Of God, Men and Knowledge

Ixiss followed Zane's instructions begrudgingly. She didn't like taking orders from him. When he asked about Sawyer and Brad she replied rather airily, and a little annoyed. 'Who knows? Who cares? They can do what they wish. I'm almost beginning to wish i'd gone with them.' Moments later she was crouched behind a car, watching as Zane made a suicidal attempt at drawing the Zombie's attention. 'What the hell is he on?' She muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes at him. 'He's going to get himself killed.' She reached a hand out to Charlene and the kid. 'We've got to keep moving. He's going to kill himself, but we can't just stay put, okay? Let's move.' She ordered in a slightly gentler tone than she would normally use. She figured they'd been through enough already without having to deal with her b*tchy attitude. 'He can find us when he's ready.' She watched them a little while longer before moving to the next car in the line up. They were going to have to get out of there. The horde was focused on Zane, so they could actually escape if they wished, but whether the two followed her or stayed to wait was their choice. She looked back over to Zane, watching his movements. Was he crazy? He must be.. He was clearly losing it. She continued to move, wondering how she could let Zane know she was continuing on. She could only hope he'd seen the motion.


Miller looked up in surprise as the girl grabbed his arm and dragged him along. he stumbled a moment before running alongside her, panting for breath by the time they managed to duck out of sight. He glanced at her. She was brave, that was for sure, but a kid shouldn't have to fight a war like that. He'd seen his fair share of death, having transferred from homecide in his seventh year on the force. It hadn't been pretty, that was for sure. He now studied her carefully, and the dog as well. There was a bond between the two, they had obviously been through a lot. he smiled. There was nothing like the bond of friendship between a master and pet. He stretched slightly, holding his side as a stab of pain seared through him. 'John Miller. Who are you?' He asked in a low whisper, not wishing to attract attention. His thoughts drifted to Ixiss. She too had been determined when he'd met her. He wondered again if she'd survived. If he knew her then she was either still alive or had fought to the very end. He smiled grimly again at the thought. Then he shook the memory off, looking back to the blonde girl and her hound. 'You should run, find somewhere to hide out. I'll hold them off for you two to escape.'

(sorry its short)
Nash gulped as he rushed into the street like a bat out of hell "How the hell did I get into this mess" he thought to himself refusing to make more noise than what was required. Quickly making his way and jogging to the stop in front of the roughed up store as he quickly slipped in his senses on a high alert his head peering around every corner of the room for movement other than the survivors. He thought he noticed a male and female and even something that looked like a dog "Man I love dogs" he thought to himself going ADHD for a second before hearing a deep growl escape from the big dogs throat before pulling out the bag and began to fill it up with any food available. "You've got to be careful or the dog will kill ya before the walkers have a chance to get to you" his subconscious warned him as he looked over to the other two strangers shyly just by instinct"I have people on the outside who can help you but we need as much food,water and any other sort of supplies you can get and pack it up before the Walkers make their way back" he said hastily. "This is freakin insane why am I the one having to risk my life like this" he thought to himself again becoming frustrated as the bag was filled to the limit so he could still run. On the way up he looked over to see something glinting under the flickering light of a broken store light. It looked like some form of Remington but he couldn't tell from this distance, but it didn't matter it was something at close range he could use. Wanting everything to be done as quickly as possible, Nash rushed over as he reached for the gun to jump back hearing the groaning of what sounded like a walker which ,to his misfortune, just had to be ready to lunge at him. Nash gave a small yelp as he threw the zombie off quickly by using its weight against him. "This is madness" he said again grabbing the pistol and quickly checking the amount of ammo was available for use. "Just 3 bullets here and 2 clips" he said annoyed clicking the gun again. As he was about to fire, he remembered what would happen afterwards "Crap" he said as the walked lunged again trying to tear into whatever he could grab as he sidestepped giving the zombie one hard blow in the back of the things skull slowing it down for a little bit but enough for him to grab the supplies and run to the entrance. He didn't take long but turned to the other two "Come on already" he said curtly leaving as a few of the zombies began to notice the commotion.
Character Name: Cal Lutheran Fritz

Age: 13

Clothing: Black pants, black chucks, white button up shirt, black vest, long worn khaki coat and a ear-flap hat with a pair of goggles.

Weapons: Revolver and a hatchet.




Cal was born in Germany. His family had always been in the fisherman's trade, something that went as far back as his family history could be tracked. This was the future that was laid out for him the day he was born - and as he grew into a young boy he discovered that he was perfectly happy with it. From a young age he'd discovered his deep love for the sea surrounding their small village, and the long hours he spent on his father's old fishing boat, though it was hard work, it was nothing short of amazing. Half of the villages inhabitants consisted of wildlings – and his mother was the self-proclaimed business owner’s daughter, who'd found herself in his father's arms. Her features were entirely European, brown hair, blue eyes and skin white and beautiful as silk. Born in the summer heat of August, Cal was welcomed into the world by two ecstatic parents and given his mother's' birth name, directly being named the next heir to the clan by rights of birth and gender.

Cal does not really remember his life after his years of being nothing but a very young boy most of it is just a bunch of clouded memories he finds to be faded hallucinations. After going through all he has, wouldn't you think that a happy life was just a fantasy you dreamed up? Whether or not his traumas have effectively blocked out all of the bad along with the good remains unknown – but, he doesn't seem to really mind his memory lapses. He has no desired to remember everything. Oft times, cognizance comes in the form of the smell of the lapping sea; the rocking of a boat; the feel of sand sifting through his fingers; his mother's gap-toothed smile; the rugged furs being wrapped around his slender shoulders; and then steel-clad men ripping him from his mother's arms and a spray of warm, metallic blood strewn across the ground with mutilated limbs. Swollen bodies hanging from the doors' thresholds and flayed heads being erected on wooden pikes. Those are the memories he'd rather push away, and so he doesn't speak about anything past his years in captivity.

He was taken from his family due to the failure of business pay of some sort, and was shipped to America to an orphanage for a new start. A clean slate, everything behind him was gone and he had to build something new. He had been there since, empty and wiped from everything he knew before. Day in and day out he read books and sit alone among the kids, minding his own business. It's bad enough that children's lives are torn apart by things they know nothing of. Horrendous battles, wars and outbreaks. But when they're forced into fighting in the conflict themselves, it causes psychological and physical damage that can often never be repaired. Well, Cal has suffered irreparable damages as a youngster but still managed to come out of it with the best intentions even when the outbreak started. Although not seeming intelligent, he was nearly the only one who survived from the orphanage and snaked his way across states, scavenging for food and supplies. It’s a surprise such young of a kid managed to even get away from all the chaos.


Cal is a natural actor, born to defy a lie detector because he does not consciously know the truth. He has no memories and no past, he cannot tell you his heritage or his location because he has never known them, he keeps himself in the dark to keep others in the dark. Beyond that he has the innate ability to tune out anything he does not wish to pay attention to, from ambient noises to the sounds of another’s voice. These are the abilities he's attained in the apocalypse when things were too burdensome and too traumatic to deal with, and it's a useful ability he still utilizes to this day whence he's faced with troublesome situations. Despite a hard life growing up as a kid, the boy's on-going youth displays itself in a perpetual state of playfulness. However, his means of displaying such things have a higher risk of bodily harm to those he isn't very familiar with. Put simply, the boy likes to test his limits with each person he stumbles across, and he does so by slamming on the obvious 'NO' button, and progressively working backwards. His playfulness is nearly guileless, innocent of its travesties and constantly brightening up the room. He's most definitely what you would call the loud type. He speaks quite a lot, and his facial expressions are just as expressive. He doesn't believe in idle chatter, but he is quite willing to talk at length if the situation calls for it. Cal’s social cues seem to be rumpled and ass-backwards. He would crack a joke at the most inappropriate time, and not understand why no one else is joining him. When he thinks of something funny he'll just burst out laughing no matter where he's at and has a hard time composing himself when he bursts into one of his fits – though, his jingling laughter is often contagious if not endearing. He doesn't understand the word "hard work". If it doesn't have anything to do with his culinary finesses, capping buildings in his pass time or lazing around the confines of his bunk, he won't even attempt to do it. He'll do anything in his power to weasel out of said duty, until he faces punishments, then he'll pull out the puppy dog eyes and pout. He's really willing to help anyone who needs it, so long as in the end he'll gain something from it. That's what most of his little strategies revolve around, anything to help him out. Oft times behaving feminine, he's slightly bubbly and happy as well, and often has that effect upon people. He always acts unexpected, his actions just as spontaneous and flashy as his artwork. Never try to guess what Cal will do next because he never repeats himself; providing a refreshing change, each and every time.


Residency: Orphanage in Nevada, but now travels alone anywhere he can manage.

Gear: A book bag filled with a bag of dried food, can of beans, 2 bottles of water, 2 shirts and 2 jeans, 2 boxes of ammo, a notebook and a few pencils, crayons, couple books, bandages, and small stuffed lamb he has kept since birth.

