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  • lisandro valencia
    castelobruxo champion

    is’s stomach sank as he realized that he’d been caught by this professor – he’d tried to be so careful, why hadn’t he looked at where he was going? Hesitantly, he started walking – though it was impossible to know where his professor was at, for all he knew Cha-Cha was clear across the castle. He tried to come up with something – anything, honestly, that could get him out of this scot free, but he wasn’t confident in any of his spellcasting to get out of this. He definitely didn’t like her wand being out – instantly assuming his guilt and making him feel like a criminal. He wasn’t a criminal, was he?

    Keeping an eye on her out of the corner of his eye, he took a deep breath and, as he turned a corner he casted the spells he’d been casting all night – the disillusionment charm and muffliato. He briskly walked down the hall and hid behind a statue until he could tell that the coast was clear (his spells were certainly not perfect, after all). He knew that the professor wasn’t stupid – he’d see her again, probably soon, and this interaction would likely come back to bite him, especially with the biting words she'd had about liars.

    But for now, Lis, who had had a long night following orders he didn’t quite understand and then standing behind a statue for thirty minutes rubbed his exhausted eyes and hoped he could find his dorm soon. He didn’t want to bother anyone – certainly not at this late hour – but when he found a House Elf roaming the halls he nervously asked her to kindly show him where his room was. When he arrived, he didn’t even pay attention to the names written on the door, and the House Elf told him that the door would unlock at his behest (thank god, or he would have nervously stood outside of it, wondering if he’d forgotten some important key that Cha-Cha had given him earlier in the evening).

    Upon entering, one of his roommates was there, busying himself with unpacking. It honestly startled Lisandro, expecting to have to creep in to make his bed and change his clothes (oh, new clothes sounded like a faraway dream), but what startled him the most was a giant king cobra atop the loft bed, staring down at him with his beady eyes. Lisandro shivered and looked to see if their other roommate was there (and what surprises he might have in store), but upon only seeing this Indian boy there he nodded at him.

    β€œHello, I’m Lisandro,” he said blankly, all of his social battery used up for the day. He didn’t want to give his roommate a bad impression, but he was thoroughly spent and didn’t even know if he could muster up changing clothes. He kept his eyes on the snake briefly but looked away, not wanting his roommate to think that he was judging him for his choice of pet. Of course, snakes were not his favorite, but he assumed this snake would at least not bite him in the night…

    He selected the top bunk on the bunk bed just in case, wanting to put as many obstacles between him and the scaly creature. Plus, Lupe, his cat, preferred to perch on the highest spots in the room, so he might as well be sleeping on one of them. He didn’t want to disturb a roommate (if they had one?) with his cat sleeping on them.

    First things first, was to change clothes. Lis dug in his suitcase and pulled out the first pajamas he could find, and his first day’s outfit that he’d already picked out when he’d packed. He hung it on the back of his desk chair, hoping the wrinkles from traveling would fall out overnight. After putting on some soft plush pajama pants and a t-shirt, he got to making his bed, haphazardly tucking his sheets in and throwing the comforter on top. Typically, Lis would take more care in his space – and would have unpacked before the first day – but he was too tired and especially anxious to care.

    All he managed to unpack was Lupe, feeding her and giving her some water before climbing into bed and turning his back on his night owl roommate, and passing out.


    Though Lis had fallen asleep quickly, his sleep was restless. Flames licked at him in his dreams, Cha-Cha’s disappointed face, and the professor that he’d just barely juked who’d seemed extremely strict – oh god, what if he had her class? He was in his dreams – and he was also expelled and put in prison for the fire, blamed for everything that he and Cha-Cha had done that evening.

    Upon hearing Vasu’s alarm he almost groaned and pulled his covers up – he would just take a few more minutes to sleep, it would be fine. He drifted asleep again and actually felt like he was sleeping this time, the nightmares plaguing him last night had melted away…

    Lis shot up in his bed and looked at the clock on Vasu’s desk and felt tears spring to his eyes. It was ten minutes before class was to start and he was still snuggled under his sheets. For only a brief moment did he consider skipping but he didn’t want his first day to start like this. He was usually very organized, waking up at least an hour before class and giving himself plenty of leisure time before his class started so he wouldn’t be stressed.

    He did not get this luxury today. He sprung out of bed, thankful he’d laid his clothes out the night before and quickly tossed them on before checking himself in a mirror on the wall, smoothing a couple of wrinkles out of his multicolored striped shirt before running out of the door, grabbing his already-packed shoulder bag for class and his wand.

    He didn’t even know where the classrooms were, and he already felt so late. He couldn’t believe this – why had he trusted himself to only sleep for a few more minutes? The panic welled up in his chest, regretting everything about his life before stopping an unassuming Ilvermorny student in the hallway and begging them for help.

    They escorted him to class and patted him on the shoulder and, almost as if they could sense his ever growing panic, said. β€œYou’ve got this dude, it’ll be alright.”

    Lis shrugged their hand off and said, β€œThanks,” disbelievingly before entering the classroom.

    As he did, he glanced around nervously before taking a seat in the back, without asking his neighbor if it was okay or even looking at them, not wanting to have to make eye contact or make small talk. He wouldn’t normally do this, but he chose the first seat he laid his eyes on and his anxiety planted him there. It didn’t look like the professor – Einar, who he was somewhat familiar with due to his father’s obsession with aurors – had gotten very far if he’d even started. Lis made himself busy with getting things out of his messenger bag – a pencil and his notebook, his textbook. He lined all of this on the table in front of him and nervously strained to listen to what was going on around him.

    the History of Magic classroom

    interaction: OPEN

    stressed, disappointed in himself


Indie giant Tech N9ne announces 20-date Canadian tour | HipHopCanada

Darweshi Nyache

Ilvermorny Dining Hall

"Note: Never cast spells when you're hungry..."

As he followed his nose through the halls of Ilvermorny, Darweshi couldn't help but compare the North American wizarding school to his own across the sea. The grey, granite walls evoked memories of Uagadou's, which also had rocky walls. The difference was that the African school had been constructed by way of carving into the side of a mountain. The way the students dressed and the atmosphere were also as liberal as Uagadou, with its boiling pot of innumerable African tribes and sub-cultures. However, Darweshi couldn't help but feel another emotion stir within himself upon recalling his school of origin. As much as this tournament was an opportunity to experience ways of life outside of his own, it also served as a much needed vacation away from a steadily constricting Uagadou. Prying eyes in high places wanted to give him grief, but he had no idea why. Well, he knew why, it's just didn't make sense that out of all the criminals and violators of rules to pursue, they would set their eyes on him. The Potions professor came from a long line of Maasai healers, so it was only natural that he take after his father and create medicine. And if the quality of his medicine was mystical in nature, that just alluded to the skill of its creator. And if this mystical medicine was distributed to those in need who weren't typically accustomed to medicine of that quality, then that was a blessing bestowed upon them. If only the Ugandan Ministry of Magic saw it that way. In their black and white, right and wrong sight, a violation of Wizarding Law was a violation of Wizarding Law, no matter how altruistic the intentions.

