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Fantasy Oblivion: Gone but not forgotten

-Nora Shimuya-

"Aww - is Carly g-..." Nora had sprouted a wide grin and a slight taint of teasing to her tone. Stopping immediately, she continues dryly with a tint of embarrassment."Car theft.You're a deviant." She mentions to Carlylse. The car drive was alright. Though it was clear that Nora was uncomfortable about the fact that the car had been stolen. Letting out a long, drawn out sigh, she steps out of the car and into the warehouse. Not impressed. But it wasn't too much different from the garage that her Uncle taught her in. Just a bit more messy, larger and with different props. "Alright." Nearby, a relatively clean iron pole that would usually fit into some slot or another of one of the rides, was picked up by Nora. She held it like a makeshift bat and swung it around a bit. "Not getting any 'knight' vibe." She muttered.

@too much idea @Zer0 @Masked Imperial
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(So I just got a brilliant idea... @ShyEra )

Seeing Nora picking up an iron pole and swinging it around makes her want to hold one too. She looked for one, but instead of a 'weapon' she found a rusty garbage can cover. She hold it up like a shield, and smiled at the idea that just appeared inside her head.

"Hey, maybe we can use this." Alexis faced Nora. "Maybe a swing or two? A quick fight could trigger something?"
"Yeah, go ahead and read, buddy." said Carlysle, coming back from the car with a bag full of sodas and junk food. He laid them on the table and looked at an empty soda can on the floor. He squinted his eyes at it willing a portal to appear-and it did! But it was five inches to the left of the can.

Carlysle groaned. He opened a bag of chips and watched the girls practice while sitting on a rain barrel.

"Am I the only one who can do magic?" he asked everyone.

@Masked Imperial
-Nora Shimuya-

"Maybe that is the case." A short nod is given towards Carl. "I've tried - to my embarrassment - shouting 'hocus pocus' at some objects and waving my hands about. No results."Eyes narrow on Alexis. "Alright. I'll be careful." Spinning the pole skillfully, Nora enters full on battle-mode. If it wasn't before, the mere intent escaping her makes it clear that she is the Captain of the Boxing Team. Perhaps she was taking this a tad too seriously by her mannerism. Taking an acrobatic leap forwards, she wouldn't hesitate to swing the pole full-force in an arc towards Alexis' head at an impressive speed. If her opponent failed to do anything about it, she'd stop the pole inches from the target - after all, she didn't actually want to hurt her straight off the bat. "Give it your best shot." At this point, Nora was just using her natural athletic ability; she didn't feel the insane surge that she did, for example, when Carl kicked the bed.

@too much idea @Zer0
She forgot that Nora is the captain of the boxing club, who have a national level athletes who have won a various number of competition for years. And she is their captain, best of the best fighter if not the best leader in the group. And she's just some nerd who's only time to work out is during P.E class, and barely able to keep her grade above B. She lifted her finger, trying to stop the annihilation before it could happen when Nora spins her pole like some shit out of kung fu movie and leaped forward. She blinked and there's a hard iron pole coming straight to hit her head. She didn't shriek in fear, she didn't flinch. Somehow she lifted the rusty can cover just in time, and Nora's iron pole hit it with a loud and sharp metallic clang.

"H-huh?" Alexis whispered, putting down the rusty cover and taking several steps away from Nora. "D-did i just...?"

"Go, Alexis!" cheered Carlylse, pumping a fist into the air.
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After picking up some fantasy books, Enoch walks over and sees the match. He looks at Carl and frowns, and cheers for Nora. "Yeah, you can do it! N-O-R-A, what does that spell, NORA!" Enoch turns to Carl, and says. "Yeah, it seems you're the only one who has this magic power shit. Too me it seems the knights got the short end of the stick. What do the knights get? Nothing, or at least nothing has happened yet. I don't know about Alexis however."