Relationships/Family: Gregor & Beatrix ( Father & Mother ; Deceased long ago )

Traveling Companions: -

Be there when people need you. That was something Cal had been taught from day one. Don't blame others for your wrongs, take responsibility for everything you do and don't expect life to be fair in return. That was what his mother had taught him all those years ago, years ago before she.. damn, he couldn't remember. But, he knew he listened whole heartily. Although, he couldn't help the strong pang of frustration scratch at his insides every day whilst he was in this mess. Of course, every day he thanked those that had saved him from the infected. Whether it was through simple gestures or literal words, his gratitude was endless. He would do anything for them all now, anything, and here he was following them while they were dead. Pure rotten luck, the day he joined a camp with a few people is the day they all die. Except him. Cal was the lucky one and how he even managed to follow them for so long, he had no idea.

The day was just starting and the boy managed to make his way close to what he had been tracking for days. His camp, filled with the people he knew dear to him and even saved him on few accounts of near death. Moans and groans floated through the air, as well as slow footsteps and snaps of rotten limbs falling in chucks to the ground. Blood soaked the concrete like warm butter on bread as the brainless creatures hobbled across the empty road searching for another fresh meal. The air was thick with the smell of decay and rotten flesh, which difficult to even breath in while the aroma snaked on for miles. Crouched behind a bush, Cal held his revolver close to his chest and peered from behind a small gap of leaves, eyebrows furrowing. He did not dare to move, for the slightest of rustle would alert the undead and he knew he would be the next Happy Meal. Something, that no one wanted. He breathed slow and faint, getting down on all fours to crawl to a car nearby, to get even closer. He knew at one point he would run into more people, and by his assumptions, those people would take him in with open arms. Getting back onto his feet, he stepped out to the horde not even paying attention to him.
It seemed they were focused on something else. "Those things just get more idiotic day after day." he snorted, walking after them casually. He thought he was slick until he spotted four people in the distance, the fresh meal that those creatures were going after. "Great." he commented, checking his weapon to see if it was loaded. He had to help them, whether it was for his life or not. Cal darted behind the walkers and paused, holding his revolver up and steadying it, making sure he wouldn't miss due to his lack of skill he acquired. He pulled the trigger and the bullet sailed through the air, hitting one the head. Bingo. The gruesome creature fell with a thud, hitting the ground like a rotten tomato. "Hab dich." he grinned, aiming his weapon for another one.“HEY ASSHOLES!” echoed throughout the air, and the creatures turned their short attention again towards the man now egging them on. "What an idiot." Cal hissed, running ahead to catch up. He raised his weapon again and shot a few more down, hitting them directly.


The gentle breeze swept across the land, bustling and hugging the woman's slender body before rushing past, her chocolate brown hair flying up and waving within the air, her violet tips flourishing like a vivid flag. It grew silent, not receiving an answer to the question she threw out in the open. Like usual, Charlene bit the inside of her lip and kept her mouth shut, watching Ixiss and Zane interact in a frightening way. Something was wrong with Zane, she could sense it without even having to know. Was it her fault, her fault for falling for him in the worst of times? Once his eyes met up with hers, she held her breath and gazed back intently, blinking occasionally before looking away while he sauntered off to continue moving. "Oh," she spoke up in a cracked voice to his late answer, tightening her grip on the child's hand as they continued. Julia hobbled on with Charlene, her small feet quick and rapid, taking steps much faster than the others had been. Her large eyes were in tune with the nature she had collected successfully, examining a peculiar flower she had picked in between her fingers. It was long, with large, distinct petals that gave off the most brilliant shade of red, and enclosed in the center was a faded yellow, finishing off the canvas of mother nature in a magnificent way. She held it close, cherishing the beauty for it was the only pretty thing she had witnessed in a while. Glancing up, she lifted her short arm and held it up to Charlene to show her, who happened to look down and flash a wide smile at its brilliance. "Oh that's so beautiful," she whispered in a hushed voice, low enough for only her to hear. "Good job, keep it safe." Julia could only smile back, a proud feeling bubbling up in her young chest for doing such a good job in picking it.

The four of them continued on ambling forward, heading towards the unknown as a decent pace. Once the topic of Sawyer and Brad came up, Charlene raised her brows and turned her eyes to the sky in deep thought, darting those blue peepers from cloud to cloud. She was very curious on how they were doing, or pondering over the fact if they were alive anymore. "I'm sure they're fine." she mumbled, giggling lightly to Zane's comment about them. Deep in her gut she knew they were alright due to the knowledge both of them mastered. "It's not like-" she started to say, only to be cut off by a groan in the distance and the halt of footsteps. She paused to the signal of Zane's arm and immediately scooped Julia up in a constricted, but troubled grasp. The small girl whined softly and squirmed, frightened by such a sudden change in the mood. Charlene, stunned as well, bent her slender body down in a crouch and slithered behind the cars, following Zane's orders. Julia began to squirm even more, gripping onto Charlene very tightly and making noise in fear. "Shh." the older woman cooed, stroking her hair gently with her fingers and rocking her lightly. "You have to stay quiet, it's okay." Once done, Charlene brought her eyes up and took a single look at the boy ahead before getting down again, biting her lip as shivers racked her petite frame. She shut her eyes tightly and made her way to climb in, stopping as Zane took her hand and looked at her, straight within her eyes. "I trust you Zane, with everything." She drew in a quick and shaky breath, suddenly looking at Ixiss as Zane went off to do his own thing. She didn't protest, but couldn't help but be concerned for the one she loved. "We just can't leave him out there."
Alison listened to the older man speak his name, but didn't look to him. She kept an eye on the door and the walkers attempting to get inside. "John Miller. Who are you?" Shark pulled close to his Master's side then as she placed her hand upon his side as she looked at the man. "Alison...Alison Wagner. This is Shark." She said in a low tone, motioning to her loyal dog. Shark looked up at the man, his ears pinned back slightly. The wolf-dog was not a big fan of anyone near his Master... especially men. Suddenly Shark's attention shot around as a young man ran into the room. He growled low, his ears pinned back to his head and his side pressed up against his girl. Alison spun around to see the you boy run into the room with a large bag in hand, his face slightly pale. "I have people on the outside who can help you but we need as much food,water and any other sort of supplies you can get and pack it up before the Walkers make their way back." Alison looked at John a moment before she stood up and started to help the boy pack food and supplies away into the bag. Shark growled low and kept to his girl's side, watching the dead force their way into the room. "John...lets go." She said holding out her hand for him. Alison helped him to his feet and followed after the boy as they ran out the back of the market. Another man ran over to them, the sounds of shots and yelling being fired was herd in the background. The man had a mask over his mouth and was talking to the young boy then looked to her, John and Shark. Suddenly a mans voice shouted over to them causing Alison to turn and watch the built man yell at the man in the mask. "Silver stay with them! I'm going to lead these ******* away from here. We'll rendezvous on the south side of the city. Now get the hell out of here!" Alison looked back to the man who was called Silver and followed after him as he took off. "Shark!" She called to her loyal dog as he rush to her side, keeping perfect pace with the group.
Bradley with the butt of the sniper digging into his shoulder and his right eye looking down the scope of the gun.Pin pointed out obvious targets that were standing out in the open. His Bullet's almost every time would hit directly through the forehead with occasional misses. He loaded the clip back in and before he fired off another shot. Something grabbed the back of his leg. He swung round kicking his free leg out not even knowing what was there. Whatever he kicked staggered back landing on it's back in the process making a groan as it tried to get back up. Finally realising it was a walker, he dragged in to the edge and kicked it in the head causing it to fall and splatter onto the ground below. Going back onto his stomach he placed the butt back into his shoulder closed his left eye and looked back down the scope. He fired again the butt smashing into his shoulder the vibration being sent through his body. The bullet found it's mark smashing through another skull. He fired again and the rifle clicked. "Bugger it" He mumbled fumbling in his pockets finding no more ammo for that rifle. He ran back down the steps from the roof to ground level. Walking out the door he saw the boy with a A dog and two people one male and one female. He then listened to Sawyer shout at him for him to stay with this lot. "Alright. Lets get going shall we?" He said jolting off down the street. pulling his M4A1 out and placing the Rifle around his shoulder with it's strap. He checked to see if he was loaded realising he wasn't he placed a fresh clip inside of his gun and stood there waiting for a response. He looked behind him to see that everyone else was now following him.
The number of Walkers was more then the group would be able to handle and Sawyer knew if they all went to run they would surely follow. His gun whipped around firing, blazing down a few of them as he shouted back to Silver, "Silver stay with them! I'm going to lead these ******* away from here. We'll rendezvous on the south side of the city. Now get the hell out of here!" Without question Silver lead the group to safety, leaving Sawyer behind to deal with the undead. His teeth grit as his grip grew tight on his gun. A lone Walker neared him with arms out stretched, begging for warm flesh. His eyes glared over his shoulder and his arms thrust, blasting the beast in the face roughly with the butt of the gun. Its skull made a sounding crack and it stubbled back, shortly falling. The groans grew and Sawyer was in far to familuar territory. He knew this feeling, a feeling that no survivor could forget. The 'fight or flight' mode clicked on and he dashed, shoving zombies aside with his brute strength. He had to get free of this hoard and loop back around to the group. Doing this though would be difficult if other Walkers surrounded this area. Pumping his arms Sawyer ran in the other direction, away from his group. If this was to work he'd have to make sure that none of them were to follow back. Racing against limited time he doubled back, thinking of a big enough distraction to occupy the dead. One long enough for him to flee and rejoin the others.


