[Numenera] Down and out in the Ninth World

What do you like to see in a game?

  • Intrigue/Politics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Romance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Military/War

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Exploration

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Action

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Investigation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Post and let me know)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Department of Redundancy Department.
Ok so I have not run a game here but I am looking to start up a Numenera game.

With luck everyone has heard of this awesome new setting by now, and if not check here:


So I will be using the basic setting with several changes of my own. First and most notable among them is that the moon is about 80% larger in the sky than it appears to us today. In addition it is covered with a large ocean and show signs landmasses and atmosphere (clouds etc.). To add to this on some nights light that would seem to indicate some form of habitation can been seen. Some manner of discharges, perhaps massive lightning storms, can be seen of a regular basis even from earth. Also firearms are more prevalent, but still far from common in my world. There are some other differences but most would not be readily noticeable to the PC’s at this point.

I am inclined to allow any of the flowing fan made content with the exception of Clockwork and perhaps Performs Alchemy and Operates Mechs.


more options here


If you use one of these other sources, make sure you let me know which source and expect that I may issue changes if it is found to be unbalanced—I will consult with you if issues arise of course.

I will be starting the game in the city of Stirthal, as city of about 100,000 that rests on the northern edge of the Voil Chasm, as huge canyon that runs East to West for about 300 miles along the southern border of a country called Malevich. The city extends not only on top of by down the side of the cliff like cave dwellings. For those with access to just a player’s guide and not the main book I can provide more detail.

Characters will be standard from the rules. I love lots of back story and creativity and out of the box thinking in character creation, so wow me. I’ll take up to 8 players (starting in 2 groups of 4 ideally).

Some notes on my play style. I prefer a fair amount of player choice, sort of sandbox if you will. At the beginning of the game I will provide and a few hooks, and I will continue to do so through the game. Many will lead to adventure, some will be red herrings. Follow the hooks or not, if the group decides to ignore all my hooks and steal an airship and be air pirates, or go buy a tavern and start a protection racket, or try forge papers to become advisors to the king, from a faraway land, by all means feel free to try. Now the fact is these ideas would be quite difficult and the players would face a ton of opposition, but I won’t veto such ideas out of hand, my point is I like an open style and have no issues with the players having control over what leads the pursue. Not that I will not run the game, I just like to let the players pick what path of adventure they want to pursue. To that end I will use an idea from another game, AEG’s 7th. I will give six categories: Intrigue/Politics, Romance, Military/War, Exploration, Action, and Investigation. I'll set up a poll to see what people like. This will give me an idea of what type of hooks will appeal to the group. You can select multiple categories.

Anyway that is the basics I would like to see the characters and the categories before I give more specific details. Once that is done we can come up with connections or if players want to come up with connections of their own just run them by me.
I would enjoy a spot in your game. I was thinking of playing a Graceful Jack who Works the Back Alleys

Orphaned at a young age, and bullied my whole life, until one day, after many years of tolerance, my rage became too much for me to handle and I took matters into my own hands. Skills fueled by rage, I took my revenge on those who had bullied me. Leaving no evidence, aside from a single witness (PC), who tried to convince me to leave my life of crime. I couldn't be held accountable, and still live a free life.

Based on a character from a book series.

  • Azoth, the Night Angel
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I have never used this site before for PbP, but I am willing to give it a try. So count me in. Is posting to this thread how the game will run? I am used to RPoL, so I am not sure what you need me to do next. But the setting seems fun, and I will vote on investigation... cuz thats my jam.
I'd like to sign up as a Mysterious Glaive who Isn't. I wrote the "Isn't" focus and I'm keen to put it through it's paces but if you don't like it (or the mysterious descriptor), I'm happy to play virtually anything and I'll roll up a random combo with the Numenera character generator I wrote. The categories/styles of play I'm most interested in is exploration and investigation.

I've not played a PbP here before but I've played many elsewhere.
Ninjar said:
I have never used this site before for PbP, but I am willing to give it a try. So count me in. Is posting to this thread how the game will run? I am used to RPoL, so I am not sure what you need me to do next. But the setting seems fun, and I will vote on investigation... cuz thats my jam.
Once I get enough players and approval to set up a forum I will direct everyone there to post their characters.
darkliquid said:
I'd like to sign up as a Mysterious Glaive who Isn't. I wrote the "Isn't" focus and I'm keen to put it through it's paces but if you don't like it (or the mysterious descriptor), I'm happy to play virtually anything and I'll roll up a random combo with the Numenera character generator I wrote. The categories/styles of play I'm most interested in is exploration and investigation.
I've not played a PbP here before but I've played many elsewhere.
Yeah give me a link to the Descriptor and foci and I will take a look at them.
To be honset I wanted to give people on both site I frequent a chance to play. Venue does not matter to me--the fact that we all have fun does, so one I get enough players I can poll people to see if they want to do the game here or Rpol.
For me, GMing two games and playing in two games on RPoL, having one location would be way easier. But if you get more interest from people on this site, than I will compromise
I am also more familiar, and invested into rpol, running a game of my own, and playing more, So I mirror Ninjars sentiment.
Guys I goofed and got a little over eager and I tried to offer up this game to people from two sites I play on. I did not think it through, I am sorry I took up bandwidth here. If anyone comes across this please contact me via my email addy so as not to further clutter this erroneous post and I will direct you to the game.

Sorry and thanks

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