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Realistic or Modern Now Or Never | Character Sheet

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    Name: Audrey Briana Clarkson
    Age: 17
    Birthday: Febuary 17th
    Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
    Gender: Female
    Face Claim: Alejandra Alonso
    Role: The Survior

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Name: Arabella Charlotte Greene
Age: 17
Birthday: October 5th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Ariana Grande
Role: The Ditzy One
Is The
Height: 5'2
Weight: 112 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brunette
Distinguishing Features: A heart tattoo on her waist and a birthmark on her shoulder. If you look closely enough its shaped like a heart.
Clothing Style: Arabella's outfits consists of skirts, camis, crop tops, dresses, comfy sweaters, wedges or heels, even sometimes converse or vans. Oh, and not to mention, florals, tons of floral outfits and pastels.
Goals: Graduate high school, go to college, become a nurse and live out a nice happy life with her white-picket-fence family.

Fears: Not having a happy ending, losing her "prince charming", becoming a Mcdonalds worker and obviously normal fears. For example, spiders, snakes and anything else intimidating like that.

Likes: Hummingbirds, flowers, blossom trees, french vanilla tea, boys, partying, the idea of love, skirts, tall guys, blue eyes, the 1950s, pop music and necklaces.

Dislikes: Obnoxious noises, feeling inferior, oranges, dark colors, not feeling loved, being bored, loneliness, the cold, and cake.

Vices: Arabella, for starters, is very much of an upper-class snob. Doesn't mean she isn't down to earth, but her first priority is to hang about with the rich kids, this doesn't count her best friend "the Queen Bee" who's poor. Arabella is also pretty narcissistic, there are times where she might not like herself. But most of the time, Arabella thinks she is one of the prettiest girls in Lakeridge high. There are many times where Arabella feels down about herself, not with her looks but with her intelligence. She actually is pretty smart, but not at everything, one little thing wrong and she can spiral into how "stupid" she is. Arabella generally plays herself to be that dumb girl who follows the Queen Bee around, but she's much more than that. Oh, how Arabella just doesn't see it.

Virtues: Arabella has a decent amount of "good traits". For one, she is very creative and artistic. It's either with actual art, her makeup or her lovely, flattering fashion sense. Arabella can be very intelligent when she really tries to be. She won't really show how intelligent she is to just anyone. She'll be intelligent when it comes to her school work, but other times, it's just her playing dumb. Arabella is very sympathetic, even if it may not always seem that way. Yes, Arabella loves helping and understanding people's problems and be there for emotional support. It makes her feel like she's actually needed.

Family Members:
Cassidy Greene: Mother, 45
Robert Greene: Father, 47
Tyler Greene: Brother, 7
Amy Janick: Grandmother, 75
Jason Greene: Grandfather, 76


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Name - Apollo James Clarke
Age - 17
Birthday - June 3rd
Sexuality - Homosexual
Gender - Cis Male
Face Claim - Cole Sprouse
Role - The Loner -- The Nerd's Cousin and also one of Ciara's outside of school friends. She was the only one who knew he was gay and the only person he felt like he could tell. His Nerd of a Cousin would probably blab to someone to get them to stop bullying him. There was no doubt about it. His cousin's Dad screwed him over when he got the police chief to fire his Dad; and once his Mom died and Sister ran away, everything went down hill from there. He hasn't forgiven him. After the suicide was ruled as a murder people immediately suspected one of the most fucked up kids at school but he actually wanted to know what happened to her. He wanted to find the person who killed one of he few friends he had.

Height - 5'3''
Weight - 102lbs
Eye Color - Dark Brown
Hair Color - Black
Distinguishing Features - That stupid hat and the dumb pendants he always wears, Left arm tattoo sleeve of flowers.
Clothing Style - He normally layers his clothes normally wearing a tee, a flannel, a hoodie and a leather jacket all at once.

Goals - To solve his friend's unexplained death, To become a musician, To become a writer
Fears - His Dad, Storms, Clowns,
Likes - Night Time, Music, Writing, Hot Chocolate, Ice Cream, Being Alone
Dislikes - Early Mornings, His Dad, Clowns, Spiders, Storms, Large Crowds
Vices - Aggression, Callousness, Craziness, Deceitfulness, Impatience, Jealousy, Liar, Madness, Obsessive, Rage, Rashness, Recklessness, Secrecy, Stubbornness,
Virtues - Acceptance, Assiduousness, Assertiveness, Courage, Creativity, Curiosity, Daring, Determination, Focus, Foresight, Generosity, Humor, Imagination, Intuition, Knowlegeable, Loyalty, Persistence, Reliable, Understanding, Valor, Wisdom.

