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Fantasy Nytarus Academy for the Supernatural



You get to be one kind of creature. There are no half-breeds unless you ask me and I decide the parameters of their abilities.

Vampires: They're exactly what you think when you hear vampire. Weak to the sun, garlic, and wooden stakes through the heart (but honestly, who isn't?) the vampires at the academy are well accommodated since the Head Master is one. To counterbalance their glaring weaknesses, vampires have an indefinite lifespan, a resistance to frost, and can transform into bats, wolves, and owls. A vampire may choose to study any magic that doesn't involve fire, since they are weak to any intense heat source. Vampires are encouraged to not bite anyone for any reason.

Werewolves: These creatures have evolved over the years to finally be able to change into their wolf form at will. Problem is, they still uncontrollably change on the night of a full moon. Being large, hulking beasts, Nytarus Academy does its best to train werewolves about self control in their animal form, lest they kill someone. Anyway, werewolves still have the classic weakness to silver, being killed by blades or bullets of the metal and being unable to transform on contact.

Elves: No, they're not short little Santa helpers, don't say that to their face. It's quite the opposite, actually, since elvish people are usually tall and stunning in comparison to humans. They have an affinity for magic unlike any other supernatural being out there, being able to grasp the complexities of the art and master it long before anyone else can. They also have incredibly long lifespans, with some elves living for thousands of years.

Merfolk: This is why Aldrich had those pools built. Now, there are two types of merfolk but both perform about the same. The first is what you normally think, top half human while below their torso is a fish tail. This tail can morph into legs while they're on ground. The second type is a humanoid with fish features, usually scales for skin and the coloring of a fish along with certain features such as fins and sharp teeth. Merfolk excel in swimming and magic involving water and ice.

Fae: Imagine elves with wings, and you got fae, or fairies (But they don't always have wings). While not as magically adept as eleves, fae still have a fairly good grasp on magic involving fire. In addition to that, they have a natural ability that allows them to be in tune with the woodlands, which can range from being able to have some basic communication with animals to bending an entire forest to their will. But most fae have some power in between.

Ghosts: Not every person becomes a ghost, but there are enough for the general human population to fear them. After the Ghostbusters movies, Nytarus Academy has started to accept ghosts onto the campus after their weakness to vacuums was exposed. Ghosts are exactly what you think they are; ethereal apparitions that may or may not be seeking vengeance. They can become invisible and possess objects, and sometimes people. But possession is strictly forbidden in the Academy, so don't worry. Ghosts excel at magic involving electricity and some often feed off of anything electrical.

Demons: As long as they, too, don't posses or kill anyone, demons are permitted on campus. Demons are creatures of fire, chaos, and darkness, which may not be a bad thing. Often times chaos simply means change, and change is always bound to happen. Most demons will have horns and other satyr-like features. A sizeable population will have wings, usually black. Another subgroup includes Cacodaemons, which are the evil counterpart of Eudaemons. Demons excel in magic involving fire.

Angels: Where there's demons, there's angels to keep them in check. Angels are borne from light and order and are generally peaceful, unless a demon is about. Often being mortal enemies, angels and demons are encouraged to set aside their differences at the academy and get the heck along. Angels often have a light constantly cast around them and, like their nemeses, will have wings that are usually light in color and feathery. Another subgroup includes Eudaemons, which are the good counterpart of Cacodaemons. Angels also excel in Healing magic.

Mages: Mages are what we call humans with the rare ability to control magic. It's either humans like this are extremely rare or that people never realize their potential in the magical arts. It takes a while for mages to master any sort of spell, but they can learn any type. They may be also called witches, but the word carries a negative connotation.


Choose one type your character studies.

Fire - The ability to create and control of fire and heat.

Air - The ability to manipulate air and any sort of gas that may be present.

Water - The ability to control water in its liquid form.

Earth - The ability to control earth and earthen materials, like metal.

Electricity - The ability to harness the power of electricity from something as harmless as static to full on lightning bolts.

Ice - The ability to control ice and cool the surrounding area.

Druidism - The ability to get in touch with nature, commanding fauna and flora alike.

Healing - The ability to heal yourself and others at an accelerated rate.

If you would like to see more creatures/magic, ask me.