Warnings about Darweshi's use of his magical elixirs had been relayed, but there were only so many warnings that could be given before their use was shown to be ineffective. He would nod and politely listen, taking the reprimanding as a sign to be more careful next time he would set out. Now, he was being told he would have to submit to 'special inquiries' for a hearing with the Ministry. When? Certainly not for a while, as he had been selected by Uagadou's Headmaster to accompany two of the school's finest students to the upcoming Octowizard Tournament. But whenever the tournament ended and he returned to campus, he would have to stand before a council and answer questions such as 'why would he continuously commit such transgressions'? Perhaps they would sprinkle in some allusions to his muggle-born status with a 'where does your allegiance truly lie'? But right now, Darweshi's allegiance was to his rumbling belly, which had picked up on the stronger scent of food.

The Kenyan had arrived at his final destination. For the next hour at least. The Ilvermorny dining hall was just as he envisioned it, delicious breakfast morsels of all shapes, sizes and colors decorated the tables. And Darweshi was about to enjoy every single one of them. Word was it that the Americans knew how to throw down, and this display showed that those words weren't just myths. Word also had it that a belly like his would be commonplace among the country's citizens, but this student body looked regular sized for the most part. As he stepped onto the scene, Darweshi began formulating a game plan for his breakfast tray. Bacon and ham would make up the majority of his tray, with some eggs on the side. The pastries looked scrumdiddlyumptious, but the biggest mistake you could make in a buffet setting was to fill up on bread. As if his beloved wife Anima was behind him while he looked in the mirror, directing attention to his big belly, Darweshi reluctantly reduced the bacon portion of his tray and replaced it with a portion of whatever fruit was available. Very good, my Belly. Very, very good. You'll be rid of this thing yet, He could hear her say encouragingly.

But before he could get in line and set his meal plan into motion, a woman standing around took notice of him and began to approach him. The first thing he noticed about her was the impressive display of ink on her body. The piece he took the most interest in was the fox on her forearm, bones floating just above it. When he saw her face, he instantly recognized her eyes and facial features. The same ones stared back at him on the cover of a research book on Potions research he kept back in his home office.

Darweshi beamed with joy. "Azura Ito! It is a pleasure to meet!" He extended his hands out to take one of hers and excitedly shook it. As soon as he greeted her, his eyes widened. Wait, had she asked him a question? Yes! Where are the student schedules? The question silenced Darweshi, as if he had taken a second dose of the Draught of Living Death. Come on, Darweshi Nyache, think! A flashback brought him back to the beginning of his journey through the halls. He faintly remembered someone asking the same question to an attendant at a desk, the inquirer receiving a packet of paper. Aha! What was once a possibly embarrassing moment had now become a chance to do a little showing off.

Darweshi coughed and bowed his head. "Of course, I know! Just allow me to reach out and grab my paper! One moment!" The Potions professor rubbed his hands together in preparation and fluidly weaved his hands into hand signs, not unlike a certain cartoon from the other Potions professor's home country. In his mind, Darweshi envisioned the stack of papers the attendant had given the professor who had asked. When he felt himself ready, he announced the name of the spell he was about to cast. "Accio!"

From beyond where the two professors were standing, a packet of papers from a stack full of them levitated into the air and zoomed away from the desk it was on, to the astonishment of the Ilvermorny employee seated near them. Said packet flew through the air above the flowing traffic of students, in the direction of the dining hall. When Darweshi saw the packet of papers soaring through the air like a paper airplane, he extended his hand out to catch them. To his infinite shock, however, the papers overshot just enough to make impact with Azura's face with the force of four thin papers stapled together. Darweshi's eyes grew as wide as saucers at his blunder, flapping hands reaching out to grasp at the papers covering his idol's face.

"Ms. Ito, I am so so sorry and I apologize profusely! The papers were slippery and I just woke up and it's all so complicated! Please take my apology!" By now, students were putting eyes on the situation, giggling amongst themselves at Darweshi's butter fingers.
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Sigurd Berg

The Halls of Ilvermorny

"A walk gives me time to think."

Sigurd marched through the halls of Ilvermorny with a purpose. He was a man on a mission. And his first mission? Getting to the first class of the day. He could see the heads of passing students rotate to glance and stare at him as he walked, his fur coat and crimson Durmstrang uniform doing him no favors in the blending in department. Ilvermorny clearly lacked a centralized attire, with students wearing whatever they pleased. As for why he didn't change clothes in his dorm room? Sigurd reasoned with himself that word would spread of Clara's sudden departure eventually, so the people might as well lay eyes on her replacement. And he might as well make it easier on them figure out who it was. Not to mention, the boy didn't have much of a wardrobe to begin with. With three identical uniforms to rotate between, it looked like he was definitely going to give off the impression of a student full of pride for his school, despite his lack of it. Being chosen after an initial rejection was quite the juxtaposition, but the Durmstrang champion was proficient at thinking on his feet. And if he wanted a chance to win the tournament, he would have to do a lot of thinking. First things first, allies. As soon as class with Professor Einar concluded, he would need to locate and meet with his classmate and now teammate Piper. The fellow Durmstrang representative could then give him a report on what had happened during the tournament's opening night, as well as if there was anything or anyone to look out for. From there, it would be prudent to get eyes on the competition and make an appropriate first impression. But how should he approach that particular barrel of herring?

Social interactions were a delicate thing. Easy to get involved in, but hard to realign if something went wrong. Should he go for a display of strength, showing himself a confident and capable competitor to watch out for? Showing himself bold and brazen had its merits, but it would also put a target on his back. Alternatively, he could go for a laidback approach, refusing to show his speed in an attempt to sink under the radar. But acting easy-going could just as easily backfire as well, his behavior earning him a stamp on his forehead saying 'walk all over me, I won't do a thing about it'. Times like these, Sigurd wished he had someone to talk to, someone older who had been down this path before. The closest person who fit that bill was Father, who had been his guide and mentor since he could cast magic. Sigurd, you have the disposition of a soggy slice of bread. Puff your chest out and let them all know that a Berg is in their presence, he would declare with that dark glint in his eyes that emerged whenever he was impassioned. Sigurd's thoughts then turned to his mother. Relax, Sigurd. You're overworking yourself. People like someone who isn't afraid to be vulnerable, so show them that you are approachable and I'm sure things will work out. Sigurd found himself shaking his head in reality. Putting a soft underside on display for all the wolves to see? Advice befitting Father's counterbalance.

