Oddballs Of Wakahisa High ♥ A School Based Roleplay [Inactive]

Crystalline♥ updated Oddballs Of Wakahisa High ♥ A School Based Roleplay with a new update entry:

Changing School Schedules ♥

I've been thinking a bit about class schedules lately~
Now, I don't know if I'm the only one who noticed, but I made a little oops in the time skip in the RP (from homeroom to lunch - we're supposed to skip between classes, but I made it seem like we were in homeroom the entire time). My bad! So, I want to fix it.

As you all know, to avoid the boring nature of classes, I only wanted to play out homeroom, lunch, and the Maverick Club activities while in...

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Crystalline♥ updated Oddballs Of Wakahisa High ♥ A School Based Roleplay with a new update entry:

Upcoming Event: Welcoming The New Members! ♥

Those at Akemiasu and loyal members of the Maverick Club have a tradition. This tradition is that, every time someone moves into Akemiasu and joins the Maverick Club, there's a party to welcome them on in~!
It all begins right after school at the Maverick Club. All New Members will propose a small introduction. They can even dress up to show why they're different (ex: a person who loves to cosplay can dress up, or a person who's an artist can show some of...

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Homeroom | --- | Sympathy/Angry

Lucas was just minding his own business, reading his book until someone called out in the room speaking about something smelled and then it came. An eruption of teasing and laughs came from the room, turning his head to see a small girl who was crying and had seem to wet herself. Glancing at the puddle below her chair and the group of immature idiots, He rolled his eyes and stood up, not wanting to hear their childish statements of the girl.

It was time for lunch and Lucas wasn't gonna waste his time with shutting them up but it seemed his sister was gonna take charge, the older twin getting up from her desk, her hand slammed onto the desk making a loud "BOOM" and yelled out to the crowd,"Be quiet you all are so immature!" Shima burst out in fury, the whole class became quiet with the help of Himiko's death glare. Shima had enough with this and was sick of how childish the whole class was being, the poor girl was crying and all they did was laugh? What a bunch of idiots she was surrounded by.

Lucas wanted to hide at that moment but with the feeling of his sister's eyes stabbing his back, he knew that his sister wanted him to get in this mess. Getting up from his desk, he turned to the crowd and used his charming smile to keep the class down,"Now, now everyone. The poor girl just had an accident, we shouldn't be rude and speak ill of her." He said crossing his arm,"Now it's time for lunch so let's all just go eat hm?" He said and shooed them away to lunch, trying to make everyone leave for lunch and once they were out, Lucas turned on his heels and glanced at his sister.

Covering his nose of the bitter smell that the girl left, he frowned, not happy why his sister did that,"I hope you're happy." He grumbled to her. Shima just rolled her eyes and went to open up the windows to let the smell go away,"Just shut up and go after the girl for me!" She ordered, pointing to where the three girls went. Lucas stood there in disbelief, his expression showing that he wasn't please to do it but he couldn't disobey her. Whatever his sister says he must do unless he wants his research to end here. His sister was the only person he could trust to help him with his research and she was the one who was benefiting him.

With a loud sigh, Lucas just went out the room but didn't go chasing after the girls, the reason being because they were girls and the Queen was there along with her so he was not needed there. Instead, he went to the club house since he would be able to see the girl there. He already knew the girl was a new member of the club and that she would soon come back after getting herself fixed up.

But he did questioned about why the girl did it there, I mean, she could have just raised her hands to go to the bathroom but maybe because she was new, she was scared of asking. Lucas really couldn't understand girls,"What are girls?" He questioned over and over in his head as he headed off to the club room.



Himiko was not at all happy.

Not because she had to use threats to silence everyone but what good will that do? She never planned on becoming a bad person infront of everyone but... Give her break. And all because one person can't even hold it in until class was over. She knew as President, she had an obligation to make sure everyone is Akemaisu Dorm would be comfortable and are well taken care of, but sometimes... Sometimes she wished that... No. Himiko shook her head. She shouldn't think this way. She shouldn't be selfish with her own desires. The needed her, and as President, having the need to fulfill ones own desire comes after everyone else. That is what it is like to be leader, she guessed. Being leader meant having to make sacrifices, having to make hard decisions and having a firm belief in them.

As she stood at the door of the bathroom, jer thoughts then wandered to Akio as he slept mindlessly on the couch without a care in the world. How lucky. How lucky was he that the only person that he cares about is himself. Not that Himiko thought Akio was selfish--although Himiko knew Akio wasn't selfish--she only meant that Akio doesn't have to think about responsibilities at the moment which make him lucky... Very lucky indeed. Oh how much she wanted to kick the crap out of him. It somehow pisses her off actually, seeing him sleeping so soundly,oh how much she wanted to just distroy that peaceful sleeping face of his. But thankfully for him, Stacy began to speak from behind the door.

"Er... hey, could you er... could you help me to get back to my dorm? I'm not wearing anything downstairs and erm.. don't want to bump into anyone." Himiko heard Stacy's embarrassed plea from the other side of the door. "Also, my skirt and panties are filthy, do I need to take them to the laundry room or chuck them? It's my first day and I don't know anything."

"Haven't you caused enough trouble?" Himiko began to speak her mind. Damn it, she didn't mean to sound rather harsh but somehow just looking at the sleeping form Akio got to her in more ways than she expected it to be. "I am sorry, it just that... This could all have just been avoided if you just go before coming to class. I am not saying that you are stupid... But what you did was an idiotic move." Himiko had to be frank with her. And before Himiko could say anything further Manami entered the clubroom.

"I brought these for Stacy," Manami spoke to her and had handed her the clothes and pads she had brought for Stacy. Way to go for Manami for thinking ahead of her. "I figured they'd help," Manami added as she knocked on the bathroom door. Himiko then watched in silence as Manami tried to coax Stacy to come out of the door. Himiko then got a bit confused when Manami started to let out a soft giggle, and then looked up towards her. If that wasn't confusing enough, with a happy, wide smile, Manami wrapped her arms around her waist gently.

"I love you, Hi-Chan~" Manami stated, like she always did. "You looked so amazing, you truly did~"

Ah. Now she figured out why. She was comforting her, that is what she figured she was doing anyway. Good ol' Manami, she always know what to do in situations when Himiko needed someone to keep her going. Oh how much Himiko was going to miss Manami so much once graduation roles around.

"Thank you." Himiko said in a soft tone as she patted on Manami's head.

Yuki was peacefully sleeping at his desk, snoring softly while sleep-talking every now and then. He looked really innocent if it weren’t for the drools that were gradually flooding his desk. Suddenly, he let out a soft chuckle.


He would have continued dreaming and sleep-talking until he heard a loud sobbing. Yuki--mistaking it for the school bell—suddenly jolted up. Other than food, the class bell was one of the other things that holds the power to wake Yuki up. Since it signaled the start of his favorite time of the day-especially when he skipped breakfast--he obviously can’t just sit idly by.

Wiping off the drool on his face with the sleeve of his sweater, he panted like a dog waiting for the signal of his master to eat. He waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. But the teacher isn’t announcing that it’s okay to have lunch.

