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Fantasy Paladins, Profits, and Pastries


Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
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  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Dice
  4. Off-site
A man made of precious metals and gems was seemingly being beaten a creature seemingly made of shadow. The man's body was made of gold with gloves and boots of platinum foil covering up to the elbows and knees respectively. His torso was covered in what looked like a shirt of scale mail with each scale being a flawless gemstone and drifting the the spectrum of colors as one moved across it. The "tailoring" on it took it in at the waist and allowed the lower part to flow more freely giving it the appearance of the skirt and protecting to mid thigh. He was sporting antlers made of diamond on his head, coated in shadowy ichor on some of the points from the creature after he had gored it earlier in the fight. His eyes were opals set with bands of ruby around a piece of hematite in the middle giving the appearance of red eyes. His hair was made of fine strands of platinum wire. As far as shape went, he was on the short side and thin. One wouldn't have pegged him as a warrior, but he was holding his own, for the most part. The creature had managed to toss him around a few times, but the golden flesh that had been rent by its teeth had quickly restored itself, leaving no marks. His face seemed almost like a mask. There were no small changes in it, each expression was deliberate. It had started with a friendly smile, but had moved to impassive once the banter was over and the fight had begun. Theo could not risk showing fear or hesitation and this allowed him to school his expressions into not betraying him. He did not enjoy killing things, even if they were monsters, but it was part of the job he agreed to do. He also didn't like that this fight had been harder than he would have liked. There had been some monsters that could barely scratch him, but this one had not only managed to nearly bite his head off, but had taken off his legs earlier in the fight. He had managed to reattach them, but it was still worrisome.

This creature had come from the fear of infidelity on someone's part. He rarely knew who the monsters came from or the specifics of it, but this was not an uncommon fear. Poison, emotional manipulation, and shapeshifting were common for its ilk and it had managed to hurt several people before Theo tracked it down, but it hadn't killed anyone yet. Now, standing before Theo it was having to fight for its life. It had started off very human like, but had been modifying itself for the fight as it had been going on. Hands turned into claws and arms became much longer, hanging nearly to the ground now. Its mouth had grown large enough to accommodate Theo's head and had sharp teeth. Its lower body had become serpentine in an attempt to constrict him and had nearly worked until it found out how sharp the scales on the armor were. It had a several wounds in its chest and stomach from the antlers, but he had failed to capitalize on that small victory and it had ripped off his legs and wailed on his face with its claws in return. This fight had been tough and was likely to get tougher. The creature had only stopped because it realized it was getting tired and he was showing no signs of flagging despite the beating he had taken up to this point. While it considered its next line of attack, he had used the opportunity to restore his legs. Now it was ready for round two and he was having to reconsider his approach.
With a suit of shining armor and a gleaming sword and shield, in came the town’s newest magical boy. The helmet only revealed his blue eyes, and they looked between the monster and the hero made of precious metals. Perhaps it was naivety on his part, jumping into a fight that was not his own, but the desire to help others dwelling within his heart was far too strong to fight off.

Felix held up his shield, silvery and blue in coloration, as he stood between the two. In all honesty, he had no idea what he was doing, or what he was supposed to do. This was his first fight, after all. Perhaps the more rational thing to do would be to watch from the sidelines to see what he was up against, but in his eyes, he saw someone who needed help and a monster that needed to be laid to rest in order to protect even more people than just this one.

He stared at the monster, a chill going down his spine as he took in its appearance. It had puncture wounds already, so the fight had probably gone on for a while. While Felix hadn’t gotten a good look at the other fighter, he had decided that he was pretty, if only because he was made of metals and jewels galore. He wasn’t one to be too enamored by things like that, however. Despite his rich background, he liked simpler things usually. Like… He lowered his shield, humming softly. Bread was good. So were pastries. Some donuts would be good after this…

His mind began to wander, and he forgot what kind of situation he was in. Unfortunately for him and the one he had planned to protect, this left him vulnerable to attacks. It’d certainly be a wake up call, that’s for sure…

// i'll find a pretty post template later! i'm so sorry for the short length compared to your post too ;A;
Theo used the distraction of Felix's entrance, and the shelter of his protection, to regain his footing. He wasn't exactly hiding behind the other man, but he did realize that a sword and shield were far more effective if he didn't get in the way. For all the fighting he did, he had to admit that his costume choices had been more fashion than defense. Sure, part of that was that all of him was effectively "armor" but that was just as easily considered "flesh" in this case. He was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth if this person wanted to stand between him and danger. He assumed that the man with the shield knew what he was doing and lacked to combat awareness to pick up on the fact he had dropped his guard nor that his mind had wandered. He didn't forget his manners though, and said, "Thanks for the save, pal."

His tone was genuinely grateful and seemed to carry a jovial note. He was having fun, or was at least putting on that image. One could wonder if his voice was as schooled as the expression on his face, which had not changed. Nor did his lips move when he spoke. The voice seemed to simply come from the chest instead. He didn't know the name that Felix went by in this form, or anything about him honestly, so that fortuitous nature of his choice of words was loss on him. When he called him "pal" it was meant in the more general sense of "friend, mate, etc.", but unknown to him, it could fit equally well as a short version of "Paladin". He had decided to forgo the hug for the moment, lest it cause him problems, but he could thank him properly when the fighting was done.

The creature on the other hand was not nearly as distracted as either of its opponents. It had used those moments to turn its arms into the form of serpents with vicious fangs full of venom hoping that they could get around the shield and through the armor. She had bitten into Theo before and managed to score gold easily enough, but gold was a rather soft metal. She wasn't sure what this new person's armor was made of, but she made the fangs as tough and sharp as she could, hoping that they would be enough to get through. The twin serpents struck out at Felix knowing that the venom wouldn't work on Theo. It had bitten him several times in their fight and realized that that flesh was metallic all the way through. There was nothing to envenomate in Theo in this form. Only corrode.

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