The Durmstrang student pinched his forehead, not any closer to coming up with an answer to his predicament. In any case, he was rapidly approaching the classroom where History of Magic was being held. Just another walk down a corridor, a right turn and Sigurd would have arrived. At this point, he longed to walk into the classroom, open a book and engross himself in a life that wasn't his own, but that wouldn't get rid of the problem. Like it or not, he would have to decide quickly. And to his frustration, he still could only come up with nothing as he reached the end of the corridor and made the turn. The door stood before him, students already inside and taking their seats. Suddenly, a third voice made itself heard. Go with the flow, Sigurd. Listen to your body and trust your instincts in the moment. He almost instantly frowned upon the idea. Go with the flow? Play things by ear? Sigurd nearly scoffed aloud at the sheer ridiculousness of this voice. If you're going to make it in life, you need a plan. If one desired to go on a trip, a map was the first thing they would need. At this point, Sigurd resigned himself to straddling some sort of thin line between the first two choices. Confident when need be, but also taking care not to draw too much attention towards himself. The third, he had no idea what to do with. It was a voice he had never heard from before or cared to identify. Placing a hand on the doorknob, he opened it up and briefly stood in the doorway, taking it all in before eyes were laid upon the newcomer. Here goes nothing.
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Ilvermorny - The Grand Hall
When the morning sun began to peek through the slats of the shuttered window in his dormitory, Theo squinted lazily, releasing a growl like that of a hibernating grizzly bear as he rolled away from the cumbersome brightness. The morning had come too soon, and sleep had evaded him for far too long to provide any real respite from the day prior. He could vaguely make out the gentle pattering of mouselike footsteps creeping quietly around the room, no doubt the boy from Durmstrang who Theo had yet to acquaint himself with. It certainly wasn’t Sebastian, who much like Theo himself, had never been an early riser. As the footsteps continued, Theo very seriously considered launching his pillow towards the source of the incessant scuttling with a hissed β€˜shut up’ but instead, he opted to pull his pillow over his head, wagering he could do with a few more minutes of rest before the day began.

By the time Theo had returned to the dorm last night, both his roommates had been in bed… whether they had been sleeping or not, Theo hadn’t cared to check. But for one reason or another, they had left him the single bed and chosen the vertically stacked bunk beds for themselves. Theo liked to think it was because, deep down, they knew he would’ve made their lives a living hell if one of them had dared to stake a claim on the secluded single… but perhaps it was just preference. He didn’t care much either way.

Realizing that, eventually, he would have to leave the comfort of his bed and seize the day, he decided to get the suffering over with, blinking his eyes a few more times as he sat upright and swung his long legs over the side of the bed, the wooden floor tepid against the soles of his feet. He found himself greeted by a set of amber eyes peering back at him expectantly, a black and white feline sat patiently on the floor between two of the beds, its tail twitching back and forth rhythmically. β€œWhat?” Theo inquired flatly, for some reason half expecting the cat to scold him for his untimely arrival last night.

The cat let out a soft mew as Theo rose to his feet, pausing a moment before reluctantly reaching down to give it a few scratches behind the ear. He may not have been the warmest person in the world… but he wasn’t heartless. He liked cats, their trust needed to be earned, they weren’t blindly loyal idiots like most dogs were. With a final yawn he turned his attention to his suitcase, which had yet to be unpacked or even opened. Unhooking the golden clasps that kept it shut, he withdrew a pair of black slacks and a gray sweater for the day. Back home, he would’ve dawned his green Slytherin tie as dress code required, but today he opted for a more casual look. Running his fingers through his tousled brown locks a few times, he decided that his hair looked good enough as it was. He didn’t have the patience for any more preening anyways, his stomach was already grumbling in anticipation of breakfast.

Slipping out of his dorm wordlessly, he began meandering the halls of Ilvermorny searching for food. The path to the grand hall was relatively direct, but he would’ve been able to find it even if he hadn’t known the way. The mouthwatering aroma of cinnamon and roasting meat permeated the halls as he grew closer to the source. When he arrived in the crowded mess hall he couldn't help but search the sea of faces for Chitrita... she had disappeared so suddenly last night he had found himself wondering if she had been injured... or perhaps she had decided that she wanted nothing to do with the mischief Theo and Vasu seemed so intent on involving themselves with. The lack of explanation had left his mind spiralling, but for some reason he couldn't forget the look of utter terror that had painted her features. If he wans't so hungry, the memory might've tied his stomach in knots. However, the mess hall was brimming with breakfast options each more enticing than the last, french toast and sizzling bacon, pancakes, fresh fruit … it almost rivaled the breakfast spreads back at Hogwarts, save the delectable cinnamon buns he had become so fond of over the years.

With the basic human urge to consume calories overriding his worrisome thoughts of Chitrita, he began filling his plate with a hefty portion of something called β€˜Canadian bacon’ - which appeared to be exactly the same as regular ham but Theo wasn’t complaining. A few pancakes were added to his tray and subsequently smothered in maple syrup, and a couple spoonfuls of scrambled eggs on the side. Then he spotted the piece de resistance - a brilliantly colored, ruby red apple practically beckoned to him from a picture perfect bowl of brightly colored fruits that he imagined would’ve been the perfect subject for an amateur painter. He reached out his hand to pluck the apple for himself only to be squandered in his attempt when a much smaller, quicker hand darted out and beat him to it.

His brows furrowed in annoyance and he turned to snap at whoever had dared to steal his crown jewel from him. His eyes landed on a girl with skin the color of coffee before the cream had been stirred in. Her ebony hair was pulled back neatly in braids and her dark eyes glimmered like flames as she met his glare with a challenging gaze of her own. Theo’s eyes darkened and there was a slight bulge in his jawline as he gritted his teeth. β€œBy all means… help yourself.” his growling voice dripped with sarcasm as he picked up his tray once more, opting for a slightly more pink apple as a replacement.
coded by natasha.
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Malaika Odion
Uagadou Champion
location here
mood here
outfit here

The warmth of the sun upon her face was annoying and wonderful all at the same time. She was currently missing the feeling of the blazing heat upon her but experiencing other places was also wonderful. She slowly lifted the comforter off of herself before sliding out of the bed bare feet touching the floor sent a jostle through her system of the shock of it. β€œOof that’ll certainly wake oneself up.”she said to herself with a shake of her head. Her gaze looked around not seeing Aurelia figuring the other was either buried deep in her bed or already out of their room for the morning. She grabbed some clothing that was more styled for this place yet still had the splashes of color from her own home school. It wasn’t long but still longer than she had planned getting ready. The warmth of the shower had been rather hard to leave. So once out she had used some magic to quickly dry herself and style her hair into a perfect plait down her back. The scent of raspberries filtered off of her as she headed towards the scent of fresh food curious about what breakfast would be like here. She had learned some of the foods were very greasy here or a different type of fatty compared to her home foods. So she thought about going for something simple and plain today, wanting her stomach to feel at ease during her first lesson.

