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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

When Arcus was on his bed he form flickered. "Guys i need you to promise me something. Don't tell Raiven what I am about to tell you." Arcus took off his hoodie, and showed his veins pulsing with electricity. He then try to use his power, and his whole arm turned into lightning. "Guys I think I have taken my control over my element to the next level. I think I turn my body in to pure electricity??" Arcus said as his arm went back to normal. "Though if Raiven were to find out, because this made me rally unstable, and I have little to no control over my power now. It basically runs off of my emotions." Arcus said before he sat up, and played with his hoodie strings.
"Holy hell," shouted Reno. "Pure electricity? How in god's green earth did that happen?" Reno stared in disbelief, it's possible that many people can take their control over elements up a notch, but that was beyond any he's ever seen. "Raiven's going to find out eventually, we're not going to tell her, only you," he stated. "Besides, I did read in a book once that this process is reversible, in fact, you're not the only one who's tapped into that kind of higher power. But you're gonna have to not use your powers until you know how to control your...transformation, I should say."

@Anyone Online
Homura wasn't shocked(Horrible pun) by Arcs sudden news "He wasn't kidding.....Arc, have you met any scientists and doctors over the break before coming back to Sakura?" he asked trying to put pieces together from info from his uncle "Arc if there is anything at all you can tell me about this that would be great" he hoped his friend was able to point him in the direction he wasn't sure he'd go on if he found it. He took a deep breath and calmed himself "Sorry man im just....stressed out right now" he said as he apologized to his friend "Doesnt help the fact that the guy in front of us is one of us" said his dark voice out loud through his mouth. Homura panicked "Sorry guys i dont know where that came from....it just came out" he said hoping no one was paying attention 'Sorry i forgot about the company, my bad' his dark voice sounded apologetic when he sent the thought but Homura knew something was up. He started thinking about what his uncle had said and about what his other voice had said about Arc being unstable physically "I've been part of similar experiments and have developed above average abilities but ive never heard of any elementals gaining primordial power transformation" he said giving his friends some information he had gathered while training over the break.

@Anyone Online @ShadowSaber331 @TheQueenofHearts
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Adrian watched everyone but him, Raiven, and Kat leave. Now it was just the three of them, and a probably sleeping Clair. "So...." He says awkwardly, placing a hand on his hair. Wait. Why did it feel poofy? He felt it a bit more, realizing it was pom pom poofy. "Shit!" Adrian quickly started to fix his hair, trying to make it back to normal. "Stupid doorknob.." He muttered as his hair was back to it's normal form. 

"Now." He takes a deep breath, his smile was gone now. Adrian was now serious on this topic. Since this topic was about his closest friend, Kat. "Let's discuss about very important matters." He placed his hands together.

@Eternal Dragonchild @demnkiller
Meanwhile, a bit farther from Sakura Academy../monthly_2016_11/WinterForest.png.7e98b6b8845979913bcf43597c4d6ade.png
*rubble rubble* as the sound of the footsteps in the deep snow prolongs, Balthazar looks at a hollow tree and thinks its about time he could use a break and then takes a look at the map momentarily before supporting his back against the said tree and briefly talks to himself.
"It seems i'm going at a good pace, i might even reach the boarding school in a few hours at best."  says Balthazar while also taking a bottle of hot cocoa and enjoying a big sip of it "Ahh.. That hit the spot."
After a couple of minutes, the sound of the footsteps burying into the deep snow began anew *rubble rubble* followed by the sound of the birds taking flight in the background.
Balthazar, continuing to follow the road starts talking to himself again
"Good thing i brought a map with me, or i could get lost like i usually do, hehe.." says the directionally challenged Balthazar who after spouting such thing had him making a small smile while bits of snow covered his face.