Why? It’s because, everyone was focused on a sobbing girl. There, Yuki realized that he woke up to the sound of crying, not the school bell. He also got a whiff of the stench in the air. Judging from everyone’s actions, Yuki should have picked up what’s going on. But, since he is Yuki, he didn’t. Instead, he kept asking himself, What’s going on? What’s going on? Like that will help him.

Yuki snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a sound of a clattering chair that fell to the ground. It’s the vampire queen. No wonder everyone was silenced. She began shouting threats which greatly increased his fear of her and to make it worse, she dragged the presumably new girl out of the room.

Holy pickles!!! The new girl’s going to get feasted on!!

Yuki sneakily followed them outside the classroom, but he didn’t make it. Since he only ate a single piece of bread for breakfast, he didn’t have the energy to run, much more save the poor girl from the filthy clutches of the vampire queen. So, he retreated. Not to the classroom, but to the cafeteria.

Sorry, new girl!! I’ll avenge your death instead!!

As Yuki reached the cafeteria, the staff stiffened up. They all knew this glutton, of course. How could they possibly forget the guy who wipes out almost everything off of their menu? Of course, they tried to make this glutton understand that not everything on the menu is available for him, but they just can’t ignore a student who’s prone to collapsing when hungry, can they?

And then it came. Yuki ordered twice of what he orders everyday since he didn’t eat breakfast, causing half of the menu’s contents to be immediately marked out. He carried a bunch of trays to an open table and started digging in. Then, Yuki lived happily ever after (He forgot about avenging the girl). The end.
"Haven't you caused enough trouble?" The girl asked Stacy. "It was an accident! I didn't do it on purpose!" She told her with sorrow in her voice whilst looking at the soiled garments on the floor. I am sorry, it just that... This could all have just been avoided if you just go before coming to class. I am not saying that you are stupid... But what you did was an idiotic move." The girl told her through the door. "I didn't want to make a bad impression by being late and thought i could hold it untill break!" She explained to the girl with sorrow and shame in her tone.

"Are you alright, Stacy?" A girl asked Stacy through the door after knocking on it. Stacy was surprised by someone actually taking the time to check on her instead of teasing her about having an accident in class other then the girl that had spared her the embarrassment of having to find the nearest bathroom whilst soiling herself. "No." She replied . "You don't need to cry about it. None of us here are going to judge you." The girl told her through the door. Stacy could tell that the girl was speaking the truth due to the soft warm tone that she used. That or the girl was very talented in the art of lying.

"You have to open the door for us to give the stuff to you, though." The girl told Stacy through the door. She slowly placed her hand on the handle and took a deep breath. She slowly opened it a bit and stuck her head out along with her right arm. "Thanks." She told the other girl with a small relieved smile and accepted the gym clothes,maxipads and underwear. She closed the door and removed the blazer from around her waist before putting the underwear on. She was very embarassed about having to wear another girl's underwear and clothes but was thankful that two people had helped her. She removed her slightly stained shirt and dumped it with the rest of her clothes before putting the gym shirt on followed by the shorts. She inserted a maxi pad into the underwear and was curious to why this girl had spare underwear. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you have spare panties and pads? Not that i don't appriecate this, i mean you just saved my butt and a lot of dignity." She told the girl as she walked towards the door. "Not that i've got any left." She muttered under her breath. "I'm just curious and you have no idea of how much this means to me. I mean, you're the first person to actually help me instead of torment me." She told the girl as she slowly opened the door and slowly walked out of the bathroom. "What do I do with my clothes?" She asked as she hanged her head in shame whilst blushing.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2e94fea_ManamiIcon.jpg.dd4a9971731ccbf680d21d2026c4cb0a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17767" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2e94fea_ManamiIcon.jpg.dd4a9971731ccbf680d21d2026c4cb0a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Manami Fukui

*She's At|She's With|She feels*

The Club|Club Group|Helpful ?

Manami was completely elated whenever Himiko patted her on the head. She looked up at her with sparkling amethyst eyes--oh, how they twinkled with delight.
"You're welcome~!" Manami cheered gleefully, giving Himiko's torso another gentle squeeze as she nuzzled her face against her. "Glad I could help," she stated warmly, her expression completely content as Stacy finally took the clothes from them. "Glad I could help you, too," she repeated as she was thanked again. Manami loved feeling like she was of some use, for helping out her friends is just one of the many things that brings her immense joy. Slowly, she let go of Himiko, but made sure she stuck close by her side. Flashing her a reassuring beam, she turned her stare back to the bathroom door as Stacy spoke through it. Manami gently rubbed her index finger against her cheek, grinning in a slightly bashful manner as she answered. "Well, you see, I'm always prepared for things," she began with a shrug. "Pads? Well, all girls know the answer to that one. As for the spare underwear and clothes - I'm used to getting thrown into pools," Manami let out a concise laugh.

Why? Well, during her first year, her third year senpais loved playing playful pranks on her. Some included putting a lot of spicy things into her food because they know she can't handle it, while they would also replace her toothpaste with soap, as well as throw her into pools at times. Though it bothered her at first, Manami eventually didn't see it as bullying. It was more fun and games; like a huge prank war between her and the senpais. She smiled as she remembered the euphoric chaos. Though her senpais weren't here anymore to do those things, she still found herself preparing for it. It was a little lonely to think about, which then reminded her that Himiko was graduating this year. Suddenly, Manami looked up at her dear friend, her expression somewhat shocked and sad as upon the abrupt realization. However, Manami came to the resolve that Himiko should at least have a fun third year. Why bother her with her new-found anticipation and sadness? So, Manami put on her smile again, knowing that it was going to be okay in the end. She had to believe that, at least for Himiko's sake. Manami knew she had to be thinking about that, too.

As Stacy finally came out of the bathroom, Manami looked at her with a reassuring smile.
"It's alright," she spoke, assuring her that she wasn't going to be another one of her tormentors. Instead, she wanted to help Stacy overcome her accidents, that way she won't have to feel so insecure about it. It's something to help out with, not to make fun of. Manami was never one to judge. However, as Stacy asked what to do with her clothes, Manami found herself puzzled. "Where did we keep the trash bags, again?" She wondered aloud as she walked over to one of the club house storage closets. There rested some small plastic bags, which Manami figured Stacy could put her clothes into. "Here," Manami spoke as she handed her one. "You can put them in there and store them for now, just until we get back to the dorms," she stated, and then motioned over the place. "So, what do you think about it here?" She smiled kindly. "This is the Maverick Club. It was made especially for the residents at Akemiasu. Himiko, here," Manami motioned to the wonderful girl beside her, "Is the President. I, on the other hand, am the Vice President," she stated.