@Zer0 @too much idea @ShyEra
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-Nora Shimuya-

A wide, genuine smile spread across Nora's face. "That was so impressive!" She shouts out in excitement. "Ok. Let's keep it going; maybe you'll awaken." The Captain had completely lost it - absorbed in the moment she started to rain down a flurry of blows from left, right, overhand and underhand with the iron pole with her full might. Hopefully Alexis' would gracefully dodge or block the hurricane that Nora became. "So it's just in your genes? Your gut? This is amazing!" With each movement - skid of a foot, re positioning or stomp - she practically kicked up a cloud of dust from the old warehouse. No doubt this was Nora's passion. Enoch's and Carl's cheering did nothing but hype her even further.

@too much idea
"Ten bucks says Alexis will keep standing for ten whole minutes." Carlysle wagered Enoch, setting the timer of his watch.

"And Nora actually looks happy, don't you think?" he added, amazed. Carlysle whipped out his smart phone and recorded the rest of the fight.

@Masked Imperial
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"It's a deal." Enoch pulls out his wallet. Enoch hopes Alexis falls quickly. "Nora! Win! I have 10 bucks on you!" Enoch yells at Nora. Enoch crosses his fingers.
"Hey! It hasn't been decided yet! If I win, I'm using your 10 bucks to buy Nora ice cream." Enoch glares at Carl. He looks at Nora. "I'll owe you an ice cream if you win Nora! So, y'know, win!" Enoch starts cheering louder. "WOOO! GO NORA!" Enoch looks at Carl from the corner of his eye, and half-whispers "Yeah, she really does look happy."

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Enoch wonders if he could beat Carl. "Hey, Carl, after this, do you wanna spar? Or maybe I can spar with Alexis. Because Nora is, after all, the Boxing Captain, but I am the Fencing Captain, so, I was wondering if her magic would work so well to beat me."

"Nah, I'm no fighter." said Carlylse, shaking his head. "I'm more of a techie' mastermind-catch." He made a small portal on the ground that opened some feet above Enoch, then dropped a soda can inside which exited above the fencing captain.

"And, Alexis can do magic? Or were you talking about Nora?" asked Carlylse, confused.

@Masked Imperial
ShyEra said:
-Nora Shimuya-

A wide, genuine smile spread across Nora's face. "That was so impressive!" She shouts out in excitement. "Ok. Let's keep it going; maybe you'll awaken." The Captain had completely lost it - absorbed in the moment she started to rain down a flurry of blows from left, right, overhand and underhand with the iron pole with her full might. Hopefully Alexis' would gracefully dodge or block the hurricane that Nora became. "So it's just in your genes? Your gut? This is amazing!" With each movement - skid of a foot, re positioning or stomp - she practically kicked up a cloud of dust from the old warehouse. No doubt this was Nora's passion. Enoch's and Carl's cheering did nothing but hype her even further.

@too much idea
From the left, right, now that way, now this way. Alexis tried her best, lifting and shifting the position of her shield to held against Nora. She saw some glowing flash whenever she think that she's too late, and somehow she managed to deflect Nora's attack. She kept on doing that until she lost her balance and stumbled backwards, letting one of Nora's attack to hit her right on her head. She fell to the ground with a loud yelp, biting her lips to hold back her tears and rubbed her head with her hands. Alexis looked up and she saw a flash of the past, one when Skyne got pushed by a group of kids and one where Skyne got defeated by Nora's counterpart in what looked like a small arena near the castle.

"You actually could win against me." Skyne said. But then things changed again, warped into chaos and destruction. Someone, something, is standing in front of her. It smiled, Alexis blinked and she returned back.

"I saw it." She said. "Did you all?"
Enoch tries to catch the soda, but fails, and he gets hit on the head. Groaning, he bends over to pick it up, and when he stands back up, he opens it and drinks from the dented soda can. "I meant Alexis. I don't know if Nora can do magic." Looking back at the match, he sees Alexis block a good amount of Nora's attacks, but fail, and fall over. "You owe me ten bucks," Enoch says, then walks over and outstretches a hand to Alexis, so she can get up. "What did you see?"

