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  • Aurelia Quansah
    Uagadou - Female - Pure Blood - Secondary

    The soft light of the early morning sun had yet to warm the air, and the world outside was wrapped in a cool mist as Auri slipped out of bed. The clock on her nightstand read 5:00 AM but the Uagadou student was already wide awake having prepared herself for the early start the night before. She had no trouble at all with the early mornings, she was used to them due to how often she had to be up before the sun when she was back home on Mauritius Island. If anything, it was the time of day she loved best; when the world was quiet and just starting to wake and realize itself…a time to be treasured.

    Pulling her thick, braided hair into a quick ponytail it didn’t take long before she had dressed in her training clothes for her early morning session with Malaika. Like a ghost, she flitted around the shared room slipping into a sports bra, tanktop, workout leggings, and sneakers. The outfit being simple, yet comfortable, and allowing her to move freely. The cool air from the open window kissed her skin as she moved across the room, pausing only to take a deep breath and send up a silent prayer that today would favor Uagadou’s team. Turning her head slightly she took a brief moment to glanced out the window. The sun was still below the horizon, but she could see its colors creeping up from the east, painting the sky with streaks of pale gold and lavender as it lit up the silhouette of the tournament ground. She smiled softly to herself as the thrill of the day to come pulsed through her veins. The day ahead promised excitement and she was eager for the tournament to officially begin. While she might not actually be the student competing for her school Auri was still dead set on being the best teammate she could be to her school's champion. In fact, she was set to meet with Malaika for a morning training session in order to make sure her classmate was as prepared as possible for the day ahead.They had their theories about what the challenge ahead would contain and both girls had agreed to meet early in order to run drills in preparation for an obstacle course. Auri had no intention of letting her teammate face the task alone; they had a good rhythm together, and Auri wanted to make sure Malaika was fully prepared for whatever the Octowizard Tournament would throw their way.

    Making sure her shoes were properly laced up Auri grabbed a light jacket and slipped out of the dorm and into the still mostly silent halls of Ilvermorny. As she jogged down the hall and towards the training field, the familiar rhythmic sound of her sneakers tapping against the ground soothed her mind. The school for the most part was still asleep so aside from the sound of her own shoes upon the stone there was not much to break the silence. As she rounded a corner she spotted a familiar head of brunette hair just ahead of her and couldn’t help but smile. Mey, the girl from Koldovstoretz whom she’d met just the day before was shuffling down the stone halls by herself. The sight of her brought a wave of warmth and affection. Auri had genuinely enjoyed their conversations during the exploits of the day before, feeling that the adventure had been a beautiful start to a friendship with the sweet and talkative young woman.

    “Good morning, friend Mey.” Auri called out, slowing her pace as she neared the other girl. “What are you doing up so early? I didn’t think you were a morning person.” She inquired with a playful smile pulling at her lips. Her smile only widened when she heard the fondness of Mey’s greeting in calling her sister. As Mey explained that she would be attending an early morning detention Auri felt a stab of sympathy for the young woman. Yesterday’s Care for Magical Creatures class didn’t seem to go well for anyone but it felt wrong that Mey was the only one being punished, especially given what Vasu had attempted. Truthfully, Auri had gotten the sense that Professor Chimere still had a thing or two to learn about teaching, especially when teaching students not accustomed to her rather opinionated and extreme methods. Had the professor criticized a student with less confidence in the way she had Auri there was no doubt in the young heiress’s mind that the student would have no longer felt comfortable speaking up in class. Luckily for her, she was not such a delicate flower when it came to the judgment of others, not with how the majority of her family could be. She was proud of her ability to quote a textbook and show that she had taken an interest in the subject. And for Mey to be punished with such an early morning detention for attempting to pass a single harmless note and then speaking her mind, now that felt completely unprofessional and as though perhaps Professor Chimere felt too comfortable flaunting her power over students rather than trying to actually work with them.

    Auri couldn’t help frown and shake her head as she thought about the unfair treatment her friend had been dished by Chimere. “It’s truly ridiculous that she gave you detention like this.” She sighed and shook her head. “I mean there were about ten better ways she could have handled any of those situations but I doubt she would be one to accept the criticisms she so freely hands out to others.” Auri frowned with an eye roll as she thought of the woman who had doomed her friend to an unpleasant early morning on the day of a challenge. Her gaze softened as Mey continued by asking what she was doing awake so early. “I’m on my way to help Malaika with some early training.” She explained and felt a thread of worry worm its way into her mind as Mey inquired why she would be preparing so early. “Well, the first challenge of the tournament is later today and we want to make sure we’re prepared.”

    Mey blinked at her, looking more than a little surprised before she announced that she had no idea that the first challenge of the tournament was today. Hearing her friends panic Auri’s eyes widened with realization. “Oh no, I thought everyone knew!” She confessed apologetically. “I’m glad I caught you before it was too late to get ready. Do you think you’ll be able to be ready in time even with your detention?” She inquired with worry for her friend. “Your professor should have informed Vasu after the meeting yesterday. From my understanding all of the professors were supposed to have attended.” She attempted to reassure her friend and despite her dislike of Vasu she hoped she was right because she certainly wouldn’t be able to find him and tell him at this point, not when she had no idea where he might be and had Mal waiting on her.

    Rather suddenly Mey announced that she needed to get going or risk getting into even more trouble for being late to the tournament. Again Auri couldn’t help but feel that this wasn’t right or acceptable for Mey to still attend detention when she should be preparing for the challenge with Vasu. Professor Chimere should have moved the detention off a day when she learned that the challenge would be happening but Auri had a feeling the French professor wouldn’t care and might even view a secondary with less prep time as an advantage for her own team. Yup, Auri was not a fan of this woman in the slightest.

    With a final wave towards her friend, the two parted ways with Auri making her way towards the training fields while Mey continued on her way to detention. By the time Auri reached the training field Malaika was already there and was stretching out her legs to prepare for the intense workout ahead. Auri offered her a wide smile as she jogged up to her teammate.

    “Ready for today?” Auri grinned, stepping up beside her and beginning her own stretches.

    Malaika chuckled, but there was a hint of nervous energy in her expression. “I hope so” The white-haired young woman breathed to which Auri shot her a reassuring smile.

    “You’ve got this. Just stay focused and remember to take things one step at a time.” She encouraged.

    The two went through the usual routine of exercises, warm-ups, testing their reflexes on their wandless spell casting, and as each moment passed Auri could feel the intensity building. They were both focused, sharp, but their camaraderie helped the atmosphere feel more like a shared mission than just training. Then, as the training session went on, disaster struck. Malaika, her eyes too focused on the path ahead, miscalculated her step and faltered in her footing. With a sharp gasp, the young woman fell to the ground having twisted her ankle awkwardly.

    “Malaika!” Auri was instantly beside her, concern flashing across her features. “Are you okay? Can you move?”

    Malaika winced, clearly in pain. “I don’t think I can run on this foot…” She groaned and winced as she attempted to move her ankle. “Auri, I—I can’t compete like this.”

    Auri’s heart sank. The thought of Malaika missing out on the challenge wasn’t just about the tournament, it was about the team, it was about Mal being forced to miss out on something Auri knew she had been looking forward to. She knew she needed to be there for her teammate. “Don’t worry, Malaika,” Auri said quickly, her voice steady but filled with determination. “I’ll get you to the infirmary, and we’ll make sure you’re okay. You’ll rest up, I’m sure the nurses will have you right as rain in no time.” She assured the young woman beside her though she wasn’t certain if this injury could be mended before the challenge began.

    Helping Mal to her feet Auri made sure to take the bulk of her classmate's weight onto her shoulder as she guided the white-haired girl to the infirmary. It was a slow but steady pace getting there and as soon as they approached the desk and a nurse recognized Malaika as one of the competing champions a chair was ordered to get her to a bed for one of the doctors to examine her. Since it was just an ankle injury the nurse was kind enough to allow Auri back with her teammate while they waited for the doctor to arrive. Like most doctor's offices, the two girls were left to wait for what seemed like forever, Auri sitting in the world's most uncomfortable plastic chair, while Malaika lay back on the bed with her ankle elevated. The two tried to pass the time with simple chatter, Auri assuring Mal that they would have her fixed up in no time so she could compete today, Mal not looking so sure. When the doctor finally came in and began examining the ankle his face reflected what both girls had been fearing.

    “You can fix it right?” Auri inquired not bothering to sit down and shut up like others might. “You said it was just a sprain.”

    The doctor glanced over at her and sighed, shaking his head. “We can but it will take time if we want to make sure it is done properly. Luckily the bone isn’t broken but mending a sprain like this properly will take at least four to five hours.” He explained calmly and Auri felt her heart drop for Mal.