Afterwards, she pointed to the sleeping Akio.
"He's the Treasurer," Manami continued, "And Ikuto Ahiro from homeroom is the Secretary," she stated. "Oh, and Ms. Tachibana? She's the moderator. Every club needs one, and she was perfect for the job since she also watches over us at the dorms," she spoke in a factual, casual tone. "Everyone from Akemiasu joins. Have you, yet?" Manami questioned, smiling up at Stacy with an almost angelic expression. "We're going to be having the annual party for the newcomers, right?" Manami asked, looking up at Himiko for approval. "I think you should dub them in with your katana or something," She suggested with shimmering, excited eyes. She loved the idea! Now that Himiko was president, and the rightful Queen of Akemiasu, it suited her so perfectly. "It's be like a real kingdom, and we're all your knights and companions~" Manami spoke, almost dreamily. Suddenly, she realized Akio wasn't even awake yet. So, with a straight face, she did what she would do to wake anyone she knew who was sleeping. She jumped over him and sat right on his torso. The position may have looked quite suggestive, but with Manami's innocent aura, you could tell those sort of things weren't her intentions.

"Aki-Kun~" she called out sweetly, her cheeks showing a happy pink tint. "Wake up, wake up~! I brought you more sushi, and we're getting new club members, and we should plan out the party while we eat~!" She stated, and then looked over towards Akio's pocket where Neko-Chan was probably resting. "Neko-Chan, don't you agree? It'll be so much fun~! It's tradition~! Akio, you're coming, no matter what~!" She stated, and with that, she remembered the Onigiri and bento boxes still in her bag. "Oh, yeah. I prepared these for everyone. The only things I'm really good at are omelets and sausages, so those are probably only the good things in there," she stated with a sheepish smile. She put the few Onigiri balls on the nearby table along with the lunch boxes.

"Feel free~!"



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"Yeah, i kinda don't think about that because of, well you know." Stacy told Manami after coming out of the bathroom whilst hanging her head in shame and blushing. "It's alright." The girl told her with a reassuring smile. "It's not! I'm 17 and i still **** and ***** myself!" She told her with a sorrowful voice. "Sorry." She told both girls afterwards. "I didn't mean to lash out, it's just that i've been tormented and teased by a lot of people, i have trouble dealing with my accidents." She told them whilst staring at the ground. "

"Here". Manami said to Stacy after finding a few trash bags. Stacy heard her wondering aloud and was glad that the girl was helping her to deal with her clothes despite her having done more then enough. "Thanks! I owe you!" She told her with a small smile on her face as she accepted the the bags and walked back into the bathroom. She picked up the clothes and dumped them into seperate bags to try to make it easier to clean then procceeded to wash her hands to kill the germs and to destroy any traces of her mess that had appeared on her hands. She walked towards the dor and closed it before using the toilet to avoid another accident then washed her hands.

"You can put them in there and store them for now, just until we get back to the dorms." Manami told Stacy after she came out of the bathroom carrying the bags and pointed to an area. " She walked towards the place and dumped the clothes without looking at them. "So, what do you think about it here?" The girl asked her with a smile. "Erm..." Stacy replied, unsure what to think of the place. She looked around the room using her eyes whilst the girl said "This is the Maverick Club. It was made especially for the residents at Akemiasu. Himiko, here,". The girl motioned to the woman that had stood up for her before continuing to tell her about the club. "Is the President. I, on the other hand, am the Vice President."

Manami pointed to the sleeping boy, which caused Stacy to blush. She feared that he may have seen her in her soiled state and feared that he could tease her or worse, lock her in a room for an entire day. "He's the Treasurer an Ikuto Ahiro from homeroom is the Secretary," the girl informed Stacy in a factual causal tone. "Oh, and Ms. Tachibana? She's the moderator. Every club needs one, and she was perfect for the job since she also watches over us at the dorms." She told Stacy before asking her if she had joined the club yet. "No. I only just moved into the dorms and wasn't told about the club but it seems like fun." She told the vice president. Manami asked about some party and Stacy smiled. "Can i join the club? You've already done more then enough for me and i hope that the club will help me to have a good time here instead of...." She asked the girl before falling silent. She remembered the evenings where she cried herself to sleep due to a lack of friends or being bullied. She remembered having to chuck most of her skirts and pants away whilst the other kids were out having fun. "I mean, i would like to join but i don't think you'll want me. I mean, i'll probably end up having more accidents and ruin it for everyone." She told the two girls as her stomach launched a loud protest regarding the lack of food.


Deverd stared at the wall. He didn't have any interest with what's going on around him. Man, I wanna go adventure. he thought to himself as he drummed his fingers on his desk. He wasn't paying attention to anything at all. He then went to his own world with huge seas, ships, treasures, and PIRATES. He imagined himself on the boat, as the captain. He got out his telescope and looked beyond. "All hands on deck. We're about to land." he told the people on the ship. The shipmate closest to him saluted and said, "Aye, Aye, Cap'n!" Deverd didn't have a hook as his hand, nor did he want to. He did not want to get his hand chopped off just because of a cool hook. Especially his foot. How could he walk properly without his foot?!

The ship neared the port and Deverd was about to give another order when a huge tentacle shot up from the water. "Oh what the BLOODY HELL is THAT?!" he shouted while he got out his sword from its sheath. In the movies, he saw giant squids, not... this... thing. The tentacle grabbed the wheel and pulled it out with a single tug. What do people say when they're about the crash, again? Crash landing? No, not that... "Abandon ship!" he called out to his shipmates and then jumped out of the ship. He landed on the water with sharks circling him. "Classic ending. Death by sharks. I didn't even walk the plank." he said to himself, sighing.

A shark charged at him and he closed his eyes, awaiting his death. But it never came. Deverd looked around to find himself in a classroom. He saw some people near a crying girl, saying some nasty things. A moment later, a girl that made Deverd try to grab his sword like in his world stood up and walked over to the crying girl. She put her blazer around the girl and dragged her outside but not before saying something to the teacher. "That was so weird..." he muttered to himself. That was his first time seeing something like that. He experienced being with pissed people but not that. Certainly not that. "Them guys who said bad thin's to th' lass should walk th' plank."


Deverd drank his glass of water and leaned against his chair. He already finished eating and that's a miracle since half of the menu is marked out. They were ordered by a boy, the staff said. One guy can eat that many? Whoa. he thought to himself. He looked around and saw a guy on a table surrounded by food and no one was eating with him. Well at least there's proof right there. Deverd watched the boy eat before staring at the ceiling then looking back at the boy. "Am I even going to find someone who likes History?" he asked himself and tried to recall his recent imagination. A giant tentacle removed the wheel, he ordered the people to abandon the ship, he jumped out the ship, sharks surrounded him, and then... "I can already see the ending..." he sighed.


Akio & Neko-chan

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/b1d1fdb3fb07b682cadc237cdbbcafa8f60c7130.jpg.fcce8c649fecc7139aed82fecddd7436.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17830" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/b1d1fdb3fb07b682cadc237cdbbcafa8f60c7130.jpg.fcce8c649fecc7139aed82fecddd7436.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He's At|He's With|He feels|She's At|She's With|She feels

The Club|Club Group|Annoyed|The Club|Club Group|Annoyed

With the sudden commotion disturbing Akio's once peaceful sleep, a light groan came from his mouth as the voice of Manami and Himiko echoed among an unknown from the direction of the club's bathroom.

What does it take to have a freaking nap around here?