As she entered the dining hall she was just in time to see her professor have papers sail right through his hands and hit one of his new colleagues right in the face. She blinked momentarily stunned before delicately moving her finger a spell in her mind Episky, a minor spell to heal minor injuries wanting to make sure Professor Ito had no marks upon her face after her professors blunder while he apologized like crazy. There was no way she could let the poor man suffer alone so she moved swiftly to his side. β€œApologies for interrupting Professor Ito, Professor Nyache.”she said, giving a respectful dip of her head towards Professor Ito. β€œIf I may help my dear professor here. He means would you please accept his apology. In his haste to help he seems to have miscalculated the trajectory of the papers. Also if you don’t mind my saying this I think you’ve made him a tad nervous as you are someone he respects greatly as you both specialize in the same subject. I think in his haste to help.”she glanced at him, her eyes softening knowing he had certainly meant no ill will whatsoever. β€œThat this has caused what could be taken as a misunderstanding of ill will and I can assure you with everything in my being this was not the case.”she said looking back at the other professor. She was trying to soothe the situation while also giving her professor a moment to take a breath and regain himself once more.

coded by natasha.

  • Professor Birger Einar
    Durmstrang - Male - Pureblood - History of Magic Professor

    The morning did not start off in the chipper manner Einar would have liked. Not only had he spent the majority of his night worrying for Cha-Cha and his recovery from the nasty bite the young man received but he had been awoken early to be informed that the Winter twins were to be sent home. According to the official reports being filed, it seemed Clara had committed quite the act of arson and vandalism with her brother's aid and the two were no longer welcome to take place in the tournament. Claws gripped Einar’s heart as he watched the carriage pull away with Clara and Cosmo tucked inside. This entire situation did not sit right with him because while the Winter twins could have their troublesome moments, such blatant crimes were not their usual brand or at least they were better about not being caught. Sending them off to deal with the school and likely their parents as well did not sit well on the old mans mind, his grip on his cane tightening at the thought of the senior members of the Winter family. Every interaction he had had with Cosmo and Clara’s mother and father often left him itching to find reasons to keep the children away from their home, part of the reason he had advocated for both to join him for this tournament.

    Glacier blue eyes narrowed and he shook his head ever so slightly before turning and beginning to make his way back through the courtyard of Ilvermorny. The old man had no doubt that the new Durmstrang champion would already have arrived while he had been tasked with seeing the Winter twins off. Sigurd Berg was a young man Einar had taken notice of during the few times their paths had crossed in classes or during events back at Durmstrang. The young man seemed to carry himself with confidence and a calm demeanor though Einar has also witnessed him struggle to connect with others in ways that may help the young man as he grows. As important as diligence and dedication can be the elder History of Magic professor couldn’t help but feel learning to breach his cold exterior and allow others in may be incredibly beneficial to Sigurd in the long run.

    While the other members of the staff at Durmstrang, Headmaster Aprilov included, may have been less than fond of the idea that Sigurd join this tour Einar had made quite the case for the young man. It hadn’t been easy but despite his age and calmer spirit Einar was still a warrior at heart and knew how to win the battles that mattered. In his eyes, Sigurd mattered, and Einar believed with his whole heart that being a part of this grand tournament and all the moments involved with it would help the young man. It was a once in a life time opportunity and even if Durmstrang did not win Einar would feel accomplished just knowing both Sigurd and Piper had taken part in it.

    Einar had certainly not forgotten about the other student left under his care. He had considered that the young man might be good for a bid for champion but in the insanity of the night prior Einar had spotted the young man in the infirmary and what he saw gave him pause. Piper had been tucked into a room with a young woman his aged mind recalled being named Naomi. The blonde male was a silent sentry keeping watch over her and while Einar did not dare to intrude he did observe. Piper took so much onto himself, it was a trait Einar respected and admired in the young man, but it could also eat him alive. At current it hadn’t felt right to add any greater stressors to the young man's plate, not when he was clearly carrying so much already. Keeping him as a secondary had seemed the best course of action and even hours later he did not find himself regretting the decision. Piper would be a good secondary to Sigurd, he could see his small team working well together and had confidence that Durmstrang would recover from this chaotic first night.

    Entering the halls of Ilvermorny among the waves of students the broad-shouldered elder viking of a man cut his way through the crowd. His cane tapped along with his stride as he passed through the stone archways and caught a whiff of breakfast that left his stomach growling. Looking at his pocket watch he knew he did not have the time to stop and eat if he wanted to make it to his class on time. The students would likely already be gathering and who was he to keep them waiting? Cutting across a small courtyard and ascending a carved staircase the old man soon found himself at the doors of his classroom which were already open with several students inside. β€œGood morning!” He called out with his thunderous voice easily heard over the chatter. His brilliant blue gaze was a blaze of delight as he smiled and limped towards the front of the room. β€œWe still have time before class begins but if any of you have anything you would like to bring to my attention do not be afraid to approach.” He offered as he reached his desk. β€œTake some time to get to know your classmates as well, you’ll all be making this journey together after all.” He winked and it was unclear if the words were meant to be about his class or the tournament in general.

    Mentions: Sigurd TobiornotTobi TobiornotTobi Piper honeycoves honeycoves BUT ALSO OPEN FOR INTERACTION!

MOOD: neutral

OUTFIT: outfit (click!)

LOCATION: Bedroom / History of Magic Classroom

TL;DR: Got ready for the day, ate breakfast, observing HoM class. Open for interactions.
Aadesh had risen early to a silent castle, a luxury he was glad he could afford. After everyone had practically ran off when his cane was stolen, he had spent the night being chatted up by a young Ilvermorny professor. Detained by his chair and lack of mobility device, she had cornered him and spent far too long chattering his ear off in an ill-concealed attempt to flirt with him. She flipped her long blonde hair, and batted the fake lashes that seemed so big she'd fly away if she flapped them any harder. He could only do his best to smile, and respond with witty quips and well-placed winks every now and then. When she was finally beckoned away by a colleague, he seized the opportunity to clumsily locate his sleeping quarters, using the walls for support where he could as he haphazardly limped away. Once in his room, he hastily applied an anti-alohomora charm to his door, planning to keep anyone and everyone on the other side of the door. The wear of the day and the strain of upkeeping his transfigured appearance left him weary and exhausted. He hardly even took a moment to remove his suit jacket before his disguise came crumbling down and he collapsed on his bed.

This morning, he caught sight of his true appearance for what felt like the first time in months. He had spent so long training his ability and working on creating a convincing Bellamy that he almost never appeared as himself. Not to mention, he rarely had time to stop and look in the mirror as Aadesh. He had been walking to undress and shower before the day started and the tournament officially commenced when he caught a flash of his own reflection, prompting him to stop. Even with a worn, thin Bellamy being his typical suit of armor, his suit jacket still hung even looser on his own frame. His pants were a couple inches too short, Aadesh being tall for a young Indian man, and his sleeves didn't reach his wrists. He turned his head side to side, taking in the appearance of his face. His features were practically foreign to him after all this time. His square nose, pouty lips, almond eyes were all features Aadesh Pawar had always had. But he was a different man now. A better man. He ran his fingers through his overgrown, black hair, taking his appearance in one last time before returning to his original task.

