugent oder hit his nose but to his surprise it for once wasn't a rotten smell of decay. No, this was more of a musk, a scent more common with animals in the wild. This was an oppertunity he wouldn't waste. Hunching low he slipped the bag off from his shoulder, letting it drop slowly to the ground. The tips of his fingers found his knife, lacing themselves around the cold item tightly. A gruff snort came from the shadows, a white puff of hot breath reeling up from the beasts snout. Sawyer reconized the noise and it became more apparent what he was hunting. It circled him, reaching the farthest edge of the creek. Sawyer, being in a more primal state himself, prowled to the other end watching the beast as he stalked. A silverly shimmer glistened off of the long and cold metal blade. Its size rivaled to that of the boars tusk. Then two froze then, both still as the stone of a mountain. Their breaths came out slow, the echo of the huffs hissed out like a long whisper. Antisipation of the combat, impact and conflict rose up, bubbling up to adrenline. Nothing but pure animalistic instinct boiled through, leaving only that simple trigger to react. And then, as if a gun was shot to start the battle....they charged.

(Striders half I'll post later. Sorry it took so long. Thanks for being paitaint.)
He sighed getting comfortable on the rooftop. He knew that telling them the truth might of been a huge mistake or a good one. As the night carried on everything was calm and in it's place, He had even fallen asleep. When morning came he awoke, his head spinning a bit. He had woken up before anyone else, It must of been 5 or 6 the least. He grabbed his gun and looked around. Clear. The highway across from them was clear and the station was pretty silent. He climbed down and walked passed Everyone and into the back room where Charlene had slept.

She was lying there sleeping it seemed. He hadn't seen Ixiss around. It worried him. He didn't see her things either. Was she gone? He didn't know what to think or what to expect but it wasn't like she liked being around them. He could tell. He shrugged it off and tried to wake everyone up, starting with charlene.

"Wake up.." he said softly shaking her until she stirred and awoke. "Ill go wake up the others we need to get a move on before the sun is at the highest point.." He said to her walking out into the open area. "EVERYONE GET UP!" he yelled making sure everyone had heard him. He looked around what was left of the station and picked up all the supplies he could from the wreckage. He waited for everyone to assemble at the front, hoping he hadn't been right about Ixiss leaving. To his dismay, it was. She was gone. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

"We need to get a move on if we are going to make it.." he said softly, looking around at everyone.
Drifting back and fourth from slumber to alertness was something Cal was already used to. For a few minutes his chocolate eyes would scan the dark areas, and then immediately shut and linger in sleep for a few more. Rinse and repeat. It was a tactic he often used when venturing the wild on his own, and he noted that it did save his life in a few situations. Awaking for the last time when the sky began to prickle with orange, he sat up and stretched, curling his tiny toes in those boots of his while jumping to a standing position. "Oh?" he turned his head, watching Zane exit the roof to awake the others. Cal's slender fingers hovered over the revolver in his holster, eyebrows furrowed as he himself too made way into the main room of the gas station. His pools were locked on Zane's, the story of his past still lingering fresh in his mind. "Wo ist das schwarzhaarige Mädchen?" he whispered to himself, breaking that gaze for a moment to glance around the small group of survivors. She was gone! "Wunderbar." he grumbled, rubbing his head.


Charlene had decided to drift back into sleep once hearing the conversation above her come to a stop, swiftly laying her bare body back down on the hard floor as she cocooned her thin frame with the blankets even more before. Fluttering those icy blue pools closed, it did not take her long to slink back into a dream state. It grew silent from then on, a few more hours passing before the warm color of orange soon started to slither through the windows, ridding the area of darkness completely. Zane had come in and woke her up, shaking that mound in the center of the room before a small set of eyes poked up from beneath the blankets. "Mm.." she moaned, bringing hands up to rub those eyes. She couldn't help but smile at her lover, wanting to kiss those lips again to start off the day. "Okay." she let out a yawn, rolling over and uncovering herself to begin the morning process of getting ready. She pulled her clothes back on with speed and fixed her hair, throwing it into a messy bun today and gathering up her things. Charlene slung her knapsack onto her shoulder and left the room, wobbling over to Julia who was still fast asleep despite Zane's attempts. "Wake up honey." she whispered, shaking her gently and moving the hair from her small eyes. "We have to go, okay?" The young girl beneath her woke up slowly, pushing the jacket from her frame and sitting up, extending her thin arms into a stretch and handing Charlene her jacket. "Okay." she nodded, smiling slightly. She sat up and took Charlene's hand, walking over to the center of the room with the others. "W-Where's Ixiss?" she spoke up to everyone for the first time, still rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes. This made Charlene look around too for the other woman, panicking slightly when not seeing her presence.

