Pequeno Burraidh
Beag Combatiente
Revy was off his back after the round failed to eject the buckshot properly and the explosive recoil threw her towards the elevator door. Essentially the T-bend that held the round turned into a small pipe bomb after the round failed to work properly. The weapon needs a new T-ben(which shouldn't be hard to find), but Revy is currently 'frozen' in the air, and depending on if the door opens int time, she will either hit the door, or it will open just in time for her to flop inside.
Dunno which will happen yet though.
Revy was off his back after the round failed to eject the buckshot properly and the explosive recoil threw her towards the elevator door. Essentially the T-bend that held the round turned into a small pipe bomb after the round failed to work properly. The weapon needs a new T-ben(which shouldn't be hard to find), but Revy is currently 'frozen' in the air, and depending on if the door opens int time, she will either hit the door, or it will open just in time for her to flop inside.
Dunno which will happen yet though.