Oddballs Of Wakahisa High ♥ A School Based Roleplay [Inactive]



Sean went downstairs to see a lot of people he didn't know. He saw the guy with the eye patch on the sofa. Probably waiting for something. he thought to himself as he passed him. He didn't like the uniform, he preferred the color black or gray. Sean crossed his arms and walked towards the kitchen. He was wondering if there was soda or anything. On second thought, there might be no soda. he thought as he turned around and wondered what he could do without attracting attention to himself. Chat! Chat! Chat! chanted his subconsciousness. Sean shook his head, Ignore, ignore, ignore. he chanted back. You'll meet them at class anyway. said his subconsciousness.

Sean inwardly groaned. He had forgotten about that. I don't pay attention to classes anyway. he retorted. Sean could "see" his subconsciousness rolling its eyes at him. You don't pay attention to classes but you pay attention to conversations that you're not supposed to hear. it countered. Sean ignored his subconsciousness and leaned against the wall. "A couple more minutes..." he murmured as he fiddled with his tie. Now I am wondering how I even managed to put on my tie properly. His subconsciousness replied, Inner self instincts. You hear me? Inner self instincts. emphasizing the 'Inner self' part.

"You know very well that you are not supposed to say anything unless really necessary." he mumbled. His subconsciousness became silent once again. Sean then decided that he would walk with the others. What? You're walking with the others? That's a miracle! said Sub's voice. Yes, yes. I just do not want to look stupid. Sean could hear a sigh. That's always your excuse when you join a group. said Sub. Sean glared at the air, You don't even worry about yourself because you're only in my thoughts. he thought to Sub. It sighed again, Wrong. We're practically the same person but you're the one who controls yourself. I'm just something that makes you feel guilty. it said.

Sean ignored his subconsciousness once again before straightening his tie. "These things won't stay fixed..." he growled quietly as he pulled it down a little. Since he wanted the tie to stay fixed this time, he didn't cross his arms over his chest. Sean glanced at the kitchen once again to see less food than earlier. He slightly shook his head. "I'm going to eat breakfast tomorrow." he told himself quietly before trying to find a clock to figure out what time it was. I don't think there's a clock anywhere. You should get a watch, Sea-Sean. said Sub. Sean raised an eyebrow at the weird nickname his subconsciousness gave him. "Sea-Sean?" he asked it. Yes. Sea-Sean. Don't ask.

"Rude as always. You're appetite never crease to amaze me how you never seem to get fat, Glutton."

Yuki, thinking that that remark was a compliment, rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he sat down in front of Lucas. He was really flattered about it and didn’t even notice his senior walking towards the sink. Yuki would have most likely stayed in bliss for the whole time until his attention shifted on the girl walking towards the refrigerator with a model-like structure yet has this seemingly dangerous aura. Being the scaredy cat that he is, Yuki paled up and shuddered in fear as this person reminded him of something.


Those lustrous mythical beings who sucks out blood of innocent humans for their own consumption. Oh god, what’s a blood-sucker doing here?! What if she kills everyone in the dorm and suck out all blood there is in here?! Yuki shuddered and panicked inside of him, quickly snatching the glass of water from Lucas’ hands, gulping it to calm himself down.

"You're eating it~!"

A little girl beamed joyously but what made the glutton lost his mind was when this little girl wrapped her arms around the accused vampire. What the friggin hell are you doing, little girl?! You’re gonna get eaten, don’t you know that?! He cried out in his thoughts while striving to maintain his happy-go-lucky façade outside. What am I gonna do?! What am I gonna do?! Yuki chanted in his mind over and over again.

“It's a little past 7:10, And school starts at 7:30. I don't want to be late for the opening ceremony, so I'm going to head out,"

Tch. The vampire has attracted everyone in her favor. Am I the only one who knows about this? If that’s the case, I'm going to expose the truth!! As for the gluttonous boy, his sanity has been killed. When the trio of friends had already left, he stood up and slammed the table with his two hands.

“Ohwouldyoulookatthetime,Lu-pai (Short version of Lucas-senpai)! ItseemsthatIhavetogotoo! Iwouldn’twanttobelate,right?! Seeyou,then!!”

Yuki laughed as he half-shouted every bit of word in a hasty, audible way. Without even letting the other reply back, Yuki stood up and grabbed his notebook as he ran towards his room. He slammed the door behind him, resting his back against it as he hyperventilated and shouted without any noise, making him look like a mute retarded seal. After a while of doing that, he finally calmed down. Yuki shoved the information notebook inside his bag since he might need it again later.

The problem remains. How would he expose the vampire's identity?

He sat on his bed, tapping his foot while pinching the bridge of his nose as he really seriously thought about it.

Bingo. He grinned after formulating up a plan. Despite being idiotic and happy-go-lucky, Yuki can really do anything as long as he puts his mind to it. Although, the price is, he forgets everything else other than that.

But first, he really should take a bath and go to school while there's still time for breakfast. Food is his number one priority, after all. He grabbed the towel hung over a chair and headed towards the bathroom to take a bath.
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An onigiri wasn't exactly the whole "heartily" breakfast she expected to start her day but somehow it tasted quite delicious than she would expect from a snack. She took small and careful bites and made sure to chewed on it carefully. You think it is easy to maintain her figure? Ha! If not for her extra curricular activities: Mix martial arts, kendo, archery, swimming, as well as running, marksmanship, and gymnastics (though its a secret), Himiko would have been a fatty by now with all the eating she and Manami--and occassionally Akio would join them--would of done together. As Himiko quietly ate, she could sense someone was starring at her, though she wasn't exactly sure which of the two--Lucas or Yuki--was the perpetrator. Probably Lucas since he was somehow a prevert, always observing peoples reactions with his games. Of course, Himiko almost ALMOST fell victim to his charms when she first met Lucas. Embarrassing as it was, Himiko admit--since she was the kind if girl to believe in faith and destiny--she had been charmed by him when he was being kind to her. But alas, when Himiko found out Lucas true nature--let's just say there had been illegal background checks going on--she felt a bit dishearted. Well, there goes her chances with having a fairytale love life with Lucas. Well, moving on.

Although there is also that guy with Lucas--the one with horrible table manners--munchings on a toast. Though Himiko never really consider him since by the looks of him, he post no threat to her. But then again, one would never know about what the other is thinking, and if you consider her training, one could never let their guard down. Himiko had been too focused in eating her onigiri that she failed to noticed Yuki's odd behavior and the way he paled when he finally took notice of her existence in the room. Pretending that Himiko wasn't all too interested with what the other two were talking about Himiko was almost finished eating her onigiri.

"You're eating it~!"

Came the loud squeak from behind her, followed by a surprise attack of Manami jumping from behind her and hung around like a little kuala clinging on its mothers back--or a human cape whichever you'd prefer. Himiko almost choked up on her onigiri when Manami had so suddenly jumped up at her. This girl, she doesn't know no boundaries. She had already let what happened in her room pass and now this? If Himiko hadn't know any better, she'd swear Manami was a assassin out to get her.

"I am so glad~"

See? Manami pose no threat. Its just Manami being her cute little sweet chibi self. Not a single hostility at all in that small frame of hers. Once Manami had let her go, Himiko breathed out a relief sigh. She really need to have a little talk with her about her affectionate demeanor.

"It's a little past 7:10," she began, "And school starts at 7:30. I don't want to be late for the opening ceremony, so I'm going to head out."

And once again, Himiko had just let herself be dragged around by Manami's pace, literally--as Manami dragged her and Akio by the wrist as they exit the dorm.

"Are you guys as happy as I am?" Manami stated with glee. "We get to start a new year today! And, we all have the same homeroom again!"

Seeing how her friend glow with sheer delight, Himiko couldn't help but smile a bit at how happy she looked. To Himiko, if Manami is happy, she is happy as well.

"I think this year is going to be wonderful,"

Yes it was, although this was going to be Himiko's last year, but let's not ruined the girl's happiness just yet.

"It's going to be really, really wonderful~"

"GOOD MORNING, WAKA!!" A fleet of rough angry looking men all lined up at either side of the pathway had been waiting patiently to greet their soon-to-be leader's day. They had been in squatting positions for quite a little while now and were making sure their heads were lower than Himiko's once she would finally decided to come out of the dorm. Tako had stood at the end of the pathway with Himiko's bag waiting to be taken by her. The smile and calmed demeanor from Himiko's face soon vanished and was replaced with a scornful more serious look--a look of that of a future yakuza leader. Walking ahead of Manami and Akio, it was clear that no matter how Himiko wanted to live a normal life she had responsibilities that needs to be put in facts. She is a yakuza. And being greeted like this by her 'little brothers' were a reminder to her life will never be normal.