Joining Form:

Supernatural Form:

Character Name (first and last name):



Looks (can be a description and/or a picture of any style):


History (optional):

Relations (family/crushes/etc):




(If you want your character to be a teacher, then ask)

Witchhunter Form:

Character Name (first and last name):



Looks (can be a description and/or a picture of any style):


History (optional):

Relations (family/crushes/etc):


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Character Name: Aldrich Valencia

Age: 663 (appears 40)

Gender: Male

Looks: Aldrich is a terrifying presence, simply put. He stands at an above average 6'6" and has a strong build that makes it look like he could rip your head off. His eyes are a light blue and hold behind them the wisdom that comes with his long life. His hair is a medium blonde and is clipped short in an almost military style cut, but the tight curls can't be hidden and would throw off his intimidating presence if he wasn't actually that scary. He has a light beard he keeps trimmed short and obviously takes some pride in keeping himself looking nice, but isn't as arrogant as his son. His facial features are sharp and well defined and make him look more stoic than intended.

Personality: Remember when I said Aldrich could rip your head off? He wouldn't. Well, most times he wouldn't. If you get on this man's good side, then you instantly know the most generous person you could meet. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, he will take care of someone's problems, no matter how menial. Though he often forgets about himself, putting others way ahead of him. If a threat is presented to his family or students, that's when heads get torn off. He's fiercely protective and often goes with his gut rather than reasoning. If you threaten his son in any way, then expect trouble. If Duke doesn't obliterate you first, then Aldrich surely will. Despite his fierce protectiveness and the blind rage that comes from it, he'll often see reason in the end. The problem is that it may be too late after he rampages.

Relations: Sons- Duke Valencia, Leon Savage (adoptive)

Creature: Vampire

Magic: Electricity

Other: Headmaster of the school


Character Name: Duke Valencia

Age: 638 (appears 20)

Gender: Male

Looks: Duke is a tall, lithe man with an intimidating appearance to match his cruel personality. He stands at 6'4" and has a bit of muscle, but not too much. His facial features are well defined with high cheekbones, a strong jaw, and eyes that always seem to be glaring. His hair is platinum blonde, almost white, and combed back; it looks like it's straight, but it's actually curly. He found the curls to be "too adorable" so his vanity called for him to keep his short hair pin straight when he can. The aforementioned glaring eyes are an icy blue and are pretty much the only thing that convey any emotion. Well, emotions meaning the short range of anger, annoyance, and discomfort. His pale, paper white skin is laced with a multitude of scars, the most prominent ones being on his hands, neck and chest.

Personality: Duke is incredibly cynical, rude, and calloused. He'll always belittle the people brave enough to actually talk to him, but will not go out of his way to lash out at someone. He's actually quite private and reserved, only speaking his harsh words when someone comes near. He can be seen as arrogant and vain, which he truly is. He views himself as God-like an above everyone else, refusing to believe he isn't better than everyone else. Despite this warped view of himself and others, he is actually very intelligent and would deploy his smarts to good use. Except he doesn't care about other people the slightest. As one could imagine, it's very difficult to get through to him or even get a kind word (that's not sarcastic) out of him. Due to his inflated ego and pride, he'll try to dress the best he can, usually donning a suit of some sort.

History: Many years ago, before the Valencia household was converted into an academy, Duke was attacked by a rogue group of witchhunters and barely made it out with his life. This event both angered and motivated Aldrich, who felt the need to create a safer space for supernatural beings everywhere.

Relations: Father - Aldrich Valencia, Brother - Leon Savage (adoptive)

Creature: Vampire

Magic: Ice

Other: Teaches Defensive Magic classes


Character Name: Leon Savage

Age: 635 (appears 18)

Gender: Male

Looks: At a below average 5'6" and having not-so-defined features, Leon is more adorable than mean material. His cheekbones are rounded and his nose is small and, past all that wispy, ghostly ethereal-ness, his light skin is dappled with small freckles. He is rarely ever seen without his timid smile, adding to his disarming demeanor. His eyes are large and a brilliant green, defined by thick eyelashes that just make him, yes, cute. His hair is a dirty blonde and a bit short, but always messy in its own sort of style.