Hearing that the man was indeed alright he took a better look at him, still slightly curious if he had been biten or not. The guy looked unkept and low on any type of helpful gear. He hardly even had enough clothes to even cover himself up. A low riding pair of jeans, shoes and a red vest, which was left open, was all he had. His long dark hair hung annoyingly in his face, making parts of his features hard to read. The guy complained about not being fit but he was well built, almost as fit looking as Strider. However Strider could tell the difference between worker muscle and show muscle. This guy probably hit the bentch a few times and worked out. But acctually putting your body to the test like Strider did, or simply flaunting it were two severely different things. As he spoke up he complemented Strider in a smug tone, "How the HELL were you jumping from rooftop to roof top? Whenever I jump off my bike I feel like I just ate a pound of Twinkies...WOOOWEEE that looks tough.” Strider sort of shrugged with an unsure expression, not really able to truely answer his question, "Eh I don't know, I just...ya know..do it. Comes natrual to me." Loosing his memories made it hard for him to relate or even have a deep conversation with anyone about past experiences. Since he himself didn't really remember anything, let alone even know his real name he like everyone else was on the outside looking in. Desperatly trying to see what was inside. He felt as though a stranger to himself, unable to recall anything. His hand reached for the back of his neck and he jerked to one side, a distinctive crack sounding. Rolling his neck he said, "So Im gonna take a wild guess that those freaks down there know you're up here with me. And Im going to assume you aren't going to be willing to Free Run with me. So question is how the hell are we going to get off this roof top then?" He worked his shoulders out, rotating them, warming himself up, getting ready for the battle. The man had spoke and Strider chuckled a bit, noticing that he hadn't thought that far ahead. While he cracked his knuckles he hissed out a breath before speaking, "Guess we'll just have to rough it through. Either that or you can always try your hand at the roofs." Strider smirked a bit at the man, a friendly gesture, his charismatic personality bleeding through lightly. He was doing what he could to make light of the situation even though it was far from that. He'd have to go down first, he was the only one with a weapon long enough to clear a path. Slipping down over to the edge he crouched low, peeking over looking down. Then with a wide and slightly motivated grin he said, "You ready?"
Zane; not even realizing the gravity of the situation, found himself staring down the row of zombies beginning to scatter as they climbed over the highway divider towards him. He pointed his S&W, his ST6 training kicking in as he grabbed it tightly by the handle, bending his right arm at a 40degree angle grabbing the handle of his gun. He placed his left arm straight out, his flattened palm under the butt of the gun as his fingers enclosed the bottom of it. He took in a deep breath, aiming, as 2 of their heads aligned. He slowly let his breath out looking through the scope and shooting. The gun recoiled hard against his arm but didn’t seem like a big deal under his straight shot. The bullet rotated into one skull bursting out of the back and penetrating into the other one, downing both zombies

“Bulls eye” He smirked backing away slightly, there were still a large amount of them heading his way.

Maybe this wasn’t the best of ideas.

He thought, furrowing his brow turning on his heel to run, jumping over the rail into the forest yelling back “Go to the next gas station! I’ll meet you guys there! I promise! And get the kid!”

He ran down the hill slightly tripping, tumbling down most of it landing on his knees at the bottom, a long scratch across his shoulder from a large stick protruding from the ground. “Ahhh” he hissed, air seeping through his teeth as he inhaled.


He heard the groans coming from the hoard headed his way fumbling behind him down the hill, a rotten hand grabbing the back of his shirt as he staggered to get on his feet, his gun still in hand. Zane; momentarily distracted by the fumbling of his hands in his bag trying to pull out a packet of bullets, was yanked back to the ground the dead rotten teeth inches from his neck.

Without realizing what was exactly happening he launched his elbow back hitting the dead bag of necro flesh in the jaw.

It’s teeth ripped his shirt at the elbow.

He gasped .

Was he feeling the teeth sink in?

He didn’t give his mind a chance to wonder and stood up yanking himself forward beginning to run through the woods dodging trees as he fumbled with his gun putting in some bullets. He was breathing rapidly as looking back and pointing shooting the dead man in the shoulder making it fall to the ground knocking over a few of them as they ran into him like bowling balls to pins.

Zane turn around smirking; a Walker grabbed him from the front as he ran into it knowing it over as it growled trying to gnaw on him.

He quickly scrambled up, the zombie behind him crawling to his feet.

“Shit!” Zane furrowed his brow cocking the gun back and pulling the trigger hitting him in the leg watching as the skin separated the bone being exposed.

“Goddamn it...” He sighed as he limped away; His ankle twisted. He looked up seeing the highway to the far distance on his right. He had made a complete U-turn on that fall. “Son of a ...” He was cut off by the groaning again. “Shut the hell up!” He yelled in anger and frustration not thinking twice as he put a bullet through his brain.

He winced feeling tiny prickles on his legs.

He looked down, sharp wooden splinters in his leg “Shit...” he brushed them out feeling the sting as the skin broke from the sticks. He looked up the zombies gone out of view. “Thank goodness these fuc*ers aren’t fast...” he said with a sigh of relief walking up towards the highway again climbing over the metal rain finally hitting the asphalt again. He looked around, seeing at least 5 walkers following the rest of the group as they tried to escape. He pulled out his gun shooting one in the side of the head; it’s brains splattering all over the car next to it. He put his gun away and grabbed his machete. As he lifted his arm he felt pain shoot up his spine from his leg to his back and arms “Argh...” he bent over, his hands pressing against his knees, dropping his machete. “Shit... I... I think I was bitten” he said to himself out loud.

He paused, listening for movement the whisper of footsteps to his right.

He quickly regained his posture thrusting the machete towards the sound next to him.

Oh, poor brother. There stood his deceased brother again, back to haunt him. You’ve been bitten. He spoke making his way around Zane, a smirk on his delighted face. Zane felt the sweat dripping from his brow. His mind was drifting again.

No god, not now. He thought walking away hitting the side of his head once as he hid behind a car sliding down sitting on the ground to take a break. He was exhausted. He hadn’t slept in days, he hadn’t eaten properly he had barely had time to relax and now his mind was seeking revenge.

You won’t get far. His brother crouched down in front of him his hands on his knees a smile on his face. When your friends find out you’ve been bitten, what then little Zane? He questioned his body like an image barely floating, almost dissolving until it finally disappeared and Zane was brought back to reality by a groan in the distance and a gun shot. He quickly stood up feeling the blood drip down from his shoulder from where the stick had penetrated earlier. He wasn’t about to let his mind get the best of him. He gripped his machete hard and ran towards the hoard.


James stretched a bit and smirked looking over the edge “Hell no I am NOT jumpin’ fuc*in’ buildings” He looked at him a bit distraught.

“I am NOT Spiderman - I can't do all that extra sh*t” He flailed his arms about trying to mimic Spiderman shooting webs.

He moved back walking along the side of the edge looking over “There is a fire escape over this here side..”

he stopped at the back of the building looking down about 3 stories down, there was a huge metal fire escape leading to an alleyway at the bottom.

“We can outrun those fuc*ers..”

He looked back at the kid. “Im gon’ call you jumper from now on..”

He smirked placing his thumbs in his jeans pockets taking a good look at him. “You ever seen that movie that came out a while ago called jumper? These retarded kids with powers could jump through time and shit..”

He laughed a bit “Well your crazy enough to imagine jumping over a pyramid and such, so you are now Jumper”

He sighed climbing down the side of the building jumping down to the fire escape “Lets go!” He yelled up a smirk on his rugged features.

He ran his fingers through his hair clearing his face of obstacle and looked down at the zombies scattered below them “there are 4, easy kills..”

He yelled up as the kid jumped down. “I'm sure you can jump down and do them belly dance moves double dragon kick you did on me earlier on those ” he laughed a bit making a joke out of the almost lethal kick he had receiver earlier from him. He pulled his bat from his back and got ready. “So..” he spit down at the zombies “It’s time to tango..”.
Ixiss hesitated as they watched Zane make a run for it. Idiot, she thought to herself, grabbing hold of Charlene's arm and yanking on it. 'Sorry Charlene, but you have to move that arse of yours NOW!' They horde had split into two and had started heading towards them as she fired shots, killing those that she managed to hit in her rushed shots. 'Come ON! We don't have time to mess around here, unless you feel like being food for that lot there.' She gestured with her gun, tugging the girl along, while Julia struggled to keep up. She gestured to the boy that they had seen. 'Yo kid, you wanna make it out alive? Come with us!' She called, heading along the road at a run. She didn't particularly feel like being eaten any time soon. She didn't let go of Charlene's arm until she was certain the kinder woman would follow after her and not try and stay with Zane. The guy himself had told them to get out of there.