"Ah, Waka is still as fearsome as ever, like a lioness ready to pounce on her prey to feed her cubs," one of her gang memeber's whispered to the other member.

"You fool!" the other one beside him interrupted, "Waka is like a python and at any moment will strike at her opponent."

"Ha! You both are wrong because, Waka is like a poisonous frog." the third one butted in.

Both members looked back the third guy in bewilderment when he compared Himiko to a frog.
"Why?" they both wondered.

"Because they are slimy and gross and no one would dare to go near it or touch it." he explained.

Okay. Being a lioness, fine. Being a python, great. But to be compared to a frog was too much!! It could have been a porcupine for all she cared but to be compared to an ugly frog?! Unforgivable.

"Tako." Himiko called upon her loyal servant and gave her school bag to her.

"Yes, Waka." Tako said to his mistress.

"Burn him." Himiko said in a serious tone.

"Yes, Waka." Tako complied and snapped his fingers and immediately taking the one that compared her to a frog was bounded and was taken away from the scene. Although they don't actually plan to burn him, just slapping him around as punishment for ever comparing Himiko to a frog. Himiko was really honestly hurt by it too.

"HAVE A NICE FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL, WAKA!! AND TO COMPANY AS WELL!!" the rest said in unison to Himiko and the rest of the residence in Akemaisu dorm before dispersing and was out of sight.

Himiko inwardly sighed once everyone had cleared out. She then turn to Manami and Akio, flipping her long black hair with her hand. "Let's go. We don't want to be late." she finally said facing ahead and started to walk to school.

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Deverd got up from the sofa and saw a shadow. He turned around to see some guy with blonde hair and he didn't look friendly. "Are they all like that...?" he wondered as he went pass him and went to the kitchen. He didn't know why he went to the kitchen, what was he going to do there, and if he was going to talk to someone, who was he going to talk with, and when would he go. Devy shrugged before changing direction and headed towards the stairs. It's the first day of school and I only managed to talk to one person without even asking his name. I am such a genius! he thought to himself sarcastically. Once he reached the stairs, he climbed them and went outside. Devy saw three people when he exited.

Not my business, stay out of trouble, Devy stays fine. he recited in his head. It was like some kind of very short speech. Devy took some steps side wards so that he couldn't hear their conversation and just stood there, rather a bit awkwardly since he could have just stayed inside. He shoved his hands into his pockets and thought about the things that could happen on his first day. He wondered if he could even have friends. What's so wrong with being a Pirate lover? he asked himself mentally. I don't see anything wrong with it. Devy looked around and let the wind dance around him. It was quite soothing, actually, and he liked it.

Deverd waited for the people. He was going to walk with them... from really far away. He didn't know them yet so he kept his distance. Dev fixed his hair with one hand since the wind messed it up again.
If this gets tangled again... Oh. It didn't. Hooray for me! he inwardly cheered. He got out a key chain from his pocket. He brought it with him. He swung it around and around his finger until he enclosed his hand on it and returned it into his pocket. Devy kicked a pebble and watched it bounce. It won't move unless someone makes it move. Like a person making a decision. he compared wisely. "At this rate, I'm might call people grasshopper or something. Now, off to school!" he said to himself as he began walking while making sure to keep his distance.

Not my business, stay out of trouble, Devy stays fine." he recited quietly once more.



Outside | ---- | Annoyed

Every single word he heard were nothing but gibberish to Lucas, watching Yuki running off to his room, leaving Lucas confused by what he was speaking in. It was like Yuki was speaking in another language unknown to Lucas but it didn't matter, getting up from his seat and grabbing his bag. He went off to the same way the other three went, going to the classroom where his sister had told him to go to 10 minutes ago.

Once he stepped outside, a group of girls awaited for his arrival outside, some squealing and some saying "good morning" to him in a more polite way than those other girls. Surrounding Lucas as he stood in the middle of the girls. He was not in the greatest mood and to hear these girls in the morning was not a good time but he played along and gave them what they wanted, his "prince charming" smile.

The sound of girls squealing even more ringed into his ear making it feel like his ears could bleed. Placing his index finger over his lips, he smiled and tilted his head slightly,"Shh... we don't want to disturb the other who are still asleep now do we?" He said trying to silence them as they finally calmed down but some still squealed but more quietly this time. They were now quiet and Lucas could now think more clearly but they still followed him, walking to the class surrounded by a group of young girls from many different grades, most being freshmen and sophomores since the juniors and seniors already knew by now who he really was and kept their distant from him.

Hallways | ---- | Curious/ Confuse ???

Walking through the hallways of Wakahisa school, he was greeted by many other girls, giving them his "prince charming" smile, making some girls fall to their knees. This was normal for Lucas, from his notes, girls were the one thing that he just couldn't understand. They were able to turn into jelly just from a "hot guy's smile". Lucas just couldn't understand why they would fall for such a thing but this was what he learned. Though he had many notes over this matter, he still couldn't understand/ comprehend the meaning of human's feeling and how the mind works.

One solution he came up with was maybe because he needed to be a girl, the reason why he cross dresses as one from time to time. In order to further his knowledge, he had to become a girl himself, with the help of his twin, he was able to disguise himself one of his fellow female students but there were some who can tell right away it was him like those who were part of the Akemiasu Club.

These people were the only to know about his cross dressing and of course his twin sister. Some of his fellow seniors also knew about this secret also but only a few who he revealed to knows. The underclassmen have no clue of his secret and he likes to keep it that way so he can be able to understand the mind of girls in general since they were the most troublesome research he had in a while.

Guy were not interesting to Lucas since number one, he was a guy himself so he could already understand what goes on in a guy's brain, and number two, he's not gay so studying a guy would be no fun to him. Now being an opposite gender, it was more fun because he could be able to learn, it was like studying an animal but except it was a female human being who are known as mammals who walk on two legs on land.

Mizuki Furukawa


Akemiasu Dorms|alone|panicking and hungry

Mizuki sat up on her bed suddenly, placing a hand on her head and quickly snapping her head to the side, checking the clock beside her bed for the time. Oh crap, she thought, WHY DIDN'T MY ALARM GO OFF?? I'm going to be late. Oh no.

She cursed quietly under her breath as she quickly changed into her school uniform without showering first. She applied some perfume on top of her white button-up blouse and pulled on her skirt before tying a pink ribbon over her neck. She brushed her hair quickly and tied it up. She looked around her socks and shoes, before seeing them peeking from underneath her bed. She quickly put them on before walking out into the kitchen and grabbed herself some toast. Not noticing anyone else, she sat down on a spare seat and munched on her breakfast quickly.

After feeding, her hungriness slowly went away as she dashed back to her dorm room, organizing her school bag the best she can. It was overflowing with books and papers that was from her last year at school. She had forgotten to throw them away and scolded herself silently for being ignorant. Oh my god, Mizu. Get yourself together! She grabbed the pile of old exam results, papers of notes, gibberish and artwork, and stuffed them all in the trash can beside the door. She then grabbed her school bag, now clear of everything except for a few books, and brought it with her outside.

She reached the door of the Akemiasu dorms that led outside, opened it and stepped out.
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(Bah~ Screw it. Mind is too impaired to make even a half decent post, Poor Ikuto. I'll come back with Kuniri later -.-')


Ikuto Ahiro

Mrs Peacock, in the library, with the rope.

A very mild time skip later

It was an odd change, seeing as his financial backing stabilized just a few months ago. At least, for this semester he would be able to partake in the school events, as well, he would be able to earn friends without disappointing them by being busy near constantly. Though he was looking forward to supporting the others of this final year, he was brought to a loss. There was so much idle time as of late, not everything was a confined schedule that forced him to constantly watch the clock. There was almost a desire to waste away this time aiding others without break. In some terms, he became slightly jealous of the individuals surrounding Himiko. Though they were supposedly a 'bad' crowd, they had a fruitful purpose, and another to whole-heartedly support. After years of pushing forward his path, he wanted to take a step back and support everyone else. Perhaps his mother would forgive the slight selfishness.

Ikuto came to find himself waiting outside, amongst many others. Whether those others were the goons, awaiting the Queen's appearance so they may give their exuberant wishes for the day. Or perhaps those head-over-heals fan girls that wished nothing more than to see the Prince. Both of their lights were quite exquisite, to draw so many others inwards, to have so many that would go through troubles just for the mild chance of being seen by them. He watched as the two individuals left the dorms, each one gaining favor amongst their parties unanimously What kind of pressure might they be hiding exactly? Surely they were not so far above all other's, that they can simply shrug off personal desires. They were human, hence, they had to crave some sort of freedom, right?

