Oddballs Of Wakahisa High ♥ A School Based Roleplay [Inactive]

((To all those who were still interacting at lunch, I warned you about the time skip to after school. Here it is~ Get ready for the party, everyone~!))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf38bef5d_ManamiIcon.jpg.d022c13c73635f038e7b9f908f311d31.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18177" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf38bef5d_ManamiIcon.jpg.d022c13c73635f038e7b9f908f311d31.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Manami Fukui

*She's At|She's With|She feels*

Akemiasu/Maverick Club|------|Very Excited & Enthusiastic?

Manami smiled upon herself as she looked in the mirror. She wore one of her favorite pastel-colored dresses, which was a light blue color accented with pink and white hues within ruffles and stripes on the sleeves and at the hem. She mix-matched her thigh-high socks, one being blue and one being pink, and she let her bangs loose. Instead of holding them back with a bow like she usually does, she put on a pink headband with a bow attached to it, and just let that sit on the top of her head. Once she was done, she put on some light gold flats to accent the color of the buttons and ribbons on her dress. With that, Manami smiled in the mirror as she put on her wide rectangular glasses. "All set," she spoke, and Tsuki hopped on top of Manami's head happily. After she let out a sweet meow, Manami giggled and pet her beloved kitten. "Good girl," she spoke to her, and a soft purr emitted from the adorable creature. Once Manami was all ready to go and had all the supplies for the party packed up, she head out of her room and began on her way downstairs. She browsed the pantry for the cat food, and once she found it, she poured some for Tsuki to eat. Once she did so, Tsuki pounced back down to the ground and began munching. "I'll be back soon," Manami spoke sweetly to her pet. "Enjoy your food, okay?" She stated, and with that, she rushed out the door and back to Wakahisa High.

Being that it was only a little past 4:00, club activities were still going on, which meant that the gates were still open. Manami just walked on in and began on her way to the Maverick Club, awaiting for everyone else to arrive. In the meantime, she began setting up the streamers and pumped up a few balloons with helium. Being the artistic soul she is, she organized it all in a beautiful and semi-abstract way that was incredibly pleasing to the eye. A balloon here, a streamer there, and she set up some plates on the main table in the middle of the club house. Manami set the chairs all around, and she made sure the speakers and radio were working.
"I hope someone will bring some CDs in case we don't like what's playing," Manami spoke her thoughts aloud as she rummaged through one of the storage closets. She found quite a few home videos and CDs from the residents before, and most of them were just from Manami's first year. "Perfect! I'm sure people would love to share some of these," she stated with a smile. The past times of chaos and craziness would make for some good laughs, and perhaps it would remind everyone of just how fun these hang-outs were. Sure, it may seem like a burden at first, but no matter what--in every single video--it always ended in laughter.

Not being able to resist, Manami stuck one in the DVD player and sat down on the couch to watch.

With a smile, she played one of the prank wars she and one of her past favorite senpais, Hana Fuyami, shared together. She and some of the older boys used to love throwing the tiny girl into pools, which was one of the favorite happenings at the New Resident parties. After everyone jumped in together, Manami couldn't count how many times she was thrown into the pool by Hana and a few other friends. With a sweet giggle, she couldn't help but laugh as she watched it over. Right now, Hana was studying animation and digital media, and she was excelling wondrously.
"I hope she's having fun," Manami spoke her thoughts out loud once more, her tone a little solemn as she watched the video with a soft gaze. Her expression was warm and content, but if you looked into her eyes, you could see a hint of sadness. This year has to be amazing, she thought to herself this time as she watched. Hi-Chan is going to be graduating this year, and I'm going to be graduating next year.. So, this year has to be amazing. For all of the 3rd years. I'm going to make sure this party is a success, she had a powerful resolve and great determination, and she was going to try her very best to make this party as fun as it could possibly be.

With an enthusiastic expression, Manami put the DVD away as she finished up her part of the preparations. "Now it's up to Hi-Chan, Aki-Kun, and Iku-Kun to contribute," she stated with an excited nod. Her lavender eyes were sparkling brightly, and she locked her hands behind her back contently as she looked upon the place. It was beautiful, and it looked very festive and welcoming. Manami gave herself a mental pat on the back for her work, and now it was all about the wait for the rest to arrive. She began humming to herself, speaking the rest of her phrases in a sing-song-y tone.

"I wonder what Aki-Kun cooked~ He always makes amazing dishes~"

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That's how she looks, minus the bunny ears. The rabbit pin around her neck is actually going to be a cat, and of course her hair is going to be up in her usual make-shift pigtails. Picture her hair blue, and the eyes lavender~



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"I'm Manami Fukui." Manami told Stacy in a kind maner. "And, you can wear anything you want to the party. Try to reflect your personality; it's what everyone else usually does." She informed the new girl with a smile. "I'm really going to like it here." She replied before focusing on her meal. "Some people cosplay, while others come in sweat pants. Some people show their art, too, and some people even karaoke a few songs. It's just a gathering to get to know one another." The vice president told her with a warm expression on her face.

After spending an hour or two deciding on an outfit, Stacy decided to cosplay as the Warden from Dragon Age Origins. She had several outfits worn by characters in the game and was a huge Dragon Age fan. She didn't want to cosplay as any of the characters because she wanted to focus on the party but still wanted to cosplay. She put on her Grey Warden robes and took the sword known as Starfang from her small collection of weapons. She tucked it into her belt and picked up an unfinished staff that she was working on for another character. She put a silver amulet around her neck and started to apply some fake blood all over her face whilst staring at a picture of her Warden from the game, who was covered in blood to ensure that she got it right.

Afterwards, she looked in her mirror and made sure that she was pleased with what she had come up with before leaving her dorm. She went to the bathroom before making her way to the maverick club to avoid having an accident on the way. She arrived at the club a few minutes later and saw Manami as she entered the clubhouse with Starfang in her right hand. "Blasted Darkspawn." She said as she sheathed her blade. "Stacy of the Grey Wardens at your service." She said to Manami whilst smiling at her.
(Ikuto did save that kitten)


Ikuto Ahiro


Once again Ikuto was within his room, this time sitting at his deck looking over various schedule listings. With his resolution for the new school year he almost forgot about the welcoming party for the new members of the Maverick club as well Akemiasu. It was somewhat spur of the moment, forcing him to recollect the timings of last year. So long as they left the club room by seven they should be able to miss the first patrol and still have about an hour or two with the pool before they had to split. Organizing these little events was always peculiar to him, seeing as it went against the norm of arranging events with the student council. In fact, he had to wonder just how much they looked down on him for aiding in these small events that went around them. To think he actually wanted to be a member of it at one point.

Rising from his desk, Ikuto retrieved the papers along with a rather large brown bag. Thankfully in the end he was reminded of the event with a little time to spare, allowing him to make a few stops on the way to the dorm. However, due to a lack of knowledge when it came to everyone's preferences he nabbed random music CD off the shelves, along with random snacks. Everything else needed should probably already been within the club room, or perhaps brought by another member. If not, then it was of little issue seeing as he could simply run back out. After all, he did not wish to inconvenience the others.