  • WinterForest.png
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"Primordial power transformation," he repeated. "Sounds to me like it's one hell of a double edged sword. It's an awesome ability to have, but only if you're able to control it. Though I have my own little transformation." Reno's sclera turns black, which he was able to control thanks to a bit of time, and a lot of patience. At first, like Arcus, it activated through emotions, but after a bit of practice over break, and then some, he's able to control it. "I may not be able to transform into my own element, or have a second personality to fight over control of my mind, body, and soul," he spoke in a demonic voice. "But once this activates...let's just say, I can do just as much damage as Clair can when she releases a barrier or two, as well as react, think, and move faster." He reverts back to his old self via deep breathing. When he opens his eye, his sclera's back to being white. "It's useful, but I only use it as my one and only trump card, mainly because I can only keep that active for a certain amount of time. I'm still training myself to keep it active longer by the way."

@GreyGremory @TheQueenofHearts @Anyone Online
Okay, but this is another thing you can't tell Raiven." Arcus said as he messed with the hem of his shirt, and got a serious look in his eyes. "I went home over the break, and a man came into contact with me. He was at my house when I arrive, and said something very simple. That he could figure out why my body would basically act on his own. I then told him of the time when my dad killed my mom with a knife, and her own power. Only then for me to magnetize all the iron in his body, and melt killing him from the inside. He then said that it was unique that i could subconsciously be sleeping, and my body could react on. He then would put me into stressful situations, where I would loose control, and I would go to the point of death form using my power so much. He ran these test until about a month before the break ended. He then let me stay one more night. Though as I was asleep felt like my body was being moved, and when I woke up, my eyes were swirled with silver and gold, and I had punture wounds all over my body.

Raphael Moreau

        "..." I would begin to walk away as I would continue to think about going back to my dorm... Then suddenly, I was there. At my dorm. Huh? Did I just teleport? I asked myself. I would then try to get myself used to this instantaneous way of moving. Now this is going to be a problem, I think too much of things, and this power apparently activates when I think about a place I want to be at. Although, this is not the first time this happens. Once I learn of new ways I could use my powers, like Illusion Shifting, and also clogging people's senses with... 'different smells, tastes, and hearing' it was found when I was thinking. Although, I could use this power to my advantage. I would then test it out, as I would once more. I would test out short distances. This time, I would snap my fingers while thinking where I wanted to go. Slowly as I continued to exercise this power, I messed up a few times, overstepping, overthinking. Eventually, I was finally able to coordinate the snapping of my fingers with my ability to teleport. Once this was done, now I could plot my next more, my next plan, the next step. But first, I would teleport back to the helipad to see Hanako again. "Forgive me, teleportation powers are really hard to control," I'd say apologetically.
Luna just was walking to her dorm roo as she was nervous about meeting her dorm mates as she smiled getting the key out as she open the door she just smiled sitting on the bed' I miss you mom your in a better place I get my revenge on stepmom somehow' she signed to herself @CandidFox
Hanako nodded "Let's see if I can do this" 

A small,  golden ball of light came into being in her hand,  with a flick of her wrist she sent it directly at the pipe. It hit and reflected, bouncing at the described angle. 

The beam coming away twisted and twirled over itself like a ribbon. 

Hanako smiled, Success. 


Raphael Moreau


        I'd clap, as I would be a bit interested in how that happened. "It's been nice seeing you, if you'd like, you can text me later. I have other things to att---" I'd yawn, "attend, to. Like sleeping." As I once more teleported back into my dorm room, and crashed into my bed.
Reno was in shock to hear what Arcus went through during his life. His mother killed by his father, him killing his father unconsciously out of revenge, the fat that his body can move on it's own without even realizing it. "Damn," he said, his voice showing hints of sympathy. "It may sound crazy, but you and Homura may be one and the same. While I was on the floor, trying my hardest not to pass out from the pain, I saw how he switched from black haired Homura, to his normal red haired self. My gut says that he has a second persona that's not a part of him, and from the way he handle things, he seems to come off as some sort of Anti-Hero." Reno laid across his bed and checks the clock, 7:32, plenty of time before they all have to return to their dorms. Outside though, the sun was setting, since it's still technicalty summer. Reno suddenly had an idea that might benefit them, or at least he thinks it will. "Might as well name our other halves then," said Reno "Homura's will be 'Dark Homura,' yours will be 'Nega-Arcus', you know, like negative Arcus, negative charge? and mine will be..." Reno tried to think up of a name for his darker half, but so far, nothing came up as a thought, and some of them were some pretty lame ones as well. "I got nothing, I'm drawing blanks here."