One after another, Ikuto watched as the members of Akemiasu left the dorms, silently counting the heads, making sure that every one would make it out on time. "So you're the last..", his mind spoke, watching the last person he could recognize leave. "Good Morning, Mizuki", Ikuto waved as he turned, beginning his path to school. There were only three names posted within the dorms that he could not recognize, nor put a face to. But at least that meant a majority of his dorm mates remained the same, much like this girl. "Mizuki," Ikuto spoke out once more, somewhat curious as to why she might have been the slowest to escape the dorms, "Did you break your alarm clock?"


Kuniri Akamine

Kuniri is currently in reproduction, please excuse the slight defects

A very mild time skip later

The year not only changed for Ikuto, but for Kuniri as well. The girl spent so many years of her life in attempt to make friends whilst carrying her own bewildering ways. Just before her second year even began, the principal called her into his office with a proposal. Of course the finer details were a bit blurry, but she could clearly remember his promise that this would make it far easier to earn a few friends. Akemiasu was filled with peculiar individuals somewhat like herself, and if not them, then perhaps a bit of space between her and the 'normals' would benefit her in some way. So long as she did not post up random banners around the dorms attempting to warn others of potential Chupacabra attacks. It is somewhat amusing to think that she didn't even know what that creature was until an old dorm mate tried to scare her. No matter. In the end, Kuniri arrived at these dorms in hopes of change, one that may or may not ever come. The question being, how will Kuniri even manage to attempt gaining friends? Should she open up a bit more, maybe flaunt her skills and hope they come to her with requests, or perhaps... just perhaps... resort to stalking the hell out of people.

Believe it or not, Kuniri managed to actually walk with a group from Akemiasu. Well, depending on what 'with' you may be thinking about. Perhaps the more common ideal of walking within the group, sharing their little laughs? Nope, Kuniri's 'with' included about thirty feet between her and them, and very partial earshot as she stared solidly at their backs. Two of the individuals she could recognize from before, remember that silly pair by the door? If it was simply them, then she may have had a chance in approaching the two. Probably not start the conversation, but hey, she would be there, and that is a start. The issue was the new found danger, 'her'. Anyone who had the group system of shady looking older guys to greet them in the morning, could only trigger red flags. Maybe she was a spy for the Chupacabra man!? Or even worse, maybe she was the Chupacabra in disguise.

Kuniri's feet came to a sudden halt, her eyes growing even wider as she solidly stared at her new found/ unconfirmed enemy in disguise. She was clever, evil, and beautiful. If she was not a Chupacabra then she had to absolutely be a snow woman. That's all she needed, was to gain her first friend and it be a complete trap, freezing her in some unknown lands. Shaking her head, she attempted to clear the thoughts. Evil being or not, a potential friend was a potential friend. Even if it led to her demise, she wouldn't be alone for a short while.
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"Ah~ This is pure bliss."

Sweet fragrance coming from the candy-apple flowers growing at the sidewalks. Peppermint walls that were swirling with alternate red and white colors. Marshmallows raining from above the skies, carefully floating its way down the brown, crisp graham-like road.

Of course. This is just paradise for Fuyuki Nishikawa, the infamous glutton of all time. And the first thing this glutton did was, shove the said edible things into his mouth. He continued crunching on the graham cracker road which led him to a chocolate river with a gingerbread house just beside it.

He ran towards the river and shoved his head in it, gulping down large quantities of chocolate into his throat. Raising up his head, he heaved a big breath and fell on his back. His face was smothered with chocolate and as well as his hair, making it sticky.

Ah, if only I can live here. I can, can't I?! Hahahaha!!!, he thought as he closed his eyes. It sure would be great for him if he can.

"Yeah, it is great if you can."

A voice said, speaking Yuki's thoughts aloud. It wouldn't surprise the glutton if he heard an anonymous voice but, it was a girl's voice. A girl. Not too mention, it sounded too mature and silky, it's dangerously creepy. Carefully opening one eye, Yuki hoped that the girl isn't that near too him.

Of course, he's wrong. When he popped his eye open, the girl was only a few meters away from him, staring. More like, staring at his soul.

What's worse, the voice and face belonged to someone he knew.


"It is great if you can still live!"

The vampire growled and reached to him, charging at him with those fangs.


Lucky for him, everything faded to black before he can feel the pain. Although, a taste of water and soap drowned him. He opened up his eyes and coughed the water out.

Blue tiles. Soap. Water. A shower curtain. Bathtub.

Yes, as you can all tell, Yuki fell asleep in the bathtub. He woke up to the taste of bubbly soap and water. As well as the fear of being eaten by a dangerous vampire. He bawled his eyes out, never has a nightmare haunted him since the last two years, where in the girl from the movie, "The Grudge" took away all of his friends, as well as his food. When he woke up, his fear on girls worsened.

By the time that he calmed down, he stood up from the bathtub and wiped himself off. He wore his clothes, a white-long sleeve polo and black pants. Although, he wondered on why these were the clothes he brought with him in the bathroom instead of shorts and a shirt.

He opened up the door and saw his dorm-mates running out of the door in school uniforms. Yuki began questioning himself on why they were wearing school uniforms as he dried his hair off with a towel. He looked up at the clock on the wall and it read, 7:25.

"7:25?" He raised an eyebrow and after a while, his eyes widened and he began panicking. "Marshmallow pumpkin! It's 7:25?!" Yuki half-shouted and ran to his room. He snatched his bag and threw the towel on his bed. In amidst of the confusion, instead of picking up a navy blue blazer, he ended up picking a brown v neck sweater which was supposed to be for tomorrow.

I can't have breakfast at the cafeteria anymore., he thought as he put on his shoes and left the dorm, running his way to school.

Mizuki Furukawa


Outside/with Ikuto/still panicking

Having just stepped out of the Akemiasu dorms, Mizuki was quite startled to find that a boy, around her age with dark, ebony hair, was talking to her. She recognized him as Ikuto, from the dorms. "Good morning, Ikuto," she smiled before embarrasment took over. "And no, my alarm clock's fine. I just forgot to set it last night." Mizuki placed a hand on her head and shook it with a little laugh. "I must sound really stupid right now." Mizuki rearranged her bag, her cute, squishy rabbit keyring bouncing around while she avoided Ikuto's blazing blue eyes. She was horrible at socializing.

Guessing she was going to be late unless she started walking, Mizuki quickly excused herself to Ikuto and went on her way, through the road filled with sakura trees on each side. She breathed in the heavenly scent of the cherry blossoms and breathed out again, feeling a little less nervous. She loved the beautiful pastel pink petals that would fall into her hair as she walked. Humming a little cheery tune, she continued trudging down the road, with a jump in her step.

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((I'm proposing a time skip to homeroom in this post. Let's just forget the opening ceremony, 'cause I have no idea what to say.

xD "Welcome to our school, guys! Do your best! Study hard!" xD ))
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf27eee29_ManamiIcon.jpg.11898bc9355654810a1387c01116cb08.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17514" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf27eee29_ManamiIcon.jpg.11898bc9355654810a1387c01116cb08.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Manami Fukui

*She's At|She's With|She feels*

Outside/Homeroom|Himiko|Defensive/Zoned Out

Manami pouted stubbornly as she heard what Himiko's "minions" were whispering about her. How can they say such things? Himiko is amazing! Manami thought, and with her hands on her hips, she stepped in front of all of them. "Himiko isn't some animal!" She shouted defensively. "She's human. A strong one, yes, but that only adds to her independent feminine aura. You should respect it, not talk badly about it. She's beautiful, not slimy. If she's like a lioness at all, then she's like a mother protecting her cubs - protecting her pride," Manami spoke, her opinion strong and unwavering. "You should appreciate her grace, not downgrade it," she finished, and then allowed Himiko to command Tako to do the honors. Manami then turned to Himiko after she said, "Let's go. We don't want to be late." Manami showed her a small smile, grabbed unto her hand, and nodded. "We sure don't!" She responded, and took off with her in a full sprint. She wasn't all that athletic - in fact, she hated all vigorous physical activity - but, right now, she was in the mood for a little run.