Personality: Matching his looks, Leon is timid and afraid around strangers, especially the scary ones. He usually has good prejudgement when it comes to the morality of people, so he knows who to warm up to and who to stay the heck away from. As for the people he has grown close to, he'll literally put his life on the line for them. That's exactly how he ended up like this.

History: Leon was originally a servant for the Valencia family and was well-cared by Aldrich, being treated just like family. His untimely death happened at age 18 when he stopped a band of witchhunters from killing Duke. In his state of grief, Duke had done every sort of ritual to bring Leon back, but the best he could do was make him a ghost.

Relations: Father - Aldrich Valencia (adoptive), Brother - Duke Valencia (adoptive)

Creature: Ghost

Magic: Electricity


Character Name: Josef Heilberg

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Looks: Josef is a rather plain looking man, standing at a solid 6' and having a medium build. He looks worn from years of work and stress, constantly having some 5 o' clock shadow and sense of weariness he seems to carry. His eyes are a deep brown, framed by spectacles. His hair is short and black, graying at the sides, and he tries to keep it in order but a strand or two always seems to fall in his face. He speaks with a thick German accent because, well. He's from there. Bielefeld, to be exact. He usually wears some woolen vest sweater with more business casual stuff underneath, even if he's doing work.

Personality: Josef is a bit... Eccentric. While he does always look exhausted, he can go from 0 to 100 when his work is mentioned. He's highly intelligent and a great surgeon, sure, but you almost have no idea what this man is gonna say or do next. He also has a massive fascination with bodily organs and whatnot, and, uh. He lost his medical license at some point. Go to him at your own discretion. Don't ask why Aldrich keeps him around

Relations: None

Creature: Mage

Magic: Healing

Other: Considered the school nurse. But don't call him a nurse, he gets offended.


Character Name: Damon Siskind

Age: Ageless (appears 23)

Gender: Male

Looks: Damon is a rather average-looking guy, standing at 5'10", age 19, and having a somewhat smaller build. However, he is slightly chubby due to not having the best diet and only moving when he really has to. His hair is a honey blonde and is always a slightly spiked mess that is its own style in itself. His eyes are a deep green and always holding a perpetual look of boredom. His voice is rather deep and he speaks slowly as if he's too lazy to get the next syllable out. He likes to dress comfortably rather than stylishly, preferring sweatpants, large t-shirts, and this white hoodie he always seems to wear. While he is a demon, he doesn't possess many stereotypical demon features, except maybe his slightly sharper than usual teeth and small horns that are easily hidden by his hair.

Personality: You will not find a more uncaring guy than Damon. Sure, he might sometimes reel in a guy or two for a quick relationship before getting bored and moving along. He views people as his playthings, just really not caring about them and using them to his advantage. However, he's not exactly a mean guy. He's never really hateful towards someone for the sake of being evil, he just does what he wants, when he wants. However, he can be manipulated quite easily. "How?", you may ask. Well, Damon loves food. Sweet foods, to be specific. Seriously, just offer him some good chocolate and he'd probably kill a guy.

History: Damon was once incredibly powerful and feared, known by the name of Beherit, but has recently had his power contained within his current human vessel. For the most part, the demon part of him is dormant, which makes him the lazy, candy-loving guy he is now. Despite his restrictions, his power leaks from time to time, the most major disruption being when he accidentally turned the lower floors of the academy into what's known as The Nether. But ever since that creation, he hasn't had any outbursts.

Relations: None

Creature: Demon

Magic: Fire


Character Name: Marcel Charbonneau

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Looks: The moment you set your eyes on Marcel is the moment you know this guy is shady as heck. He always seems to have this fake grin that tries to falsely reassure you that he won't stab you in the back and this snide laugh that sends chills down your spine. His features are sharp and pointed, like a bird of prey. He is tall, but not excessively so, standing at a solid 6'1". His eye is the most unsettling feature about him, being a bright green that you'd think would glow in the dark. I say eye because one of them isn't there, covered by his bandanna. He never really says how he lost it and will often fabricate tales of great battles. But no, he was just born without it. His hair is a bright red that almost looks fake, always messy and in loose, wavy curls. He has managed to grow a light beard and keep it relatively well trimmed and short, keeping it simple yet enough to define his features. His skin is pale a he mostly operates under the night. His accent contains hints of French as most words he says sound quite sharp. But it's mostly unnoticeable since he won't speak much.

