[Occam's Razor] [Occam's Razor] Occam's Razor: The Colorado Incident

Jen looked over at Bianca, and nodded. “Try to stay calm though,” she said, putting a hand on her shoulder, and then continued forward with the group. She felt really worried as well, but it would not help to panic. Besides, half of them had guns. What could possibly be out there anyway? For a moment the thought of a prank went through her mind. It could be a survey maybe. The thought seemed absurd, but she was still trying to wrap her head around everything that was happening to be honest. She stepped over a corpse.
Malcom shrugged it off, shaking his head he replied, "Not your fault, sorry I'm just a bit on edge.." He glanced to Bianca, pausing, he suddenly felt he needed to check the realities of things, "When we got here, we were walked to a lift, and then straight to our cryo tubes after going down a lift, or do none of you realize that were three stories below ground in a complex that goes down ten miles... I was placed in the section called the tombstone, everyone in my block, with me at the very end of our listing, was military, and most f those tubes are empty or skeletons. There were motion detectors in the floor above, and our chamber were supposed to open if they were tripped before release day. Hence why we are going to command, to find out why they turned off the sensors an allowed for so many to die to something that the tombstone could have dealt with. So before it becomes an issue, Yeah, Were going towards the scratching as we go up, because it's been above us this whole time. Questions?"

When he had started talking, he hadn't meant to reveal so much, but he felt like the normal chain of command was no longer present, like big brother no longer had his back, he wasn't trying to scare these women, but he knew if he lead them unknowingly into danger, it'd be a lot worse then if they were scared before. "Truth is, someone went and fucked us, real good, as I see it. I want to know exactly who, and why, so I can..." He paused as he heard a sound of metal being torn apart an something big falling, the screaming metal sounded far off, but the big thing falling, he felt the impact, like it was on their floor, so up the stairs he went nodding up, "Sounds like our common friend just went below, so lets go while we can." He stayed at the edge of the stairs as he went, keeping his rifle trained on his rising horizon. Malcom's eyes had finally adjusted to the place, his instincts were with him, if a threat popped its head up, he'd fill it full of lead before it could even blink.
Alaska moved to the back of the group, holding her pistol steadily, the med kit wasn't light either, she could gave whatever jumps out from the darkness a pretty hardcore whack in the head.
Intently listening to Malcom, she was surprised at how much he knew. When he asked who had any questions, Bianca simply said, "No. Not right now at the least." Then they heard it, the ripping of metal, the metal falling to the ground. Bianca was sure she felt the ground shake. "Let's go already.." Angel replied to Malcom, who suggested going up the flight of stairs.

Following Malcom and the rest up the stairs, switching places with Alaska, who was right behind her. Making her way up the stairs, Malcom up front, Jen next, then me then Alaska at the rear. Walking up two flights, they had stopped. Either because Malcom heard something or because Malcom had stepped on another skeleton. She didn't know yet.
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His rifle in hand, Malcom lead the way, he didn't think, he didn't let his emotions rise up in him. His training kicked in and he became the machine. He took them up the stairs and into the main labs, the lights here were all off so he paused, they were in utter darkness. He knelt down, whispering, "Hold up, Checking something..." He pulled his bag off of his shoulder, and rummaged around in it until he found what he was looking for a long glow stick, high duration, high lumen output. He cracked it, and threw it across the lab, toward where he knew the door would be, and cracked another one, shaking it he slid it into his belt loops horizontally.

Malcom paused, feeling through the bag, he extracted a long knife and whistled, muttering, "Damn, Gerber too.. Thanks Lieutenant..." The blade was still in it's sheath, but he didn't doubt it had been finely sharpened before being dropped into the bag. He slid the sheath's clip onto his belt and stepped forward again. The sight of the lab was something he was unprepared for, skeletal remains everywhere, torn apart, stations ruined, the doors torn off the hinges. Malcom shuddered, "God... this thing is big..." He made his way to the glow-stick on the floor, and went to the hallway, edging out, he looked left, darkness, he looked right, darkness.