~Time Skip to Homeroom~

Manami took her usual seat beside Himiko in the front row.
"Opening ceremonies are boring," she thought out loud as she prepared her notebooks and writing utensils. She also took out her sketchbook just in case she got bored and felt like drawing. Manami takes her neat and clean notes fairly quickly, and she's almost always the first one to finish assignments, so she has to entertain herself somehow in the free time. Right now, their homeroom teacher, Ms. Tachibana, was giving her yearly lecture on how much it sucked being a single woman in this cold cruel world. All teachers give their "life story" on the first day, so it's pretty relaxing. With a sigh, Manami rested her cheek in the palm of her hand and looked down at her sketchbook. "I want to draw," she spoke quietly to herself, and so she did. As per usual, Manami zoned out into her own little world, losing herself in her sketching. She began to draw out a picture of some cliffs and a lake below, being that nothing else came to mind. You didn't find many cliffs or old fashioned boats here in Naha, Okinawa, and Manami likes imagining things she's never known before.

Once she finished that sketch in seemingly record time, Manami grew bored again. So, she began drawing
another picture - only this time, she decided to color it. It was a cherry blossom tree with a dragon trapped in it's branches. Why she had a dragon there, she had no idea. It kind of just clicked in that random brain of hers. "I like dragons," she spoke under her breath as she smiled, coloring it in red lightly. As she was beginning to finish that one up, she couldn't help but hear Ms. Tachibana say, "And that is the life of a single woman, folks. It's miserable, I tell you. So, if you know any single men around, tell them to call me~" in a joking tone. The entire class laughed except Manami. She simply looked her right in the eyes and tilted her head in a confused manner. "Ms. Tachibana?" she called out, politely raising her hand. Ms. Tachibana motioned to her, as if telling her to go ahead and speak. "If you really don't like being single, why don't you just put yourself out there?" Manami began, and suddenly, everyone in the class was looking at her. Manami didn't care though. "Mingle, take chances. I hear it works really well."

Manami was judging all this based on the shows she's seen and the books she's read, but Ms. Tachibana seemed sincerely inspired.
"You've got it!" She spoke, giving her a playful thumbs-up and wink. After that, Manami began finishing up her sketch.

((I honestly had no idea what to write, so I just went with that. Enjoy our homeroom, guys~ I'll probably post up a little mini-sheet for Ms. Tachibana, so we can all get a feel on what her character is like. She's also our supervisor and manager for Akemiasu and the Maverick Club, so we'll be using this NPC a lot~))



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Let me share you a story of a pure and innocent princess that became a queen.

Once a upon a time, there was a princess that was beloved by her entire kingdom. But because the princess was so beloved by all the people of her land, she felt trapped inside a tall doorless tower. Now her hair was not as long as Rapunzel's--and there was no way she'd let some baboon climb up her hair--so it was impossible for her to escape, no matter how much of a capable princess she was.

One day, the king and queen of the kingdom made a deal with their beloved princess--three years, they were giving her three years of complete absolute freedom to do whatever she wanted without any interference from them. Of course, the princess was delighted to hear such wonderful news but... With great rewards comes great sacrifices. After three years are up, the princess must take on the great burden of becoming the kingdoms ruler--no 'if's' nor 'buts'. Although the princess had to take her time to consider this but no matter what possibilities or alternate routes she could come up with, it always ends up the same ending--she becomes the ruler at the end. Seeing as though this was the only chance the princess could live a life of freedom before she will be bounded with responsibilities, she decided to seize this chance. To take this opportunity. Squeezing every bit of freedom she could lay her hands on until she couldn't no more.

Her first royal decree of her new found freedom: find her prince charming and fall in love. Of course, what better place to find both things at the same time? Highschool, of course! During the days spent being stuck in a lonely tower, she spent it by reading fairytale books, shougo mangas, light-romantic novels, romantic movies, etc. Yes, as you could tell, the princess had always been a sucker for romance ever since she could be able to read. She had always wanted to experience that 'romantic spark' told by books and movies. She'd literally kill to experience those cliché moments. And for a sixteen year old young girl, who is hopeful to experience for the first time what is like to fall in love, the only place she knew to start was highschool.

Before enrolling into highschool, she had everything planned out. She was going to play the kind and gentle yet with a determined and strong-will girl--that she usually read in story books. She was sure that if she played this role right, she'd snag herself a prince or two. After many moons has passed, her first day of a highschool student began.

But sadly, nothing is like what she read in books and what she saw in movies. It was like everything she did--despite her good intentions--people seems to misunderstand her and ended up being scared of her, all because she was telling an old person off. After that incident she was bestowed the name: The Queen.

And now we bring you to our regularly scheduled program.


Himiko had been carefully listening to their homeroom teacher, Ms. Tachibana, as she began homeroom with her 'life story of a single woman' and was truly moved by it. Amongst all the faculty and staff, Ms. Tachibana, had always been her favorite. She was the only teacher who shared the same struggles as Himiko was, and had always enjoyed listening to stories of her wonderful fairytale like relationship but always ends just when everything were going so well.

"And that is the life of a single woman, folks. It's miserable, I tell you. So, if you know any single men around, tell them to call me~" was the words her teacher finally said.

Himiko upon listening attentively to her had tear stricken eyes. Ms. Tachibana's story of her countless failed love lives yet her will to not give up and still hopes for one someday had overwhelmed Himiko. So overwhelmed that she stood up from her chair and walked up to Ms. Tachibana, taking her hand in hers and looking into her eyes with determination and eagerness to support her in whatever she does. "Tachibana-sensei!" began Himiko.

And as if Ms. Tachibana understood her, she equally return her look of determination and eagerness to support her as well, since she also knew Himiko had been going through the same predicament as her. "Shirogane-kun!" Ms. Tachibana said in return.

"Tachibana-sensei!!" Himiko hugged Ms. Tachibana as tears slowly escaped from her eyes.

"Shirogane-kun!!" Ms. Tachibana hugged her back and also had tears fallen down her eyes.

The room suddenly went dark and a spotlight shone only these two people hugging each other in a comforting embrance, as if they were the only two people in the world.

It was beautiful. Tear jerking and heart-wrenchingly, beautiful.

If only it were real though.

The reality of it all was, Himiko had been pretending not to listen to what anything, Ms. Tachibana, had said once she had came in and began homeroom. Himiko had been fiddling with the ends of her hair appearing that this gesture she made was much more interesting than whatever Ms. Tachibana was talking (but we all know that she is indeed listening). In school, she was 'the Queen' and was expected to be a cold and heartless person. Once stepping onto the school ground, it was as if the mask was on and the façade begins, well, its not like her cold and heartless persona was entirely faked. Everyone knew of her being a yakuza's daughter and she was to take over her family business, so its pretty much given that she would appear intimidating and cold towards everyone. But deep inside Himiko would sometimes ask herself that if she would be given an opportunity to go back in time and be able to rewrite her future, which moment will she change? Of course her answer would be, she'd go back to that first day of school and maybe did things differently, maybe her life would be different than what it was now.

Then her thoughts were interrupted once she heard Manami.

"Ms. Tachibana?" Himiko heard Manami called out, politely raising her hand. Ms. Tachibana motioned to her, as if telling her to go ahead and speak. Curiosity got the best of Himiko but she didn't stopped playing with the ends of her hair, though she was listening.

"If you really don't like being single, why don't you just put yourself out there?" She heard Manami began, and suddenly, everyone in the class--including Himiko--was looking at her. But typical Manami didn't care though. "Mingle, take chances. I hear it works really well."

Upon hearing this Himiko couldn't help but smile slightly. Then it made her reconsider her choice. If she had done things differently in the past, does that mean she and Manami wouldn't have crossed path and it is unlikely that they wouldn't become friends? She could imagine her life would be much more quieter though. But then again, it may become dull and boring when she thinks about it.

"If I had the chance to rewrite history... I wouldn't change anything." Himiko said her thoughts out loud, though it was said more to herself than to anyone.

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(Random Ikuto post is random! )


Ikuto Ahiro

-screams internally-

One last year to wash away any regrets. Throughout the past two years he idly helped others as they came to him for aid. This year, he would attempt to reach further into the lives of those who actually interested him. The individuals that he desired to help, as well, the individuals that looked over him the most. Of course his mind was set on those within the Akemiasu Dorms, but the question was, where to begin? He wanted to befriend them all, to return the time he spent enjoying their slight company within the dorms. But even more so, he didn't want to leave feeling like he was nothing within their lives, after all, a motto he picked up "Leave things better than they were."

