Pyrrha Nikos Lives On
Aurelia Quansah
Uagadou - Female - Pure Blood - Secondary
The soft light of the early morning sun had yet to warm the air, and the world outside was wrapped in a cool mist as Auri slipped out of bed. The clock on her nightstand read 5:00 AM but the Uagadou student was already wide awake having prepared herself for the early start the night before. She had no trouble at all with the early mornings, she was used to them due to how often she had to be up before the sun when she was back home on Mauritius Island. If anything, it was the time of day she loved best; when the world was quiet and just starting to wake and realize itself…a time to be treasured.
Pulling her thick, braided hair into a quick ponytail it didn’t take long before she had dressed in her training clothes for her early morning session with Malaika. Like a ghost, she flitted around the shared room slipping into a sports bra, tanktop, workout leggings, and sneakers. The outfit being simple, yet comfortable, and allowing her to move freely. The cool air from the open window kissed her skin as she moved across the room, pausing only to take a deep breath and send up a silent prayer that today would favor Uagadou’s team. Turning her head slightly she took a brief moment to glanced out the window. The sun was still below the horizon, but she could see its colors creeping up from the east, painting the sky with streaks of pale gold and lavender as it lit up the silhouette of the tournament ground. She smiled softly to herself as the thrill of the day to come pulsed through her veins. The day ahead promised excitement and she was eager for the tournament to officially begin. While she might not actually be the student competing for her school Auri was still dead set on being the best teammate she could be to her school's champion. In fact, she was set to meet with Malaika for a morning training session in order to make sure her classmate was as prepared as possible for the day ahead.They had their theories about what the challenge ahead would contain and both girls had agreed to meet early in order to run drills in preparation for an obstacle course. Auri had no intention of letting her teammate face the task alone; they had a good rhythm together, and Auri wanted to make sure Malaika was fully prepared for whatever the Octowizard Tournament would throw their way.
Making sure her shoes were properly laced up Auri grabbed a light jacket and slipped out of the dorm and into the still mostly silent halls of Ilvermorny. As she jogged down the hall and towards the training field, the familiar rhythmic sound of her sneakers tapping against the ground soothed her mind. The school for the most part was still asleep so aside from the sound of her own shoes upon the stone there was not much to break the silence. As she rounded a corner she spotted a familiar head of brunette hair just ahead of her and couldn’t help but smile. Mey, the girl from Koldovstoretz whom she’d met just the day before was shuffling down the stone halls by herself. The sight of her brought a wave of warmth and affection. Auri had genuinely enjoyed their conversations during the exploits of the day before, feeling that the adventure had been a beautiful start to a friendship with the sweet and talkative young woman.
“Good morning, friend Mey.” Auri called out, slowing her pace as she neared the other girl. “What are you doing up so early? I didn’t think you were a morning person.” She inquired with a playful smile pulling at her lips. Her smile only widened when she heard the fondness of Mey’s greeting in calling her sister. As Mey explained that she would be attending an early morning detention Auri felt a stab of sympathy for the young woman. Yesterday’s Care for Magical Creatures class didn’t seem to go well for anyone but it felt wrong that Mey was the only one being punished, especially given what Vasu had attempted. Truthfully, Auri had gotten the sense that Professor Chimere still had a thing or two to learn about teaching, especially when teaching students not accustomed to her rather opinionated and extreme methods. Had the professor criticized a student with less confidence in the way she had Auri there was no doubt in the young heiress’s mind that the student would have no longer felt comfortable speaking up in class. Luckily for her, she was not such a delicate flower when it came to the judgment of others, not with how the majority of her family could be. She was proud of her ability to quote a textbook and show that she had taken an interest in the subject. And for Mey to be punished with such an early morning detention for attempting to pass a single harmless note and then speaking her mind, now that felt completely unprofessional and as though perhaps Professor Chimere felt too comfortable flaunting her power over students rather than trying to actually work with them.
Auri couldn’t help frown and shake her head as she thought about the unfair treatment her friend had been dished by Chimere. “It’s truly ridiculous that she gave you detention like this.” She sighed and shook her head. “I mean there were about ten better ways she could have handled any of those situations but I doubt she would be one to accept the criticisms she so freely hands out to others.” Auri frowned with an eye roll as she thought of the woman who had doomed her friend to an unpleasant early morning on the day of a challenge. Her gaze softened as Mey continued by asking what she was doing awake so early. “I’m on my way to help Malaika with some early training.” She explained and felt a thread of worry worm its way into her mind as Mey inquired why she would be preparing so early. “Well, the first challenge of the tournament is later today and we want to make sure we’re prepared.”
Mey blinked at her, looking more than a little surprised before she announced that she had no idea that the first challenge of the tournament was today. Hearing her friends panic Auri’s eyes widened with realization. “Oh no, I thought everyone knew!” She confessed apologetically. “I’m glad I caught you before it was too late to get ready. Do you think you’ll be able to be ready in time even with your detention?” She inquired with worry for her friend. “Your professor should have informed Vasu after the meeting yesterday. From my understanding all of the professors were supposed to have attended.” She attempted to reassure her friend and despite her dislike of Vasu she hoped she was right because she certainly wouldn’t be able to find him and tell him at this point, not when she had no idea where he might be and had Mal waiting on her.
Rather suddenly Mey announced that she needed to get going or risk getting into even more trouble for being late to the tournament. Again Auri couldn’t help but feel that this wasn’t right or acceptable for Mey to still attend detention when she should be preparing for the challenge with Vasu. Professor Chimere should have moved the detention off a day when she learned that the challenge would be happening but Auri had a feeling the French professor wouldn’t care and might even view a secondary with less prep time as an advantage for her own team. Yup, Auri was not a fan of this woman in the slightest.