Family Members -
Christoph Clarke -- Ex-Police Officer, Known by Neighbors that he's an alcoholic and hits his son.
Bela Clarke -- Deceased, Believed to have Died in a Car Crash, Died of Cancer.
Jade Beverly Clarke -- Missing, Ran away after their Mom died.
History -
Apollo was the first kid in their family and older by a few years. He has a little sister called Jade who he calls JB or Sunshine. In return she called him Moonlight or AJ. His Dad was called Christoph and he's a bad person, a child abuser. His Mom was called Becca who is working an underpaid job to support her kids. Their parents are divorced. They were divorced once she found out he'd been hitting Apollo when she wasn't around. His Dad was a cop and his Mom ended up not getting custody of her children. She went to live with her sister and JB ran off soon after that knowing something bad was gonna happen, promising to keep in touch but she never did.
She was right about the bad stuff. Their Mom died of cancer 6 months later but they told everyone it was a car accident. A rib punctured her lung and she died on the way to the hospital. Apollo couldn't mourn for long. His Dad got even more violent against him and he was bullied at school. He began finding ways to escape. He went to the music room at lunch and began to play guitar and sing. He was pretty good. He graffitied at school and around town to give him a reason to stay out of the house. He couldn't be there when his Dad was there, drunk and abusing him to the point of him going to the hospital.
Theme - Polarize -- TØP

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Andrew 'Drew' Peter Jackson

Name: Andrew ‘Drew’ Peter Jackson
Age: 18
Birthday: 15 May
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Cis Male
Face Claim: Reece King
Role: The Fuckboy


Height: 5’11
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: His cheekbones are strong and he almost always wears a septum
Clothing Style: Leather jackets, statement shirts, ripped jeans, leather boots and two old wristbands made of leather is his go to style. If it’s warm outside he might wear black shorts and take off his jacket. He has a rather small wardrobe. He likes wearing a septum and sometimes earrings.


1. Finish school, get a job and finally move out, preferably with his sister.
2. Nail all the girls
To see his little sister harmed. Even if he is ashamed of saying it, he is terrified of dropping out of school.
- Leather – He thinks a leather jacket makes everyone sexier
- Girls – Because they are so soft
- Boys – Because he does not always want it soft
- His sister – She is his beloved baby
- The sun burning his skin – The warmth, the freedom
- The sound of frying bacon – He does not really know why
- Dishonesty – He despite it
- His parents – They does not seem to like him
-The smell of frying bacon – It makes him sick
- Ice cream – He hates the consistence of it

Honest – Andrew has a firm belief that honesty is one of the best attributes in every human, and that a dishonest person is not worth the ground they stand on. Because of this Andrew never lies, but he might hold facts away from others, but he would never let a lie slip through his lips. For example: If his teachers would ask if he is done with his homework, he would say “It’s done”, because he does not do it himself, he has The Nerd™ to do it for him.
Sharp – Sometimes Andrew’s friends thought someone would fall on Andrew and cut themselves. Andrew has a ‘take no shit, give little shit’-kind of personality. He does not give more negativity to the world than he needs and he takes no negativity coming his way, he has never really seen why you would fall under any social pressure. Though if
Seductive – Andrew does not only have the looks, but also the personality that seduces girls, at least girls, and others, who are attracted to him. He has worked for it and most of the times he does not even have to work to get girls into his bed. Though it helps to have his charming looks and parents who does not really care for him.


Careless – Besides Andrew’s goals and his sister, he does not really care about anything, and this has made him careless. He is not afraid to get an STD, nor if he would crash and die on his motorcycle.
Dyslectic – Andrew has undiagnosed dyslexia and because of this he does not like reading out loud, nor really reading at all, he calls rather than texts and if he texts he uses as many abbreviations and emojis he can.
Easy – Buy him dinner and you have him between your sheets, or just ask. As long as Andrew is attracted to them and they want to he would nail them.