His eyes first fell on Mizuki, the girl from this morning who obtained the seat to his left. It was mostly based off coincidence, seeing as he was resting against his right arm and happened to be looking towards the windows as his thoughts ran their course. She was a rather cute individual, one of those girls that you simply wish to embrace due to their nature. It was somewhat beyond him why he had not attempted to befriend her over the years, seeing as the girl appeared a little outgoing. Surely, she would have been a fun individual to get to know better. To avoid staring at the poor girl for too long, he smiled casually, turning his head to the front. Himiko Shirogane, otherwise known as the Queen. She was a beautiful, mature figure. If it had not been for her direct link to that crowd, she would probably have guys crawling at her ankles. Then again, she may very well have that already back at home. It was strange, instead of fear, Ikuto could almost admire the girl due to her lineage. She held a radiance that no other would be able to achieve, but why was it that it seemed dim as if something was off?

Eventually he would attempt to befriend them all, not just Shirogane and Mizuki. But the other residents, including the newer ones. Speaking of which, Ikuto had to ponder whether or not the one he spoke to this morning found the glass of water he placed by his door. At least he appeared to be appropriately dressed after the short incident, he wouldn't want the poor guy to deal with too much embarrassment after all.

On occasion he would hear a random comment from another student toward's Ms. Tachibana's love/life story. After confirming that the topic was still nothing important, Ikuto chose to pull out an empty sheet of paper. "And so our last year begins, isn't that right Shirogane? Hopefully it doesn't pass too quickly, I would rather us all have at least a little more time together. It's our last chance to get rid of any regrets after all. What do you think? Can we leave our underclassmen behind? Upon completion of the short note, he came to tap on the girl's shoulder, extending out the folded paper. To think, through all these years he was actually somewhat curious as to what might be running in her mind, and only now did he bother reaching towards that back.

School Hallways | --- | Annoyed

The girls were still tailing him, their creepy eyes stared into his back making holes in them. Lucas wanted to just go to his classroom but with these girls following him, he won't be able to make it in unless he got these girls off his back. Taking a deep breath, he turned to the girls and smiled kindly,"Ah, class is about to began ladies~ You should all go to class or you'll be late. The prince wish not to make you all late now." He said trying his best not to yell at them to leave him be.

The girls were all staring at Lucas, their eyes all goggling at his face but luckily they followed this time,"Aww~ The prince is so sweet~ We shall go then until next time prince!" The head of the girls said, the leader of Lucas' fan base. Taking the girls away, she waved as the girls said their goodbyes, Lucas sighing in relief,"Ugh, annoying girls... wish they would just leave me be." He thought and went off to his homeroom where his sister was waiting along with the others.

Homeroom | ---- | Tired

Standing in front of his homeroom, he slide the door open and walked in, closing the door behind him. Looking around him, he noticed that some of the students had made it to class, the Queen and her "followers" with her. Lucas stared at the Queen, her beauty being one of her good points but her personality was the type of personality Lucas could never handle well with. The Queen was good material to experiment on and study but she was hard to study on since she had the ears of a wolf, able to hear his every move even when he is so quiet to even be heard.

Walking over to his assigned seat which was one desk away from the window, and luckily away from the Queen's presence, taking his seat and awaited. Shima was the first to approach him, flicking him in the head,"What took you so long?" She asked not pleased that her brother took so long just to arrive to class. Lucas glaring at her and ignored her presence but he did answer her question,"I was being held back by those girls, such annoying people." He groaned.

When he was in his classes, he was able to let his anger out freely even if the others told him to shut up. He was able to be like this because he was accepted by these people, his true personality being known and these people accepted him either way even if they dislike it. He was fine that people hated him or whatever as long as they don't order him what to do with his personality.
The alarm went off at 7am and Stacy slowly opened her eyes. She had just been moved to the Akemiasu dorms the day before and her stuff was all in their boxes and bags. "Here's to a new school." Stacy muttered as she got up and slipped her feet into a pair of pink slippers. She hoped that she would get through the day without any accidents and that she would make some friends.

She looked at her alarm clock and realised that she forgot to change the time to 6am. "Bugger!" She exclaimed as she retrieved her uniform from her wardrobe and started to dress. She looked in her mirror to see how her new uniform looked and was pleased by the result. She put a red ribbon around her neck and looked at the time. "Oh no!" She gasped as she looked at the time. She quickly put her shoes on and made sure that she was presentable before running towards the homeroom.

"Sorry....I'm late." She told the teacher as she entered the room and walked towards her seat. She didn't see the food on the table and hoped that during the break, she would be able to retrieve something to eat. She sat down in seat 21 and listened to what the teacher had to say but didn't know what her name was. Everything was new to her and she wanted to make a good first impression.



One day, definitely.

Someday soon, I'll be able to see you.

One day soon... I'll make you see me, the real me.

Himiko had been lost in her own little world after Manami's suggestion to Ms. Tachibana to go out more. Putting herself out there, huh? Oh Manami, if only that where simple. Well, to 'normal' people it would be but to someone like Himiko, who lives in a world that the second you put your guard down, it would be the end of you. In the world of the gokudo, something like love and friendship has no room or does not exist in her world. Making outside relationships--outside the world of the gokudo--is condemned, since they only pose as a distraction to their code. A code that she would someday have the pleasure to change it--that is if she could which is highly unlikely. Going back, for something so simple as mingling with others and putting herself out there was impossible for Himiko, seeing as though this year will be here final year, she was going to make the most of it.

A sudden light tap on her shoulder made her distracted from her her current thoughts. What is this? Someone other than Manami dared to touch her? Such brave soul--or rather a stupid one? Does the one who dared touch her know who she is? She is 'The Queen', no one would dare touch the queen. This person may not want to continue on living anymore, if the person behind her was brave enough to have tap "death" on the shoulder.

Himiko turned her head ever so slightly to the side as she looked over her shoulder--she didn't fully turned to see who it was since she is afterall in class and it would be rude to Ms. Tachibana if she suddenly turn the other way while she spoke. Although she could barely see the person behind her, she did noticed the folded paper being handed to her.


Could this be? It couldn't be right? This couldn't be the legendary confession of love note that she could only read in books. It couldn't be real. But once she took the piece of paper off Ikuto's hand, she felt a surge of excitement (only her face was indifferent of the whole thing). Her very first love note! She glanced around her surroundings. Good, everyone else is busy doing their own thing and took this opportunity to read its contents:

And so our last year begins, isn't that right Shirogane? Hopefully it doesn't pass too quickly, I would rather us all have at least a little more time together. It's our last chance to get rid of any regrets after all. What do you think? Can we leave our underclassmen behind?

She felt like reading Shakspeares work. Such beautiful handwriting. Each word she read she felt like pieces of her soul were floating away from her. Ah! What was she going to do? How was she going to respon--Oh my God! How was she going to respond to this? In all her years of dreaming that someday she'd get to experience the romantic cliché of love and now that she is actually experiencing it first hand, she has no idea what to do now.

What to do? What should she do? What would girls in the stories she read do? Oh! That's right! She should write back! Yes, Himiko, when in situations like this, it is best to respond accordingly to the message the sender has written. Don't appear too eager but don't appear too cold as well, it might turn the guy off if she did. Though the question remainds, how would she about this?

Dear Mysterious Sender,

Hello. How are you? I have read the context of your letter and--

No!! Wrong! Himiko began to scratched on the first message she wrote on the paper. What was that Himiko? Your replying to a letter that was written by a highschool student and not a sticking old man! Be more casual. Casual!!


So... Like I read your letter and all--

Himiko!! She began to curse herself to death as she had yet again scratched the words on the piece of paper. How did replying to a letter became such a complicated thing to do? It took her several attempts to think about it before writing it down but still she end up erasing it, until there was almost no room to write anymore--though there was that spot in the end corner that had enough space to write a short sentence or two. Not wanting to waste what little space left on the paper, Himiko took this time to think--and really think about it. She read the message the note originally contained and had focused on one this sentence the message contained:

It's our last chance to get rid of any regrets after all.

Her last chance. This year was her last year of being an 'ordinary' highschool student. Her last year of freedom. Her last year to leave this 'ordinay' fantasy life she created before facing her reality and leaving without any strings attached. Then it finally hit her like a stone being thrown directly at the back of her head. She was going to leave and leave everything else behind. This also meant leaving Manami too.

She glanced at Manami who was currently lost in her drawings again. She was really good at this. Himiko can see that Manami was truly talented with creating beautiful things with her hands. Too bad after this year ends, this will be the last time she could be able to see her other works of art after she graduates. If Himiko had something she should regret, she regrets leaving Manami behind.

Himiko then finally wrote her reply back to the sender of the letter and held it up finally to her shoulder to have Ikuto take it back and give it to whoever wrote it--Himiko actually thought the sender was someone seated at the far back of the room and Ikuto was just one of his many messenger.

The onced neatly written paper was full of scratches all over, making the words that was written prior impossible to read it, except for that one spot in the corner that had visible words to actually read. It only had three words but three very powerful words:

I don't care.

