Unlucky Member
It played out in three parts. First, it was her body slowly falling from the tall, dark cobblestoned tower. Above her tickled tendrils of flame from spells cast at her, to ensnare her. Second, the feeling of brush and branch as she ran from all she knew. Or thought she knew. Third, the selective amnesia of her past and full name. Only a single letter could she recall. "V". Now she was knee deep in freezing water to fight off the desire for rest. V had learned from the merchant's body she awoke to just a month before that only consciousness kept the beast at bay. The thing that lied within was anger and spite and craved only blood.
"This isn't enough. Need to be covered.." The exhausted woman mumbled to herself before sinking underneath until she was completely submerged. This was the only time the world felt quiet. And it was a fleeting moment because time was not her friend.
V stepped out of the river and hung her wet clothes on a branch with only her hooded, but thankfully long cowl to cover her bare body. She made a hopeless attempt to work out the knots in her curly brown hair but it was hopeless. Self care was a luxury she couldn't afford. And while she allowed the momentary fantasy of a warm bath the effects of the quick dip began to wear off. Paranoia sunk in which was a nasty side effect of insomnia. At this point she was on her third day without sleep and every rustle of a tree or snapping of a twig had her on edge. In hopes of quelling her growing anxiety she checked the perimeter runes she had carved to hide herself from the Circle's gaze. A trick she learned in a book.
"Can't stay long. They aren't easily fooled." V spoke aloud with only herself to listen. She had already been there a day too long and needed to find somewhere new. Somewhere, she hoped, with forageables. Sleep she could deal with but starvation was an entirely different beast.
"This isn't enough. Need to be covered.." The exhausted woman mumbled to herself before sinking underneath until she was completely submerged. This was the only time the world felt quiet. And it was a fleeting moment because time was not her friend.
V stepped out of the river and hung her wet clothes on a branch with only her hooded, but thankfully long cowl to cover her bare body. She made a hopeless attempt to work out the knots in her curly brown hair but it was hopeless. Self care was a luxury she couldn't afford. And while she allowed the momentary fantasy of a warm bath the effects of the quick dip began to wear off. Paranoia sunk in which was a nasty side effect of insomnia. At this point she was on her third day without sleep and every rustle of a tree or snapping of a twig had her on edge. In hopes of quelling her growing anxiety she checked the perimeter runes she had carved to hide herself from the Circle's gaze. A trick she learned in a book.
"Can't stay long. They aren't easily fooled." V spoke aloud with only herself to listen. She had already been there a day too long and needed to find somewhere new. Somewhere, she hoped, with forageables. Sleep she could deal with but starvation was an entirely different beast.