@GreyGremory @Anyone Online

Karoline would just lounge around in Hazel's bed, reading a book to pass time while she lets her friend do whatever she wants. So far the story have a very interesting plot but it also introduces a very perverted protagonist, one that makes her remind of someone. A certain elemental teacher to be precise. This made her shiver and shakes her head before going back to read her book. 


Sometimes, she would yawn loudly then closes her book to stretch widely, looking down to Hazel as she hugs her and signed. 'What's the matter??'


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Hazel just looked at her as she just signed' nothing wrong i'm fine i just still dealing with my mom death i'm okay though don't worry about me' she signed as she walked to the window' i want to be with my mother' she thought as she just looked at the bocany outside she just sat outside' i feel alone for the first time' she thought as she place her head against the door she just was sucking on the candy she was gaven earler it made her happy her friends wanted to cheer her up she stood up as she walked back inside laying next to karoline as she just fake smiled' um.... i'm nervous about metting my other roommate i wonder is she be mean or nice' she signed' can we go to the hostipal i think i have to pick up my things' she signed' i don't know i feel alone for the first time' she thought as she was playing with the necklace

she than saw a girl as she looked at her" um.... helo" she say as she was nervous for using her voice she looked back at her friends" i hezel i'm one of yoo rommates" she say looking at the girl" sworry i deaf so don't get angry with me i learning how to talk to hearing peeple" she say as she looked at the girl as she was smiling glad she was learning she just sat on the bed of her" sworry but me and raiven got good beds you has the bad one" she say as she was smiling" what yoo pewers" she asked as she was smiling glad she had another roommate to talk to raiven was like an older sister to her' i wish my mom wasn't dead' she signed to herslf @Leo Radomir @CandidFox
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Clair had been sound asleep for the entirety of the elites assembly , completely unknown to herself she had even slept through people talking in her own bedroom ! It was only natural that as a result Clair woke up when the room fell into silence , because why not ? Am I right ?

Clair rustled and turned in her bed before siting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. It wasn't long after this that Clair began to make her way towards the kitchen , dressed in a dark purple night gown with slippers to match. Unfortunately for Clair , she only came to realise Adrian was here after doing so. Why was there a guy in the dorm room at 7:32 ? Of course this made Clair blush quite considerably , not because she had a thing for Adrian but simple because being seen in a night gown was , well embarrassing.

Coming quickly to her senses Clair quickly ducked down behind the kitchen counter and tucked her head into her knees. And stuttered out  "k.k.k. Katalina , I didn't know we were expecting quests... could you toss me my jacket please"

@eero-prince @demnkiller @Eternal Dragonchild
Hazel just looked at her as she just signed' nothing wrong i'm fine i just still dealing with my mom death i'm okay though don't worry about me' she signed as she walked to the window' i want to be with my mother' she thought as she just looked at the bocany outside she just sat outside' i feel alone for the first time' she thought as she place her head against the door she just was sucking on the candy she was gaven earler it made her happy her friends wanted to cheer her up she stood up as she walked back inside laying next to karoline as she just fake smiled' um.... i'm nervous about metting my other roommate i wonder is she be mean or nice' she signed' can we go to the hostipal i think i have to pick up my things' she signed' i don't know i feel alone for the first time' she thought as she was playing with the necklace

she than saw a girl as she looked at her" um.... helo" she say as she was nervous for using her voice she looked back at her friends" i hezel i'm one of yoo rommates" she say looking at the girl" sworry i deaf so don't get angry with me i learning how to talk to hearing peeple" she say as she looked at the girl as she was smiling glad she was learning she just sat on the bed of her" sworry but me and raiven got good beds you has the bad one" she say as she was smiling" what yoo pewers" she asked as she was smiling glad she had another roommate to talk to raiven was like an older sister to her' i wish my mom wasn't dead' she signed to herslf @Leo Radomir @CandidFox