Showered and dressed, his day started the same way most had as of late: with a healthy shot of polyjuice potion. This particularly strong batch offered him roughly 16 hours of disguise, any minute stretching passed that required his transfiguration skills to maintain the visage. He'd been perfecting his timing for awhile, and while it was particularly strenuous, he was confident in his own abilities. He had waited patiently for the right time to leave, taking his polyjuice potion shot just moments before exiting. The potion was thick and silky, sporting a dark golden color and a vague sparkly quality. It tasted of weak coffee and stale bread, but was largely tolerable. In a matter of seconds, his clothes fit, his point of view was slightly shorter, and a terrible aching in his knee prompted him to locate his backup cane(it was occurring to him he may need a backup backup cane, but that was an issue for later).

After a sugary breakfast, he wasn't half as free as most of the other professors likely were. Bellamy had never taught a class before, and was given the option by the Ilvermorny headmaster(at the request of the Hogwarts headmaster and the International School Board for Magical Institutions) to observe either Care of Magical Creatures or History of Magic as a precursor to teaching his own Magical Languages course. While Care of Magical Creatures was a more interesting subject to him, he knew that History of Magic was better format-wise and that Magical Languages would likely be similar to History of Magic. He grabbed a coffee to-go and found his way to Einar's classroom. He settled quietly in the back, resting his cane on his toes and settling in comfortably into a rather uncomfortable chair.
he got murder in his eyes
He wore the silence like a mask
now he's making up for
all the violence in his past
code by valen t.

Vasu Saini // β€œthe Snake Charmer” // Male // 5th Year // Koldovstoretz Champion // Parselmouth

Mey and Vasu alighted on the bench next to Ramona as a conspicuous hush fell over the assembled students, like a plague spreading. Bodies spun backwards in their seats, heads craning to see the culprits of the lingering noise. Vasu was just plunking his shoddy messenger bagβ€”the dark leather flaking off in pale patches, occasionally leaving a trail behind him, and one of the zippers irreparably jammedβ€”onto the floor beside their bench when his gaze connected with that of the heavily tattooed professor. She was giving Mey and him the evil eye, and all of his new classmates were watching the silent exchange with bated breath to see if the pair of Koldovstoretz representatives would receive a reprimand before the first class was underway. Vasu felt a furious blush climbing up his neck.
Mercifully, she spared them the embarrassment. Or at least, Vasu thought initially it was a merciful choice. And then, as if deciding that the contents of her bag held a more frightful punishment than anything a mere doll-like woman could dish out on her own, her first words rang in an ominous warning. A silvery tendril of hair slithering in front of her face, she reached down and grasped an ordinary-looking burlap sack. An ear-splitting sound like an air horn being devoured by a woodchipper erupted from the bag. The interior of it suddenly lit up bright orange. Inexplicably, a dark shape that was hundreds of times too large to fit in the burlap sack exploded from it. It was a pool of darkness so vivid that it looked like liquid, as if someone had left a window open in a house and the night had dripped against wallpaper and furniture, dimming the glow of lamps. Another deafening wail rattled Vasu’s bones and made him clamp his hands over his ears. Fear raced through him, melting all thought. The massive creatureβ€”a dragonβ€”lifted off the ground slightly, its wings stirring the air as it levitated, its triangular head rearing high over the students. Being at the topmost row of the amphitheater, its fiery gaze naturally burned into Vasu and Mey.
In Hindu mythology, dragons were never officially denounced as evil, but their moral inclinations tended to lean that way. In most tales, they were savage villains bent on destroying towns and gobbling innocents, ignorant to or uncaring of the widespread apocalypse they caused. Vritra was the most famous of dragons in Indian lore, an asura, or demon, that had emerged from cosmic waters during the birth of the universe. His body stretched infinitely across the sky, his numerous heads bringing havoc to numerous parts of the world at once. Vritra ruthlessly slayed any proud warrior who dared stand up to him, dismembering and incinerating them invariably. The only foe whose might stood a chance of bringing down this enemy to humankind was Indra, king of the gods. Their battle raged for years, and then decades, and then centuries. Finally, using a weapon that he had fashioned out of the thunder and lightning itself called the vajra, Indra struck Vritra dead and restored the droughted and famished lands to their former glory.
Vasu froze under the colossal reptile’s gaze, numb with panic. Its vertical pupils made it hard to tell precisely where it was looking, but its head was still riveted in his and Mey’s direction. He wasn’t sure if the best strategy was to lower his gaze or return its unblinking stare, but he found himself too afraid to tear his eyes away, lest a cage of teeth snap him up while he wasn’t looking. He imagined what he was experiencing right now was akin to the last frantic thoughts to cross a woodland creature’s mind as it spotted an owl’s shadow passing through the moonlight. Vasu detested nature. Anything that defied control couldn’t be trusted. It would always be an unknown variable. In India, earthquakes and floods were responsible for more yearly deaths than Dark wizards ever were. Every once in a while, children would disappear into the forest and never return because a ghostly nishi had lured them in with its whispers, or a gandeberunda, a vicious two-headed bird, would peck the eyes out of its human prey before devouring them. In the cautionary tales that Vasu had grown up on, nature was always a punishing agent, a force of chaos too great to be tamed or predicted, and thus it was feared.
Finally, still eyeing Vasu forebodingly, the colossal beast folded its wings and lowered its sinuous body onto the ground. There was such force of impact that a student who had risen from her seat to retrieve a pencil she’d dropped was thrown to her knees and gave a little shriek when she almost joined it as it tumbled over the lip of the aisle and down to the amphitheater’s next level. Vasu’s mouth felt dry as he watched her fingers scrabble for purchase against the smooth stone, halting her momentum just in time. Why do I have to take this godsforsaken class? was his first coherent thought since the dragon had emerged. Why the hell does Ilvermorny make this nonsense a requirement, rather than something useful? Like Ancient Runes. Or Music. Shit, even Dark Arts has more practical applications than pissing off a dragon and that being the end of everything you know.
Lost in brooding over the injustice of mandatory electives, Vasu allowed himself to space out while the professorβ€”whose name he still did not know because she had introduced the dragons in place of herselfβ€”called on various students. His eyes narrowed when he noticed a familiar figure at the base of the amphitheater, almost completely obscured by the dragon’s girth. Tucked away in a quiet corner was the Wine Man himself, Professor Vinogradov. He was dressed in surprisingly spiffy attire, sipping from his ever-present coffee cup and watching the lesson with thinly disguised befuddlement. Oh, good. So Vasu wasn’t the only one who had felt ambushed and very much endangered by the dragon’s sudden appearance. He remembered how one of his Quidditch mates from Koldovstoretz, Alexei, always advocated taking off the first week of classes because syllabi was all that was covered. As tempted as Vasu had been to escape this drudgery with creatures that were magical accidents, he had roused himself out of bed on the off-chance thatβ€”
A faux-polite clearing of the throat. Vasu jumped at the sound of his name leaving the professor’s lips. He supposed it was only natural that she knew his name after last night’s ceremony, but still. It felt unnatural, not to have been introduced to her and for her to know his name but not the reverse. She was staring at him with her head cocked on an imperious angle, waiting for him to answer a question he hadn’t been paying attention to. Assuming that this was still the prompt for miscellaneous facts about the Hebridean Black, Vasu stammered for only half a second before he dredged something up from his memory.
β€œUm…” He was confronted once again with an ocean of eyes as the entire class swiveled in their seats to regard him. His voice projected startlingly from the top of the amphitheater. β€œIt’s common practice for the Ministry of Magic, MACUSA, and other national legislatures to erase it from Muggles’ memories whenever they encounter one.” The young pixie-faced professor continued pinning him with that knifelike stare, as if this were an unsatisfactory answer and she was giving Vasu a chance to redeem himself. Which was fair, he supposed, since his comment was true of all dragons and not just the Hebridean Black. He strained his memory and grasped at straws. β€œ...They also happen to be the mascot for the Banchory Badgers, which is a Scottish Quidditch team. Indicating that the Hebridean Black is likely native to Scotland,” he finished uncertainly. It took all of his composure not to squeak out a maybe at the end of that conjecture, because Vasu had no idea where the dragon originated from. He was equally unsure whether the professor would deem this answer acceptable. Meanwhile, the Hebridean Black in question was busying itself blowing smoke rings into the air, and the acrid stench made Vasu wrinkle his nose even from the back of the class.
Angelique Chimere
location here
mood here
outfit here