His thoughts were frustrated as he attempted to ignore the racket by wrapping the king sized pillow entirely around his head to dampen the noise. Although generally a cheery person, Akio developed quite a grumpy attitude towards being prematurely awoken after a decent time of sleep. Unable to return to his sleep, Akio regrettably chose to eavesdrop on their conversation which left him sighing in response to the topic which was being addressed at hand.

And to think I was nicely enjoying a dream of a virtual reality game.

With the topic changed to the introduction of the Maverick Club officers, a small smile came to Akio's face as he took advantage of the calm situation to let a reoccurring wave of drowsiness return and carry his conscious to the wonderful world of fantasies. Nevertheless, it was the mention of an annual party that perked his ears and nearly brought tears to his face. Perhaps if others had seen such tears, these small droplets would have been interpreted as tears of joy, yet to the boy who had heard words from a nightmare, these declaration of the party held nothing but immense sadness and dislike.

Perhaps if I just preten--

Akio's thoughts were quickly broken by Manami's sudden pounce that landed herself atop his torso and left him with only a sigh in response to his friends usual antics.

"Aki is awake...Thanks to a certain someone..."

Akio glared directly into his friend's eyes as he grumpily reached over toward her offering of sushi and took hold of two pieces that he held in each hand. After first forcing one piece into Manami's mouth as an attempt to silence her talk of the party and an act of revenge, he proceeded to happily stuff the remainder of the meal into his own mouth before smiling in response to the wonderful taste of his favorite food.

"Also, Aki has no intention of helping you plan for this nightmare of an event."

As Akio spoke his words, he shuddered in response to the memories of last year's party that began to haunt his mind with the terror that they held. For an individual who disliked the presence of water, being tossed into the pool was torture enough, but the following events of its crazy crew only proceeded to worsen his warped memory of the night. That being said, Akio still couldn't help but chuckle at his overall remembrance of the night as it was truly a favorable one to remember (Though he will never admit this).

"Fun, nya?!"

Neko-chan's voice emanated not from Akio's pocket but rather from the television screen positioned on the opposing wall which suddenly beamed to life and displayed the incredulous look that existed upon the nekomimi's new goth-like appearance. Neko-chan's presence wasn't limited to only Akio's devices as she could transfer her model to any wireless source and happily converse with any inhabitants in the surrounding area.

"You attempted to murder Neko-chan after you threw Aki into the pool. Neko-chan was inhabiting his phone that you killed, nya!"

With her declaration complete, Neko-chan fell the ground before allowing comical tears to erupt from her eyes and begin flooding the screen with the sea of her sorrows.

"So Neko-chan agrees with Aki. No help with the planning, nya."

Neko-chan's final words would have sounded distorted as the entirety of her body was immersed in the sea of tears that had enveloped nearly half of the screen. Only the small thumbs up toward Akio would be seen hovering over the water's surface just before the screen went black from the AI disconnecting from the tv.

Returning Neko-chan's thumbs up with one of his own, Akio gave Manami a mischievous grin before shutting his eyes for the fake nap and rolling over into the couch unconcerned about the new destination for his friend sitting atop him.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/TeenBoy.jpg.6dc6ae4eb5835bff6c0cbae02471820d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17831" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/TeenBoy.jpg.6dc6ae4eb5835bff6c0cbae02471820d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Lazy posts inbound~ Really need to find a mindset for these two x.x)


Ikuto Ahiro

A man of pawns and knights

Ikuto barely came to read across her words when events began to unfold. A few members of class mocking another. It was a somewhat pitiable and agitating sight, that nearly forced Ikuto to take a stand. However, Shirogane was the one who took action. Her even standing brought the class to an odd type of order. She openly voiced threats, ringing a light bell of curiosity within his mind. For an individual that can instill so much fear, it was difficult to believe she would scratch out her thoughts on a simple piece of paper. She truly was an enigmatic person, and Ikuto wanted to learn how it was exactly that she ticked. He would not allow himself to be blinded to that front.

He came to watch as the Queen walked out of the room, almost like some protector as she led the less fortunate girl out of the class. Shirogane really was different from the mental image he had given her from the random rumors. Though she could stand so far forward, she could still reach back to aid those in help. Shirogane truly was an individual worthy of the title Queen. And with Manami following the two out the door as the bell rang, Ikuto took hold the note on Shirogane's desk, quickly stuffing it into his pocket.

Now with the new found freedom, Ikuto turned to Mizuki. "What a shame, it seems we have run out of time. As for the note," Ikuto lightly grabbed her hand, dropping their note into her hands. "None. As well, I apologize for the inconvenient note with such a random question. When I began thinking about your alarm mishap, I had to wonder if you ate breakfast properly. If you foresee it as a frequent problem, then I would be willing to make us breakfast." Before the conversation could reach any further, Ikuto raised his hand signalling his goodbye. "If you may excuse me, I must beat a mysterious student to the lunchroom before the menu disappears. "


-_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _​

He was too late, upon entering the cafeteria Ikuto was left at a loss. More than the usual amount had disappeared, leaving him partially astonished atop that loss. "Perhaps I should begin making lunches for myself... " It seemed the culprit was off to an early start this year, and Ikuto didn't feel like partaking in the food battle seeing as it required such precise timing. Scratching his head momentarily, Ikuto chose another favorable location to spend his lunch, even without food. "To the club room then?"


Kuniri Akamine

Kuniri.exe was corrupted, please reinstall.

Sobs are the first thing Kuniri came to hear upon waking up. It was an awkward moment, seeing as she wasn't even completely aware that she had fallen to such a peaceful slumber during class. She couldn't even remember what that elusive dream was about.. It was also about this time that a fear took control of her. As she looked over to the sobbing girl she could make out rather dark figure through her blurred eyes. To her it would look as if the fated enemy had appeared only to kidnap away another girl. The threats so powerful that she simply tucked back into her sleeping position, attempting to act like the entire thing never happened. If only she could see properly at that point in time. Surely it would be the Chupacabra within the classroom.


-_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _​

When next Kuniri raised her head, the class had already emptied. Everyone was gone, and she was alone. She could finally, clearly look about the room. For once the silence was kind of peaceful, she escaped the Chupacabra's attack once more. Then again, what if it was simply waiting for her to be alone like this? "Nononono", it was too late, the thought bore into her mind. Tripping over her own desk, the girl sought escape as quick as possible. Even upon exiting the room, her shoulder met with the door, causing a rolling tumble out of the classroom. The girl narrowly cut herself, pushing on her feet to finish running away. The hallways held students, but she wanted an area more... cluttered, like the cafeteria! Nodding to herself, she directed her sprint of survival towards the lunch room.

Kuniri, as if hiding amongst bushes, quickly dove into one of the seats of a nearby table, looking around quickly to see if anyone noticed. And like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, she ended up staring at a certain individual at the table. His red hair, and rather awkward demeanor seemed somewhat... "It's a pirate" It was impossible to explain how the individual radiated this 'pirate' feel to them. She couldn't even pin what it is that could make her pin him as one. The one sure thing she knew, " I want to make a pirate outfit.." The girls head nodded a quick confirmation as she looked at the boy. As if to forget her initial reasoning for sitting at this table she quickly stood, palms on the table as she leaned forward towards the boy, staring completely at him as if to plead permission. "Leather or cloth?" She was fixated on this new train of thought, so much that she completely forgot that she was talking to a person rather than a plastic model.