Exiting the dorms, Ikuto actually came to pause momentarily, watching the exit as if waiting for another. It would be amusing if Mizuki randomly popped her head out afterward, simply because of this morning. But alas, he turned back to continue his walk onward to the club's location, perhaps alone.

Upon entering those doors that he had become so accustomed to, Ikuto couldn't help but look around somewhat amazed by the decorations. "It seems someone has been busy here." His eyes came to rest on the figure, "As well, it seems I must comment on your appearance so as to not seem rude. You look great, Manami. Looking forward to the small party? "

His attention then turned to the other female within the room, lightly chuckling at her appearance. "And you must be the newcomer. It looks like you are prepared for the battles to come. "
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"Your putting too much effort, Aki-nya."

Neko-chan's tone was scolding as she sat arms crossed along the bottom of Akio's tablet which was positioned on an open counter away from electronic hazards that entitled his cooking.

"I refuse to make a meal that is not well done, and how is that playlist coming along?"

"Nyaha, unlike you I am not slow. Its been done for hours now. So bored, nya"

Akio merely smiled as he rushed to the oven to retrieve one of three trays, each holding various meals ranging from deserts, appetizers, and the main course. Setting the tray of croissants aside to cool, he returned his attention to the counters where a bowl of couscous salad was awaiting his seasoning. Upon departing from the Maverick's club room, Akio had gone directly to the grocery store where he had spent nearly an hour and a little over a hundred dollars picking out a wide selection of ingredients, ranging from necessary spices, to peculiar vegetables, and finally a slice of meat on the side. Now fours hours later, Akio had a wide course of dishes, including both native and foreign style, that he hoped the club would enjoy regardless of their peculiarity.

"I've pretty much finished up here, so go ahead and deliver the playlist to Manami. Its about time she would have arrived back at the club room."


One word was Neko-chan's only response before she would disappear from the tablet and reappear on the club room's television to instruct Manami in accessing her work on the local computer. From there, the playlist could then be controlled by the AI who despite her earlier objections would soon look to be enjoying the party's atmosphere. Displaying herself in the rare goth outfit behind a dj booth and raving lights, Neko-chan would give Manami a quick thumbs up for her contribution toward the environment that was slowly beginning to resemble a club if anything else.

It would be just under thirty minutes later that Akio himself would burst through the club room's door with three oversize picnic baskets somehow being carried by himself. Quickly setting the offerring of food on the ground by the table, Akio took a quick glance around the room to notice two others beside Manami, having already arrived. Giving them a quick nod of greeting, Akio turned to address Manami with the details of his cooking all while pulling out the appropriate dish to the table as it was called.

"I did the best I could manage in a three hour time frame, but for the main dishes I have Tonkatsu for the meat lovers and couscous salad for any vegetarians. In terms of appetizers, we have biscuits and fried and seasoned tofu. Finally for desert, I made two pies, apple and blackberry."

((Alright, well, @DeijiiChan and @Strawberry Jam ; please post, too.

xD ))
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3dc5678_ManamiIcon.jpg.d6c9d50263c45cfc0e8d1dc6ebcfc3e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18399" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3dc5678_ManamiIcon.jpg.d6c9d50263c45cfc0e8d1dc6ebcfc3e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Manami Fukui

*She's At|She's With|She feels*

The Maverick Club|The Club Group|Quite Enthusiastic?

Manami let out a sweet laugh as she looked over at Stacy in her cosplay. "You look wonderful!" She spoke, genuinely complimenting her stunning appearance. Manami couldn't help but smile, being that she loves it when people get all dressed up and ready for these sort of things. She then looked over at Ikuto, who entered the scene fashionably. With a friendly beam, she nodded up at him sweetly. "Thank you," she spoke in a voice as sweet as honey. Her entire aura was buzzing with her joy, and that aura only increased in size and visibility whenever she noticed Neko-Chan turning the club-room into an actual club-like atmosphere. "Thank you~!" She cheered, enjoying the music and the lights. It only made the decorations she put up before stand out even more, being that some were glow-in-the-dark objects. With an excited expression, she looked around for anyone else who would be entering the scene. Next up was Hi-Chan, and she was dressed beautifully like always. She was wearing a beautiful, classic kimono, and she had her katana in hand. Her entire aura was filled with a graceful, yet dangerous beauty - like a beautiful rose equipped with plenty of thorns to boot.

"Hi-Chan~!" Manami squealed as she wrapped her arms around her model-like physique. "You look--" she began, but received a karate chop to the head before she could say anymore. "I'm in a kimono, Manami!" she scolded, resulting in Manami tearing up in one eye from the hit. "Okay~ Okay~" she pouted, but then just burst into a sweet fit of giggles. She hugged Himiko again anyways, giving her torso a gentle squeeze. "You look beautiful," she stated, nuzzling her face up against her. For a moment, Himiko's expression softened, and she gave Manami's head a light pat before pushing her off. "Alright, alright, get off me now," Himiko spoke before rolling her eyes. Despite her facade, however, she was still smiling from the embrace. It wasn't too long after that when Akio entered the scene, and he was holding the "feast fit for a king" that Himiko mentioned earlier. He graced everyone with the food by placing it on the table, and then turned to her with the details. "I did the best I could manage in a three hour time frame, but for the main dishes I have Tonkatsu for the meat lovers and couscous salad for any vegetarians. In terms of appetizers, we have biscuits and fried and seasoned tofu. Finally for desert, I made two pies, apple and blackberry."

Manami just smiled a beam that spread all the way up to her lavender eyes, and she couldn't resist the urge to wrap her arms around Akio. "I love you so much, Aki-kun~!" she declared in a voice as sweet as sugar, not even caring how it may be perceived. She was too happy to say anything other than that; it described what she felt perfectly, and it was the first thing that popped into her head. "Thank you so much for helping out~!" She gave his torso a light squeeze before letting go, looking up at him with a completely elated expression. "You're the best," she stated, her voice lower now as she tilted her head slightly, lifting her shoulders in an adorable fashion. Her eyes were glistening brightly, and she took a moment to look all around the room. Her decorations, Neko-chan's playlist and lights, Aki-kun's food - all of the preparations put into play; they made this room all the more welcoming and festive. She looked over at the food, and then decided to help out by serving everyone present. "We can go ahead and have some appetizers while waiting for everyone else, right?" she spoke, looking over at the food hungrily. Akio's cooking just had that effect on her; it was too delicious looking and tasting to resist.

"I say help yourselves," Himiko began with a smile. "Appetizers only," she began sternly, and Manami nodded with an eager smile.

"Got it!" She stated, and then helped herself to a plate of biscuits and tofu.



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(I'm on my iPod and it's midnight here so no pic. Also, sorry for the short post. It's hard to type in my iPod.)

Deverd had this feeling like he was supposed to do something. What am I supposed to do again? he thought. Then, he suddenly shot up from his chair. He remembered it now, he was supposed to get ready for this pool... thing... or something like that. "I just remembered I had to do somethin'. See ya later, Kuniri!" he told her and then dashed away.