@too much idea @ShyEra @Zer0
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-Nora Shimuya-

The hit on top of her opponents head had been stopped - but of course a tad too late. It probably left a bruise, but not much more. As Alexis fell, Nora leaped down with her with glee. "Aaaalexis! That was great!" A light grin spreads across her face as she embraces her opponents forcefully before lightly patting her bruise. "You ok?" Sitting there face to face, Nora observed Alexis as she underwent a short trance. "No, I didn't see anything." Despite being quite eccentric still, it was clear that the battle-lust was slowly seeping from Nora as her expression became more and more neutral with time. "Also." She points out, now having calmed down. "I don't like ice-cream. Too unhealthy. Ice-coffee is far better."

@too much idea @Masked Imperial
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"Oh. Ok! I'll buy you one! With Carl's money of course, but that isn't a big deal!" Enoch takes a swig of the soda, then looks back at Nora. "In my opinion, iced tea is better than coffee. But it's your drink, so it's your choice!" Enoch takes the ten dollars with a giant grin plastered on his face. Enoch looks back at Alexis. "Yeah, did you see another vision? Here, let me help you up."
"Thank you." Alexis said, as she hold onto Enoch's hand and stood back up. She took some time to catch her breathe, before finally said what she just saw in her vision. Well, a part of it. "Skyne past and the memory of when lost to Nora's previous self once, in what looked like a sparring match. Seems like we were close friends in the past, Nora."

@Zer0 @Masked Imperial @ShyEra
-Nora Shimuya-

"Eeeh?" She raises an eyebrow inquisitively, a delicate hand rubbing the back of her neck. "Who would've guessed. Suppose we'll naturally get along, then." A light sigh escaped her - a deadpan expression returning. "I seem to run slim when it comes to visions and such." But it was still confusing in itself. Nora still felt like, well, Nora. Not like Aisha - but the two were slowly but surely migrating together and combining. It scared her a little - losing her sense of self. Shaking her head left and right, she dismisses the thought and faces Carl. "How are you coming along with the magic?" And then to Enoch: "And have you experienced anything yet?"

@too much idea @Masked Imperial @Zer0
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"Besides the first two!? Nope! Nothing! Zip! Zilch! Nil. So right now, how many of us have magic?" Enoch asks. He takes a long drink from the dented can then crushes it as the can is empty.
"Getting better, though I still miss most of the time." said Carlsyle, hopping down from the barrel. "My range is twenty feet and I can make a portal two feet wide for ten seconds. Any more than that and the portal becomes erratic-it opens and closes randomly, then I get chest pains."

Carlylse suddenly realized something. "I'm not going to suddenly grow bosoms, right?" he asked them all uncertainly. "Nora, Skyne-I mean, Alexis, the both of you are changing inside. Does that mean physical appearances too?!" he said alarmed. "I mean, I've always wondered why I was born with white hair- do you think I'll turn into a girl?"

@too much idea, @ShyEra, @Masked Imperial
-Nora Shimuya-

"It would suit you." A few simple nods confirm her thoughts, as she eyes him up and down with a puzzled look on her face. "Worst case scenario, I am certain that Enoch will take full responsibility and grant you a happy family." Clapping her hands together, and then giving a light bow, Nora grants the two of them her blessings. "And I believe it is only Carlylse at the moment - though we may develop them as we go along. After all -... it wouldn't really come as a surprise." Since everything has been so crazy as of late. "I have to get myself to practice though. My uncle wouldn't tolerate lateness." Giving a short, half-hearted wave - she suddenly remembers something. "Since you've already comitted the deviant crime of stealing a car - you might as well put it to good use and drop us off wherever we need to be." Her eyes narrow at said deviant.

@Zer0 @Masked Imperial
Enoch bursts out laughing. He then looks serious. "Wait. I need to buy you a drink. Should I do that after your practice? If so, Carl can drop me off with you." Enoch always keeps his promises! "To be honest Carl, I thought you dyed your hair white, but to be born with it? That's, kinda weird. But a good weird, mind you."

(Character development maybe?)

@ShyEra @Zero @too much idea
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