    Malaika’s eyes widened in disbelief, then softened as she seemed to accept what she couldn’t change. “Auri…” She began softly.

    “Four to five hours?” The young guardian-to-be gasped and knew that a skilled healer like her grandmother would be able to fix a simple sprain in no time at all. “That can’t be right.” She muttered and shook her head. “She is one of the champions, she needs to be able to compete today.”

    “Auri,” Mal began again and this time managed to pull her classmate's attention away from the doctor and onto herself. “I can’t stand on this, let alone run. If four to five hours is what they will need then we can’t rush them.” She explained.

    A semi-frustrated sigh escaped her lips as Auri glanced upwards for a moment, cursing their bad luck, before looking back at Mal. “I know…It’s just…I know how much you were looking forward to this. I hate for you to miss it.” She admitted as she did her best to calm and compose herself.

    Mal gave her an appreciative smile and laughed, “Well you’ll just have to tell me all about it after you compete.”

    As much as Auri had wished to compete as the champion for her school, the words still bothered her to hear because she hated that Mal had to suffer for her to have this chance. “Alright, fine.” She asserted and looked at her classmate with a playful challenge in her onyx eyes. “But next challenge is all yours, even if I have to drag you across the finishline myself.” She teased giving the other girl an wink to know she meant the words with the utmost encouragement.

    “Deal!” Mal agreed and shifted to try and stand enough to give her teammate a hug for good luck.

    After the two girls shared a quick embrace Auri made her way to the tournament grounds, a determined fire burning brightly in her chest. She wasn’t sure what exactly awaited her, but she knew she would give it her all. When she finally managed to navigate her way to the Uagadou tent after memorizing a map of the tournament grounds the guardian-to-be was greeted by a surprise she certainly hadn’t been expecting. The uniform meant for Malaika had been perfectly customized for her instead. The soft orange and black fabric shimmered with magic, designed to mimic the colors of a sunset. Her last name, Quansah, was written proudly across the back in white with a bold number 1 below it. However, it was the embroidered lioness near the neckline that truly caught her eye, a symbol of her animagus form, her strength, and her pride.

    On top of the uniform was a note. Carefully unfolding the paper her dark gaze danced over the words causing Auri to smile to herself as she read it in her head.

    “Let tem hear u ror! - Poofesor Nyache”

    The familiar playful and encouraging tone of her professor made her chuckle. It was his way of cheering her on, and the note was a reminder not to hold back. Not to shy away from her lioness form if she needed it. Her smile grew wide as she folded the note and tucked it into the pocket of her uniform. With a final deep breath, Auri pulled the uniform over her head and adjusted it to fit just right. As the sun broke free from the horizon, she made her way to the field. It was time to show them what a Quansah could do.

    Mentions: Darweshi TobiornotTobi TobiornotTobi


  • Professor Birger Einar
    Durmstrang - Male - Pureblood - History of Magic Professor

    The early morning light filtered in through the thick curtains of Einar’s room, casting pale shadows across the stone floor. The halls and walls of Ilvermorny castle were still quiet, the air crisp and cool filtering in through the window as it always was before the bustle of a new day. Waking from a dream he couldn’t quite remember but still longed for the old wolf stretched, feeling the familiar ache of age in his joints, and with a grunt, he swung his legs over the side of the bed. The soft click of his cane as it made contact with the stone was the only sound in the room, followed by the steady rhythm of his breathing as he stood, pushing away the weariness that lingered in his very soul from the previous evening’s tense discussions.

    The day before had been a long one without a doubt. The meeting of professors had brought with it an emotional torrent of events that created a mix of concern, grief, and anger swirling through the air. The tragic events discussed, the death of Odinson Locjaw, and the discussion about whether or not to proceed with the tournament’s first challenge weighed heavily on Einar’s mind. Despite his misgivings about the hasty decision to proceed with the challenge, he had kept his thoughts to himself, instead choosing to do what he always did, focus on the students. Sigurd and Piper had been his priority last night. He’d found them after the meeting, speaking briefly with each in private before bringing them together for a team meeting. He had made sure to take time to offer them advice and reminding them of his belief in their strength. Einar had no doubts that they would both perform admirably in the challenge, whatever it may be. Yet still, his heart ached knowing the weight of what they were about to face, especially after what had happened to Odinson. He didn’t want either young man to suffer a similar fate, he didn’t want ANY of the other students to fall as the young half-giant had. There was only so much he could do though, especially given the nature of the tournament and how common injury could be. That was the nature of this world, the students had to push forward, even when the world around them seemed to crumble into chaos. Einar had given his students his best words of encouragement, not a simple reassurance but an honest reminder of their potential, hoping they would take it to heart as they prepared. But now, the morning had come, and the tournament loomed ahead. There was little time to waste. It was time to focus.

    With deliberate motions Einar began his usual morning routine, an unspoken ritual that had kept him grounded for years. With his hands placed firmly on the stone floor he began with push-ups, the sound of his breath steady but deep, matching the rhythm of his exertion. After several sets each push began to feel like a small battle, his muscles straining against the years that piled on his bones, but his resolve never faltered. His graying hair fell in front of his icy blue eyes, and a slight smile tugged at his lips as he focused on the burn. It had become a form of meditation for him, a way to ground himself before the chaos of the day could take over. After push-ups, he moved seamlessly into burpees and squats, his movements fluid despite his age, and then into pull-ups, the metal bar creaking slightly as his powerful arms lifted him up again and again. The routine was grueling but necessary. It kept him sharp, focused, and most importantly, reminded him that no matter the years or the hardships, he still had the strength to face what was to come. His body may be older, but his mind and spirit remained as sharp as ever.

    When the extensive workout routine was finished, and sweat clung to his skin, Einar took a moment to steady his breathing. His heart was still strong, still alive with the energy he needed to face the day as it thrummed within his chest. With a satisfied grunt the old wolf took a swift shower and dressed quickly in his usual attire of a dark suit and robes with silver clasps, the familiar feel of his wand, pipe, and flask tucked carefully into the pockets of his robes. Swiftly he moved a comb through his grey hair and quickly groomed his beard into submission as it dried. Once he was finished the elder History of Magic professor checked his watch to ensure there was time to spare before the challenge and with a final nod to himself in the mirror he left his quarters.

    The halls of the castle were still quiet, save for the occasional rustle of movement as early risers began their day. Einar made his way through the corridors, his steps measured and purposeful as his cane repeatedly struck the stone floor with every other step. As he passed by the student quarters he was pleased to find that both Sigurd and Piper had already begun their day, likely reviewing the details of the challenge and making final preparations. It pleased him to know they weren’t wasting time. His faith in them was unwavering, and he trusted they had already come together, strategizing for the obstacle course that awaited their team.

    Outside, the tournament grounds were bustling with activity when Einar reached them, the sky still a pale blue as the students began to filter out from the dining hall and into the countless tents and vendors set up for this special day. Soon enough his glacier blue gaze spotted Sigurd and Piper in the distance, their forms moving in separate directions as Sigurd made his way towards the champion entrance and Piper veered to the secondaries section. Einar watched them for a moment, his gaze softening. The two young men had come a long way since their first days in his classroom all those years ago, and despite the tension that had hung over the previous evening’s meeting he knew they would face whatever came their way with courage and tenacity.

    As he made his way toward the professors' section, a familiar face caught his eye. The vibrant colors of purple and blue stood out against the dull morning backdrop as the sun still did its best to climb into the sky. Darweshi, the Potions Master from Uagadou, clad in his striking face paint and robes covered in delicate runes, was making his way toward the tournament grounds, a slight puff to his breath as he had clearly been rushing around. Einar’s lips quirked upward in a knowing smile. The man was nothing if not extravagant, but it suited him. The face paint and robes, the air of confidence, it was all a reflection of the spirited nature of the man beneath. He had a deep liking for Darweshi despite having only just met. It was clear to Einar that the younger man was as dedicated and protective of his students as he was, plus he was purely entertaining to be in the presence of with his boisterous attitude towards most things. “Ah, Darweshi!” Einar called out, his deep voice ringing through the morning air. His cane silently clicked on the grassy ground with each step as he moved toward his friend. “You’re certainly making an entrance this morning. How’s the day treating you so far?” His eyes twinkled with warmth, a jovial note to his voice as he approached. He gave a small nod to Darweshi’s attire. “Purple and blue, the colors suit you.” He beamed, each of his words genuine as they passed his lips. “You’ve certainly come prepared to support your students.” He chuckled softly, the sound warm and sincere, before falling into step alongside the Uagadou professor. Einar’s gaze drifted back to the tournament grounds as they walked, his mind briefly flickering to the events ahead. Still, he was at peace, at least for this moment. The day would bring its challenges, but it would also bring opportunities for his students to rise above them.