interactions come here

There was something amusing about seeing all the different reactions to a large dragon bursting forth from a bag. She was unsurprised when many students screamed, jumped, ducked, or hid the best they could. Those who stayed looking calm were those she thought might just one day do well in this field if they so choose. Her eyes narrowed and her French accent would become heavier every time a student gave a disappointing answer, not that she expected them to know everything but they were in their final years of school they should be quicker on the uptake at this point. She had called on one of the champions when he seemed to be zoning out. Her eyes narrowed and head tilted waiting on an answer as he gave such a mediocre answer that she clicked her tongue in disapproval. Her eyes were not leaving him as she gave him one last chance to give a better answer. He seemed to rattle off some information and even then he seemed so unsure of it that she was surprised he hadn’t slid down into his seat just to hide himself away. A hand raised flicking the silver piece of hair out of her face clear disappointment upon it.”Yes the Hebridean Black is native to Scotland. Now can anyone else tell me more or is this the best any of you can do?”she asked, looking around at all the students. She didn’t expect them to know everything but what little they did know made her question how all these other schools taught their students. It wasn’t that uncommon for dragons to cause mayhem, yes they typically were swiftly dealt with but creatures such as these could do whatever they liked most the time so one would think you’d be more prepared for such a thing.

She allowed the students to answer or question things before continuing on with the lesson. The great beast behind her blinked its purple eyes still moving its head to watch the students every now and then as if it was debating on what to do. The youngling on her arm squirmed and spit out fire every so often causing a rumbling sound from its mothers chest. The bat-like wings stretching high into the sky before folding once more as smoke rings continued curling out of her muzzle in apparent boredom. β€œAlright, I'll ask an easy question now. What other dragon breed is typically found in the same area as the Hebridean Black? They are far less aggressive and so they typically have a smaller range needed. Can anyone tell me which dragon breed it is?”she asked waiting on someone to raise their hand and answer. Her gaze flicked towards someone who had quickly raised their hand.”Yes you there.”she said giving the students name as she awaited an answer. β€œThe Welsh Green which is smaller and less aggressive.”the student answered earning a nod of approval from Angelique.”Very good.”she said before turning back towards the large black dragon her purple gaze still upon the students as she suddenly opened her wings fully and with two powerful strokes of her wings that sent many of the students belongs scattering due to the intense winds she soared up into the sky before diving back down earning more screams from the students. The dragon however had disappeared much like how it had first burst out of the bag it had gone back in.”Now with her back in the bag. I will let you all see the baby up close. Anyone who wishes may come down here and few him though I tell you this now. If any of you try anything you’ll find yourselves in detention faster than you can say Hebridean.”she warned them before allowing those who were brave enough or curious enough to move down to where she stood.

coded by natasha.

  • Aurelia Quansah
    Uagadou - Female - Pure Blood - Secondary

    Her adventures in the library the night prior had led to Auri tracking down several other books that caught her eye and she hoped to look into checking out once she had time the next day. She made a mental note of the titles and authors but also knew she would remember exactly where she had found them and be able to retrace her footsteps once she was ready to check the works of literature out. This was one of the admittedly many times she was grateful for her eidetic memory as she knew that come morning she would be able to remember the layout of the stacks she had wandered through the night prior.

    She had been on her way back towards the dormitories when the young Uagadou student rounded the corner and found herself face to face with a professor she remembered seeing earlier who she recalled had been named Professor Chimere. A short yet delightful conversation had been struck up between the two as Auri had seldom ever been shy speaking with professors and Professor Chimere was quite a fascinating woman to speak with. Toward the end of their brief conversation, the subject of schedules came up and Auri mentioned that she would be seeing Professor Chimere first thing as Care of Magical Creatures would be her first class in the morning. The gears in the professors head seemed to start turning as a heartbeat later she inquired if Auri would be able to do her a favor. Explaining that she would need to get to class early to set up and thus not have time to pick up a package being delivered closer to class starting Professor Chimere informed Auri that if she were to pick it up and bring it to class how much of a help it would be. Discussing the details further Auri had made sure to understand where and when to pick up the package as well as how to handle it. Professor Chimere was very open with the information and even acknowledged that the pickup might make her a bit late for class but since Auri was helping her it would be alright. Coming to this agreement the young Uagadou student was delighted to assist the woman who would be her professor.

    Now, the next morning, Auri stood in the Great Hall waiting for the courier from Beauxbatons to appear with the parcel for her to pick up. She had her gaze flicking from the book in front of her up and around the room every few seconds to ensure she didn’t miss anything as she strolled around. Most students had come and gone already and she was well aware of how soon it was until classes would begin. Being late to class wasn’t something Auri ever took part in, her respect for her education and the professor's time being too great as well as the fact that repeated tardiness could smudge her image in her families eyes. Sighing as the clock drew closer to class beginning she closed her book and tucked it into her bag. At some point in her pacing, she had come to stand in front of the massive table lined with food for all the students and staff to enjoy as their first meal. A splash of red caught her eye and reminded her that it had been quite some time since she had really eaten. She had politely picked at her dinner the night before but had been far more interested in taking in all the people as well as her new location and learning as much as she could for strategy sake. Now she felt her stomach claw with hunger and the beautiful crimson skin of the apple before her called to her like a siren song. Reaching forward she grabbed it eagerly, not registering the mirrored hand that had also been intent on selecting the same fruit.

