Oddballs Of Wakahisa High ♥ A School Based Roleplay [Inactive]

((Sorry about the short reply... I can't think straight! *bangs head repeatedly on a table*))


Deverd watched as Mizuki walked away to get some drinks. Every time. he thought, sighing. Every time someone introduced themselves to him, they chat a little then go away. Well, he walked away from Kuniri but it was kinda urgent. Speaking of Kuniri, he saw her enter the room and Deverd grinned. "Hey, Kuniri!" he called to her then walked towards her. Then I walk back to her. he thought to himself. He noticed that she was only wearing her school uniform but decided not to tell her that. It'll make things awkward. "Glad you could make it," he told her when he finally reached her. Then, he ran out of ideas on what to say. Great, just when I needed it. He tried to think of things to say. How old was she? No. Where she lives? What? NO. Favorite color? Too simple. Gah! I can't think of anything!

"Um... No? The... Chupacabra isn't coming..." said Deverd, unsure. Yeah, he answered her question, but he wasn't sure who is this 'Chupacabra' person. "Anyway... What's your favorite color?" he asked her. Drat, I just had to go with the color. he thought, mentally face palming. He waited for her response patiently while running a hand through his red hair. He doesn't really know how he got the red hair, but his pictures when he was young showed that he also had red hair. His biggest guess is that he was born with red hair. However, Deverd prefers the color orange over the color red. I need to stop thinking about colors as well. he inwardly sighed. And I need to work on my socializing skills... He returned his attention to his first ever friend in this place while shoving his hands into his pants pocket.

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Ikuto Ahiro

He sank your battleship... Sorry

Before he could even realize, Ikuto's eyes drifted off into space. Honestly, his mind was giving into the thought of merely observing from his current position throughout the year. After all, there are some things one can only do when they stand away from the issues at hand. Those thoughts however, quickly came to an end. For some reason his mind came to call back to the room, dragging his eyes towards a movement he barely even caught. So someone managed to notice him despite the various groups, each worthy of the attention, perhaps more than he himself. Only looking to the clock, simply to clarify the time, Ikuto came to watch Mizuki in curiosity. "Oh.. That's right.. " His mind fell back to the classroom, where he left the girl without even waiting for a proper answer. "I suppose that was rather rude. Maybe I can still fix it. "

Sure enough, the opportunity soon would reveal itself, seeing as she ended her previous conversation with the pirate-like individual and made way for the drinks. No hesitance even took to him as he pushed himself away from the wall, casually walking towards the girl. Eyes only diverting from his destination once as if to check that the others would continue their conversations happily. "Mizuki," his voice barely pierced the air, his gentle tone taking over as he stepped beside her. "Sorry for leaving so suddenly earlier." His attention was mostly focused on the job at hand, which would be him grabbing a cup and filling it with some of the blue drink. But he made sure to dart his eyes towards her direction as he continued, "The offer is still open." The offer he spoke of was of course the question right after class, whether or not this girl desired him to make breakfast just in case. "Then again, we have talented cooks within Akemiasu. Perhaps the offer should change to, should I save you a plate?"

With his cup now full with the blue liquid, Ikuto came to turn around, relaxing his pose against the table as he watched the others once more. This event, it was a rather pleasing way to start off a new school year, and it was only know that he somewhat allowed himself to enjoy it rather than crunching the information. Everyone dresses up in whatever they think suits their personality, which just adds more amusement. Once again, his eyes trailed to the girl beside him for only a moment. "You look cute, Mizuki." He carried through the words with confidence, as if it was not the least bit embarrassing to say directly to the individual. Perhaps because it was truth, just like he would not mind telling the others exactly what he thought. Cool, stunning, amazing, adorable, and interesting, they were all words he could use to the people scattered amongst the room.

( One may have noticed, I changed her personality a bit. Don't mind it, simply seems more amusing for her

xD )​


Kuniri Akamine

Kuniri.dll has been found within the matrix.