Deverd sighed as he wrapped his handkerchief around his head. He didn't know where to go after this. Oh well, this is a chance to explore! Devy grinned at the thought of exploring the school grounds. And, maybe he could also make new friends. Well... he already has one but ONE is
not enough! Deverd didn't bother fixing his hair anymore because he'd have to tie the handkerchief again. And it isn't fun doing so. "Pirates of the past, please help me not embarass myself." he said quietly. Yes, he is requesting the previous pirates for help. It's not natural to you, but it's natural to him. Then, Deverd remembered something else. His Friendies song! "Bloody hell. My song!" he exclaimed.

Deverd freaked out for a second before becoming confused. Why was he freaking out again? He shook his head, he didn't need to answer that question. He just needed to hurry up.


Deverd wandered around the school grounds, trying to find which building was the one he was supposed to enter. Well... the girls' bathroom was not an option... Anyway, he wasn't looking at where he was going and bumped into a wall. His eyepatch could be used as an excuse for that. He only had one eye, not two. And no, he isn't going to tell you how he got that eyepatch. Deverd backed away from the wall and decided to use eenie meenie on the buildings. He would blame... himself... if he went inside the wrong one. Wait. Why was he going to blame
himself? He had no idea. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a good thinking ability or whatever you call it.

Eenie, meenie, minie, moe." He pointed his finger to where he said 'moe' and walked towards it. It was a small building. He popped his head inside. "Hello?"

(This spoiler thing was hard to do but I managed to do it. :3)


Minus the scarf and earing.
"Thanks!" Stacy said to Manami and the boy that complimented her. "I'm Stacy. I would say of the grey wardens but i suspect you already know that." She told the boy whilst smiling at him. "You look wonderful!" She told Manami after looking at her outfit. She spotted Himiko and said "You look wonderful!" "In fact, everyone looks wonderful!" She told Manami, Himiko and the boy. She knew she would end up enjoying the club judging by the warm welcome that she had recieved.

After Himiko told everyone to tuck into the food, she walked towards the food and helped herself to some biscuits along with some tofu. "Manami, thanks for letting me join and thanks for helping me, Himiko." Stacy told both girls as she walked toward them with her plate of biscuits and tofu. She started to eat the food she had gathered for herself and enjoyed it. "compliments to the chef." She told Manami in the hope that she would pass her message along or tell her who made the food. "So, what's the rules of the club?" She asked Himiko.

Stacy couldn't remember the last time she attended a party or if she had even been to a party in her entire life. She wondered what games were on offer or if a food fight would happen. She hoped no-one would start a food fight to avoid spending several days having to fix her outfit. She didn't like it when her outfits got stained because of how diffcult some where to wash or worse, she had an accident in her cosplay outfits. The outfits she had ruined by having accidents often met a tragic fate as a result of her trying to bury the memory of the incident. She hoped that her bowel and bladder would not ruin the party for her.
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Akemiasu/Maverick Club | --- | Grumpy

Apologizing once more, his head was suddenly pulled down to make him bow,"That's not how you say sorry to someone! Bow down and apologize properly." Shima said out of nowhere. Lucas quickly slapped his sister's hand away and snarled,"I'm the older one here! Why do I need to bow down to someone younger than me?" He exclaimed but only got a mouth full of his sister's lecture,"You don't shout to me like that young boy. I'm the older one here and anyways I bought your clothes so here." She said and shoved the bag to him and stormed off in anger,"You better wash them well and don't do anything to them!" She called out and left to her club, track club.

Once Shima was out of sight, Lucas rolled his eyes and headed off to the bathroom to change into his clothes since it was time for club and as a "traditional thing", they were to express themselves and show how they really are like. Expressing your true self and being open was how the club is and though Lucas wouldn't admit it, he liked the club because of this. How they accepted him for him even when he is like this because they were the same too.

Changing into the clothes, he returned to the club room. Once he stepped in, his appearance as the prince had transform to become a stunning princess, his body figure perfect to be mistaken as a girl's. The wig could he taken as real hair since it was surprisingly very soft to the touch and though he had no chest, with the padding his sister gave him, it made it seem as if he did have some. His tall figure made him look almost like a model, he was a beauty indeed but his personality still stayed.

Walking over to the couch and taking a seat, he huffed and slouched lazily,"What a day." He muffled into the pillow as he pulled it close onto his face. He was not in the greatest mood and today wasn't the time for Lucas to party but he didn't want to be the party pooper of the party. Getting up from his seat, he went over to get some appetizer. Taking a plate of biscuits and some fried tofu, he went back to his seat and started to nimble on the biscuit, not really hungry to eat but he had to be at least polite and eat the food that was provided and made with "love" by Akio-kun.

( I feel there is many mistakes here... too lazy to fix ._. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3ee7042_ManamiIcon.png.b9f5d758309c84d07a7961b733f0479a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3ee7042_ManamiIcon.png.b9f5d758309c84d07a7961b733f0479a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Manami Fukui::.

She's At|She's With|She feels

The Maverick Club|The Club Group|Completely Elated?

Manami looked over towards the boy--who looked exactly like a pirate--as he entered the scene. "Hello~!" Manami greeted him cheerfully. "Welcome to The Maverick Club," she began, and she recognized him from the dorms. She remembered seeing him around the place, though she never really talked to him until now. "I'm Manami Fukui," she introduced herself as she walked over to him. "You live in Akemiasu, right?" She questioned him, though she was sure the answer was yes. Because of this, she continued on speaking. "Everyone at Akemiasu is special and unique in their own way, and this is the place where we're all free to be ourselves. I'm guessing Ms. Tachibana told you about this place, or perhaps you saw our flyer." She smiled, for though Ms. Tachibana is known to be irresponsible and a little, well, "out there", she's always looking out for the students residing in Akemiasu. Manami's expression warmed as she thought about this, but she quickly snapped back to reality. She heard Stacy's question about what the club was about and the rules behind it all, so she decided to inform both of the new members about it--killing two birds with one stone.

"The Maverick Club is all about individuality. Here, we're free to be ourselves without the fear of being judged. Everyone's different, and everyone has their own individual talents. The founders of this place knew this, so they made this place for all of the misunderstood people of Akemiasu," she began with a smile, and then she continued on. "Here, we're free to share our differences, while also getting to know everyone else's. If you're smart in academics, we help those who are not. If you love to paint, you can show your work and teach others your skills. Pretty much, it's all about bonding and learning," she smiled with her eyes, her lips also curling upwards cutely. It was then that Himiko stepped in, deciding to give the lecture about the rules. "As for the rules," she began in a casual, yet stern tone, "The first one is to not judge others. This is a place to freely express yourself without the fear of that, like Manami stated. So, that's rule number one. Rule number two is to simply be yourself. We don't want you lying and pretending to be something you're not," she stated, and, with a small and brief grin, she proceeded.

