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Height & Weight:

Place Of Birth:



Appearance: (Should you need/want to describe your appearance beyond a single reference, this is the place to do so)

Personality: (3+ Paragraphs)

Likes: (5+)

Dislikes: (5+)

Background: (2+ Paragraphs)

Tools/Skills: (Does your character possess anything that could be helpful/is of importance? What skills does your character bring to the group, if any?)

Other: (In case you want to add anything that didn't fit elsewhere)

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Name: Xu Lin

Age: 20

Birthday: 19 June

Gender: F

Height & Weight: 172 cm & 60kg

Place Of Birth: Guangdong, Mainland China

Occupation: Student, currently in international student exchange program

Sexuality: Straight




Lin is a fun, open, active girl. She is nice to everyone, and despite all the risk and danger she would occasionally push her self to the limit to help out someone in need (Which resulted to people using and pressing her). Despite the cheerful look, she is a very dangerous and a really hard person to dealt with.

Lin is very vengeful, emotional, and short tempered thought she rarely shows it to other people. Lin is adventurous and hot headed, that's also the reason to why she go against her parents will and sign up for the exchange program.


  • Learning something new
  • Succeed on doing something
  • Food (Especially cheeseburger)
  • Nice people
  • Sleeping/Rest


  • Chaos
  • Selfish people/People who only think about their self
  • Being cornered
  • Rule breaker
  • Being rely on


Born and raised in Guangdong, her father and mother is rarely at home because they are working in Hong Kong and still work in what supposed to be their day off. Have a older brother, Xu Fan, who is 10 years older than her and excels in so many things. After graduating from high school, he went to a university in Shanghai and now is one of the best employee in a multinational company where he worked at. Meanwhile, Li is left in Guangdong with her grandmother. With all the money and her brother achievement, Li is given the burden to be as good as him. Li doesn't like it, and so she stopped trying.

Li is marked as a failure by her family, and ended up being used and bullied by her peers. When she have enough with the treatment, she decided to move away from Guangdong, from China. That's when she see an opening in a international exchange program in her university. She signed up and accepted thanks to her good grade in university, and she left ignoring her parents plea not to go.

Tools/Skills: Li is a very talented person, like her brother, thought she never really show it because she's tired of being the center of attention. She's in the Engineering major, and the only thing she's better at than her older brother is wushu. She could've joined China's national team, but she passed the chance because her 'amazing brother' got invited too.

Other: Farsighted, but it's not that bad

Name: Michael Knowles

Age: 22

Birthday: January 2nd

Gender: Male

Height & Weight: 5'10, 165 pounds

Place Of Birth: Manhattan


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Michael has the appearance of your typical firefighter. He's stocky and muscled. Although his body might look pleasurable, his face is a little less so. Some could say he has a handsome ruggedness, but others might not be able to get past crooked nose from multiple breaks. Or a smear of faded purple scar tissue that almost extends from his left ear to the very corner of his mouth. However, he does have very chiseled features and a nice tan complexion. His eyes are a light shade of olive green, and he wears his hair in the high-n-tight style, buzzed close on the sides with a little more on top. When not on call, Michael typically wears a pair of boots with blue jeans, and a faded T-shirt tucked in.

Personality: Just as his appearance is typical of his profession, his personality is also. Michael's never considered himself a "leader" but will pick up the role if nobody else does. He's also selfless, but not because he tries to be the "hero" Michael just truly believes that his own life is worth less than that of others, hence his occupation as a firefighter.

But when not on the job or in any kind of life threatening situations, Michael is pretty much your average joe. He enjoys his nights out, he's a huge sports fan, and he avidly attends night-classes to better himself. Being a fit, single male in his low twenties, Michael has a lot of life to live and enjoy, if he doesn't give it up for someone else to enjoy theirs.

Likes: Sports, the gym, NYC, his dog, and snowboarding.

Dislikes: Snobs, fast-food, police (because of their rivalry), greed, and cats.

Background: Michael knew he was going to become a firefighter on September 11, 2001, when his dad's firefighting career, and his life, ended. Besides the tragic accident of his father during 9/11, Michael grew up about as normal as any city boy could. He eventually gained a step dad that sometimes kinda cool, and his life was never too bad. Unlike a lot of his friends, Michael knew what he wanted to be from a very young age. His motivation to be a firefighter is what usually kept him out of trouble and out of the bottle during highschool.

Michael got his EMS certification at 20, and became a full-time firefighter on his 21st birthday. He loved the job, and really grew a connection with the people he saved. During his first year, he grew to love the people he saved more and more, and became more than willing to give up his own life to save another. Now, with more than a year on the job, Michael lives on his own and continues to work full-time for the department. He's young, living in the most famous city in the United States, and probably had a lot going for him before the creatures arrived.