    The two professors continued walking toward the tournament grounds, the early morning sun beginning to rise higher in the sky. It would be a long day ahead, but Einar was ready, his heart was prepared for the challenges, and his mind was already thinking ahead, not just for himself but for the students he had sworn to protect.

    Mentions: Darweshi TobiornotTobi TobiornotTobi


Faron Bellamy


  • 01:45

    Knowing Me Knowing You




    new !

    Good luck!




    Remind Theo of the




Silence ever after.

The meeting had been less than savory for Bellamy, feeling like a waste of time full of decisions Bakshi could've made on his own since he seemed to have a penchant for ignoring the legitimate concerns of the board of international professors, he had left with one benefit: an advantage. Many of the other professors seemed very prepossessed with the when of the tournament and the specifics of who would compete and lead that the content of the prophecy seemed to slip notice. One thing that Aadesh prided himself on— other than his quick wit— was his sharp memory. Without having to scribble it down, the prophecy's stanzas were committed to memory.

He was fortunate to catch Theodore alone in his dorm, taking some time to rest after Chitrita and her imp friend had left him. Bellamy danced around some niceties— How are you feeling? Is the pain manageable?— before cutting to the chase and revealing that the challenge had been moved and they were given some clues about it. They spoke briefly about how one of the other schools had an alleged seer in their corner, making this Katzenbach kid(who was, evidently, Theo's roommate at the moment) another potential ally to the Hogwarts team. They found a quiet corner on the third floor, since he really did not think it was appropriate for a professor to spend much time in his student's bedroom and he wanted to avoid traveling up any more stairs.

After pouring over the prophecy a handful of times, which Bellamy scribbled on a scrap piece of notebook paper for his student, they came to the conclusion that it was best for Theodore to take a transfiguration-based approach to the challenge the next morning. The prophecy seemed to clearly hint at the merit of transfiguration use with the line shapes may shift and night may call, and with Theodore's injury at the hands of that tedious man Chahaya, it was best to avoid any exercise of his arms if it could be avoided. "In your classes, I am sure you are always told to paint a clear picture in your head before you cast the spell. However, when you're transfiguring at a high level it is more complicated than that." He advised. "It is not enough to simply see it in your mind, you must feel what it will be like to be something different. The stubble on my face, the curl of my hair, the ache in my leg, the raised skin of my tattoos— it will all feel foreign to you, but if you can account for these sensations, your transfiguration will be much more convincing. Much more useful." He shrugged slightly. "The same applies for objects and creatures. You must estimate what it will feel like to be an over-stuffed armchair or what it will feel like to have the hollow bones of a bird."

Speaking to Theo, he began to see his somewhat stoic but charming exterior peel back some. He had a sharp mind hidden inside that big head. He had potential.

They agreed that Bellamy would come get him in the morning, ready and prepared for the challenge.

Around 9:00, he found himself quite irritable that he had to travel up these blasted stairs yet again. The aching in his leg was becoming borderline unbearable, and once again Aadesh mentally cursed whoever was dumb enough to infect the real Bellamy with a blood curse. He was relieved that Theo was already awake, saving him from the trouble of once again dragging the rather large boy around. "Good morning, Mr. West!" He greeted when his pupil answered the door. "I must admit, I am glad you are already awake. I was worried I'd startle you and get hit with a sucker-punch." He joked, limping into the dorm room. He pulled out the folded set of clothing that he had tucked under his cane arm. "This is for you. Champion uniform."

He flicked his wand, pulling a room divider across the floor to give Theo the space to change. He turned his back and took the pill bottle that was in his other hand, dumping two into his hand and swallowing them dry. Once Theo returned in his all-black ensemble, giving Bellamy the mental image of a Russian take on a jazz combo, he turned and handed the pill bottle over. "For your arm," He offered, giving a short nod to the boy's injured arm. "Take it now, so it has time to start working before the challenge." He smiled. He watched Theodore carefully, though maintained the goofy, golden-retriever-like grin that was a Bellamy staple.

"Are you ready?" He raised his brows expectantly, and when Theo confirmed he was settled and prepared, he lead the way out. After struggling down the stairs, he hobbled his way out and toward the stadium, guiding Theo mostly in silence. As the copious amounts of tables came into view, he stopped in his tracks and turned to his student, suddnely adapting a much more serious demeanor. "In our haste to prepare for this morning, I did not tell you that there have already been many changes since our first night. The Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Mahoutokoro champions have all changed, as have a couple of the accompanying professors. Due to the nature of this tournament, Headmaster Bakshi has expressed some concern for the safety of the students and has employed the help of some MACUSA Aurors to add some extra security. I'm not the biggest fan of them myself, but I don't want you to be surprised when you see them." He paused, his gaze bouncing between Theo's left and right eyes as he tried to gauge his reaction.

"There's been an incident with one of the tournament students." He sighed softly. "I didn't tell you last night because I did not want to alarm you and affect your sleep. After yesterday, it was important that you got your rest. The Mahoutokoro champion, Odinson Locjaw has passed in some sort of accident. We are not quite sure what has happened, but the safety of yourself and the other students is being carefully monitored. Theodore, I have spoken to your professors at length about you before accompanying Hogwarts on this trip— I have the utmost confidence in your ability to take care of yourself. I know you are aware of my own training. If you ever have any concerns about your safety or your ability to defend yourself, I am here to help you, though I have the feeling you are more than capable on your own... The champions are to enter through Gate 4, over there." He motioned toward the gate with his cane. Then, he leaned on it to offer Theo a handshake. "Good luck, Mr. West." He smiled. "And kick ass, kid."

He watched Theo's retreating back, waiting until his champion was safely inside the arena before making his own way to a gate. He couldn't help but grin as he saw his least-favorite professor struggle, brought to the ground rather forcefully by a very large man. That bastard's getting what he deserves. He thought as he approached. "Professor Arif!" He greeted cheerfully, slapping a hand on the smaller man's unoccupied shoulder. "So good to see you this morning! Having some trouble?" He was surprised when he received only a glare and no biting comeback, though his attention was quickly beckoned by the gate attendee.

"He doesn't have his wristband, so we can't admit him."

"Oh, his wristband!" Bellamy said with shock, slapping himself upon the forehead like he was some dolt. He turned to the large man with a polite smile. "I am so sorry sir, I believe there's been a bit of a mistake. My friend here and I are both visiting international professors for the tournament. I was tasked with getting his wristband to him, but I got so distracted taking care of my champion this morning that I totally forgot." He lied, feigning embarrassment at his own forgetfulness. He mumbled some French swears under his breath. "Here, I know I have it on me. Would you mind, please? It is sort of difficult to search with one hand." He held out his cane with a half-pleading look, prompting the man to move one of his gigantic hands from Cha-Cha's shoulder to the cane. The man looked quite awkward, gripping Cha-Cha by the neck and holding his cane daintily between a few fingers.

Bells's hands began to feel around his pockets, though his brows knit together as he looked at Big Guy. "Je suis désolé, monsieur, but you look very familiar to me. Do we know each other? My first year in the French International Unit, I served a short stint in America working on a case for magical wares smuggler. Did you ever serve at Kill Devil Hills up in North Carolina? You look an awful lot like Detective Bonner in the magical crimes unit..." He began swearing under his breath again, his hands moving towards his back pockets. The large man, taken by surprise, began to carefully examine Bellamy. He turned his head slightly away from Big Guy, adding the Geminio incantation to his string of swears as one hand slid over the arm that had his wrist band. "Aha!" He exclaimed, pulling the newly duplicated wristband from behind his back. "Here we are, I knew I had it." He retrieved his cane from Big Guy, passing Chahaya the wrist band with a wink. He turned back to Big Guy, rubbing at his stubble thoughtfully. "Are you sure you're not related to a Bonner? Really? You bear a striking resemblance to him. Perhaps you need to make trip up to Kill Devil Hills and make sure you don't have a doppelganger on the loose." He chuckled, his joke seeming to loosen up the staff a little bit. He leaned forward for a handshake with Big Guy, feeling very undersized despite being tall himself. "Well, sir, it's been a pleasure to meet you. I appreciate your understanding. It feels like I don't have my head on my shoulders these days!" He laughed again, and now with the gate freed up, he could enter.