"We're going to be having the annual party for the newcomers, right?" Manami asked, looking up at Himiko for her approval which she nodded to her in agreement.

"I think you should dub them in with your katana or something," She listened to what Manami suggested with shimmering, excited eyes. Though she wasn't sure about the whole dubbing thing. Riku--her katana--was an honorable sword and was made to slice human flesh and not dubbing people as knigh--members. "It's be like a real kingdom, and we're all your knights and companions~" Manami spoke, almost dreamily, which Himiko gave up the idea of not doing it after watching how excited Manami was. Might as well, right? Nothing wrong with it.

"Sure. But if I somehow cut someone by accident, that is not my fault." Himiko said crossing her arms. She wasn't going to be liable for anything during the dubbing. But to be on the safer side she was going to have some of her men on standby just in case.

As Himiko was lost in thought, Manami had moved from her to Akio where she woke him up forcefully from his sleep. Ha! Serves him right. Not like Himiko had anything against Akio but you can say that sometimes Himiko gets a little bit jealous of Akio since Manami also likes him as equally as she'd like her.

"..we're getting new club members, and we should plan out the party while we eat~!" She heard Manami stated to irritated Akio and then looked over towards Akio's pocket where Neko-Chan was probably resting. "Neko-Chan, don't you agree? It'll be so much fun~! It's tradition~! Akio, you're coming, no matter what~!"

She grin at the thought of Akio having to jump into the cold pool water. And last year was pretty amusing too, she wonders what reactions he will make this year! Ha! If Himiko was going to suffer Akio should suffer too. It was tradition.


Tra--Oh God. How could she have forgotten about that?!

Her hair!!

Instinctively, she stroke a strand of her hair long and luscious hair as she remembers how it brutally got wet everytime they jumped onto the pool. One thing Himiko hated was to have her hair--her precious, precious hair--getting wet. During her very first initiation she was naïve, she didn't know any better. They told her it was going to be fun. An experience.

But then... She took the plunge.

Not only once. Noooo. No. She jumped twice. TWICE!! Once, was a like waking up from a bad dream. Twice, was like waking up from a nightmare. And now she has to do it for the third time?!

"Nooooooooo!!" Himiko suddenly fell on her knees and cried. This wasn't in her mind, she really did fall on her knees and started crying in front of everyone in the room. She didn't feel an ounce of embarassement when doing so. Who cares if she somehow looked stupid. This was her clubroom. She was the President. And she can pretty damn do whatever she wants to do here. Because you know why? Because she CAN! That is why! This was cruel. This was too cruel. She'd rather go on death row than to have her hair wet AGAIN.

Himiko sat properly (Seiza), and began to stroke her hair as reality of having to plunge into the water a third time sank in. Life had a sick and funny way of playing practical jokes on good and unsuspected people. And sadly enough. She--her hair--was the butt of its jokes.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf309e53d_ManamiIcon.jpg.69e84d4ab3d44b4ee9bf63e5be58f9b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17858" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf309e53d_ManamiIcon.jpg.69e84d4ab3d44b4ee9bf63e5be58f9b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Manami Fukui

*She's At|She's With|She feels*

Maverick Club|Club Group|Discouraged...

Before Manami threw herself over Akio, she shook her head at what Stacy had said. "Complaining about it and worrying about it won't do you any good," she spoke with her blunt and frank nature. "You need to accept it and do something about it," she stated, and with a reassuring smile that spread up to her shimmering Lavender eyes, she put her small hands on Stacy's shoulders encouragingly. "We'll help you get over your accidents - at the very least, I'll help you," Manami stated, and referring to her joining the club, Manami nodded eagerly. "Everyone at Akemiasu joins, so of course I want you to! I don't care about your quirks. Everyone has them; we all know that," she stated, and with that, she jumped over on Akio and woke up him with enthusiasm.

Akio was always grumpy when he woke up, but Manami could tell that he appreciated the sushi she brought him. Even if he shoved a piece in her mouth as an act of defiance, she couldn't help but smile down upon him warmly.
"Good morning, grumpy," she said sweetly, but that sweet smile faded upon everyone's reactions to the celebration. "You guys.. You guys really aren't excited about it?" she stated, her tone slightly saddened and discouraged as her two closest friends seemed to completely loathe the idea. With a slight pout, she looked over between Neko-Chan and Akio, and then looked over at Himiko as she threw herself on the floor in a fit about her hair. Manami's eyes widened with shock at this sudden realization; they really weren't going to enjoy themselves.

With a depressed and lonely expression, Manami allowed her torso to fall over Akio's. Her head rested on his chest, and she let out a sigh.
"How can I make it more fun? It's always fun... I thought we all had fun and bonded together," she said, her quiet voice barely audible. It wasn't until now that she was understanding all of the annoyance that Himiko and Akio must have faced. "Is there anyone else who hates the idea?" She spoke her thoughts aloud under her breath, and the corners of her eyes grew teary. "No fair," she whined, stealing an Onigiri and munching on it somberly. "I want everyone to have fun.. It's our first leap as true family and friends," she continued to mumble. It's always meant so much to me, more than I can even understand, myself, she thought, keeping that much to herself.

"Hi-Chan?" Manami called out as she looked over at her friend, a couple pieces of ride sticking to her cheek. "Aki-Kun?" she called out to him, gazing up at him with eyes shimmering with sadness. "You're.. You're still going to celebrate, right?"



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(horrible writer's block today~ sorry for the horrible paragraphs below)

Mizuki Furukawa



The bell rang right after the stinky mishap, and Mizuki was glad. Her stomach had been growling, silently, but growling nonetheless, due to her improper breakfast that morning. The class was emptying out now, an exception for a few other students and Ikuto, who was turning towards her and opening his mouth to speak. "What a shame, it seems we have run out of time. As for the note," Ikuto gently grabbed her hand. Mizuki, being the socially awkward person she is, almost jumped from the warm contact. She could feel the roughness of the note in her hand now and understood that Ikuto's touch wasn't caused by affection. Mizuki slowly relaxed at the thought. "None. As well, I apologize for the inconvenient note with such a random question. When I began thinking about your alarm mishap, I had to wonder if you ate breakfast properly. If you foresee it as a frequent problem, then I would be willing to make us breakfast. If you may excuse me, I must beat a mysterious student to the lunchroom before the menu disappears. "

Mizuki only nodded, dumbfounded, as Ikuto left. 'I would be willing to make us breakfast'? Her thoughts jumbled. He offered to make me breakfast? Must I always be late for school for someone to notice me or what? This is surprising. Mizuki was now alone in the classroom and heard her stomach growl again. Think later, Mizu. Food is your priority now. She made her way through the hallways of Wakahisa High before following other students to the cafeteria. The heavenly scent of sweet and salty food drifted around and Mizuki almost fainted at the sight of the almost-empty food trays. Gosh, why is food so scarce today? WHY. She groaned loudly, before remembering the meeting at the Club today. Will there be food? Oh, I dearly hope so. It's the celebration for the newcomers, right? Celebrations must contain food, right? Mizuki grinned at the thought before deciding to ditch the cafeteria and go to the Maverick Club House instead.