" Deverd? " She responded upon hearing the voice greet her, turning her head only to stare at the floor as he made his approach. Silently nodding as he continued with the formal greeting, but something about it hit a nerve. " Glad I could make it? Did Kuniri actually make a friend somehow? " Somehow this thought process made her completely miss the fact that the boy even responded to her prior question. But still managed to catch his question as it passed through the 'conversation'. " Red " She responded, a small smile took to her face as she pointed to his hair, as if it alone provided the perfect example. " It's a good color! Especially in cloth or accessories! : A sudden pause came to her as she blankly stared at Deverd, the type of stare that just screams 'wait a second I forgot what I was thinking'.

As quick as her little body would allow, she grabbed his arm, actually attempting to pull him downwards to an even level of height. " Deverd should be careful! " Her voice lowered in volume, attempting to keep the conversation in secrecy, but an awkward sense of excitement radiated from her words. " The Chupacabra is always watching us." The girl's head twisted from side to side, examining the surroundings quickly with suspicion heavily on the other club members. " He might even be one of the people at A-k-emi-asu. " That's right, she slowed down when trying to pronounce the name of her own dorm.. " Kuniri thinks he will strike when we are all asleep. " The girl released the boy from her grasp, moving over slightly as to place him between her and the others before leaning around as if to make sure the situation has not changed. " Conversation secret, Chupa might kill us if he finds out we are onto him. "

The girl entered another awkward fit of nodding, as if to review her statements within her mind before going on with the topic. " Deverd is Kuniri's ally. " Knowing that her topic was nearing an end, Kuniri actually came to look Deverd directly in the eye, for once a plea for attention was not present, simply excitement due to the passing moments. " Deverd should learn how to use the sword. "
Lucas couldn't help but chuckle at how cute this girl was, she surely didn't seem like the type to have bladder problems but it seemed the truth still remain,"Sure, while we're at it, how about I shop for you?" Lucas said with a genuine smile. Lucas wasn't the type to do things for other but seeing how the girl seemed quite excited for it, Lucas couldn't help but go along with her,"We can make plans whenever, I'm free any day." Lucas said suggesting that they could go on any day as long as it wasn't on some day that had an event.

Looking up at Manami, he grumbled when she said that they would go swimming in the pool, not sure how he'll be able to go when he was crossdressing. Flipping the pink hair back, he looked over to Manami with a grim look, his eyes saying,"You know I'm crossdressing right?" while he looked over at Stacy who seemed to suddenly disappear out of sight, leaving Lucas dumbfounded why she left,"What the..." Lucas thought and glanced behind him to see Stacy going over to the bathroom,"Oh." Lucas now understanding why she left in such a rush.

Once Stacy returned, Lucas just stared at Stacy's back, checking for any wet spots on her clothing but it seemed she was fine for now.

-sorry for not posting for so long ;-;-

((I got to caught up in waiting for more people to post! >.<))


Deverd nodded in confirmation that he was Deverd. He listened as Kuniri told him her favorite color. He had an odd look on his face when she said red was good in red and accessories. "It does?" Deverd then waited for her to continue when she suddenly paused and pulled him down to her height. "Why should I be--" He was cut off when she "explained" that Chupacabra, whoever that is, was always watching them. "Uh... Okay...?" he said, unsure with his answer. Deverd watched as Kuniri twisted her head from side to side. What is she even doing?? he asked himself in his head. "He might even be one of the people at A-k-emi-asu." Deverd debated on whether starting a new subject or continue to listen. I guess I should continue to listen to her. I don't wanna hurt her feelin's.