He offered a small bow to Professor Ito in greeting, maintaining the good-natured humor he had possessed just moments before. "Good morning, Professor Ito! It appears you have more more will than I, letting Chahaya suffer like that." He teased. He gave Cha-Cha a once-over, who was being released from his tongue-tie and admitted into the stadium, the man looking like Mahoutokoro threw up on him. "Miss Pawar is assuming the role of champion for your school, yes? It seems as though she has a super-fan already." He laughed. He leaned in toward Ito, as if they were partaking in an inside joke between them. "Though, I suppose I can't be too surprised. I saw the two of them speaking outside the dorms yesterday, they already seem familiar with each other." He turned toward Cha-Cha as he entered. "First taking the time and effort to mentor my student, then advising and cheering for Professor Ito's? I can only imagine how close you must be with the Castelobruxo students if you're already so intimate with ours." He chuckled again, as if he joking, satisfied with the thickly-veiled implication that perhaps these newfound "friendships" of Cha-Cha's were inappropriate.

"Well, it has been lovely catching up with the two of you, but I believe we are starting soon! If I don't walk ahead, I am afraid that this leg of mine will slow me down enough and I'll miss the whole event. Best of luck to both of your schools. Or, I suppose, just to Mahoutokoro." He glanced at Cha-Cha, before saying farewell and limping away. He had made special arrangements with event staff after yesterday's meeting to reserve a seat that required him to move the least amount of stairs, fully believing that if he walked up one too many he would simply curl up into a ball on the floor and pass away. The view could be better, but it was serviceable for now.

♡coded by uxie♡


  • Naomi Eun Hai (De Vries)
    Beauxbatons - Female - Muggle Born - Secondary


    The unnatural and skull-shaking noise burst through a thick fog of sleep that clouded her mind as she shifted reluctantly into the waking world.


    Naomi blinked awake, her eyes squinting as the morning light filtered through the branches above her. The soft rustling of the trees mingled with the distant hum of voices and machinery, and for a long moment she couldn’t quite figure out where she was. The coolness of the morning kissed her skin and the faint scent of earth and pine clung to the air. She inhaled deeply and felt something tickle her nose as she did so. Furrowing her brown in confusion Naomi looked around and finally began to take in her surroundings. The forest…not her dorm. How odd. Sitting up and brushing several leaves and pine needles off her side and out of her hair and as she did so the young petite woman shifted to get a better view of her surroundings, her bare feet sinking slightly into the soft earth beneath her. A bone-rattling shiver passed through her body as the crisp cold morning air sunk deeper into her flesh, seemingly reaching into her very core.

    A faint flutter of confusion clouded her mind. How had she gotten here? The day before… there had been her time in the infirmary with Piper, then her run-in with Vas which led to her meeting his friends, and then suddenly Auguste had appeared. The two of them had ventured off and spent the rest of the day catching up and learning the layout of the school as they attempted, and failed, to find Professor Chimere. Eventually, when the evening had turned too far into nighttime the duo had reluctantly split apart as she and Auguste went their separate ways to bed. After her head hit the pillow, no matter how hard she tried, Naomi couldn’t remember another thing until just this moment.

    A soft chuckle bubbled in her throat, mixed with a sense of disbelief. Her gaze wandered down to her bare feet again. “I thought I was through with sleepwalking,” she muttered to herself, pulling her knees up under her and rubbing her eyes. She had done this before, years ago, when Selene and Marcus first took her in. Sleepwalking was something she had struggled with for a long time, especially when her mind was heavy with the weight of stress or unfamiliar situations. She could never remember what led her to wander, only the vague sense of displacement when she woke up in strange places much like now.

    Her fingers absentmindedly brushed at the hem of her nightshirt, which she realized with a quiet, faint laugh, was not far off from the hospital gown she had been sporting yesterday though her pale pink pajamas luckily included soft shorts to match the long top. Running her delicate fingers through her long platinum rosegold hair she couldn’t help but notice how mussed it was, several leaves falling from it as she gave her head a gentle shake. Another bang coupled with the feel of the cool morning air nipping at her skin urged her to move from the spot she was currently glued to between the trees. Her gaze flicked around the woods, the tall trees surrounding her in their quiet majesty, their leaves just beginning to shift with the coming of autumn. No signs of danger or disturbances. Just the serene, calm beauty of the forest.


    Her warm copper eyes narrowed, focusing on the distant sound of people, voices, hurried movements. She turned her head slightly and, through the thinning trees, could make out the sight of tents being raised and booths being set up. Vendors calling out, preparing for something. It hit her like a sudden rush of wind. The tournament. Her heart skipped more than a few beats as a sudden jolt of realization rushed through her. Why would vendors and viewing areas be set up today unless…The first challenge. It wasn’t supposed to be today, was it? Tiptoeing closer to the tree line she gazed out and took in the tournament fields before her, all set up and clearly ready for an event to start sooner rather than later. Oh dear. She hadn’t known the first challenge was scheduled for this morning. Surely this was something someone would have shared with her seeing as she is a secondary. Did Auguste and Kiara know? Naomi wasn’t sure whether to laugh or panic. How had she missed the announcement?

    A soft sigh escaped her lips. She couldn’t stay out here. Her bare feet brushed the forest floor again as she stood, taking a deep breath, before she began to carefully make her way through the trees, not wanting to make any noise that could alert anyone to her presence. With all the excitement taking place on the field she doubted anyone would be concerned about a barefoot young woman wandering the grounds, but she still didn’t want to make an entrance just yet. No, not like this, not with how she had already spent one day being the girl who wandered around Ilvermorny barefoot in nothing more than a hospital gown. For some reason, she didn’t think it would go over well to be seen two days in a row in a much similar situation. She moved swiftly between the trees with the grace of a raindrop finding the most efficient course over the riverbed and into the stream, each step quiet and purposeful. As she made her way back towards the school, Naomi couldn’t help but wonder how much she had missed. How had she not known the first challenge was today? Was it possible that she had been too distracted by everything else that she hadn’t heard the announcement? Or had it been something that had only just been decided?

    As the stone walls of Ilvermorny came into view Naomi felt a soft pang in her chest. She couldn’t help but think of Raph and Kiara. Aside from Auguste, who she was still overjoyed to have along for this adventure, Naomi hadn’t seen or heard practically anything from her fellow Beauxbatons students or the professor who accompanied them. She didn’t hold this against them though as she knew there was likely so much going on that it would have far been understandably easy for them to miss that she had been absent the day prior. She paused for a moment, her hand resting lightly on the cool stone of the school wall as she gathered her thoughts. It was early and she couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement. The first challenge was here, today. She needed to tell Auguste. She needed to warn him. She needed to—

    “Hey Margo, wait up.”

    A voice caught her attention. The sound of voices, unfamiliar ones, just ahead in the corridor. Naomi tilted her head toward the source of the chatter and slowed her steps, her heart skipping a beat as she carefully listened. Clearly the voices were coming from students much like herself, likely a few early risers from the dorms. Getting as close as she dare without risking being seen Naomi overheard snippets of conversation that sent a jolt through her.

    “Yeah, the first challenge’s today… they’re already setting up out in the field. I hear it’s supposed to be pretty intense.”

    “It’s going to be early, from the looks of it,” another voice added. “They’ve been moving stuff since before sunrise.”

    Naomi’s pulse quickened as her prior assumption was confirmed and she turned and headed towards the International Students’ Dorm, her mind swirling. She wasn’t sure what had possessed her to feel this urgency, but she could only hope that it wasn’t too late. She didn’t want Auguste and Raph to be caught unprepared. And Kiara, well obviously Kiara needed to know too. They were both secondaries for Beauxbatons, and she needed to make sure they were ready. Without a second thought, Naomi took off in the direction of Auguste’s room, the cool stone underfoot, the soft fabric of her pajamas rustling as she hurried, her hair flowing loosely behind her. Her bare feet made no sound on the cold stone floors as she moved swiftly, her mind only on one thing. Auguste. He needed to know. Soon enough she arrived at his door and knocked briskly, not bothering to slow down as her heart raced in her chest. She didn’t even care about her appearance, didn’t care that she probably looked like a ghost, barefoot in her pajamas. It didn’t matter right now. What mattered was that Auguste knew.

    The door creaked open, and there he was with messy brown hair and eyes still heavy with sleep; Auguste. She didn’t wait for him to greet her or comment on her looks, without missing a beat Naomi dove head first into filling him in on what she had just discovered for herself. “The first challenge,” she said quickly, her voice breathless from both the excitement and the urgency. “It’s today. They’re already setting up out on the field, and it looks like it’ll be early. You’ll want to get ready. I—” She didn’t even let herself finish before her arms wrapped around him in a quick but tight embrace. “Good luck, Auggie. I’ll be cheering for you.”