The streets of Naha, Okinawa were busy today. People were bustling around and a small laugh of a child's could be heard once in a while. Mizuki raced through the crowd and reached her destination. The grass was green in the most beautiful way as the trees around her casted cool shadows that kept out the heat of the sun rays. She skipped to the door, licking her lips at the thought of food. Walking inside, she greeted everyone inside with a huge smile. "Good afternoon everyone~ Today is beautiful, isn't it?" If you knew Mizuki well, you would know that she was happy, judging from her personality then. Mizuki never spoke except when she was being spoken to, unless she was excited about something. That afternoon, Mizuki was excited for food. She also loved the water and was delighted in remembering the tradition of jumping into the pool, holding hands with her other club members. Mizuki skipped over to a seat and sat down, trying, though failing, to contain her excitement.
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Stacy smiled at Manami after the girl placed her hands on her shoulder. "Thanks but i don't think you'll be able to help me to overcome my......." She said to her before looking down at the ground. "accidents." She whispered with shame in her voice and looked up to see her nodding. She assumed that the girl was nodding in response to her asking to join the club. "I hope I will fit in here." She told her before seeing the Queen break down into tears.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she asked the woman as she walked over to her and kneeled down beside her. She placed a hand on Himiko's back to try to comfort her and gave her the best comforting smile she could muster. She was glad that the Queen had saved her earlier and wanted to repay her by comforting the poor girl. That and she always came to the side of those that were upset. "I'm here for you and will do whatever i can to help you. Even if it's just lending you my shoulder." She softly told the crying woman. Her stomach rumbled again and she ignored it for the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.



"You guys.. You guys really aren't excited about it?"

"No, Chibi, no..." Himiko said stroking her hair. "It's just that... I just don't want my hair getting wet, that's all." Himiko said with a soft sigh. She knew she was just being childish but for years she took care of her hair. To Himiko, her hair makes her beautiful and if she somehow felt like she was having a bad hair day, she feels ungly and insecure about it. Others may think she is just exaggerating but they don't really feel what she feels. Her hair is her life.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Himiko heard Stacy asked her. Himiko only shok her head in reply. "I'm here for you and will do whatever i can to help you. Even if it's just lending you my shoulder." Himiko could almost find this statement funny since not long ago she did pretty much soiled her pants earlier.

"It's fine. No need to do that. I'll be fine." Himiko said to Stacy after calming down.

"You're.. You're still going to celebrate, right?" Himiko heard what Manami said and by the sound of her tone, Manami was surely upset. Himiko didn't like seeing or making Manami upset, and if possible make her happy always.

"Don't worry, we will celebrate... I and as well as Akio too. Even if I have to tie him up and strap him into a electric chair and force him to come, he'll come. Right?" Although Himiko had a smiling face on, her tone of voice was threatening. What the hell right? This was going to be her last one anyway. Himiko just needs to have to bare with it. That's right. She'll just need to bare with it. "We'll going to make it grand. Maybe have a grand feast fit for a king." Himiko stated.
Seeing the tears glistening in Manami's eyes, Akio instantly felt a wave of guilt overcome his conscious as he ran his hand through his hair with a sigh. Akio, like his friend, often said whatever was on his mind if appropriate for the situation; however, influenced by his morning grumpiness, his words came out a lot harsher than he had intended.

"Hey now, Aki only said he wouldn't help you plan. He never said he wouldn't help prepare."

With a warm smile on his face, Akio cheerfully laughed as he gently wiped away her forming tears and began petting her fluffy head as she rested atop him. He half expected Himiko to disapprovingly comment on their current position together; however, as she walked over to replace his role of comforting their friend, he was left to only glare at the queen in response to her mostly threatening words.


Akio's tone was singsong as he attempted to summon his AI to begin preparation for the party that would occur. Being the unsocial person he was, Akio wasn't known for actively participating in such events; however, for the sake of his friend, his talent in the kitchen would more or less come in handy for the stomach's of the club members.

"Yeeeeeeeees, nya?"

Neko-chan's reply was wary as she popped back onto the television several seconds after being summoned by her master.

"Go ahead and contact my parents for a transfer of extra funds. Also can you prepare a playlist that would be suited for a wide spread audience."

"Aki, you traitor, nya."

Neko-chan shook her tiny head upon hearing Akio's words, but with a sigh, she gave a quick nod before disappearing once more to attend to her new tasks.

Wrapping his arms around Manami, Akio lifted the pair of them to a sitting position before gently setting her aside as he rose to his feet with a stretch and vocal yawn.

"Okay, I'll be on my way now. I should have enough time to prepare this so called feast you desire, Himiko-chan.

See ya, all~"

Despite being his senior, Akio wasn't one for giving proper honorifics, as the entire thought of describing Himiko with "chan" made him giggle in response. With a quick wave toward the club's inhabitants, Akio gave Manami one last pat on her head before departing from the room humming a cheerful tune.

Akemiasu's kitchen lacked the base materials necessary for the dishes he desired. So with his destination geared toward the nearby grocery store, Akio intended to skip the remainder of his classes for a quick shopping trip that would allow him to hopefully finish the food in time for Manami's party.
"You're sure?" Stacy asked Himiko with concern in her voice. "You're.. You're still going to celebrate, right?" Manami asked Himko. "Don't worry, we will celebrate... I and as well as Akio too. Even if I have to tie him up and strap him into a electric chair and force him to come, he'll come. Right?" She replied. Stacy knew that it was best not to press the matter, so she got up before she walked over to the onigiri balls and picked up two with her right hand. She sat down at the table and munched on them whilst showing a friendly smile to everyone. "I'm Stacy." She told everyone as she helped herself to a bento box.