The sight that greeted them when they reached the gas station wasn't what they were hoping for to say the least. The infected were closing in on them even as they ran into the storefront. Ixiss skidded to a halt as she saw they weren't the only ones there.

A woman stood in the store, a chainsaw in her hand, the blade spinning as the engine revved. Her dark hair was streaked with soft white blond highlights. She looked at them with storm blue eyes, frowning slightly. 'Who the hell are you?' she demanded, holding the device at an affensive angle. Ixiss still held the gun in her hand and now she aimed it at the woman. 'Ixiss. Who are you?' The woman tossed her hair over her shoulder, flashing her a perfect smile. 'Ginger. It's good to see that others are still alive.' She commented, looking past them to see more of the Walkers outside, milling around. 'I swear to god these bastards are getting smarter.' She muttered, watching them draw closer. 'I swear to god they better not ruin my nails.' She added, glaring as theyapproached. Iciss frowned. 'What the hell are you on about? We're going to die and you're worried about your nails?' She gave the woman a disbelieving look, while Ginger just shrugged. 'A girl's gotta look her best, even on the battle field. You could do with a touch up yourself love.' She said, grabbing one of Ixiss' hands and examining the blunted nails. Ixiss pulled her hand away, glowering at her. 'If you would pay attention to the task at hand you would notice that there are f*ckload of walkers out there and only a few of us.' She snapped, making the younger woman look behind her again to see the ever growing horde. 'Dayumm... there weren't that many before..' She looked around and frowned. 'Maybe we could get on the roof? There's normally an access hatch in these places.' She said, looking around for such a hatch. 'Then find it quickly would you? We're not going to get far without it.' The walkers were advancing, slowly but steadily. She pulled out her gun, firing at them, hitting each of her tagets but every time one fell, another filled its place.
My dear god.. I think we might just die. Turning to Charlene and Julia she spoke. 'Find the hatch. If you can't, find something to fight these pricks off with. Julia, hide behind the counter. We'll take care of this.' It was time that Charlene stopped cowering and faced up to them. Zane wasn't here to protect them now. As she shot yet another down she saw a different figure weaving his way between them. 'Zane? Charlene keep them at bay, I'm going to help him. Stay here, Keep firing.' She said simply, before pulling the machete out of its sheath and running towards the horde without looking back. You've gone as insane as he has, Her mind told her. No, he is a comrade, he needs help. You'll get yourself killed for this man? Thats ridiculous. You don't even know him. I don't need to. It doesn't matter. I'm not going to let him die. She charged headlong into the fray.

Ginger came back. 'I can't find the hatch anywhere.. We're going to have to hold out from here.' She looked around. 'Where's Ixiss?' That's when she saw the girl running into the horde. 'Holy Hell. Is she nuts?' She exclaimed, reaching into a bag and pulling out a shotgun. 'I'll cover her from the ones on that side. You take the ones closest to us okay?'


Miller stood with the help of the girl, shaking his head. They were running again. Oh always running. He was definately getting too old for this. The seasoned police officer was past his prime, not as fit as he used to be. His muscles were tired, his chest heaved and ached as these new people came into the picture. How they had all survived was beyond him. He had gone for so long being the only person around that he'd forgotten there were others. The relief was great. He followed the others for lack of anywhere else to go, only pausing to pick up his bag which he had dropped. A minimum amount of the supplies he'd looted were in there. 'If we go a few blocks east of here you'll find my car. It has supplies in it.' He panted, speaking to the only other adult, a man wearing a gasmask and an army type of uniform. He'd never cared for war. The city was as big a warzone as any on a good day. It must be my lucky day, he thought to himself, happening on a group of survivors like this. He waited for a response to his suggestion of getting the supplies from the station wagon. They wouldn't be idiots and simply search for enough supplies to last them a night. They'd want to be as well stocked as possible. That was the way his mind worked anyway. 'It has enough food to last a week or so.' he added, just to hurry their decision. 'And most of the walkers followed me back to that market, so it should be fairly isolated now.'
When Nash and the rest of the survivors were led to the outskirts of the city on the south side he couldn't help but lie down on the ground trying to cool his body down which was starting to get sore on him. Of course he was in perfect shape but he still could only take as much as the average human of running. After a few minutes of panting like he dog, that seemed to have an affection for the girl, he reached into his bag and looked at how much water he had left. Nash being himself was too afraid of drinking too much so took one quick swig which seemed like so much more and set it on the ground the top sealed on it tight. "Help yourself" was all he said as he pulled out his new pistol. "How do you even aim something so fun" he said checking the anmo once again before trying to imitate the people he saw on Television shows before the armageddon. "Ahhhh Madness" he commented laying back down the gun resting on his forehead as he stared into the sky which surprisingly semes exactly the same.
Boom. Boom. Boom. Shot after shot, the dark brunette hit each zombie with perfect aim, which was very surprising for a kid his age. He would jog ahead, raise his gun and fire it, before he continued on, slender legs doing whatever they could to keep going. The horde split in half, going after the deranged man running into the brush and the other going after the helpless women. Cal picked up his speed and met up with them, not worrying about anything else but the orders from Zane and keeping himself safe. “He’s going to get himself killed.” he snorted, not saying a single word after that. Cal clutched his weapon and ran along with them to the gas station, turning around and taking a few out to give them more time. The boy frowned at the new female they met up with, her clothes and altogether appearance a bit odd and, as he would call it, out there. Rolling his eyes, he ignored her and slipped past to get inside, standing at one of the windows. He did his shooting every now and then, before glancing over to Charlene and the young girl, who was already in tears due to fright. Poor thing. Determined to actually keep them safe, he picked up speed. “Zane? Charlene keep them at bay, I'm going to help him. Stay here, Keep firing.” was the black haired one had said, running out after the other idiot. Ugh, this group was just filled with them, it seemed.


Nothing but the harmony of undead gnarls could be heard, floating through the already thick air occupied with the smell of rotting flesh and altogether, shit. Charlene clasped onto the child within her arms very tightly, glancing back at Zane every few seconds like time around her was in mid freeze. She didn't care about the undead surrounding them, those jaws snapping at her flesh that was very much alive. All that really mattered to her was if that man was alright, or even the fact if he was going to come back, ever. The brunette slammed back onto the surface of the Earth when Ixiss took her arm, gripping it and yanking it very harshly, making the decision for the both of them in a mere few seconds. Charlene bit the bottom of her lip and lowered her head, tears stinging the back of her eyes when they moved towards the gas station not too far ahead. She did her utmost best to keep up behind the other woman despite the constant complains and on-going groans behind them, snapping shut those icy blue pools with great fear. Her oculars didn't shoot back open until she heard the unfamiliar voice of another female, demanding to know who they all were in a very rude tone. Charlene gasped and halted her movements, almost dropping Julia in the process, who was squirming like mad. “Shush darling.” she assured, voice choppy. “We’ll be okay, I promise.”

The brunette made her way within the station, ignoring the banter between the other two and taking her position close to the main counter. She placed the younger one down and threw her knapsack off, ripping it open and digging for that pistol she obtained, but never learned to use and clutched it with shaky palms. It was her time, she had to use it sooner or later. “Go on Julia, get behind the counter.” she whispered, wrapping her arms around her one last time and kissing her head. Lord did she pray everything would turn out fine after this. “Seien Sie sicher.” ( Be safe ) she said lastly, pushing the child under despite her protests and stood up. “I got this.” she said after Ixiss, who ran out after Zane. Charlene stepped up and stood inside the doorway, holding up the pistol and trying her best to keep it steady. She bit her tongue, brows knitted together and finally took a shot, the recoil taking her off guard and making her miss completely. Her eyes clenched shut for a moment, cringing at the constant ring now scraping at her hearing. The bullet sailed and made its way into the concrete, not far from Zane and Ixiss. Although, not noticing due to the chaos building up around them, she held it up again and took a few more shots. Bullet after bullet zipped through the air, some missing, some hitting the zombies right into their bodies, not slowing them down a single bit. “Come on.” she growled to herself, tired of being the one who was weak, tired of the one who was looked down upon for being who she was. She wanted to do something, something important for all of them. She wasn't worthless, and this was her chance to prove so. Holding her breath, she bit down onto her lower lip and took one more shot and missed, as usual. This time, it hit the tank of one of the gasoline stations and began spewing evaporated gas into the air. Her eyes grew wide, dropping the weapon and backing up. “F*ck.” She turned around for the few minutes they had and jumped behind the counter, throwing herself over Julia and covering her ears as a monstrous BOOM swept through the land. Windows shattered and shelves fell over, scattering useless supplies onto the ground.

