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Realistic or Modern Now Or Never | Character Sheet


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Andrew 'Drew' Peter Jackson

Name: Andrew ‘Drew’ Peter Jackson
Age: 18
Birthday: 15 May
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Cis Male
Face Claim: Reece King
Role: The Fuckboy


Height: 5’11
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: His cheekbones are strong and he almost always wears a septum
Clothing Style: Leather jackets, statement shirts, ripped jeans, leather boots and two old wristbands made of leather is his go to style. If it’s warm outside he might wear black shorts and take off his jacket. He has a rather small and worn wardrobe. He likes wearing a septum and sometimes earrings.


1. Finish school, get a job and finally move out, preferably with his sister.
2. Never see his parents again.
3. Nail all the girls
To see his little sister harmed.
Even if he is ashamed of saying it, he is terrified of dropping out of school.
- Leather – He thinks a leather makes everyone sexier
- Girls – Because they are so soft
- Boys – Because he does not always want it soft
- His sister – She is his beloved baby
- The sun burning his skin – The warmth, the freedom
- The sound of frying bacon – He does not really know why
- Dishonesty – He despite it
- His parents – They does not seem to like him
-The smell of frying bacon – It makes him sick
- Ice cream – He hates the consistence of it
Honest – Andrew has a firm belief that honesty is one of the best attributes in every human, and that a dishonest person is not worth the ground they stand on. Because of this Andrew never lies.
Protective – Sometimes Andrew’s friends thought someone would fall on Andrew and cut themselves. Andrew says they should step away from his sister. He would fight death itself for her, throw himself in front of a train for her; he would do anything. Sometimes he has a hard time showing it, though. And he might get abusive towards her.
Seductive – Andrew does not only have the looks, but also the personality that seduces both girls and boys. He talks with both his words and his body, and he delivers on his words.

Careless – Besides Andrew’s goals and his sister, he does not really care about anything, and this has made him careless. He is not afraid to get an STD, nor if he would crash and die on his motorcycle.
Dyslectic – Andrew has undiagnosed dyslexia and because of this he does not like reading out loud, nor really reading at all, he calls rather than texts and if he texts he uses as many abbreviations and emojis he can.
Easy – If someone buys him dinner they have him between your sheets, or they just ask. As long as Andrew is attracted to them and they want to he would nail them.


Family Members:
Sister – Queen Bee – The only love of his life, his little innocent rabbit
Mother – Elise – Depressed and an alcoholic, the only times they really even talk is when he steals her alcohol
Father – Peter – Paralyzed and worthless, according to Andrew
May 15 were an amazing day for Elise and Peter Jackson, they became proud parents of their first child. It was the son they loved dearly, until he started acting out against them. He was a hard child to love, he screamed and threw things, he often bit people he did not know.
Getting a babysitter for Andrew’s first years were impossible, after only five different ones they gave up. Andrew bit and spit and screamed, trying to get his own way, until one day he just gave up. The day was when his whole life crashed down around him and his family became broken.
He and his sister lost their father, at least the father they knew. Their mother lost her everything, she lost the love of her life and gained a burden. After a horrible car crash Peter became paralyzed. The biggest problem was not that Peter now sat in a wheelchair, even if they did not have any kind of money to pay for the medical treatment if he would ever stand up again, the problem was that Peter lost his will to live, his want to love.
Before Peter had worked as a fireman and was the family’s main source for money, now he had a part-time job doing paper-work at the station. He never worked more than three days a week.
Elise worked as a waitress, an on top of taking more hours to cover her husbands medical treatment she started drinking her thoughts away.
Andrew were 10 years old when he started taking care of himself and stopped bothering his parents, and on top of that he tried to take care of his sister too. He and his sister were close, they loved each other as siblings should, together they faced life.
Andrew started having a hard time in school as soon as it got serious, and as he was a troubled child, teachers thought it was because he wanted to create chaos, was bored or other childish things. One teacher in particular thought he wanted attention and because of her others started using her method, isolating. Because he never really got a chance to care, it took Andrew until his second time through his junior year until he decided that he should get his diploma, unlike his mother.
Andrew drives an old Honda motorcycle.
Andrew and his family are considered poor, which shows in his dated motorcycle, his worn clothes and his constant “sorry bro, no money today”.
He smokes both cigarettes and weed.
Some nights he falls asleep with a bottle in his hand.
A playlist?