    Once the sweet embrace ended she pulled back, her gaze softening as she looked up at him, giving him one last reassuring smile. “I’ll be right there with you, cheering you on. But… someone needs to tell Kiara. I’ll go wake her up now.” Without waiting for a response, she was off again, her bare feet finding their way through the now familiar halls once more as she made her way toward the room she shared with Kiara. The thought of the tournament was still swirling in her head, but the weight of her brief encounter with Auguste felt grounding. She had done her job, at least part of it which was more than she had been able to tell herself mere moments ago.

    When she reached her dorm that she shared with Kiara not too long later Naomi quietly pushed the door open and looked around. For a heartbeat, her mahogany gaze settled on Bumblebarb, her gold-and-white Niffler, curled up on her pillow in a perfect little ball of contentment. Claus, her white fruit bat, hung upside down on his post, his little wings wrapped around him, and Zuko, her black barn owl, snoozed quietly in his cage. Naomi smiled softly at the sight of her creatures, their tranquil rest a comforting reminder that, despite all the chaos, there was still peace to be found. Without much thought she reached over and gently brushed a finger against Bumblebarb’s soft fur, careful not to disturb his slumber. Her heart felt lighter as she did so, taking the briefest moment to appreciate the little things like the wonderful creatures before her.

    Finally, after a moment of peace and with a quiet sigh of determination Naomi turned to wake Kiara, determined to make sure everyone was prepared for the challenge ahead. It was going to be a long day and she couldn’t waste anymore time. Tiptoeing over to her classmates bed Naomi carefully leaned down and placed a gentle hand on Kiara’s shoulder. “Kiara.” She called as she gave the girl a summoning shake. “Kiara, it’s time to awaken. The first challenge is today. We need to get ready.” Her soft voice repeated and hoped she wouldn’t have to end up shouting to get the young woman’s attention away from the land of dreams.

    Mentions: Kiara WanderLust. WanderLust. Auguste Pyroclast Pyroclast


Chitrita Pawar




I can't control myself.

The manner in which Naomi and Vasu's closeness was waved away was not exactly placating for Chitrita. After all, she knew 'rival' was just another label for a highly passionate relationship. She herself had a couple— one in quidditch, one in potions— and, well, she could tell you that both Xiaoxue Meng and Nkechi Obi had more in common than just a competitive spirit. However, she had to admit that watching Vasu virtually abandon Naomi in his pursuit for her attention gave her personal satisfaction.

She tread down the stairs alongside Theo, rolling her eyes at his pointed comment. Strays was, unfortunately, the right word. She had a growing collection of mangey pests she seemed to be surrounding herself with. Since she was going to be forced to keep Altair, she would find a way to be rid of Naomi sooner or later. The problem with sooner was that it gave her little time to size her up, find small flaws and insecurities to point out and exploit. She glanced over her shoulder, giving her pack a small smile, feigning excitement, before turning and facing forward.

Her stomach was still a little unsettled from the morning, and she really didn't feel like having extensive conversations with cafeteria staff over whether the food being served was halal or not, she opted for what was certainly meant to be a measly side dish of some kind of cucumber salad. As she was pulling her bowl from underneath the plastic shield that protected it, Naomi appeared at her side, fetching herself some lunch. At her inquiry, Chitrita couldn't help but smile. A garden wasn't what she would refer to as the trio of boys, but the recognition that Rita seemed to already be established amongst the competition made her feel powerful. She offered a small shrug. "I like to keep a tight circle of friends, but there's a lot of faces around." She moved to sit down at one of the tables, quickly finding herself flanked by Altair and Theo, making Naomi and Vasu sit across from them.

She found herself sitting in silence for the majority of her meal, balancing her listening between the pleasant conversation that Naomi and Altair shared and the passive-aggressive negotiation for power that Theo and Vasu exchanged. The struggle between the two boys amused her, fighting a smile as she took a bite from her fork— which was terribly uncomfortable to use, by the way, after a lifetime of almost exclusively eating with her hands or chopsticks. Vasu's youth and inexperience showed, with a certain haughtiness that showed his need to gain the upper-hand and establish dominance, only to be slapped down by a cool, calculated response from Theo that practically patronized him at every step. Some French boy she did not recognize interrupted them and whisked Naomi away, to her own slight displeasure. She hadn't gotten to know her well enough for a perfectly crafted threat, and the few words and phrases she knew in French did not help her glean any more information from the two. But, things were left how they were meant to be: the four of them sitting together.

After eating, and after class, she found herself cornered by Professor Ito once more— bearing more bad news: the challenge would take place the next morning. She and Altair were left to their own devices in a library conference room after they were given some instruction on how they would operate as a group next, where she spent time scribbling ideas and notes on a paper and berated Altair for falling asleep on her. She did feel bad that he was living through a 24-hour school day, but she had cut him enough slack in Transfiguration class when she let him sleep for seven whole minutes and she woke him up very gently. Fortunately for him, and unfortunately for her, he was growing on her. Like mold. She reluctantly allowed him to walk her to her room, avoiding any silly flirting due to his extreme exhaustion when they parted at the door.

* * *

"Dilruba," The pet name tickled her ear, her hair moving with the whispers of Vasu's breath. She could feel his lips brush against her skin as he called her his heart-stealer once more. She closed her eyes, gently biting her lip as, on her other side, Theo's gentle touch grazed her neck, gently sweeping her hair behind her shoulder. One pair of lips planted themselves firmly on her jaw, the other up by her ear. Bodies pressed against each side of her, she tilted her head back, savoring the touch of both boys. One hand carefully cradled her lower back, another gently lay atop her thigh. She fell back onto the plush bed, one hand finding each boy and—

Chitrita awoke warm, sweaty, and breathless. She quickly threw her duvet off of herself, thankful she had selected the solo bed in the three-girl dorm room. She allowed her bare feet to touch the cool floor of the castle as she rose and began readying herself for the day in silence. She needed a shower. That damned movie she saw over the summer seemed to have done irreparable damage to her psyche.

She slipped out, softly closing the door behind her because, though it seemed seemed A. Quansah was gone again, Montissero was slumbering quietly. Besides, she needed to take advantage of the few moments she would have to herself before she would begin an official routine of spending nearly every waking moment with Altair. She enjoyed the peace of the cool water, and then spent the rest of the early hours quietly reflecting as she put on makeup and dried and straightened her hair. She thought of everything under the sun in the soft glow of the morning light. Odinson, her brother, Vasu, Theo, Altair, Naomi, her parents, the obstacle course, Professor Arif, Professor Ito, potions, her legilimency blocker, transfiguration class, making up that missed history of magic class, winning. Her mind wouldn't stop turning.

She was almost relieved when Ito's soft knock on the dorm's door came at the precise moment they had decided on the night before. She rose from her desk seat and opened it for her, stepping aside to allow the woman in. She said nothing, instead exchanging a steely stare with her professor. She turned her back as the woman launched into a speech, a horrid mix of a congratulations and a warning to stay alert. She knew that Odinson must've been fresh on Ito's mind, but it was not a reminder she needed. She sat down on the edge of her bed, tilting her chin upward slightly as Azura took stock of her, her eyes examining every hair on Chitrita carefully. She glanced at the pink fabric her professor held in her hands, feeling a small flash of unease pass through her. You exchanged Locjaw for this. She reminded herself bluntly. Winning is the only way to make up for it.

She rose from her bed, skirting Ito's gaze as she was reminded that her mind was her greatest weapon, gingerly taking the pink athletic clothes from her. She said nothing in their entire exchange, only capable of offering a small nod when confirming she was ready for the day. She changed and put her hair up in silence as well, putting on the gray, short play suit and pink jacket that denoted her as a champion. She took just a minute to evaluate her own appearance, taking in the details. The jacket came in her signature pink color, with gold stripes down the arms. The same glittering gold colored the embroidered kanji for Mahoutokoro in the front, as well as her surname and number on the back: PAWAR curved along the shoulders with a large 1 in the middle. 1 was her favorite number. She was always first. Her locket was tucked inside the collar of her new jacket, with her engagement ring strung along the chain for safe-keeping. Her ponytail didn't have a single hair out of place, her bangs falling just the way she wanted them to. Her white trainers didn't have a single scuff on them. Everything was the way she needed it to be— perfect.

When she exited her room, she found her newfound bodyguard waiting for her. "Morning, Layla," She greeted softly, the corners of her mouth twitching into the slightest of smiles. She pulled the cuffs of her sleeves over her fists, retreating into her jacket slightly. "Ready?" And with a short nod of his head, they began walking. She did her best to maintain a pleasant mood, answering his questions with the appropriate grace, though she felt her stomach turn slightly. She was never nervous for competitions. But somehow, this one felt off. Something was wrong. But she couldn't very well express that. It would allow Altair to see her as something she never wished to be seen as: weak. Instead, she maintained a stony focus that could hopefully only appear as her cutthroat nature.