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Mizuki Furukawa


Homeroom/--/bored and spaced out

Mizuki sighed to herself as she listened to Ms Tachibana talk about her love life and how it was to be single. Mizuki never had the pleasure of owning a boyfriend, so she could relate to what she was talking about. As Ms Tachibana chattered on, Zuki sighed and she turned her head over to stare out of the classroom window, where rays of warm sunshine was pouring through. Noticing a petite girl with amazing blue hair speaking up, Mizuki realized, with a smile that it was Manami, her one, and only, good friend. She decided to listen as Manami suggested to go out and 'mingle' more. Mizuki slowly nodded. Well, she does have a point. I'm such a loser, some 'mingling' could do me some good.

Turning her head over to the seat beside her, she realized that it was Ikuto from this morning. A blush crept on to her face as she recalled thinking about how much of a fool she had made of herself. He was busy writing something on a piece of paper, so Mizuki decided not to be nosy and turned her head away, back to Ms Tachibana who was smiling about something. Her thoughts then ran back to the opening ceremony this morning and even just the thought of it made her stifle a yawn. Everything was too formal and the messages were just the same as last year. Been there, done that.

Not knowing what else to think about, or do, that could entertain her, she finally tuned back in to the discussion that was going on in class.
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Great. Just great.

When Yuki got to school, he was barely able to attend the opening ceremony on time which was extremely good news! But the bad part is, he really didn't get a chance to eat in the cafeteria in the morning and it was killing him. He only ate a SINGLE. PIECE. OF. BREAD. That isn't enough to satisfy a growing boy's needs! A meal is supposed to consist of these things:

Three bowls of Ultra Mega Special Giant Ramen (with extra thick noodles)

Five trays of Spicy Curry Rice

Fifteen pieces of Assorted Bread

Two gallons of strawberry milk

Now, that's what you call a meal! Yuki leaned on his seat and slid downwards a little. Everything in his view was blurry and all but he can still hear properly. Now, he has to endure a whole hour of homeroom without passing out of hunger when he was on the verge of it, just great. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, be optimistic, be optimistic!

"And that is the life of a single woman, folks. It's miserable, I tell you. So, if you know any single men around, tell them to call me~"

What's more, is that Ms. Tachibana's gone coco and has been ranting on things he really didn't understand. More like, he wished he didn't understand. Ms. Tachibana's nice and all--and he was thankful that she isn't giving out important reminders because if she did, he be dead meat--but she was still a woman. Of course, by Yuki's nature--no matter what age--he can't help but feel uncomfortable around her.

Gah, no more. I'm at my limit. G'night, folks.

Just as he said this in his mind and he was about to zonk out--


The vampire suddenly stood up and hugged Ms. Tachibana which made him awake for a few minutes and muster out a reaction. Yuki stood up, slamming the table while he shouted and pointed at the two in front of the classroom. He was wide awake than ever, shaking in fear.

"Aaaah!!!!!!" He shouted in fear.

Or so he thought he was wide awake. He instantly fell to his table right after shouting and was snoring peacefully.
"Neko-chan, please save me."

Akio's tone was desperate as the boy slammed his head against the table with a sigh of exasperation in reply to the dull morning he had suffered. The opening ceremony's dull speech had begun a spiraling chain of regrets within Akio and attending homeroom had done noting to change his current pained existence.

"Nyahaha, your the one who chose to attend class today. Neko-chan has no pity for your soul, nya."

For those seated around him, Akio's whispers would have made him appear insane from the very one sided conversation he was engaging himself in. With a small earpiece hidden in by the side of his head resting against his arm, no one could have heard Neko-chan's voice as she continued to chastise her master for the stupidity in his life's decisions.

"Every time you attend class, Neko-chan gets to hear your voices of complaint. You'd think 'learning from experience' would apply here, nya."

Sighing in response to his AI's words, Akio turned his attention to the front of class where Tachibana-sensei was once again lecturing the class on the pains of being a single woman. Uninterested by the topic a second time around, Akio chose to retrieve his tablet and position it atop his desk where a smiling Neko-chan greeted his face with a wave. With the tablet's camera running, Neko-chan was able to "see and hear" everything occurring in its view, and as the teacher continued her speech, a curious frown came to the nekomimi's face.

"What is this lady's obsession with a member of the opposite gender? Shes seems quite desperate compared to most, nya."

"Don't worry about it."

Swiping the AI to the side of the tablet, Akio opened his work from before and began madly typing against the touch screen in iognorance of the class around him and Neko-chan pouting int the corner of the screen.

It wasn't until he noticed Manami's voice, that his attention turned to her advice which was given to the pitiable teacher up front. As he listened to her words, a smile came to his face; Manami had always been a girl to speak her mind no matter context or repercussions to come, and this situation was no different.

Taking a quick glance around the room, Akio noticed that each student seemed to be lost in the bounds of their own little world, and any attention given toward their teacher was quite minimal. He had only promised to attend classes for part of the day, and with his fatigue causing a series of yawns, Akio decided it was in his best interest to find a source of a nap. Voicing his plans to Neko-chan, he was left with indifference as his Ai merely shrugged before popping off the tablet's screen with another wave.

"Do as you please, Aki. Neko-chan shall await your awakening, nya."

Rising from his desk, Akio yawned one last time before retrieving his belongings and walking toward the classroom's door. Pausing to give Manami a wave, Akio crossed the threshold and made his way through the empty halls of the academy. Housed with a particularly comfy couch, Akio's destination was the maverick's club room where he intended to spend the remainder of the day napping. Retrieving a fleece blanket from a nearby shelf, Akio wrapped himself in its warmth before settling himself on the couch's fluffy cushions where he quickly fell into the embrace of his dreams.

"Goodnight, Aki-nya."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2b97664_ManamiIcon.jpg.541cfe937eea7549b3c3f0ddad595895.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17629" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2b97664_ManamiIcon.jpg.541cfe937eea7549b3c3f0ddad595895.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Manami Fukui

*She's At|She's With|She feels*

Homeroom|The Class|Bored Zzz..

Manami lazily continued sketching as Ms. Tachibana went on about her life story. Eventually, she had no more to tell, and that left the class with some free time before lunch. All Manami could think of to do was continue sketching or perhaps read a good book, which is what she decided to do. Having a love for romantic classics, she pulled out '
Romeo & Juliet' by Shakespeare. Manami's already read this book a dozen times, but for some reason, she never got sick of it. Her attention faltered, however, whenever she heard the ruffling of clothes coming from behind her. It was Ikuto extending out his arm to tap Himiko on the shoulder, and upon that, he held out a note for her to take. Curiously, Manami's eyes followed the neatly folded paper, though she didn't dare to read the words he had written on it. That was for those two to know, even Manami knew that. However, she couldn't help but notice Himiko constantly scratching out what she had written beforehand. With a small and reassuring smile, Manami tapped on her shoulder. "Write what you feel," she whispered to her in her quiet, innocent voice. With that, she allowed Himiko to respond on her own.

Before Manami could return her attention to her beloved book, though, she heard the sound of a chair moving. It was Akio scooting out of his seat, and Manami turned back to look at him. With a almost sad expression, she watched as he got up and left the room. Being that this was a regular thing on the days Akio actually graced everyone with his presence, Ms. Tachibana didn't even try to stop him as he waltzed on out. He gave a small wave to Manami, however, before he disappeared from sight. She waved back softly, though her lips formed into a pout.
"Why won't Akio ever send me notes? It's not fair," she pursed her lips together as she rested her cheek in the palm of her hand. "I want notes, too," she continued to speak her thoughts out loud, though she eventually just shrugged. "Oh well~" she sighed, and flipped open to the page she left off on. So many things happened in that class, like Himiko and Ikuto passing notes, and Fuyuki randomly shouting before passing out immediately after, and more - though, all she could think about now is the fact that Akio was no longer there.

He's probably in the club room napping, she thought, being that she knew that's where he usually wandered off to when he was here at school. I'll go see him during lunch. I still have some sushi, after all. Maybe Himiko and Ikuto can come with me! We're all officers, so it makes sense, she concluded with a smile. Manami always ate her lunch either on the school roof top or in the Maverick Club room, so it fit together perfectly. "If I don't feed him, who will?" she wondered aloud in a barely audible tone, topped off with a soft giggle.