"If I catch any of you starting any drama or hurting one another intentionally without a legitimate reason, you'll face the wrath of me and my katana," Himiko stated, unsheathing her blade halfway to show she wasn't joking around. Though she comes off as a hard-ass sometimes, all she really wanted was to be a normal girl for a while. Normal, for her, also consisted of protecting her friends. She knew that drama was inevitable, which is why things like betrayal and always having each others backs wasn't an official rule. It was more so implied, being that everyone here was considered family. Families go through conflicts, and those at Akemiasu are no different. Manami knew this as well, and she agreed with Himiko. The rules have always been the same. No judging, more understanding, and being yourself, not someone else. That's what this club was all about - being free and individual, and working together to enhance ourselves to be the best we can be. Manami couldn't help but thank the founders of this club--wherever they may be--for bringing such a beautiful and wonderful place to the light. It was like a second home to her, while Akemiasu was her first.

Manami smiled and looked at everyone, and she couldn't hide her growing elation about it all.
"I love you guys so much~" she spoke to everyone, and with glee, she hugged Himiko again. Before Himiko could smack her, however, she jumped on over to Stacy and greeted her with a hug, as well. It was her way for thanking her for the compliments, while also welcoming her for her own appreciations. She even gave the new member she barely knew, Deverd, a hug, smiling up at him sweetly before turning over to Lucas. Manami knew about how he loved to cross-dress, so with a smile, she sat beside him on the couch. She wrapped her arms around him as well, comforting him because he appeared to be in a bad mood. "What's wrong, Lu-kun?" She asked him kindly. "You don't look so good." She stated, and her lips formed a small frown, while her eyes that glistened with genuine concern. "Do you like the food? Aki-kun made it, you know~" she said, putting a smile back on her face and trying to spread the happiness behind it over to him.

She wanted to make sure this party was a success, which meant that everyone had to be in a remotely good mood. The last thing Manami wanted was for anyone to be miserable.



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Mizuki Furukawa


(this is what her dress looks like, her hair is curly like that though it's darker. and please excuse me for the lateness.

there is really no excuse, so I am very sorry. If you have already removed me from the RP, feel free to notify me to take this post down.)

On her way to the party|---|excited

Mizuki was dressed, ready with anticipation and excitement. She was wearing a simple dress. It was white with layers, and a big bow in the middle of her chest. She matched the outfit with a pair of white ballet flats and a matching white bow in her hair. She brushed her hair into their brown, thick curls and straightened herself up. She looked okay. She took a spare change of clothes, for when jumping into the pool, placed it in a bag, and was on her way to the Maverick Club, with a huge grin.

As she stepped inside the clubroom, she was met with a crowd of people. She silently made her way to the corner of the building, watching everyone around her shyly. Lacing her fingers together, she put a smile on her face to appear friendly. She smiled at anyone who looked at her and was happy to see that they would smile back. Patting her dress, attempting to make herself look busy, she listened to the bustle around her. She was feeling pretty. This was one of her favorite days of the year, apart from Christmas, since she could have an excuse to dress up. This dress she had worn to weddings and celebrations, especially this one which she wore the dress to every year. She was traditional like that. Taking a seat on the couch, trying not to make people pay attention to her, she fiddled around with her hair, curling it between her fingers, and fiddled around with the bag containing a spare change of jeans and a t-shirt. Waiting for the celebrations to commence, she lied against the couch and watched everybody around her talking among themselves.

Gyaah! She really is there!

Yuki stood at the doorframe of the clubroom, shuddering in fear. It was definitely relieving to see that his acquaintances were still alive, but what is he going to do now? He can’t even save himself. What more if he fought against the vampire queen? Yup, he’s definitely going to die. In fact, he can even see his own soul detach from his body and float its way to heaven, saying, “Good luck, Yukkin!” like this wasn’t his problem or anything. Yuki curiously stared at his own soul, who was dancing cheerfully, chanting garlic over and over again, floating around the room and drooling over the food placed on the clubroom’s table.

Garlic…? Garlic…Garlic!

Yuki gasped and jolted up at the sudden realization. He does carry a weapon! Plus, it seems that his own soul didn’t abandon him, after all! His soul fished out a thick bible and began chanting prayers

unknown to Yuki. But in any case, they’re saved! Yuki dug through the box and fished out a couple of garlic cloves. As he was about to throw the garlic cloves at the vampire’s direction, Yuki crashed into a boy. His head crashed against the doorknob and the box he was carrying fell down to the floor, causing the vegetables inside it to scatter in different directions. That sure hurt. Yuki almost teared up in pain. What was that about?

Yuki turned his attention to the boy who bumped him. “Lu-pai?” He blinked. Then, the next thing he knew, Lucas was apologizing to him almost endlessly. “It’s fine, it’s fine.” He waved his hands cheerfully and started picking up the scattered vegetables. He sat there, watching as a girl began scolding his upperclassman.

Err…What was her name again? At any case, these two sure are close. Maybe they’re siblings or something?

After putting the last vegetable in the box, Yuki stood up and stretched. Now that he thought about it, why is he in front of the clubroom again? Yuki watched as Lucas left, carrying some girl’s clothes. Is he going to change into those? If he is, then there must be some occasion going on! But, what occasion? Yuki shrugged, entering the clubroom with a grin. “G’Aftie!” He greeted gleefully as ever and looked at each and every one of them, yes, including the vampire queen which was surprising after all that ruckus he caused between himself. Turns out, he forgot about fearing the vampire queen when he hit his head against the doorknob. “What? What’s going on? Why are you guys dressed? Is someone getting married-?” Yuki asked, obviously confused about the situation. He would’ve continued asking and rambling questions endlessly if it weren’t for the delicious smell that enticed his five senses.

Yuki slid the box on the corner and ran to the table, his eyes gleaming and his mouth watering in drools. He looked like a greedy, hungry dog that hasn’t eaten for days and will pounce at everything in its sight.


(Uwah. I am so very sorry for not posting. Please punish me as to whatever you deem fit. TT^TT)

(I'm not feeling well today. It's hard to type while coughing every two minutes.)


Deverd blinked as a blue-haired girl looked at him. He heard her say hello, but he never got the chance to reply because she was already welcoming him to the... the... Maverick Club. All he could do was smile at her. Deverd listened to her as she introduced herself as Manami Fukui. Okay, new name added to his to-be friends list. The girl asked him if he lived in Akemiasu, and Deverd was about to say something but she continued before he could tell her anything. She said that everyone at Akemiasu is special and unique in their own way and that this was the place to where everyone was free to be themselves. Deverd heard her guess that Ms. Tachibana told her about this place or he saw their flyer. Okay, honestly, Deverd didn't remember anyone telling him about this place... or did he? "Actually... I just used eenie meenie and stepped in..." he told her with a sheepish grin.