Family Members:
Sister – Queen Bee – The only love of his life, his little innocent rabbit
Mother – Elise – Depressed and an alcoholic, the only times they really even talk is when he steals her alcohol
Father – Peter – Paralyzed and worthless, according to Andrew
Maybe I and Queen Bee™ should talk about this if you accept me? But here is my little piece until then.
May 15 were an amazing day for Elise and Peter Jackson, they became proud parents of their first child. It was the son they loved dearly, until he started acting out against them. He was a hard child to love, he screamed and threw things, he often bit people he did not know. Getting a babysitter for Andrew’s first 12 years were impossible, after only five different ones they gave up. Andrew bit ans spit and screamed, trying to get his own way, until one day he just gave up. The day was when his whole life spit and his family became broken. He and his sister lost their father, at least the father they knew. Their mother lost her everything, she lost the love of her life and gained a burden. After a horrible car crash Peter was paralyzed, The biggest problem was not that Peter now sat in a wheelchair, even if they did not have any kind of money to pay for the medical treatment if he would ever stand up again, the problem was that Peter lost his will to live, his want to work. Before Peter had worked as a fireman and was the family’s main source for money, now that he was put into an office job he did not earn as much and on top of that he worked more hours. Elise worked as a waitress, an on top of taking more hours to cover her husbands medical treatment she started drinking her thoughts away. Andrew were 10 years old when he started taking care of himself and stopped bothering his parents, and on top of that he tried to take care of his sister too. He and his sister were close, they loved each other as siblings should, together they faced life
Andrew started having a hard time in school as soon as it got serious, and as he was a troubled child teachers thought it was because he wanted to create chaos or he did not listen or some other troubled thing children do. One teacher in particular thought he wanted attention and because of her others started using her method, pretend he is not there. Because he never really got a chance to care, it took Andrew until his second time through his junior year until he decided that he should get his diploma, unlike his mother.
Andrew drives an old Honda motorcycle
Andrew and his family are considered poor, which shows in his dated motorcycle, his worn clothes and his constant “sorry bro, no money today”
A playlist?



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Name: Jack Oliver Evans

Age: 17

Birthday: May 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Face Claim: Craig Roberts

Role: The Nerd

Height: 5'8

Weight: 134

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Distinguishing Features: Considering he always wears glasses, it's hard to distinguish him without.

Clothing Style: He is that type of person who always wears the first clothes he sees on his closet.


-To become a doctor
-Graduate at the top of his class.
-Graduate and leave to a college that's really far away from where he lives.

Clowns- this Fear actually comes from watching the movie It by Stephen King when he was little, he might be a horror movie junkie but Clowns still scare him.
Claustrophobia- The fear is small space comes from all the bullying and being shut inside lockers or any thing that little to no space at all.

- Movies (Mostly Horror)
- Studying
- Reading
- Writing
- Being Alone
- Girls
- The Survivor

- School
- Clowns
- Small Spaces
- Crowds
- The Local Fuckboy

Vices: Jack is a very vindictive person, Main reason is because of the bullying at school. He has a list of people who he wouldn't mind getting revenge at but he doesn't do anything, considering that he is a coward and doesn't really stand up for himself. He is someone that easily falls in love with any girl that gives at least a speck of attention.

Virtues: He is someone that is really smart, usually having the best grade in school. He is loyal to his friend, and will never turn his back on them. He is a really sweet person (but Vindictive) and is always looking at the bright on everything, which usually has none when it comes to him.

Family Members:
Leonardo Evans- His father, someone that he considers his role model.
Sophia Evans- His mother, someone that is always there for him when he is at his worse.

History: Jack life has always been normal, considering he has loving parents and grandparents. Since his parents own the diner, he has to work there when he isn't studying, he doesn't like working there but ever since he started getting bully when he was little, he needed the money to save for college and other nesecities, being that sometimes others would steal his money. Jack would had been a really depressing person if he hadn't met The survivor, someone who he cares deeply about but considering his reputation at school, he does everything to be the best to her and fight through the bullying until he graduate and leaves.

- He knows Spanish and is on his way to learning Italian. (Doesn't really spend his time on learning the language, just writing it)
- His grades are always the best and he is among the smartest in school, usually placing among the top 3.

(Ya, I'm not really good when it comes to writing someone history or background as some call it -.- this is the best I could up with)​
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Name: Theodosius James “Theo” Lansing

Age: 17, almost 18

Birthday: August 11th-13th (officially 13th) (he wasn’t born in a hospital and didn’t receive a birth certificate until a few days after he was born)

Sexuality: Straight, or at least “straight”. He has two gay dads. He’s really not interested in figuring that out while he still lives at home.

Gender: Cis male.

Face Claim: Daniel Radcliffe (Pictures Attached Below)

Role: The King

Height: 6’1

Weight: 169

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Brown

Distinguishing Features: Dimpled smile, tattoo of a four leaf clover on his wrist and ankle, tattoo of a blue seahorse on his back

Clothing Style: Rebel-preppy. He can get down with leather jackets and spikes as long as his pants are neatly pressed, his hair is stylish, and he looks well-kempt.