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Name: Arabella Charlotte Greene
Age: 17
Birthday: October 5th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Ariana Grande
Role: The Ditzy One
Is The
Height: 5'2
Weight: 112 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brunette
Distinguishing Features: A heart tattoo on her waist and a birthmark on her shoulder. If you look closely enough its shaped like a heart.
Clothing Style: Arabella's outfits consists of skirts, camis, crop tops, dresses, comfy sweaters, wedges or heels, even sometimes converse or vans. Oh, and not to mention, florals, tons of floral outfits and pastels.
Goals: Graduate high school, go to college, become a nurse and live out a nice happy life with her white-picket-fence family.

Fears: Not having a happy ending, losing her "prince charming", becoming a Mcdonalds worker and obviously normal fears. For example, spiders, snakes and anything else intimidating like that.

Likes: Hummingbirds, flowers, blossom trees, french vanilla tea, boys, partying, the idea of love, skirts, tall guys, blue eyes, the 1950s, pop music and necklaces.

Dislikes: Obnoxious noises, feeling inferior, oranges, dark colors, not feeling loved, being bored, loneliness, the cold, and cake.

Vices: Arabella, for starters, is very much of an upper-class snob. Doesn't mean she isn't down to earth, but her first priority is to hang about with the rich kids, this doesn't count her best friend "the Queen Bee" who's poor. Arabella is also pretty narcissistic, there are times where she might not like herself. But most of the time, Arabella thinks she is one of the prettiest girls in Lakeridge high. There are many times where Arabella feels down about herself, not with her looks but with her intelligence. She actually is pretty smart, but not at everything, one little thing wrong and she can spiral into how "stupid" she is. Arabella generally plays herself to be that dumb girl who follows the Queen Bee around, but she's much more than that. Oh, how Arabella just doesn't see it.

Virtues: Arabella has a decent amount of "good traits". For one, she is very creative and artistic. It's either with actual art, her makeup or her lovely, flattering fashion sense. Arabella can be very intelligent when she really tries to be. She won't really show how intelligent she is to just anyone. She'll be intelligent when it comes to her school work, but other times, it's just her playing dumb. Arabella is very sympathetic, even if it may not always seem that way. Yes, Arabella loves helping and understanding people's problems and be there for emotional support. It makes her feel like she's actually needed.

Family Members:
Cassidy Greene: Mother, 45
Robert Greene: Father, 47
Tyler Greene: Brother, 7
Amy Janick: Grandmother, 75
Jason Greene: Grandfather, 76



Emilia "Emmy" Jane Jackson


November 25th



Face Claim
Naya Rivera



Queen Bee

5 FT 5


Eye Color
dark brown

Hair Color
Dark Brown

Distinguishing features
Strong defined cheek bones,
deathly hallows tattoo on her ribs

Clothing Style
She usually wear's her cheerleader outfit around school

But at home or on the weekend she tends to wear ripped jeans or short shirts and top. Or short figure hugging dresses.

1. Get good grades
2. Get her scholarship
3. Get far away from this town and her parents, preferably with her brother beside her.

Ending up like her mother
Flunking school and not getting her scholarship

singing and dancing,
The rain,
Her brother
Her boyfriend
her best friend

Feeling trapped,
complete darkness,
her life
her parents
anyone that poses a threat to her title

very sassy
she's damaged but takes it out on everyone else
very stubborn

protective of her friends and especially her brother
very courageous, isnt afraid of anything

Family Members
Mother – Elise – Depressed and an alcoholic,
Father – Paralyzed and different, she misses her father an awful lot
Brother - Andrew - Her favorite person in the world, she looks up to him.

History (Should probably talk to the fuck boy, but here's mine for the minute )