Malcom paused again and held his hand up, whispering, "Wait for the generator to cycle, then we run, whatever is down the hall." He motioned to the left, "We go that way, and we don't stop till the lights go out." He picked the glow stick up off the floor, and shuddered, waiting.

Then, it happened, the turbine sound came from ahead of them, the stations core cycled on again, power surged through the lines, the lights came on in a blinking flash, and Malcom's body surged, he slid the rifle over his shoulder, pulling the strap tight, he drew the knife from his belt, that sixth sense, the solider in him, told him there was something around the corner, something he had to fight, something that was not alone. The glow-stick in one hand, the knife in the other, he ran, as hard and fast as he could, leading the way.

Behind them, lurking in the darkness, eyes lit up, and followed their movements, predatory eyes, the eyes of something large, something still in the early stages of it's life. It released a bellowing cry, and the hunt was on, it's fellows across the lab would make their way towards Malcom and the others, abandoning their search of other prey. They would hunt them, and they would corner them, and then, they would devour them, for that is what predators do. 
OOC: ((>.>; Hello?))
We continued to follow Malcom, into the labs which were pitch black. He fished out a couple of glow sticks, one he threw to the door and the other he was holding. It was dark, that was sure, but Bianca was sure there were more remains here than downstairs.

Malcom told us to wait for the generator, then run for our lives, not stopping even if the lights shut off. Then, light. Bright light, which almost seemed to be blinding, and without noticed, Malcom ran, ran fast and lead the way. "Where are we going?" I yelled out to Malcom, who was at the front of the group. Just as I was about to call out to him one last time, a bellowing cry errupted from behind them.

Bianca didn't look back. She knew it was the monster that had been following them. And she was scared.
When Alaska started running, she didn't want to stop, mainly because she had heard the nasty sound coming from behind. She extended her empty hand into the bag, there was a few syringes and attached on the open ends were hypodermic needles, inside was a strange purple liquid that Alaska couldn't name.

What is it?.. God... I f*cking swearing i've seen that somewhere before...

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Malcom didn't stop, he didn't look back, he just ran, the thing behind him, his mind simply didn't acknowledge it, ignored it, made it go away, even if it was chasing after them now at a break neck speed. Malcom saw the door ahead of them, the one they needed, and saw the lights beginning to dim, He yelled out, "Move! Now!" A few seconds later, he made the door, a second after that, his hand hit the control to slam it open, two seconds later, he checked inside, pulled his head out, and ushered them in, "Come on, Come on! Big Mean, Loud, Angry! Right Behind you all!" He would wait until they were all inside before slipping in at the last second, and hitting the door lock. Then, something out a monster movie happened, the beasts paw fell onto his shoulder, severed from it's owner. Malcom didn't even notice, he just sat down, hard, trying to stop himself from shaking so hard. He brushed the arm away, muttering, "I thought... We were dead... I was... sure... we were dead..." And then, the lights went out again, only the glow from the glow sticks about his waist illuminating the room.
Jen stared in shock as the monster came into view, and except for a horror-filled few seconds, she made a run toward the door as well. Her heart was in her throat and the adrenaline pressed her forward. Honestly thoughts like ‘what is this thing’ and ‘what could have happened’ were nowhere in her mind, all she thought of was getting the heck out of here. So she was swiftly inside the opening right after Malcom.