Everything grew silent, the moans, the gunshots and the cries of the child in front of her came to a stop. The undead hobbled around outside, burning to a crisp before falling to the ground with one last thud. Oh how the scent of cooked rotten flesh and gasoline smelt.
Alison panted slightly as she looked back over her shoulder at the distant city. Shark standing at her side, his tongue hanging out his mouth as he panted as well. She smiled and scratched behind his ear. "Good boy, Shark." She said in a softy tone, watching the wolf-dog's tail wag. Alison's gave wrapped around to watch the young boy collapse to the ground to take a drink of his water. She shook her head slightly as he looked to her and spoke, "Help yourself." She nodded her head once and sat next to him, calling her loyal pet over, she took a drink of water. She then poured some into her hand, Shark's tail wagging as his pink tongue lapped up the water out of his masters hand. Alison looked up to the older man she had met before and went by the name of John as he spoke. 'If we go a few blocks east of here you'll find my car. It has supplies in it. It has enough food to last a week or so. And most of the walkers followed me back to that market, so it should be fairly isolated now.' Alison stood up and walked over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder. "I don't know about you....but I am not going back in there. With what we gathered, I'm sure we will manage for a good week or so." Shark trotted over to his girl and stood next to her, looking up at John. He had a look of, 'Are you crazy?' on his face. Alison looked at her loyal companion and chuckled a bit. "I think Shark has a point." She said before turning around to look at the young boy who helped them out of the market and the one with the mask over his face. Since neither had spoke their name yet she decided to speak first. "I'm Alison Wagner and this is Shark and John. May I ask who you two are?" She said in a soft tone, placing her hand on her dog's head as he sat next to her.
He saw Icxiss running towards him as he ran towards the hoard when a sudden BOOM went off at the gas station. The explosion was coming their way, he gritted his teeth tackling ixiss to the ground behind a car, as the flames torched the cars side the heat causing him to close his eyes as they dried up.

“What the hell..” he breathed out looking at Ixiss. He stood up and helped her, grabbing her arm and lifting her up. “Lets get over there..”

He walked towards the gas station his pistol out ready to fire as he looked behind the cars slowly pointing his gun ahead of him. There were bodies everywhere, blood and guts and limbs spread across the floor. He scrunched his nose as the smell of burning flesh swaffed up into it.

“What the hell happened..?” He whispered softly to himself as he reached the gas station stepping over burned mounds of corpses on the floor from infected.

He put his gun down as his eyes widened “Charlene?!” He called out, as he looked inside blood and guts splattered on the walls and the smell of burning lapped up and hit him in the face.

“Charlene?!” he called out, his heart beating fast. He didn’t know why he cared about her so much, but he couldnt help but worry. “Goddamn it answer me!” he ran inside kicking broken wood and tables out of the way as he climbed through the window heading towards the counter. Grabbing her gun from the floor. "sh*t..." he thought.

“Charle-“ he stopped as he looked over the counter finding her lying there on top of the girl protecting her. Her hands shaking , He breathed out trying not to smile as he reached over touching her shoulder softly putting the gun in his belt. She became startled and looked up at him, her eyes watering with fear “Charlene..” he breathed out softly pulling her up over the counter and into his arms holding her closely for a minute.

He pulled her away from him and cleared his throat looking into her eyes. “What happened?” he asked softly, touching her cheek rubbing the soot from her cheek with his thumb. The little girl crawled up onto the counter tears in her eyes.
Even if Zane hadn't thrown her to the ground, Ixiss would have been thrown forward by the blast anyway. Now she lay with her hands over her head on instinct, curled up in a protective ball to shield herself from the blast slowly she felt Zane stand up from beside her, the security he had provided against the blast disappearing quickly as she lifted her head to see the carnage from below the car. Frowning she stood up, surveying the blast area with slight shock. 'What the hell happened..?' She breathed, her eyes taking in the blood and carcasses that littered the ground like some horrible massacre. Was that what it was? A massacre? It could have been, but then, it was only survival. Why was she thinking these things? What was wrong with her? She forced herself to snap out of it, relying on her instincts as she stepped cautiously over gore coated pavement, her gun drawn. She followed Zane, seeing the collapsed storefront and climbing in after him. 'Is everyone okay?' She asked, concern in her voice. She turned as a pile of collapsed rubble shifted and moved and trained her gun on it, ready to shoot should it be an infected. dark hair streaked with white appeared first and then Ginger emerged, shaking drywall out of her hair. 'That was one hell of a shot, Lovely.' She said, referring to Charlene. Ixiss put the gun back into her holster and helped the woman out of the pile of rubble. 'Thanks Sweetheart.' She said, flashing the other woman a smile, who frowned and instantly let go. Ginger walked over to Zane, studying him carefully. Hmm.. he's rather attractive. And definately still alive. She thought to herself with a slight flick of the hair. still, she could see there was a connection between Charlene and the man. So maybe she'd just observe for a while. Ixiss surveyed the area. before turning back to Charlene. 'Good shot.' She said simply, the most praise she had ever given anyone in her life.
Bradley had started to shuffle his feet along the road as they had left the inner almost burning city. It was almost like a piece of paper Screwed up and ripped. Which in his eyes meant that it was broken and torn apart buildings now just debris and rubble some defiant and standing but knew their end would come soon enough as well. When they finally stopped he was sweating. He didn't bother taking his mask off to swipe it off he just let it trickle down his face,smoothing him if you will. He looked over as the boy sat down in all the grit and road and the new girl and her dog did so too. He just stood there looking back out into the forest around the city. Beautiful it was no-one could deny on the inside it was full of these new horrors and abominations. He kicked a piece of stone off onto some grass. "This is a load of ****" He grumbled to himself, How much time they'd wasted coming here....Jesus. "Oh I'm Bradley" He replied to the new girl. He rubbed his hands together trying to think of something when he heard a faint boom. "What in gods name is that" He quizzed. Well whatever it was wouldn't be good news as he knew loud sounds meant lots of damn Walkers. But they wouldn't be coming here at least, they would follow the sound which gave them more time to get there asses out of this place. "Come on people get on your asses and lets go"
It was only a second Cal glanced at the young women before everything shot back, including his light body slamming back into one of the shelves and knocking it over, piling useless boxes of who knows what onto his slim frame. “Autsch, autsch, autsch.” he hissed, throwing everything off him and staggering into a standing position. “What the hell was that.” he furrowed his chocolate brows and padded the floor for his revolver, retrieving it and shoving it into one ofhis holsters. Cal hobbled forward and held half of his body out one of the shattered windows, watching the dead suddenly fall to the ground in a burning heap. His mouth formed a small “o” once he glanced over and seen it was the results of this woman’s horrible aim. “Nizza.” he grinned.


The fires raged on outside, burning rotten flesh and whatever flammable materials were left outside on the ground. It was warm, incredibly warm from the blazes engulfing the area, but a gentle breeze from mother Earth herself began to cool it down to a very comfortable temperature. Behind the counter sat Charlene, her petite frame shaking from the apparent fear on her weary cheeks and Julia underneath her snugly, crying softly to herself. Neither of them moved, especially Charlene, who feared greatly of the death of her close peers due to her stupidity. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, over and over with icy blues squeezed shut. “Please forgive me.”

A rush of thankfulness surged through her when she heard Zane’s voice in the distance, as well as a pair of footsteps hopping over the burning corpses and into what was left of the gas station. Charlene squirmed a bit, lifting her light body off Julia when the crashing of debris echoed throughout the room. “A-Ah,” she opened her mouth to speak, but her words halted, throat dry and anxiety getting the best of her. A warm hand touched her bony shoulder and she jumped, shooting her eyes up and biting down on her lip when finally seeing it was Zane, in one piece. Tears started to build up in her eyes, being pulled over and into the arms of the one she loved. “Ixiss told me to watch out,” she stammered, darting those panicking peepers off into another direction. “I-I wanted to help, I
needed to help.” Charlene’s breath spiked up and she lowered her head, exhaling long and slow. “I took out the pistol I had and did my best. I missed, every single time until I shot one more time.” Her eyes came back up and directly aligned with Zane’s. “It hit one of the stations.. by accident. I didn’t mean to, I really didn’t.” The woman sank her teeth into her lip once more, shutting those eyes when feeling his gentle finger wipe the soot from her cheek, and suddenly, hearing the praise from Ixiss for once. “I killed them..?”

translations: ouch, ouch, ouch ; nice.
He looked at her as she spoke, his eyes dancing back and forth between her own his eyebrows furrow at the sight of her worried face.

“You did a great job... Burned those assholes to death” He gave her a slight praise, a smirk on his face. He let go of her softly looking at the little girl, as she sat on the counter crying a bit. He sighed and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her surprising her a bit, but she swung her small arms around his neck hugging it for dear life finally sobbing.

“shhh , it’s okay… You did great” He smiled looking at her as she let go and rubbed her eyes clear of tears. “You were so brave!” He smiled big for her, wiping her cheek and sitting her on the counter again. “Are you hurt?”

She looked up at him sniffling and shaking her head ‘No’. He nodded and patted her head moving away and touched Charlene’s hand again reassuringly. “You both did amazing..” He looked at Charlene again, catching her stare with his for a moment before adding “You saved us all.. be proud” He gave her hand a small squeeze and walked over to Ginger and Ixiss.

“The noise could of attracted more walkers, “ He looked over at Ginger, his eyebrows furrowed. “I’m Zane..” He said to her. “I suppose you will be coming along with us?” He put his gun away, into his jacket and pulled out Charlene’s gun which he had tucked in his belt before, and handed it to Ixiss. As ginger gave him and answer he nodded and looked at Ixiss.