Once they had reached the champion's gate, she stopped, turning toward Altair. "Layla," She started, with a deadly seriousness as she fixed her dark gaze on him. "I can trust you, right?" She watched him carefully as he shifted, clearly uncomfortable with the tone change. "You have my back?" She began to grow impatient. "I need to know that I can trust you, Altair. That you—" She didn't have to continue, with Altair interjecting that he certainly was trustworthy. She nodded her head slowly, turning to open the door to her entrance, before deciding to pull him into a hug. "Thank you." She whispered, before leaving him behind.

Chitrita did her best to shed whatever unease she seemed to be harboring with a drawn out exhale, carefully sweeping her bangs out of her eyes as she approached the gathering number of champions. As the number grew, it became painfully obvious that not everyone was competing with their elected champions. In fact, there had been quite a large shift in champion. It was abnormal to be the same name drawn the other night. She glanced around, carefully assessing those who were arriving, deciding on who was and wasn't likely to pose a great threat to her. Seeing some of their uniforms, she was glad that Mahoutokoro's school colors were her signature. It made her feel much more at home. She spent some time speaking to event staff about specifics, trying to get a feel for what she could without anyone outright telling her.

Separating the champions from the rest of the arena was a tall, magical wall, that moved and distorted no matter how you looked at it. It reminded her of a bubble, curving and warping slightly with the breeze, arising from the bottom of a boiling pot. Its surface was vaguely reflective, and every time she tried to strain to see behind it a new, shifting image would fill the space. She could only speculate what was on the other side, finding herself running through potential scenarios in her mind.

She smiled when she caught sight of Theo, recalling her dream earlier that morning. "Black suits you," She commented on his ensemble, playfully arching a brow. It was a conclusion she had reached the day before, once he had changed after coming in from the rain, but there was merit in sharing it now. She subtly gave him a once-over, silently pleased with the way his champion get-up flattered his muscular body. She didn't say much else, though his presence relaxed her slightly. Theo, despite becoming acquainted in only a couple of days, she knew she could trust. She frowned slightly, glancing at a digital clock set up behind them. Some people were still missing, and they were running out of time to make it before the challenge began. Normally, she would welcome the absence of competitors, but one of them was dangerously important to her...

As if he'd telepathically heard her concerns, a door slammed open behind her and in walked a slightly disheveled brown boy who seemed to be mildly out of breath. She smirked slightly. "Nice of you to join us, Vasu," She greeted, crossing her arms. She raised an eyebrow at the confusion on his face. "Surprised to see me? You didn't think I'd sit on the sidelines and let you have all the fun, did you?"

♡coded by uxie♡

Ilvermorny Dormitories
The sound of Christian Louboutin heels clicked rhythmically against the stone floors of the Ilvermorny corridors as Ana fished around in the pocket of her grey coat for the note that had warranted her visit in the first place. Just two short days ago, Ana had bid farewell to three cherished students… Naomi Eun Hai, Kiara Sinclaire and Raphael Badeaux, who would be making an international journey to compete in the Octowizard Tournament. Not a full 24 hours later, one had been sent home to Beauxbatons in a state of disrepair. Ana had prepared copious amounts of hellebore syrup to be used in a calming draught to soothe his soured nerves… but she was undeniably shaken by his actions. The healers at Beauxbatons still hadn’t been able to elicit any discernible information as to what exactly had caused Raphael to turn his wand on himself, but it had left Ana with a pit in her stomach so wide and deep that she feared it might consume her whole.

As she began ascending the steps that led upwards towards the student dormitories, Ana carefully unfolded the note that she had tucked away in her pocket. Sent anonymously by an owl she had not recognized. The words had been typed, presumably on an old-fashioned typewriter; she ascertained this was to avoid the possibility that the sender's handwriting might be identified.

Professor De Laurent,

I trust this letter reaches you swiftly. There is no easy way to say this, but I must warn you, your students are in grave danger. Whispers of something terrible grow louder with each passing day. One of your students has already turned his wand on himself and another was hospitalized the morning after arrival. Worse still, a student from another school has already tragically lost their life.

What’s even more concerning is Professor Chimere’s neglect. She has failed to care for your students properly and I fear her actions have made more enemies than allies in these dangerous times. Your students need someone who can truly look after them, someone who can protect them from what’s coming.

Ana, they need you. Please, come. Time is running out.

With great urgency,
A Friend

A friend.
Ana’s eyes narrowed. If they were truly a friend, what warranted all the smoke and mirrors? Why remain anonymous? It didn’t sit right with her, but she couldn’t bring herself to ignore such a clear warning, not when her students' safety was called into question. Pacing down the hallway with measured steps, Ana’s eyes flicked past each of the doors where the first initial and last name of the occupants were scribbled in dry erase marker. She shivered at the realization of how many names had already been erased and penned over. Were the students here really so disposable?

So many names she did not recognize, she was beginning to fear that she may have been in the wrong wing. Auguste had only arrived yesterday, perhaps his name had not yet been penned on the door? And then, like a bear woken from hibernation, the tall, gangly form of Auguste Lovell slipped out into the hallway from a door a few paces ahead, wiping sleep out of his eyes with a yawn.

“Auguste.” Ana let out a breath she hadn’t even realized she was holding, closing the gap between herself and the Beauxbatons champion, relieved to find him unharmed. Her arms wrapped around him tightly in a fierce embrace. “Mon cœur. You are alright?” She gave him a once over, scanning him high and low for any visible signs of injury, but finding none, pulled him back into an embrace. Auguste was understandably confused to see her, but there was little time to explain … and she was unsure how much she should disclose to him. “Professor Chimere? Have you seen her?”

Auguste confirmed what Ana had been fearing, as neither he, nor any of the other Beauxbatons students, had seen Angelique since the opening ceremony. A flash of anger burned through her. Had this woman truly left a group of children to fend for themselves at a foreign school with such little guidance? She bit back a scowl, careful to keep her features composed as she shook her head. “No matter, we will get it all straightened out in time.” She reassured him with a soft smile, straightening out his shirt in a manner that felt almost maternal. “And the girls? Kiara and Naomi?”

Auguste went on to explain that Kiara and Naomi were in the girls wing, which was just up the hallway and around the corner. “Come, let’s see what we can do about this.” She escorted Auguste forward, matching his slow, groggy pace, making a mental note to get him some breakfast soon before he keeled over from exhaustion. When they arrived at the door with the names K. Sinclaire and N. Eun Hai, Ana’s knuckles rasped softly against the wooden surface. “Kiara?” there was a pause, someone murmured something groggily beyond the door. “Naomi?” another soft knock.

When the door finally cracked open, Ana was relieved to find the honeyed gaze of Naomi peeking through a crack in the door. “Mon Fleur” Ana breathed softly. Upon realizing who was standing outside, Naomi threw open the door, letting the light from the hallway flood into the dimly lit room where Kiara Sinclaire sat up in the top bunk, blinking groggily.

“Professor De Laurent? What are you doing here?” Kiara’s sleepy voice was music to Ana’s ears. With all three of her students accounted for, her breath was coming easier, a weight lifted from her shoulders as she ushered her ducks into a row.

There was a brief pause as Ana mulled over how best to explain the situation to her students. “When Raphael returned home from Ilvermorny, the school board sent word to Professor Chimere inquiring as to his… state. I fear he is… not well. We sent three owls to Professor Chimere but they all went unanswered, we were beginning to fear for your safety, my little ducks.” She pulled Naomi into an embrace, tilting her head slightly as she plucked a pine needle from the girl's rosy locks. “But you are here, and you are safe,” Kiara had finally crawled out of bed, joining in the embrace with Ana and Naomi. “And I will not let anything happen to you three. I swear it.”

Naomi blinked up at Ana, fidgeting briefly with a leaf that was stuck to her shirt. “Last night Auguste and I tried to find Professor Chimere as well, but after roaming the entire school we gave up. It wasn’t until the morning that we even knew that the first challenge was happening today. Do you think perhaps she may have departed with Raph and forgotten to share this information with us?”

“Sacré bleu, The first challenge - today?” A surge of panic rushed through Ana, there was too much to unpack but only one matter of business was pressing enough to warrant immediate action. “Auguste we must get you ready! Vite Vite!” She turned to face her school's newly minted champion, licking her thumb and wiping a smudge of dirt from his cheek. “Girls, get dressed and meet us in the cafeteria. We need to get you fed and warmed up.”