With a final wave towards her friend, the two parted ways with Auri making her way towards the training fields while Mey continued on her way to detention. By the time Auri reached the training field Malaika was already there and was stretching out her legs to prepare for the intense workout ahead. Auri offered her a wide smile as she jogged up to her teammate.
“Ready for today?” Auri grinned, stepping up beside her and beginning her own stretches.
Malaika chuckled, but there was a hint of nervous energy in her expression. “I hope so” The white-haired young woman breathed to which Auri shot her a reassuring smile.
“You’ve got this. Just stay focused and remember to take things one step at a time.” She encouraged.
The two went through the usual routine of exercises, warm-ups, testing their reflexes on their wandless spell casting, and as each moment passed Auri could feel the intensity building. They were both focused, sharp, but their camaraderie helped the atmosphere feel more like a shared mission than just training. Then, as the training session went on, disaster struck. Malaika, her eyes too focused on the path ahead, miscalculated her step and faltered in her footing. With a sharp gasp, the young woman fell to the ground having twisted her ankle awkwardly.
“Malaika!” Auri was instantly beside her, concern flashing across her features. “Are you okay? Can you move?”
Malaika winced, clearly in pain. “I don’t think I can run on this foot…” She groaned and winced as she attempted to move her ankle. “Auri, I—I can’t compete like this.”
Auri’s heart sank. The thought of Malaika missing out on the challenge wasn’t just about the tournament, it was about the team, it was about Mal being forced to miss out on something Auri knew she had been looking forward to. She knew she needed to be there for her teammate. “Don’t worry, Malaika,” Auri said quickly, her voice steady but filled with determination. “I’ll get you to the infirmary, and we’ll make sure you’re okay. You’ll rest up, I’m sure the nurses will have you right as rain in no time.” She assured the young woman beside her though she wasn’t certain if this injury could be mended before the challenge began.
Helping Mal to her feet Auri made sure to take the bulk of her classmate's weight onto her shoulder as she guided the white-haired girl to the infirmary. It was a slow but steady pace getting there and as soon as they approached the desk and a nurse recognized Malaika as one of the competing champions a chair was ordered to get her to a bed for one of the doctors to examine her. Since it was just an ankle injury the nurse was kind enough to allow Auri back with her teammate while they waited for the doctor to arrive. Like most doctor's offices, the two girls were left to wait for what seemed like forever, Auri sitting in the world's most uncomfortable plastic chair, while Malaika lay back on the bed with her ankle elevated. The two tried to pass the time with simple chatter, Auri assuring Mal that they would have her fixed up in no time so she could compete today, Mal not looking so sure. When the doctor finally came in and began examining the ankle his face reflected what both girls had been fearing.
“You can fix it right?” Auri inquired not bothering to sit down and shut up like others might. “You said it was just a sprain.”
The doctor glanced over at her and sighed, shaking his head. “We can but it will take time if we want to make sure it is done properly. Luckily the bone isn’t broken but mending a sprain like this properly will take at least four to five hours.” He explained calmly and Auri felt her heart drop for Mal.
Malaika’s eyes widened in disbelief, then softened as she seemed to accept what she couldn’t change. “Auri…” She began softly.
“Four to five hours?” The young guardian-to-be gasped and knew that a skilled healer like her grandmother would be able to fix a simple sprain in no time at all. “That can’t be right.” She muttered and shook her head. “She is one of the champions, she needs to be able to compete today.”
“Auri,” Mal began again and this time managed to pull her classmate's attention away from the doctor and onto herself. “I can’t stand on this, let alone run. If four to five hours is what they will need then we can’t rush them.” She explained.
A semi-frustrated sigh escaped her lips as Auri glanced upwards for a moment, cursing their bad luck, before looking back at Mal. “I know…It’s just…I know how much you were looking forward to this. I hate for you to miss it.” She admitted as she did her best to calm and compose herself.
Mal gave her an appreciative smile and laughed, “Well you’ll just have to tell me all about it after you compete.”
As much as Auri had wished to compete as the champion for her school, the words still bothered her to hear because she hated that Mal had to suffer for her to have this chance. “Alright, fine.” She asserted and looked at her classmate with a playful challenge in her onyx eyes. “But next challenge is all yours, even if I have to drag you across the finishline myself.” She teased giving the other girl an wink to know she meant the words with the utmost encouragement.
“Deal!” Mal agreed and shifted to try and stand enough to give her teammate a hug for good luck.
After the two girls shared a quick embrace Auri made her way to the tournament grounds, a determined fire burning brightly in her chest. She wasn’t sure what exactly awaited her, but she knew she would give it her all. When she finally managed to navigate her way to the Uagadou tent after memorizing a map of the tournament grounds the guardian-to-be was greeted by a surprise she certainly hadn’t been expecting. The uniform meant for Malaika had been perfectly customized for her instead. The soft orange and black fabric shimmered with magic, designed to mimic the colors of a sunset. Her last name, Quansah, was written proudly across the back in white with a bold number 1 below it. However, it was the embroidered lioness near the neckline that truly caught her eye, a symbol of her animagus form, her strength, and her pride.
On top of the uniform was a note. Carefully unfolding the paper her dark gaze danced over the words causing Auri to smile to herself as she read it in her head.
“Let tem hear u ror! - Poofesor Nyache”
The familiar playful and encouraging tone of her professor made her chuckle. It was his way of cheering her on, and the note was a reminder not to hold back. Not to shy away from her lioness form if she needed it. Her smile grew wide as she folded the note and tucked it into the pocket of her uniform. With a final deep breath, Auri pulled the uniform over her head and adjusted it to fit just right. As the sun broke free from the horizon, she made her way to the field. It was time to show them what a Quansah could do.
Mentions: DarweshiTobiornotTobi