"I can't wait for lunch~"

((So... Terribly... Short... For me... Dx I can't think, you guys~))



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Stacy started to fidget in her seat because of her weak bladder and bowel but didn't want to give off the wrong impression by asking to go to the bathroom a few minutes after her late arrival. I can hold it. It's just a few hours till lunch. Interesting people though. She thought to herself as she waited for the teacher to speak to her and tried to distract herself by thinking of what she would do after school. She hoped that she would make some friends today and desperatly hoped that she would last untill breaktime.

Her stomach rumbled and begged her for some food. She wished that she could have grabbed a bite to eat on the way but knew that it would have resulted in her being even more late. Whilst waiting for the teacher to speak to her, she continued to fidget in her seat and started to grow nervous. She bite down on her lip to try to deal with it but unfortunately, her weak bowel failed her. She started to soil herself in her seat and tears started to form around her eyes before rolling down her cheeks. She blushed as she silently cried and placed her head on her desk. She hoped that no-one could smell the foul stench emitting from her and was too afraid to move out of the fear that someone would notice that she had a nasty accident. She hoped that the teacher would speak to her soon.


Ikuto Ahiro

Mrs Scarlet, in the conservatory, with the revolver.

"Oh, she took it." Well, it was kind of surprising. After all, this individual was known as the Queen, it wouldn't come off as a huge shock if his little message was overlooked or frowned upon. A series of moments seemed to pass, his ears even coming to tune with the sounds of her writing. She seemed to have been writing a good bit, was there perhaps any chance that she had been desiring this kind of interaction? He came to smile lightly at the improbable thought, knowing his attempt with finding Shirogane's mindset was a losing battle to start with. However, it was an amusing trail of thought whilst it lasted. After all, he came to ponder whether anyone truly knew her mindset, including her goons. Was she that cold, cruel figure most believed? Then why was it that Manami seemed to get along with her so well?

And then it came, Shirogane finished her writings and held the note back towards him. Gently removing the paper from her hand, not waiting much longer to open the paper. At first he was confused, seeing as everything she wrote was scratched out, well, except for one thing. Three little words that made him bring a hand to his mouth as if to silence an upcoming chuckle. "I don't care", those were the words that remained visible within the corner. She withdrew herself into some cold distant figure, was that how she managed to push herself away from others? She had much more to say, but chose against it for some reason. If they were threats, he could not imagine the Queen backing down so much as scratching them out. If she desired holding that strong, cruel aura, she would have left it all if that were the case.

The question was, what exactly was it that Shirogane scratched out from the paper? What exactly was it that she was protecting behind those hidden words? The only thing he could not firmly believe was the three words present on that paper. If someone didn't care, they wouldn't provide the effort to change their answer constantly. Ikuto pondered, but he would not push forward. If someone desired to hold a shell, then they had a reason for it, and he would not pry. She may be mysterious and cold, but Shirogane was not passively dangerous. Ikuto took one more small attempt at writing her a message on a new paper, not entirely expecting a response, nor intending on conversing further at this point in time as to not force her. All he had were those three words, and a whole lot of scratches after all. "If, or when that changes. I will support you. "

This time he leaned out from his desk in order to slip it onto the corner of her desk. The change in method only spawning from the fact that he did not wish to directly disturb the girl. With Shirogane currently out of his mind, Ikuto took to writing yet another note. Perhaps it was because he was enjoying this little form of interaction that he avoided for the past two years. The things he could learn, or attempt to figure out about an individual simply by what they wrote amused him. The writings seemed somewhat discreet, like no one could peak into the direct line unless allowed. "Mizuki, do you happen to have any food allergies?" This time he simply initiated small talk, quickly folding the paper before casually holding it outwards to his left. Smiling softly to the individual it was intended for.


Kuniri Akamine

Error 404: Kuniri not found

(To be edited)

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Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Himiko banged her forhead repeatedly on her desk table as she chanted 'stupid' rhythmically in her petty poor excuse of a mind.
I don't care? Really, Himiko? How poetic. Shakespeare would have been crying at your feet and begged you to become his mentor after reading those words. I don't care? I don't care?! What the hell is wrong with you?! You finally got your first letter and you replied with 'I don't care'? Come on! She could have done much more better than that! Much much much more! But then she just had to chicken out. She just had to become weak-hearted once taking so many things into consideration. She had to be stupid and just let her pride and fear take the best of her. Why couldn't she just be more open with herself? It may have been more easier that way. Damn it. If there was somehow a restart button to start all over again, she would be the first one to press it. So stupid, Himiko, so stupid.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

The chant continues and more banging of her head to the wooden table was made. But of course, all that head banging and degrading herself were all inside Himiko's subconsciousness. There was no way in hell will she give everyone the satisfaction of her making a fool of herself because of her little blunter earlier. Currently--in the eyes of many--she had only resumed in her playing with the ends of her hair once she had returned the letter back to its sender without her looking back at Ikuto. Not really aware that by her erasing the other words she wrote earlier on that piece of paper, made the sender suspicious of her reply. But can anyone blame her? It was her first time receiving a letter from someone--other than Manami and formal documents--so Himiko, is not all that familiar with it, if she were to be completely honest. In fact, everything--when she first came here--was a first to her: Her first time having actual classmates her age to mingle with, her first time living in a house full of different people, her first time making friends, and the list goes on.

As Himiko continues on to reminise on her many first times while here in Wakashia Highschool, something foul scented suddenly distracted her from her thoughts. She glanced around her surroundings--she even went so far as to smell herself to confirm herself that the smell didn't come from her, so where the hell did it came from? Then her question had been answered when one--or all--of the students that surround Stacy suddenly stood up from their chair and pointed an accused finger towards the sobbing girl.

"Ew!! Gross! The smell is coming from her!" Akane cried out since she was the one who sat behind Stacy.

"That is seriously disgusting! Did she mistook this place as a bathroom and her chair a toilet?!" Junko added as she had covered her nose and mouth yo stop herself from gagging out her breakfast.

Hayato on the other hand just couldn't believe that someone actually soiled themselves. What? Was the first day of school just too much for her? This made him laugh a bit. Although he knew it was wrong, he just can't seem to not laugh at this. "Uh-oh... I think its time to change someones diapee-wipee. Does anyone have an extra diaper for the big baby?" he began to start teasing Stacy. "Ya better lay off the Mexican food there, I hurt they are killer... Oops, too late." he continued.

"Hey! Anyone wants chocolate pudding for desserts?" And by that comment it made everyone in the room start laughing as it sink it that Stacy had soiled herself. People had half expected it, they did expect that something was bound to happened since they had the same homeroom as the people from Akemaisu but never would their wildest dreams they would get to see someone actually poop in their pants--well, in this case, poop in their shirt--it almost topped Himiko's legend of threatening the School Chairman. No in fact this was even better than Himikos'. This sets up the bar higher, they could see it know... Girl who sh*t in her pants on during homeroom on te firat day in school, oh, it would be the talk of the year.

Then a sudden loud banging on a table and the sound of a chair falling back made everyone in the room quiet and froze in their place. Uh-oh... They had almost forgot that the so-called 'Queen' was here. Being surrounded by the other resident of the Akemaisu Dorm, the Queen was barely visible to everyone except the peoplr who surrounds her. The Queen didn't look happy and as if all their faces had somehow lost their color and went deadly pale. Oh, they had done it now. They heard a rumor that the last person that had angered her, had her goons dismantle him and was seen floating at Tokyo Bay--in pieces--though the head was never retrieved. They say the Queen ate his head and left the body for the fishes to eat. But like all rumors, it was not true. That guy just happened to be leaving for abroad and since he wanted to have 'good' memories who'd better give it than the queen herself--since he secretly liked her and wanted to see if she could make other expressions on her face except for that apathetic look she always gives off. And of course, who was Himiko to not grant his wish? She granted it alright, her expression changed from an expressionless one to a scorned look, details on why Himiko looked angry was only for Himiko's knowledge. When the guy suddenly left, it was only by sheer coincidence that they news about the unknown floating man at Tokyo Bay came out the next day, though the never did prove that it was her.

As they watched in silence as the Queen made her way to Stacy's seat, they all held their breathes in anticipation--as if watching a live horror or suspence movie--as Himiko stood in front of Stacy's table and suddenly took her blazer off. Now Stacy has done it. The Queen must not have been all amused to have smelled her soiled pants first thing before lunch time. Was she going to use Riku on her? They hoped she did. No one would admit but they do love watching Himiko unsheathe her katana and looking quiet beautiful doing so.