translation: where's the black-haired girl? ; wonderful
Ginger yawned and stretched as Zane's voice woke her, talking about having to move or something. In all honesty she was so tired, so worn out, not even caring if they left without her. still, she was there now, and they were telling her to get up, so she supposed she ought to do it. Stretching, she ran long painted nails through the bi-coloured hair, her eyes falling over the group as they lined up. Hearing the child ask of Ixiss she supposed that was her cue, striding over confidently, her bag in her hand, chainsaw in the other.

'She's gone. She left last night.' Her voice held a slight tone of regret, knowing she probably should have told them last night, but Ixiss' threat had her swallowing the shame. Personally, she felt like living. Ginger ran her fingers through her hair again, looking to Zane. 'So, where to now? I'm assuming you have a plan in place, right? Or are you lot just wandering with no sense of direction?' She certainly hoped they were headed some place, because she didn't want to wander aimlessly. That was what she'd been doing for all too long.


The sound of rustling, grunting and gruff tones woke Ixiss with a jolt. She grabbed her .45 and aimed it at the bushes as two large shapes tumbled into the clearing. She couldn't make out the shapes in the dark, and slight fear gripped her stomach as tightly as she held her weapon. They seemed to stop moving, the shape on top heaving out loud breaths. Whether it was beast or man, she couldn't tell. Instead she aimed her weapon at him. 'Don't move a muscle.' She hissed, the weapon pointed straight at the figure's head. 'I suggest you stand up slowly with your hands up.' Her eyes had grown accustomed to the dark and she could make out the form of a man, a large one at that. Something about him made him seem familiar but she couldn't place how or where she'd seen him. 'Who are you? Are you infected?' She demanded to know, waiting impatiently form an answer.

(sorry its short, dont have a lot of net time these days)
C'mon guys. What's happened? It seems like some of you have given up on this and took ages Ali not included seeing as it wasn't her fault. I mean. We don't talk any more to plan and nothing gets done any more it makes me feel sad that some of you don't feel the need to put in 100% any more.
Dino said:
C'mon guys. What's happened? It seems like some of you have given up on this and took ages Ali not included seeing as it wasn't her fault. I mean. We don't talk any more to plan and nothing gets done any more it makes me feel sad that some of you don't feel the need to put in 100% any more.
[MENTION=2671]Dino[/MENTION] - Dino don't worry things will go back up to speed. I needed a break from Rping and Alis situation is understandable. Its Wings turn to post and then Mels. After that it will be back to you. Things haven't been moving along because of the lack of comunication. Im getting those of us who are behind back on track.
(I can nudge Wing along, I think he's forgotten this rp even exists, but i'll try and catch him on the flip side and see if he can take some time to post for us. I hope this doesnt die, we had such fabulous plans)
(This can't die guys =] We got this. I know i've been struggling with school and shit but i love this RP i know we can revive it with some mouth to mouth and what not ;) )
(I am sorry guy but School finals have had me in a stranglehold Q_Q. And no I didn't forget about the rp just been very very busy so yeah)