Emilia had a pretty normal childhood, she was daddy's little angel and was a sweet child who usually did as her parents told her. She knew how to play the game and managed to wrap both her parents around her little finger since a very young age. She was happy until that day. The day she lost both her parents and her family crumbled. After her father's accident he changed and became almost unrecognizable, loosing his will to live and started working a dead end job, he was no longer the happy care-free man that Emilia knew and loved. Her mother distraught with the accident and in the same sense as the kids, lost the man she loved, began drinking to block out the pain, this alcoholism matched with her depression changed Elise as well. It wasn't long after that they stopped caring about Andrew and Emilia, Emilia was aged nine when her parents stopped bothering with them. Emilia and Andrew were complete opposites growing up, While Andrew acted out from a young age, Emilia was always the sweetest child, they loved each other but they were very different. When their parents stopped looking after them, Andrew took over the fatherly role of Emilia, looking after her and becoming very protective of her, due to this Emilia see's him as not only her brother but also her father figure and role model, they became inseparable.
Emilia's attitude changed drastically after the accident, the once sweet child began acting out. Being nine when your parents stopped looking after you toughened Emilia and she hardened herself so to deal with the hurt that she felt. She became the Queen Bee at the young age of 13, not through being liked rather through her mean and vindictive ways which left a lot of the school in awe and fearful of her. Her mother began to dislike this new found Emilia and instead of just ignoring her like she did to Andrew, her mother began pointing out all Emilia's flaws to her. Emilia's home life became hell, the only good part being her brother who she loved dearly. With her mother hating her, her father being a stranger and the fear of what her mother might do some night that she has a load of drink of her, Emilia looked for a new escape from her home life. She began to study hard and to maintain a good GPA so to get a scholarship for a university far away from this town, and later that year she began to sleep around at the age of 15. She saw sex as a relief from all of the misery she faced at home and slept with a lot of people in and out of school, until she found a man that stayed; her boyfriend.
All the while she had one true friend who stayed with her and helped her in ways that Emilia was extremely grateful for and could never repay, even though she didn't always show this.

She smoke's.
She is very protective over her title as the queen bee in school as it is an asset which keeps her mind of her home​



The Basics▼

Role: The New Girl
Name: Jayla Nova Isidora
Nicknames: Jay, JJ
Age: Seventeen years old
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Accent: A slight Georgian drawl
Faceclaim: Sky Ferreira
Playlist: Click.

No matter where she goes, Jayla's eccentric appearance makes her stand out in a crowd. Standing at roughly 5’3” at 102 pounds, she is noticeably a bit shorter than the majority of her friends. The most distinct feature of the girl would be her wild bleach-blond hair, which has gone through phases of blue, green, and grey. The girl's hair reaches a little ways over her shoudler and is layered so that shorter strands frame her face. Jayla can be seen with a variety of hairstyles and rarely wears her hair the same way two days in a row. Her hair is most commonly worn wavy or simply brushed and thrown between her shoulders. For special occasions Jayla can be seen with her hair in a bun, milkmaid braid, or fishtail braid. The teenager has a heart-shaped face with pale skin. Her eyes are a light hazel; the color of sunshine falling over an oaktree or the color of the soil in the springtime. Her eyes tend to stand out against her skin tone and are often times framed by long black eyelashes, brown eyeshadow, and eyeliner. A rosy blush can be seen coloring her cheeks, under her eyes, and over her nose. The most prominent attribute of the girl’s face is her lips. Her lips are arguably her favorite characteristic of her body, as they’re fairly large. They're almost always painted in a smile. Jayla has a slim build and for the most part, can be seen wearing dresses, skirts, and cute tops. However, on the rare occasion she’ll wear sweat pants paired with flats and a simple black T-shirt. Overall, Jayla seems to radiate her own confidence and tends to make a statement with her hair and makeup.

Upon first meeting Jayla, it isn’t hard for one to figure out that she’s a friendly and spunky girl. The teenager is a free spirit and has a personality as diversive as her constantly changing hair color. She’s a social butterfly and typically very outspoken and willing to make friends. Jayla is fun to be around; she is constantly making jokes, telling stories, or doing something silly. She can also be loud and has a tendency to talk a lot, which can come off as annoying to some. Furthermore, the girl moves as much as she talks. Jayla is always flailing around, playing with her hair, or tapping her foot.

It takes a while for a person to get to know Jayla on a deep level and get past her fun and quirky exterior. It’s hard to sit down with her and talk about personal things and only close friends know how to navigate that conversation. While she’ll willingly listen to someone about their problems and offer advice, she tends to isolate herself regarding her own problems. The girl rarely tells her friends what she is struggling with which can lead to her hurting herself in the long run and broken relationships. It takes a true friend to bring out the personal and vulnerable side of Jayla. Her secrets are buried deep inside of her heart and she doesn't let anyone see them. Her cheerful exterior hides the damage resulting from being raped and her mother's death.