    Glancing up towards the figure on the other side of the long table she was met with fired-up amber eyes glaring into her own which she met in kind. Any apology she might have been considering giving died the moment the young man, Theodore West, decided to get so heated over an apple. She could read the annoyance in the tightness of his jaw, the furrowing of his brow, and the slight flare of his nostrils. When he spoke his words were a low growl that oozed layers of sarcasm that seemed far out of place for a simple misunderstanding over fruits.

    β€œI believe I just did.” She replied and held her head with all the pride of the lioness who raised her. β€œThough it is so very kind of you to give me your blessing, I didn’t realize such a thing was necessary.” She added with her own sarcasm cutting into her words and showing that his foul mood wouldn’t cause her to waver or cower before him. Her dark cocoa gaze remained locked on him for several heartbeats longer until he finally picked up his packed breakfast tray in one hand while selecting a lighter-shaded apple with the other. β€œEnjoy.” She called after him as she took a bite into the apple she held in her hand and turned to go her own way.

    It didn’t take her long to make swift work of the fruit and just as she finished disposing of the core the bells for the start of the first classes rang. She was officially late but felt at ease knowing she would be late with Professor Chimere’s blessing. Not even a minute after the bell rang a scrawny older gentleman with a blue ribbon tied around his hat that was very similar to the Beauxbatons uniform shade appeared at the door of the great hall. In his gnarled hands, he held a package that bore the French school's crest.

    Approaching the elderly wizard Auri formally introduced herself and produced the letter given to her by Professor Chimere that signed off for her to collect the parcel on the professors behalf. Opening the parchment and taking a healthy amount of time to look it over with a beady green gaze the old man soon seemed satisfied with what was written and placed the bag into Auri’s hands. β€œThank you, sir.” She nodded her head and gave him a kind and formal smile before the two parted ways and she began to make her way down the halls with the package in her arms and her bag at her side.

    Weaving her way through the maze of halls that made up the American wizarding academy it didn’t take too long for Auri to find her way outside and headed down the path towards the fields where Care of Magical Creatures was being held. As she drew near it was all too easy to spot the dragon and she couldn’t help but let a small smile of admiration pull at her lips, Professor Chimere clearly wanted to start the year off strong. As she arrived at the edge of the group and carefully placed the parcel down so Professor Chimere could gain easy access to it she heard the question raised by the woman standing between the dragon and the class. Raising her hand she waited for acknowledgement from the French professor before speaking. β€œThe Hebridean Black are often observed to be more aggressive than the Common Welsh Green dragon and other dragons found in the British Isles. However, there has been documentation to indicate that they aren’t completely without mercy as some might choose to believe. They have been noted to spare some witches and wizards who provide it with aid or compassion…though it is not guaranteed.” She had read a book about the dragons of the world and the way magical cultures had formed around them a few months ago and remembered being absolutely enthralled by the subject.

    Mentions: Theo WanderLust. WanderLust. Angelique Wolfiee Wolfiee


  • Naomi Eun Hai (De Vries)
    Beauxbatons - Female - Muggle Born - Secondary

    The air didn’t smell right. That was the first thing Naomi’s mind dragged to the surface as she began to regain consciousness. How had she gone from standing patiently in the courtyard that smelled of dewy grass and burning torches to…laying down tucked into a bed with sheets that smelled freshly cleaned and strongly of antiseptics and healing herbs? Though her eyes had yet to open her delicate brow furrowed in confusion and she shifted ever so slightly, her muscles barking in protest. It felt as though she had just run a marathon and a half without time to warm up or cool down, then been hit by a bludger a few dozen times. None of it made sense. The last thing she could recall was watching Piper’s towering figure race off into the dark outer halls of the Ilvermorny castle. He had been acting odd, or at least she assumed the way he had acted was peculiar but then again she didn’t know him well enough to tell if the young man was always so flighty or not. Now it felt as though she had blinked and suddenly the world around her had completely shifted.

    Hesitantly pale lids began to part ever so slightly and through her thick lashes Naomi began to take in her surroundings. Her nose had not fooled her, blinking a few times the young woman's mahogany gaze took in the telltale signs of a schools hospital wing. She hadn’t spent much time in one as a patient before but during quidditch season last year, her friend Godfrey had taken a bludger to the head and ended up with a nasty concussion that put him on bed rest in the Beauxbatons hospital wing for a few days. During that time she spent almost all of her free periods by his side and even did her homework next to his bed so the overly social young man wouldn’t suffer from a dreadful bout of FOMO during his recovery. It was odd to now be the one waking to find herself in a cocoon of blankets with no memory of how she had come to be there.

    Looking around quietly she spotted a chair next to her bed. Someone had been sitting with her while she was unconscious. Reaching a pale hand up to run through her soft rose gold and blonde locks, feeling along her scalp for any signs of abuse. How long had she been out? Who had been sitting with her? Was it one of her schoolmates? Professor Chimere? Piper? She had no idea but whoever it was had either left or been forced out given the time. Glancing out the window the dark velvet blue sky was beginning to pale with the first signs of dawn. Narrowing her gaze Naomi gathered that she had at least been out a good few hours provided that the new day was the first day of classes and not the dawn of a morning days or weeks from when she had been in the courtyard. Instantly her gut twisted with guilt and anxiety. What if she had been unconscious for so long that she had been unable to help Raph and Kiara with the first challenge? The thought felt like a knife twisting in her already sore chest. She hated the idea that she would let them down so early on and for reasons she couldn’t even remember.

    After sitting in silence for quite some time, her dark earthy eyes taking in the sun as it reached towards the sky to bring in a new day, the curtain beside her bed finally shifted. A petite nursing witch poked her head in and looked surprised to make eye contact with the young woman sitting up in the bed, pillows propped behind her to keep her comfortable and upright. β€œMy stars. Didn’t think you’d be up and at’em so soon.” The witch breathed, her southern accent thickly layered into her words as she approached Naomi and began examining her. β€œYa been out cold for a few hours Peach, wasn’t sure when you were gonna wake up. Felt bad having to send your little friend out of here but the little darlin’ looked like he needed some rest too.” The older woman sighed with a small smile as she took Naomi’s wrist between her fingers and checked her pulse.

    So she had only been out a few hours. Good. It wasn’t as bad as she had feared it might be. Hearing the nurse mention having to send someone away had Naomi blinking innocently up at her. β€œBoy?” She asked softly, her voice as gentle as ever.