Nash got up reluctantly on Bradley's command. Sawyer he could understand but he didn't know anything about this guy, but he seemed like one on those military veterans. "Is this how they all act" he commented to himself letting out a small puff of air as he grabbed his small amount of equipment and followed behind. "Wonder when Sawyer will get back anyway" he thought to himself looking back over his shoulder thoughtfully to the wreck of what used to be a city before the entire armageddon thing happened. Breathing out a small puff of air he turned back to his quickly enlarged group. "I don't know how these people expect this to work, I mean for one I love animals but if that dog barks at the wrong time we are all screwed" he said in his little thought-bubble peering down at the dog and returning his gaze to the trail before the animal noticed. Nash became a little annoyed at the beginning of Bradley's whistling, but thanks to some practice wouldn't let it show on his face as he tried blocking out that whistling tune. At the lost for something more to do, Nash reached to his side to further inspect the small firearm he had acquired during the entire supermarket raid. "This thing is good enough I guess" he mumbled making sure that things were clean and actually worked. After more walking that Nash had forgotten to keep track of, they came upon a small bush of trees that provided a good amount of cover among the foliage and a nice view of the surroundings. After entering it he felt another sense of Resentment at the man for suddenly giving out orders like he ran the entire place. He might have been the most experienced but Nash could only see himself talking orders from Sawyer without any condition. Grunting one more time, Nash set off getting one of the tents and proceeding to set everything up accordingly while he watched Mr. High and Mighty put all his effort into leaning against a tree trunk. "Hope Sawyer gets back soon then".
Just like to notify everyone. Wont have skype for a while. Been fixing and formatting my computer.
Alison sighed as she just had gotten to sit down. Shark looked over to the man shouting orders and pinned his ears back, giving him a "Don't tell me what to do." look then looked back to his master. He whined softly and nosed Alison as she stood up. She smiled a bit and pet his head. "It's alright boy. We will get away from the city then head out on our own again ok?" She picked up her sword and shield, placing them on her back as she followed after the group. Shark huffed and trotted after his master, looking back at the city a few times. Alison took note of her dog's behavior but only shook her head and laughed a bit. "Crazy dog.." After a while of walking threw the woods the man who called himself Silver stopped and turned to them as he spoke. "Alright guys, We set up camp here and wait the night for Sawyer to track us down to here, hopefully it shouldn't be to hard on him. If he doesn't get here in around 2 days we move on!" Alison snorted a bit and looked down to Shark as he looked up to her. "He shouts a lot don't you think?" She said with a chuckle, Shark's tail wagging as he agreed. A slow exhale escaped her form as she watched the young boy, Nash as she recalled, grab a tent and start setting it up. Her gaze shifted over to Silver who leaned up against a tree. She motioned for Shark to follow her as she herself walked over to a tree. She slid the sword and shield off her back, propping it up against the large roots before she sat with her back against the tree. Shark gave a huff as he walked over and laid down, resting his head on his girl's lap. Alison could only smile watching the wolf-dog close his eyes and slowly relax. She place her hand atop his head and pet him gently as she watched the older gentle man named Miller build a low fire. Alison rested her head back against the tree, looking up at the setting sun, the night slowly creeping in. Her mind was filled with memories of before the outbreak. Of her family...friends. She had to kill so many of them. Alison's eyes opened then forcing them out of her mind and quickly looking down to the only friend she had left. Her eyes grew wide though as he wasn't there. "Shark?" She called softly and looked around. Shark stood at the edge of the camp, his ears perked upright, tail hanging still and a low rumble coming from his throat. Alison gripped her blade and stood up slowly, catching a glance of the others doing the same. "Shark." She said in a hushed but firm tone to get the dog's attention. Shark looked back to Alison, walking back to her but quickly circling around and standing next to her, still growling low.
Bradley had been sitting down for the past 5 minutes, he'd been looking up at the moon its rays lying on his face. You'd think that the world hadn't ended out here, There'd been so much to do, he'd never climbed the ranks of his job, got a wife and had a family, he'd never really settled down. It was getting cold, he rubbed his hands up and down his arms, freezing even, he could see his breath in the air. He looked around at everyone else here, he wondered what life's had been like before this, nothing could be worse then this, it made him think whether death was a better option than living in this place. I guess it wasn't, but if worse comes to worse he'd know what he had to do. He wondered where sawyer was, did he know where he was going or was he completely lost? He hoped he wasn't, Bradley wasn't a leader he'd only wanted to organize things until Sawyer got back, if he did get back. He rubbed his hand against his head and let out a sigh. There was a smell that stuck in the air, it smelled like the undead, but he knew it wasn't. He smelled himself pulling back as soon as he dead. He smelled terrible, none of them had washed in so long, they were starting to smell like the dead, maybe that would come in handy, maybe not. The temperature was getting even colder, He pushed himself up and looked around the camp. Everyone was doing their own thing, Except for that girl, Alison and that dog of hers, he seemed to be growling for some reason. He quickly jogged over un-slinging his rifle in case something was wrong. Not soon after the girl had unslung her sword aswell. Something was defiantly wrong. "What's going on? Why's your dog growling?" He questioned before looking around once again, he could hear the faint noise of something, but he couldn't put his finger on it.
Sawyer barreled for the beast as it aimed to knock him off his feet. Its head flicked for his calf and he sprung back arms slung up high. Snorting it ran past him and spun around to charge once again. Grinning Sawyer tossed the knife from one hand to the other in anticipation, "Come on. You know you wanna a piece of me." As if the beast understood his taunt it squealed before coming for him again, signaling its battle cry. This time Sawyer was going to make a hit, he wouldn't let it get past him. When it was in striking range he whipped the blade downwards in a horizontal slash, cutting the boar cross the fore head. This however enraged the boar and it swung its head up high, slashing open his shirt and cutting a gash across his broad chest. Rolling to the side Sawyer made distance from the beast to avoid anymore damage. Both of them made a hint and this would be a tiresome fight if they kept it up. Last thing Sawyer wanted was to drag this on any longer then it needed to be. He growled as he hissed, "Screw it. If you aren't going to do it I will." And when he bolted for it he dropped down and rammed his shoulder under the boars snout. With the amount of force he used they both for heading down and fast. The edge of the creek was the top of a steep hill and Sawyer just shove him along with the boar down it. With one hand holding the boar and the other gripping his knife he stabbed the beast every time he was above it. Each time making a fresh deep wound in another place.

