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If you don't mind spoiling it. What's everyone planning to use for their evolutionary lines? I see we're all pretty diverse. We have a little bit of everything and that's fantastic. Nature Spirit - Gaomon, Wormmon, Palmon, Divine Beast - Salamon, Lopmon, Metal Empire - Hagurumon, we even have some Nightmare Soldiers in Guilmon, Tsukaimon, and Gabumon. I'd like to think it's really well rounded.
I'm honestly not 100% sure yet. I have three or four paths I could go for, but all of them are plausible under the ruleset.

Two of them are Olympos XII members! Well, one of them is pretty obviously Dianamon, but still. It's actually crazy the evos that the card game allows for.
Dianamon was a bad ass. The Olympus XII was probably the best organization aside from the Royal Knights. My personal favorite digimon from that group was Minervamon.
in my case i was thinking Palmon - Togemon/Woodmon - Blossomon - Xuanwumon and maybe eventually, Huanglongmon
Kurt will literally go "Does the old man want his appie slices to his mon"
If you don't mind spoiling it. What's everyone planning to use for their evolutionary lines? I see we're all pretty diverse. We have a little bit of everything and that's fantastic. Nature Spirit - Gaomon, Wormmon, Palmon, Divine Beast - Salamon, Lopmon, Metal Empire - Hagurumon, we even have some Nightmare Soldiers in Guilmon, Tsukaimon, and Gabumon. I'd like to think it's really well rounded.
I'm loving the cast of Digimon present as well!

I'm going with Gaomon --> Gaogamon --> MachGaogamon --> MirageGaogamon

Love the big blue doggo 😌🫢
The line I'm probably going to go with is Salamon - Black Gatomon - LadyDevimon Ofanimon (Maybe?)

Not sure about the mega, and Salamon has so many cool lines so I'm still thinkin about it
If you don't mind spoiling it. What's everyone planning to use for their evolutionary lines? I see we're all pretty diverse. We have a little bit of everything and that's fantastic. Nature Spirit - Gaomon, Wormmon, Palmon, Divine Beast - Salamon, Lopmon, Metal Empire - Hagurumon, we even have some Nightmare Soldiers in Guilmon, Tsukaimon, and Gabumon. I'd like to think it's really well rounded.
probably going this route


Always enjoyed my wolfy friend.
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I was once Team Agumon until weregarurumon with the brass knuckles and I was like 'I'm switching teams now' lol
Gatomon/Blackgatomon's line was also something I considered at first for a mega line into Beelstarmon. So it's super cool to see she'll make an appearance. C:

Miragegaogamon is broken in the card game. He just swings on you for all of your health. I thought Beelzemon combos in the game were game winning then I got Mike Tyson'd during a game and I cried. Dog has many hands Ed boi.

Idk if you know anything about the card game or not but damn.

It's enough to ask. "What the dog doin'?"
I was once Team Agumon until weregarurumon with the brass knuckles and I was like 'I'm switching teams now' lol
Hell yeah Weregarurumon was always a favorite of mine as well.
Gatomon/Blackgatomon's line was also something I considered at first for a mega line into Beelstarmon. So it's super cool to see she'll make an appearance. C:

Miragegaogamon is broken in the card game. He just swings on you for all of your health. I thought Beelzemon combos in the game were game winning then I got Mike Tyson'd during a game and I cried. Dog has many hands Ed boi.

Idk if you know anything about the card game or not but damn.

It's enough to ask. "What the dog doin'?"
ED BOI xD you got me there lol MirageGaogamon is powered by delicious meals and cookies so the boy got hands--
Was HiAndromon not a thing at this point in history?
HiAndromon would exist.
I'll spoil my digivolution line, why not?

Tsukaimon --> Devidramon --> Cyberdramon --> Justimon
The line I'm probably going to go with is Salamon - Black Gatomon - LadyDevimon Ofanimon (Maybe?)

Not sure about the mega, and Salamon has so many cool lines so I'm still thinkin about it
Depending on if you wanna go darker or not:

Mastemon is pretty cool and can digivolve with or without jogress. Card game wise.

Ofanimon Fall Down Mode is pretty cool too.

Then of course Mervamon.

Lots of fun options.

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