Without another word, Ana looped her arm around Auguste’s, ushering him towards the stairs and leading him towards the cafeteria. She would hover over him until she was satisfied that he had a fully belly and enough energy to get him through the day, and then they would need to head for the tournament.
coded by natasha.
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Champions Tent
The sound of birds chirping outside her window stirred Lyssa from her slumber. It was a sound that she had grown quite used to over the years, starting her morning off with a display of brightly colored native birds swooping past the view from her penthouse apartment in Rio. She snuggled deeper into her pillow, her fluffy duvet wrapped tightly around her like a cocoon. For the briefest of moments, while her consciousness hovered between awake and asleep, she truly believed she was back home in Brazil, the air warm and sweet, ripe with the promise of a restful day at home playing piano to her heart's content.

And then the glaring sound of the alarm on her phone shattered her bliss into a thousand pieces. She let out a groan, her right hand fumbling around her bed desperately in search of the source of the incessant noise. Finally closing her fingers around her phone, she tapped the screen once, twice, three times before she managed to hit it in the right spot. The alarm went quiet, and Lyssa peeked out from underneath her blankets, squinting from the light cast by her phone screen. She had a text. Odd, hardly anyone ever texted her. Perplexed, she unlocked her phone to view the message, surprised to find that it was from Professor Arif.

His text was short, brief, and to the point… leaving out a wealth of details that left Lyssa floundering with questions. Her eyes widened, her heartbeat quickened, and she sat up so abruptly that she forgot her top bunk hovered only a couple feet below the ceiling. Her forehead wacked against the plaster with such force that she momentarily saw stars in her vision. She cursed silently, rubbing her forehead gingerly before sliding out of bed and down the three-step ladder to the cold, laminate floor. Both of her roommates had evidently already started their day, their beds both meticulously put together, sheets tucked, pillows fluffed. She silently thanked whatever higher power was at work for granting her tidy roommates before glancing at the clock which read 8:32 am.

Professor Arif had said that the first challenge was set to begin at 10:00 am this morning. She unlocked her phone once more to check the timestamp on his text and was alarmed to find that it had been set at a quarter to four in the morning. What had possessed Lisandro to suddenly withdraw from the challenge, at four in the morning no less? Worried, she sent back a quick text “Is Lisandro alright? I’ll meet you both at the arena in half an hour.” Professor Arif had mentioned that the challenge was to be held in the forest on the edge of the Ilvermorny grounds, which was about a fifteen-minute walk from her dorm. Which left her with a measly 13 minutes to get dressed, eat something, find Ricky, and get out to the predetermined meeting point.

The speed with which she jammed her toothbrush into her mouth, while simultaneously combing her fingers through her strawberry blonde hair to pull her amber locks into a french braid was somewhat commendable. She splashed some cold water on her face to help her wake up, but her eyes were still puffy with the remnants of sleep. By the time she walked out the door of her dormitory, her phone read 8:41 am. She was already running late. She opened the door to her dorm and in her haste almost trampled over a small package that lay on the ground just outside her door, tied neatly with a red bow. Squatting down, Lyssa picked up the dainty little box, on which a note was inscribed that read only her name. Tilting her head, Lyssa opened the box to reveal a golden chain from which dangled a pendant set with an opal, her birthstone. She smiled softly, removing the necklace from the box and clasping it around her neck. She touched her fingers against the cold gemstone, breathing in deeply. She missed her father dearly, it was perhaps the hardest part about being away, but even thousands of miles away, he managed to let her know he was with her today.

Bringing her mind back to the task at hand, Lyssa began to make her way down the hallway towards the boys dormitories, searching for the sign that read “R. Pitanga”. Upon locating it, she knocked on the door quickly. “Ricky? It’s me, Lyssa.” She waited with bated breath for any hint of his presence beyond the door but was met with only silence. She knocked again. “Ricky?”

In her mind, it was already predetermined that Ricardo would be substituting as champion today. He was more suited for the role, and if he claimed it, Lyssa certainly had no intentions of standing in his way. But the prolonged silence at the door left her with an eerie feeling. She shook her head, convincing herself that Ricky had probably already made his way down to the cafeteria and was getting an early start on preparing for the challenge. Resolved to find him downstairs, Lyssa checked her phone again. Radio silence. Her stomach rumbled unsteadily.

Making her way down to the cafeteria, Lyssa was dismayed to find that the dining hall was quickly filling up with hungry students. The buzzing and chattering of the Ilvermorny crowd was a dull roar in her ears, and as she sifted through the sea of faces searching for Ricardo, she came up empty handed. Her stomach rumbled again, though not from hunger. Her nerves were getting the best of her, and despite the logical line of thinking that told her she should probably eat something, her stomach rejected the idea of food, turning in on itself until it was wound up in indistinguishable knots. She checked her phone again, 8:49 am, still nothing from Ricky or Professor Arif. She had to get outside and find them before time ran out.

The Ilvermorny grounds had been transformed into what Lyssa could only describe as a carnival. The air was thick with the smell of cotton candy and deep-fried meats. A crowd the likes of which Lyssa had only ever seen at Carnival in Rio was overflowing into a massive arena with stadium seating. Her ears were ringing again, the way they always did when she started to lose her breath and the world started to blur… she forced herself to take a deep breath. 1….2….3….4…. She needed to find Professor Arif and Ricardo.

All around her, vendors were calling, pushing their various wares, each one more preposterous than the last. She stopped at a booth selling t-shirts with the various champions' faces plastered on them, along with their respective school colors. Lyssa browsed through them briefly, tilting her head when she realized that the Castelobruxo shirt bore only the school crest and colors with no face to be found. Surely Ricky was already in the champion’s tent? Which was where she was supposed to meeting the rest of her team.

Newly resolved, Lyssa threaded her way through the crowd, slipping between booths until she found a brightly colored tent with the word “CHAMPIONS” printed in all capital letters on a sign overhead. There was a security guard standing just outside with swollen muscles and a head so bald that the sunlight reflecting off of it nearly blinded her. Lyssa squinted, holding her hand up over her eyes to block the glare. “Excuse me, my name is Lyssa Montissero… I’m looking for Ricardo Pitanga?”

“Wristband?” he inquired flatly, his voice monotone and cold.

“I don’t uh… I don’t have a wristband. I’m not a champion I’m just looking for my -”

“No wristband, no entry.” She hadn’t believed it was possible for his voice to become any flatter. Her mouth snapped shut, and for a moment she stood there, dumbfounded, unsure of what to do next.

Then, with a renewed sense of vigor “Please I really -”

“Listen kid, no wristband no, no entry. How many times do I gotta tell ya? Now get outta here before I-”

“She’s with me.”
Like an angel, sent by god himself, a platinum blonde with her hair pulled into two intricate braids stepped out of the tent, flashing a brightly colored wristband to the security guard, who huffed with mild annoyance before stepping aside so Lyssa could pass.

Flustered, Lyssa brushed past the bald security guard towards the blonde who had come to her rescue. “Thank you so much I… I’m looking for my friend, Ricardo Pitanga? He’s competing today and I just wanted to-”

“There you are!” A woman dressed in a silver tracksuit with some sort of badge hanging from a lanyard around her neck began ushering Lyssa into the tent. “Ms. Montissero, I presume you will be competing for Castelobruxo today?”

The color drained from Lyssa’s face at the implication. She laughed nervously, her fingers instinctively beginning to pick at her cuticles behind her back. “No. There’s been some sort of mistake. Ricardo Pitanga is competing for Castelobruxo, I’m just a secondary.”

The grey-haired woman peered down her nose through her triangular shaped glasses, squinting at something scribbled on her clipboard. “No Ricardo Pitanga here. Now, the challenge will be commencing soon and if Castelobruxo has no champion then unfortunately your team will forfeit the first challenge.” She folded her arms over her chest, glaring expectantly at Lyssa who was almost visibly shaking. An embarrassingly lengthy amount of time passed as Lyssa struggled to come up with some sort of response.

“Well, are you competing or are you forfeiting?” Lyssa stood there, her mouth slightly agape, floundering for words but coming up dry. She felt like a fish on dry land.

“Competing.” Had that word just come out of her mouth? Surely, she had not been the one to say that. No, it hadn’t been her. The blonde standing next to her had spoken, “She’s competing.”

Lyssa turned to face the blonde; half grateful half mortified. All the color drained from her face except for the peachy pink flush that darkened her cheeks. “I’m competing.” She nodded, the words only barely audible as she parroted what the blonde had said, trying to keep her eyes on the girl who had so far become Lyssa’s only friend.

“Well then it’s time for you to get dressed. Go on. The Castelobruxo section is that way.” She pointed over her shoulder with her pen before slipping out of the tent and exchanging some words with the security guard out front.