When they both hit the bottom Sawyer was on top of the beast, his knife buried deep into its skull. It stopped breathing, screaming or kicking. Instead it was a still corpse, silent as the night was. That was until the voice of a very familiar woman hissed at him. Sawyers head lifted nice and slow, irritated with the fact she was holding a gun to him and barking orders. Snorting at her he didn't bother answering any of her obscured questions, instead he growled in a gruff tone slightly annoyed, "Mind getting that outta of my face? Or is that just how you're accustom to saying hello?" Ignoring her aggressive body language he stood up, jerking the knife out of the boars head. The sound was wet with the sharp sting of metal being whipped back in the air. Grabbing it by the hind legs he lifted it off the ground as he grinned at her, "Looks like you decided to come crawling back. Didn't care much for the lunatic did ya?" He smirked a bit, sure that she had to of noticed the guy had a few screws loose up stairs. That made Sawyer dislike the guy that much more. The simple fact he put everyone else at risk knowing he was far beyond well enough to lead because he wouldn't swallow his own pride. Sawyer met enough self adoring guys like that and at war they were the first to die...or to get a good solider killed because of them. Sawyer led because that was he was good at, because he was meant to lead. He never did too good taking orders, least of all a men quite unworthy to be one. The guy had trouble written all over him. Minus well put a siren on him while they were at it, cause as far as Sawyer could see he was one good for putting himself in stupid situations he had no plan of getting out of. He was one to react first before thinking. In a world like this it was about as bad as slapping on large slabs of meat on and head into a highly populated city. But Sawyer reserved his thoughts, he could tell by looking at her that she was thinking the exact same thing. There was something about her that Sawyer could rely on, that fire that let you know she was a fighter and wouldn't quit until the Walkers made her stop kicking. Nothing he liked more then someone like him. She was strong and he needed that. They didn't run into each other again by chance, no the world was just too dangerous for that. Turning from her he went to head back up the hill as he said over his shoulder, "Good to see you're still kickin' it though. Would've been disappointed if you weren't pointing that gun earlier. Would've meant you were getting soft...good to see that you haven't changed. If you're lookin' for a bit more security you can follow me back to the group. I've tracked them all the way here, they aren't far off now. Plus..." He lifted the boar up as if adding to his point, " We're going to be eatin' good tonight and I'm going to take a shot in the dark you don't have much in that stomach of yours. I get it you don't do crowds. Tell you the truth neither do I but they follow me and you know what, that much shows me they aren't that stupid. Got a few new faces, you might want to take a good look at them before you decided to go A wall again." He peered over at her and shrugged, "If you don't like what you see not like I'm gonna beg you to stay. You got nothing to loose...other then a well cooked meal." Then he looked back ahead and went up the hill to retrieve his duffel bag. Picking it up he slugged it over his shoulder with ease. His chest was burning, the wound a bit deeper then he would have liked it. But it was something that could wait until he was back with the group.