Once Himiko had removed her blazer off she then forcefully pulled Stacy off her chair and had her blazer wrapped around her waist to cover her soiled bum. Himiko didn't say anything and her face remained unfazed despite the atrocious smell she gave off. Once she was done she looked back at Ms. Tachibana. "We're going to have an early recess, Tachibana-sensei." she told het and practically dragged Stacy out of the classroom. A second later Himiko went back and stood by the door. She eyed every single one of the students. "If anyone would think of spreading this to the entire school, I'll hunt every single one of you down , as well as each of your family members, and stick my blade from down your arse and up towards that hole you call you mouth. Then I'll eat your heads and have my goons chop you up into pieces and have you thrown in Tokyo Bay." Himiko threaten them before exiting once more. She dragged Stacy with her towards the Marevick Club house where there she forced her to go inside the club bathroom to clean herself and put on some new clothes all the while cursing at herself for having to resort to have to threaten her fellow students and using that silly rumor to boot. Which she was sure that if she 'admits' to have done so, maybe the others would forget about Stacy's soil undies.

Now what Himiko? Way to go girl. You really screwed this one over. After this the guys would be practically crawling at you feet and they'd beg you to date them. Yeah, right.
Stacy continued to soil herself and the tears increased. "Ew! That smell is coming from her!" a girl said to everyone. Stacy let out a small whimper and was afraid to move in case she made a mess all over the floor. "This is seriously disgusting! Did she mistook this place and her seat as a bathroom?" A boy said which resulted in the others teasing the poor girl. Stacy started to sob loudly whilst being teased and felt someone grab her arm. She was forced to stand up and expected the person to march her to the front of the room but was surprised when they wrapped their blazer around her waist. She was taken to the maverick club's bathroom but did not know of the place and was thankful that this woman had decided to help her.

She quickly removed the queen's blazer from around her waist after entering the bathroom and practially ran to the toilet. She sat down on it and buried her head in her hands whilst sobbing. A few minutes later, she slowly stopped crying and had a bit of a sore throat. She removed her soiled undergarments and disposed of the mess within whilst biting down on her lip. "Why today?" She asked herself with sorrow in her voice. She removed her shirt after noticing that she had made a mess on the back of it and cleaned herself up. Afterwards, she ran the hem of her shirt under some warm water and felt a mixture of embarassment and shame engulf her. After 10 minutes, she managed to remove most of the stain and provided to put the shirt back on to give her some diginity or what was left of her dignity. She didn't bother trying to clean her skirt and panties due to how much of a mess she had made in them. "Thank you." She called out to the queen through the door.

She filled the sink up with warm water and soaked her hands in them after applying some soak to them for a few minutes. She was glad that she didn't make a mess in the sink by washing her shirt in it. Afterwards, she drained the sink and dried her hands on the towel provided. She picked up the queen's blazer and wrapped it around her waist to try to protect her womenly features. "Er... hey, could you er... could you help me to get back to my dorm? I'm not wearing anything downstairs and erm.. don't want to bump into anyone." She asked the queen with embarassment in her tone. "Also, my skirt and panties are filthy, do i need to take them to the laundry room or chuck them? It's my first day and i don't know anything." She told the queen as she flushed the toilet and would open the door if the queen agreed to help her.

Mizuki Furukawa


Homeroom/the Class/curious

Mizuki was back to thinking about fluffy clouds and singing birds, while sighing, once again not sure about what to do with herself. She twirled a thin strand of ebony hair with her finger, exhaling once more before tuning back to reality. She fiddled around with her desk, trying to see how more organized she could arrange it while listening to the mumblings of the classmates around her. Mizuki was admiring her neatened desk before a hand reached in and blocked her view. She lifted her head, to the hand's owner, and her face went red. AH, it's Ikuto! What should I do? What does he want? Is he going to tease me about this morning? Oh no. Mizuki was panicking at that point before she spotted a small, folded piece of paper peeking from between his fingers. Eh? Is this for me? Mizu carefully reached her hand out to shyly retract the note, hearing no complaints from Ikuto. It must be. She slowly unfolded the tiny paper and stared blankly at the fairly beautiful written words.

"Mizuki, do you happen to have any food allergies?"

Thinking of a way to respond, she got out a pencil and quickly scribbled down an answer. Her handwriting was messy, but it was readable and that was good enough, by her standards. Reading over her response once more, she nodded to herself.
Not bad, Mizuki. Not bad.

"I do not, Ikuto-san. How about you?"

Mizuki decided to reside to a polite, yet friendly reply. Curious as to why Ikuto had handed her this note, she lightly tapped on his shoulder and handed him back the note in silence. Looking quickly back to Ms Tachibana, Mizuki was slightly disappointed to see that she had finished her (love)life story. Mizu was hoping for something to do while anticipating for Ikuto's answer. Suddenly remembering of a book that she had brought with her this morning, Mizuki's face brightened as she reached under her desk to retrieve it, before someone from her class cried out,
"Ew! That smell is coming from her!" Mizuki quickly lifted her head, not recalling smelling anything before the stench hit her. Mizuki turned her head around to where the stench came from and found herself looking at a girl with sleek, red hair. Judging from her looks, the girl looked around 17.

People had started to tease the poor girl, as the Queen walked over to the girl's seat and led her out of the classroom. Everyone was silent now, probably ashamed, or even embarrassed, of making the Queen mad. Tsk, tsk, Mizuki thought. I wonder why the girl didn't say anything. Shaking her head, she continued to retrieve the book from underneath her desk and flipped through the pages, racking through her brain for the chapter that she was up to. As she remembered, Mizuki flipped the pages once again, landing herself on chapter number nine and continued reading from where she left off.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2ce6f66_ManamiIcon.jpg.2b25f906d608d08fbdee5e84fe926776.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2ce6f66_ManamiIcon.jpg.2b25f906d608d08fbdee5e84fe926776.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Manami Fukui

*She's At|She's With|She feels*

Homeroom / Club|The Class / Club Group|Irritated & Hungry ?

Manami was counting down the minutes until lunch time started, and soon enough, it was barely a few minutes away. However, just before she could be happy about it, she could hear a commotion coming from some students sitting around her. Apparently one of the newest residents, whom Manami knew as Stacy, had an accident in the middle of class. At first, Manami was quite shocked, but she didn't feel disgusted. At most, she felt angry about how all of the people around her were teasing her about it. Even after the poor girl started bawling her eyes out, they continued on ruthlessly. Ms. Tachibana tried telling them to shut their traps, but they were having too much
fun, so it seemed. The thought disgusted Manami, but before she could stand up to assist her, Himiko did such herself. She walked right over to Stacy, removed her blazer, and gave it to her. The way Himiko glared at the people who teased Stacy was priceless, and immediately, Manami was reminded of why she was so glad to be friends with her. "As amazing as ever," she spoke under her breath, her lavender eyes twinkling in approval.

With that, Manami followed after Himiko and Stacy as they left the room. It was right before the lunch bell was supposed to ring, so everything worked out fine. Manami quickly gathered all her things and made her way towards the door. With a polite bow, Manami left the room to Ms. Tachibana. Being the decent teacher she is, she kept the kids who gave Stacy a hard time after class. With a smile, Manami made her way over to the Maverick Club, where she knew Himiko probably took Stacy to go clean up. Thinking beforehand, Manami decided to pay a visit to her locker to grab her gym clothes and spare underwear (don't ask, Manami's always prepared to get thrown into a pool or something). That way Stacy wouldn't have to go all the way back to Akemiasu, she decided to lend them to her. Also thinking ahead, she packed up a couple of maxi pads. Just in case she had another accident, perhaps they could come in handy in catching it. "Better than nothing, I suppose," Manami thought with a shrug as she shoved the items into her back. With that, she jogged her way over to the Maverick Club. Being the nonathletic person she is, she had to constantly stop for breath on the way there.

Eventually, though, she made it to the club building. She walked into the door, noticing Akio sleeping soundly on the couch. With a soft and sweet smile, she got out a plate of sushi and placed it on the table before him.
I'm sure he'll love waking up to that, she thought happily as she made her way down the hall to the club's bathroom. There, she saw Himiko waiting outside the door. "I brought these for Stacy," she spoke as she handed her the clothes and pads. "I figured they'd help," Manami spoke as she knocked on the bathroom door. "Are you alright, Stacy?" Manami asked, genuinely concerned for her. "You don't need to cry about it. None of us here are going to judge you," she stated with a warm and reassuring smile. Even if Stacy couldn't see her gentle expression, she could probably hear it in the way she talked so soothingly. "You have to open the door for us to give the stuff to you, though," Manami let out a soft giggle, and then looked up towards Himiko. With a happy, wide smile, she wrapped her arms around her waist gently.

"I love you, Hi-Chan~" Manami stated, like she always did. "You looked so amazing, you truly did~"

((Writers block be plaguing me, yo~ D'x))



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