Then, he heard someone ask about the club and the rules. Deverd listened to what Manami was saying, which was a lot (at least to him), mind you. Then, a girl taller than Manami, said stuff about the rules. Just two rules? Awesome! thought Deverd. The tall girl said something about feeling her and her katana's wrath. He remembered having a cutlass, and he hid it somewhere but he can't remember where. Deverd watched Manami as she smiled at everyone and told them she loved them all so much. All Devy could think was, Wait, what? He didn't know why she was saying those sweet things, so he didn't know how to react. Pirates of the past, please help-

He didn't get to finish his mental prayer because he saw Manami hugging the tall girl, and the other girl that asked her a question. Right when he was about to continue his prayer, Manami hugged Deverd and smiled at him. ... At least I didn't embarrass myself. he thought to himself. He watched his acquaintance sit beside someone on the couch and talk to the person. If I didn't crash into my door, I would call this a great start. Deverd counted how many times he bumped into stuff today. Two. Bumping into the door and into the wall. Fortunately, nobody saw him those times. He looked around the place filled with balloons and streamers, since he couldn't do anything else. Oh hey look, an orange balloon!


Akemiasu/Maverick Club | --- | Okay

Lucas was busy nimbling on his food, his mind drifting off to the event of today,"Same old, same old. Girls chasing me and being so scary." Lucas thought shivering, remembering the event eariler where he was trapped in the small room, hearing those girls' conversation,"Really scary." Lucas added and was about to finish his last tofu when out of nowhere, he was suddenly pulled into a hug, dropping his tofu onto the floor,"Poor tofu-san." Lucas thought sadly and turned to see who had disturbed him, he sighed seeing it was only Manami, her usual cheerful self coming to spread her love.

"What's wrong, Lu-kun? You don't look so good. Do you like the food? Aki-kun made it, you know~"

Staring at the small girl, he started to check out her outfit and chuckled softly at how adorable she was looking today,"Manami, always so cute." Lucas thought, never admitting this to her of course, it would be troublesome if she knew his thoughts,"Hello Chibi, I'm fine, just tired out." Lucas replied and picked up the fallen tofu and placing it onto his plate,"The food is delicious as usual. Absent's cooking is always good." Lucas said and placed the place of the mushed tofu the table.

Manami could be the only girl that Lucas found fun to be with, her kind and carefree personality made any gloomy day become a sunshine happiness. She was like a small ball of sunshine that always trying to shine around to spread the love. Having a body and face like a child, she was quite mature, having those moments where she acts like an adult,"So who are the new members?" Lucas asked remembering that he had not met any of them yet.
Stacy grinned after Manami made her speech about the Maverick club and what it's main intention was. She believed that she would end up making a few friends and end up getting help whenever she had an accident instead of mocked relentlessly. She heard Himiko give a speech about the rules and smiled at her. "I love you guys so much~" Manami told everyone with glee in her voice and proceeded to hug Himiko before making her way to Stacy to hug her. Stacy was surprised by the hug but appriecated the hug. "Stacy approves plus 20." Stacy told the girl whilst being hugged and watched as Manami hug the pirate then a princess.

"I love your oufit!" Stacy told the princess as she walked towards him whilst maintaining her smile. "It really suits you!" She told the Princess. "I'm Stacy." She said to Lucas as she sat down next to the boy. "I would say of the Grey Wardens but i suspect you already know that." She as she smiled at him and Manami. "Hey, Manami, what games can we play?" She asked one of her saviours as she rested her staff against her right shoulder.

Stacy hadn't experienced any social gatherings for as long as she could remember due to the high frequency of her accidents and no-one wanting to speak to the girl who soils or wets herself. She remembered being mocked, teased and bullied during her years at high school. Some even spiked her drinks with laxative just to humilate the poor girl even further or prevented her from entering the nearest bathroom when she really needed to go.

The classroom was stuffy and the teacher had been lecturing the entire class about how important next week's exams were for the past half an hour. Stacy put her hand up in the air but was ignored by the teacher. She was fidgeting around in her seat and some of her classmates had noticed her. "50 cents says she poos herself." "got your cell?" "Yes and everyone will know that stacy had an accident." Her classmates could be cruel and some had taken to taking pictures then uploading them to facebook. Stacy was biting down on her bottom lip whilst trying to avoid having an accident and the nearest break was just a mere 10 minutes away.

Stacy gasped in horror 5 minutes later as she started to wet herself and quickly put her handbag on her lap to try to cover it up. She barely managed to stop herself 10 seconds later and was very uncomfortable. Her cheeks had turned completely red as a result of the small accident. Luckily for her, she managed to avoid leaving any evidence apart from a very small wet patch on her jeans. The lunch bell rang and everyone left for lunch. Stacy barely managed to avoid the others as she made her way towards the girl's bathroom but found her way was blocked by a gang of bullies. "There's a toll. Give us all of your cash or **** yourself, you big ugly baby!" One of the girls told her. "I-i do-don't have any!" Stacy told the girl whilst clenching her fist. "Then go away before we hurt you." Another girl told her as she raised her fists. Stacy knew not to try anything and ran towards the nearest bathroom but failed to make it in time.

"Oh my god! That girl wet herself!" A student exclaimed before laughing at Stacy as she stood in the hallway in a growing puddle. "EW!" Another student gasped. One of the jocks walked towards her and said "Time to wash the baby!" He picked her up and ignored her attempts of trying to break free. "Let me go!" Stacy said whilst punching the jock's back. The jock carried her towards the school's pool and said "Enjoy your bath!" He chucked her into the water and laughed afterwards. This was just one of the many incidents that occured on a daily basis for Stacy at her previous school. Thankfully, Wakahisa High was a different thanks to Manami and Himiko.
"I love your outfit! It really suits you! I'm Stacy. I would say of the Grey Wardens but I suspect you already know that."

Lucas wasn't surprised to see another girl coming up to him. Though he wasn't the prince at the moment, people still came up to him as if he was sweet honey, something the bees just couldn't leave alone for once,"I'm too popular." Lucas thought but then he noticed that it was the same girl who have wet herself earlier in class,"Oh, so she is part of the club too? Guess I can make her a friend now." Lucas thought and returned the smile to the girl,"Nice to meet you Stacy-san. I'm known as the Melancholy Princess. But you can call me Lulu-chan." Lucas said, using his "lady-like" manners that he had learned from his sister.

Lucas was a great at acting, his emotions easy to hide from those around him. No one knows of his true intentions except his sister since of course, they had that twin telepathy. Watching as the two girls interact with one another, Lucas started to take mental note to keep watch of Stacy since she seemed to be having a hard time with school now because of that accident,"Seems I'll have to protect her from those girls now." Lucas thought since now most of the girls will be bullying the poor girl and most of the girls will listen to him so he had full control of them,"Feels like I'm being a bodyguard for her." Lucas grumbled annoyed that he will have to do some hard work now.

Mizuki Furukawa


Maverick/other club members/lonely

Mizuki looked around the room before sighing. She looked, and felt, so out of place. Around her, people were mingling, laughing and giggling. The outfits were so different from each other, the colors ranging from red to blue, yellow to green or black to white. Her dress looked so plain compared to everyone else's. Perhaps that was her personality. Plain, boring and traditional. Mizuki frowned at the thought. Stop bashing yourself, she thought. It doesn't help. Maybe I should mingle. Give socializing a shot. Struck with a new determination, Mizuki put on a brave face and stood up from her seat, looking around. Hoping to catch a glance at someone familiar, she spotted the girl from earlier who had that little accident. She was busy, talking to a tall figure with dark, red hair and a pair of dark glasses. He looked older than her age, probably a third year. Mizuki decided to move on to the next guest. Remembering Manami, and her declaration to everyone about her love for them, Mizuki smiled. Manami was sweet and kind, she was the type of girl whom everybody wanted to befriend and yet she wasn't selfish nor snobby. Mizuki was glad that she had a friend like her.