Goals: He wants to be a social worker when he grows up. To help kids like him.

Fears: Being completely alone, lizards, cats, alien abduction, getting caught doing drugs, getting caught in the bathroom, having people find out about his birth family, and dogs. Not necessarily in that order.

Likes: His girlfriend (and a few other girls), his adopted family, helping people, getting good grades (when he works hard for it), English class, marijuana, alcohol

Dislikes: Hearing about or talking about his birth family, people who lie to him (unless he asks them to), being forced to cheat, gossipers, his Sheriff dad’s attitude about his “recreational activities” (drugs), throwing up, The New Girl

Vices and Virtues: He’s alcoholic, a marijuana user, and has an undiagnosed eating disorder from extremely poor body image. He’s subject to occasional fits of anger, but he’s more likely to hit a wall than a person. He really cares about other people. Even if they fucked him over in the past, he’s usually willing to help people, and he considers everyone a friend until he absolutely can’t anymore. He can be a good strategist and leader as he’s generally kind and listens to people. Despite his generally kind behavior, he WILL act standoffish and rude to anyone he deems a threat to his reputation and social standing, which is why he treats his cousin so terribly. Still, his public image is that of an upbeat, caring, and upstanding guy-- that and the cute quarterback of the football team-- an image which has gone to his head.

Family Members:

1) David Lansing-- His father the Mayor

2) Parker Lansing-- His father the Sheriff

3) Deceased Birth Mother

4) Imprisoned Birth Father

5) The New Girl, cousin through one of his adopted dads


Theo’s home life with the Lansing family is great, and always has been. His parents may not totally be in love anymore, but they don’t argue in front of him and they’re kind, good people (at least, David is)-- the kind of people Theo aspires to be. Unfortunately, his mental health has been deteriorating for years, ever since, at age fourteen, he found out about his circumstances and how he came to be a part of the Lansing family. (His fathers had papers in a safe.) His birth mother was a meth addict and a prostitute. His birth father raped her. He filed for custody after he found out about Theo (after his first trial, of which he was acquitted) and the judge ruled neither of them were fit to be parents, so Theo was placed into foster care, where David and Parker found him the first time David was campaigning. Ever since, Theo couldn’t help but wonder how much of him was created from his birth dad. He couldn’t let his parents know that he knew, and he couldn’t cope. He started to self-harm (cut) last year when it became too much, but someone noticed, and he couldn’t risk losing his reputation, so he was forced to turn to other means to distract himself and regain some control over his body, which he thought looked just like his dad...thus, the drugs, alcohol, and eating disorder no one knows about.

Extra: He’s average in all his classes except Art, which he excels at, and English, which, despite his lack of proficiency, he tries really hard in.

If you ask him his real name, he will say it is Theodore. It is not Theodore. It is Theodosius. A fact he finds embarrassing.


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Emilia "Emmy" Jane Jackson


November 25th



Face Claim
Naya Rivera



Queen Bee
5 FT 5


Eye Color
dark brown

Hair Color
Dark Brown

Distinguishing features
Strong defined cheek bones,
deathly hallows tattoo on her ribs

Clothing Style
She usually wear's her cheerleader outfit around school

But at home or on the weekend she tends to wear ripped jeans or short shirts and top. Or short figure hugging dresses.

1. Get good grades
2. Get her scholarship
3. Get far away from this town and her parents, preferably with her brother beside her.

Ending up like her mother
Flunking school and not getting her scholarship

singing and dancing,
The rain,
Her brother
Her boyfriend
her best friend

Feeling trapped,
complete darkness,
her life
her parents
anyone that poses a threat to her title

very sassy
she's damaged but takes it out on everyone else
very stubborn

protective of her friends and especially her brother
very courageous, isnt afraid of anything

Family Members
Mother – Elise – Depressed and an alcoholic,
Father – Paralyzed and different, she misses her father an awful lot
Brother - Andrew - Her favorite person in the world, she looks up to him.