Personality: Marcel is, simply put, King of the Sleaze. He probably isn't even using his real name, and nothing that comes out of his mouth may be true. If you talk to him, he doesn't like you. That's it. He doesn't want friends, only business. If you got something to offer him, he might just talk to you. But otherwise, don't bother getting a word out of him. But what can you get out of him? Information. Don't ask how he got it or when, he just did. Because many of his methods involve deception and knives. So only go to him is you're really desperate, as talking to Marcel could put your life at stake. He often refuses to speak about his past, but one can tell he's masking something under all of that calm, as if he's ready to burst at any moment.

Relations: None

Weapons: A dagger gilded with silver as well as a revolver that shoots silver bullets.

Other: He hunts werewolves specifically, knowing their pelts, claws, and teeth fetch a high price.


Character Name: Levi Dillinger

Age: 22

Gender: Male



Personality: If the word "flamboyant" was a person, it'd be Levi. This guy loves to strut his stuff and is basically a human version of a peacock. Every movement is exaggerated, planned out, and he lives his life as if he's in a theatrical production. He's also very critical about people's fashion choices, so look out for the fashion police over here. But past that flaming surface is actually a smart guy, one who cares about others in a profound way. While he is mostly about looking good and all that, he's not entirely self-absorbed, and is a genuinely open-minded and loving person. The only way this guy can really hate you is if he catches you taking advantage of other people.

Relations: None

Creature: Mage

Magic: Water

Other: Teaches Defensive Classes, specifically with water
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Character Name (first and last name): Emilia Stone

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Looks (can be a description and/or a picture or any style):

Personality: Emilia is a very friendly person, or she tries to be. Sometimes she can come off as a little too friendly. She loves helping people, but also has a temper.

History (optional):

Relations (family/crushes/etc): She has a brother, Rodrik.

Creature: Fae

Magic: Electricity

Other: She loves to use a bow and arrow.

Character Name (first and last name): Rodrik Stone

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Looks (can be a description and/or a picture or any style):

Personality: He has a temper just like his sister. He is more on the non-friendly side. He loves to cause trouble, but would never harm anyone unless he had to.

History (optional):

Relations (family/crushes/etc): Emilia

Creature: Demon

Magic: Fire

Other: He loves to fight.
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Character Name: Leah Ashwood

Age: Looks 17 is over 100 years old

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/girl_by_ennya7-d6jdgc7.jpg.ff0061bd1650f81eaed3f23d58fcf811.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125278" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/girl_by_ennya7-d6jdgc7.jpg.ff0061bd1650f81eaed3f23d58fcf811.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: While at first coming off prickly Leah is in fact a true and loyal friend. She is hardworking at stubborn and isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in. Living with two older siblings Leah is able to stand on her own two feet and although appears fragile is not against violence when necessary.

History: Coming from an ancient family of elves there has always been a pressure on Leah to be amazing. Her two older siblings fulfill this image perfectly, causing some animosity between them, while Leah has always searched for something more than the fate thrust upon her. Leah even considered running away when she was younger but after the terrible accident that took away her baby brother she realised that her family needs her more than she first thought. Those that hurt her brother have never been found and Leah swore she would seek justice for his death.

Relations (family/crushes/etc): Father-Sebastian, mother-Elena, Brother-Zach and sister-Rebecca

Creature: Elf

Magic: Water



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Character Name (first and last name): Joy Sistco

Age: That's rude to ask a lady. 17

Gender: Female

Looks (can be a description and/or a picture of any style): She wears a white mask and cloak. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears glasses when she doesn't have her mask on.

Personality: She's very mothering and sweet.

History (optional): Can I reveal in Rp?

Relations (family/crushes/etc): She was orphaned at a young age.

Creature: Angel

Magic: Ice

Other: She loves kids and is a very good student. She often talks about her friend Misery.
Character Name : Eli McNeil

Age: 17

Gender: Male




Personality: Eli is quiet and gentle, preferring to go with the flow (sometimes literally) rather than facing conflict. He tends to try to see the good in everyone, no matter how bad they may seem, and his head is often wrapped around a new daydream.