Admiring the decorations around her, she took a look at her fellow club members again, not sure what to do with herself. The Queen was beside Manami, looking serious and grim as she always did. Himiko, her highness, had finished her speech with the rules for Maverick Club. "Rule number two is to simply be yourself. We don't want you lying and pretending to be something you're not." That was Mizuki's favorite rule. As much as she loved rule #1 of no judging, she loved the fact that everybody could be themselves here. It was why she joined the club in the first place. The freedom and the understanding of the members comforted Mizuki. It made her feel like she belonged somewhere, in this huge, vast world. Reminding herself of the task at hand, to make friends, Mizuki scanned the crowd of people, feeling more confident than ever before.


Deverd plopped down on a chair right next to the orange balloon he spotted earlier. I'm acting like a kid. After that, he had a staring contest with a balloon. How he did that, he didn't know. Of course, Deverd won my default because the balloon had no eyes. He didn't know what to do after that. He looked around and saw a girl with a white dress. Deverd cocked his head slightly, thinking about what he should do. Should he approach her? Should he call her? Should he guess her name? or should he wave at her? He didn't know where the last option came from but he waved at the girl with a grin. If she tells him her name, Deverd will score another point on his Names game.

I might get a score over nine thousand when I know everybody's names. He was still grinning but he had put his hand down. He looked around once more. Ah, the problems of being adventurous. Can't stay in once place. he thought to himself while sighing. His gaze fell on the food on the table and stared at it. Aw pirate's soul, he inwardly cursed, food on the table or adventure? Food, adventure, food, adventure... It was a hard to choose between them, you know. Being a pirate, food is like treasure. Being adventurous, adventures are also like treasure. But money is treasure. Wait, how did money get into this debate? He did not know. Bloody hell, which one should I choose?!

"Where should I start first? The main course? Oh! The appetizers looks tasty, too! Err...But the desserts are mouth-watering..Grargh...!!!"

Yuki was walking around the table where the food are placed, grumbling, banging his head on the wall, and scratching himself as he tried to make decisions. If only he could tear himself into three bodies and merge it afterwards, that sure would be convenient as heck. He sat on the floor and closed his eyes, appearing as if he was meditating on the outside. If he ate desserts first, his appetite would be spoiled. If he ate the appetizers first, he wouldn't be able to show self-restraint on it. If he ate the main course, there won't be left for anyone. Feasts sure are terrifying. After a while, he stood up with a smile on his face.

Jeez, what the heck. Let's just eat all of them at the same time!

And so, he did. He had a mountain of food on his plate yet, he made sure that there would be enough food left for everyone to share. Yuki sat on the floor and ate quietly. Dang, these are delicious! He has got to know who made these dishes and learn the recipes. Yuki scanned around the people within the room. Who made these? Is it Chibi? Is it that scary looking woman? Maybe Lu-pai? Or that pirate over there? Gah. There's no use rambling who made these! Yuki stood up with a mouthful of food in his mouth and raised his plate.

"Hwo maeij thish? Teik me en ash hyour aphretinsh!"

(Trans: "Who made this?! Take me in as your apprentice!")

Well, that didn't go well. Instead of looking like a hopeless man who wanted a job, he certainly looked like a viking who was waging war.

{{Sorry I haven't posted~ I'll make up for it in this one.}}

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf483a1ce_ManamiIcon.png.4b9fa9bc6531c6b7ff01fb9db60c0276.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18759" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf483a1ce_ManamiIcon.png.4b9fa9bc6531c6b7ff01fb9db60c0276.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Manami Fukui::.

She's At|She's With|She feels

The Maverick Club|The Club Group|Completely Elated?

Manami nodded in response to Lucas, and with a smile, she wrapped her arms around him, as well. She never knew any personal boundaries, so hugs were a usual thing with those she knew and cared about--hell, even some people she didn't know and simply admired. "Feel better, Lu-kun~" Manami encouraged him sweetly, "It's a party! You've got to rally up your energy!" She let out an adorable giggle, and then finally released him of her embrace. With shimmering eyes and a shining smile, Manami couldn't contain her apparent elation. Though some people seemed a little fatigued and confused, everyone appeared to be enjoying themselves one way or another. It took a little while for Lu-kun's question to register in her mind, for Manami was too involved with the festive environment around her. Though, eventually she realized that he asked her something. "Oh! New members, right," Manami lightly tapped herself on the top of the head, as if saying 'my bad'. "The new members are Stacy, here," she referred to the girl in front of them with a kind grin, "Deverd over there," she motioned over to him and waved benevolently, "and Kuniri-chan who has yet to arrive." Manami smiled, though she couldn't help but wonder where she was. Her expression grew perplexed for a moment, but she quickly returned to her state of bliss.

"Those are our three new additions~!"

Manami informed, and then heard the question Stacy had regarding party games. "We usually play some games after we eat and tell everyone a little bit about ourselves," Himiko stepped in and stated with a sure nod. "Though, I'd rather wait for Kuniri before we do that," she spoke, and Manami nodded over at her in agreement. "Yes, it's like a get-to-know-each-other thing, that way we can all begin acting as family," Manami spoke, her tone coated with honey and sugar. Her voice was so sweet and so light - it flew through the place like a weightless feather. "Though, you can play whatever you want! Even if it's just rock paper scissors," Manami spoke in a joking, free-spirited tone. She didn't care what they all talked about or did, just as long as everyone could enjoy themselves. It got a laugh out of Himiko, though that was probably just because of how Manami's voice was so child-like. It could make almost any joke--no matter how lame or plain--sound a little funny. With that, Manami let out a few giggles of her own, and then she looked over towards Mizuki playing the role of the wallflower. "Mi-chan~!" Manami spoke as she got up from the couch and approached her.

"Mi-chan~! I missed you~!" Manami cheered as she walked over to her, also wrapping her arms around her affectionately. "I love your dress," she complimented, and not a hint of sarcasm could be found in her voice. It was sincere, for Manami loved Mizuki's style. Some may view it as boring compared to the eccentric outfits that could be found in the room, but that's what Manami loved about Mizuki. She could remember the times Mizuki chased her around due to her "cute and small" figure, and though it scared her at first, it became one of the many things Manami admired about her. It even gave Manami a boost of confidence, for she's honestly never seen herself as cute before. Even her nickname--Chibi--gave her confidence in herself. She supposed that was the whole point being this "family" of theirs; confidence boosts, being able to be yourself, and being proud of who you are in the meantime. With a smile, Manami's eyes began to wander, and she could see Deverd's gaze falling upon Mizuki. With a devious giggle, Manami's eyes narrowed mischievously. She walked over to Deverd, grabbed him by the wrist, and tugged on him as hard as she could--pushing him to Mizuki's side.