Deverd shuddered at the thought of being murdered in his sleep before he was released from Kuniri's grasp and was back to his previous height. "Conversation secret, Chupa might kill us if he finds out we are onto him." He simply nodded to that statement before trying to start a new subject. He tried to. Kuniri said he was her ally before he could then said that Deverd should learn how to use a sword. He suddenly laughed nervously and said, "Uh... Yeah, I should, I should..." He had a cutlass hidden somewhere in his room, but he forgot where he put it. He didn't want anyone to find out about it so he hid it. Sure, he could tell Kuniri but she would start talking about slaying the 'Chupacabra' guy. Oh jeez, now this just got awkward. he thought to himself when he couldn't think of anything else to say to his friend.

Stupid awkwardness.


(I'm on mobile mode so, sorry for the absence of Mizuki's portrait picture)

Mizuki Furukawa

Watching the people around her was peaceful. Each member carried on with their conversations with ease, casually holding either a plate of food or a cup of soft drink in their hands, or often, nothing at all. Mizuki wondered silently to herself why she couldn't interact with others as easily as they can. Maybe I just overthink too much. If I just do instead of think all the time, I'll probably have more company. Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted as her eyes diverted from the crowd to the tall figure heading towards her. Mizuki froze in her spot before realizing why he must be heading over. He's probably just getting a drink, Mizu. Nothing major. By now, Ikuto was pouring himself a cup of a type of blue liquid. It took Mizuki a while to realize that he had spoken.

"Mizuki," he spoke gently, "Sorry for leaving so suddenly earlier." He was still distracted with his job of pouring the drink into his little plastic cup as Mizuki answered, "Oh, it was fine. You were probably busy with something." She smiled slightly, "I didn't mind." Thinking that the conversation was over, Mizuki quickly took a sip of her drink yet, Ikuto continued. "The offer is still open." Offer? What offer? Mizuki thought as she racked through her brain to remember. Oh. Right. That offer about making me breakfast. "Then again, we have talented cooks within Akemiasu. Perhaps the offer should change to, should I save you a plate?"

"Oh, you were serious about that offer?" Mizuki let out a little laugh, "I thought you were just being nice. But sure, that sounds nice. Thank you, Ikuto-san~ But if it's too inconvenient for you to do so, please, don't worry about saving me a plate. It'll be absolutely okay." Mizuki felt herself loosen up as she smiled gratefully.

Blushing slightly at Ikuto's compliment on her cute appearance, Mizuki thanked him with another big smile of hers. "Thank you, Ikuto-san~ You look pretty good yourself," Mizuki commented with her utmost sincerity. With the confidence boost from her conversation with Ikuto, Mizuki took a sip of her orange flavored and colored drink before looking around the crowded room, admiring all the wonderful costumes of everybody once again, a friendly smile firmly planted on her face.
“I got scolded…”

Yuki cried as Chibi began scolding him for eating the food laid on the table. But..But..If the food on the table weren’t meant to be eaten, then why are they cooked in the first place? Yuki wanted to say every word as defense but was afraid that it might lead to more conversations with Chibi, so he kept his mouth shut. Ah! Maybe this feast was meant for display and the food critics will come later on to judge it! Wh-What to do? He has eaten 1/4th of the food and has no idea on how to cook it perfectly.

Ah. The one who made all of this is named, ‘Aki-kun’? Who’s that? Aki-kun, Aki-kun, Aki-kun, Aki-kun, Aki-kun? Despite repeating the chef’s name a number of times, he still can’t figure out who the heck Aki-kun is. Just then, at the corner of his eye, he noticed someone giving an appreciative nod. Hmm….Who is this guy, again? Yuki turned his attention to him and intently stared at him while continuing to finish off the food on his plate.

Ah! Maybe he’s ‘Aki-kun’! Placing the plate on the table, Yuki performed a kneeling bow with his forehead touching the floor. “Aki-kun-sama, please take me in as your apprentice.” Yuki said, accidentally banging his head against the floor once. Despite quivering in pain, Yuki strived to maintain that position. After staying like that for a couple of minutes, Yuki suddenly felt sick. It’s as if something from his stomach was climbing up to his throat.

He felt like gagging.
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