She pressed up against the wall, and waited for the others to join. She shielded her face from drops of blood that splattered when the hand was severed and then slowly lowered them again. “My god…” she whispered.
Malcom shook his head, pushing himself to his feet, he took the gnarled claw up in his hand, the mangled limb still had a tiny bit of life in it, it spasmed, and he gripped it tighter, until it ceased movement. Shuddering slightly, he stared down at it, and frowned shaking his head, "I think he died Jen." He took a couple of steps forward and dropped the limb, his face was the tone of ash. He moved to the main control console, and sat down heavily in it, sliding the pistol out of the back of his waistband. His rifle fell to his side and he stared at the dark main screen, and tried to let his mind go blank. The last moment of getting in the room played back in his head, finally in detail. The creatures open maw, the ripping talons on the beasts paw soaring towards him, his last shift into the room, and that sickening blood spraying cracking crunch of bone as the beasts arm was sheared away by the massive hydraulic doors, the paw landing on his shoulder. He remembered the sickening realization that this wasn't a nightmare he was going to wake up from. Malcom shuddered and then pulled a panel open beside the console, it was marked, "Reserve, Crank to 100% before activation." He pulled the handle out and started turning it, muttering, "I guess the handbook wasn't bullshit... There really are hand crank generators in this place." He brought the system up and stared at the screen in shock as it calculated the date, he fell back in the chair, utterly defeated, his mind reeling. He couldn't even bring himself to explain the readings on the screen, he just pushed the activation sequence on the monitor so it would display around the room, his face falling, "They... They had us... memorize those manuals... Hundreds of pages... For this... In case of this... But..." He covered his mouth, system shock running through him, he felt sick. "This isn't happening... This CAN'T be possible!" Just kept running through his head.

While he sat there, the systems spooled up, and brought up prompts to release the remaining stasis cells, one at a time, they were prioritized. The systems power was so low it could only eject a few at a time. In addition, there were sensors all over the facility, set in place to detect movement and life signs. What Malcom wouldn't notice was the list of people waiting to be released, people who's chambers were primed with enough power for release, but were on a a limited lock release. The system had been releasing people for years, one or two at a time, trying to get staff members awake first, but by that point, the creatures had already broken in and killed everyone. The system's windows read "Time Since Lock-down: 215 Years 137 Days, 9 Hours, 20 minutes, and 45 seconds." And was slowly ticking up, slowly increasing. The system had never managed a proper wake up, because an active team was supposed to be present to awaken humanity, but they had all died. So the system had kept on ticking, doing what it was supposed to, waking up one vital crew member at a time, sending them to the control room. Right into the jaws of death. Malcom and his group had been the first to make it in the 195 years of releases, and now, They were, the last hope for humanity... As Malcom sat there, his mind trying to comprehend the situation, the numbers continued to count...
Kazanna updated Occams Razor with a new update entry:

Wake up! Wake up!

Were at a point where new members that wake up are "Safe" for a time, You'll be able to wake up, and be detected on the stations sensors and then be in contact with those in the control room! So! if your interested in joining us, or if your already signed up with a CS but not in the story, now is the good time to jump on in!
Read the rest of this update entry...
((OOC, A/N: Sooo Uh, Dunno if everyone's lost interest or if everyone is simply very busy with life and other such stuff, but this seems to be at a stand still... Is anyone still active? Feel like playing? Busy? Ect.? Some feedback would be... really heartening. I DO have somewhere I'm taking all of this))
Jace woke to a world of black, hearing only the blades of the turbine chopping away as it slowly started up. And as the sound turn to whirring, his vision started to flicker in and out almost as if it were in synchronization with the power that now strobe-lit up his tube. His hands crossed upwards over his chest and then straightened out to place themselves on the door. And before he could really get his bearings, he was jettisoned outwards, landing on his shoulder. He'd kick with the tips of his toes against the floor, causing him to roll as he stood up, fists in the air. However this didn't last long as he had stood up too quickly without really getting his bearings. And so he promptly fell back on his butt. That was when the nausea hit him. With a lurch, his head snapped forwards as he vomited up what remained (little) of his last meal and the amino acids the scientists had pumped into him. His hands slapped the ground as his fingers clawed in reflex as he continued to throw up pretty much all of the contents of his stomach. He sat there for a few moments, not more than a minute before he turned his head, looking over his shoulder at the rest of the 'inmates' that had volunteered like he did. Most of them were completely blue and reminiscent of a Smurf. He'd usher out a guttural "Guuuah..." as he spat long strings of saliva onto the ground in front of him, which would add nicely to the 'river' like spray of stomach fluids he had used to pretty much coat the entire area ahead of him. "Well that's a fine howdy-do, huh?" He'd shake his head, slowly rising to his feet. All of his muscles were tensed and he was a little jerky with his first ten steps or so.