Emilia had a pretty normal childhood, she was daddy's little angel and was a sweet child who usually did as her parents told her. She knew how to play the game and managed to wrap both her parents around her little finger since a very young age. She was happy until that day. The day she lost both her parents and her family crumbled. After her father's accident he changed and became almost unrecognizable, loosing his will to live and started working a dead end job, he was no longer the happy care-free man that Emilia knew and loved. Her mother distraught with the accident and in the same sense as the kids, lost the man she loved, began drinking to block out the pain, this alcoholism matched with her depression changed Elise as well. It wasn't long after that they stopped caring about Andrew and Emilia, Emilia was aged nine when her parents stopped bothering with them. Emilia and Andrew were complete opposites growing up, While Andrew acted out from a young age, Emilia was always the sweetest child, they loved each other but they were very different. When their parents stopped looking after them, Andrew took over the fatherly role of Emilia, looking after her and becoming very protective of her, due to this Emilia see's him as not only her brother but also her father figure and role model, they became inseparable.
Emilia's attitude changed drastically after the accident, the once sweet child began acting out. Being nine when your parents stopped looking after you toughened Emilia and she hardened herself so to deal with the hurt that she felt. She became the Queen Bee at the young age of 13, not through being liked rather through her mean and vindictive ways which left a lot of the school in awe and fearful of her. Her mother began to dislike this new found Emilia and instead of just ignoring her like she did to Andrew, her mother began pointing out all Emilia's flaws to her. Emilia's home life became hell, the only good part being her brother who she loved dearly. With her mother hating her, her father being a stranger and the fear of what her mother might do some night that she has a load of drink of her, Emilia looked for a new escape from her home life. She began to study hard and to maintain a good GPA so to get a scholarship for a university far away from this town, and later that year she began to sleep around at the age of 15. She saw sex as a relief from all of the misery she faced at home and slept with a lot of people in and out of school, until she found a man that stayed; her boyfriend Theo.
All the while she had one true friend who stayed with her and helped her in ways that Emilia was extremely grateful for and could never repay, even though she didn't always show this.

She smoke's.
She is very protective over her title as the queen bee in school as it is an asset which keeps her mind of her home

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Alexander Moretti Wayne

Name - Alexander Moretti Wayne
Age - 24
Birthday - October 23rd
Sexuality - Heterosexual
Gender - Male
Face Claim - Zane Holtz
Role - The Sexy Teacher
Height - 6'1
Weight - 160 lbs
Eye Color - Blue
Hair Color - Dark Brown

Distinguishing Features - Very athletic, toned, and muscular also accompanied with having a manly outlook, but also sexy.

Clothing Style - Very fancy and sophisticated suited to his personality. Mostly always seen wearing a suit and glasses.

Goals - Alexander's goals are nonexistent, he doesn't feel there's a need for outrageous things when he can make the most of life without them, just going with the flow and what he feels is right in the moment. Keeping his mind away from worrying about succeeding in goals when he could just succeed on his current actions or wants when they come along, goals are a needless time consumer that just get in the way to him. Goals are in the now not the future.

Fears - Alexander fears nothing, one would think that makes a man fearful himself and that it does, good thing he's good looking to take away from that.

Likes - A good book, writing, teaching, women, absorbing intelligence,cigs,wine, psychology and learning the depths of ones mind.
Dislikes - The majority of people and unintelligent ones.

Vices - Cruel, Sociopathic tendencies, Blunt, bad habits, aggressive.
Virtues - Intelligent,Charming, Sexy, Gentlemen, Can be kind when useful to him.

Family Members - His mother and father, unknown and never spoken of.

History - Alexander is a very knowledgeable and an irresistible charming lad. He spends his days teaching at the school he now places himself at. Alexander went to the top university's acquiring many degrees in the progress of his lively years as a young man going back many times to get one degree after another one would think a man of such good looks wouldn't be so smart, but it's one of his best traits. Being sexy and intelligent was extremely helpful with picking up ladies, but Alexander didn't have much of a taste of going from one women to another though sometimes out of boredom let's say running out of books to read or getting tired of the quiet that always surrounded him he'd do just that, stopping by places people usually stopped by to pick women or men up and that was bars, clubs and all the more. Playing mind games wasn't usually a must, Alexander would have the ladies in the palm of his hands as soon as he stepped up without a word or a simple hello would profuse. Alexander would seem to get a dissatisfaction in life a plethora of times making him go from place to place or job to job. Before teaching at the school you could find Alexander in Italy but fleeing for unknown reasons he has never discussed with anyone, Alexander being a mystery to many.

Extra - Alexander loves drinking a glass of finely aged red wine with a book in hand sitting in his mansionly sized house by his fire. Alexander has a lot of money and is deemed as rich but many have not a clue to how he is considering teachers don't make much that is also at a disclosure and Alexander has never discussed it. Alexander is a gentlemen but can be very aggressive at times.

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