Ruby closes her book and turns to the badly speaking girl and says" you sure ask a lot of questions right of the bat well i guess it doesn't hurt to play along this time so i'll tell you what my powers are, i'm a spirit user one could say my powers are creepy not that i really care what most think after all i'm not here to play kiss ass and act all chummy with the people". Ruby paused for a minute then says" i'm not going to make fun of you but in seriousness you should practice in front of a mirror and use a phonics book so others don't make fun of you". " As for the bed well i didn't expect to be left the good one after being late but enough of pointless stuff i want you to know right off the bat that i'm going to be the schools vice president so if it''s related to school based activity's and such i don't mind helping you". ' she's not a bad girl but she reminds of luna some how and it's kinda frustrating because  she seems needy and i'm bad with that kinda stuff that's why part of the reason i got angry with luna'. ' I will need to make ally's at some point but i'm so used to work and such but i'll probably end up angering many before i make new friends and such'
THomura thought for a moment "I don't have any idea what your talking about with the second persona but okay. How about Renogade?" He said playing with Renos name and the word renegade "Its simple and easy to remember" he wasn't really sure that Reno had a dark side but he knew that his friend was more like him than not. He wanted to check on Clair to see how she was doing and to see if she could tell him anything about how she attained her similar state of power. He wanted to see if there was a way for him to control his other half but at the same time he wanted to also get rid of his other side completely. 

While sitting with his friends and the brand new Elites member he would now have to order a jacket for, he started to remember the events that transpired. He knew he revived someone with his own extra power but then after using the black flames, some of his memories for spotty till just now. His face went completely red "I thought he was kidding about that! Did I seriously kiss Clair?!" He said angry and surprised at the same time "Guys I want to do a fact check. I did stop Clair from killing Reno right? And did I kiss her?" He was trying to figure out if his other half had anything to do with it but he knew he was in control. "Holy crap! What did I just do? She's gonna kill me" he said thinking about Clair's possible responses to seeing Homura after that night.

"Guys I think I'm going to head back and take a bit by myself to think about today" he said as he left the room after saying goodbye to his three friends "It was a pleasure to meet you Victoria, I'll see you around" he said before closing the door and then making his way to his dorm room 102. When he returned to his room he noticed Nathaniel just flopped on his bed "Hey how's it going, Adrian not back yet?" He said as he went to his desk where his required report documents were sitting waiting for him "So much work to complete, why me?" He asked himself as he sat down to work on his report. While he worked he thought about what happened between him and Clair. When he got to he part about him kissin her in the report his face went red again "Seriously I haven't even thought about liking her...." he said out loud before writing the rest of his report and then signing his name on it. He turned to Nathaniel "How goes the progress with the watch? Figure out how it works yet?" He asked as he began to change into more comfortable clothes and then heading to the kitchen to make something to eat.

@TheQueenofHearts @ShadowSaber331 @Anyone Online @JayEmperor7
Adrian was kinda zoning out while waiting for Kat's response, he didn't notice until a while ago that Clair left her bed. Hm. Then before he knew it he heard the girl's voice coming from what seemed to be the kitchen. 

The blue haired boy peeked his head into the kitchen. "Yep sorry for being here for so long. Just gotta talk to Kitty Kat for a bit. Hope you don't mind." This guy might never stop with his nicknames. Of course he would nickname Katalina to "Kitty Kat" he likes cats and he likes Katalina do it kinda fit the bill. But he didn't like her in a romantic way. More of a platonic way. And of course Clair didn't mind! Adrian was a great guest. Besides, he wasn't going to stay for too long. He had to go back to the rest of the group and maybe talk to the new Elite. Just to get to know her and all. "But what'chya doing in the kitchen Clair? I think it's a bit late to get something to eat. Unless this is like a midnight snark or something. I won't judge." Adrian shrugged a bit. He has been friends with many females that at this point, he couldn't judge anything girls did. Because he has most likely seen worse than this.