Goals: Jayla wants her family to be pieced back together. She doesn't want to leave her dad and mother's family. She has a goal to try and hold things together for everyone. The girl also has a goal to get better, to live again.
Vices: guarded, annoying, self-focused, wary of others, fearful, ignorant
Virtues: helpful, silly, friendly, optimistic, sympathetic, loyal, caring
Likes: colored hair, dream catchers, flowers, books, reading, sunrises and sunsets, tea, the outdoors, nature, sleeping, glitter pens, animals, eyeliner, tattoos
Dislikes: cold weather, religion, darkness, bugs, school, drugs,
Habits: playing with her hair, fiddling with her hands, tapping her feet, swaying, moving, pacing.
- Jayla does not like other people touching her. If anyone, even a friend or family member, touches her without her consent it will typically provoke an anxiety attack.
- If she sees anyone that looks similar to her rapist it will provoke an anxiety attack.
Talents: blowing bubbles, reading, talking to others, giving advice, playing uno, writing
Fears: being sexually assaulted/attacked again, being attacked for her sexuality, death, her family falling apart
Mental Ailments: clinical depression, an eating disorder (Anorexia), PTSD

Jayla was born to Mary and Jacob Isidora in the city of Hinesville, Georgia. Hinesville wasn't small enough to be called a town, but it wasn't large enough to be an attraction in Georgia. The city had roughly 30,000 people and nothing to do. Jayla's childhood consisted of running barefoot through the local farmer's market, playing on rust-covered swings, and eating strawberries in the summer heat. She was born an only child and formed a close friendship with a girl at her elementary school named Koline. My middle school, she had also befriended a girl named Angel.

However, around sixth grade, Jayla began to notice that she was different from her peers. At that time, all of her friends were fantasizing and obsessing over boys. Meanwhile, Jayla had developed a crush on Angel. With religion heavily ingrained in school and her homelife, she was repeatedly told this was wrong. Negative voices surrounded her; her friends, family, and teachers all condemned her. This prompted self-loathing and self-hatred that would develop into clinical depression. As she moved into highschool, she kept her sexuality a secret and isolated herself from her community. Sophomore year, while walking home from school, she was raped by a boy in her class. That experience left her feeling worthless, used, gross, and broken. She hated her body; it wasn't hers anymore. From that point on, Jayla regularly self-harmed and starved herself.

It took her nearly a year to tell someone, but once she did, she was diagnosed with PTSD, clinical depression, and an eating disorder. Only a month later, her mother died in a fatal car crash. Her father proved unable to thoroughly provide for her and she was sent to live with her uncles in Lakeridge.




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Daisy Clarkson
Days were short, nights were young

Name: Kayla Clarkson

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bi

Gender: Female

Face Claim: Madelaine Petsch

Role: The Survivor

Height: 5'5

Weight: 115

Eye Color: Light Brown

Hair Color: Red

Distinguishing Features: Natural long red hair, Round plump Lips

Clothing Style: Wears the clothes of a high end princess she also stays on track of trends. She like to dress like the girl next door, She also shows a lot of skin when she can even if her parents don't think it's right. She wears a lot of dress and heels.


1) Party Everynight, and not get caught
2) Graduate on time
3) Go to college far far away

1)Thunder storms
2) Realizing she is never going to fit in.
3) Dying Young
4) A broken heart

1) Sweet candy
2) parties
3) Being alone
4) Uppers,downers, Any type of drugs

1) Thunderstorms
2) Strict Rules
3) People telling her what to do
Family Members: The Clarkson Family as much as she knows


On Nov. 9 Kayla came out of a rape survivor, Though Kayla doesn't know much about her birth mother, she has lived a full life with the Clarkson's. She was always happy getting what she wanted being a very good child until she was 13 she figured out she was adopted and figured out why her younger sister got more attention then her. She then began doubting everything she thought she knew, She fell into a bad crowd and never left, Though her family by her everything nice to make up for what they did, and not telling her she was adopted sooner. She where;s clothes and idealizes materiel things, because she thought what her real mom would do. She has had fair of run in with the cops and drugs but that still hasn't her life or what she was doing. She stills parties often and does things to keep her going.


Before Kayla's life got messed up and discovered she adopted she was very outgoing, loud and full of fun. But than her transitioned changed her, she became more self aware, quiet Sarcastic and sassy. Though she idealizes material things that is all she does, she doesn't love much of anything besides her younger sister. she likes to keep her smartness to herself because she is passing every class and has had straight a's since she started school. She may seem very bitchy upon first glance but way deep down she is very funny and outgoing like she use to. Thought she is Sarcastic and sassy she's the one you go to gossip but the things she won't tell anyone or keep the gossip going, it would just stop at her. Kayla in short terms is mean, bitch and rude, but also Loyal, open-minded, and smart.

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