"Thanks erm..." She said to Manami before realising that she didn't know the girl's name and felt a bit foolish. "Forgive me but i don't know your name. You've already done more then enough for me and I hope i'll can repay you." She told her whilst maintaining the friendly smile as she tucked into her meal. "Can I wear anything to this party or do i need to wear my uniform?" She asked Manami and Himiko. "Also, thanks for helping me." She told them both as she shot them a smile to try to show them how much she appriecated their help.
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((After this post, and when everyone else finishes up lunch, I'll be performing a time skip to after-school. Everyone can be getting ready for the party at Akemiasu, or they can be doing preparations at MC. ^^))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf34a81c2_ManamiIcon.jpg.826197a055c5a68bffa955aa6de9e8c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf34a81c2_ManamiIcon.jpg.826197a055c5a68bffa955aa6de9e8c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Manami Fukui

*She's At|She's With|She feels*

Maverick Club|Club Group|Elated & Excited

Manami closed one eye as Himiko came over and gently stroked her hair. She let out a cute, light sniffle as she looked over at her with glistening lavender eyes.
"I'll.. I'll get you a cap!" Manami suggested, forcing a small and sweet smile over her lips for a moment. "Your hair won't get wet if it's in a cap, right?" She stated, and then listened as Stacy comforted Himiko. It was like a train of comfort was going around, and it made Manami feel a little silly. She should have known they would have still celebrated, and hopefully they would still have fun. "It'll be fun, right?" she questioned, glancing over at both Himiko and Akio. It was soon after that Akio almost snapped at her in a grumpy tone. Manami almost winced at the sound of it, but her expression was immediately soothed as he smiled over at her cheerfully. With a happy smile of her own, she allowed Akio to wipe away her forming tears. She let out a single, soft , and content "he~" sound as he did so, and her smile only widened as Himiko threatened Akio into helping out with the celebration. "I love you two~" she spoke, and as Akio wrapped his arms around her and sat her up, she stole a hug before he could stand back up. "You guys are amazing," she stated before setting him free, watching as he once again disappeared out the door after patting her upon the head. "Bye, Aki-Kun," she spoke under her breath.

It was only then that Manami realized that Mizuki had entered the scene. Her smile was so bright that it spread to Manami, and she loved the feeling.
"Good afternoon, Mizu-Chan," Manami spoke with a smile, and then pointed to the food on the table that she had prepared. "Help yourself," she stated, and then she turned her attention to Stacy. Realizing that she had only introduced herself as the Vice President got a giggle out of her, so she introduced herself properly. "I'm Manami Fukui," she said kindly. "And, you can wear anything you want to the party. Try to reflect your personality; it's what everyone else usually does," she informed her with a smile. "Some people cosplay, while others come in sweat pants. Some people show their art, too, and some people even karaoke a few songs. It's just a gathering to get to know one another," she began, and she couldn't help but think back on the parties before with a warm expression. "It's going to be wonderful - I know it is. Aki-Kun is even helping, and I believe he's a great cook," she stated, looking upon everyone in the room with shimmering lavender eyes. "Hi-Chan! We'll do it like we always do!" She stated, concluding the planning just like that. The same stereo, the same music everyone liked, the same balloons and streamers, the same table, and some same and new people.

"It'll be just like old times, while also welcoming the new time to come," she stated, and then she leaned over and gave Himiko a hug. "It'll be amazing, I promise," she spoke to her reassuringly, as if promising her that her last year was going to be a wonderful one.

"I'll make sure of it."

((With that, let's just say that Manami will just eat her food and finish up her lunch like the rest. ^^ I'm feeling lazy~ You guys can all just respond and prepare for the time skip~))



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“Haaah. Thank you for the oh-so scrumptious food.”

After being satisfied of eating at least 12 large trays of food, with a soft pat on the stomach, Yuki stood up and cleaned after his messy table. Since he always runs to the cafeteria the minute lunch starts, Yuki always finishes early and helps out the cafeteria staff in washing dishes, serving the other students, or sometimes, even cooking.

“Thank you for your help as always, Yuki-chan.”

“No problem, ba-chan! Please call me whenever you need help!”

As Yuki has finished washing the dishes, his attention shifted to the box of unused vegetables at the side. Cabbages, tomatoes, squash, garlic, onions, all overflowing from the box. They really should keep that fresh. It really looks like it’s going to spoil after a day or two. Garlic. What does that remind him of?

“Holy Flapjacks!”

Yuki unconsciously shouted. How could he forget the number one threat in his life? How could forget to avenge the innocent souls that were victimized by the lady vampire queen?! Wah, how shameful! It’s not too late, is it? Maybe there are still survivors in the battlefield! He has to save them, but how?!

“Yuki-chan? What’s wrong?” The old lady asked. She looked over at the glutton with great concern and shifted her gaze at the direction Yuki’s been looking at. “Ah! Do you want to take these vegetables home? We’ve brought a lot and it seems that they’ll be spoiled if we keep it here for long.”

Yuki was too bewildered to cough out a response. Too scared, too worried. Since the old lady heard no objections, she shoved the box of veggies to Yuki.

It’s not too late!!!

And with that, Yuki began sprinting away, asking where the vampire queen is from passers-by he rarely knew and with that, he reached the club room. He slammed the door open, panting and sweating while shakily holding onto the box of veggies.

Sure enough, his target is there. Along with some hostages.
I lost all my hard work... FUUUUUUUU-

Janitor's room | ---- | Tired

Lucas was just minding his own business, walking off to the club room to chill since everywhere else would be filled with fangirls wanting to take him away. He was just turning a corner until he bumped into a group of girls who were part of the "Prince's follower" and trying to back away from them, his luck got worse. One of the girls saw him and now here he was hiding in a cramped up room waiting till the coast was clear. He was sitting on the cold floor of the room with some dust here and there, a mop and a bucket. It was oblivious that he was in the Janitor's room.

Holding his breath from the smell and so the girls wouldn't hear him, he stared out into the musky windows that showed the shadows of the girls as they walked by.

"Where did the Prince go?"

"Maybe he playing a game for whoever finds him will get a kiss!"

"I'll find him first!"

"No, I will!"

The conversations of the girls scared Lucas, his heart beating fast,"Girls are really scary." He thought and prayed that his sister would find him so he could change into his disguise, left in peace from the girls. Waiting till the shadows disappeared, he heard the footsteps slowly moved away, the sound of silence return. Getting up from the floor, he tried to look through the window to see if the girls were gone. Seeing there was no one or so he hoped, he quickly came out and took his chance to run.

Running out the school and through the school grounds, Lucas finally saw the club room and quicken his pace before any girls saw him. Huffing out of breath, he flew the into the club room but before he could process what was happening, he slammed into Yuki and fell onto the poor boy. The box of veggies that Yuki had was now onto the floor with veggies everywhere,"What the hell?!" Lucas exclaimed and quickly got off of Yuki, noticing that he had collided into the boy and his veggies which was scatted on the floor,"Oh, Yuki-kun?" Lucas said but then he looked to the veggies and sighed,"Sorry?" He said kind of confused since saying sorry wasn't his thing.


Deverd stared at the girl beside him. "I- I dunno... leather?" he said, unsure. He didn't know what she was talking about so he just randomly picked between leather and cloth. I'm gonna find out what she's talking about... But how? he thought to himself as he continued to stare at her. He realized what he was doing and then decided to stare at the wall instead. He was getting uncomfortable under the girl's gaze. "Uh... Could you... stop starin' at me?" he asked her. Then another thought hit him. Her name! Deverd started thinking of what to say. "W-what's your name? Mine's Deverd." he said. Since when did I get so unsure? he thought. Deverd tapped his foot on the floor, waiting for the girl to stop staring at him.

He looked at his surroundings, trying to find something to distract him of the girl beside him. Since he didn't have anything to do, he imagined himself on the pirate ship once again. He ordered his shipmates to get to their stations in case the tentacles would try to throw them off board once again. He guarded the steering wheel with his cutlass ready. A giant tentacle shot out from the water and tried to take off the wheel. Deverd slashed at the tentacle and it was cut, making purple stuff ooze out from the decapitated part. He made the ship sale towards the port as fast as he could while ordering the others to start cutting the monster. Blurs of silver were seen when he looked back. Maybe he was going to reach the port this time.