After hitting the panel with his hand, growing frustrated, and eventually remembering his password, he retrieved his black muscle shirt and his brown, hunter-tread, boots. "Thought all of this would have been dry-rot by now. Marvels of science, at its finest..." After the short sarcastic rant was finished, he unzipped his orange uniform, letting the top slide down, tying the arms around his waist to keep the top up in a double-knot. It was here when he slipped on the 'wife-beater'. "Now how do I get out of he-...." He snapped his vision to his left, hearing a shout. Though inaudible, he would assume there were people he could... use. And as he walked his way down the hallway, his eyes kept peering to the left and to the right of each tube, looking for something that would be helpful if he were to need 'protection'. His wandering forward paid off. Beside one of the tubes a long, thin, shard of reinforced glass was in a weird triangular shape with an oblong part at the bottom. "Couldn't make a better shiv if I do say so myself. Thank you mother natur- Oh... Tough luck buddy." He'd say with an uncaring frown. What he set eyes on was a large slash mark over the entire front portion of the pod. And in it was a mummified body with the chest tore open. "I'll be holdin' onto this for ya'." He used a part of the man's cloth to wrap it around the 'handle' of his new make-shift cleaver. He'd stick the sharp end into the knot of his uniform. If there was one thing he could be happy about, it was how thick they made his orange Carhartt 'overalls'.

And so he continued on his merry way, inspecting every broken tube there was. His hands took everything that seemed useful. From belts to shoe-laces, rings, the mirrors in make up kits, and even the Billy club off of one of the guards they had frozen with promises of large pay and... over-time once they would wake. Unfortunately for this one, it seemed prisoners were the least of his worries. Jace's eye continued to dart along the wall as he squinted and peered into the distance and down each corner and intersection of hallways that he had passed. All the while, he was listening for any voices.

Of course his journey led him up a cemented ramp, spiraling his way upwards without him really knowing of his own ascent. It was not so much like a parking garage as it was a massive air-hanger like set of hallways. Each one spiraling upwards (Or downwards. it was 50/50) that lead him on. As luck had it, he already knew that he was at the bottom, and he had made his way from the very last floor upwards. Picking clean every single useful item he could find. Of course his journey brought him to some grim sights. One of which was a set of people in white lab coats... or rather... what was left of them. The large key-ring looked as if it was chewed on, twisting the ring into a wriggled, gum-like, mess. Half of the keys were of no use. But he kept them on it in case he could find a piece of cement or metal to bash them straight again. As he traveled upwards, more and more of his surroundings were looking as if a bulldoze-driver had went on a rampage. Scraped tubes, tanks, several chunks of cement were missing (though he still wanted to find a piece of one) and the squashed, ripped, mangled remains of what he could only tell were personnel were the only things leading him onwards. One of them even had a keycard, but to what he couldn't even begin to say. His basement-level placement was probably due to being in the very beginning of the program. Such is the way of these 'mad-doctors' and their experiments. Always kept at the bottom. Out of sight, out of mind, he assumed. Then again, he wasn't necessarily a star citizen either. So he shrugged the thoughts of where he had been out of his mind. It was strange as to how calmly he looked over the remains of so many people. Almost as if he were numb. But this would all change as he came to the corner of one hallway. What seemed to be a family of four, ripped to shreds right at their open pods. As if someone had waited there for them. Expected them. And a poor little girl's spine was the only thing left attached to her head. The others were all piled together. The thought of them hugging against one another as they met their fate caused him to slide back around the corner with wide eyes. His face was pale and the only thing keeping him from throwing up was the fact that his stomach had already been emptied. His knees buckled and he slid against the wall, squatting down and shaking his head. His time to 'mourn' them would be cut off, however as he heard a large bang with the bending of metal and a thump of something solid hitting the floor. He decided it best if he kept moving.