"Dev-kun, meet Mi-chan," Manami introduced them, showing no shame at all as she winked towards them and walked over to the table to grab some more appetizers. She noticed Fuyuki eyeing the table with hungry eyes, and with pursed lips, Manami lightly tapped him on the head. "Bad," she began in a scolding tone. "You can't eat it all, Fu-kun," she stated, and pointed to the appetizers. "Only those," she informed him, and though she tried to remain serious, she couldn't help but laugh at his full mouth and.. Compliments to the chef, was it? It sounded like he wanted Aki-kun to take him in as an apprentice; Manami has learned the gibberish that came from the full mouth of Fu-kun. "It's Aki-kun who made it," Manami stated to him with a smile that spread up to her eyes. She couldn't be happier that everyone was having fun. I'm so glad, she thought to herself, her expression softening. I really should thank Aki-kun again for his efforts - he must have worked so hard, she continued on in her mind - keeping her thoughts in her head for once. With pursed lips, she glanced around modestly as she began intertwining her fingers together. Why was she feeling bashful all of a sudden? Manami pouted.

Stupid Aki-kun.



  • Manami Icon.png
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Mizuki Furukawa


Maverick|other club members|joyful

Mizuki had finished listening to the introductory speeches and was thinking about the game of paper, scissors rock when a a sudden, sweet voice rang in the air. "Mi-chan~!" Mizuki turned around with a smile. She recognized that voice from anywhere. "Chibi~" Mizuki greeted with a small grin, "Hello! And thank you," she laughed, hearing Manami's sweet compliment. She could manage to make anyone feel good about themselves with just the little things she says. "Your outfit is adorably amazing, and I missed you too~ How have you been?" Mizuki asked politely, ecstatic about meeting her good friend again. But as soon as the words left her mouth, Manami was tugging a red haired pirate to her side. Mizuki gave him a curious look and remembered him from earlier. She had meant to wave back but Manami was already calling her name. Therefore, she completely forgot about him. Mizuki bit her lip, thinking about how rude she must've seemed. Okay. You might've been rude before, but be friendly now. Give yourself a good second impression.

Mizu tried to plant a friendly smile on her face and pulled her hand up to wave casually at him as Manami did the introductions. "Dev-kun, meet Mi-chan." Dev-kun? Ah, right, Mizuki thought, remembering back to the little speech, listing the new members' names. This must be Deverd. "Hello Deverd~ Nice to meet you. I'm Mizuki," she smiled, "Though Manami here likes to call me 'Mi-chan'. You can also call me that, or, feel free to call me Mizu as well~" By now, Manami was already drifting off to the food table with her usual honey-sweet smile. Mizuki and her newly found pirate friend was left alone in the corner. Mizuki took the chance to take a closer look at his costume. Deverd had accompanied his realistic pirate outfit with a black eyepatch and his messy, long, red hair flew everywhere. He looked pretty cool, Mizuki admitted in her mind with an impressed look. Though Mizuki was worried that her outfit looked plain in comparison to his, she had began to fully grasp the idea of 'being yourself'. This dress described her better than any other. It was simple and plain, yet it had its own quirks. The blue that outlined the edges of the layers made it look like a stack of white, floppy pancakes with blueberry syrup in the middle of each cake. The big bow gave the dress a bit of femininity and cuteness. Mizuki smiled. She liked this dress, and more importantly, she loved her personality.

On my iTouch once again, so no picture. I'm too lazy to turn on my computer.

Deverd was about to end his his debate when he felt someone grab his wrist. He blinked and looked at the person who was responsible. It was Manami. "Oh hey Manami, what are you-- Woah!" he didn't get to finish what he said because she suddenly tugged on his wrist, hard. "My wrist isn't a rope, Mana--" Again, he didn't get to finish what he said because Manami started pushing Deverd and he found himself in front of the girl he waved to earlier. "Dev-kun, meet Mi-chan." he heard her say. Hooray, someone called me by my nickname! he thought to himself, celebrating in his head. He saw Manami wink at him and the girl then walked away. Deverd's attention turned to the girl in front of him and grinned when she introduced herself as Mizuki, telling him that Manami liked to call her Mi-chan and that he could call her Mizu. Hip, hip, hooray! I just learned a new name today!

He celebrated in his head again then introduced himself. "Nice to meet ya, Mizu." he started, "Name's Deverd but you can call me Dev, or Devy, your call." He noticed that Mizuki was looking at him, examining what he was wearing. What do people call it when people examine you closely? Check? Ah, checking out. Is she... checking me out? he thought to himself, a bit unsure since he didn't fully understand the 'checking out' thing. Sure, he heard some teenagers say stuff like that when he was a kid but he was pretty sure that 'checking out' wasn't in the dictionary. And, it's to words. How do you even search something like that in a dictionary?! Either the world he used to know was gone and a dictionary that lets you search phrases like that exists, or... he was crazy. Probably the latter. Mizu suddenly smiled and Deverd was beginning to question his sanity. Is she really smiling or was he hallucinating?

Fortunately, his thoughts were locked inside his head unless he says them outloud and his expression didn't change, he still had that friendly grin. But, not wanting to creep his new to-be friend out, he stopped grinning and looked at her, waiting for her reaction to what just happened. Even though his grin was gone, he had a small smile.
Jeez, now I can't stop smiling. What is wrong with me?

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Akio couldn't help but chuckle as he generously accepted Manami's hug and profession of her love. Perhaps to someone unaware of their relationship, Manami's words would have been misinterpreted as her confession, yet for Akio who was used to her affectionate responses, a quick pat on the head was his only response. Although the conditions of his promise had been met, Akio could not bare crushing his friend's high spirits, and so rather than leaving, he choose to re-isolate himself on the couch with his tablet in hand. Neko-chan, who had abandoned her post as dj and left the music to handle itself, transferred her existence to his tablet where she collapsed to the bottom of the screen with a sigh of exhaustion for the work she had done.

"Good work, Neko-chan."

"Nyaaah, Neko-chan doesn't understand the enjoyment people get from parties, nya."

Chuckling at his AI's words, Akio simply shrugged his shoulders before turning his attention to the speech that Himiko had begun as the president of the club. Having heard the Maverick's descriptions several times in the past, Akio's focus was hardly fixated on her words, but rather, the menacing display of authority that her katana would bring to the discussion.

The continuation of the party would go by in a blur of memories as even Akio would find himself being caught up in the atmosphere of enjoyment that many were experiencing. Particularly humorous were the muffled words of a viking, declaring his new found quest to discover the source of the food's cook. Upon Manami's declaration of the food' source, Akio gave an appreciative nod toward the viking before giving in to the amusement of his adorable friend's antics. As she took the hand of a boy named Dev-kun and literally shoved him in another girl's face, Akio shook his head with a chuckle before rising to his feet and walking over to Manami herself. Resting his arms and head upon hers, Akio tone was teasing as he opened his mouth to comment on her questionable antics.

"You silly girl. Forcing a couple now are we?"


Ikuto Ahiro

The endless servant.