“You are an amazing shot.” He began. “I know you can teach Charlene to have confidence in her fire arm..” He squeezed her hand as he handed her the gun. “No matter what..” he said softly just enough for her ears alone to hear “You came back for me.. and you have my respect” He was blunt.

He walked past her out into the open and looked around. The ground was full of burned bodies and scattered limbs like rock on pavement. He drew in a short breath feeling a pain in his back again, the feeling of Vertigo clouding his head. God, I was bitten He thought touching his forehead with his dirty hands feeling the dirt and dust particles rub along his sweaty brow. What am I going to do? How am I going to get through this…? He looked down kicking a stray limb across the floor hitting a piece of burned can. I have to leave the group His mind was going in all directions at this point. He turned back to look at the group.

“We need to find a place to go.. and rest, maybe set up camp..” He looked around, seeing a field in the distance below the gas station over a small hill. “there is an open area, I know this part of town..” He reached over his shoulder feeling the dry blood on it, from the scratch. “there is a farm house as soon as you cross the field.. It’s really secluded so there might not be walkers, we can rest there for the night” He gritted his teeth, his finger sliding into the deep gash in his shoulder as he pulled out a piece of wood, closing his eyes the blood beginning to run again from it.

“Goddamn it..” He whispered and turned around so they wouldn’t see his face. He looked at his elbow, where the walker had bitted and didn’t see a bite. It was just ripped. He breathed out “Oh god.. thank you” he laughed a bit to himself a feeling of calm running over his body. I am such an idiot.

He walked along the side of the building inspecting it, finding a small ladder leading to the roof. He climbed up it jumping onto the roof ledge and down. His eyes widened as he looked over the devastation. There was burned plastics from the explosion and shattered glass up there. Along with everything else there were a few blunt weapons including a metal bat, a pair of sheers, a few .45 magazines filled with bullets and 2 machetes. He leaned over the edge.

“Guys I found some weapons up here..” He grabbed them and tossed them down to the ground, hearing as they crashed with a subtle thud. He looked over there was also a can of peaches. He smiled thinking of Julia and Charlene. He clutched the can and slid down the ladder opening the can up and walking over to Julia who was grabbing onto Charlene.

“Here, they are peaches..” He handed her the open can, her little fingers clutching the can with a smile on her face.

He walked away again, grabbing the weapons he had thrown down and handing them out. He gave ginger a machete. “that chainsaw is.. uh..” he smirked. “Nice.”
The rush of adrenline was pumping through Sawyers body like a lethal injection. His strides were long, harsh and heavy due to the tote bag hunging onto his shoulder. Shuffling feet hurried after him, the groans of displeaser was a jolt to his system. With one hand holding the strap and the other holding his Corner Shot gun, he aimmed behind him taking single shots. The group had of been at the out skirts of the city by now, it was time he headed back to them. Saying and doing it was two different things however. With the number of Walkers following him he knew it wasn't going to be easy. A distraction was the only thing that was going to get him free of these Walkers. But with nothing to distract them from his presence he wasn't sure he had many options. The ammo was desent for the time being and he'd much rather not have to use more then his current clip. His silvery blue eyes darted around as he huffed, his body remembering the long miles of running and jogging in the Force. It felt familuar in this unholy place, a memory he'd rather not re-visit. When his mind removed the thought his eyes shot to his right, one of the undead had caught up to him. Grinning he remarked, "Bet you think yer pretty smart don't ya?" A loud thwack crack out into the air as Sawyer plundged the butt of his gun into the creatures face. It dropped and rolled to the ground, others tripping and falling over its body. Hmmm....that could always work.Time for a change of plan. Again he glanced over at the cars he passed by, searching for a particular light. If a car had an alarm he could get their attention that way. Anything that made a loud noise attracted them like moths ot flame. But the question was, would there still be a working one after all this time? Searching his arms pumped, keeping himself out of reach. When a flicker of red flashed at him a few meters away he dove, his body tucking into a roll. A hiss of air left him as he got back to his feet. Thrusting his elbow into the drivers side window he smashed the glass into peices, the shttering sound of it eachoing in his ears. But immediatly after a wailing sound rang off, the alarm had been triggered. Smirking in a smuggish grin he tucked himself behind a near by vehilce and when the first few turned for the alarming car he booked it, dashing for the south side of the city. This time he was using all the force he had in his body to drive him farther, driving him faster. With knees coming up high with every large stride he didn't look back. Sawyer knew well enough when one was near and this time there was no way they'd catch him now. It was just a matter of time until he got with the rest of the group and moved on.


Strider raised a brow as he stood up from the edge, trailing over to the man pointing out the escape route. He tipped his head a bit as he cupped his chin saying, "Looks promising." His tone was slightly sarcastic but in a playful manner. Neither side was really all that favorable but this one was best out of the two. Dropping a hand on the guys shoulder before leaping off he winked retorting, "See ya down there!" His body plumited to the ground at an alarming rate and just as it look like he was going crash he clutched the buildings side, stopping his free fall all in one simple movement. Hanging there for a few seconds he aimed for the perfect spot to land and exicute the most devistaning attack to launch these stuckers back. With both feet to the wall he kicked off going high, his body ready to land smack dab in the middle of the group. His hand reached back for two long silver looking pipes, their make was thick and heavy, meant to with stand a beating. With the two ends meeting together he twisted them, a snap sounding its lock. And just as he hit the ground so did the surrounding Zombies, being blow back by a swift swing of the bow stick. With one hand on the middle and the other lazyly hanging off of the end he chuckled as he said, "Didn't see that one coming did you?" The few that still stood moved but his body reacted too quickly for them to even muster a second step. His stance changed and his legs were spread wide apart, the end of the metal stick pointed over his shoulders. When he moved it was a blur, like the whip of lighting. Crushing the metal base into one of the undeads skull he smirked and swung around his head, twirling his wrist and then spinnin ghis body with the weapon rocking another Walker to the ground. Each strike was a kill shot, Strider was precise with his aim. He had to be, there was no room for screw ups and he wasn't about to get bitten because of a small error such as placement in a strike. His body whirled again, twirling the thich bar up high and shifing his feet to spin towards a few of the others. The sweep of the blow of harsh and hard, making the bodies hit the ground in heavy thuds. He shot a glance over at the guy with him shouting, "Come on! I cleared a path! Lets move it!" Strider ran then, slugging a Walker with the end of the pole as he exited the alleyway.

(Sorry kinda short, waiting on my next post to move farther)
James paused and watched the whole scene as jumper took out the zombies. "what the **** kinda balley is that?" he smirked and jumped down when the fight was over and shook his head then ran behind Jumper as the exited the alley. His heart was beating fast and he could feel the sweat on his brow drip to his chest. He had been walking and running all day from these walkers and it was nice to have someone finally take care of them at least i don't have to do all the work now. He ran beside the kid trying to keep up as much as possible, but he was fast. "Yo, relax man" he yelled over to him from his side, as a walker peeked his head from behind a trashcan. He lifted his bat and swung down as he ran past him, knocking his head clear off and into the street where it rolled into a MASSIVE group of them, who felt the head hit their feet looked towards up. "Oh shit!" He took a sharp right at the corner as they hit the street grabbing jumper's sleeve and yanking him "Let's go towards the cars!" he pointed ahead where there was a row of parked cars sitting there a few yards away "Maybe we can get one running!" He suggested, swinging at another walker coming out onto the street downing it instantly.

(sorry mine was short too D:)
Ixiss couldn't help a smirk as Zane handed her the weapon and told her that she'd earnt his respect. 'I thought I'd already done that one by saving your arse when we first met.' She pointed out, but he had already moved on. She sighed, tucking the gun into the waistband of her pants, making sure the safety was clicked on first. She didn't feel like shooting herself anytime soon. As he found the weapons and ammo, she wandered over, picking up two of the clips and stashing them in her bag. 'If you dont mind I'll take some of these. They're for my weapon after all.' She explained with a smile. She looked over to Charlene, the woman still very shaken up. Moving to stand beside her she leaned against the half destroyed counter. 'You know, if you have any injuries you should make sure you bind them. You could get infected simply by toughing them if they came into contact with a wound.' She wasnt trying to be cold. In fact, she was trying to show some concern for the woman. She may have thought she was weak but that was why Ixiss had stayed so long in the cities as she did, instead of trying to get out of the country, she was there to help those that couldnt help themselves. Often she'd thought about splitting from the group, but then she remembered her promise to her family, to her mentor even. She had vowed to help the innocent, and she would do that.

Ginger smiled at Zane, subtly studying him a little more, her smile both friendly and slightly seductive. 'Nice to meet you. I'm Ginger. If you're offering to take me on, i'd glad join you.' She took the machete, weighing it lightly in her hand before shrugging and stuffing it in the small pack she carried with her. 'Thanks. I found it here actually.' She said, flashing him another smile as he complimented her chainsaw. She knew it was an unlikely weapon for her to carry, but for the record he hadn't seen the shotgun yet either. Speaking of which, she thought to herself as she walked over to her pile of rubble and pulled it out, checking the weapon carefully. 'Ah there she is. Hello beautiful.' She said, carressing the weapon with a loving smile, turning back to Zane. 'You have your handgun all you want, i'm happy with mine.' Her eyes twinkled as she spoke. She then turned to the boy in the corner. 'Are you gonna come with or are you intending to stay and be zombie food?'