@Mr Swiftshots @demnkiller
'Renogade,' he thought. 'Well, certainly better than what I could have came up with.' He was about to answer Homura's question about him kissing Clair, but before he could he left his dorm. "Hey Tori," Reno called out. "Since you're here, mind telling me more about yourself and about Lori? My mother has told me a few stories about her, but I want to know how see because one of, if not the most, well-known witches in the world." He's heard enough from his mother about how great of a colleague Lori was, but he wanted to know more from her own daughter, and besides, there's always two sides to every story. He looks over at Arcus, who is still feeling a bit scared. "Hey, Arcus," he shouted. "Might as well get some rest, and tell Raiven about your newfound transformation, I don't think she'll like having a secretive boyfriend."

@TheQueenofHearts @Anyone Online



Relieved that everyone had cleared out, Kat's powers didn't erupt. She was fully in control, and for that she could've hurt them all. Once the last person was out, she went to a nearby mirror and fixed her hair while making sure her makeup didn't smudge. When Clair had awoken, she got her jacket and handed it to her not really caring that Clair was there to listen. She then sat on her bed and looked at Adrian and Raiven. "So, I took it as though Homura liked me and so I saw him as potentially someone I would date. I don't know if anyone else likes me, but since Homura was the one who showed it I just saw him as possibly being in a relationship with." She checked her dress to be sure it wasn't ruined. "Anyways I'm not mad at the fact he kissed Clair. I'm mad that I feel I had been played. No I won't kick him out of the Elites over something like this, but I am angry at him that he thinks everything is fine and nothing happened." Kat then glared at the floor before looking at Raiven and Adrian to await their response.


@Eternal Dragonchild

@Mr Swiftshots
Raiven nodded, leaning against the side "You'll find someone better, Reno's cute and caring isn't he?. Don't worry Homura can be quite the jerk so I try to avoid him." She crossed to Kat and sat beside her "I could always shock him if you like" Raiven already had a suspicion of someone else who liked Kat, a certain fellow water elemental perhaps " Most men are ignorant to how their behaviour affects others" Raiven slammed her cane into the ice bracelet, shattering it off. "If you feel like this about him, try talking to him. I've seen him looking at you as well as Clair"


Issac is unpacking his stuff and says to himself" i wasn't keen on coming to this place but mother and father says this place will be good to help me grow, but how most witches and elementals i've met so far have been nothing but trouble". He sighs and continues to unpack after thirty minutes or so he's done unpacking and lays on the bed and looks up at the ceiling. ' mum said i should find somebody i should try count on but my luck with girls is horrid because i don't know how to talk to them out said of helping with requests to do with my work and my eyes and face look scary which probably doesn't matters'. '  it seems so far out of who i'm it's unreal but dad did say that sometimes life is full of unexpected events so i should try and play it by ear and start with making friends first and then go from there'.
Nathaniel looked over to Homura, his headphones off, and paused the video. "Nothing much, just watching some videos," he said. Nathaniel turned over and stretched his arms. "Adrian? No, he hasn't returned yet," he said, sitting up. "Yea, kind of, I practiced doing simple flying and only managed to hover a few centimeters off the ground and only for a few seconds," He watched Homura as walked into the kitchen, "How about you, Homura?" he asked.

"Hey," he shouted. "You must be our roommate... Isacc, right? I'm Reno, and that kid in the hoodie looking like he's hung over is Arcus. Both of us are the Elites in this school...and don't worry, all of us do want to work with humans" Reno knew he was going to be having a human roommate, but he didn't expect him to be this late. Reno stood up from his bed and walked out of his dorm. "I'm gonna take a walk for a moment," he told the new student. "if you need anything, ask Arcus...or find me." He walks out and closes the door behind him. 'This human doesn't pose as much of a threat,' he thought. 'He might be a powerful ally, he does have a look that says 'I've had some experience in a fight.' Nonetheless, I have to be careful around him.' Reno pulls out his phone and texts Hazel, figuring that he should visit her for a while. 'Hey, Hazel, it's Reno. I know it's been a while since I texted you, but I figured I'd check to see how you're doing. Are you in your dorm? If so, can I stop by?'

@Leo Radomir


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