    β€œWhy sure, the youngster who brought you in here.” The nurse nodded and moved on to her next exam. β€œHe was all worked up and posted himself next to you all night. You have a good friend in him hon, I’m sure he’ll be over the moon to see you all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.” The petite woman chuckled and continued her work in silence as Naomi played the perfect patient. Her mind worked through what the nurse had told her and it didn’t take a genius to recognize that the older woman had to be talking about Piper. He was the one she had last been with so of course he must have been the one to come back and find her and then bring her here. But why had he stayed? Was he just that kind of person? Did he care that much? Did he know what had happened to her? She couldn’t be certain but along with all the swirling confusion of her mind, she couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter with gratitude. Piper had stayed by her side and by the sounds of it he had been worried. While in the back of her mind, she knew this might have been for ulterior motives Naomi chose to believe it was because of the young man's good nature. She didn’t know him well yet but she did believe he had a good heart, if that made her naive then so be it.

    Once the sun was fully showing on the horizon the world around Naomi began to wake too. She could hear other patients and see people walking past to find the beds that housed those they wished to visit. When the curtain pulled away again she thought it was the nurse, Sunny she had learned, returning with a potion she had promised would help with her body aches. Instead, Naomi was met with the stone-blue gaze of a familiar sandy-blonde Durmstrang student. β€œPiper.” She greeted with a soft smile, her words just above a whisper. She shifted slightly in the hospital bed as he rushed to her side and winced slightly as her muscles protested. β€œI believe I’ve felt better after playing quidditch in a hail storm.” She joked gently, a delicate chuckle laced into her tone, and hoped he would take the playful words as a good sign despite how carefully she moved herself where she sat. He looked stressed, his lips drawn and his jaw working as he sat beside her. Her brow furrowed in worry and confusion as she watched him. β€œAre you alright? Do you need me to send for a nurse?” She offered, clearly forgetting that she was the one in the hospital bed.

    He was quick to dismiss her worry and offer of aid, stating that his stress was over missing class more than anything. She watched him carefully, not fully buying his story but decided that if he didn’t want to delve into what was bothering him then she would not pry. Not when he had spent the night looking after her. β€œOh…” She blinked and thought about his question. β€œI’m fine. Really.” She insisted and gave him a reassuring smile. β€œI think this hospital bed was made for rock trolls though…my muscles are aching.” She muttered a bit absently and shook her head which triggered another small wince. Her brow furrowed slightly again upon hearing his next question. β€œRemember?” She let out a soft breath as the word left her pale lips. β€œI believe…no, I know…” She found her gaze meeting Piper’s again. β€œThe last thing I saw was you running down that hall. It is like I blinked and then the next moment I was here.” She glanced around the hospital wing. β€œI must have…passed out…or maybe someone thought it would be funny to slip me a sleeping potion…” She was clearly at a loss as to what happened and looked into Piper’s stormy blue gaze. β€œWhat was I like when you found me? Was there anyone else there with me? Is there any possibility I was on the ill-timed receiving end of a jinx?”

    Mentions: Piper honeycoves honeycoves

History of Magic Classroom
Kiara’s head was pounding when her eyelids finally flickered open that morning, as though her brain had been jam packed with too many thoughts and was now throbbing, close to bursting from the strain. She had dragged herself out of bed with significant effort, her chestnut brown hair falling in her face, tangled in messy waves which she used her fingers to comb through. The girl that looked back at her from the mirror’s surface was a sore sight, her cheeks flushed but her complexion pale, her aqua blue eyes somehow dulled and lifeless in the morning light.

She recalled the events of the night prior, though a majority of it was hazed like a distant memory. Although her spell had been sufficient to temporarily stabilize Professor Arif, the group had decided nevertheless to take him to the infirmary, just to be safe. Kiara hadn’t accompanied them to the hospital wing, resigning to remove herself from the situation before her participation in any illicit events could be confirmed. Still, she felt she had made an enemy last night. She wasn’t looking forward to crossing paths with Vasu again anytime soon.

Twisting the knob on the left of the faucet in their small en suite bathroom, Kiara cupped her hands under the running water, splashing the cold liquid on her face in hopes that it would help jolt her awake. It didn’t. With a groan, she headed back towards her suitcase, throwing it open to reveal a mess of unfolded garments, mostly in varying shades of blue, that had been shoved haphazardly into the leather trunk. She fished out a white skirt embroidered with tiny, blue flowers, and a matching blue sweater which she tugged on over her head.

Her blue eyes flicked towards the clock that sat, ticking obnoxiously on one of the desks in the dorm room, her stomach dropping as she realized she had about five minutes to get across campus to the classroom where history of magic was being held with Professor Einar. Breakfast, evidently, would not be on her agenda today. Her stomach grumbled at the thought of another missed meal when she had barely picked at her dinner yesterday, but she didn’t have time for a pitstop. Stepping carelessly into knee high, tan boots she hurried out the door with her knapsack slung over her shoulder and her History of Magic textbook clutched against her chest.

As she raced through the halls with only half an idea where she was heading, she hoped that Professor Einar would be merciful to her tardiness, having witnessed the very event that had kept her from a timely bedtime the evening prior. She stopped briefly when she reached a long corridor, asking two Ilvermorny students dressed in what appeared to be sports uniforms if they could point her in the right direction. It was only then that she became aware of just how dizzy she was. There was a distinct ringing in her ears that reminded her of the consequences of skipping meals when plagued with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.

Swallowing thickly, she tried to brush off the spinning in her head, straining to make out what the two Ilvermorny students had just said in response to her question. β€˜Jussup daha antu dalef’ Just up the hall to the left? Deciding that must’ve been what they said, she forced a smile and nodded gratefully β€œThank you.” Her voice came out breathless and airy. The dwindling number of students crowding the halls was all the more assurance that she was running behind, the majority of her class had already gotten settled into their seats she was sure. She only hoped her delayed entrance wouldn’t draw too much attention.

As she approached the doorway to Professor Einar’s classroom, Kiara’s slim frame collided with something solid and unyielding. She let out a strangled umpf as her textbook clattered to the floor, Kiara very nearly almost joined it. Thankfully, she just barely caught herself on the doorframe just in time to prevent herself from falling. β€œMerde, Pardon. Je ne vous y ai pas vu.” (Shit, sorry. I didn’t see you there.) Her brain having slipped back into her native tongue unintentionally. She reached to grab her book, only for her hand to brush against another who was also reaching for it.

Kiara finally looked up to set her gaze on the poor soul she had unceremoniously assaulted on her way into the classroom. The face she was met with was an unfamiliar one. Chocolatey brown eyes stared back at her, shrouded by thick brows and a chiseled jawline. Her very first thought was that the boy in front of her was exceptionally handsome. Her second thought was that she probably looked like quite the trainwreck presently, not the first impression she would’ve hoped to present. Pushing a lock of brown hair behind her ear, Kiara offered him a sheepish smile. β€œSorry about that. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
coded by natasha.

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