Miller sighed as his suggestion was not only rejected by Alison but ignored completely by the man he addressed. Young people had no respect for people these days, he thought to himself and then chuckled, realising how much like an old man he sounded. Fifty wasnt old, he thought to himself. Not really. That Johnny Depp was going into his fifties and he looked alright, or at least his neices thought so. What had happened to the celebrities when it hit? He wondered suddenly, instantly becoming lost in his thoughts as he often did when no one was saying anything of interest. Were they airlifted to some safe place? Or did they become infected like everyone else? He slowly shook himself from his musing, following. 'Alright so you shoot down my plan, fair enough, though I'm telling you there are no walkers that way. It's to the east of us, not behind us. But if you insist.' he sighed again, grumbling to himself. They probably just thought him some old man incapable of holding his own. Wouldn't they get a shock later? He chuckled to himself again.
Bent down and sifting through endless boxes of supplies, Cal every now and then picked one up and examined it, before tossing it aside and picking up another. Each box was something he didn't need or already had. "Half of this place is nearly empty." he mumbled to himself, standing to his feet and ambling over to the others. He had to introduce himself sometime soon. "I'm Cal." he simply put it out there. "I'm sorry if I'm intruding but.." he cut his sentence there, nervously rubbing the back of his head. "Ich bin so ein Idiot." he mumbled.


The room was silent other than the rustle of supplies and the gentle cries of a young child. A soft breath wafted from Charlene's soft pink lips, bringing her icy blues down to her lap and letting her fluent thoughts wander. If she hadn't shot that station sooner, all of them would have been dead. If she had shot it any later, Ixiss and Zane would have been blown to bits, and it would've been all her fault. Bringing a lithe hand up, she ran it through her thick brunette locks edged with purple tips and breathed out long and slow again. She couldn't get herself to accept the fact it was her, a helpless nurse, who burnt all those walkers to death. "You did a great job.." the male beside her praised, making her glance up and smile brightly. She did it, she finally did something right. A little ways away from the two of them sat Julia, knees close to her chest and tears streaming down her young cheeks. Her hair shielded her face and small frame, which was shaking lightly with fright. "I-I want to go home." she whispered to herself, suddenly gasping when Zane took her into his arms. Not knowing what else to do due to her emotional breakdown, she wrapped her tiny arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder.

“Shhh , it’s okay.. you did great.”

Was all he said, and Julia lifted herself up, holding a hand to the corner of one of her eyes and doing her best to wipe the moisture. "R-Really?" she questioned, smiling a little but it faltered, sniffling to herself. He wiped her tears and placed her down, asking her a question about her physical state. Julia shook her head, coughing gently.

Charlene had watched the two from where she sat, smiling softly when seeing Zane calm the child with the best of his abilities. "Thank you." she whispered, bringing her eyes down for a moment to look at his hand tenderly touching hers and back up, aligning pools with his. She didn't know what else to do but nod, taking in the praise with much heart. She felt very proud. As the male wandered off to speak with Ixiss, she turned her body and held out her arms to Julia, who without any hesitation, scooted over and nearly leaped into her arms, clutching onto her like a baby ape and it's mother. "I'm proud of you." she stroked her hair, leaning her head against the top of hers and breathing out. "It'll get better from here on out, I promise, we'll do whatever we can to keep you safe, alright?" The young girl nodded her head, pressing her face into Charlene's plump chest and closing her eyes, exhausted.

"You know, if you have any injuries you should make sure you bind them. You could get infected simply by toughing them if they came into contact with a wound."

Ixiss approached them, and Charlene lifted her head before looking down and examining herself, pretty sure she wasn't bit. "Yeah," she mumbled, furrowing her brows in slight thought. The brunette brought her eyes back up to the other and nodded, flashing a smile of gratitude. "Thanks, Ixiss." Julia perked her head up from Charlene's chest when Zane hobbled over with a can of peaches, one of her favorite fruits. Her small mouth made a tiny "o" when getting her eager fingers on the delectable fruit, and immediately started digging in. "Thanks." she said, chewing on a small piece. The brunette holding her picked her up and placed her down on the counter, standing to her feet and walking to the doorway of the gas station. She ignored the others behind her, chattering among themselves about the near future and gazed at the bodies around her. Her long layers of chocolate hair rustled in the gentle breeze as she sighed, bringing her eyes down and closing them.

"Ich bin so ein Idiot."

Charlene opened her eyes immediately when hearing her home language being spoke and turned her head at the male in the corner, the one who met with them in the middle of this mess. "Du sprechen Deutsch?" she questioned the obvious, smiling widely. "Ich bin Charlene, Vergnügen, Sie kennenzulernen."

translation: I'm such an idiot ; You speak German? ; I am Charlene, pleasure to meet you.
He heard the boy speaking German, and sighed a bit a smile on his face. It had been a long time since he had spoken it, but he chose not to. He watched as charlene and him spoke. She really was beautiful. He caught himself staring a bit too much and looked away quickly his cheeks reddening. Get ahold of yourself idiot.

As night fell upon them he found himself sitting in the backroom of the gas station, after placing all the shelves and tables against the entrances of the station. He gritted his teeth, as he pulled off his leather jacket the blood and skin from his gash sticking to the leather of his jacket. He hissed, grabbing some bandages and alcohol from the cabinet. This is going to hurt like hell his mind told him, as he took off his white shirt, digging his fingers into the deep gash yanking out the pieces of stuck wood from his fall. "Goddamn it.." he groaned a bit hoping no one would hear him. The skin around the cut was blue and slightly brown from infection. "shit..." he breathed out heavy grabbing onto the alcohol pouring it down his back feeling the hard sting he bitt down on a towel, muffling his groans.

When he was done cleaning it her grabbed a needle and suture from the med kit in the back "Dammit..." he grabbed the bottle of tequila from his bag and downed the whole thing like water, so he could begin to sow his back. After a while he was a bit tipsy, and he began souturing his wound, every time he pushed the needle through the skin he yelled into the towel in his mouth.
Night fell quickly on them, and Ixiss found herself unsure of what they should do. She hadn't wanted to stick around much longer for fear that the explosion would attract unwanted attention. But apparently they were somewhat safe for now. Sighing she stretched and went to find Charlene. When she found the woman she spoke simply. 'I'm going to take first watch. I don't want to be jumped in the middle of the night.' She said, only telling the woman because she didn't feel like having them panic. Not that they would, she thought bitterly. She had to remind herself why she stayed. She ran her fingers through her hair as she spotted the boy in the corner, looking out of place. Not even sure of the kid spoke english she said 'Hey kid, come with me. You can help me.' She told him, hoping the boy didn't decide to be a pain in the arse. She hadn't ever really been a fan of teenagers much. Letting out a soft sigh she walked to the hatch, which they had eventually found after the explosion, courtesy of Ginger. The ladder led up onto the roof, where the woman could sit and have a decent veiw of everything around them for ages. She didn't really need Cal's help, but she'd prefer some kind of company, because no one else really was interested in speaking to her. That and she knew that kids that age would need something to do to keep busy.

As she climbed up onto the roof she was amazed to see how clear the sky seemed. It was almost as if the explosion that had saved their lives had also burnt away the chemicals in the atmosphere. She hadn't seen the stars shine so brilliantly since leaving Ireland when she was much younger. She settled herself on the roof with her .45 and Charlene's gun. 'You watch that side, i'll watch this one.' She told Cal, gesturing to the back of the building where there was a fair amount of space before the building hit it. 'If anything moves, shoot.' She said, before realising what she had said and amending her words. 'If anything that should be dead moves, shoot it.'