It was about this time that he had reached a half-open door on the side of one of the hallways he had explored. Well, it was less exploring as it was him recognizing where he had already picked clean and where he had not. It was almost impressive how each individual scene had its own set of horrors and devastation. But this door seemed to beckon him towards it. As luck may have it, it was an air supply duct for the basement and upper floors. He'd look at the ceiling, seeing a drop-door and pulled the handle, causing a loud creak. On queue, the silence ceased. Rustling and commotion from both sides of the hallway caused him to quickly leap upwards, grasping ahold of the service ladder, and force himself up as fast as he could go. He hated how cramped it was. No bigger than two foot wide on all sides. But as his feet made contact with the bottom portion of the ladder, his movements became much more swift. Through his way upwards, he passed by multiple motion sensors that would no doubt send information that he was there to the central computer. Of course the service shoot also had a set of cameras sequentially set up to monitor how the 'job' was being handled. It would be another two hundred feet worth of climbing to the very top before he would even reach the three fourth's portion of his ascent up and out of the place. And honestly, he didn't know his way in the slightest. He just hoped whoever it was who he had heard coming for him was doing so in a friendly manner.
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Nidelia shook her head around, then yelped as she was trusted onto the floor. It was pitch black, was it supposed to be pitch black? No, wait... that's right, she had been in a cryo tube... something about temporary blindness settled into her mind.

She sighed as she sat back against her cryo tube and ran a hand through her hair... wait... sick. She then lruched forward puking and heaving out the excess nutrients provided to her by the cryo tube.

That was nasty. She sat back down just resting a hand on her I'll feeling stomach. When was her eye sight supposed to return? She forgot how long they'd said the temporary blindness lasted. She was confused by what she was hearing. Were those turbines?

Was the power having trouble running? Why would that be? And now that she thought about it, why wasn't there anyone here to help her? This didn't make any sense.

She struggled to her feet, holding onto the cryo tube for support and to know where she was at. "Hello?!" She cried out blindly, unaware of what was lurking in the halls.
Malcom's eyes rose to the monitors as life signs began to signal all across them, people were waking up. He shuddered, realizing that he'd just unleashed a buffet for the creatures outside. He tapped the controls, and took control over the facility as rapidly as he could, shutting down all revival processes that weren't necessary, turning on motion tracking and life sign tracking, he was surprised when the system had localized name tags and a three dimensional map of the facility with two new markers on it.

Malcom sat back for a moment before hearing a woman's voice call out, he could hear the distress, "Hello?!" A shiver ran down his spine as his training kicked in again, he tapped the controls across the board, sealing the doors on either end of her hallway as quickly as he could, protecting her, and activating a comm beside her stasis chamber, "Hello? This is Malcom Devontess, Can you hear me? I'm speaking to the localized comm next to your stasis pod!"

He glanced to the other marker, and frowned, it was marked Grey. The system knew more about the people that were awake then they did themselves he assumed. He saw his own marker, it was Green, with a star beside it, the rest of the civilians were blue, Alex was marked green as well, but there was no star. He wracked his brain, trying to figure out what the colors and symbols meant. He sighed after a moment, and tapped on the screens information panel, it displayed Civilians as Blue, Green as military, or former military, and Grey as Experimental Convicts. Malcom tapped his chin, seeing the Grey dot reach a relatively safe location, he decided to focus on the new blue dot for the time being.
Nidelia jumped as a voice came out. She went to where she heard the voice and felt around blindly. She didn't realize there was a camera he could see her through since she was still blind.