Tools/Skills: Michael's two most useful skills would be his medical training, and his training to remain calm under pressure. And of course, if there are any fires he'll also know what to do.

Other: Michael's fire station shared a 3 year old German Shepard named Buddy. When the creatures attacked and his station was torn apart, Michael took Buddy with him. He'd always been close to the dog, and is now trying to escape Manhattan with him.
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Name: Joshua Sterling

Age: 23

Birthday: October 5th

Gender: Male

Height & Weight: 5'8"/123 Lbs

Place Of Birth: Worcester, Massachusetts

Occupation: Student of Research Biomedical Engineering

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance: Small blue eyes that show an element of intelligence in them. They give a studious look that is even brought out more by his constant folding of his lips. He presses a thumb to his teeth during times of deeper thought. He caries a good amount of confidence in his walk, but not to the point where its over shadowing. He seems to be sure in the way he speaks with a stern voice that seems to not get shattered by what others say. He commonly puts his hands in his pockets and leans forward when interested in a conversation. Joshua blushes heavily when he has a crush on someone.

Personality: A naturally curious soul, Joshua is always questioning and looking for ways to expand his mind. He takes up objects that he finds interesting to inspect later, regardless of the dangers they might hold. For this reason, he has a pair of gloves in his pockets at all time in case there's a chance for a discovery. His real goal in this whole mess is to find out the answers behind the biology of these beasts. Their anatomy and their strange bodily functions. Josh carries a few textbooks and a lap top in his backpack to try and find similarities between these beasts to creatures that naturally occur in the current world. He also wants to know how they live with such large bodies consuming humans which would be seemingly small in their diet. This goal is a dangerous one and might very well be intangible with modern day technology. However, such thoughts do not discourage his mind from trying to find ways to undo this whole mess.

Josh is the type that does what he needs to for the greater good. His view on things is that sometimes situations are unavoidable and we must make the hard decisions whether we want to or not. He has a large sense of justice which can sometimes be seen as righteousness. His opinions are not easily wavered and he can be stuck in a decision despite what the group decides to do. Uncompromising would be a good word to describe him, he won't listen to what he believes is completely stupid or irrelevant. Josh is rather intelligent but his negotiation skills are what makes him seem inadequate at times.

Josh pays great attention to the finer details in things. He makes sure to analyze everything at least three times before forming an opinion. For this reason, when he finally forms one he cherishes it greatly. His social skills are a bit lacking, in crowded spaces he feels the need to get away and can find himself rambling on about uninteresting topics that nobody really wants to hear about. He was never really a cool kid growing up, which forced him to get used to being a bit of a shut-in. He doesn't mind being alone for hours or doing absolutely nothing for great moments of time. His mind alone can keep him company when no one else will.


  • Tranquility
  • To prove his intelligence
  • Solving problems
  • People who offer good advice
  • Learning
  • Roleplaying


  • Loud noises
  • Not being listened to
  • Sleeping for long hours of time
  • Being compared with others
  • Crowded places

Background: Joshua was raised in an upper part of Worcester, Massachusetts. His parents made enough money to support any dream he would follow. His parents were both doctors without borders and found love on one of their expeditions. The story about how was constantly told to Joshua to the point where he could even say the whole thing himself. It was slightly annoying but sweet regardless. Joshua went to a private school as a child, his school wasn't very far from his home so he didn't have to take public transportation. His parents were never home so he was used to cooking for himself and cleaning. He grew up off microwave pizzas and cups of coffee. He was used to this life style, he found fun and socialization over the internet. When his parents were home, it was only for weeks. The longest time they were home was a total of two months when he was 10. He found that to be the funnest time of his life, they spoke so greatly about the fields of medicine. He became so interested in their jobs that he decided he would have something similar to it. He ordered his nanny to buy him books on topics like that. When she did, he spent every moment of his free time reading about medicine. Soon, this changed to biomedical engineering when a public speaker came to his school to teach what a biomedical engineer does.

Josh was accepted into the University of Massachusetts with ease. His grades were perfect and his ACT score was within the top 5%. When he graduated high school as Valedictorian, he was able to make the basic graduation speech. He looked out to the crowd to try and find his parents, but their reserved seats were empty. His nanny was there clapping and smiling for him, she always felt bad that Joshua had to grow up without parents. Even though he did have their love, it wasn't the same. He still attends the University of Massachusetts but visits New York with his ex boyfriend in the summer. They remain good friends and commonly joke about the days when they were in a relationship.