(Know what's more amusing than a post like this? Dancing Kirby! (>^^)> <(^^)< XV@$%S---

Once again kirby seems to be experiencing issues, please call back at a later date.)


Kuniri Akamine

Kuniri.exe was corrupted, please reinstall.

"I- I dunno... leather?"

The answer was followed by a couple of quick nods from the girl, her eyes still solidly staring at the boy as she attempted to visualize her design. Maybe she would simply recreate the pirate image for the modern age, something that did not completely stand out whilst still holding that air this boy did now. If she just added a few- "Uh... Could you... stop starin' at me?" The words cut through the air, bringing a pause to Kuniri's track of mind, her eyes holding firm until she could catch up. "W-what's your name? Mine's Deverd." She had absolutely no idea who this boy even was. W-wait, when exactly did she sit down, was this a conversation? Her mind was having a difficult time processing exactly what led up to this point, seeing as she became completely absorbed in the crafts. "Ah! Look away!" With the thought, Kuniri's eyes quickly met the ground between them.

The following silence was almost painful, she was lost on what to do. "Conversation already began. It already began! Just do something, something interesting! " Kuniri's body began to wiggle, a small effect from her attempting to break the barrier. And like a shaken soda, Kuniri came to simply pop open. Immediately jumping to her feet, hands slamming on the table as she once again stared at the boy. "Ku-Kuniri! ", her voice came to squeak, followed by an excessive nodding of the head. "It's nice to meet you Deverd! " To prevent the previous mistake of staring at the boy for too long, she slowly sat back down, looking forward rather than at him. "Sorry. "

Kuniri actually came to feel slightly proud of herself for the endeavor, despite the slip-ups that led to it. If only she could remember what drove her hear in the first place, then she may be able to repeat the method. A softer stare came to play as she watched the table, a small smile spreading to her lips as the thought of gaining friends began to manifest. This was somewhat of a breakthrough, even if the two weren't exactly friends. "Thank you Deverd. ", her smile turned to him, innocent and sweet as her mind came to an ease. This wasn't so hard if she just pushed slightly.

Ikuto is currently busy saving a cat from a tree, please hold.



Deverd looked at the girl when she introduced herself and grinned. "Nice name. Better than mine." he said. He was glad he didn't stutter once again or he would've embarrassed himself. "Nice to meet you as well." The smile was still there and Deverd himself wondered when he would stop smiling. He heard Kuniri say sorry and he shook his head, "It's not a problem, don't worry 'bout it." he said. Yeah, the staring was uncomfortable but it wasn't really a problem. Eh... sort of. Deverd did a dance in his head for actually knowing someone's name. Oh yeah, I know someone's name! he mentally cheered. He ran a hand through his red hair while looking at the wall again. He didn't know what to do and this was somewhat awkward. Oh well, he might as well go with the flow of the conversation.

He looked at her once more when she thanked him. Deverd looked confused. What was she thanking him for? He replied anyway, since she was his first somewhat official friend. "You're... welcome," he said, "although I don't know why you're thanking me." Deverd returned the smile quickly, not wanting her to feel sad. He suddenly realized the height difference and he tried his best to not point that out. "Eh, it doesn't matter. You're my friend anyways." he said. Whoa, where did that come from? he thought to himself. If Kuniri liked pirates like him, he would let her borrow his telescope. Perhaps she was also interested in looking at the stars in the night sky? Deverd liked Astronomy, from the day he found out about stars. Stars... What are they to him?

Stars are shiny. They guide him when he's lost.

Yes. Deverd describes the stars as shiny objects. Even though they are not actually objects. One time, he got lost in his own house and his father called for him. The sound echoed through the room so he didn't where it came from. His father bought out a flashlight. It was during a blackout so it was dark. And he was young that time.
The light attracted young Deverd's attention and followed it. "Follow the star, Devy. It guides you when you're lost." was what his father said when he was young. He finally reached his father and played with the flashlight. "Spar. Sar. Star!" young Deverd said. That was what got him interested in stars. Then, when he grew up, his father gave him a telescope, which he still uses until this day. He uses it to study more about the stars that shines at night.

Ah, sweet memories. thought Deverd to himself. He got the nickname, Devy, from his father. He liked it. But despite the telescope, the interest in pirates, and the eye patch, he still lacked a companion. A parrot. I remember the time I threw a coin in the wishing well, wishing for a parrot. he thought will inwardly smiling of that memory. His uncle bought him to his house, and there was a wishing well nearby. Devy had a coin that time so he threw it in, "I wish I have a pet parrot." was what he said. But he never got it. Oh well, he could buy one. But that's too... modern-ish. How do the pirates in the movies even get their parrots? Do they catch it or something? Oh well. It doesn't matter. It's Deverd's life anyway, not their's.

Mhm, that's right, my life. Gotta live it.

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(so my writer's block has been getting worse T^T feel free to slap me for my bad work ;-

Mizuki Furukawa


Maverick Clubroom|with the other club members|excited and pleased

Mizuki was ecstatic. Manami, with her fragile, delicate finger, had pointed to a table which was filled with beautiful delicacies that made Mizu's stomach rumble. The food looked fresh and almost glowing with yumminess, or was that just Mizuki's imagination? "Ooo, thank you for the food Manami~ Did you prepare this all by yourself?" Mizuki asked while getting a plastic plate from nearby and dropping bits of sushi onto it. Mizuki then moved over to the salad bowl and helped herself to a handful. She grabbed some pieces of chicken then settling down on the couch before standing up again and moving to another seat, away from the couch. I wouldn't want to accidentally drop some food while eating and dirtying our couch, Mizuki decided while getting herself a plastic fork from the table as she then proceeded to sit down. She had found herself an empty, wooden chair that had seemed stable and comfortable. As she settled down, Mizuki looked down at her food with longing. Time to eat!

Mizuki pointed her fork downwards, at her plate, and targeted the chicken first, before placing some pieces of lettuce into her mouth. She wanted to save the best, as in the sushi, for last. The chicken was wonderful. It was perfectly sweet and salty with a hint of sour to balance everything out. The salad was dressed amazingly and the freshness of everything made her want to eat more and more until she exploded. It was weird that food can make her feel like this, but Mizuki didn't complain. She loved the feeling of pleasure as she ate.
Soon enough, all that remained on her plate was the sushi. Neatly wrapped, probably from the gentle Manami herself, the sushi roll sang to her with all its glory. She had forgotten to get some soy sauce, and maybe a little of wasabi, but Mizuki didn't care. She was all focused on her task at hand now. Saving all the drama, Mizuki took a bite of the sushi. Flavors exploded in her mouth, her eyes widening. "Hmmm~ yummy," she thought aloud. Finishing off the sushi, she looked around for a trash can and carefully put her plastic plates and fork inside. Wandering back to the couch, she sat down and listened to everyone around her talking.

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