Reaching the gathering of trees he could see a fire burning, a tent up and Silver relaxing back on the trunk of a tree. It was good to know he could trust him to take over while he was away. It was nice to know the group survived his absence and that they could survive without him. This was a good sign, a sign to show they were strong. As he walked towards the group he sneaked a peek over his shoulder to see if Ixiss was still following, and followed she had. Her instincts were smart enough not to pass up a meal, this much he knew. Whether she'd decided to stick around or eat and run he wasn't sure. But if she did stay, that was just one more he could rely on to lead if he should ever parish. Entering the camp he gathered the attention of all the members with his catch held up high, "Missed me?" Throwing it down in the middle he said aloud, "Use every bit of that, it'll keep us fed for a few days." He looked over at Silver with his hand pressed over his chest pointing out his obvious wound, "Got anything extra? I'm gonna need a new shirt." His voice was a cool masculine tone as he muttered, "Ixiss is back by the way." His ice blue eyes trailed over to lead Silvers over to show his proof, her coming into view. Heading for the bush he took a extra shirt Silver had saying in a rough tone, "The more the merrier right?" He went into the dark of the night to get dressed, removing the shirt with the large tare and stain of blood first. He'd have to stitch up his wound and he was in no mood to be taken care of. He got this far doing things his way by himself, he didn't want to break that habit. Taking a breath he pulled the needle through the thread and brought it to his chest. Poking the first hole in he made an ugly frown pulling the thread tight. He shook his head, "F*cker made quite a mess." The wound wasn't clean, it was raged which made it more time consuming for him. It was fine though, once he was finished dinner should be too or at least close to it. He worked in silence, keeping his mind focused on closing himself up as quick as he could. His finished work was clean and a bit tight but he'd be mindful of how much he moved around. Pulling the black T-Shirt over his head and down his torso he headed back for the group emerging from the brush. Standing there he looked over to see the young girl and her loyal hound. He'd yet to even know her name, he figured she was good if she stayed alive this long. Heading over the mix breed dog turned and growled a warning to Sawyer, telling to stay where he was. Sawyer ignored its warning however, not missing a step as his upper lip lifted exchanging a growl of his own to the wolf-dog. Its ears perked up and head tilted in a quite confused manner as it let him pass. Sitting down he grunted, letting out a rough breath. Saying aloud he asked, "So...how long have you and fido here been runnin' it alone?"
His striking colored eyes rolled over to make contact with hers, waiting on a response.

(Striders post will be added if Charlene decideds to make her new character. Either that or I will come back and add it. Make sure to check the Chatbox for the update.)
Cal let out a long exaggerated sigh and rubbed the back of his small neck, rustling the strands of hair poking from his hat between his thin fingers. Great, so the black haired chick was gone and she was one of the ones who protected the group. With this the boy knew he would have to step up despite his age and small stature. He could do it, he was just as good with a good than that black haired girl was anyway. "It doesn't matter, forget about it." he spoke up for once, thick accent dancing in his words which made it somewhat difficult to understand. "Zane has a plan, we must go." The small boy made sure to look at every face in the group, especially the two weakest ones, Charlene and Julia, who didn't seem very calm about the situation. "Mach dir keine Sorgen," he whispered to her, "Ich werde dich beschützen."

"She.. she left us." Charlene whispered under her broken breath, which sped up just at the thought of losing someone who was decent with a weapon. "Why didn't she say goodbye or something," she stammered, immediately scooping Julia up into her arms, who happened to be in a panic as well. "
Anything?" The woman turned her slim frame and stared out the window, gazing into the unknown and simply wondering what that black haired woman could be up to. Was it because of her? Her and Julia and the weakness they placed upon the group? Was she too much to handle or take care of and slowly was becoming a burden on the group? She turned to Cal, who spoke up and stepped up to the plate, taking the place Ixiss leftover. "D-Danke.. schon."