History: Eli's adoptive father, a fisherman, found him in the aftermath of a wild hurricane that barely grazed the coast of Nova Scotia. He had no idea how a baby came to be in the middle of the ocean, floating on a bed of seaweed and wearing a gold medallion around his neck. He and his wife took in the baby, naming him Eli and raising him as their own son. They loved Eli, even though he had some odd features, like the fact that he would only eat raw fish, or that he would dump handfuls of salt into his water before drinking it, or even the small, thin webbing that developed between his fingers and toes. When he grew up, however, Eli discovered that as soon as he hit the water, his legs would transform into a tail, and he could breathe underwater. Ever since, he's been trying to discover who left him behind in that storm, and who-or what-he truly is.

Relations (family/crushes/etc): None.

Creature: Merfolk

Magic: Water

Other: Eli is a wonderful singer, almost absurdly so.
@Schadenfreudmeh If you're still accepting, I'll just make my character sheet here.

Character Name: Yax Quinn

Age: 15 (150)

Gender: Male


Personality: It should be noted that Yax is perhaps the most decent, chivalrous and compassionate character (I've made). He comes to see monsters as equals and share the hope that they can live peacefully alongside humans. Despite there being many instances where he has been put into dangerous, even life-threatening situations, he is seemingly unable to bear hatred or hold a grudge and has forgiven those who have previously tried to do him harm. On certain occasions, the extent of his kindness has made Yax naive to certain truths or overly trusting of certain individuals. Nevertheless, his selflessness and courage often comes out when he or someone from his group of friends is faced with the possibility of injury or even death. He is also willing to sacrifice anything order to protect the people he holds dear, even his own life, hell, he'll even eat garlic if it comes down to it.

Relations: N/A

History: That's something for me to know, and you to (Maybe) find out. If that is allowed, if not, I'll make it then.

Creature: Vampire (He lacks the ability to turn into a wolf or an owl, but can turn into a bat)

Magic: Electricity

Other: N/A
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Character Name: Cecilia

Age: A few centuries

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9e13d374_Image69.jpg.fd894f778a2779a74aaf967d94b94ad0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9e13d374_Image69.jpg.fd894f778a2779a74aaf967d94b94ad0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Cecilia is a calm girl who doesn't brake the rules often. She tries her best to help others but when he needs to she can be strict and agresive.

History (optional): Cecilia was a angel of the Lord until she had fallen from her grace for falling in love with a mortal. Heaven stole her angelic powers and left with nothing but lightning. She can't even heal like a proper angel. Cecilia went to the academy seeking refuge and tries to find her grace. Every day she was either hunted by a demon or by a mortal hoping to get paid or gather information. Although she is an angel she thinks for herself and looks after herself only wanting to find her grace.

Relations: Not yet

Creature: Angel

Magic: Electricity

Other: Kicked from heaven for falling in love.



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Name: Ashwood (everyone calls her Ash) Gray.

Age: 500 (Supposed to be around 15ish)

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.badd74f9115dbb2a807eb71b53706c9c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125532" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.badd74f9115dbb2a807eb71b53706c9c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Ash may come of in a "idgaf" kind of way, but she's just mentally and physically hardcore. Her parents were the King and Queen of the Elven Lands. They already had a daughter, who died in the battle of Demons vrs. Elves, but the whole time, they had a daughter, who was hid from the public, mainly because the Queen had an affair, and didn't want there to be a huge scandal, blah, blah, blah, she learned parkour skills, (which helped her escape the public, and the demons) and here she is.

Relations: None, or N/A

Creature: Elf (obviously)

Magic: Drudisism

Other: She has a lot of secrets, and is rather mysterious.



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Character Name (first and last name): Amy Coleenr

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Looks (can be a description and/or a picture of any style):

Personality: Ugh, I hate describing my characters. She's a HUGE ASS FLIRT, she's sarcastic and very friendly (can the rest be tbr?)

History (optional): TBR

Relations (family/crushes/etc): Um, can't think of any..?

Creature: werewolf

Magic: Drudisism

Other: sorry if this is like, so sucky.): I'll make it up in the rp if I'm accepted!(:

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