Ikuto stood to the side for the most part, back against the wall as he barely leaned against it. His sapphire blue eyes would constantly note those who walked through the door, quickly switching to the clock as if to confirm just when they may have arrived. It was a rather warm environment, seeing as everyone just kind of clicked. Had he already missed his chance to properly fall within the given crowds? Then again, even the newer members were quickly being accepted by the others, meaning it should not be so difficult to tie ends with at least one member. But, was it really worth the chance of pushing another out of the picture? After all, it is human nature to rate others in the end, is it not? Best friends, close friends, regular friends, to become any sort means to be either degrade the view of another, of promote it. Perhaps it was simply easiest to avoid the chances and be a supporter from the back. "So long as they remain within happiness I suppose. "

His eyes came to rest on Manami within the passing moments, seeing as the entering members came to a slow. She mingled around quite a bit, sometimes forcing various interactions. That small girl really could serve as the heart of the party, whilst Shirogane was capable of giving it the momentum. Deverd, he was the boy from earlier this morning, now wearing cloth that suited a pirate more than a student. Another unique individual had entered the dorms of Akemiasu it would seem. And with him, Mizuki, who had stood wearing a rather suiting dress. It only supported his idea of her being a rather cute individual herself, at least the red haired boy could come to notice this and have a chat with her. All of them were unique, Stacy, Fuyuki, Akio, and Lucas included. "Watching them all can be quite amusing like this. " A smile escaped him as he quietly stood there.

Ikuto's eyes traced one last time towards the clock seeing as the last member entered. The small shock in her eyes gave way that her appearance was probably even forced. Nevertheless, Ikuto pushed himself away from the wall, moving between Manami and Himiko sharing the same message with both, giving a quick nod towards the last individual, " It seems we are all present, as well we still have an hour or so before we can safely visit the pool. So there is plenty of time to continue the normal routine." After finishing the round, Ikuto once again returned to the wall adopting his previous pose. It was probably best if he simply waited around until he was actually needed.


Kuniri Akamine

Kuniri has been intercepted by Chupacabra 2.0

Kuniri enter the room hesitantly, looking back to the door as if thinking about escape. But there stood the teacher, a smirk taking her to her face as she closed the door. What was with that crazy teacher anyways? " Kuniri was tricked", the girl remained staring at the escape, knowing it was probably too late to flee. This was embarrassing, she didn't exactly know what to do in this kind of situation. Covering her face with both hands as to avoid staring she turned around, and in attempt to discreetly cross the room, she walked slowly as if passing through a horde of carnivores. To say the least, she was not ready to attempt taking on full groups of people whilst she only knew one person thus far. " He counts as a friend right? We talked, we exchanged names, that makes friends right!?.... Kuniri is lost."

Believe it or not, Kuniri was actually wearing rather plain clothes, the school uniform in fact. When the teacher was rushing her out the door she just sort of panicked, and couldn't really think of what to wear. She even somewhat regretted it seeing as a couple other people were dressed neatly, even Deverd showed up as a pirate. " Kuniri didn't need to make one after all." That's right, the silver haired girl was actually pouting in slight disappointment. After all, she figured that if they weren't friends now it would make a decent little stepping stone. Another was seemingly prepared to engage in a battle, " Wait... Is the Chupacabra coming as well? " Her voice spoke aloud as she tilted her head, honestly curious.
Stacy smiled at Lucas and said "Nice to meet you Lulu!" She was unaware that the princess was going to start looking out for her unless she suddenly developed the power to read minds but she was a grey warden not a mind reader! She saw Manami hugging Lulu-chan and believed that she loved hugging people that she cared for. Or she was a closet hug addict. "Hi." Stacy said after Manami mentioned her name. "Ooo, we should go shopping for some shoes for you tomorrow!" She said with glee in her voice to the princess after the idea popped into her head. "I mean, some lovely red heels with a lacy ribbon top would suit you!" She told Lulu with a smile.

"I look forward to playing some games with everyone!" She told Manami with a smile and went to help herself to more food. She saw a boy with a mountain of food on his plate and smiled at him. She helped herself to some appetisers and a small bowl of ice cream. She applied some strawberry sauce onto the ice cream and returned to the princess. "Do we help ourselves to the main course?" She asked Manami. "Hey guys, i'm Stacy of the Grey Wardens!" She told those that were near the princess and Manami.

She tucked into her ice cream and heard someone mention a pool. "Pool?" She asked with a mouthful of ice cream. "Sorry." She said after swallowing it and asked "We're going swiming?" She didn't have any swimwear due to past experiences in the pools at her previous schools and being banned from some public pools for having accidents. "Manami, i don't have anything, is it ok if i use your gym clothes? I know i'm asking for a lot but...." She asked Manami before sighing. "I di hold everdn't think that i'll be invited to a club, let alone be allowed near a pool. I....." She said before blushing as she felt something warm. "No, no,no,no,no!" She uttered rapidly as she got up and dropped the bowl. It fell onto the floor but didn't suffer any damage. She ran towards the bathroom as she slowly wet herself and was uttering "No" repeatly untill she swing the bathroom door open and slammed it shut before letting out a sigh of relief. Fortunately for her, there was no visible sign that she had a tiny accident. She washed her hands afterwards and flushed the toilet before making her way back to Manami. "Sorry about that, I er..." She told Manami before blushing slightly. "anyway, i'm only asking as i don't want to hold everyone up, well, unless i leave now and i'm rambling aren't I?" She said to her new friend.

Mizuki Furukawa


After Mizuki had finished her thoughts, she noticed that her pirate friend had a small smile on his face. Leaning her head a little to one side, she wondered why he was smiling like that. Am I doing something to amuse him? she thought, straightening up. A silence followed and Mizuki sighed silently. Well, this is awkward. Should I excuse myself to get some drinks or something? Mizuki skimmed her eyes lightly around the crowded room, catching a glimpse of Ikuto who was leaning against the bare wall modestly. Mizuki almost put up a hand to wave at him before hesitating slightly. Am I his friend? Or are we merely just acquaintances who pass around notes in class? Heck, the only thing he knows about me is that I don't have any allergies, and that I'm just a silly little girl who fails to set her alarm clock every night. But Mizuki pushed away those thoughts as best as she could. There's no harm in waving to him, Zuki. Don't be silly, Mizu thought as she tried to wave casually at the tall figure with messy, ebony hair and gleaming, blue eyes.

Taking her time, she turned back to Deverd and smiled lightly.
"Well, it was super nice talking to you and all, but may I excuse myself to get some drinks for my thirst?" she asked politely before hurrying on. "I'll see you around Dev~" Before Deverd could utter another word, Mizuki turned around and wandered off to the drinks table. There were stacks of small, plastic cups on the table and random bottles of liquids with colors ranging from brown to orange to blue were placed neatly in a pile. Mizuki grabbed a cup from the pile and filled it halfway with something that she guessed was an orange-flavored soft drink. Taking little sips from her cup, she went back to her role of being a wallflower.

(I wasn't sure what to write about so please excuse me for these two badly written paragraphs ^^")

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