"H-hello? This is Nidelia Sponze, where is everyone? Isn't someone supposed to be Herr to help me? What's the big idea with just letting us sit on our butts with you guys sitting there doing nothing? I for one am having issues regaining my eyesight, I really need some help," she said, then yelled turning in either direction as the doors at either end of the hallway slammed shut.

"What's the big idea?! Are you locking me in here?! Why?!" She starts raising her voice louder and louder starting to freak out. She didn't like being blind and now she was scared they were going to do something horrible to her.
Malcom tapped the Comm frequency open so he was directly linked to the unit she was closest to, "Things are... Complicated Nidelia, I just woke up a bit ago myself. Things didn't go quite as planned. There's a few others with me here in the control room. I locked you in to keep you safe, I'm going to try to guide you to us, but first, go to your locker, get whatever is in it out of it. I'm sorry, but this isn't going to be easy..."

Malcom didn't know what to say to her other then that. He felt sick, but he wasn't about to let her get killed right after waking up, "Listen, there should be a portable comm unit in your locker, or near it somewhere. It's an ear-peice. You need to get it and tell me the channel that's printed on it."
She blinked. "Where is the locker?" She asks, noting he didn't pay attention to the part where she said she was still blind. She started feeling around and actually gripped onto a corpse in front of the other cryo tube. Her fingers sunk into the decaying flesh and it was when she gripped the rib bone she realized what she had.

She screamed, leaping away and landing on her butt back against her tube. She was flinging her hand around wildly and looking around frantically. "WHY IS THERE A DEAD BODY HERE?! WHAT IS GOING ON MR. DEVONTESS?!" She screams frantically.
Malcom sighed and tried to keep his own sick stomach calm, he keyed the comm unit again, "It's probably someone that was attacked recently... Something happened, we don't know what yet. If your facing a dead body... And its next to your pod... Turn towards the nearest wall, the locker should be there."

His heart racing slightly, Malcom realized the lives of others were riding on his shoulders, He didnt have much to go on so he started bringing up the security routes, the ventalation shafts, the maintenance tunnels. He started sealing all of the doors in the facility one by one, isolating everything he could. He found cleaner, more effective escape routes for Nidelia as he did. After a moment he keyed the comm on again, "Look I know you can't see yet, but your vision should return shortly. In the mean time, I'm going to try to find a way to get you to us, or at least close enough I can retrieve you safely."
Nidelia slowly got up and blinked. She was starting to see light, but everything was extremely blurry. She reached towards the nearest wall. "What the hell is going on Mr. Devontess? Why is there an dead body and why isn't dangerous for.men to be in the open?" She asks.

She managed to find the locker and tried opening it. "And this.locker... nevemind..." she says sighing as her eye sight finally returned to normal. Which was slightly blurry, but she could see the keypad and remembered her password and punched it in.

She sighed softly as she managed to pull out a pair of glasses and put them on. She could now fully see. She turned around to look up and down the corridor and gasped. Every single one of the tanks had been destroyed and the people were torn apart all over the floor. All the walls were covered in blood splatter.

Her face went white, but she got back into the locker, stripped out of the cryo suit, and put on a spaghetti strap shirt with a tanktop, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of heavy duty hiking boots.

"Alright Mr. Devontess I want to know whatever the hell you know, which is STILL more than me," she says looking up at the camera.
Malcom nodded, though he knew she wouldn't be able to see him, "I honestly don't think you'll belive how long we've been asleep. But for now, I can tell you this, some of the mutations have made their way into the lab and are currently right outside my door. I've got them locked in this hallway. All but two if the sensors are correct." Malcom looked the hologram over again, he'd figured out a path to get her to them, but the only way it was going to work was going to take her past a hallway with a malfunctioning door and a creature on the other side of said door.