translation: Don't worry, I'll protect you ; Thank you
Ixiss' hackles rose, hiding the surprise she had harboured at seeing the large man properly for the first time, recognising him instantly. 'I don't crawl, let alone to you. They weren't useful. I was better off splitting and going it alone. At least that way I can garauntee my own safety. his words were like knives stripping away her ego with each syllable, scraping close to the bone as she became defensive. She didn't holster the gun but she relaxed her grip on it a little. 'I don't get soft. you get soft and you die. I don't make mistakes.' She said curtly, her eyes narrowing as she met his gaze coolly with a level stare. She rolled her shoulders to loosen the tension a little before picking up her pack and beginning to follow him. 'I won't say no to a decent meal however.' She followed him to the camp, feeling the inviting warmth of the fire and instantly wondering if that was such a good idea considering the circumstances. She ran her gaze over the new faces of Sawyer's group and it settled on an older man, in his fifties at least. A spark of recognition flashed in her eyes. 'Captain?' She asked, disbelief in her tone as she holstered her weapon, stepping towards him. Miller looked up in surprise and a smile of relief lit up his features. 'Ixiss.. You're alive.' He saw the same flicker of relief in her eyes, knew she was just as glad to see him alive as she was to simply see a familiar face and held out his hand to her, limping over. Now was not the time for moments of weakness, he thought as she shook his hand firmly, slight tears glistening in her eyes as she fought them off. She was stubborn as hell and he knew she wouldn't show her weakness in front of strangers. 'Good to see you're alive and still fighting Captain.' She said in a calm, collected voice, devoid of the raging emotion inside her. 'You too Ravenwood.'


Ginger lifted her chainsaw to her shoulder, slinging the shotgun over her shoulder on a harness she'd fashioned out of an old seatbelt a while back. 'I vote we get moving.' She said. Just as she spoke there could be heard the sounds of a hoard making their way to the station. 'Shit. We're out of time, let's get moving. If we go towards the city we have more of a chance of getting caught, but if we don't, we get killed. Anyone got any ideas?' She asked, keeping her eye on the hoard that moved closer as she spoke, slowly but steadily. Now would be a good time to figure out a plan. But they had little time.
"I'm not sure.." She whispered to Silver as her eyes narrowed, staring into the dark night. Shark snarled low, his tongue running over his maw as he swallowed. Alison took a step backwards then a tall, well built man, holding a dead bore in his grip. walked into camp. "Miss me?" He questioned, tossing the dead animal over by the fire. Alison slowly lowered her blade and shield, watching him walk over to Silver and speak with him. The faint scent of blood lingered in the air as he walked passed, causing Alison to look in the direction he had came from hoping the scent wouldn't attract the dead. Shark snorted and shook his head at the man, keeping close to his master, though his ears perked and nostrils flared at the smell of fresh meat. Again he shook his head and looked back up to his girl with a soft whine. She smiled softly and rubbed in between his ears and motioned for him to come back over to the tree and lay down. Alison sat back against the tree once more, her faithful pet laying down with his head on her lap once more. Her hand rested on his back as she stroked the wolf-dog. He gaze wandered over the group slowly. The female, that came back with who she assumed was Sawyer, made her way over to Miller in a friendly reunion. Her gaze then shifted over to Silver as he started to cut up and cook the bore that was laying in the middle of camp. The young boy wasn't anywhere to be found at the moment, she assumed he was in his tent for the night. Alison sighed softly and glanced back up at the stars. "I will find you.." She said in a hushed tone. Shark then looked back up to her his head tilting to her words. When she didn't look to him, he let out a soft chuff to get her attention. Alison quickly looked down to her loyal pet and smiled, scratching his ear. "We will find him wont we boy." His tail wagged, kicking up some dust as he did so. Alison chuckled softly and lifted her head again, to see Sawyer heading her way. Shark followed her gaze, his ears pinning back as they locked on the large male. Quickly he stood up and lept in front of his master. A low deep throat-ed snarl escaped his maw warning him to not take another step. When he ignored the warning, Shark took another step and kept growling. His growls cut short as the man growled back at him causing his head to tilt to the side, letting him past. Shark shook his head very confused at the fact and quickly trotted back over to his master. His ears were back as he sat next to Alison, watching Sawyer with question on his face. Alison could only smile and laugh to herself as she stroked the loyal wolf-dog. Her gaze then shifted over to Sawyer as he sat next to her, asking a simple question. "So...how long have you and fido here been runnin' it alone?" Alison was silent for a moment before she spoke up. "Since this outbreak happened." She gave a short answer, hoping he would not ask too much about her past. "What about you?" She asked another short question. She didn't want to get to know them very well, planning on leaving soon. To her, groups would get you killed.

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