Lyssa’s ears were ringing again, she looked to the blonde for support, vaguely trying to recall her name from the opening ceremony. She remembered the girl was a metamorphmagus, as was evidenced by the rapidly changing color of her hair and irises, but her name evaded Lyssa. “Thank you, again.” she forced a half smile. Her heart was pounding again, the world starting to blur into vaguely distinguishable shapes and colors. She needed to get dressed before her consciousness slipped away. Half walking, half stumbling towards the Castelobruxo section, she gingerly picked up the neatly folded bright green uniform with the name “VALENCIA” printed on the back. She chewed her lower lip, pulling shut the curtain that divided the Castelobruxo section from the rest of the champions tent.

Lisandro’s uniform was about three sizes too big on Lyssa, it hung awkwardly around her waist and gathered in heaps of fabric down at her ankles. Quite frankly, it looked like pajamas on her. She cinched the waist as tight as she could get it in the hopes that she would be able to make it through the day without losing her pants. The sleeves of the top fell over her hands past her finger tips, which only added to the whole pajama effect. She frowned at herself in the mirror. She was no champion. Who was she fooling?
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Champion's Tent
Theo’s alarm had been set for 8:00 am, enough time, he reasoned, to allow him to shower, eat, and prepare himself for the challenge without the need to rush. Yet when the first rays of sunlight began to peek past the horizon, Theo lay wide awake, his dark gaze directed up towards the ceiling, just as it had been for the past hour. He glanced over at the clock on the nightstand next to his bed, which read 6:43 in bright red, fluorescent lettering. On the other side of the small dormitory, the Durmstrang secondary slept soundly, his breath coming in steady, rhythmic beats. Somewhere in the room, an analog clock was ticking incessantly with each passing second. Theo’s back molars ground against one another, his jaw locked tightly as he willed the smallest hand on that damned clock to move with a sense of urgency, but it seemed deaf to his pleadings.

Unable to bear the tedious ticking any longer, Theo threw back his sheets, padding barefoot to the bathroom where he turned on the faucet at enough of a drizzle to quietly wash his face and brush his teeth. Normally, he wouldn’t have exercised this much consideration for a roommate. He would’ve gone about his normal morning routine without regard for the noise that may have disrupted their sleep schedule, but the Durmstang secondary was unique. As Bellamy had pointed out last night, P. Katzenbach was a newly exposed seer. The very same seer that had brought forth a vision of the first challenge and given clues as to what it might entail. He was valuable, an asset, someone Theo had intentions of swaying in his favor eventually, not someone he wanted to piss off.

Soundlessly, Theo slipped out of his dorm, sliding the door shut behind him with uncharacteristic care. The halls of Ilvermorny were barren, most, if not all, of its occupants still sleeping soundly in their beds. It wasn’t until he made his way down to the cafeteria that he began to see any signs of life. House elves were readying the food for the breakfast seating. A few professors were flitting about the halls, no doubt in an attempt to rouse their wards before the challenge. He still had two hours before he was set to meet with Bellamy. But Theo wasn’t hungry, he would circle back for breakfast after his run.

The air outside was tepid, the faintest hint of a chill clinging in the air from the lack of sun suffered through the night. Perfect for a jog around the grounds. An onlooker might’ve dismissed Theo’s run as an attempt to expel nervous energy from his body, but he knew better. His body wasn’t the problem, it was his mind. Challenges, competitions, they brought out a side of Theo that was visceral and violent… sloppy. He became so consumed with a need for validation that he made stupid mistakes. Running helped to clear his head and occupy his muscles. It allowed him to view his goals with pinpoint precision and unmatched focus. By his second lap around the school grounds his lungs were on fire, his left arm beginning to burn with a dull ache that left him with a renewed sense of anger. If he failed at this challenge today because of Arif’s flagrant apparition disaster there would be hell to pay.

By the time Theo made it back to his dorm there was just enough time for him to shower and towel dry his hair before he heard a knock at precisely 9:00 am. Bellamy was nothing if not punctual it seemed. He opened the door, allowing his professor into his dorm, which was notably tidy, at least for a boys dormitory, accepting the folded clothing that he was handed. As Bellamy pulled a room divider to allow Theo to change, he unfolded the garments, examining them scrutinously before donning them. The fabric was lightweight and breathable, reminding him of athletic wear that wicked away sweat and kept the wearer’s body temperature regulated. The top was form fitting with just enough fabric so that it wasn’t skin tight, his biceps flexed beneath the fabric of the short sleeves. Along the back of his shirt was his last name, “WEST” with the number eleven, his quidditch number, displayed below. The ensemble almost reminded him of his quidditch uniform, except it was jet black instead of the emerald green associated with slytherin house.

Once he was dressed, Bellamy handed him a couple of pills which Theo raised an eyebrow at, prompting his professor's explanation that they were pain killers, intended to ease any ill effects lingering from his escapade with Chahaya yesterday. Theo silently thanked a god he didn’t believe in that he had been blessed with a competent supervising professor, downing the pills with a swig of water before turning to face Bellamy.

“Are you ready?”

Theo resisted the urge to say something predictable, like ‘I was born ready.’ He hadn’t been born ready, he had been born a coward. Relentless fear and the refusal to remain its victim had prepared him for the challenge he needed to face today. “I got this.” He offered a half smirk, all the reassurance his professor would get from him. He didn’t need to make empty promises, he would show Bellamy exactly what he was made of.

On their walk down the Ilvermorny corridors towards the miraculously erected stadium which towered over various merchandise and food stations, Bellamy went on to explain that the champions for Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Mahoutokoro had all changed since the opening ceremony. Theo’s jaw tightened for a moment as he allowed himself to recall each of the mentioned champions. The french fry had been unremarkable at best, a sandy haired ditz with more interest in food than competition. The Durmstrang champion, Clara Winters, had been formidable. Adept with spells but mostly helpless in terms of physical strength. He wondered who she had been replaced with, and if there was anything, or anyone, he needed to be worried about. The Mahoutokoro champion was the one that left him with the most to contemplate. Odinson Locjaw, the half giant, he would be lying if he claimed that he wasn’t relieved to hear that the massive brute would not be competing. The two secondaries that Theodore knew of, Chitrita and her sidekick, Aladdin, stood to substitute for the beast. It didn’t take much reasoning to determine which of the two would’ve won the battle for the champion slot.

And then came the piece de resistance. Locjaw was dead. Mysteriously killed in some sort of “accident.” Theodore’s brows furrowed as he glanced over to meet Bellamy’s gaze. Was there something he wasn’t being told? He had no justification for the shock that seared through him. Each of the contestants had been warned time and time again that people died in these tournaments. This was no game, Theo had known that when he entered his name into the goblet of fire. Still, being forced to confront the harsh reality of his own mortality was humbling. Then, as if he hadn’t just dropped earth shattering information, Bellamy gestured with his cane, “The champions are to enter through Gate 4, over there.”

Theo did a sweep of the surrounding area, Gate 4 lay between a booth selling snow cones and other iced treats and a booth selling t-shirts with the various champions' faces and school colors. He couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at his lips as two girls, a brunette and a redhead, walked past wearing black t-shirts with his own face staring back at him. They giggled to each other when he gave them a respective once over, his eyes dragging over them slowly. The brunette waved three fingers at him. He made a note to try and find her after the challenge.

“Good luck, Mr. West… and kick ass, kid.”

The champions tent was deceptively large, larger on the inside than it appeared on the outside. Within, there were eight separate, confined areas designated for each champion, each of them connected to a large common area in the middle where a number of the champions were already mingling with one another. Theo’s eyes were peeled for one champion in particular, a certain blonde with an inherent aptitude for transfiguration. Bellamy and Theo had riddled out that the challenge was inevitably going to require transfiguration skills, “shapes may shift” was a fairly self-explanatory line of the seer’s prophecy. And while Theo was proficient in transfiguration he certainly wasn’t adept. He had passed the class with a lackluster B and called it a day. Which meant, battle strategy 101, he needed to compensate for the areas in which he was lacking.

“I like the braids, Sylvie.” Theo’s voice was smooth and sultry. Flirting came easily to him, it was mostly just praise with a few quips thrown in for good measure depending on the target. He hadn’t yet had a chance to acquaint himself with Ilvermorny’s token metamorphmagus, she had been notably absent from his dance card at the opening ceremony, so he started the interaction with a simpler approach.

He propped himself against a wooden beam beside the blonde, taking a gamble as his hand reached out to drag one of her braids between his fingers, his touch dangerously close to the skin of her neck. “You should wear it like that more often. Show off that pretty face of yours.” His smirk was sharp, almost predatory, subtle enough that he could still feign innocence if she reacted poorly to his advances.
coded by natasha.
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