Ginger had retreated to the outside of the store, disliking being cooped indoors. The smell of burning flesh was getting to her. Ginger had been a vegetarian for most of her life, simply for the fact that the smell of meat sickened her to the point that she thought she might throw up her entire stomach. Now she was stuck outside with it, watching the small fires that continued to burn. 'This place is disturbing.' She muttered to herself. How she would long for a nice warm bath, a soft bed, her business back. She'd made a good living from her business. It wasn't like she didn't enjoy it. Of course some clients were better than others, but she enjoyed her work all the same. And they weren't all men either, she thought with a sultry smile. She liked her memories, they were what had gotten her through the hard times. Now she was missing the company more than anything. Seeing Zane with Charlene back there after she had almost killed them all.. well it had made her long for someone to hold her again. Even if it was just for a brief time, it would have been nice. She sighed, leaning back against the wall, her shotgun and chainsaw beside her. She'd decided to go out armed, just in case.
Cal lowered his hand when hearing that same language ring throughout the air. A long smile spread across his young cheeks as he ambled over, brushing the choppy hair obscuring his view. "Ich mag diesen Namen. Ich bin Cal." he replied, widening his bright smile and flashing a pair of perfectly straight pearls. Even as young as he was, he did note Charlene was very beautiful for a girl her age, and very caring with her words and actions. Like a mother, he had never had. He opened his mouth again, about to spew a sentence in English before he seen no reason to; he was talking to someone who spoke his home language, he figured he might as well enjoy it for as much as he possibly could. "So haben Sie-" he began to say, but was cut off by the black haired female, Ixiss, who was asking for his assistance. With this, he sighed under his breath and followed her without saying a thing. Once he climbed up the ladder and placed his two feet on the roof, the view before him nearly took his breath away. Cal, with mouth opened wide, removed his hat and rustled his hair, looking at the beautiful sky above. "Oh," he paused, turning and resting his hand over his gun and walking to where he was directed. He wanted to start up a conversation with this woman, but felt a bit odd, she seemed to have her own problems. "


Charlene brushed her hair and tucked a loose strand behind her ear, engaged in this conversation she was having with one of the new members of the group, Cal, who happened to speak German just like her. It was like she was with her family again, in her own house, speaking their own language at their own will. Something about this boy just clicked. It seemed like he was her brother, Florian, who had helped her for so many years growing up. Who had been there when both of her parents, weren't. "Danke." she smiled brightly, tilting her head off to the side and nodding with much appreciation. She wanted to get to know this boy much more, but didn't have the chance to due to Ixiss approaching her, telling her that she was taking watch for the night, with Cal included. "Thank you." she whispered to her with much gratitude, lifting her hand to silently wave to each of them. It was quiet now, nothing but the sing song of crickets in the distance and the whisper of the wind could be heard, as well as the soft murmurs of a sleeping child beside her. Charlene turned her slim body and found Julia fast asleep on the counter, empty can of peaches in her right hand. The brunette couldn't help but smile, scooping her into her arms and laying her down in that same position behind the counter. "Sleep well." she whispered, taking off her jacket and laying it across her tiny frame before leaning down and kissing her lightly on the head.

If it hadn't been for the distinguish shouts in the back room, Charlene would have laid down there beside Julia and fell asleep, but suddenly felt a rush of worry spread across her. Zane, where was he and what was he doing. The brunette slowly sauntered to the other end of the gas station and softly knocked on the backdoor before opening it. "You alright?" she questioned, even though witnessing his pain was just enough for her. Glancing back at the others and especially Julia, she figured she wouldn't take long and slithered her petite body inside. "Do you.. need some help?" she asked while closing the door behind her, cringing to herself when she seen what he happened to be doing. "Oh no." she gasped, rushing over and quickly taking the materials from his hands. "What happened to you?" she threw out another question, examining it closely. Once he answered, she sighed out and brought her icy pools up to his. "I'm just glad you're alive." she whispered, blinking and moving her hands just a slight bit. "I'm going to do this for you, I will be as quick as possible, please, don't kill me." she smiled lightly, biting down onto her lower lip and doing her magic. "There, finished." Charlene said aloud, placing down the supplies and backing up, holding her hands up in the air, clueless of what to do next. "..I'm sorry for hurting you." She whispered, bringing her eyes up to his once more in a moment of silence.

translation: I like that name, I am Cal ; So you have- ; Thanks
He groaned once more before Charlene came in. "I-i'm alright" he was slightly drunk, but still in good shape, enough to know what was happening.

He winced as she began to help with the suturing. "I-AHHH!" he groaned punching the table infront of him a bit as the needle went through. He breathed out, feeling the blood trickle down his back a bit as she continued. "I rolled down the hill earlier.. a branch broke through the skin.." he managed to groan out, as she finished. He paused and touched his head. "I know you guys think I'm crazy..." he began "But I'm not..I-I've just been through a lot." His fingertips played with a small splinter protruding from the table. "My brother..He passed away in combat when i was in the special ST6 forces on a mission in iraq.." he began, turning to look at her. He looked into her eyes, as they looked back at him and he continued with her approval.

"He was my brother..somehow.. losing him made everything around me crumble.." he tried to hold back tears. "I returned back to battle knowing i wasn't fit for battle and.. I ended up murdering innoccent people.." he gritted his teeth, rubbing his eyes, feeling the overwhelming feeling of disappointment cross his mind.
She's going to hate you, good going asshole. His mind yelled at him as he continued "I went to prison.." He finished his sentence looking up. "When the infection hit.. i was in prison like a coward.." He paused.

"I hear voices in my head.. telling me things that don't make sense..I feel like when im with you, protecting you, in this group i dont feel alone" He admitted.

"when im around you... I feel human again, and not like some pshycotic asshole who killed innocent people.." He paused, as she spoke. He listened to what she had to say, and couldn't help but feel a relief. The relief of having told someone for the first time the sins that had been bearing down on him since he had joined the group.

He sighed and stood up from where he was sitting, turning to her. "Thank you.." he said in a soft tone, his right hand hesitating a bit in mid air but then cupped her cheek. his eyes where a bit glazed over from the alcohol but he couldn't help what he was feeling. After everything that was happening, and all the crap around them he managed to have his feelings for Charlene change. He felt strange in her presence. Something he hadn't felt in a long long time.

He felt a yearning for her. He came closer, looking into her eyes softly. His thumb grazed over her bottom lip a bit as he bent in, his lips enclosing her own in a kiss. He couldn't help but want to be close to her, he wanted someone to make him feel like everything around him wasn't all going to shi*. He wrapped his other arm around her slithe waist pulling her up a bit onto the table, making their kiss deepen. He knew she wanted it too, the way she didn't push him away and how she gripped onto his bare shoulders as he pushed in closer, tugging on her bottom lip. He paused pulling back, opening his eyes again, looking into her own softly.

"I can't help but want everything right now.." he said sincerely and she spoke. Her voice was making him dizzier than the alcohol, he didn;t know she affected him so much he though, his breath lingering on her lips once more as he pushed his body against hers his hands grabbing her waist. He leaned in again kissing her with a more passionate feel, groaning into it as if he couldn't believe he felt like he was back on earth.

He felt her run her hands up and down his back, he slightly bitt her lip. "I-I want you..Every bit of you.." he breathed out, kissing her jaw and then her neck. He felt her tense up a bit as he slipped her shirt off of her and then relax in his arms. She spoke again, he smiled a bit. He felt like everything was right in it's place as she moaned in his ear.

Blackout;Transition --- blazie Blah! lol Stuff inbetween.

He awoke, Charlene in his arms. They where laying on a pair of sleeping bags on the floor, blankets over them. She looked amazing as she slept. his eyes lingered on her lips as he slipped his arm from underneath her head slowly as she slept. He didn't want to disturb her. his left hand slightly grazed her lips a smile taking over his features. He bent down, kissing her shoulder feeling her groan and re-position herself again. He stood up and put on his clothes bending down once more to post a kiss on her lips before grabbing his gun.

"I have to go check up on the others.." he touched his head, it was still spinning.

He walked out into the gas station closing the door behind him, and looked at the little girl who was sound asleep. He smiled a bit and moved on, "Ginger.." he said softly, as he walked outside. "Everything alright?" He asked curiously. He hadn't really talked to her much. He listened as she spoke and sighed in relief. He smiled and nodded, "Well, i should probably go check on Ixiss.." he said softly. "Thank you for having out backs earlier..I'm glad you are joining us"

He walked up to the roof, "Ixiss.." he said, as she stood up to talk to him. "I wanted to thank you for everything.." he wrapped his arms around her tightly hugging her for the first time. "You have been there for all of us.." he let go and stood up straight saluting her a big grin on his face. "I know you aren't much for humor..but you sure as hell pack one hell of a punch" he laughed a bit, looking over at the boy. "Nice to have you too kid.. your one hell of a shot." he took a seat where Ixiss had been sitting and looked over at her.

"Ill take the post over tonight, go rest." he said. "You deserve it, miss bad ass.." he saluted her again and nudged the kid with his gun. "Du bist gut mit der Waffe" He smirked, looking into the night sky.

you are good with that gun.
Ixiss looked up, startled by the sound of someone else approaching. What was he doing up here? She wondered to herself. She hadn't been expecting him to come up here. Slowly she stood to demand to know why he was there, prepared to tell him that he should be resting, when he pulled her into a hug that made her feel both tense and confused. how long had it been since she let anyone touch her? 'I.. uh..' She couldn't think of what to say, so instead she poked him with the hilt of her machete, trying to make him stand up.

'Hey, this is my shift. Yours is in an hour.' She said, feeling strangely out of sorts. She almost felt.. normal. But that wasn't possible. No.. she couldn't let a single show of affection deterr her like that. She wasn't weak. Still.. now she was confused.


Ginger was surprised by the very brief conversation Zane provided. How the hell had he even found her? She hadn't exactly left a glowing trail behind her. She could smell the alcohol he'd consumed and she gave a slight smile. he was gone before she could even think of something to say and so she just sat in the ever growing darkness. She closed her eyes, leaning against the building. Times were hard, people were acting strange, but that was what happened when people started turning on each other and trying to tear each other's faces off. Zombies.. she shuddered. How she hated them.

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