Staring at the display bitterly, Malcom asked her, "You find that comm unit yet? I need to uplink to you so I can stop displaying my voice over the loud speaker so much." The comm would be beside her cryo chamber, in a maintenance locker. The device would be like a bluetooth headset, but it would have a series of numbers printed on it, letting users know its specific channel tags. "Grab it so we can keep in touch while I guide you up."
She nods as she grabs the device and sticks it in her ear, giving him the tag number. "465478," she says and heads for the door. "I'm going to warn you now Mr. Devontess, I'm not.much of a fighter. I'm a doctor and a surgeon, not much use in a fight unless I'm saving someone's life," she says with a frown and she reaches the door at the end of the corridor.

"You're in the control room right? Can't you watch previous footage of the security cameras to see what happened? And also find a recording from the scientists?" She asks.
Malcom nodded, that had been his plan, he just hadn't had a chance yet, "Yeah that's the plan, but I have a pretty good idea on what happened." He logged her comm unit in, on her end there would be a beep in the earpiece and it would activate, "They opened the door after the twenty year mark... and outside wasn't what they thought it would be... Outside came in, they died. We kept sleeping... Almost two hundred years later... here we are... and yeah, You heard me right. Two Hundred Years." Malcom had begun tracking Nidelia's movements, pulled the three dimensional map up began looking things over, "I'll open the doors as you come to them, I can send power from this station to control each door singularly, but if I open a full path the creatures down there will have a direct route to you."
She nods. "What made the cryo pods finally wake us up?" She asks curiously as she watches around herself nervously. She felt.like a mouse in a maze with cats around any corner who knew the maze by heart.

Something about his theory didn't make sense. It wasn't the Twp hundred years... two... hundred... she shuddered slightly trying it ignore the fact that she was now 222. That just felt... wrong.

There, there was the hole in his theory. Why did they just open the doors wide to make sure then outside was okay? Why didn't they just send out a drone of some sort to search everything.

"And why didn't they just open the doors wide to check the outside? We had drones that could scan an area without risking something like that. There's a hole in that theory Mr. Devontess," she says with a frown as she reaches a four way corridor and looks down each one.

"Which way now?" She asks.
Malcom's voice caught in his throat as he started to reply, she was right, Why HAD they done that, "You... Have a very good point... It makes less sense every minute I think about it. But the pods woke up a few at a time until the system reached a critical point, It woke me up because... well... I think I'm the highest ranked person left alive... Your medical, so your next on it's list, mechanics too. People to fix things and to keep those fixing things alive. Ah... hang on, let get the door for you." He tapped the location on the map opening the door up that she was to head down, it would take her in a round about fashion.

Malcom took a moment to consider the situation, Opening doors for her remotely was fine and all but leaving a doctor alone in the dark, unarmed was like sending her to her death, "Listen, I can leave the rest of my group here safely for now, but there's... a few problems, for one thing, one of the creatures is between you and us. There's also someone else out there. He's a bit closer but He reads as part of the convict group that was frozen, Why he was woken up I doubt I'll ever know. I'm going to grab a remote and make my way to you. One person moving alone shouldn't draw any attention while the others are still in here." Malcom glanced at the others, and stood up, transferring the controls of the station's doors to a remote control pad that had charged up off of the auxiliary power supply he'd generated. He took up one of the Comm's and keyed it onto Nidelia's channel, muttering, "This is either a really good idea, or a really bad one... Can you hear me?" He moved to one of the ventalation panels, pulled it off the wall, and set his gear on the ground. He retrieved his knife, his 9mm, two spare clips of ammunition, and a length of cord out of the sack, then tied it shut, setting it aside. He glanced at the others, "Someone get on the control station, See if you can't keep me appraised of where the nasty things are. They're the red ones." he tied the cord off to edge of the vent, and then sighed, looking down, he fell down into the darkness, remarking, "On my way, for better or for worse."

(Totally illogical I know... But I'm running with it.)

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