Tools/Skills: Can understand things through a medical point of view, giving him the ability to research new objects

Other: Has a pet albino mouse named Spencer.

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Faustin Kirkwood

Age: 25

Birthday: August 3rd

Gender: Male, born female, transitioned during childhood

Height & Weight: 5"5, 180 lbs

Place Of Birth: Brooklyn

Occupation: Librarian/ student

Sexuality: gay

Appearance: (Should you need/want to describe your appearance beyond a single reference, this is the place to do so)

Faustin is transgender. He has two scars on his chest from top surgery that he got when he was 21. He is fairly athletic, so he is fairly muscular. He likes to dress casual, even for fancy events. His main go to outfit is jeans and a band t-shirt.

Personality: (3+ Paragraphs)

Faustin is outgoing and fun loving. When he was in high school, he was the captain of the wrestling team and the head of Model UN. He loves to talk about his interests, wrestling, reading and politics. He can go up to a random person on the street and ask them about their day. He likes to joke around. Corny jokes and dedpan ones are his favorite. His friends say that he loves to talk and he is always there for them.

However, transitioning in Brooklyn has taught him more than he expected. During middle school, he was teased to no end about being a boy. He was pulled out of school. He still suffers from massive depression and anxiety. Every time he goes out in public, there is a fear that he will be bashed and hurt. Sometimes he still gets misgendered and that can really get him down. Faustin is really good at putting up a front between him and his problems. Most of his friends know he is trans and gay but no one except his parents know how much he has suffered. He believes that to be strong you have to show no emotion. Because he is so afraid of being read as a girl, he is hyper masculine. He believes in old chivalry and that one has to have a certain set of traits in order to be manly. This causes a lot of strife in his life because he is afraid of who to tell.

Faustin values his alone time as much as he does his time with other people. He finds it a nice feeling to curl up with a book. His love of solitude extends to his hardworking attitude. He likes to work on projects alone, but when he is having fun he likes to be in a group with lots of other people. However, his personality is different when he is alone compared to in a group. When working alone he is solemn and studious. When out with friends he is energetic and somewhat light headed. He is a respectful son and student. He is not really good at solving emotional problems. He is good at physical stuff but when it comes to emotions he has a hard time expressing them. He is in denial about many unresolved issues in his life. When things get really bad, he tends to feel really out of it or disassociate.

He wants to have a normal life. He doesn't want to be a leader or a trend setter. When he was coming out, many people felt like he was a pioneer for transgender rights. However, he doesn't want anything to do with the trans community. He wants to pass as a man and not be noticed. His ultimate goal is to blend into society. He fears being noticed, recognized or perceived as a girl. He really has low self esteem and self confidence. He is known to doubt himself and his decisions.

Likes: (5+)









-Alone time

Dislikes: (5+)



-Being recognized in public as a girl

-Yelling/ shouting



Background: (2+ Paragraphs)

Faustin is the son of a Haitian immigrant woman and a white man. When he told them about being transgender, they were initially confused and try to enroll him in therapy to get rid of those tendencies. After a year, Faustin tried to commit suicide and so his parents accepted his gender identity. He went on hormone blockers, which stopped his puberty.

His little brother was born when he was seven. His name was Charlie and he died a year later with his mother in a car accident. Faustin is still working through his issues concerning his brother and his mother. His mother taught him to love his culture and his family history. Faustin is involved in Haitian culture and tries to connect with other Haitians in Brooklyn.

During middle school, he transitioned. It went well and most of the people there were accepting. However, his depression kept worsening and he had to be hospitalized several times. He found his outlet in wrestling where he could really be himself. Wrestling became his primary motivator to do good in school and continue his education. His father also gave him another skill. He taught him wilderness survival and woodworking. His father had grown up out in Colorado and always had a lot of nature surrounding him. Once every month, he and Faustin would go out into the woods and camp for a weekend. He also taught Faustin how to make sculptures out of wood.

High school was more of the same. Wrestling, woodworking, Model UN kept him busy enough. His depression, although not cured, became droll. He was able to manage it, even though getting out of the bed and falling asleep at night were hard. He began to attend therapy, which helped him a lot in terms of gender identity. He was also allowed to take testosterone his freshman year which allowed him to develop as a boy. This helped him greatly.

Faustin loves science. He is currently at Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore. He is going into medicine, specifically endocrinology. Although he has no real connections to the trans community, he wants trans kids to know that they can end up alive in the end. He loves medicine and the hope it provides people. He is also knows basic first aid and how the body works. He is in his second year of medical school.

Tools/Skills: He knows how to survive in the wilderness, work with wood and has a basic understanding of the human body.

Other: N/A

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