Oddballs & Problem Children ♥ A Highschool Based Roleplay

Now I'm part of Ai-chan's army? ._. While under Tsu-senpai's army?... The Queen is not pleased by this...
Personally, I would. c: I mean, she is the "Queen", after all. However, I think we need more seniors. Less transfers, too.. Seems like a majority are new. I may post something about that later - filling the club roles and balancing things out a little. xD
Because he refuse to entertain the queen. ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ 
I should probably add like a relation Himiko has with the other Juniors. Since they are classmates and all. :3
*rolls in the unfamiliar territory*

W-Where is the Lu-nyaa?! o D o

Anyhow, I'm going to leave for a while (gonna go to ze doctor)

I'll come back and keep on updating my CS~ c:
@L u n a , @Lovey , @Livingbetweenstars , @DeijiiChan , @Tsukaiza , @jewelz

I seem to have made a tiny mistake... ^^''

I totally forgot about how the Japanese school years went. It actually doesn't vary from Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior grades - it goes from 1st years (as old as Sophomores), 2nd years (as old as Juniors), and 3rd years (as old as Seniors).

If you all, or a majority, are willing, I wanted to propose a change.

I wanted everyone to edit their sheets and change their years, as well as their ages to match if you change your year accordingly. ^^'' To keep relationships made in "freshman years", those who were Sophomores can move up to 2nd years, changing their age (if 15) to 16. As for Juniors, you can move up to 3rd years if you want to keep relations made with your underclassmen. As for our one Senior, you can remain a 3rd year, if you so desire. c:

Can everyone do that?
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